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Institut für Lebensmittelchemie der Technischen Universität Berlin Gutachten Versuche zur Entfernung von Arzneimittelrückständen, steroiden Hormonen und polaren Pestizidrück- ständen aus dotiertem Trinkwasser mit Carbonit®-Wasserfiltern Auftraggeber: Carbonit® Filtertechnik GmbH Auftragnehmer: Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen StanBearbeitet durch: Dr. Thomas Heberer,

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LITURGIA DELLA PAROLA Prima Lettura 1 Re 19, 16. 19-21 In quei giorni, il Signore disse a Elìa: «Ungerai Eliseo, figlio di Safat, di Abel- Seconda Lettura Gal 5, 1.13-18 Mecolà, come profeta al tuo posto». Dalla lettera di san Paolo apostolo ai Gàlati Partito di lì, Elìa trovò Eliseo, figlio di Safat. Fratelli, Cristo ci ha liberati per la libertà! Costui arava con dod

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PERSONAL CARE AND HYGIENE: FOR WOMEN Moving from Secondary School to Higher/Further Education or Employment Some people with specific learning difficulties find many aspects of personal care challenging. The following practical ideas have been helpful to many people and may also be useful to you. Try using labour-saving gadgets, such as electric toothbrushes and razors to


Prescription Drug Depletion Chart “Are You Sure. you’re protecting yourself when taking medications?” Drug category and members (brand name in parenthesis) Nutrients Depleted Ephalosporin antibiotics: Cefprozil (Cefzil), Cefuroxime (Ceftin), Loracarbef (Lorabid) Macrolide antibiotics: Azithromycin (Zithromax), Clarithromycin (Biaxin), Erythromycin Penicillin antibiotics:


ROAD TRAFFIC WEST DEVON BOROUGH COUNCIL REGULATION ACT 1984 - TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING SECTION 14 (Development Management Procedure) THE COUNTY OF DEVON Times Jobs (TEMPORARY (England) Order 2010, RESTRICTION) (ROAD ARTICLE 13 and/or Planning (Listed FROM GREENDOWN Buildings and Conservation Areas) CROSS TO LOVELAND Regulations 1990 018

Place de l’interrogatoire dans le diagnostic de surentrainement

PLACE DE L’INTERROGATOIRE DANS LE DIAGNOSTIC DE SURENTRAINEMENT P. FLORE1, Dr. A. FAVRE JUVIN ² 1 Laboratoire HP2 du Pr. LEVY – Faculté de Médecine de Grenoble ² UF de Biologie et médecine du sport CHU de Grenoble et les membres du groupe d’étude sur le surentraînement : Dr. X. BIGARD (CRESSA Grenoble), V. BRICOUT (STAPS Grenoble), Dr. BRUN JF (CHU de Montpellier), Dr. CHA


Point of View Metabolic or Pseudometabolic Syndrome? Luis Cláudio Lemos Correia1, Adriana L. Latado2, José Augusto Barreto-Filho3 Escola Bahiana de Medicina1; Universidade Federal da Bahia2, Salvador/BA; Universidade Federal de Sergipe3, Aracaju, SE, Brazil A predictive model is created based on the following: (1) Metabolic syndrome has been proposed as a predictor of identification of v


Ergebnisübersicht: Steinhagen,PLS vom 13.-15.07.2012 [ 461229002 ] 13.07.2012 - 15.07.2012 Reitpferdeprüfung Preis der Firma Europa Export, Uwe Kunk, Bielefeld 2. P Falk Pieles (ZRFV Steinhagen-Brockhagen e.V.)4. P Josef Lütkemeier (Reiterverein Altenautal e.V.)4. P Mareike Mimberg (RV Herzog Wittekind Oberbauerschaft)6. P Jennifer Schöning (ZRFV Versmold e.V.)7. P Falk Pieles

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Cross reaction guide

Individual Reaction Key Methadone(MTD) Phencyclidine(PCP) Amphetamines(AMP) Tricyclic Antidepressants(TCA) Oxycodone(OXY) Barbiturates(BAR) Methamphetamines(MET) Benzodiazepines(BZO) Tramadol(TML) Opiates(OPI, MOP, MOR) Marijuana(THC) Ecstasy(MDMA) Cotinine(COT) Cocaine(COC) Buprenorphine(BUP) Propoxyphene(PPX) Non-reactive Multipl

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Sesso F | Data di nascita 01/08/1971 | Nazionalità italiana Docente di Patologia Clinica presso il Corso di Laurea del e Professioni Sanitarie in Igiene Dentale, l’Università di Docente presso i corsi di aggiornamento professionale organizzato dal ’ Assiprofar-Federfarma (“Il farmacista e Responsabile tecnico Mineralometria Ossea Computerizzata (MOC) presso studio Scud

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Serum Uric Acid and Adiposity: Deciphering CausalityUsing a Bidirectional Mendelian RandomizationApproachTanica Lyngdoh1, Philippe Vuistiner1, Pedro Marques-Vidal1, Valentin Rousson1, Ge´rard Waeber2,1 Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (IUMSP), Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2 Department of Medicine, Internal Medicine, CHUV, Lausanne,Background: Although the r


SPECIAL COMMUNICATION From the American Venous Forum Revision of the CEAP classification for chronicvenous disorders: Consensus statement Bo Eklöf, MD,a Robert B. Rutherford, MD,b John J. Bergan, MD,c Patrick H. Carpentier, MD,d Peter Gloviczki, MD,e Robert L. Kistner, MD,f Mark H. Meissner, MD,g Gregory L. Moneta, MD,h Kenneth Myers, MD,i Frank T. Padberg, MD,j Michel Perrin, MD,k C. Vaug


Monograph #7 Herbal Selection: Echinacea Author: Daibhaid A. O'Broder-Hicks Common Names: American Cone Flower, Black Samson, Black Susans, Cock-Up-Hat,Comb Flower, Cone Flower, Echinacea Care Liquid, Hedgehog, IndianHead, Kansas Snake Root, Missouri Snake Root, Narrow-LeavedPurple Cone Flower, Purple Cone Flower, Purple Kansas Cone Flower,Red Sunflower, Scurvy Root, Snake-Root

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Aconitum D30 plötzlicher grippaler Infekt mit hohem Fieber, trockener Haut, Unruhe; Anfallskupierung bei Pseudokrupp; bei plötzlichen Kopf- Zahn und Ohrenschmerzen; Bindehautentzündung Allium cepa D4 scharfer, wäßriger Schnupfen, Tränenfluß mild Insekten- Bienenstiche; Halsschmerzen, Rachen blaßrot, ohne Durst Arnica D12 1. Mittel nach jeder Verletzung, bei Quetschwunden


Depressive disorders, which affect 8.2 percent of adult Americans or approximately 18.1 million people, are illnesses that affect the body, mood and thoughts. Depression is not simply a passing sadness or blue mood that lifts in a few hours or days, but is persistent. Different types of depressive disorders exist, including major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder. Dysthymia is a l

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Please answer questions 1-10 with reference to the passage that follows. One and only one response is correct for each question. 1. The title of the article suggests that: a. it is no longer fair to describe certain tropical diseases as ‘neglected’ because huge steps have been taken towards their eradication b. little medical progress has been made, because researchers


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Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) Educational Information sheet What is VUR?: • The reverse or retrograde flow or urine from the bladder, into the ureters, and generally into the kidney(s). “Backwash” • Occurs when the “one way valve” mechanism of the ureter is “immature.” • Most cases are congenital (primary) and occur during fetal development. • VUR (secondary) can

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MICROBIOLOGY (GENERAL) SYLLABUS First Semester Full Marks: 50 1) Basic microbiology - Landmark achievements in 20th century: Refutation of a biogenesis: discovery of penicillin: discovery of vaccination: proposal of one gene one enzyme hypothesis: discovery of double helix structure of DNA: discovery of recombinant DNA technology. 2) Major contribution of scientists – Leeu

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Stiff-Person Syndrome Following West Nile Fever Sharon Hassin-Baer, MD; Eilon D. Kirson, MD, PhD; Lester Shulman, PhD; Aron S. Buchman, MD; Hanna Bin, PhD;Musa Hindiyeh, PhD; Lea Markevich; Ella Mendelson, PhD Background: Stiff-person syndrome is a rare autoim- Result: The search revealed a stretch of 12 amino acids mune disorder associated with antibodies against glu-in the NS1 protei

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Alcohol etc. (Scotland) Bill – Stage 3 Before section 2 Jamie Stone (on behalf of the Subordinate Legislation Committee) As an amendment to amendment 1, line 52, at end insert— Before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order under paragraph 6A(4) of schedule 3 or paragraph 5A(4) of schedule 4 before the Parliament under subsection (5), the Scottish Ministers must

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PROVINCE DE QUÉBEC SAINT-GEORGES À une séance ordinaire du conseil de la Vil e de Saint-Georges, tenue au lieu habituel le 16 janvier 2012 à laquelle sont présents mesdames les conseillères Manon Tousignant, Irma Quirion, Manon Bougie et Marie-Ève Dutil, messieurs les conseillers Serge Thomassin, Marcel Drouin et Lionel Bisson. Formant quorum du conseil sous la présidence


LAZARD LTD REPORTS SECOND-QUARTER AND FIRST-HALF 2013 RESULTS Highlights • Net income per share, as adjusted1, of $0.45 (diluted) for the quarter ended June 30, 2013, excluding charge2, compared to $0.25 for the second quarter of 2012 • Record second-quarter operating revenue1 of $511 million, up 12% from second-quarter 2012; first-half operating revenue of $925 mi


Clinical Endocrinology (2006) 64 , 423–428 Effects of growth reduction therapy using high-dose 17 β -estradiol in 26 constitutionally tall girls U. Radivojevic, E. Thibaud, D. Samara-Boustani, C. Duflos and M. Polak Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Gynaecology, Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital, Paris, France Introduction The use of sex steroids to reduce final height in pat

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BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Potentiation of Vitamin K Pulse high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone Antagonists by High-Dose is widely used for the treatment of flares in Intravenous Methylprednisolone inflammatory and autoimmune diseases (1). Most ofthese diseases carry a risk for venous and arterialocclusion (2–4). In addition, patients may have in-dividual indications for oral antico

Vet handout

Surgical Procedures: Rabbits cannot vomit. Teeth: Rabbits can develop molar spurs (sharp P.O. Box 903, Stn. B Therefore, they do not need to be fasted overnightedges) that may cause painful abrasions to the Finding a vet 515 Richmond St. before surgery. Some veterinarians like to removecheek or tongue. If your rabbit's eating habits London, Ontario N6A 4Z3 food from the ra

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Proceedings 2003 2003 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS Table Content: Chapter 1 : Sustainability Science Analythical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Decision – Making for End-of-Life of Products Aurora Dimache*, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland Laurentiu Dimache, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland Kate Goggin, Galway Mayo Institute

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DR. LEE AKST –OTOLARYNGOLOGY LOYOLA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 2160 South First Avenue Maywood, Illinois 60153 Office - 708-216-9183 Fax- 708-216-4834 Nursing Triage-708-216-9183 Appointments- 708-216-8563 24 Hour Answering Service – 708-216-8000 (Emergency) Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) and Vocal Difficulty Your stomach produces acid to help break down food so i

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CURRICULUM VITAE Dr J. C. KINGSWOOD FRCP CURRICULUM VITAE Telephone number: Home 01273 - 813674 Work 01273 - 696955 ext 4036 Marital status: Nationality: British Education: Rutlish Grammar University: 1972 - 1977 Guy's Hospital Medical School Degrees: 1977 MB BS London University 1977 MRCS LRCP Conjoint Board of Examiners UK 1994 FRCP Royal College of Physicians, UK Distinction


Catalogue of Type Mineral Specimens Yafsoanite Kim AA, Zayakina NV, Lavrentev YuG: ZVMO,(1982) 111, 118-121 Russia - Yakutiya-SW - Central Aldan - Kuranakh gold deposit Yakhontovite Postnikova VP, Isipursky SI, Sidorenko GA, Mokhov AV: Mineral.Zhurnal,(1986) 8, n6, 80-84 Russia - Khabarovsk - Komsomol'sk region - Pridorochnoye deposit Supergene Yanomamite Botelho NF, R


EULAR evidence-based recommendations for the management of fibromyalgia syndrome S F Carville, S Arendt-Nielsen, H Bliddal, F Blotman, J C Branco, D Buskila, J AP Da Silva, B Danneskiold-Samsøe, F Dincer, C Henriksson, K G Henriksson, E Kosek, K Longley, G M McCarthy, S Perrot, M Puszczewicz, P Sarzi-Puttini, ASilman, M Späth and E H Choy 2008;67;536-541; originally published online 20

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John Douglas Hudson, MD Sleep Medicine Consultants M.D. - University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas MBA– Northwestern University, Chicago BA Chemistry –Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas INTERNSHIPS & RESIDENCIES: Neurology Residency – University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Medical Internship – Methodist Hospital, Dallas, Texas Administrative Residency – Br


CHECKLIST FOR PRESCRIBERS – COMBINED HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVES Please use this checklist in conjunction with the Summary of Product Characteristics during combined hormonal contraceptive (CHC) consultations.  Thromboembolism (e.g. deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, heart attack and stroke) is a rare but important risk with use of a CHC.  A woman’s risk will also depe

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Richards BL, Whittle SL, Buchbinder R. Neuromodulators for pain management in rheumatoid arthritis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Jan 18;1:CD008921.   BACKGROUND: Pain management is a high priority for patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Despite deficiencies in research data, neuromodulators have gained widespread clinical acceptance as adjuvants in the management of patients with

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REPAGLINIDE UND NATEGLINIDE Newcomer kappen postprandiale Blutglucosespitzen Eine Hauptmahlzeit – eine Tablette, keine Hauptmahlzeit – keine Tablette. Das ist das Dosierungsregime für Repaglinide und Nateglinide, die ersten Vertreter der prandialen Glucoseregulatoren. Bedarfsgerecht und mahlzeitenadaptiert soll sich so die postprandiale Hyperglykämie reduzieren lassen. Sie spie

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Volume 4, Article 2 August 2000 BEGINNING SAP R/3 IMPLEMENTATION AT GENEVA PHARMACEUTICALS CASE STUDY Communications of AIS Volume 4, Article 2 SAP R/3 Implementation at Geneva Pharmaceuticals By A. Bhattacherjee BEGINNING SAP R/3 IMPLEMENTATION AT GENEVA PHARMACEUTICALS ABSTRACT Faced with intense competition in the generics drugs industry, eroding margins, and


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Concurso Público - Edital 01/2013 - Médico ESF – Município Cargo: Médico ESF Língua Portuguesa Greve nos postos do INSS deixam 65 mil pessoas sem atendimento. Segurados perderam tempo ontem em longas filas em frente às agências. Na capital de São Paulo 90% do atendimento ficaram suspensos. Paralisação continua hoje. No estado de São Paulo 66% do total de segur

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P O BOX 51283, RAEDENE, 2124 PBO No. 9300531845 OFFICE TELEPHONE: 011.7282292 Chairman: Mrs Sheila Haydock, Tel: 011.488.3548/728.5403 Office Manager/PRO: Mrs Sandra Colombick, Tel: 011.728.2292 Treasurer: Mrs Marlene Karpen, Tel: 011.436.1832 Secretary: Mrs Yvonne Thomé, 011.680.9147 Hello everyone Time is just galloping by and it is almost time for the next ANNUAL GENERAL


Introduction Acne breakouts vulgaris is one of the commonest skin conditions, which dermatologists treat and it mostly impacts teens, though it might appear at any sort of ag necessarily is multifactorial chronic inflamed illness of pilosebaceous appliances. Numerous medical discussions include seborrhea, comedones, erythematous papules and pustules, less regularly nodules, deep pustules o


Deutscher Schachbund engagiert sich gegen Doping vergewissern, dass jedes Medikament, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel oder sonstige Präparate, die Sieeinnehmen, keine verbotenen Substanzen enthält. Im Serviceteil dieser Broschüre finden Sie auf denSeiten 18 und 19 einige Beispiele für verbotene und erlaubte Medikamente. Auf der Hauptausschusssitzung des Deutschen Schachbundes in Dresden am 22.


Primary Tracheomalacia T h o m a s H . Cogbill, M . D . , Frederick A . M o o r e , M . D . , Frank J . A c c u r s o , M . D . , a n d J o h n R. Lilly, M . D . ABSTRACT Tracheomalacia is a rare congenital malformation of the tracheobronchial cartilages in cheomalacia have been seen at our institution which the supporting cartilaginous rings permit ex-over the past four years. The clinical sym


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PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY & DIVISION OF NUTRITION 1. Sen B, Mahalanabis D,Shaikh S, Kurpad AV , Bose K. Evaluation of equations for fat – free mass based on Anthropometry in infants and young children in South Asia Br. J. Nutr. 2008, 30:1-72. Kulathinal S. Gasbarra D, Kinra S, Ebrahim S, Sil anpaa MJ; Indian Migration Study Group. Estimation of

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Sandoo Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Co., LtdN-[4-Cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methacryl amideN-[4-Cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-2-methacrylamideN-[4-Cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-3-[(4-fluorophenyl)thio]-2-hydroxy-2-methylpropionamide(±)-3-(Carbamoymethyl)-5-methylhexanoic acid(R)-(-)-3-(Carbamoymethyl)-5-methylhexanoic acidEthyl-2-t-butoxy-2-carboxylamino-3-nitrobenzoateEthy

As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students should d

US National Science Education Standards for Principles of Alchemy (Chemistry) www.synapses.co.uk/alchemy As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop . Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiryMatter is made of minute particles called atoms, and atoms are composed of even smaller components. These components have measurable properties, such as mass and elec




COMPARING TWO KINDS OF BLOOD PRESSURE PILLS: ACEIs and ARBs A Guide for Adults Fast Facts ■ ACEIs and ARBs are two of the many kinds■ Both kinds of pills (ACEIs and ARBs) do agood job of lowering blood pressure. problems. The main difference in side effectsis that ACEIs are more likely than ARBs tocause a dry cough. ■ ACEIs and ARBs do not affect cholesterol What d


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Sample new patient questionnaire

Durrell “Buddy” Smith, D.D.S. Kyle M. Smith, D.D.S. - Family Dentistry - Patient Information Chart # (For Office Use Only) _____________________ Patient Name: ____________________________________________________________ Date ________________ Last First MI (Preferred Name) Male Female Married Single Child Other _____________ Birth Date:____/____/________ Social Security #: __


Összeállítás az ESUR 2006-os ajánlásai alapjánKovács Balázs, Karlinger Kinga, Molnár Andrea Ágnes,Balázs György, Bérczi ViktorA jódtartalmú kontrasztanyagok beadásának kedése), amely az intravascularis kontrasztanyagpotenciális veszélyeit minden radiológus beadását követô három napon belül megjelenik, ésismeri. Az újabb kontrasztanyagok kifejlesz-nincs egyéb isme


Inleiding weerstand. De patiënt,drager van het MRSA MRSA infektie in het ziekenhuis Hygiene is afgeleid van het franse woord ‘hygiène’ In een ziekenhuis is kans op besmetting groter als en van het griekse woord ‘hygieinos en betekent gevolg dat mensen door hun ziekte een verlaagde de gezondheid bevorderen.In grote lijnen betekent weerstand hebben en daardoor gevoeliger zijn e

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STARGATE SG-1 "Smoke & Mirrors" EPISODE #P662 PRODUCED BY: STARGATE PRODUCTIONS VI, INC. DIALOGUE CONTINUITY SCRIPT RUNNING TIME: 45:55 Prepared by: Line 21 Media Services Ltd. #122- 1058 Mainland Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2T4 Phone: (604) 662-4600 STARGATE SG-1-- “SMOKE & MIRRORS” Episode#P662 START TIMECODE 01:00:00:01 AT FIRST FRAME OF PICTURE T


ONLINE FIRST Postoperative Antibacterial Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Infectious Complications Associated With Tube Thoracostomy in Patients Undergoing Elective General Thoracic Surgery A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Trial David A. Oxman, MD; Nicolas C. Issa, MD; Francisco M. Marty, MD; Alka Patel, PharmD; Christia Z. Panizales, BS;Nathaniel N. Johnson, BS; J. Humbert

Schweinegrippe merkblatt h1n1 dr. tschumi

H1N1/2009 Praxis Dr. med. M. Tschumi, 8942 Oberrieden, Schularzt INFO_VAC WEBSEITE August 2009 Um was für ein Virus handelt es sich? Beim Grippevirus A H1N1/09 handelt es sich um einen Grippevirus-Stamm , der gewöhnlich Schweine infiziert, seit dem Frühling 2009 aber auch den Menschen befällt. Nachdem es vorerst in Mexiko isoliert wurde, hat sich das Virus sehr schnell in der ganze

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SOUTH AFRICAN SCHOOLS HOCKEY BOYS SECTION Form 5: Player code of conduct CODE OF CONDUCT PLEASE forward a copy to each team member, prior to the Tournament. Players are to sign acknowledgment of receipt of this document on the letter of consent. 1. No player will be allowed to smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs, both on and off the field. 2. Unsupervised visits to p

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Assignment 6 – BS3b Statistical Lifetime-Models – Oxford HT 2013Model testing, proportional-hazards, accelerated life(a) Supppose that we have a random sample which includes right-censored data (censoring as-sumed non-informative). We wish to decide whether or not a Weibull distribution is appro-priate. Using an estimator of the survival function how might we graphically investigate theappr


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Chapitre 1 Les éléments de l’iconographie Les vêtements (Voir annexe 2) Traditionnellement, les apôtres sont vêtus d’une robe et d’un manteau dit « apostolique », règle strictement observée lorsqu’ils sont réunis en collège, à l’exception de saint Jacques qui, dans 35 % des cas, revêt des vêtements différents, comme nous le verrons. Hors du collège d

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Cazenove European Equity Absolute Return FundThe fund fell an estimated 0.9% (gross - internal estimate) over the month of June. Looking at the distribution of contributions to performance it is difficult to glean any pattern at all. After the rally comes the summer drift. The coming month will see US and European companies begin to report their second quarter earnings, but we see little cha

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STAR Servicios Lingüísticos renova el seu segell de qualitat Nota de premsa STAR Servicios Lingüísticos renova el seu segell de qualitat Des del novembre del 2007, STAR Servicios Lingüísticos ostenta la certificació ISO 9001:2008 pel seu sistema de gestió de la qualitat i la certificació segons la UNE-EN 15038, norma europea per a la prestació de serveis de traducció. L’

Pharmazeutische daten

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PAKKAUSSELOSTE ERITYISVAROITUKSET Eläimiä koskevat erityiset varotoimet Tempora vet 50 mg Munuaisten toiminta ja plasman kaliumpitoisuus on määritettävä ennen spironolaktonin ja ACE-estäjien purutabletti koiralle yhdistelmähoidon aloittamista. Toisin kuin ihmisillä, hy-perkalemian esiintymisen ei havaittu lisääntyvän tätä MYYNTILUVAN HALTIJAN NIMI JA OSOITE SEKÄ

Curriculum vitae et studiorum

CURRICULUM VITAE ET STUDIORUM Dott. Simona Pisanti DATI ANAGRAFICI Nome e cognome madre lingua italiana; ottima conoscenza inglese CARRIERA SCOLASTICA ED UNIVERSITARIA a.a. 2006/2007- In data 7/2/2008 conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di ricerca in “Oncologia ed Endocrinologia Molecolare” , dottorato di ricerca internazionale della facoltà di Medicina e Chir

Treatment options for head lice

Treatment Options for Head Lice What to do if a family member gets head lice? 1. Kill the lice 2. Remove all nits 3. Remove lice from the environment ( environmental cleanup) 4. Follow-up and repeat as needed. 1. Kill the lice Suffocating Agents Chemical Agents -Petroleum Gel Other -Lice Free IMPORTANT CAUTIONS: 1. Use a different towel for each step of the t

Guidance on patient information sheets and consent forms

PATIENT INFORMATION SHEET Letrozole v Clomifene Citrate for ovulation induction Part 1 1. Study title A clinical trial comparing letrozole versus clomifene citrate for ovulation induction in infertile women with polycystic ovarian syndrome 2. Invitation paragraph You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide it is important for you to

Praktische informatie zuid-afrika versie2 sens

Landeninformatie Zuid-Afrika (lees ook onze algemene reisvoorwaarden m.n. art. 2, art. 3, art. 4 en art. 7) Algemeen Inwoners 1,2 miljoen km², groter dan Duitsland, Frankrijk en Italië bij elkaar Kaapstad (gerechtelijk), Pretoria (administratief), Bloemfontein (juridisch) 11 officiële talen: Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Pedi, Engels, Tswana, Sotho, Tsonga, Swati, Venda, Ndebele (in volg

Microsoft word - www.syngentafoundation.org-symposium_benefit_sharing_case_study_csir.doc

Symposium on food security and biodiversity: Benefit sharing Case Study: San/CSIR Hoodia Benefit Sharing Petro Terblanche Executive Director Bio/Chemtek, Council for Scientific and Industrial benefits from bioprospecting with the owners of the traditional knowledge that led to its initial discovery. In 1998, Phytopharm sold the rights to the compound, now known as P57, to pharmaceut

Swine flu update fro#5d8705.doc

Swine Flu There have been cases of swine flu in California. All of those cases have been mild tomoderate and those infected have recovered. See information on cases in California andother states at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Swine flu (also known as swine influenza) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by typeA influenza that regularly cause outbreaks of influen

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Silvia Steuck SHG Pilze Endogene Mykotoxikosen Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe für Menschen mit Pilzerkrankungen Chronische Dysbiosen – verursacht durch Antibiotika Fallstudien Einleitung Der Glaube, dass sich Antibiotika bedingte Störungen der Darmflora in jedem Fall rasch regenerieren, ist ein Irrtum, wie die hier vorgestellten Krankengeschichten und Befunde unserer Mitgl


SARCOIDOSIS TREATMENT GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION Goals of Sarcoidosis Management The goals of sarcoidosis management are to prevent or con-Sarcoidosis is a chronic inflammatory granulomatous dis-trol organ damage, relieve symptoms and improve theease that primarily affects the lungs, although multi-organpatient’s quality of life. An evaluation by a pulmonologist isinvolvement is comm


SPORT VARI giovedì 28 luglio 2011 s dono il 27 le iscrizioni per il 17°rally internazionale delle ValliCuneesi, in programma il 2 e 3 Gemelli alla riscossa MANTA - Si- Il mantese Simone Iscrizioni settembre, con partenza ed arri-vo a Dronero. Roasio in azione SAN VITO DI CADO- RE - Domenica 24 luglio I vincitori del Rally 2010, Sossella-Nicola nale.

Microsoft word - kilimanjaro high altitude information.docx

HIGH ALTITUDE TRAVEL NOTES (Dr Jim Duff, 01/04/2008) More useful information on these and other subjects can be found in my book ‘Pocket First Aid and Wilderness Medicine’, which can be obtained via www.treksafe.com.au . As you ascend to altitudes above 2000m, your body has to acclimatize to the decreasing amount of oxygen available. If the ascent is too fast and/or the height gain


LISTE DER VERBOTENEN WIRKSTOFFE UND METHODEN (DOPINGLISTE) gültig ab 1.1.2010 LISTE DES SUBSTANCES ET MÉTHODES DOPANTES INTERDITES (LISTE DES INTERDICTIONS) valable dès 1.1.2010 Alle verbotenen Substanzen werden als «spezifische Substanzen» betrachtet ausser denjenigen in den Klassen S1, S2.1 bis 2.5, S4.4 und S6.a und die verbotenen Methoden M1, M2 Toutes les subst

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These are a few things parents should know who have a child who is chronically ill or are living with a transplanted child. y A sick child in the family creates social, financial and emotional issues for every one. Stress is part of the whole picture. It is how you live with it that makes the difference. There is a sixty percent divorce rate for parents who lose a y Andy and I do not get upset


samenvaTTing Hodgkin lymfoom en zaadbalkanker zijn beide zeldzame maligniteiten die voornamelijk bij jong-volwassenen voorkomen. Beide ziekten hebben tegenwoordig een uitstekende prognose, o.a. door de introductie van combinatie-chemotherapie. Door de toenemende aantallen patiënten die inmiddels tientallen jaren overleefd hebben, is het de afgelopen jaren helaas steeds duidelijker geworden dat

Metabolic typing

Metabolic typing: En vetenskap för årtusendet och en extra service för din praktik Av Miranda Jabati Metabolic Typing = (fastställande av en persons ämnesomsättningstyp) hälsas av många som ett enormt framsteg. Men är det verkligen ett medel för att leda vetenskapen om näringensbetydelse för den mänskliga fysiologin in i det tjugoförsta århundradet? Om detta är fal

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Anleitung Erklärung des Schemas Der linke Teil gibt Informationen über die Pressmaschinen und die Kombination der Pressmaschinen mit Pressbacken oder -schlingen. Der rechte Teil informiert über Freigaben aber auch Einschränkungen Gefärbte Felder weisen auf Verwendbarkeit und Kompatibilität von Pressmaschine oder Pressbacke/-schlinge hin. Hinweise in den eingefärbten Feldern sind zu


The Rap Sheet Legal News for Law Enforcement in Brevard and Seminole Counties June 2002 Volume XVIII, Issue 1 Message from Once again, I am pleased to provide you with State Attorney this issue of the Rap Sheet devoted to a Norm Wolfinger summary review of the legislation passed during the 2002 regular session of the Florida legislature. I hope that this review w


Giulia Mollica Curriculum vitae PhD in Chemical Sciences Laboratoire Chimie Provence, équipe SACS Case 512 Campus Scientifique St Jérôme Université de Provence Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niémen PERSONAL Born June 27th 1978 in Livorno, Italy. One child. EDUCATION • PhD, Chemistry (Physical Chemistry), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Solid State NMR) , January 20

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My name is Julie and I met Rachel Rolfes 2 years ago at a Bible study. We began to talk discussing what each of us did career wise. That is when I found out that Rachel specializes in stress management and helps individuals reduce stress while learning to manage it. I also learned her program was wellness-focused and developed over many years. She invited me to attend a seminar with her. I att


Product information QuALitAtive And QuAntitAtive Adverse reactions Withdrawal periods immediate packaging ComPosition Hypersensitivity reactions (cattle), hepatotoxicity Cattle: Meat and offal - 35 days; Milk - 8 days. Amber coloured, glass type II vials containing each millilitre contains: Active substance: and haematologic effects have been reported, Pigs: Meat an

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Les Autorisations à Usage Thérapeutique (AUT) Qu’est-ce qu’une autorisation d’usage à des fins thérapeutiques (AUT) ? Les sportifs, comme tout le monde, peuvent tomber malades ou présenter des conditions qui exigent l’usage de certains médicaments. S’il se trouve qu’une substance ou une méthode à laquelle un sportif doit avoir recours pour traiter sa condition est inscrite

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Important information about your prescription benefits Effective July 1, 2013 Within the Prescription Drug List (PDL), medications are grouped by tier. The tier indicates the amount you pay when you fill a prescription. Your lower-cost options are found in Tier 1. Medications moving to a lower tier Medications may move from a higher tier to a lower tier, which can occur at any time


Herpesvirus hos hund Herpesvirus hos hund är sedan tidigare känt. Preliminära resultat från svenska studier talar för att förekomst av antikroppar är relativt vanligt hos vuxna hundar även hos oss. Troligen har omkring hälften av alla vuxna hundar antikroppar i blodet. Ofarligt för vuxna En vuxen hund eller äldre valp (över 3-4 veckor gammal) som smittas med herpesvirus via lu

Volume iv, section 9

ORA LABORATORY DOCUMENT NO.: IV-09 Volume IV VERSION NO.: 1.5 Orientation and Training EFFECTIVE DATE: FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs Office of Regulatory Science Section 9 SEAFOOD CHEMISTRY Section 9 Contents 9.1 Introduction Chemical Indices of Decomposition [Basic] Chemotherapeutics in Seafood Malachite/Leucomalachite Gree


Treatment in Psychiatry Treatment in Psychiatry begins with a hypothetical case illustrating a problem in current clinical practice. The authorsreview current data on prevalence, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment. The article concludes with the authors'treatment recommendations for cases like the one presented. Treating the Childhood Bipolar Controversy: A Tale of Two Children


DESIGNS ACT, 1993 DESIGNS REGULATIONS, 1999 These regulations were published under : Government Notice R843 in Government Gazette 20256 of 2 July 1999 as amended by: Government Notice R602 in Government Gazette 27713 of 1 July 2005Government Notice R988 in Government Gazette 28104 of 10 October 2005Government Notice R1182 in Government Gazette 29413 of 1 December 2006--------------


Artikel des Monats Blumenthal, J.A., et al., Exercise and pharmacotherapy in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Psychosom Med, 2007. 69 (7): p. 587-96. DOI: 10.1097/PSY.0b013e318148c19a OBJECTIVE: To assess whether patients receiving aerobic exercise training performed either at home or in a supervised group setting achieve reductions in depression comparable to standard antidepressa


Sicherheitsdatenblatt 1. Stoff- / Zubereitungs- und Firmenbezeichnung Artikelnummer: Artikelbezeichnung: Gonokokken-Selektiv-Supplement Supplement zur Herstellung von mikrobiologischen Nährmedien Hersteller/Lieferant: SIFIN Institut für Immunpräparate und Nährmedien GmbH Berlin 2. Zusammensetzung / Angaben zu Bestandteilen Chemische Charakterisierung der Zubere

Tormenting 71 file-0

TORMENTING SEVENTY ONE An account of Pakistan army’s atrocities(Committee for Resisting Killers & Collaborators ofGa-16, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh. Phone : 8822985, 8828703Amal Das, based on noted painter Kamrul Hassan’s oil painting tilled ‘Bangladesh 1971’Courtesy : Muktijuddher Aalokchitro, an albam published by Liberation War History Project of Bangladesh Governme

Statistics singapore - services survey series - food & beverage services , 2012

SERVICES SURVEY SERIES Introduction The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries to collect a wide range of data for studies and analyses. The first survey on the services industries was conducted in 1968 for the reference year 1967 and subsequently at regular intervals. Since 1984, the inquiry was carried out on an annual basis. The lates

Jamie sheller.cv (current) 5-21-12.pages

JAMIE L. SHELLER SHELLER, P.C. 1528 Walnut Street, Fourth Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215) 790-7300 EDUCATION: Villanova University School of Law Villanova, PAJ.D., May 1989 Contributing writer to “The Docket”New York UniversityNew York, NYB.A. with a double major in political science and communications,January 1986GPA 3.6 Cum LaudeVice-President of Undergraduate Dormitor

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"Buying The Really, Really Big Star's Car" (702) 966-0444 / kenneth.pletz@gmail.comSUPER: “AMERICA’S WEALTHIEST CAR DEALER”CHARLIE (CAR DEALER) IS GIVING A SALES MEETING. let’s sell some fu-bleep-cking Star’s Let’s sell some fu-bleep-cking Star’s Let’s sell some fu-bleep-cking Star’s "BUYING THE REALLY, REALLY BIG STAR'S CAR""BUYING THE REALLY, REALLY

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uffacher am Stauffache Läuse- ein praktischer Ratgeber Ein häufiges Vorurteil sei hier gleich vorneweg entkräftet – mit mangelnder Hygiene oder Unsauberkeit haben Läuse nichts zu tun, eine Lausplage kann leider jeden treffen!!! Sollten aber Läuse auftreten, ergreifen Sie sofort alle Massnahmen, um die Plage zu bekämpfen und eine weitere Ausbreitung zu verhindern. Die L

Science without borders projects

SCIENCE WITHOUT BORDERS – LIST OF PROJECTS These projects are aimed at currently enrolled undergraduate students who have completed three years of a full time undergraduate course and who intend to continue with studies towards an honours degree. Instructions: Students interested in applying for one or more of the projects listed below should email their resume and a covering letter to

Summary of qualifications

Scott William Brzoska 31 Deer Run Lane • Shelton, CT 06484 • (203) 231-2408 • scott@swb23.com Summary of Qualifications Accomplished sales executive with over ten years of sales experience and prior management experience. Proven team builder and leader with excellent communication and organizational skills. Extensive experience with product launches as well as start-up companies.

Poetry midwest - fall 2005 - issue 14

Masthead Spring/Summer 2005, Number 14 (Volume 5, Number 2)ISSN 1536-870XCopyright ©1995–2005, Poetry Midwest. All rights reserved. Poetry Midwest is published electronically three times a year (Spring/Summer, Fall, Winter) by Poetry Midwest. Office at Poetry Midwest, 5915 West 100th Terrace, Overland Park, KS 66207, USA. This publication may be freely distributed in it


If the client is on ANY of these drugs OR has any of the health conditions listed, consult a MD. If there are concerns re: interactions with any drug not listed, consult a Pharmacist/HIV Expert. CONTRAINDICATED Use with CAUTION Antiarrhythmics ▪ Flecainide (Tambocor®)Antiarrhythmics ▪ Amiodarone (Cordarone®)Antibiotics ▪ Rifampin (Rifadin®, Rofact®)Antihistamines ▪ Aste


Genesis Boutique Travel 64 HaMechanechet St. Jerusalem 93844 utique travel.com Tel 02-6765868 Mobile 0522-862650 Fax 02-6450097 The following are suggested tours for SSVM Conference June 2011 Ein Gedi: Option 1 Petra: June 2nd – Thursday Pick up in the afternoon around 4:00 pm. Transfer to Eilat the most southern city in Israel (driving distance is around 2 hou


Patient information The information in this leaflet is to guide your use of nortriptyline this medicine safely. Further information is available inside the What is nortriptyline for? Notriptyline is a medicine which may help improve your pain control. It is different from other pain relief drugs. It can help nerve PHARMACY DIRECTORATE pain, for example shooting or burning

Microsoft word - vavuniya_1st june

Lanka Jatika Sarvodaya Shramadana Sangamaya (Inc.) Sarvodaya Response to the Present Emergency Humanitarian Situation in the North of Sri Lanka Vavuniya District (updated as at 01st June, 2009) Relief (Food and Non-Food) Sarvodaya has provided food items, non food items and livelihood activities to IDP sites in Vavuniya district. A number of organizations have assisted in provid


Constitution/Bylaws The Constitution/Bylaws of an Association provides a road map that a Provincial Sports Organization voluntarily adopts and agrees to follow in order to reach a desired destination, effectively and efficiently. They are a set of guidelines that specifically outline limits, boundaries and regulations by which an organization agrees to govern itself both internally and exter

Ss4907 front cover.p65

Surveillance Summaries Giardiasis Surveillance United States, 1992–1997 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Continuing Medical Education for U.S. Physicians and Nurses August 11, 2000 The MMWR series of publications is published by the Epidemiology Program Office,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.

Care packages for soldiers

CARE PACKAGES FOR SOLDIERS Because we care The CFF classes will be collecting items for care packages to send to our soldiers oversees. There will be a box for your items in the back of the Church and down in the Church Hall. We have been able to contact a group that will not only package our items for us, but also ship them for us at no cost. A “Wish List” is on the next page. We w


The Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine Empirical evidence supports the efficacy of psychodynamic over time. Finally, I consider evidence that nonpsychody- therapy. Effect sizes for psychodynamic therapy are as namic therapies may be effective in part because the more large as those reported for other therapies that have been skilled pra

Microsoft word - effects of smoking and methods of cessation

Effects of Smoking and Methods of Cessation By Chetan Kaher Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. It accounts or almost 500,000 deaths per year, or one in every five deaths. Cigarette smoking contributes to a remarkable number of diseases, including coronary heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vas


Prescriptive Authority for Saskatchewan Pharmacists Update #3 – November 9, 2010 What is Level II Prescriptive Authority? The bylaws divide pharmacists as prescribers into two levels, I and II. Level II, characterized as advanced, leverages advanced skills of some of you and is more applicable to more highly functioning or more sophisticated interdisciplinary collaboration or teams

Jim hogg state park, cherokee county, texas

Preliminary Checklist of the Vascular Plants of The Tucker Estate, Nacogdoches County, Texas Spring Flora March 27 & 28 1999 Singhurst J.R., M. Norman, and H. Gaylord Singhurst, Norman, and Gaylord (1999) base this checklist of the vascular plants Tucker Estate on reports. Nomenclature follows Correll and Johnston (1970) and Johnston's update (1990). Common names follow Correll

Negli ultimi anni molti ricercatori hanno documentato un eccesso di mortalità fra i pazienti affetti da patologie coronariche

La Sindrome da Iperincrezione di CRH Negli ultimi anni molti ricercatori hanno documentato un eccesso di mortalità fra i pazienti affetti da patologie coronariche acute che presentavano anche sintomi depressivi. Il rischio di mortalità, indipendente da altri fattori, risulta mediamente aumentato di 3-4 volteone rappresenta un fattore di rischio più rilevante di fumo, o ha portato ad appro


Udveksling til Oslo i Norge, 4 uger 2012 Tandplejerstuderende Yasmin Khan fortæller: 1. Hvorfor valgte du at tage på udveksling i udlandet? Jeg ville gerne have en anden erfaring inden for tandplejer uddannelsen og se hvordan opbygningen er i forhold til i DK. Men også at opleve selve læringen og rutinerne fx klinikken i forhold til DK. Efter endt uddannelse vil jeg gerne rejse tilbage o


Expected Completion of Content Assignment Due (by 11:59 P.M.): Directions: In completing these Exercises, use the SAS tools presented in class. You may find the SAS Help useful. Where appropriate, you may perform calculations by hand. Note that neatness and format (including SAS code in an appendix) will contribute 10 points to the total score. This assignment will be graded out of 75 poi

Fungating wounds

FUNGATING WOUNDS Wound Care Study Day 28 September 2011 St. John’s Hospice Marie B. Rodden Practice Development Specialist Sister St. John’s Hospice Fungating Lesions Definition “Fungating lesions are products of cancerous infiltration of the epithelium . . . which develop into a FUNGATING mass or ULCERATIVE lesion with subsequent infection, bleeding and maloderous exuda

Respuesta a la fertilizaciÓn de gramineas bajo condiciones

IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE GRUPOS GANADEROS DE VALIDACIÓN Y TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGÍA (GGAVATT) PARA BOVINOS EN EL SISTEMA VACA-CRIA (GGAVATT VACA-CRIA) Descripción de la innovación tecnológica: Tratamiento hormonal para la resolución del anestro. Sistema Producto que atiende: Eslabón del sistema Producto que atiende: Generador de la Tecnología: Esta tecnolog


SOUTH PACIFIC FORM SEVEN CERTIFICATE CHEMISTRY Content Preamble Atomic Structure, Bonding and Related Properties Energetics of Chemical and Physical Processes Assessment Schedule for Practical Investigation Research Report Generic Assessment Schedule Quantities, Units, Symbols and Nomenclature Topics for Extended Practical Investigation South Pacific Form Seven Ce

Report prepared for the university of saskatchewan faculty association

Mother to Child Transmission of HIV: Prevention, Treatment, and Education Report Prepared for the Saskatchewan Prevention Institute Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: Prevention, Treatment and Education . 3 1. Introduction . 3 2. Introduction to HIV/AIDS . 3 2.1 HIV Transmission . 5 2.2 HIV Testing . 6 2.3 Symptoms of HIV . 7 2.4 HIV Treatment . 7 2.5 Diagnosis of AIDS . 8


Global Speaker Development Meeting Barcelona, Spain 26 – 27 January 2008 DRAFT Agenda Saturday, 26 January 7.00 – 8.00 Breakfast 8.00 – 8.15 Welcome and Introduction 8.15 – 8.30 Discussion of Fesoterodine and Tolterodine in the Marketplace Jorg Bruggemann Pfizer Inc 8.30 – 9.15 Improving upon the OAB Gold Standard: Opportunity

Microsoft word - omar said ms.doc

84 The Open Complementary Medicine Journal, 2009, 1, 84-91 Open Access Hypolipidemic Activity of Extracts from Eriobotrya japonica and Olea europaea , Traditionally Used in the Greco-Arab Medicine in Maintaining Healthy Fat Levels in the Blood Omar Said1,2,*, Bashar Saad2, 3, Stephen Fulder1, Riyad Amin5, Eli Kassis4 and Khaled Khalil1 1 Antaki Center for Herba


SONDERVERÖFFENTLICHUNG ZU "NAUTISCHE NACHRICHTEN" Medizin-Box für Sportboote * Dr. med. Frank Praetorius (Innere Medizin/Kardiologie/Reisemedizin). Beratung: Chefapothekerin Dr. Antje Kneisel (Klinikum Offenbach am Main) Segler als Bootseigner können sich sowohl im Tropenfahrt wird sie wie die Medikamenten-gewohnten Küstenbereich wie auch auf sorg-Box durch eine


MDLCRV3B2 DLCR-V3B2 . Photo. 3V Lithium . 72 . 6MN1500B2 . Reg Blister . AA-2pk . 56 . 14MN1500B4 . Reg Blister . AA-4pk . 56 . 14MN2400B2 . Reg Blister . AAA-2pk . 54 . 18MDL123AB2 DL123AB2 . Photo. 3V-2pk . 72 . 6MN2400B4 . Reg Blister . AAA-4pk . 54 . 18MN1300R4 . Saver Blister . D-4pk . 12 . 2MN1400R4 . Saver Blister . C-4pk . 12 . 3A-HPL1P . 36 pc Photo Lithium Counter Rack Displa

Microsoft word - cerebral angiogram.doc

Specialist Endovascular Cerebral Angiogram A Cerebral Angiogram is the study of arteries and veins of the brain. This is performed by a radiologist, who is a doctor specifical y trained in these studies. It involves the insertion of a thin plastic tube (catheter) into the artery. This is usual y via the main artery in the groin. Time: The angiogram usual y takes about 60 minutes


Twenty Five Years of Independent Information and Unbiased Advice on the Australian and NZ StockmarketsMarketAnalysisCircadian Technologies realises significant gain . 5Cellnet Group's financial position improves, Summary and Recommended Investment Strategy. Our Forecasts for the Australian and New Zealand stockmarkets are just Neutral to slightly Bullish, but many sharesoffer good value

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Robert L. (Bob) Vandergrift -- Utah Bob Vandegrift wrote the small book “My Home is in the House of Cancer.“ The book is available on CD directly from Bob, who also offers audio CDs of his experience and approach. Contact Bob at search@xmission.com, or 797 South 350 West, Bountiful, Utah, 84010. Phone 801-295-8172. The book covers Bob’s stage IV colon cancer battle, which began Decemb


Es mi deseo contribuir a este Encuentro sobre Educación ( 1 ) con una propuesta en el ámbito de la ética, de la moralia minima, a la que nos han acostumbrado los De todos modos, una propuesta ética no tiene que ver sólo con decisiones que habría que tomar a fin de asumir determinados ‘valores’ para convertirnos en tales o cuales sujetos éticos. Eso sería una mera preceptiva. Una

Aea credit union

SAFEAMERICA CREDIT UNION ELECTRONIC STATEMENT ELECTION AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSURE By enrolling in SafeAmerica Credit Union’s Online Banking service, or, for existing Online Banking service enrollees, by logging on/signing in to Online Banking after August 1, 2005, I agree that I will receive electronically all disclosures, statements and notices that SafeAmerica is legally required to se

Patient information: irritable bowel syndrome (ibs)

Patient Information: Reflux Disease This information sheet is for general information and is not to provide specific medical advice. You should discuss yourmedical condition with your doctor to ensure correct diagnosis, management and care. What is Reflux Disease? After a meal the stomach secretes acid to start the digestionprocess. Reflux disease, also known as Gastro-oesophageal refl


Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 15 No. 4A (2006), 59-61 About the Interaction of Human Serum Albumin with Nevirapine and Azidothymidine A. Kluczewska1, K. Michalik1, Z. Drzazga1, M. Kaszuba2 1University of Silesia, A. Cheákowski’ Institute of Physics, Department of Medical Physics, Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007 Katowice, Poland 2Medical University of Silesia, Department of Prosthetic


Chapter 4 Conventional Medical Therapies “Today’s standard, AMA-approved medicine is rooted in treating symptoms, rather than causes. Its dependence on drugs and surgery is ruinously expensive to patients, insurance companies, “Why I Left Orthodox Medicine” Conventional medical treatments for FMS and CFS is a controversial topic. Consider the following statements

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Smaato @Mobile World Congress Hall 7 App Planet #7C38 New Android & iPhone SDKs for Mobile Advertising with free Analytics Smaato Leading Ad-Optimizer with largest iPhone inventory in Europe – 4+ billion ad requests, 2500+ publishers & 35 ad network partners worldwide Free Apple iPad give-away for new signed up publishers during MWC 2010 Redwood Shores, CA February 10, 2010 – Smaato I

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The appraised property can be found in the centre of Kecskemét, in Kálvin tér, in the external rim of the precincts (Kosssuth tér-Szabadság tér), beside Csányi körút open also for Due to central location of the area it is easily accessible both by public transportation and car, although the question of parking is not solved at all. Parking is possible only in the In the downtown area

2008 annual report.wps

SYDENHAM HOCKEY CLUB INCORPORATED ONE HUNDRED & TENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Sydenham Pavilion, Sydenham Park at 7.30pm on Monday the 16th February 2008 SYDENHAM HOCKEY CLUB 1. Apologies INCORPORATED 2008 OFFICE BEARERS 2 . Confirmation of minutes of 11th February 2008, 109th Ladies Patron President

Maaseik nr. 3 (04-2002)

nummer 2, 2de jaargang / april 2002 / Verantwoordelijke Uitgever: Peter Vanaken, Guffenslaan 108, 3500 Hasselt op Maaseik de sp.a Maaseik iets doen aan de gigantischhoge prijzen van de bouwgronden. Nagenoegbouwplaats aanschaffen, tenzij ze zich enormveel pijn doen. Het is de absolute betrachtingvan de sp.a daar in deze legislatuur iets aante doen. We hebben aangekondigd dat er eenr

Microsoft word - rules.bab.prorenovafb.8.28.11-1-1.doc

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning a prize. 1. The contest will begin September 14, 2011, and will end on October 7, 2011. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of contest completion date. This Sweepstakes is sponsored by The Timberland Company (“Sponsor”) and administered by Select Design LLC. 2. Eligibility: This Sweepstakes is open o


Description Product # Used in Research Packaging Product is packed in 12.5 kg box. Each box is identified with the Ingredient Lead Time Gamma-Irradiation Shelf Life Control Diets Used as a control diet for D12451and D12492Formulated by E. A. Ulman, Ph.D., Research Diets, Inc., 8/26/98and 3/11/99. *Typical analysis of cholesterol in lard = 0.95 mg/gram. Cholesterol (mg

Ratgeber medikamente

Wenn überhaupt Medikamente, welche? Symptom Allgemeine Tipps Medikament 1. Trimenon 2./3. Trimenon Stillzeit Unruhe Entspannungsübungen Baldrian-T 20–40 Tr. pro Tag 20–40 Tr. pro Tag 20–40 Tr. pro Tag Yoga Hova-Dragée (Hopfen u. Baldrian) 3 x 1 Drg. pro Tag 3 x 1 Drg. pro Tag 3 x 1 Drg. pro Tag Blähungen Blähende Nahrungsmittel meiden Flatulex-Tbl. 3 x 1 Kautbl. 3 x 1 Kaut

Microsoft word - newsletter jun1

June 2011 Hope for Life News Nadine Bartholomeusz-Raymond, who is the program manager forregional communities with Beyond Blue, stated in an interview for We are looking forward to continuing our training, ABS Rural that the higher rates of suicide are because of the resources and initiatives in the second half of 2011. If you additional stresses in rural communities, with ongo

Membership application form


Erin kelly curriculum vitae

Post Doctoral Fellow, University of California, Los Angeles Semel Institute, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Visiting Scholar, University of Southern California School of Social Work, Serious Mental Illness Cluster Doctorate of Philosophy, University of California, Irvine Department of Psychology and Social Behavior Minor: Quantitative Methods, Developmental Dissertation:


Presseinformation Takeda nimmt Stellung zur Empfehlung des FDA – Beratungsausschusses: Lachen, 08.08.2007 - Takeda Global Research & Development (TGRD) möchte das Meeting der Beratungsausschüsse “Endokrinologische und Metabolische Medikamente” und “Medikamentensicherheit und Risiko Management” der amerikanischen Arzneimittelzulassungsbehörde FDA* zum Anlass neh

Microsoft word - fiorlemkecv.docx

F I O R L E M K E E M A I L : F I O R L E M K E @ M E . C O M A G E N T : A U S C R E W ( 0 2 9 4 2 7 4 4 4 4 ) Designing, patternmaking, sewing, cutting, textile design and printing, aging & distressing of clothing, image consultant and personal stylist WORK PERMITS LANGUAGES English, Italian EMPLOYMENT TV COMMERCIALS Channel 10 ‘Masterchef promo’ MBF Plaza Films, D

Vaginal health mar apr 09.indd

First in a Series Vaginitis This term describes any infl ammation of the vagina. The most common Although vaginal health concerns cause of infl ammation is infections, but they can also be caused by affect over half of the women in trauma or an allergy to products, such as latex. The most common the United States, many of us infections are yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis

Microsoft word - lfhcf.doc

EAGLE II™ Lender Funds Management Reports Release 4 School Auto-Debit Notification Report Purpose The School Auto-Debit Notification Report provides schools with a list of disbursements and the total dollar amount associated with the auto-debit initiated on the date indicated. Schools use this report to reconcile the funds auto-debited from their accounts. The Lender Funds M

Superpath postop expectations

What to expect after your SuperPATH hip replacementWhile the experiences of patients vary somewhat, there are a number of things that patients share in common after having a hip replacement via the SuperPATH approach. Please remember that there is someone available 24 hours a day to answer any questions you may have after surgery. Please call 952-993-3230 with any concerns. Walking AidesYou shou


Krankenhaushygiene Empfehlungen METHICILLIN-RESISTENTE S. aureus MRSA Leitfaden im Umgang LEITFADEN ZUM UMGANG MIT METHICILLIN-RESISTENTEN S. AUREUS (MRSA) Grundsätzlich gilt: • MRSA sind per se nicht virulenter als andere Staphylokokkus aureus • Hauptreservoir ist der Nasen-Rachen Raum• MRSA werden v.a. über die Hände übertragen• Händedesinfektion schützt

Lower extremity article.doc

Vol. 10 •Issue 3 • Page 32 Wound Care Evaluation & Management of Lower Extremity Ulcers Adherence to Prescribed Therapy Can Save Limbs By Susie Seaman, NP Lower extremity ulcers may affect up to 2.5 million people in the United States and are a source of significant morbidity and expense.1 Most leg ulcers are a result of chronic venous insufficiency, peripheral arterial d

Microsoft word - ntsc1 tho200601 elaine jeffs v capiteq.doc

Elaine Jeffs v Capiteq Pty Ltd & Ors [2006] NTSC 1 CAPITEQ PTY LTD t/as AIRNORTH REGIONAL AIRLINES MICHAEL JOHN BOURKE and ELIZABETH RAYNER t/as AIR MANYMAK SUPREME COURT OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY exercising Territory jurisdiction CATCHWORDS: DAMAGES -- GENERAL PRINCIPLES -- LIABILITY ADMITTED Measure of Damages in Action for Tort. Medlin v The State Government Insurance Commis


ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Canada Red Cross Used HIV Blood Charcoal is an amazing substance. It adsorbs moreWar I; and it effectively counteracted poison gas. poisons than any other substance known to mankind. Bad odors, caused by skin ulcers, have been elimi-It can adsorb lead acetate, strychnine, DDT, manynated by placing charcoal-filled cloth over plastic casts. drugs (including cocaine, iodi


4.3.1 Estimating the Width of a Room RevisedThe unconditional analysis of the room width estimated by two groups ofstudents in Chapter˜3 led to the conclusion that the estimates in metres areslightly larger than the estimates in feet. Here, we reanalyse these data in aconditional framework. First, we convert metres into feet and store the vectorof observations in a variable y:R> data("ro

Microsoft word - emergency contraception usccb.doc

Emergency "Contraception" and Early Abortion The recent approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of a new drug (Preven), specifically for use as "Emergency Contraception" (EC), is raising questions as to whether the drug's mechanism is contraceptive or abortifacient in nature. A major problem in this debate is the manipulation of terms. The FDA, American College

First aid protocol

Stow on the Wold Primary School First Aid protocol 2012 Heads We need a separate head bump book. ALL bumps no matter how minor they may seem must go in the book. You will need to record who , what, why, where and most importantly when . This is because a minor bump could result in problems later. Parents must be informed. A letter home is not adequate, we must speak to an app

Microsoft word - sunflower facts.doc

Sunflower Facts The sunflower is a distinctive, flowering plant ( Helianthus annuus L. ), the seeds of which contain a valuable edible oil that contains more Vitamin E than any other vegetable oil. Most sunflower oil is used in food products. The seeds of confection varieties of sunflower are also sold for human consumption and birdseed. Industry Overview U.S. sunflower oil crushers can

D12451 formula

Product Data - D12451 PackagingProduct is packed in 12.5 kg box. Formulated by E. A. Ulman, Ph.D., Research Diets, Inc., 8/26/98*Typical analysis of cholesterol in lard = 0.72 mg/gram. Research Diets, Inc. © 2006 Research Diets, Inc. All rights reserved. D12451--2-13 References - D12451 D12450B, D12451, D12492 The "Original High Fat Diets"32. Hancock, A.A. et al. An


Welcome to the November edition of the 4TS Exeter is one of the UK’s teenage pregnancy newsletter about what is going on in the field of "hotspots", but a GP-run sexual health clinic at an Exeter city secondary school is making sure that pupils find it as easy as possible to get help and November has turned out to be a fantastic month so far and we are only half way thro


Identification standards for hazardous wastes- Part 7: Identification for toxic substance content toxic substance acutely toxic substance carcinogenic substance mutagenic substance teratogenic substance ∑[( T + pT + pCarc + pMuta + pTera )] ≥ 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane; beta-Trichloroethane 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene; vic-Trichlorobenzene 1,3-Benzenedio

Microsoft word - 111208_sojitz mou.doc

TALISON LITHIUM AND SOJITZ SIGN MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NEWS RELEASE December 8th 2011: Talison Lithium Limited (“Talison”) (TSX:TLH) and Sojitz Corporation (“Sojitz”) announced today that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) to discuss on a non-exclusive basis collaborative marketing and distribution opportunities in Japan for lithium carbonate pr


Nya riktlinjer från WFSBP vid behandling av generaliserat ångestsyndrom (GAD) Nya riktlinjer från World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) rekommenderar Lyrica (pregabalin) som förstahandsval för behandling av generaliserat ångestsyndrom (GAD) . Mellan 5 och 8 procent av befolkningen beräknas någon gång i livet drabbas av GAD2, ett vanligt och långvarigt psykia

Tratto da saluteinternazionale.info

Il caso Avandia. Da una parte milioni di pazienti che hanno assunto questo farmacoe 83.000 persone che, solo negli USA, sono andate incontro ad eventicardiovascolari, talvolta letali. Dal ’altra parte del a barricata molte persone(manager, azionisti, consulenti, etc) che dal a malattia e dal a morte di questepersone si sono criminalmente arricchite, deliberatamente occultando eminimizzando dat

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In the recent decision1 of The Wellcome Foundation Ltd v Paranova Pharmazeutika Hendels GmbHthe European Court of Justice has left room for only limited objections by brand owners to aparallel importer’s new presentation of repackaged pharmaceuticals. commercialisation of the goods. Various ECJ decisions deal withAs we reported in February 2008, following the second ECJhow Article 7(2) should

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D.J. (2007a). Glutathione conjugates in the vacuoleHalkier, B.A., and Glawischnig, E. (2006). involvement in camalexin biosynthesis throughare degraded by g-glutamyl transpeptidase GGT3CYP71B15 (PAD3) catalyzes the final step inconjugation of indole-3-carboxylic acid andin Arabidopsis . Plant J. 49: 878–888. camalexin biosynthesis. Plant Physiol. 141:cysteine and upregulation of camalex


Preventive Effects of Rosiglitazone on Restenosis after Coronary Stenting in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Donghoon Choi, MD, PhD Cardiology Division Yonsei University College of Medicine, Background 1. Cardiovascular disease is one of the important leading cause of deaths in Type 2 diabetic patients. 2. As a result of dramatic increase in implantation numbers, in

Chem locha for pdf version 19 nov 08.pmd

Mental Chemical Locha quarrels and fights between partners or relatives canIn our nervous system, messages are transmittedcause ‘chemical locha’ in the brain and induce sexualby chemical messengers at lightening speed from thebrain to all the parts of our body and vice versa. TheseAt such times, counseling to correct thoughts,messengers are called ‘neurotransmitters’. lifestyle

Microsoft word - p100906_17.doc

Reprint Article From “The Pink Sheet” “The Pink Sheet”  Prescription Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Antipsychotic Drugs Are Medco’s New Personalized Medicine Target Medco will launch a research project in November that aims to validate a biomarker that may improve the cost effectiveness of atypical antipsychotics. The pharmacy benefit manager announced a resea

Lettere e relazioni

Parrocchia di SAN DOMENICO Ratzinger & il rabbino «Il libro del Papa faciliterà il dialogo col giudaismo, ma aiuterà pure gli esegeti ad approfondire ed entrare con più rispetto e rigore nella storicità dei Vangeli» «Un libro che aiuterà ancora di più gli esegeti e gli sù storico sia visto come un grande maestro e mo-esperti di critica testuale a studiare, ad approfo

Part ib summary of product characteristics

SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION One tablet contains 2.5 mg Indapamide hemihydrate For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1 3 PHARMACEUTICAL White, round, biconvex, film-coated tablets. 4 CLINICAL PARTICULARS 4.1 Therapeutic indications For the treatment of essential hypertension.

Microsoft word - face_neck_brow_lift.doc

Post-Operative Care for Face, Neck and/or Brow Lift At Home After Procedure: • On the first night, sleep with your head elevated on 2 pillows or on a • You may climb stairs or go to the bathroom with assistance. • It is normal to be drowsy from the anesthetics. Try to eat only a light, soft meal the evening following your procedure. Avoid excessive chewing. • Swelling, and tightness of

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4th Asian Championship (Air events, Adults) 2 BINDRA Abhinav; SINGH Satyendra; NARANG Gagan; 3 AHMAD Mahdi; BAGHERI KLAHROODI Hossein; PARASTI Saber; 4 MAJCHACHEEP Varavut; CHAISAWAT Weerawat; PONGLAOKHAM Pavonnut; 5 YURKOV Yuriy; KLEIMYONOV Alexey; PIREKEYEV Igor; 6 AL-ANAZI Khalid; AL ANAZI Faiz; ALHARTHI Nasser; 7 ALSOBAIE Khalid; ALHARBI Abdullah; ALRASHIDI Muhammad; 3 YUNUSMETOV Rashid

Microsoft word - ref 109 doxycycline treatment_apr1_2011.doc

STI/HIV PREVENTION AND CONTROL An Agency of the Provincial Health Services Authority Doxycycline Treatment Doxycycline is an antibiotic taken by mouth for the treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Allergies • Tell your health care provider if you have an allergy to any Tetracycline antibiotics such as Doxycycline, Minocycline, or Tetracycline. • Do

Summary of product characteristics

BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIK(ST)ER Strattera 10, 18, 25, 40, 60, 80 en 100 mg harde capsules Atomoxetine Belangrijke zaken die u over uw geneesmiddel moet weten Dit geneesmiddel wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van ADHD De volledige benaming voor ADHD is ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’ (aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit). Het geneesmiddel he


Mange årsaksfaktorer har betydning ved suicidal atferd - både biologiske, psykologiske og sosialeforhold – og ofte i et komplekst samspill. I denne artikkelen skal vi fokusere på noen av de viktigsteresultatene fra senere års biologisk selvmordsforskning. spesifikke psykiske dysfunksjoner slik somgiske autopsi-studier har understreket hvil-ken stor betydning psykiske lidelser spiller

Microsoft word - document

Commissioner, Suffolk County Department of Health Services 1. This periodic “H1N1 Influenza Virus Fall Update, Suffolk County” replaces the “Novel H1N1 Influenza A Virus Update for Suffolk County” that was first transmitted electronically to various individuals beginning on April 29, 2009. Though the Fall season (or Autumn) formally begins in the United States on September 22, 2009, the


Fis¸a˘ Tehnica˘ de SecuritateIˆn conformitate cu Directiva EC 91/155/EEC Identificarea substant¸ei/prepara˘rii s¸i a companiei/întreprinderii Tetraetil-tiuram-disulfura pentru sinteza Identificarea companiei/întreprinderii Merck Schuchardt OHG * 85662 Hohenbrunn * Germania * Tel. +49 8102/802-0 Identificarea distribuitorului:(s¸tampila distribuitorului) Compozit¸ie/informat¸ii

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Valencia Strategy: Building Capacity for Collaboration on Beluga Research The First International Workshop on Beluga Whale Research, First International Workshop on Beluga Whale Research, Husbandry and Management L’Oceanogràfic, Valencia, Spain March 9-11, 2007 Valencia Strategy: Building Capacity for Collaboration on Beluga Research Preamble: This workshop was convene

Plasmocin prot

Plasmocin™ For treatment and prevention of Mycoplasma contamination of cel culture PRODUCT INFORMATION In contrast to most anti-Mycoplasma compounds that act solely in Content: vitro , Plasmocin™ is active on Mycoplasma present in cel culture Plasmocin™ is supplied as 1 ml tubes containing a sterile, yel ow medium, and on intracel ular Mycoplasma found in some specialized

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Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Evaluating Solvent Recovery Alternatives in Pharmaceutical Manufacture William A. Carole, C. Stewart Slater, Mariano J. Savelski*, Timothy Moroz, Anthony Furiato, Kyle Lynch Rowan University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering 201 Mullica Hill Rd., Glassboro, NJ 08028, USA Keywords: pharmaceutical manufacture, solvent recovery, pervaporation, life cycle asse


Las infecciones de transmisión sexual Una de las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) más conocida y más grave en el mundo es la producida por el VIH, que como consecuencia crónica puede producir el sida. A continuación hablaremos de otras ITS. Se denominan infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) a aquellas infecciones cuyo mecanismo de transmisión es el contacto sexual. Se dice

2012-300-1 prelim fly v5_benefit summary

Blanket Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan for The University of Tennessee 2012-2013 The University of Tennessee is pleased to offer an Accident and Sickness Insurance Planunderwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All international students attendingUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Knoxville, Martin and Tullahoma are automaticallyenrolled in this plan on a


P D D R . M E D . B A R B A R A W I L H E L M Medical School of the Albert-Ludwig-Universität Guest student at the Ademiska Sjukhuset Uppsala, Sweden University of Mainz, practical year, Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder in Trier, Specialty Neurology. 1982 Medical Thesis at the Med. Fakultät Freiburg „Tumoren des Zentralnervensystems – retrospektive Studie aus strahlentherapeutisc

Immuno direct imethod flyer

A Rapid iMethod™ Test for the Analysis of Four Immunosuppressant Drugs Utilizing Direct Injection LC/MS/MS iMethod™ Test for Immunosuppressants Version 1.0 for Cliquid® Software The following description outlines the instrument requirements Samples are prepared using a protein precipitation step, and expected results obtainable from the AB SCIEX iMethod™ centrifuged then injec


Instructions. Work through the lab, saving the output as you go. If youwork in Microsoft Word, you can easily copy any graph to Word via theclipboard. Numerical output may also be copied easily by highlighting,moving it to the clipboard, then copying into Word. However, you shouldformat R output in TrueType Courier New font so that it is monospaced. Output from this lab is to be handed in by Fri

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Cotag from Indala—a new generation of patented Hands-Free radio frequency identification (RFID) technology offering unparalleled user convenience and security. Indala introduces a new line of active cards and tags for a variety of applications—the 928 Hands-Free access card and the 911 Hands-Free keyring. Both are designed to complement the entire line of Cotag Hands-Free long-rang

Development of standards for sinhala computing

1st Regional Conference on ICT and E-Paradigms24th – 26th June 2004, Colombo, Sri Lanka Development of Standards for Sinhala Computing Gihan Dias and Aruni Goonetilleke Abstract Sinhala speakers. A similar initiative, not covered in thispaper, is being carried out both in Sri Lanka and abroad,Information technology has been used in Sri Lanka forabout 20 years, but to a great extent,


Schmitt-Thompson Pediatric Office-Hours Version Clinical Content DEFINITION * Viral infection of the voicebox (larynx)* The croupy cough is tight, low-pitched, and barky (like a barking seal)* The voice or cry is hoarse (laryngitis) BACKGROUND STRIDOR: A COMPLICATION OF CROUP* Stridor is a harsh, raspy sound heard with breathing in* Loud or continuous stridor mean

Randomized clinical trial of trigger point infiltration with lidocaine to diagnose anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome

Randomized clinical trial Randomized clinical trial of trigger point infiltration with lidocaine to diagnose anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome O. B. A. Boelens1, M. R. Scheltinga1, S. Houterman2 and R. M. Roumen1 1 Department of Surgery and 2M´axima Medical Centre Academy, M´axima Medical Centre, Veldhoven, The Netherlands Correspondence to: Mr O. B. A. Boelens, Department o


il 28 Ottobre 1965, residente a MILANO in Via Olona 12 recapito telefono mobile #39.333.100.9479 abitazione #39.02.8942.2598 laureato in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA presso l’Università degli Studi di Pisa il 23 Ottobre 1991 abilitato al 'esercizio della professione medica dal Novembre 1991, specializzato in ENDOCRINOLOGIA E MALATTIE DEL RICAMBIO: INDIRIZZO ANDROLOGIA presso l’Università degli S

Coumadin (warfarin)

COUMADIN ® (Warfarin) Patient Instruction Sheet The Do’s and Don’ts Coumadin® is an oral anticoagulant. It is a medication that will help thin your blood in order to prevent clots from forming in your blood vessels. It is very important to maintain an adequate level of Coumadin® in your blood. If the level of Coumadin® is too low, your blood may clot in your blood vessels. If t


ST.PETER’S ENGINEERING COLLEGE Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTU, Hyderabad. Maisammaguda, Opp.AP Forest Academy, Dhoolapally (P.O) Medchal (M), R.R Dist, Hyderabad-500100, A.P e-mail: spec_hyd@yahoo.com , www.stpetershyd.com Phone: 040-65222235 APPLICATION FOR B. Tech ADMISSIONS-2013 UNDER CATEGORY ‘B’ Name of the Candidate: Father’s Name

7 artigo - marcus alan de melo gomes

O novo rito do Tribunal do Júri e o juiz inquisidor Resumo: O processo penal brasileiro sofreu, recentemente, reformas pontuais. A Lei n. 11.689/08 tratou, especificamente, do Tribunal do Júri, promovendo modificações nas duas fases de seu rito escalonado. Dentre elas estão a antecipação do primeiro ato de defesa técnica e a admissão expressa, no judicium accusationis – reduz

Microsoft word - barbiturates in procedural sedation.doc

Drug Class Review Sedative Hypnotic Barbiturates in Procedural Sedation Secobarbital (Seconal®) Thiopental (Pentothal®) Final Report July 2012 Review prepared by: Melissa Archer, PharmD, Clinical Pharmacist Gary Oderda, PharmD, MPH, Professor University of Utah College of Pharmacy Copyright © 2012 by University of Utah College of Pharmacy Salt Lake City, Utah. All rights reser

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Review of Sociology Vol. 9 (2003) 2. 151–159 THE NETWORK SAGA* Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public AdministrationBudapest, Fõvám tér 8. H-1093; e-mail: llet@bkae.huBarabási, Albert-László: Linked. The New Science of Networks. Cambridge MA: PerseusA Hungarian sociologist has two good reasons to be proud nowadays. First, as a Hungarian, since on the other side of th

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“ Parkvillen am Kickerlingsberg“ Ehrensteinstraße 3 - 5 / Lumumbastraße 25 Ausstattungsbeschreibung 1. ANSCHLÜSSE: Die Versorgung mit Fernwärme, Wasser, elektrischen Strom, Telefon und Breitbandkabel erfolgt zentral über das öffentliche Netz und für jedes Haus separat. 2. ABWASSER: Die Schmutzwässer werden ebenso wie die Oberflächen- und Dachwässer mittels Sc


MEDIA RELEASE - 4 September 2003 SANParks Receives 2002/2003 Merit Award for Excellence in Co-operative Education SOUTH African National Parks has received a merit award from Cape Technikon in recognition for the role the organisation has played in placing tourism students for their six months experiential training. The Cape Technikon introduced the Merit Award for Excellence in Co-ope

State v. atkinson

[Cite as State v. Atkinson , 2011-Ohio-5918.] STATE OF OHIO LASHAWN ATKINSON JUDGMENT: AFFIRMED IN PART, REVERSED IN PART, REMANDED BEFORE: Sweeney, J., Stewart, P.J., and Rocco, J. RELEASED AND JOURNALIZED: November 17, 2011 ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT James R. Willis, Esq. 323 W. Lakeside Avenue, N.W. 420 Lakeside Place Cleveland, Ohio 44113-1009 ATTORNEYS FOR


Readers’ Questions: The Beginnings of Synthetic Life? Are scientists on the brink of creating entirely new forms of life? In a study published this week by the journal Science, a research team led by Dr. J. Craig Venter and Dr. John I. Glass reported that they had managed to replace the genes of one species of bacteria entirely with the genes of another. Dr. Venter and Dr. Glass will be


Insect Bites Description Skin eruptions and other symptoms caused by insect bites or stings from mosquitoes, fleas, chiggers, bedbugs, ants, spiders, bees, wasps, hornets, scorpions, and other insects. Signs and symptoms · Red lumps in the skin. The lumps usually appear in minutes after the bite or sting. Some don't appear for 6 to 12 hours. Skin reactions fall into 2 kinds:

Pe342 itb pump implant

Pump Implant How long will the surgery take? The surgery takes about 2 hours. Adding time for anesthesia and recovery, you may be waiting for about 3 to 3-½ hours. How long will my child be in the hospital? Your child will be in the hospital anywhere from 3 to 10 days after surgery. Recovery from surgery is expected quickly (within a few days) but we will be watching for any adverse

Sawgrass nature center’s

Sawgrass Nature Center’s “CAMP WILD” Break Camps 2012-2013 Counselor and Counselor In Training Application Counselor’s Name __________________________________________________ Age: __________ Date of Birth: _______________________________________ School: _______________________________ Grade Completed: _____________ Parent(s)/ Guardian’s Name(s): _____________________


From: E.J. Wright, M.C. Webb and E. Highley, ed., Stored grain in Australia 2003. Proceedings of the Australian Postharvest Technical Conference, Canberra, 25–27 June 2003. CSIRO Stored Grain Research Laboratory, Canberra. Carbonyl sulfide (COS) as a fumigant for stored products: progress in research and commercialisation Stored Grain Research Laboratory, CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700,

Microsoft word - document2

Medical Problems, Treatments, and Professionals Fred R. Volkmar, M.D. Raising a healthy child is one of the most difficult - and rewarding - challenges any parent can tackle. For parents of children with autism, the rewards are just as great as for other parents. The difficulties, however, can be more daunting because you have to take autism into account in almost all decisions you make

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• 12-year-old male presents with an eight-– Started with right hip and leg pain eight – Developed subjective fevers 2 days into – Day after fever the right hip and leg pain • Seen by his primary care doctor same • Leg pain continued to increase, and by the fifth day, he had persistent daily fevers • Admitted to District Hospital on day 5– Given pain meds and unknown


W Benedict XVI Pope Emeritus of the Catholic Church Our first week back after half term has certainly been an eventful one for us as Catholics. Benedict XVI – our Pope since 2005 became the first Pope to resign in 600 years. This is a historic occasion for us all and one which certainly gained the children’s curiosity and interest. Staff and children marked Thursday 28February – Be

Document issue and amendment justification

13/11/12 HEALTH & SAFETY NEWS Guidance Gas safety - Engineers Since April 1998, the gas industry has worked together to provide guidance to engineers on how to deal with a wide range of unsafe situations which they may identify during the course of their work on domestic and non-domestic gas installations. This advice has been published through the Gas Industry

Microsoft word - 30 days to better leadership

We all want to become better leaders, because leadership is about making a real difference in the world. We don't want to just manage people. If a management course or a coach isn't in the budget and your company hasn't done 360-degree reviews in years, you still can improve. AZ magazine worked with leadership strategist, facilitator and coach Dean Newlund to create a special month-long program

Nutrition is a vital component of health

Nutrition for People with ME/CFS Nutrition is a vital component of health, and no less so for someone with ME/CFS. In a 2005 survey of Sheffield M.E. Group members, nutrition was named by the largest number of members (15%) as the therapy / treatment which had helped them most – scoring higher than medication from the GP/NHS (9%). What follows is a summary of the main considerations.


TESTO FIT Packing of 30's MRP: 600 for 30's Pack (inclusive all taxes ) Each Capsule Contains : Indications Libido disorders, Erectyl dysfunction, improves sperm production & sperm count Dosage: Two Cap. Preferably with hot milk before bed time OR As Advised by Physician. TESTO FIT ASHWAGANDHA: (Withinnia somnifera) is an Indian herb that is also known as

Informe de evaluacin

COMITÉ DE EVALUACIÓN DE NUEVOS MEDICAMENTOS DE INFORME DE EVALUACIÓN RETAPAMULINA ▲ ALTARGO® (GlaxoSmithkline) Pomada 1% 5g PVP 11,71 €D06AX. Terapia Dermatológica. Antibióticos y quimioterápicos: INDICACIONES TERAPÉUTICAS Tratamiento a corto plazo de las siguientes infecciones cutáneas superficiales: • Pequeñas heridas infectadas, excoriaciones o he

Microsoft word - pt health questionare.doc

ANUBHA SINHA, M.D. Hunterdon Digestive Health Specialist Location 1: 170 Route 31 Flemington, NJ 08822 Patient Health Questionnaire Please fill out as much as possible to help with your medical care. Use the back of the sheet if you run out space. For medications, please include the dosage. Date: ___________ Patient Name: ________________________________________ Date of Birt

Microsoft word - the creation of senseless violence.doc

The Creation of Senseless Violence, Psychiatric Drugs, and Kids Who Kill The rise in gratuitous and senseless violence is a disturbing recent addition to the community landscape. Psychiatrists have tried to sell us on all the wrong reasons for this — everything from a person's mental illness, poverty and broken families to genetic makeup; however, the fact missed by most is


RESUMEN DEL ELSA YOUTH MEETING 2009 Por: David Romero, miembro de la Fundación Española de la Tartamudez y delegado en el séptimo ELSA Youth Meeting El séptimo encuentro juvenil europeo organizado por ELSA (liga europea de asociaciones de tartamudez) tuvo lugar en la población de Giggleswick, al norte de Inglaterra, entre el 25 y 31 de Julio de 2009. Este era mi primer encuentro de este


Guidelines for treatment of autoimmune neuromusculartransmission disordersG. O. Skeiea, S. Apostolskib, A. Evolic, N. E. Gilhusd, I. Illae, L. Harmsf, D. Hilton-Jonesg,A. Melmsh, J. Verschuureni and H. W. HorgejaDepartment of Neurology, University of Bergen, Norway; bInstitute of Neurology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia andMontenegro; cNeuroscience Department, Catholic Unive


Ligaments in the spine and pelvis provide stability to the joints and discs. These ligaments can be overstretched or torn putting extra stress on the spine which causes pain. Prolotherapy (also called Sclerosant injections ) work by causing minor ligament injury through injection of an irritant solution, thereby causing mild inflammation of the injected tissues. This is thought to s

Paper title (use style: paper title)

KMITL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL VOL.13, NO.1, 2013 Antimotility Effect of Machiluss odoratissima & Sonchus wightianus from Nepal Amit Subedi§‡*, Dipak Khakural§, Sadhana Amatya§, Tirtha Maiya Shrestha§§, §Department of Pharmacy, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. ‡ College of Pharmacy, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 712-749, South


Strauss Allergy and Asthma www.straussallergyasthma.com ALLERGY IMMUNOTHERAPY Allergy immunotherapy, commonly referred to as allergy shots, is a safe and effective way to treat nasal symptoms and asthma which are triggered by inhaled allergens. Inhaled allergens are foreign substances, such as pollen, dust particles and animal danders, which can provoke an allergic reaction. These


Urge incontinence Definition Urge incontinence involves a strong, sudden need to urinate, followed by a bladder contraction, which results in leakage. Alternative Names Overactive bladder; Detrusor instability; Detrusor hyperreflexia; Irritable bladder; Spasmodic bladder; Unstable bladder; Incontinence - urge A person's ability to hold urine and maintain continence depends on n


Breves consideraciones sobre la preparación de soluciones por Guerrero Hernán Llega el momento en que todos comenzamos a buscar artículos de bricolaje o DIY (do it yourself – hágalo usted mis- mo), o bien los peces se enferman y se debe medicar. También sucede que uno, no conforme con los kits analíticos comer-ciales o fertilizantes comerciales, decide prepararlos “a medida

26 informe 5229 (203-208)

26 Informe 5229 (203-208) 27/2/06 16:18 Página 203Documento descargado de http://www.doyma.es el 30/03/2006. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato. PARTE IV. ECOSALUD Y PARTICIPACIÓN SOCIAL Salud y medios de comunicación en España Gemma Revuelta Observatorio de la Comunicación Científica. Universidad Pompeu Fabra. Barcelo

Ald_13_actu lap_2010_maladie coronarienne_vd

LISTE DES ACTES ET PRESTATIONS AFFECTION DE LONGUE DURÉE MALADIE CORONARIENNE Ce guide médecin est téléchargeable sur 2 avenue du Stade de France - F 93218 Saint-Denis La Plaine CEDEX Tél. :+33 (0)1 55 93 70 00 - Fax :+33 (0)1 55 93 74 00 Ce document a été validé par le Collège de la Haute Autorité de Santé en septembre 2010 © Haute Autorité de Santé – 2010 List

Dental prophalaxis for patients with a joint replacement information sheet

Dental Work After a Joint Replacement Everyone knows that good dental health is important. But for people with artificial joints, a visit to the dentist can be especially significant. The bacteria that cause infections in the teeth or gums can easily travel through the bloodstream and settle in the artificial joint. That can cause even more problems than a toothache. Representatives fro

Geschichte englisch

Lightly I do not speak of happiness, Yet I almost think I am happy here. HOTEL SUVRETTA HOUSE The Engadine - where people greet each other with 'Allegra', a Ladin expression roughly meaning, in today's terms, 'be happy'. A Romansh legend about this patch of land is still told by the inhabitants: "When the archangel had sealed the gate to paradise behind Adam and Eve, God stood in the now-d

Microsoft word - basicskillsselfstudy

Wilderness and Remote First Aid Pre-Course Suggested Self-Study Material The American Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid class is a hybrid course that builds on skills and knowledge offered in basic community level First Aid classes along with an introduction to some of the more advanced techniques presented in programs like BSA Lifeguard, American Red Cross Lifeguarding and Fir


ALL THE INFO FOR THE JOURNEY: What to Bring: Comfortable walking shoes/boots as well as cool sandals for in the camp. Clothing: We are moving towards the end of South Africa’s Summer, but it is still very warm during the day and slightly cooler at night. There may be an occasional thunder shower. Sun block, hat and sunglasses. Mosquito repellent: Timbavati is a Malaria area. If you fee

Nov jaalas ref 07.indd

Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Scienceby the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Overview Biologic Effects of Fenbendazole in Rats and Mice: A Review David Villar, Carolyn Cray,* Julia Zaias, and Norman H Altman This review summarizes fi ndings from toxicologic, carcinogenic, immunologic, and metabolic studies on fenbendazole (FBZ). Cu


Arent de Gelder 1645 – 1727 Esther en Mordechai schrijven de eerste Poerimbrief olieverf op doek (102 × 152 cm) — ca. 1685 Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden Dit werk is gekoppeld aan Esther 9:20 De joodse inwoners van het rijk van de Perzische koning Ahasveros hebben wraak kunnen nemen op hun vijanden, de aanhangers van de listige Haman. Mordechai en Esther vinden dat de ge


Clinical Case Conference Management of Major Depression During Pregnancy Victoria Hendrick, M.D. traception. She was a nonsmoker and did not use illicit drugs. She used alcohol socially. Lori Altshuler, M.D. Course of Treatment The initial consultation included a detailed review of psychiatric treatment options during pregnancy and a re- view of the risks and benefits assoc

Science magazine

R E S E A R C H A N D D E V E LO P M E NT Where Is the New Science most new science in developed rather thandeveloping economies for reasons that may not in Corporate R&D? always characterize the U.S. situation. Jerry Thursby and Marie Thursby* The idea that the United States domi- or currently planned R&D facility both views of corporate R&D. For example,outside and inside


SAFETY DATA SHEET IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT AND OF THE MANUFACTURER Potassium tetrafluoroborate Registration number (ECHA) Classification categories / hazard indications Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised For the text of R-phrases/H-phrases and classification abbreviations Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture: IDENTIFICATIO


SCUC Grigore Alexandrescu B-dul Iancu de Hunedoara nr.30-32 SCUC Grigore Alexandrescu Nr.crt Hematologie 1 Anticorpi Anti grup sangvin A2 Anticorpi Anti grup sangvin B3 Anticorpi Anti grup sangvin Rh(D)4 Determinare factor Rh(D)5 Determinare grup sangvin(A,B,O)6 Ex.citologic al frotiului sanguin7 Hemoleucograma completa 8 Hemoleucograma completa (cu formula leucocitara)9 INR(International


Psychological Medicine , 2001, 31 , 1331–1345. DOI : 10.1017\S0033291701004664 Printed in the United KingdomThe neuroendocrinology of chronic fatigue syndrome andA. J. R. P A R K E R , S. W E S S E L Y  A. J. CLEARE" From the Department of Psychological Medicine , Guy ’ s , King ’ s and St Thomas ’ School of Medicine and the Institute of Psychiatry , London ABSTR


reactions for some staphylococci and anaerobic species may take up to 60 minutes to develop. For the rapid detection of β-lactamase enzymes in Some strains of Staphylococcus aureus produce isolated colonies of Neisseria gonorrhoeae , small amounts of the β-lactamase enzyme unless Moraxella catarrhalis , Staphylococcus spp., enzyme production is induced by growth in a medium Ha


Styrdokument Dokumenttyp: Beredskapsplan för en pandemisk influensa Ansvarig: Säkerhetschefen och Medicinskt ansvarig sköterska BEREDSKAPSPLANERING FÖR EN PANDEMISK INFLUENSA Innehållsförteckning 1. Inledning. Förutsättningar för beredskapsplanering Lag om kommuners och landstings åtgärder inför och vid extraordinära händelser i fredstid och höjd ber


August 22, 2012 To: Sarpy/Cass County Health Care Providers Re: Increased number of S higella Infections in the community From: Sarpy/Cass Department of Health and Wellness Since early August, Sarpy/Cass Department of Health and Wellness has investigated 5 confirmed cases of Shigella sonnei infection, 1of which have been hospitalized. Four of the cases have b

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FORUM AUX QUESTIONS - FAQ Copie du site Stemtech Français http://www.stemtechbiz.fr/StemFAQ.aspx 2. Quelle est la différence entre les cellules souches embryonnaires et adultes ? 3. Pourquoi la presse nous parle-t-elle davantage des cellules souches embryonnaires que des 4. Les cellules souches adultes peuvent-elles se transformer en n'importe quelle cellule du 5. Les produits

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3.4 PROPOSED GROUPED DWELLING (16 UNITS) - LOT 9178 HENLEY BROOK AVENUE, ELLENBROOK (ARAVA CIRCLE, AVELEY) Ward: (Ellenbrook Ward) (Statutory Planning) Disclosure of Interest: Nil Authorised Officer: Executive Manager - Planning and Development. KEY ISSUES Council considered an amendment to ODP 45 at its Ordinary Meeting on 9 November 2011 where it was resolved to suppor


ROI Analysis of Pharmaceutical Promotion (RAPP): An Independent Study Study Objectives ! Measure ROI for detailing (DET), direct-to-consumeradvertising (DTC), medical journal advertising (JAD),and physician meetings & events (PME)! Understand how ROI differs according to brand size (inThe objectives of this study are fairly ambitious: first, to measure the ROI fordetailing (DET)

Microsoft word - avgifter 120302.doc

Mer om … Granskad februari 2012 • Utbildningen ska vara avgiftsfri och eleverna ska utan kostnad ha tillgång till böcker och andra lärverktyg som behövs för en tidsenlig utbildning • Avgifter i samband med ansökan får inte tas ut • Det får förekomma enstaka inslag som kan medföra en obetydlig kostnad för eleverna • Belopp som var för sig kan bedömas som obetydliga

Microsoft word - cctm.doc

Guidelines on Handling Chemical Carcinogens, Teratogens and Mutagens 1995 New Edition incorporating requirements of CoSHH 1994 1. Background, Scope and Purpose of the Code The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1994 (section 7)introduced specific legal duties relating to the use of carcinogens, including a hierarchyof precautions which are MANDATORY . In addition the Ap


The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It representsan abbreviated version of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of yourprescription-drug benefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does notguarantee coverage. In addition to using this list, you are encouraged to askyour doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate. 2011 Express Scripts Medicare

Endo- und ektoparasitosen bei schafen und ziegen

Problematik der Anthelminthika-Resistenzen und mögliche Alternativen zum Anthelminthika-Einsatz Dr. med.vet. Hubertus Hertzberg Institut für Parasitologie, Universität Zürich Anthelminthika-Resistenzen bei Magen-Darm-Rundwürmern Magen-Darmwürmer (MDW) stellen häufige und wirtschaftlich relevante Problem- faktoren in der Schafhaltung dar. Ihre Bekämpfung stützt sich seit me


Men’s body contouring after massive weight loss What is it? Massive weight loss is generally described as being in the order of more than 50 kilograms. Such dramatic weight reduction is usually as a result of modern weight loss surgery, such as the insertion of lap bands. However, some people have managed weight reductions of this size on their own. Unfortunately, in obese people, the s

Vol.14, no.3.p65

ARTÍCULO DE REVISIÓN Manejo del Paciente Psicótico en el Servicio de Urgencias de un Hospital General Arturo Morlet-Barjau(1,2,3,6) Ernesto Ortiz-Maldonado(3,4,7) Manuel Moscoso-López(3,5) morletbarjau@gmail.com INTRODUCCIÓN Las psicosis son situaciones clínicas prevalentes tanto enLos problemas psicóticos que se presentan en los hospitaleslos servicios de hospitalizació

Defkleintierärzte praktikertag 24

Kleintierärzte Praktikertag 24. März 2012 Hotel Schatzalp, Davos: „Alles was sie schon immer wissen wollten über chronische Schmerzen und deren Therapie“ 2 SVK Punkte (5 h ATF) für nur 100.- Sfr Dieser Weiterbildungstag für praktische Tierärzte zum Thema chronische Schmerzen bei Haustieren findet anschliessend an den Frühjahreskongress der Assoc of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA) s


Bücher von Buckminster Füller 4D Timelock. (Privatdruck Chicago 1928) Nachdruck: Nine Chains to the Moon. Philadelphia et al. 1938 N e u -ausgabe: Carbondale, III., 1963 Untitled Epic Poem on the History oflndustrialization. N e w Education Automation. Carbondale, III., 1962 (dt.: Erzie-hungsindustrie. Berlin 1970) Ideas and Integrities. A Spontaneous Autobiographical Disclosure

16 echo du ce alpes 2006-1

CE du 22 novembre 2006 Bulletin des élus SUD N°16 22.000 suppressions créent les richesses de d’emploi par tous les l’entreprise et qu’à ce UAT : Déménagement La pression a d’ores et Infos du CCE déjà commencé à se naires nous pourrirent La FORMATION Dans la grande ma- 3) Bilan financier du nombreuses menaces se REGIONAUX Astreintes des cadre


20th century's greatest engineering achievements : http://www.greatachievements.org/greatachievements/indexp.html> 1. Electrification In the 20th century, widespread electrification gave us power for our cities, factories, farms, and homes -and forever changed our lives. Thousands of engineers made it happen, with innovative work in fuelsources, power generating techniques, and trans

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PERSONAL DETAILS (Confidential) Surname:___________________ First Name:______________________ Title:_______ Address:_____________________________________ Suburb: ______________ Postcode: _____ Home Phone: ________________ Mobile Phone:___________________________________ Business Phone:______________ Email:__________________________________________ Date of Birth: / / Occupation


to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Some things for you to ponder on this Feast of the Holy Family: The Most Reverend Robert J. Baker, S.T.D. - Oral contraceptives cause abortions before a woman knows she’s pregnant. How many abortions are there in the US each year of this kind? A conservative estimate says 8.1 to 12.75 million. - Planned Parenthood states that the majority of women


Datos básicos sobre el análisis conjunto de l a OCDE y la StAR referido a la identificación y cuantificación de fondos provenientes de actos de soborno La importancia del estudio En el documento Identification and Qu antification of the Proceeds of Bribery – A Joint OECD-StAR Analysis (Identificación y cuantificación de fondos provenientes de actos de soborno: Un anális


Brazilian Journal Brenner et al. of Videoendoscopic Surgery Total Ressection of the Mesorectum with Laparoscopic Endo-Anal Pull-Through in the Treatment of Distal Rectal Cancer Ressecção Total do Mesorreto com Abaixamento Endo-Anal Videolaparoscópico no Tratamento do Câncer do Reto Distal ANTONIO SÉRGIO BRENNER1; JOSÉ EMÍLIO A. MENEGATTI2; PATRÍCIA RAUEN3; SÉRGI

Rachal lohr dean, l

South Riding Acupuncture 4080 Lafayette Center Drive, Suite 320 This is a CONFIDENTIAL questionnaire to help us determine the best treatment plan for you. __________________________Personal Information_____________________________ Name______________________________________________ Home Address_______________________________________ State ______ Zip ________ Home Phone _____________

Variable number of tandem repeat polymorphisms of drd4: re-evaluation of selection hypothesis and analysis of association with schizophrenia

European Journal of Human Genetics (2009) 17, 793 – 801& 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 1018-4813/09 $32.00Variable number of tandem repeat polymorphismsof DRD4: re-evaluation of selection hypothesis andanalysis of association with schizophreniaEiji Hattori1,4, Mizuho Nakajima1,4, Kazuo Yamada1, Yoshimi Iwayama1, Tomoko Toyota1,Naruya Saitou2 and Takeo Yoshikawa*,1


City of St. Charles R-6 School District 400 N. Sixth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 Contact: _________________________ Fax: __________________ Student Name: ___________________________ D.O.B.: _________ School Yr: _________ Allergy with possible anaphylaxis reaction:________________________________________ Other know food or medication allergies: ______

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Records Inventory - Freedom of Information Office of the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Assistantmedical trainee data statistics reported to Ministry of Health and Long Term Records Inventory - Freedom of Information contracts with Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Local Health Integration Network, other funding agencies, universities and colleges claims and/or potential claims pe

Microsoft word - fleets_phosph-sada_bowel_preparation_for_colonoscopy.doc

Obtain two (2) I-In IL oz. Bottles Fled* Phospho-Soda (Ginger Lemon Flavor or Regular) at any pharmacy. Fleet Phospho-Soda is also available ln 2 larger sizes .3 fl. oz. and 8 fl. oz.; if larger size purchased, do not exceed recommended dosage, as serious side effects may occur. PMS06039 FLEET'S PHOSPHO SODA BOWEL PREPARATION FOR COLONOSCOPY The purpose of the following Instr

Undergraduate awards ceremony, nov. 2, 2009

Undergraduate awards ceremony, Nov. 2, 2009 SCOTIA-GLENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL UNDERGRADUATE AWARDS ASSEMBLY Pledge of Allegiance and Musical Arrangement THE SCOTIA-GLENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMAN YEAR ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Medal – to members of the Class of 2012 with the highest achievement during the first year in high school: Matthew Ashcroft, Kul en Bailey, Nicholas Conlon, Sarah Dean, Nicole H

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June Newsletter 2010 Southern Lakes Multisport website has been updated. It is informative and simple to use. It has recent results, events, a discussion board and much more. Please take the time to check it out. The annual winter Southern Lakes kayaking series starts in a few weeks. This is a real chance to improve and refine skills over the winter. For the really keen beans you can also

Resume of maya liv petersen

Maya Liv Petersen 1351 Guerrero St., San Francisco, CA 94110 EDUCATION: M.D., University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine Ph.D. in Biostatistics, University of California, Berkeley Advising: Prof. Mark van der Laan, Prof. Art Reingold M.S. in Health and Medical Sciences, University of California, Berkeley AWARDS/FELLOWSHIPS: Howard Hughes Medical Institute Pre-D


j Strange Attractor J ournal Four ineurosis and reptilian psychosis, suicidal scorpions and deranged, Prufrockian lemmings. Darwin and Lindsay both sought to make Homo sapiens part of the natural world, but they came at the question from opposing directions. Darwin saw Lindsay’s work as a small and comparatively unimportant thread in his own evolutionary tapestry. But Lindsay argued that

List & label report

Ordinationen Univ. Doz. Dr. med. Georg S. Kobinia Nautilusweg 7/11, 9020 Klagenfurt Scheibenbergstrasse 41-43/10, 1180 Wien Mobile: +43 660 555 44 33 Tel.: +43(1) 320 21 46 Fax: +43(1) 47 00 499 office@sct-vienna.com www.sct-vienna.com Kundeninfo Offer 2013-371 DG: Tetraplegia This is to inform you that according to the best of our knowledge you are eligible for stem cell therapy at ou

Patient information_shofner

PATIENT INFORMATION Please complete all 4 pages and return to front desk upon arrival. Email address: _________________________________________________________ Mr/Mrs/Ms: _______________________________________ Date: ______________ Home Phone: ______________________ Work Phone: ________________________ Home Address: ________________________________________________________ City: __________


Zucht, Gesundheit, Ernährung Tumorimpfung – ein viel versprechendes Verfahren in der Krebstherapie Krebserkrankungen bei Hunden nehmen leider Wichtig ist: Bereits bei einer Operation sollte ein zu – oder werden auf Grund immer besserer Teil des Tumorgewebes in Formalin ins Labor Diagnosemöglichkeiten früher und häufiger er-eingeschickt werden, damit man abklären kann, ka


GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Grippostad® C Kapseln Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, denn Um das Risiko einer Überdosierung zu vermeiden, sollte sicher- sie enthält wichtige Informationen für Sie. gestellt werden, dass gleichzeitig angewendete Medikamente kein Dieses Arzneimittel ist ohne Verschreibung erhältlich. Um einen Paracetamol


Measuring the Quality of Surgical Care:Structure, Process, or Outcomes?John D Birkmeyer, MD, FACS, Justin B Dimick, MD, Nancy JO Birkmeyer, PhDWith widespread recognition that surgical outcomesstandard in cardiac surgery and in hospitals of the De-vary by providersurgeons and hospitals are increas-ingly being asked to provide evidence of the quality ofIn this article, we consider the relativ


LINGUISTIC CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SUCCESS OF Brand naming is an important domain of language use in modern commercial society and a field of potential pragmatic interest and investigation. Brand naming is a one-way communicative activity in which brand names are created to communicate the right information to the right people in a right manner. This article argues that linguistic characteristics o


Scientific publications by Dr. Leif LaaksonenJ.P. Desclaux, L. Laaksonen and P. Pyykkö: Finite-difference Dirac-Fock calculations of electric dipole polarizabilities for (ns)1 and (ns)2 atoms. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys.14 (1981) 419. R.G. Egdell, M. Hotokka, L. Laaksonen, P. Pyykkö and J.G. Snijders: Photoelectron spectra and their relativistic interpretation for gaseous bismuth trihalides.

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INFORMATION FOR SURGERY PATIENT NAME: __________________________ PRIOR TO THE DATE OF SURGERY YOU MUST: _______ Have your pre-op testing completed 4 weeks prior to surgery (no more than 30 days prior) . Contact your Family Physician regarding where to have your testing done and to schedule an appointment. (You do not have to fast prior to the testing appointment). Make sure

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FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD de acuerdo el Reglamento (CE) No. 1907/2006 ALTACOR® Esta Ficha de Seguridad observa los estandares y requisitos reguladores de España y puede que no cumpla con los requisitos reguladores de otros países. 1. IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LA SUSTANCIA/MEZCLA Y DE LA COMPAÑÍA O EMPRESA Información del Producto Avda. Diagonal, 561 E-08029 Barcelona Españ

Nutura detail sheets

DESCRIPTION: 90 capsules per bottleThree capsules provide: There are over 18 million people in the United States with diabetes. This is over 6% of the population. Diabetes costs Americans about$132 billion annually. There is $92 billion in direct medical costs andVitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 50 mgVitamin B3 (Niacin) 50 mganother $40 billion in disability, work loss and premature mortality.

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13. Musauer Zwergerlrennen am 24.2.2013 - Vils Konradshüttle Riesenslalom STARTLISTE Veranstalter Tiroler Schiverband Genehmigungsnr. Durchf. Verein Vereinscode KAMPFGERICHT TECHNISCHE DATEN Chefkampfrichter K.Götzhaber. KR Streckenname Wettkampfleiter Schiedsrichter Startrichter Höhendifferenz Zielrichter Streckenlänge Kurssetzer To

Executive summary

Government of Samoa MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE IMPORT HEALTH STANDARD FOR Oranges ( Citrus sinensis ) FROM the People’s Republic of China Quarantine Division Ministry of Agriculture IHS for oranges from the People’s Republic of China Table of Contents PART A. INTRODUCTION ENDORSEMENT This Import Health Standard for oranges ( Citrus sinensis )]

Medicinal plants used for psychotropic

HERBS USED FOR PSYCHOTROPIC OR BEHAVIOR MODIFYING ACTIVITY Herbs are the "Millennial Medicines" - they have been around forever and will be here forever." (Founder and Director of the American Botanical Council) Herbs have been highly valued and used regularly for thousands of years by the peoples of the world as the medicine of the masses. Man has always searched for


23 Ways To Cut Costs And Save Money On Health Care Did you know most ER occurrences happen because people don’t wash their hands? According to OSHA, the components of good hand washing include using an adequate amount of liquid soap, rubbing the hands together to create some friction, and rinsing under running water. The mechanical action of washing and drying removes most of the transie

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Voorwoord 10de symposium Arbeidsrisico’s in de podiumkunsten worden nog steeds onderschat. Het tiende symposium van de Stichting “Harm and Harmony in musicians” dient om tebenadrukken dat bij de uitoefening van het beroep musicus de noodzaak van preventie groot isom tijdelijke of definitieve schade te voorkomen. Deze schade kan wellicht worden onderkend, wanneer men de interactie tussen


LAS ENSEÑANZAS DE KRYON El Grupo de Kryon Kryon canalizado por Mario Liani El Grupo de Kryon es la denominación que Mario Liani emplea para canalizar la amorosa energía de Kryon, la cual no representa a una entidad aislada, sino a un grupo de conciencias superiores de ascendencia angelical que opera sin individualidades y bajo una absoluta sincronía. Kryon está siendo canaliz


Sandra Wilsher BSc (Hons) PhD Sandra spent a decade working in the British horse industry before undertaking a Biology degree, graduating three years later with a First Class Honours degree and the Dean’s Prize for the Best Science Student. She joined Professor Twink Allen’s Equine Fertility Unit (EFU) in worked until its closure in 2007. She has published over 35 papers in peerrevie

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Looking after young squirrels and preparing them for release Contents 1 - What do you do first? 1 - What do you do first? If you have found a young squirrel, you will need to ensure that its immediate well-being is taken care of. See our website and/or other document (Feeding Baby/Young Squirrels). You may decide that you are unable to look after it for very long. Please contact us a


PowerRouter Solar Battery New Optimize use of self-generated solar energy with Li-ion batteries Li-ion is a new battery technology offering high energy density, high efficiency and long life expectancy. Combining this new technology with the PowerRouter Solar Battery, increases the self-use of your generated solar energy even further. Resulting in lower overall cost of ownership.

For such a time as this

The Rev. «GreetingLine» Stanford Memorial Church October 1, 2006 And who knows whether or not you have come to the kingdom for Salt is good; but if salt has lost its saltiness, how can you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one Though not immediately obvious, there seems to be a message in today’s readings about redeeming the time. With this in mind, I’m reminde


dr. med. steffen heger facharzt für psychosomatische medizin und psychotherapieherbert-lewin-straße 950931 köln-lindenthal veröffentlichungen abstracts S. Heger, J. Büttner, R. Klose, M. Steen, Intraoperative A. Schreiner, S. Heger, Efficacy and tolerability of risperidone Veränderungen des Hämostasesystems bei Brandverletzten, following a switch from different antipsychotics, W


too much weight on the big toes, if your PRACTICAL Tennis: “Being on the ‘wow’,” she says. “But then you look at Podiatrist Andrew Bull on the best shoes for: the feet and they haven’t been cleaned Golf: “They need to be he’ll shoot you dead. Just kidding. What he’ll really do is offer important advice. after you shower and before going


Tips for Parents: What to Do If Your Child Witnesses BullyingQué Hacer si su Hijo o Hija es Testigo de Actos La intimidación y el abuso ocurren cuando un estudiante dice o hace cosas a propósitoque hieren a otro estudiante. Es común que estos actos se repitan y que al estudiantemaltratado se le dificulte defenderse. El abuso puede darse de muchas formas, tales comogolpear, insultar, pro


TERAPIE ORMONALI SOSTITUTIVE Dr.ssa Giuseppina Perrone PREMESSA Si intende per terapia ormonale sostitutiva un trattamento costituito in genere da estrogeni e progestinici che vanno a sopperire la carenza di tali ormoni. La terapia sostitutiva può essere effettuata in una donna giovane con associazioni di estro-progestinici, già presenti tra i farmaci prescrivibili e finalizzati, com

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MONSTRUL I FILOSOFII R spunzînd unei întreb ri a lui Hans-Jürgen Heinrichs, Peter Sloterdijk observ c exist o rezisten a filosofilor în fa a a ceea ce este imposibil de controlat ra ional, în fa a fenomenelor care dau de gîndit i care amenin s pun sub semnul întreb rii certitudinile intelectuale larg acceptate. Din acest punct de vedere, filosofia s-ar asem na cu gîndirea comun i n-ar

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PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release ORGANIC INDIA TULSI TEAS SINGAPORE, 31 MAY 2010 –– SuperNature is pleased to announce the arrival of an exclusive range of herbal teas from Organic India, an ethical company that provides opportunities and employment to Indian farmers and communities. Organic India’s nine different flavoured Tulsi Teas are picked from the Holy Basil plan


8. Modelos experimentais em pesquisa1 Lydia Masako Ferreira2, Bernardo Hochman3, Marcus Vinícius Jardini Barbosa4 1. Trabalho desenvolvido no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia Plástica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Escola Paulista de2. Professora Titular da Disciplina de Cirurgia Plástica e Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia Plástica da UNIFESP


Patienteninformation des Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz® AMZVWas ist Montelukast Spirig HC und wann wird es angewendet?Montelukast Spirig HC enthält einen Wirkstoff, welcher die Wirkung von körpereigenen Substanzen, den sog. Leukotrienen, hemmt. Leukotriene verursachen die Verengung und Schwellung der Atemwege in Ihren Lungen. Die Blockierung der Leukotriene führtzur Besserung der Ast


nr. 74 371 van 31 januari 2012 in de zaak RvV X / II Gekozen woonplaats: X tegen: de Belgische staat, vertegenwoordigd door de staatssecretaris voor Migratie- en asielbeleid, thans de staatssecretaris voor Asiel en Migratie, Maatschappelijke Integratie en Armoedebetrijding. DE WND. VOORZITTER VAN DE IIde KAMER, Gezien het verzoekschrift dat X, die verklaart van Kosovaa

Microsoft word - positive mental training.doc

Positive Mental Training Positive Mental Training We all accept today that education is a lifelong experience. We do not expect to leave school with all the skills we need for all our jobs for the rest of our life. And yet, when it comes to mental skills we are expected to just pick these up as we go along. We are not equipped for any of the stresses and strains we will encounter after

Microsoft word - dfwp feb2011.docx

Secure Health EAP Drug Free Workplace Newsletter “Helping individuals to stay drug free” February 2011 Commonly Abused Painkillers and the Potential Aftermath Nearly 14% of U.S. residents--an estimated 35 million people ages 12 and older—reported using prescription pain relievers for non-medical purposes at least once in their lifetime, according to data from the 2009 Natio

Microsoft word - kat plast naast de bak.doc

Het plassen en sproeien door katten in huis is zeer ongewenst gedrag en een zeer vervelend probleem voor hun eigenaren. Maar ook voor de katten zelf is het geen goede situatie omdat dit gedrag vaak voortkomt uit stress bij de kat. Gelukkig kunnen we het ontstaan van sproeigedrag vaak vermijden door de katten op een leeftijd van 6 maanden te castreren en steriliseren. Soms blijkt dit echter nie

Aktienytt vekca 37 2009

Stockholmsbörsen tappade, liksom sina internationella motsvarigheter, mark under veckan. Förklaringen återfanns främst i förnyad oro över det amerikanska banksystemet samt vinsthemtagningar efter den senaste tidens uppgångar. Astelin → Pro → Once Daily → Kombination Värderingen är låg relativt marknaden, jämförelsebolag och även i FDA-godkännandet reducerar patentrisken kr

Clinical case evaluation and results of silverlon sternal dressings in cardiac surgery

CLINICAL CASE EVALUATION AND RESULTS OF SILVERLON STERNAL DRESSINGS IN CARDIAC SURGERY Brian W. Hummel, M.D., F.A.C.S. February 2007 Silver is an antimicrobial agent whose benefits have long been known to surgeons and caregivers. The wide dissemination and progressing antimicrobial resistance to routine antibiotic therapy has prompted the need for further evaluation and management


DISCUSSÃO A principal causa de trombose de prótese é a anticoagulação inadequada, que pode ser encontrada em até82% dos casos. Tradicionalmente indica-se a realização de cirurgia para troca valvar, porém os índices demorbidade e mortalidade são elevados. Atualmente o uso de fibrinolíticos tornou-se uma opção terapêuticaprincipalmente para os casos que acometem as câmaras direita


Ponencia obstétrica: pérdidas embriofetales de repetición Evacuación uterina en la muerte fetal del 2º y 3er trimestre A. González González, E. Cabrillo Rodriruez, F. Magdaleno Dans Hospital Universitario Materno-Infantil La Paz. Madrid. Universidad Autónoma INTRODUCCIÓN las tres está libre de efectos colaterales. Las complicaciones habi-das con la administración de PGF han sido

The scoop on poop

The Scoop on Poop By Charlcie Gill Rabbits produce two types of droppings: fecal pellets and cecotropes. The latter are produced in a region of the rabbit's digestive tract called the ceacum. The ceacum contains a natural community of bacteria and fungi that provide essential nutrients and possibly even protect the rabbit from harmful pathogens. By consuming the cecotropes as they

Microsoft word - ct cardiac referrer information sheet 092009.doc

390 Victoria Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Australia CARDIAC CT T + 61 2 8382 1111 F + 61 2 9332 4142 Information for referring physicians, January 2010 SERVICES OFFERED: CT Coronary Angiogram (includes Calcium Score) Coronary Calcium Score Only (excludes CT Coronary Angiogram) Workup for left atrial ablation procedures PRICE : The final price may be variable , and

Contract specification changes v9 to v10

Contract Specification changes v18 to v20 • V19 Minor changes to indicator wording only, not affecting meaning of • V20 codes H333. (Acute exacerbation of asthma) and H33z1 (Asthma attack) • V20 Drug list tidied to exclude discontinued drugs • V20 added code 745D4 (Post bronchodilator spirometry) to spirometry codes • V20 added code 33950 (Diurnal variation of peak expiratory flow

Mhtml:file://c:\documents and settings\administrator\impostazio

I DIRITTI =MANI NELLA PROSPETTIVA TRANSNAZIONALE I DIRITTI UMANI =ELLA PROSPETTIVA TRANSNAZIONALE Le giurisdizioni a contatto con la giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei =iritti dell’uomo Roma, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri 20 aprile 2009 Pasquale de Lise Corte =uropea dei diritti dell’uomo e giudice amministrativo 1. In questa relazione, dopo alcuni cenni ai

Express deposits terms & conditions

EXPRESS DEPOSITS TERMS & CONDITIONS Unity One Credit Union (hereinafter referred to as “the Credit Union” or “we”) and the member(s) who click “I Agree” below (“member” or “you”) hereby agree to the following: 1. Eligibility and Statement of Application Member hereby applies for Express Deposits (hereafter referred to as "the Service"). Use of the Service co

Capitulo 497.qxd

ÚLCERA GASTRODUODENAL. ASPECTOS GENERALES, ETIOPATOGENIA, CLÍNICA, DIAGNÓSTICO Y TRATAMIENTO MÉDICO. RODOLFO E. CORTI AMADO ESCOBAR* Jefe de la Sección Clínica Esófago-estómago MUHANNAD SAREM* RAFAEL AMÉNDOLA *Médicos Clínicos de la Sección Clínica Esófago-estómago. Médico Clínico de la Sección Clínica Esófago-estó-Hospital de Gastroenterología Dr. Bonorino U

2013-1622-1 ben sum fly v1_benefit summary

Student Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan for Sierra Nevada College 2013-2014 Sierra Nevada College is pleased to offer an Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan underwrittenby UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All undergraduate students are required to enroll inthe insurance plan, unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished. Highlights of the Coverage and Services offered by


Chemical composition, antimicrobial activities and odor descriptions of various Salvia sp. and Thuja sp. essential oilsChemische Zusammensetzung, antimikrobielle Aktivitäten und Geruchsbe-schreibungen von verschiedenen Salvia sp. und Thuja sp. ätherischen ÖlenL. JIROVETZ, G. BUCHBAUER, Z. DENKOVA, A. SLAVCHEV, A. STOYANOVA, E. SCHMIDTThe chemical composition of various commercially av

Maniement du médicament chez :

Conseil Scientifique Coordinateurs Yvon Berland, Gilbert Deray, Maurice Laville Philippe Brunet, Jean-Pierre Fauvel, Vincent Launay-Vacher M a n i e m e n t d u F l u c o n a z o l e c h e z l e p a t i e n t i n s u f f i s a n t r é n a l Quatre-vingts pour cent de la dose de fluconazole administrée est séance de dialyse, trois fois par semaine, après une dose de retrouvé

Microsoft word - pertussis parent letter.doc

Pertussis (whooping cough) What is pertussis? Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a highly contagious bacterial infection that causes an uncontrollable, violent cough lasting several weeks or even months. It is caused by a bacterium that is found in the mouth, nose and throat of an infected person. Pertussis may begin with cold-like symptoms or a dry cough that progress to episodes of severe


Volume 12, Issue 3 The San Diego Association for Rational Inquiry Newsletter Summer, 2007 Does Rational Thought years lauded the moderator who Exclude Faith? faith, or hypocritical claim of it, is every candidate who claims a bit considered unfair, even if faith is of validity because of his relig-encouragement of One seldom hears the words used as a reason to shape foreign


Unraveled the role of adipose tissue and adipocyte hormones There has been a paradigm shift regarding the role of adipose tissue, from one in which adipocytes play a passive role in storing triacylglycerol, to a current model where adipose tissue actively participates in metabolism and mediates the complications of obesity . Obesity is associated with histological and biochemical changes chara


Family Disaster Plan Is your family prepared for a weather emergency?SafeSide® is designed to raise awareness of the Name _____________________________________importance of disaster preparedness by providing School ____________________________________you with tools to protect and prepare yourself and Home Address _____________________________your family for severe weather events. C


1. General description Laser Renovation Of Monuments And Art Works Technological area Environment Start date Duration Total cost Partner sought The Main Aim Is To Design, Investigate And Develop Laser Systems And Technologies ForThe Restoration Of Monuments, And Art Works, Environmentally-Friendly Methods For TheFast And Precise Treatment Of Objects. Budget(Meuro) Duratio

Societatea europeana de medicina de urgenta (eusem) sub conducerea d-lui gunnar Öhlén s-a intrunit anul acesta la cel de-al vi congres european de medicina de urgenta in perioada 11-14 octombrie la stockholm

Participare romaneasca la al VI lea Congres European de Medicina de Urgenta Societatea Europeana de Medicina de Urgenta (EUSEM) s-a intrunit anul acesta la cel de-al VI lea Congres European de Medicina de Urgenta, care a avut loc in perioada 11-14 octombrie la Stockholm, Suedia. Congresul s-a desfasurat in City Conference Centre , unul din cele mai mari centre de conferinte din tarile nordice. Se

Microsoft word - sd-0011 sp registration and assessment 002-08 final draft

SEDA - REGISTRATION / ASSESSMENT OF SERVICE PROVIDERS Preamble Please refer to the guidelines / purpose at the start of each section when completing this form. Where insufficient room is provided for your answers, please expand the space allocated or provide Service Providers must identify any information they provide in their applications that they would like to be treated as

Microsoft word - safeguardingsummary.doc

This Summary is taken from “In Safe Hands”, the Guildford Diocesan Guide to Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults This Summary is intended to give Leaders and Helpers a basic practical outline for them to follow. All those working for the Church or on Church Premises must as a minimum adhere to these guidelines. Where anything is unclear then the full document above should be consulted.


NORMAL LAB VALUES Anticoagulant therapy and monitoring Maternity normals Coumadin (sodium warfarin) PT: 10–12 sec. (control). - FHR:120–160 BPM. Serum electrolytes — Antidote: The antidote for Coumadin is vitamin K. - Contractions: Normal frequency 2-5min, duration Heparin/Lovenox/Dalteparin PTT: 30–45 sec. (control). Antidote: The antidote for Heparin is protamine

Microsoft word - 3-avvalimento.rtf

primi dubbi sull’istituto T.A.R. Lazio, Roma, sez. I- bis , 2 luglio 2007, n. 5896 – Pres. Orciuolo – Est- Morabito – Soc. Simiani S.p.a. c. Ministero della difesa Ai sensi dell’articolo 47 del D.Lgs. 12 aprile 2006, n. 163 sono ammesse alla partecipazione ad appalti pubblici le ditte extracomunitarie stabilite in Paesi firmatari dell'accordo sugli appalti pubblici che fi


ACES - European Academic Entrepreneurs Awards 2008 Reveals Six Leading Sponsors Press Release PROVIDED BY Science|Business FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LONDON and BRUSSELS - 21 July, 2008 - Amgen, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Vinnova, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, and The Wellcome Trust, have joined forces to support the first pan-European programme t


SINOPIA SAS Data revisione 18/05/2011Stampata il 15/06/2011Pagina n. 1 / 7 10900010001000 - SINOTAR Scheda Dati di Sicurezza 1. Identificazione della sostanza o della miscela e della società/impresa 1.1. Identificatore del prodotto 10900010001000 1.2. Pertinenti usi identificati della sostanza o miscela e usi sconsigliati Presidio Medico Chirurgico 18765 1.3. Inform

Microsoft word - seminario accordo formazione 21 12 2011 (3).doc

L’11 gennaio scorso sono stati pubblicati in Gazzetta Ufficiale gli Accordi sanciti in sede di Conferenza Stato Regioni il 21 dicembre 2011 sulla formazione dei Lavoratori e dei Titolari di imprese che intendono svolgere in proprio il ruolo di RSPP, rispettivamente in ottemperanza all’ art 37 (comma 2) e all’ art 34 (commi 2 e 3 ) del D.Lgs.81/08. Tali Accordi definiscono contenuti, moda


Otras parasitosis Hidatidosis o Echinococosis ( Echinococcus granulosus ) • Etiopatogenia : gusano parásito intestinal de los perros que se transmite a los humanos a través de las heces caninas. No se transmite de persona a persona. • Clínica : afectación primordial hepática con 3% de quistes renales de crecimiento lento que suelen requerir cirugía. La rotura del qui


A Chronology of Significant Events in the History of Science and Technology c. 2725 B.C. - Imhotep in Egypt considered the first medical doctor c. 2540 B.C. - Pyramids of Egypt constructed c. 2000 B.C. - Chinese discovered magnetic attraction c. 700 B.C. - Greeks discovered electric attraction produced by rubbing amber c. 600 B.C. - Anaximander discovered the ecliptic (the angle between the p


Sunflower Electric Power Corporation August, 2005 Tom Zerfas at x357 or a member of the Committee Also in this issue: Cost Cap Update An Ounce of Prevention. Determining PPO Heard It Through The Savvier Car Buyers Than Providers Grapevine Healthcare Consumers? A recent study performed by • Wholesale prices for What can we learn from Great-We

Microsoft word - factsheet jmk malaria_f.doc

Fact Sheet Recherche sur la malaria: investir dans l’avenir des pauvres Cadre général La malaria est l'une des quatre maladies les plus répandues dans le monde: près de deux milliards de personnes vivent dans des zones où elle sévit, entre 300 et 500 millions de personnes sont infectées chaque année et environ un million en meurent. Et les enfants en sont les principales

Bargain corner price list.xls

END-OF-YEAR SALE (18-19 Nov 2009) Bargain Corner @ 50% Discount Original Price in Price in S$ after 50% discount incl. GST Annotated Guide to the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2004 by Wong PartnershipAnnotated Guide to The Building Maintenance and Strata Biomedical Science Law & Practice by Zaid HamzahCasebook on Insolvency & the Construction In


Predator™ Topical Pain Relief Cream OTC DESCRIPTION Lidocaine Hydrochloride Topical Cream USP 4% contains a local anesthetic agent and is administered topically. See INDICATIONS for specific uses. Each mL contains: Lidocaine Hydrochloride . . . . . . . . . . 40 mg NOT FOR INJECTION OR ORAL ADMINISTRATION Lidocaine is a local anesthetic chemically designated as 2-(diethylamino)-N-(2,6-d


ALOE VERA : A PLANT OF VITAL SIGNIFICANCE Uzma Yaqub***, Shazia Akbar*, Amran Waheed*, M. Saleem****, and Nasir-ud- ABSTRACT Egyptians papyrus, Mesopotamian clay tabletscontained Aloe as an active ingredient used in curing This research shows the vital significance and infections, treating skin problems and as a laxative importance of Aloe Vera. It is a descriptive research. Aloe


SuperSlim - Quick Review Product Fact Sheet SuperSlim XXX (based on an ancient Chinese herbal recipe) Ingredients: Bigarade Orange, Indian Lotus, Cassia seed, Alilsma orientalis, L-carnitine, Aloe, Evening Primrose, Cumin, P57, Psyllium Husks Function: The Synepherine-p active ingredient places the metabolism in overdrive and results could range from not being able to metabolise the


2013 Medicare High Performance 1 Tier QLL Criteria ABILIFY DISCMELT® ABILIFY DISCMELT 10 MG TABLET - Limited to a quantity of 102 per 34 days. ABILIFY DISCMELT 15 MG TABLET - Limited to a quantity of 68 per 34 days. ABILIFY® ABILIFY 10 MG TABLET - Limited to a quantity of 102 per 34 days. ABILIFY 15 MG TABLET - Limited to a quantity of 68 per 34 days. ABILIFY 2 MG TABLET - L


Förköpsinformation för På följande sidor beskrivs viktig information om sjukförsäkring. För en fullständig beskrivning av rättigheter och skyldigheter, se Allmänna villkor för sjukförsäkring. Fullständiga villkor kan beställas via SEB Trygg Livs hemsida www.seb.se (välj Pension & försäkring i navigationen till vänster och därefter ”Blanketter och villkor” under ru

Microsoft word - planning before your surgery.doc

Planning Before Your Surgery Special Tests It is most likely that you have already had x-rays by your family doctor or in our clinic. If necessary, you may have to undergo other tests such as an arthrogram, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), EMG (electromyography), etc. Pre-Operative Physical Therapy Many patients have had a trial of physical therapy as part of their prior treatment.

(microsoft word - crit\351rios_para_doa\347\343o_de_sangue_e_plaquetas_por_aferese.docx)

Critérios para doação de sangue e plaquetas por aférese O doador de sangue ou componentes deve ter idade de, no mínimo, 18 anos completos e, Peso : O peso mínimo para um candidato ser aceito para a doação é de 50 kg. Freqüência e intervalo entre as doações Para doação de sangue: 4 (quatro) doações anuais para os homens, e de 3 (três) doações anuais para O inte

Caso clinico psicosi f

• F. (nato nel 1996) secondogenito di due; gravidanza decorsa nella norma con parto euto• Allattamento materno sino a quattro mesi. • Non riferite ritardi o atipie nello sviluppo Nel 2008 (12 aa) ricovero per "ulcera gastrica" Ottimo rendimento scolastico da sempre. Ha completato la terza media con difficoltà per l'insorgenza della sintomatologia psicotica. Riferite lievi dif


1 9 . D R U G T R E A T M E N T T R I A L S The science behind the Progeria clinical drug trialsThe science behind the Progeria clinical drug trialsThere are three drugs currently being studied in treatment trials for Progeria: 3) A bisphosphonate called Zoledronic AcidAll of these drugs work in different places along a common pathway thatwe hope will improve disease symptoms in Progeri



Microsoft word - documento

Boll. Malacol., 42 (5-8): 39-57 (2006) La Famiglia Cancellariidae Gray J.E., 1853 nel Plio-Pleistocene mediterraneo. I generi Tribia Jousseaume, 1887 e Scalptia Jousseaume, 1887 con descrizione di due nuove specie Mauro M. Brunetti, Maurizio Forli & Giuseppe Vecchi Riassunto Il genere Tribia Jousseaume, 1887 nel Plio-Pleistocene del bacino mediterraneo comprende sette sp


Scientific Program Sunday, April 14, 2013 Summer School The bold number indicates abstract number. ROOM: Plenary CHAIRMAN: Trevor Owens 1182 Esther de Jong, Functional specialization of tissue dendritic cells 1183 Seppo Meri, The complement system in health and disease Lunch in the exhibition area Simon Davis, Receptor organization and signaling in T-cells 1173 Andreas R


Brief CV of M A Zanjanchi Biography: Date of birth: June 1954 Place of birth: Ghazvin, Iran Nationality: Iranian Marital status: Married, two daughters and one son Affiliation and working address: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Guilan, P.O. Box 1914, Rasht, Iran Tel: 0131-3243630-5 Fax: 0131-3220066 E-mail Academic Ranks: Assistant Prof. 1982-1996 A


Information on the prize draw for shareholders of Siemens AG Register now with an Access Password chosen by yourself! Don’t miss out on this opportunity: Siemens AG will run a prize draw for a chance to win one of 10 iPad mini with Retina Display (64 GB, WiFi) (without network usage agreement). Help us save money and protect the environment by registering for el


Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science - Magazine - The Atlantic Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science M U C H O F W H A T M E D I C A L R ES E A R C H E R S C O N C L U D E I N T H E I R S T U D I E S I S M I S L E A D I N G , E X A G G E R A T E D , O R F L A T - O U T W R O N G . S O W H Y A R E D O C T O R S — T O A S T R I K I N G E X T E N T — S T I L L D R A W I N G U P


PROGRAMA DE SALUD ORAL BASADO EN LA ESCUELA Y LANZAMIENTO DE LA RESPONSABILIDAD Como parte de la iniciativa “Niños Sanos, Mente Sana”, el Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago y el PROGRAMA DE SALUD ORAL BASADO EN LA ESCUELA de las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (el “PROGRAMA”), dentistas licenciados vendrán a la escuela de su hijo(a) en un futuro próximo para proveer EXÁMENES

Secretin and autism: a two-part clinical investigation

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2000 Secretin and Autism: A Two-Part Clinical Investigation Michael G. Chez,1,2 Cathleen P. Buchanan,1 Bradley T. Bagan,1 Michael S. Hammer,1 Karla S. McCarthy,1 Irina Ovrutskaya,1 Caralynn V. Nowinski,1 and Zamia S. Cohen1 Recent anecdotal reports have touted the gastrointestinal (GI) hormone secretin as a treatmentmodality fo


Brychem (UK), 34, The Drive, Orpington, Kent BR6 9AP, United KingdomTel.: +44 1689 600 501. Fax: +44 1689 897 786. The recent scandal over the corrupt China is rapidly catching up Italy (with based resource to assist industry par-administration of Chinese GMP certifica- around 525 registrations) and will no ticipants outside of China to develop ation is unlikely to greatly slow down the doubt

Microsoft word - module 12

MODULE 12 REFERRAL FOR MEDICATION Module 12: Referral for Medication Boston Center for Treatment Development and Training Table Of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………….……………… II MODULE 12: REFERRAL FOR MEDICATION……………………….…………………………. 1 BACKGROUND …………

012501 low back pain

P R I M A R Y C A R E cause of work-related disability, in terms of workers’compensation and medical expenses.1 Risk factors in-clude heavy lifting and twisting, bodily vibration, obe- LOW BACK PAIN sity, and poor conditioning, although low back pain iscommon even in people without these risk factors.16 DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION Because a precise anatomical diagnosis is elusive, di-agnosti

Microsoft word - reagan author approved edits 12-7-05 _h__p_.doc

REAGAN AUTHOR APPROVED EDITS 12-7-05 (H)(P) 9/12/2006 9:56:03 AM THE HUNT FOR SEALED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS There is substantial concern over courts sealing settlement agree-ments.1 This article describes how the Federal Judicial Center conducted some research on the matter as it pertains to federal civil cases at the re-quest of a United States senator and the Civil Rules Advisory Committee.2 W


OFFICE OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS DIOCESE OF ARLINGTON ASTHMA ACTION PLAN PROCEDURES ON REVERSE TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT: S tude nt ________________________________________ DOB _____________ S c hool ___________________________________ Gr a de __________ Em e r ge nc y C onta c t ________________________________________________ R e la tionship _______________________ P hone __________

Microsoft word - 4.health policy_aug 06.doc

Preventing illness Infections are common in children and often lead to il ness. At home, children are reasonably wel protected from infectious diseases because they don’t come in contact with many people. The adults they meet are general y immune to many childhood il nesses because they had them as children or they have been vaccinated. Because of this immunity, adults cannot transmit th

Morewine’s oak barrel care guide

MoreWine’s Oak Barrel Care Guide Congratulations on your new winery purchase and welcome to the world of oak barrel ageing! Your home winery is now part of an age-old tradition which truly does add depth and character to the wines produced in this method. The following are some guidelines and considerations that you’ll want to keep in mind as you put your wine through this wonderf


Management S C A N D I N A V I A N J O U R N A L O F RolfA. Lundina,*, Run !olfur S. Steinth !orssonba International Business School, J .onk.oping University, SE-551 11 J.onk.oping, Swedenb Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Iceland, IS-101 Reykjav!ık, IcelandReceived 1 November 1999; received in revised form 1 February 2001This article reflects upon the

Susie n

SUSIE N. CHUNG, M.D., P.A. - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Pregnancy Information Sheet - Congratulations on your pregnancy, and thank you for choosing us to care for you! Our Staff: Kim (Medical Receptionists), Jane (Medical Assistant) and Suzanne (Practice Manager) Hospital : St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson, Maryland Cross-coverage : More than likely, I will be delivering yo


Towards wise decision-making Tim LeBon & David Arnaud 1) Decision analysis Many people come to consultant philosophers for help with decision-making. An individual agonising over a career switch may visit a philosophical counsellor, an organisation may call in a dilemma trainer to enhance their staff's ability to make good ethical decisions, and managers may call in an expert in

Top 10 steroid screwups

© Copyright by SteroidsExpert.com. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission. Disclaimer For educational and entertainment purposes only. No responsibility is assumed by the author or publisher for any


Every day when you go to school, you will come across different trees in the school campus. Do you know the total number of trees in the school campus? Do you know the number of tree species (found in the school? If I were asked the same questions last year, my answer would certainly be “NO.” But now, I can give you the exact answers! Early this academic year, the school Gardening Club parti

Life-style advice to men who have had one or more abnormal sperm function tests

Any alteration in adverse factors can take 10-12 weeks to show an normal fertilisation after intercourse, but cannot be guaranteed to do so. A poor swim up has less than 4 million/ml rapidly motile sperm and would be unlikely to achieve fertilisation after normal intercourse or standard in-vitro Parameters measured in sperm function tests fertilisation (IVF). Persistently poor sperm swim u


The new england journal of medicine d r u g t h e r a p y Therapeutic Strategies for Rheumatoid Arthritisheumatoid arthritis, a chronic, systemic, inflammatoryFrom the Department of Internal Medicine,University of Nebraska Medical Center;autoimmune disease, has as its primary target the synovial tissues. When thedisease is unchecked, it leads to substan

Organisateurs internet

Coordinateurs 2012 /2013 Département Organisateurs Association Zone Non Aedificandi CD d'athlétisme du 67 Office des Sports de Strasbourg Club d'orientation mulhouse UFOLEP 24 Sport athletique merignac Sport athletique gazinet cestas CODEP EPGV 33 CDOS 33 (16 au 23 09) CD EPGV 40 UNSS Béarn et Soule CHADRAC TAEKWONDO LC RANDAN TENNIS DE TABLE U


Structure of the Heart__________________________________________________________ The obvious starting point of this system is the heart . The heart is a muscular pump about the size of a human fist. The heart is made of a unique muscle tissue called cardiac muscle , which is found within the myocardium , which makes up the wall of the heart. Like skeletal muscle, it is striated with strands

Nonsignificance plus high power does not imply support for the null over the alternative

Nonsignificance Plus High Power Does Not Imply Support for the NullOver the AlternativeThis article summarizes arguments against the use of power to analyze data, and illustrates a key pitfall: Lackof statistical significance (e.g., p O .05) combined with high power (e.g., 90%) can occur even if the datasupport the alternative more than the null. This problem arises via selective choice of para

Microsoft word - flaxfx screening-questionnaire v1.doc

A research study of the effects of flaxseed lignans on colon health Initial Questionnaire Please note: your participation is voluntary and any information you give us will be kept confidential. Your answers to this questionnaire will determine if you are eligible to participate in the study. Thank you for your time and interest. There are some characteristics, every day habits and me


SALVAT pharmaceutical company reaffirms its commitment to ocular safety with this new development. Launch of TEBARAT®, the first preservative-free azelastine for allergic conjunctivitis. The inflammatory process associated with conjunctivitis increases the vulnerability of ocular surface tissues, so the use of antihistamines containing preservatives is not advisable. Most of the eye drop

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Hermann Memorial Library, Sullivan County Community College The rules for citing the most frequently used source types are given below: printed books of all kinds, including reference books; periodicals; and lastly, sources found on the World Wide Web. This list of rules and examples is not exhaustive. Students should refer to the following book, which is always on hand in the Ready Reference Are

Microsoft word - meningitis fact sheet.doc

MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS FACT SHEET WHAT IS MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS? Meningococcal disease is a severe bacterial infection of the bloodstream or meninges (a thin lining covering the brain and spinal cord). It is a relatively rare disease and usually occurs as a single isolated event. Clusters of cases or outbreaks are rare in the United States. HOW IS THE GERM MENINGOCOCCUS SPREAD?


Dr.Rath Ausgabe 06/2012 – Juli 2912 „Alterskrankheit“ Diabetes? Immer mehr Jüngere von Zuckerkrankheit betroffen Die Stoffwechselkrankheit Diabetes mellitus gehört zu den Studie belegt alarmierende Entwicklung großen Volkskrankheiten, sind doch alleine in Deutschland In ihrer Online-Ausgabe vom 6. Mai 2012 bezeichnet die etwa 6 Mio. Menschen davon betroffen – Tendenz


Journal of Personality and Social Psychology© 2010 American Psychological AssociationFalse Fame Prevented: Avoiding Fluency Effects Without Judgmental CorrectionThree studies show a way to prevent fluency effects independently of judgmental correction strategies byidentifying and procedurally blocking the sources of fluency variations, which are assumed to beembodied in nature. For verbal stim

Tih348391 703.710

Toxicology and Industrial Health25(9-10) 703–710ª The Author(s) 2009Reprints and permission: http://www. sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermission.navDOI: 10.1177/0748233709348391tih.sagepub.comKaye H Kilburn, Jack D Thrasher and Nina B ImmersAbstractIncreased prevalence of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the failure to find genetic explanations haspushed the hunt for environmental cause

Peter lehmann: the particul.

Peter Lehmann: The Particular Elements of Soteria from t. file:///D:/MyFiles/documenten/soteria/literatuur/soteria.htm Lecture at the congress "Soteria and No Restraint", Merano, Peter Lehmann The Particular Elements of Soteria from the Perspective of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry For the majority of (ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry the particular elements of Sot

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Dr. Chamara Senaratna MBBS, MSc, MD __________________________________________________________________ Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Telephone: chamaravs@yahoo.com / chamaravs@sjp.ac.lk OVERVIEW • Senior Lecturer in Community Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri • Board-certified specialist in Community Medicine • V

People’s bank

St. Mary Medical Center 2013 PRESCRIPTION DRUG PROGRAM Caremark consistently strives to provide you with the highest quality prescription benefits program available. Caremark offers a network of over 54,000 pharmacies in the United States for your retail prescriptions, including CVS, Eckerd, Kinney, Kroger, Publix, Revco, Rite Aid, Stop and Shop, Walgreen’s, Wal

Approaches to assessing drug safety in the discovery phase: highlights of the society for medicines research symposium

Copyright © 2010 Prous Science, S.A.U. or its licensors. All rights reserved. APPROACHES TO ASSESSING DRUG SAFETY INTHE DISCOVERY PHASEHIGHLIGHTS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MEDICINESRESEARCH SYMPOSIUM HELD ON SEPTEMBER 24TH, 2009, AT THE NATIONAL HEART &LUNG INSTITUTE, KENSINGTON, LONDON, U.K. J. Allen1, P. Jeffrey2, R. Williams3 and A.J. Ratcliffe4 1AstraZeneca, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, SK1

Society for the prevention of

RESOLVING FELINE SPRAYING Tiberius spies a new neighborhood cat investigating his backyard—an intruder on his turf! He backs up to a chair near the patio door, raises his tail and, with a quiver, lets fly with several quick squirts ffoul-smelling urine. When finished, Ti resumes his business of patrolling for nonexistent rodents between long naps in the sun. Get the Message? Urine stain


NEW FINDINGS FROM OPHTHALMOLOGY, AJO, AND ARCHIVES Ophthalmology rs10490924 in ARMS2 had a 10-fold Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Variations in the ARMS2 Gene hakravarthy et al. demonstrated Retinoblastoma and Simulating Lesions were most likely to have Coats disease rhage (5 percent); those 2 to 5 years of susceptibility 2 (ARMS2) gene. They S hields

Microsoft word - treatment of gastro intestinal disorders.doc

Treatment of gastro-intestinal disorders – Dr Stephen Middleton Before starting any treatments it is vital to make sure that you know what is wrong with you. It is crucial to get the correct diagnosis from a doctor before embarking on a treatment. 1. Heartburn (gastro- oesophageal reflux disorder, GORD) Treatment of this condition can be divided into simple measures such as life


JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Jan. 2007, p. 199–2050095-1137/07/$08.00ϩ0 doi:10.1128/JCM.01319-06Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Effects of Phenotype and Genotype on Methods for Detection ofExtended-Spectrum-␤-Lactamase-Producing Clinical Isolates of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in NorwayᰔStåle Tofteland,1,2* Bjørg Haldo

Iain hunter: in the sludge of despond over sewage - times colonist

Iain Hunter: In the sludge of despond over sewage - Times Colonist Iain Hunter: In the sludge of despond over sewage A scientist asked a good question as reported in the July 1896 issue of Scientific Ameri-can: Why would people bring into their homes “a most deadly enemy” in the form of awater closet instead of being content to use an outdoor privy?The enemy has come out of the closet, so


2013 MEDICAL PLAN COMPARISON FOR MEDICARE ELIGIBLE RETIREES This summary contains only a partial, general description of the medical plan benefits and does not constitute a contract. Consult your Medical Summary Plan Description and/or the Certificate of Coverage to determine governing contractual provisions, including procedures, exclusions, pre-certification requirements and limitations rel

July 29, 2010

August 19, 2010 Mr. John Cockburn Director Equipment Division, Office of Energy Efficiency Natural Resources Canada 930 Carling Avenue, 2nd Floor, Room 25 Ottawa, ON K1A 0Y3 Re: Canada Gazette, Part I; June 21, 2010 Dear Mr. Cockburn: The Security Industry Association (SIA) and the Canadian Security Association (CANASA) are pleased to respond to your request for comments on the Natural Res

Replace this text with the title

Development of Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction Method of Emerging Contaminants in Freshwater Sediments Diana Nara Ribeiro de Sousa1, Guilherme Martins Grosseli1, Mariele Barboni Campanha1, Renato Lajarim Carneiro1, Antonio Aparecido Mozeto1, Pedro Sérgio Fadini1 1Universidade Federal de São Carlos – UFSCar, Rod. Washington Luís km 235, São Introduction: The determination


Âmbito: Economia, Negócios e. Corte: 1 de 2Média no final do mestrado de José Salgado, LUÍS BENTO DOS SANTOS Administrador do Banco Santander Totta 50 alunos portugueses vão poder estudarnuma das 300 universidades de Espanhaou América Latina. Primus Inter Pares, vai manter o in-vestimento em Responsabilidade So-cial muito centrado nas universida-des. As novidades são o pro

Awp008 1.1

Brain Advance Access published February 12, 2009 OCCASIONAL PAPERHubris syndrome: An acquired personalitydisorder? A study of US Presidents andUK Prime Ministers over the last 100 years1 House of Lords, London, UK2 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, USACorrespondence to: Lord David Owen,House of Lords,SW1A 0PW London, UKE-mail: lordowe

Microsoft word - research 2010.doc

Citations of selected published research, predominantly from Australia Links to National Library of Medicine (USA) PubMed database This list has been compiled to assist families in the SIDS and Kids community in accessing information on current Perinatal death (Including stillbirth) Aliyu MH, Salihu HM, Alio AP, Wilson RE, Chakrabarty S, Clayton HB. Prenatal smoking among adolesce


PUBLICATIONS 1/ Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture : 86-1 Caroli F., Leplège A., Mercuel A., Urgence Psychiatrique et Troubles Somatiques, L'Encéphale , 1986, XII:335-41. 89-1 Chebili S. et Leplège A., 1989, Toxicomanie, prostitution et Sida : problèmes éthiques , Nervure , t.II, n.8, pp.55-7. 91-1 Leplège A. Pour un historique de la définition scientifique du médic

Microsoft word - abridged minutes november 13 for website

Abridged Minutes of Dufferin Parent Council Meeting Mme Coretti’s room needs a window and a paint job! WiFi was installed in the Annex today, but its floors still need buffing. Air quality in M Segura’s room is a serious concern; will be checked. b. Staffing: Mme Graham has left for a full time position at Walsh. A posting for this 0.5 FTE opportunity is Progress reports have gone home an

Microsoft word - sci morning notes 8-6-12.docx

Main Number| 856-751-1331 Trading Desk | 800-486-1515 Web: www.sturdivant-co.com Email: research@sturdivant-co.com MORNING NOTES…8/6/2012 THE ANALYST’S DESK  Kraft Foods (KFT-40.51, Not Rated, Yield 2.0%) Kraft reported that operating EPS was $0.68 versus $0.62 in the second quarter of 2011, in line with estimates. Net revenue fell 4.3%, organic revenue grew 8.3%. First


Substance misuse in patients with schizophrenia: a primary care guide THE VAST MAJORITY of people with schizophrenia misuse substances, but this comorbidity is frequently under-recog- nised and poorly addressed. Between 60% and 90% of■ Smoking presents a substantial health and economic burden people with schizophrenia smoke cigarettes,1 which has a■ Comorbid use of other substances is co

Hefepilze im körper

Hefepilze im Körper Dr. med. Siegfried Dörfler - 3. komplett überarbeitete Auflage 1998 - ISBN 3-9804994-6-4 170 Seiten, 17 Tabellen und Abbildungen - € 13,90 Inhaltsverzeichnis • Vorwort der ersten Auflage • Geleitwort zur 3. Auflage • Vorwort zur 3. Auflage • 1.Entstehung der Pilzerkrankung o 1.1.Pilze - Freund und Feind o 1.2.Viele Beschwerden - ei

Stoeckl dentistry

Stoeckl Dentistry - Health History First Name ____________________ Last Name __________________ MI ______ Have you been hospitalized in the last 5 years? No / Yes Reason_____________________ Are you receiving medical care? If Yes, why?_________________ Last health exam: ___________ Please list names/phone numbers of doctors who are currently providing care for you. . 1.___________

Periodontal infections and diabetes mellitus: when will the puzzle be complete?

J Clin Periodontol 2007; 34: 913–916 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2007.01140.xDivision of Periodontics, Section of Oral andDiagnostic Sciences, Columbia UniversityCollege of Dental Medicine, New York, NY,USALalla E. Periodontal infections and diabetes mellitus: when will the puzzle becomplete? J Clin Periodontol 2007; 34: 913–916. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2007.01140.x. The article in last mont


B/W VIDEO CAMERA The XC-E Series are compact, light-weight one-piece black and white cameras incorpo- rating the latest 1/2 and 1/3 type Interline (IT) CCD which produces new levels of picture detail. With dimensions of 29 x 29 x 32 mm, these cameras can easily be installed in places where installation was previously difficult for other larger cameras. The XC-E Series offer thr

Sparcc abstracts, publications and book chapters

SPARCC Abstracts and Publications  1. Gladman DD, Rahman P, Cook RJ, Shen H, Zummer M, Thomson G, Nair B, Rohekar S, Ayearst R, Inman RD, Maksymowych W. The Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada Registry for Spondyloarthritis. J Rheumatol doi: 10.3899/jrheum.101102, First Release April 15/11. 2. Braun J, van den Berg R, Baraliakos X, Boehm H, Burgos-Vargas R, Collantes-Estevez

Microsoft word - gastrogard iifix.doc

Spr 07 / GastroGard II The Effect of Oral Omeprazole on Third Compartment pH in Clinically Normal Alpacas ARF Investigator Profile by Ingrid Wood Jennifer Lynn Johnson DVM, MS Before perusing the most recent research information about a product called GastroGard, readers may want to review an article which appeared in the Spring 2006 edition of Alpacas Magazine under the title Bioavailability a

Microsoft word - sandiegoclinicinstructions.doc

Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos HCHS/SOL. Your appointment at the HCHS/SOL Study Clinic has been scheduled for: Time: ___:___ A.M. Please come to 450 4th Ave. Suite 311, Chula Vista, CA . A map and directions are attached. For questions, you may call Johanne Hernandez at 619-205-1923, between 9am to 4pm, Monday through Fri


Community Midwives, LLC www.communitymidwives.info Preparing for Pregnancy Question: This December I am going off of my birth control Depo-Provera. I have been on it for more than 5 years. What can and should I do to prepare my body for pregnancy? I am already taking Folic Acid, is there anything else I should do or be aware of? Thanks! Great proactive question! I focus on three basic


Q2L applies to non formal settings (learners without teachers) = WP 3 (L2- L1), WP5 (L2-L2), WP7 (L1-L2). Q2L: For learners without the supervision of a teacher (4 parts / 35 questions) A.Learning through watching subtitles (9 questions) Instruction list of languages but add Korean, Somali, Persian/Dari, Pashto, Q2L – 02 Subtitled audiovisuals are useful for learning language


Page 1 of 6 Form 9: School Health Care Plan Severe Allergies This plan should be completed by the pupil’s parent/carer and approved by the hospital consultant/specialist nurse/GP. (A letter detailing medication/care and signed by the hospital consultant/specialist nurse or GP can replace this signature.)Once completed, the parent/carer is responsible for taking a copy of this School He

Microsoft word - eia-2693.doc

DRG® Estradiol ELISA (EIA-2693) REVISED 23 MAY 2005 1 INTRODUCTION The DRG® Estradiol Enzyme Immunoassay Kit provides materials for the quantitative determination of Estradiol in serum and plasma. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only. Estradiol (1,3,5(10)-estratriene-3,17β-diol; 17β-estradiol; E21) is a C18 steroid hormone with a phenolic A ring. This


NOSE BLEEDS IN DOGS There are many potential causes for nose bleeds in dogs. Bleeding from the nose (aka Epistaxis) is NOT normal for any dog at any time. Epistaxis can occur in one or both nostrils and can range from a few droplets or large discharges. Some cases start with sneezing and traces of blood in nasal discharges, while others have profuse bleeding as the first sign. Causes of N

F:\2, setek\2,会议\2, 2011硒会议\2012 program schedules.doc

2012 PROGRAM SCHEDULES October 23, 2011 (Sunday) October 24, 2011 (Monday), Academic Hall, Ren Min University Opening Ceremony Chairs: G.S. Bañuelos & X.B. Yin Guest Speech The Functional Agriculture in China: Present and Future Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Session 1 Selenium in Soils and the Need for Biofortification of CropsSources and Transformations of Selen


Teeth Worn Out Due to Medication The tooth decay the dentist found on the elderly man's mouth was one highly unusual black hole on oneof his front teeth. Because he gagged when he put his prescribed nitroglycerine tablets under his tongue,he decided to put it under his upper lip instead. The hole in his tooth was formed because of them. This The oral medicine specialists have stated that hundr


Purim Packages are Conduit for First Ever Collaborative Day Schools Initiative by Hodie Kahn Golda Meir once remarked that she never did anything alone; whatever she accomplished in Israel was accomplished collectively. Taking their cue from Golda, Greater Vancouver’ s day schools have joined together to accomplish something collectively, the first-ever Greater Vancouver Jewish Day Schools Purim

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Peter D’Arcy Sutherland Peter Sutherland Dr Peter D’Arcy Sutherland MBBS, FRACS (Urology) Married to wife Mary, since 1981. Two children, Julia and Henry. Commenced at University of Adelaide Medical School Passed Fellowship in Urology Examination Peter Sutherland Basic Surgical Training, Royal Adelaide Hospital Appointed to Urological Training Post, Royal Adelaide Hospital Ad


STATE COMMISSION ON JUDICIAL CONDUCT PUBLIC STATEMENT No. PS-2006-1 In July of 2004, a press conference was held by a parents’ rights group to announce the filing of a complaint against a judge who they accused of violating the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct for his extra-judicial service on several boards, including Texas CASA (“Court Appointed Special Advocates”). Based on


2nd Sunday Lent B GIFT OF GOD, THE SON First Reading : Response : “I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps. 115) Responsorial Psalm : Psalm 115 Second Reading : In the Transfiguration, the apostles experienced Jeshua (Jesus) as the gift of God, in a special way. He is seen as the Son of God. He is present to us today as the Risen Lord, giving us


Post Concussion Injury Fact Sheet and Recovery Guide What is a concussion? A concussion is an injury to the brain caused by a blow to the head. This injury causes the brain to not function normally for a period of time. Concussions may be referred to as mild traumatic brain injuries and get better with time. However, occasionally there can be more significant problems, and it is impor

Microsoft word - pde5_inhibitors.doc

Sexual Advice Association Suite 301 Emblem House, London Bridge Hospital, 27 Tooley Street, London SE1 2PR Helpline 020 7486 7262 Website www.sexualadviceassociation.co.uk Email info@sexualadviceassociation.co.uk Oral treatments for impotence (erectile dysfunction) There are (up to April 2011) three new treatments available. The first to be marketed was Viagra  (or sildenafi


20 ème Course St Just St Rambert - Chambles dimanche 26 décembre 2010 - St Just St Rambert Résultats individuels : classement arrivee Logica Cross et Route — © 2002 Fédération Française d’AthlétismeLogica Cross et Route — © 2002 Fédération Française d’AthlétismeLogica Cross et Route — © 2002 Fédération Française d’Athlétisme 1h00'04'' 1h00'07'' 1

Microsoft word - info about mohs surgery.doc

Mohs Surgery Mohs surgery, also called Mohs micrographic surgery, is a specialized technique for removing skin cancer. Named after its inventor, Dr. Frederic Mohs, Mohs surgery is the treatment of choice for many skin cancers. It offers the following advantages: • Highest cure rate . Because all surgical margins are examined microscopically in the office, this procedure has the highes

Microsoft word - adl report for portfolio2

ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING ASSESSMENT REPORT Claimant Name: Date of Birth: Claim No: Employer: Child Support Agency (Department of Human Services) Type of Injury: Date of Injury: Date Referred for Assessment: Date of Assessment: Documentation Reviewed: Comcare referral documentation, previous medical reports Konekt Consultant: Consultant Contact Numbe

Ausführliche information an Ärztinnen und Ärzte

Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Endokrinologie und Diabetologie Société Suisse d’Endocrinologie et de Diabétologie Società Svizzera d’Endocrinologia e da Diabetologia Societad Svizra d’Endocrinologia e da Diabetologia Ausführliche Information an Ärztinnen und Ärzte Avandia®, Avandamet® – Sistierung der Zulassung in der Schweiz Aufgrund der Sistierung der Zulassung

Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance

Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance Sander Nieuwenhuis1,2, Birte U Forstmann3 & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers3 In theory, a comparison of two experimental effects requires a That is, as famously noted by Rosnow and Rosenthal “surely, God statistical test on their difference. In practice, this comparison loves the 0.06 nearly as much as th


120  frugal  tips  for  a  fabulous  faceApply loose powder over your blush for a softer look. Mix Sorbolene and almond oil together for a lovely moisturiser. Grow Aloe Vera and use for a great face lotion and anti-ageing eye cream. Baby Amolin is great for chafed lips and sore red noses. Mix blush with baby powder for a new colour. Buy an old fashioned razor at the barber shop. Re

Nana a

Nana A. Y. Twum-Danso, MD, MPH, FACPM 2716 Elliott Avenue, Apt. 806, Seattle, WA 98121, USA SUMMARY: Licensed medical doctor who is board certification in preventive medicine and public health and has more than 12 years of experience in global health research, policy and practice with:  Subject matter expertise in quality improvement, organizational transformation, health systems s

Privately billed tests

Information and prices are correct at the time of publication (July 2011), however may be subject to change. *P.O.A – Please phone 1300 552 512 for clarification of the fee. $33.15 (Medicare rebate available under certain circumstances) thromboembolism or First degree relative who has a prove defect of Antithrombin, protein C/S or APCR ADH $30.70 (Invoice from $31.15 (Invoi

The state versus frienda haimann muhekeni

IN THE HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA THE STATE FRIENDA HAIMANN MUHEKENI HIGH COURT SPECIAL REVIEW CASE NO. 592/08 REVIEW JUDGMENT ANGULA, A.J.: This matter came before me for special review. The letter by the Magistrate under cover of which the records of the “ Due to the continuous misunderstandings between the presiding officer a`nd Mr Hennie Barnard (the Magistrate) I did

Travel health insurance

Ashe Center | Student Health and Wellness Information for Travelers Travel Health Insurance As a traveler you must ensure that you are familiar with your health insurance coverage while abroad. You must determine whether coverage applies to pre-existing medical conditions, to conditions acquired during travel, to hospitalizations, or to medical evacuation from abroad. It is recommend

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CHEMICAL AND PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY 1. OVERVIEW Historical development Chemical industry is one of the oldest industries in India. The industry, including petrochemicals, and alcohol-based chemicals, has grown at a pace outperforming the overall growth of the industry. The Chemicals Industry comprises both small and large scale units. The fiscal concessions granted to small sector

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Music as medicine

Music as Medicine by Simon Heather Most of us listen to music for relaxation but few people realise just how powerful soundand music can be for healing. In ancient times, sound and music were used as a healing toolfor both body and mind. Now, studies show that music may be an effective treatment forconditions as varied as heart disease, depression and stroke. Heart Disease A recent review of


GIORN. IT. MAL. TOR., 63, 4, 000-000, 2009Un innovativo sistema multipotenziale di filtraggiodell’aria Riassunto A novel multipotential air-filtering Accanto a numerose proposte di filtraggio del particolato atmosferico (PM)che costituisce motivo di grave preoccupazione per la salute umana a cagionedel suo potere altamente inquinante, viene qui presentato un innovativo si-stema brevetta

Microsoft word - lithium batteries carried by passenger or crew on helicopter.doc

Lithium batteries carried by passenger or crew on an aircraft Definition of a lithium battery: The term “lithium battery” refers to a family of different chemistries, comprising many types of cathodes and electrolytes. For the purposes of the IATA-DGR, they are separated into: • Lithium metal batteries are primary (non-rechargeable) batteries that have lithium metal or lithium co

Microsoft word - prog_feb2006_4_pdf.doc

Stapleford-Berlin 2006 Latest developments in effective medical treatments for addiction. The 3rd Berlin Stapleford International Addiction Conference. Berlin. Weekend of March 18-20th 2006. Some timing and other details may still be subject to change. Poster presentations will be on display throughout the conference and it is hoped that those wanting more information will easi


Dott. Stefano Muzi MEDICO DI MEDICINA GENERALE Studio Medico Convenzionato con il SSN per la Medicina Generale Viale Po 58 E Pomezia (Campoascolano) 00040 Roma In caso di trattamento dei disturbi del ritmo cardiaco, è necessario monitorare la tiroide. L'amiodarone è un farmaco che contiene molto iodio, ampiamente prescritto per le malattie cardiache e che può modificare il funzionam

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RASHAUN P. SOURLES 4750 E. 53rd St., Unit 103 Minneapolis, MN 55417 Tweet @rashaunps STRATEGIC BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING MANAGER  Comprehensive experience in sales, marketing and new business development—including personal client relations, project leadership and total account management.  Skilled in strategic planning and high-impact, target marketing; deter


Patología de Urgencia (2001) 9, 37-38 Sección: Invitados Dr. Saúl Drajer Existen desde hace muchos años en nuestro País, Insti-Marcelo Alvarez - Lic. Sofía Pagliero), Sociedad Argen-tuciones que se dedican a la enseñanza de la resucitacióntina de Patología de Urgencia y Emergentología de lacardiopulmonar (R.C.P.). Pero no había una entidad queAsociación Médica Argenti


Berg&Bush Descent GC Results after day 2 27 October 2012 P_All P_Cat Time GC Time day1 Time day2 Place day2 Team# TeamName Category P_All P_Cat Time GC Time day1 Time day2 Place day2 Team# TeamName Category P_All P_Cat Time GC Time day1 Time day2 Place day2 Team# TeamName Category P_All P_Cat Time GC Time day1 Time day2 Place day

Crystal reports - résultats magazine_2013_2_webversionsql_usa.rpt

 USA Results of the sBs horses and approved stallions  1e quarter 2013  CANAO DES HAYETTES F - 18/06/2008 - sBs - QUETZACOATL SIMONETRI et/en HERMIONE ROUGE (PAPILLON ROUGE) Naisseur/Fokker : HAYETTES (Haras des -) 08600 - GIVET Tel. +33 (0) 607.44.37.49 - GSM +32 (0) 473.23.16.44 DARK DE LA HART M - 30/05/2003 - BWP - KASHMIR VAN SCHUTTERSHOF et/en UMBRA


IMPORTANT Reference is made to the prospectus (the “Prospectus”) issued by Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited (the “Company”) dated 2 March 2012 in relation to the Rights Issue. Terms defined in the Prospectus shall bear the same meanings herein unless the context requires otherwise. THIS EXCESS APPLICABLE FORM IS VALUABLE BUT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. TH


POSITIVE VOICES–MAY 2010 Your Newsletter by Positive People for Positive People LGBTQ Adult Education Series: Three evenings in May and June 2010 Come out and find out about current issues of importance to members of the lesbian/gay/ bisexual/ transgender/ queer communities. You may attend one or all of the programs in the series. Allies welcome! Refreshments will be served. Free


2 W H AT ’ S oxidant wheat germ amino acids repair skin and pro-mote skin cell formation to regenerate and maintainyouthful skin. This lovely cream also contains anti-oxi-dant Vitamins E, C, B5, A and Coenzyme Q10. There isa bit of natural fragrance in here, which smells nice, V isitHealingSpringsandtryourproductsmadewith Hungarian healing waters used for centuries to treat

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Sri Lanka Association for Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI) Proceedings of the third Annual Sessions Recent Developments in Bayesian Approach in Filtering Junk E-mail Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Abstract standardized definition for spam, however in generally the word “spam” is used to refer to unwanted “garbage” e-mail massages. Spam Junk mail is one


2011 Medicare Prime Closed QLL Criteria ABILIFY DISCMELT® ABILIFY DISCMELT 10 MG TABLET - Limited to a quantity of 68 per 34 days. ABILIFY DISCMELT 15 MG TABLET - Limited to a quantity of 68 per 34 days. ABILIFY® ABILIFY 10 MG TABLET - Limited to a quantity of 34 per 34 days. ABILIFY 15 MG TABLET - Limited to a quantity of 34 per 34 days. ABILIFY 2 MG TABLET - Limited to a q

Microsoft word - extract.doc

9. HERBS IN FOOD AND NUTRITION Extract OVERVIEW In this module we cover the following topics: Culinary herbs The nutritional value of herbs Beneficial use of herbs as a food supplement OBJECTIVE We have learnt about common ailments observed in women and children, and found how herbal medicines offer a better therapy alternative for these. We have also seen the widespre

Microsoft word - quelques réflexions sur le thème de la transformation.docx

Quelques réflexions sur le thème de la transformation La philosophie - comme les soins aux malades - n’est pas d’abord une spécialité universitaire. Elle est née de la vie, avec des questions fondamentales, que tout un chacun est amené à se poser un jour ou l’autre, comme il est naturel que l’on soit conduit, à partir de sa propre expérience de la maladie ou de la souffrance d

Technical report

RAPORT TEHNIC NUMAI pentru UZUL MEDICILOR VETERINARI ! Formulator si Sef al Departamentului Medical Veterinar – Rx Vitamins for Pets™ Ultra EFA STRATEGIA TERAPEUTICA : 1) Asigura suport nutritional pentru activitatea multor tesuturi nobile, specializate, precum epidermul si structurile anexe, rinichi, intestin, sistemul imunitar, miocard, tesutul cerebral, sistemul endocrin


---- REPLACING NEW BATTERY #CR-2032 (round lithium) 01. Unplug power and all cables to M1. 02. Turn M1 upside-down on padding with keys to back, no weight on joystick. 03. Unscrew and remove bottom plate. Battery is hidden from view under larger processor board. 04. Unscrew and tilt larger processor board to expose battery. 05. Carefully push old battery out of holder, noting its + side orientat

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