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REV CHIL OBSTET GINECOL 2006; 71(6): 437-439Betametasona antenatal e incidencia de distrés respiratorio despuésde cesárea electiva: estudio aleatorizado pragmático (1)Stutchfield P, Whitaker R, Russell I. Antenatal Steroids for Term Elective Caesarean Section (ASTECS)Research Team. BMJ 2005; 331: 662-8. Análisis crítico: BERNARDITA DONOSO B., CLAUDIO VERA P-G., JORGE CARVAJAL C., PhD. Uni




AANWINSTEN Samenstelling : Anne April en Caroline Claeys Verdeeld over een vijftiental thema's serveren we u in deze rubriek een up-to-date overzicht van de nieuwe aanwinsten in de RoSa-bibliotheek. Alle gesignaleerde titels zijn beschikbaar in de bibliotheek en kunnen er ontleend worden. De volledige Rosa-collectie (boeken én tijdschriften) is doorzoekbaar in de on line bibliotheekcatalog


Institut für Rechtsmedizin Abteilung Verkehrsmedizin Merkblatt für Fahrzeuglenker mit Diabetes mellitus Gilt für Diabetiker/innen, die mit Insulin oder mit Sulfonylharnstoffen (Amaryl, Daonil, Diamicron, Euglucon, Glutril u.a.) oder mit Gliniden (Novo-Norm, Starlix) behandelt werden. 1. Grundsätzliches  Im Auto mitführen: - rasch verfügbare Kohlenhydr

Dear parent or guardian

New Jersey Administrative Code 6A: Chapter 16 requires each Asthmatic Student in our school district to have an Individual Asthma Treatment Care Plan. Your child has been identified as an Asthmatic and requires your physician to submit an Asthma Treatment Care Plan for your child. This Treatment Plan will be utilized in the event your child has an asthmatic attack at school. I have developed a sa


Editorial New therapeutic perspectives in prostate cancerIrena Manea1, B. Djavan2, C. N. Manea1, V.Cristea1, I. Coman1 1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy „Iuliu Haflieganu” Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2 Minimal Invasive and Prostate Center, New York University (NYU), New York, USA Abstract Along with progresses in understanding the complex interactions between tumor cells and the immune r


Patient Breaks Hip as a Result of Falling at Home After Taking Her Prescribed Nortriptyline Root Cause Analysis Report Analysis Name: Injury Due to Medication PROACTOnDemand P.O. Box 1421 Hopewell, VA 23860 Table of Contents Appendices (see attached if applicable) Preserve (5P's) PReserve Event Data As in any investigative occupation, it is a REQUIREMENT that data


Date: ___________________ Name _____________________________________________ Sex: Female Male Last First Date of Birth: ________________ Age: _______ Social Security # ______- ______- ________ Home Address________________________________________________________________________ e-Mail Address_______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone (___)

Farbman-march vt-tox brief

146 Veterinary Technician March 2001 Dana B. Farbman, CVT M ost veterinary professionals and pet owners are familiar with the notion that chocolate is poisonous to dogs and cats. What is itabout chocolate that makes it hazardous to pets? Are some varieties of chocolate more dangerous than others? How much must beconsumed to cause poisoning? This column addresses all these questions and pr

Tras la autoestima. variaciones sobre el yo expresivo en la modernidad tardía. (reis nº117. crÍtica de libros)

CRÍTICA DE LIBROS ses (Delumeau: 19). La formulación del primermond Jabes, «podría no ser más que la igno-rancia de un pasado por descubrir. Esta igno-rancia es el verdadero saber que, entre las es-«Plantó luego Yahvé Dios un jardín entrellas, surca en la noche sus caminos reales. Edén, al oriente, y allí puso al hombre aquien hiciera. Hizo Yahvé Dios brotar enél de la tier

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General Information about Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing is a basic tool used to assess the health of your pet. It can be used when investigating a specific disease or disorder, in preparation for an anesthetic procedure, or as a general evaluation of a clinically normal animal. Laboratory testing also allows a veterinarian to monitor the progression of a pet’s disease. Results from l

Rotkreuzklinikum münchen

Expertenprofil Hauptabteilung Gynäkologie Fachabteilung Senologie Brustzentrum PD Dr. Michael Braun Sprecher / Koordinator Hauptabteilung Gynäkologie Leiter Senologie und Brustzentrum Facharzt für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe Fakultative Weiterbildung: Spezielle Operative Gynäkologie Schwerpunktbezeichnung: Gynäkologische Onkologie Hochschulstudium + 1991–1998 Studi


The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It represents an abbreviatedversion of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of your prescription-drug benefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. In addition to using this list,you are encouraged to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate. 2012 Express Scripts PLEAS

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Embargoed until 6:00 pm Eastern – October 3, 2012 NEWS RELEASE Violet Tsagkas; cell: 917/362‐2262 Suzanne Turner; cell: 202/744‐9161  suzanne@turnerstrategies.com  Office line: 202.466.9633 Hormone Therapy Has Many Favorable Effects in Newly Menopausal Women: Initial Findings of the Kronos Early Estrogen Prevention Study (KEEPS) PHOENIX, (October 3, 2012) –

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SAFETY DATA SHEET Emergency Phone: 1800-033-882 (24 hrs) +61 3 9663 2130 (24 hrs) Dow AgroSciences Australia Ltd. Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 PROFUMETM GAS FUMIGANT 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION: PRODUCT: ProFumeTM Gas Fumigant In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label PURPOSE: Fumigant for insect control.


"The Family and the Integration of the Handicapped Person in Childhood and Adolescence"During recent years, the world’s attention has focused with increasing frequency on the frightening drama of child on child violence in North American schools. Just over a year ago, in my home state of Oregon, a 15 year old boy murdered his mother and father and then calmly went to school and proceed


VISIT Report of NVBDCP World bank District Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh - Dr Sunil Gitte, Deputy Director and team About District: Kondagaon is a district separated from bastar district on 24 January 2012 and formed as 27th district of Chhattisgarh state in t This is a tribal district. Thus the culture and the customs are different here from the other parts of the state. The population of


Drugs of Abuse Cross Reactivity Generic Name COMPOUND (Generic Name) COMPOUND (Trade Name) Abacavir Acamprosate Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Paracetamol) Acetaminophen (See also Pa


la collection de jeux de société de François Haffner« incroyablement fournie et parfois délicieusement ringarde »Vous venez de trouver une règle qui vous est bien utile (elle se trouve à la page suivante) . Parfois, vous allez pouvoir évaluer un jeu avant de vous le procurer. Parfois, vous allez faire revivre un jeu qui s’endormait sous la poussière ou que vous avez d

Roneo mycolo

Mycologie médicale Place des champignons dans le monde du vivant :Grande diversité du règne fongique : Macromycètes : non concernés en pathologie humaine sauf les cas de mycoses invasives à coprinus (1 fois tous les 10 ans, chez les immunodéprimés)Micromycètes : moisissures (penicilliniums) ; aspergillus et dermatophytes éfinitions : Ce sont des microorganisme uni- ou plurice


August 2007 TEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY PAGE 1 2007 CAMPUS ACCOUNTABILITY DATA TABLES - STANDARD PROCEDURES DISTRICT NAME: NORTHWEST CAMPUS NAME: SONNY & ALLEGRA NANCE ELEMENTA Campus Rating: Academically Acceptable CAMPUS NUMBER: 061911112 Grade Span: EE - 05 Analysis groups used to determine ratings are marked with an 'X'. Academically Acceptable standards are shown in parentheses.

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PRISCILA, F.C. et al. INFLUÊNCIA DA RACTOPAMINA NA QUALIDADE DA CARNE DE SUÍNOS1 Priscila Furtado Campos2, Bruno Andreatta Scottá2, Bárbara Lopes de Oliveira3RESUMO – A ractopamina é um agonistas -adrenérgico muito utilizado nas dietas de suínos em terminaçãopor proporcionar um redirecionamento dos nutrientes, reduzindo a gordura e aumentando a deposição de carnemagra na carc

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Transcript: Q&A with Dr. Beer August 5, 2004 Wendy Fisher: Welcome everyone who is on the conference call and everyone here. I’m Wendy Fisher. The idea behind the discussion today is to talk with with my Reproductive Immunologist Dr. Beer. He helps with delivering Lee and Andy, our babies, but also knows a lot about immunology and how it relates to the health of particular wo


Wie wirkt sich die Vogelgrippe auf Ihren Urlaub aus? Hier finden Sie eine ausführliche Zusammenstellung der Fakten zur Vogelgrippe. Diese Informationen basieren auf Informationen des Robert-Koch-Instituts, des Bernhard-Nocht- Instituts, der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO und des Reisemedizinischen Zentrums . Vorab: Alle diese Institutionen kommen zur einhelligen Aussage: Es


PREDICTING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HYDROXYUREA IN INDIVIDUAL SICKLE CELL ANEMIA PATIENTS Homayoun Valafar, Faramarz Valafar, Alan Darvill and Peter Albersheim, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, 220 Riverbend Road, Athens, GA 30602 Abdullah Kutlar, Kristy F. Woods, and John Hardin, Department of Medicin

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Hanukkah packet

Hanukkah Text Study The Mitzva of Lighting Hanukkah Lights Hanukkah is one light per household. For thosewho want to beautify - one light for each person. For those who want REALLY to beautify - TheSchool of Shammai says: on the first day, lighteight and from then on reduce. The School ofHillel says: on the first day, light one and fromthen on increase. Ula said: There were two west

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Indikation Kurztitel Vollständiger Titel Durchführung Onkologische Tagesklinik, Taxisstr. 3 Onkologische Schwerpunktpraxis Prof. Dr. C. Salat u. Dr. O. J. Stötzer Onkologische Tagesklinik, Taxisstr. 3 zum Vergleich von Celecoxib versus Placebo bei Marianne A randomized, 3 arm, multicare, phase III study Onkologische Tagesklinik, Taxisstr. 3 TDM4788g to


Scientists with Multiple Hot Papers Institution of Hot Papers © 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net The Red 2 Hot Research Papers of 2008 Citations Y. Kamihara , et al . , Iro n2based superconductor wit h La[ O1 - x Fx ] FeAs ( x = 0. 05 J . A m. Chem. S oc. ,130 (11) :3296 - 7 ,19 March 2008. I. H. Park ,

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LE JOURNAL FAXE DE NEUROLOGIE INFORMATION COMMUNIQUEE PAR L’ANLLF ET LE SNN Directeurs de la Publication : Dr H. DECHY – Dr J. VRIGNEAUD ACTUALITES NORDIQUES Deux belles réunions ont clôturé l’année 1999 à Lille. Lors de la soirée sur la Pathologie Extrapyramidale, coordonnée avec le Professeur Destée (Lille), le Docteur Michel Gonce de Liège a fait un brillant ex


Guião 8 final Os Lusíadas – é um “canto que molhado vem do naufrágio”. Não se trata apenas de uma imagem poética. Há 450 anos, na foz do rio Mecon, no actual Vietnam, a nau em que Camões ia embarcado naufragou e ele quase perdeu a vida. O mundo teria ficado muito mais pobre sem o seu “canto molhado”. E os portugueses teriam perdido a obra fundadora da consciência de si pr


Which of the following divisions of the trigeminal nerve passes through the Which of the following extraocular muscles has a primary function of intorsion Secondary deviation is always greater than primary deviation in Noncomitant strabismus (paralytic strabismus)Concomitant strabismus (non-paralytic strabismus)Hypertropia (vertical misalignment of eyes)


For the third time in the last year I have been prevented from proceeding with radiotherapy treatment (RT) for my prostate cancer. After thirteen monthsof Zoladex (hormone treatment) my prostate has not reduced one iota in size; the gland remains the size of a cricket ball. My consultants say the glandis the biggest they have encountered. Normally Zoladex reduces the prostate by half in 13 weeks!


Ergebnisübersicht: Harsewinkel,PLS vom 01.05.und 03.-0 [ 460818010 ] 01.05.2008 - 03.05.2008 Reiter-WB 1. P Marlien Hülser (ZRFV Gütersloh e.V.)2. P Ann-Katrin Rosalewski (RFV Avenwedde e.V.)3. P Christina Bombeck (RFV Clarholz-Lette e.V.)4. P Madeline Rinne (RFV Lopshorn-Lage e.V.)Katharina Hegemann (RFV Harsewinkel e.V.) Reiter-WB 2. P Sarah Meyer (LRFV Herzebrock-Rheda e.V.)

A propÓsito del fraude monetario

HIST/RI-5 EL FRAUDE MONETARIO EN LOS ESPACIOS ATLÁNTICOS: PASADO Y PRESENTE A PROPÓSITO DEL FRAUDE MONETARIO Y DE SU RELACIÓN CON EL ARTE Autor: Juan Eduardo Leonetti Universidad Católica Argentina, Bs. As. En uno de los costados del puente que cruza la Avenida Córdoba, a la altura de la Avenida Juan B. Justo, en Buenos Aires, puede leerse en prolijos caracteres esta fr

Estatuto financiera rio escribania_modif_s_para paginaweb

CO STITUCIÓ DE LA FIRMA FI A CIERA RÍO SOCIEDAD A Ó IMA.* * * * ÚMERO CIE TO SESE TA Y DOS . En la ciudad de Asunción, capital de la República del Paraguay, el día DIEZ Y SIETE del mes de noviembre del año dos mil nueve, A TE MÍ: E RIQUE ARBO SEITZ , Escribano Público, Registro número setecientos cincuenta y ocho, Cédula Tributaria número 408683-0, COMPARECE las siguientes

Donor qualification guide

Donor Qualification Guide This guide is intended to assist in pre-screening prospective blood donors. Please refer other health questions to our Blood Collection Staff prior to registering, call Heartland Blood Centers at (630) 892-7055 or visit the Heartland Blood Centers website at: for information. General The donor must be in good health and feeling well. Age At least 17 years

Rapport semestriel

HALFJAARVERSLAG op 30 juni 2012 RECORD TOP PENSION FUND FCP Belgisch gemeenschappelijk beleggingsfonds erkend in het kader van de wettelijke bepalingen inzake derdeleeftijds- of pensioensparen Geen enkele inschrijving mag worden aanvaard op basis van dit verslag. Inschrijvingen zijn slechts geldig als ze worden uitgevoerd na kosteloze overlegging van het vereenvoudigd pro

Algoritmo para el estudio de las disgammaglobulinemias

Resistencia antimicrobiana y epidemiología entérica serovar Enteritidis aisladas en las provincias de Chaco y Corrientes (Argentina) biotipos, fagos y colicinas, pruebas de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana, perfil plasmídico, análisis del ADN cromosómico total por electroforesis en campo pulsátil (PFGE), estudio de secuencias IS200, análisis mediante PCR de las secuencias REP (repetitive

Case scenarios asthma.doc

Case Scenarios: Asthma Case #1 Scot is a 14 year old male whose asthma worsens in the spring and fall. He uses Flovent most days and Ventolin as needed. His most pressing concern is shortness of breath and chest tightness, with more cough at night after games. He is a very good player whose girlfriend prospects are being sorely affected by this. He went to the emergency room once already this

Microsoft word - summary from forum.doc

The Medication Control Forum took place on 8th December 2009 at the Newmarket Equine Hospital. The purpose of the event was to open up communications between trainers, the BHA and HFL Sports Science and to answer some specific questions compiled by the NTF fol owing trainer feedback. Short presentations were given by Jim Boyle (NTF Council member), Clive Hamblin (NTF Veterinary Adviser)


21. Medikamente Im Kapitel 19.„drohende Psychiatrisierung"wurde beschrieben, wie Medikamente und speziell sogenannte Psychopharmaka eingesetzt werden, um dich im Knast zu „heilen" oder dich „angepaßt" werden zu lassen. Bevor von den einzelnen Medikamenten, ihren Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen gesprochen wird, soll noch etwas zu Medikamenten allgemein gesagt werden. Schon un

State management manual: c2

STATE MANAGEMENT MANUAL: C2.4 AGRICULTURE: THE USE OF ANTI-PARASITIC DRUGS IN LIVESTOCK ON NATIONAL TRUST PROPERTY: IVERMECTIN 1.2 The purpose of this note is to provide guidance on the situations where use of one anti-parasitic drug, ivermectin, is likely to reduce the nature conservation interests on Trust properties, and to suggest practical alternatives to its use. It is not the purpo


intravenous paracetaMol salg recoMMendations 1 Intravenous (IV) paracetamol should be prescribed carefully, according to the weight, age and co-morbidities of the patient. The upper dose limit for each single dose and in each 24-hour period should not be exceeded. 2 50ml vials of IV paracetamol should be used for patients less than 33kg. In infants and small children, doses shou

Medicines matters

Medicine s Matters A guide to mechanisms for the prescribing, July 2006 DH INFORMATION READER BOX INSERT NEW IRB DH INFORMATION READER BOX HR / Workforce Document Purpose ROCR Ref: Gateway Ref: Medicines Matters: a guide to mechanisms for the prescribing, supply and administration of medicinesNational Practitioner Programme, DH Core Prescribing Group Publicat


Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 135 (2003) 425–433Effects of inhibition gastric acid secretion on arterial acid–basestatus during digestion in the toad Bufo marinus Johnnie B. Andersena , *, Denis V. Andradeb, Tobias Wanga of Zoophysiology, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Aarhus, Universitetsparken Building 131, b Department de Zoologia, Universidade Esta


Sidagliptin (Januvia) – developed by Merk for the treatment of Type-II diabetes – inhibits the enzyme DPP-IV, improving glucose regulation – currently approved and on the market in Australia – formulated as the H3PO4 salt key process question: what's the most efficient way to set the absolute configuration of the β - amino amide? the triazole is not su

Nr. 61.indd

Proza [i prozacul DEZINHIBAREA, lejeritatea, F`r` raport cu preocup`rile anteri- nele, cu trecerile lor nenum`rate de-o le în coam`, trag tot mai tare, m` smu-oare, formînd partea cea mai întins` a cesc, m` scutur, ]op`i ca o descreierat`. Prozacului , tabletele din Suplimentul de cit, ce pare pierdut în ocoli[uri [i opriri cultur` sînt scrise de un autor ce se ia de plîns.

Microsoft word - pressreleaseformatted.doc

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION: Stephanie Aldock, Press Contact Godfrey Chua, Research Director +1 617 551 8480 Wind Power Gains Traction in US and Canada EER Study Predicts Record Growth in 2005 Cambridge, MA: 20 December 2004 - Wind plants have become commercially viable sources of power for US and Canadian utilities, according to a study just released by Emerging E

Rp7 print job

Schoolboy Year 8/9 C Coxed Quad Scull Prince Alfred College Francis Kette, Isaac Partington, Stefan Athanasov, David McCappin, Cameron Burnett (cox) Prince Alfred College Ashley Fitch, Henry Worrell, Max Vasileff, Callum Powell, Thomas Burton (cox) Time : _____ : _____ . _____ Margins : ____________ ____________ ____________ Schoolboy Year 8/9 B Coxed Quad Scull Christian Brothers


-Génération 1 : 1.1 : DGR-LPL Malonyl x IND Cookie (pages 2-3)1.2 : DGR-LPL Malonyl x RTQ Liouba (pages 4-5-6) -Génération 2 : 2.1 : RMM Liola x IND Milhouse (pages 7-8) 2.2 : RMM Nastia x IND-RMM Mushroom (pages 9-10) -Génération 3 : 3.1 : RMM Danaé x IND-RMM Mushroom (pages 11-12)Raterie Dragara (Opaloune) et "Les pti' loups" Particulier sur Paris (Amandine) (Wul

Media brief

Army Media & Communication Army Headquarters IDL 25, Blenheim Building Marlborough Lines Monxton Road Andover Hampshire SP11 8HT Tel: 94393 6118 ArmyMediaCommA-AMC-Col@mod.uk Ref: 20131011-MediaBrf-U.doc Date: 11 Oct 13 AM&C Media Brief – 11 Oct 13 Slide 1 – Media Update There was widespread media coverage of the Transfer of Authority between 1st Mechanised

PatientenaufklÄrung und

PATIENTENAUFKLÄRUNG UND EINVERSTÄNDNISERKLÄRUNG zur Basistherapie mit Leflunomid Sehr geehrte Patientin! Sehr geehrter Patient!Sie leiden unter einer entzündlichen Erkrankung des rheumatischen Formenkreises. Ihr Arzt hat Ihnen Leflunomid verordnet. Dieses Medikament gehört zur Gruppe der so genannten "Basistherapeutika", welche im Stande sind, die Krankheit langfristig g


Sildenafil en hipertensión arterial pulmonar Rev Am Med Resp 2008; 8: 141-144 Correspondencia Sildenafil en hipertensión arterial pulmonar Autores Pablo Curbelo1, Enrique Meerovich2 1Prof Adjunto Instituto de Neumología. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de la República. 2Prof Agregado Instituto de Neumología. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de la República. Resumen. L

Protocol for shrna construction: pcr method

Instructions for establishment of inducible cell line through lentivirus vectors Introduction A lentivirus based transfer vector system is capable of delivering gene into host cells of dividing or non-dividing by integrating the transgene into host genome. In addition, complete integration of the whole viral genome including the expression cassette of interest into the chromosome ensure

Principaux antidiabetiques oraux

Médicaments hypoglycémiants (en dehors de la grossesse, allaitement et de l’enfant) Mise à jour le 23 octobre 2009 REVESDIAB Principaux effets Effet sur la Contre-indication ou Commentaire et commercial maximale/j prendre ? secondaires morbi-mortalité indications -1 à 2% HBA1c Diarrhée Clairance <40 ml/mn Action sur la GAJ Douleurs 1


Lansoprazole Compared With Ranitidine for the Treatment of Nonerosive Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Joel E. Richter, MD; Donald R. Campbell, MD; Peter J. Kahrilas, MD; Bidan Huang, PhD; Cheryl Fludas, MS Background: Traditionally, proton pump inhibitors are percentages of days and nights with heartburn, lessused primarily for patients with esophagitis. However,pain severity of both day


Zou Trudy Dehue een tekort hebben aan het enzym monoamine oxidase-a? Ik bedoel, is ze wel vaak boos genoeg? Zo ja, dan zijn er middelen zat om daar wat aan te doen. Ik lees het allemaal in haar boek, De Depressie-epidemie. Interessant boek, belangwekkend, onthutsend. Ik bedoel, dat sherry om half elf in de ochtend geen duurzame garantie is voor een betere stemming, voor het gevoel dat je er wee


ICEL. AGR. SCI. 12, 1998 : 61–72 Infections by atypical strains of the bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida Institute for Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland, Keldur, IS-112 Reykjavík Infections due to atypical strains of the Gram-negative bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida cause atypicalfurunculosis and related diseases of both feral and cultivated fish stocks in freshwater a


High Hazard Chemicals Note: This list of carcinogens, reproductive toxins, biotoxins and acutely toxic substances is not exhaustive Chemical Source 1-(2-Chloroethyl)-3-(4-methylcyclohexyl)-1-nitrosourea (Methyl-1-(2-Chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-nitrosourea (CCNU) (Lomustine) 1-(o-Chlorophenyl)thiourea AcutelyHazardousWaste 1,2-Benzenediol, 4-[l-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)- ethyl]- 1,4,5

Microsoft word - superchick 2010 severe allergic reaction plan.doc

SEVERE ALLERGIC REACTION/504 PLAN & MEDICATION ORDERS Birthdate: Allergy History: Skin testing indicates allergy Date of Last Reaction : Other Allergies: Student has Asthma (increased risk factor for severe reaction) Anaphylaxis (Severe allergic reaction) is an excessive reaction by the body to combat a foreign substance that has been eaten, injected, inhaled or

Intéraction fr

Isotrétinoïne et interactions médicamenteuses ISOTRÉTINOÏNE ET INTERACTIONS MÉDICAMENTEUSES Les données de la littérature et la vaste expérience clinique acquise à ce jour avec l’isotrétinoïne démontrent que les associations entre Roaccutane® et d’autres médicaments ne posent pas de problèmes majeurs en pratique. Seules les tétracyclines et la vitamine A échappent à cet

Lezione 1 - parte

Lezione n.1 DAL LATINO AL VOLGARE (le origini di una lingua) di Pier Paolo Benucci 1° testo INDOVINELLO VERONESE (fine IX secolo) 1° scheda Storia di un indovinello 2° testo ISCRIZIONE DI COMMODILLA (metà IX secolo) 2° scheda Sostrati e lingue neolatine 3° scheda Appendix probi: il volgare nasce dagli errori 3° testo I PLACITI DI MONTECASSINO (960

Microsoft powerpoint - scd_tutte_no _vuote.ppt

Farmacogenetica: Terapia anti-aggregante con CLOPIDOGREL Rilevazione qualitativa di polimorfismi nei geni CYP2C19 e ABCB1Uno dei farmaci di maggior impiego nel e sindromi coronariche acute e nel decorso postinfartuale è il Clopidogrel , una tienopiridina che funziona come anti-aggregante piastrinico agendo attraverso il recettore del ’ ADP, P2Y12. In sostanza, il farmaco

Plans for the 2005 seasons

Insecticides for Protecting Pine Trees from Mountain Pine John Ball, Forest Health Specialist, South Dakota Department of Agriculture, Extension Forestry Specialist, South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension Service; Kurt Allen, Entomologist, USDA Forest Service, Rapid City Service Center and Brian Garbisch, Forest Health Forester, South Dakota Department of Agriculture. Pestici

Datenübertragung franz_juni_09 1

Reprise des données Cher client, En vous communiquant les informations suivantes, nous souhaitons vous assister dans la préparation de vos données. Elles nous permettent une production parfaite et respectueuse des délais. Communication E-Mail Nous reprenons vos données depuis les supports suivants: Vous pouvez facilement transférer des données jusqu’à 200 MB sur notre ser

Microsoft word - a5new rate book0410_all elements_corrected_mk2.doc

INDEX Rates April 2010 Allopathic . 2 Homeopathic Remedy - S .32 Amino Acids . 2 Homeopathic Remedy - T .34 Bach Remedy . 3 Homeopathic Remedy - U .36 Bacteria . 3 Homeopathic Remedy - V .36 Bailey Flower Essences . 4 Homeopathic Remedy - W .36 Biochemic Tissue Salt . 5 Homeopathic Remedy - X .36 Bush Flower Essence . 5 Homeopathic Remedy - Y


Safety Data Sheet 91/155/EEC(gb) arecal INOX CLEANER Anchorfast Limited 01. Identification of the substance / preparation and of the company Product: arecal INOX CLEANER Article number 0895 112 500 Use: See product designation Company: Anchorfast Limited Doranda WayUK- West Bromwich, West Midlands B71 4LU Phone: 0044-121-5250525 Homepage: Emergency phone: 0044-121-5

Effect of body-oriented psychological therapy on negative symptoms in schizophrenia: a randomized controlled trial

Psychological Medicine, 2006, 36, 669–678. Effect of body-oriented psychological therapy onnegative symptoms in schizophrenia : a randomizedF R A N K R O¨ H R I C H T 1* A N D S T E F A N P R I E B E 21 Consultant Psychiatrist, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Unit for Social & Community Psychiatry,Newham Centre for Mental Health ; 2 Professor of Social and Community Psychiatry,Barts and th

Epilepsy in rett syndrome – notes for talk at orsa meeting, september 2010

Epilepsy in Rett syndrome – notes for talk at ORSA meeting, September 2010 This talk was part of a three-person panel discussion and had two principal 1) to describe why and how epileptic seizures develop in the human brain 2) to review the main features of epilepsy in Rett syndrome (RTT) – what kinds of seizures occur and at what age; who is more likely to develop epileptic seizures; wh

Microsoft word - morning note 20 august 2009.doc

Reports in Today’s Issue Thursday, 20 August 2009 MAH Macmahon Holdings Limited Buy Market Overview Market Indices Index Close US stocks closed higher on Wednesday as declining oil inventories sparked Exxon Mobil, Chevron and other energy companies higher, and Merck led health care into the green although industrials, including Deere, dented the market's g

Remove instructions and insert practice letterhead

INFORMED CONSENT FOR INTRAVITREAL KENALOGTM (TRIAMCINOLONE) INJECTION (IVKI) INDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE BENEFITS You have been diagnosed with an eye condition that causes swelling, inflammation, leakage from the blood vessels in the eye, and/or the abnormal growth of blood vessels. Triamcinolone acetonide (KenalogTM) is a steroid which can be injected into the jel y or vitreous portio

Microsoft word - doctoral thesis.docx

School of Hard Knocks, Department of Theology An existentialist exploration of the disparity between suggested servings, package sizes, and actual quantities consumed of components of the holy meal for Pastafarians: a randomised controlled study. Dr. Henry Brubaker, Institute of Studies. I hereby certify that all the work contained in this thesis is my own, apart from the bits I have cut-and-p

Impact of depression on treatment effectiveness and gains maintenance in social phobia: a naturalistic study of cognitive behavior group therapy

EFFECTIVENESS AND GAINS MAINTENANCE IN SOCIALPHOBIA: A NATURALISTIC STUDY OF COGNITIVESofi Marom, Ph.D.,1Ã Eva Gilboa-Schechtman, Ph.D.,2 Idan M. Aderka, M.A.,2 Abraham Weizman, M.D.,1Background: The impact of depression on cognitive behavioral group therapy(CBGT) for social phobia (SP) in a naturalistic outpatient setting was examinedafter treatment termination and at 1-year follow-up. Method

Ch 11 - glossary.qxd

Glossary ACP Acepromazine: Mild oral or injected sedative. Comealong Correctional rope halter for impressing Adequan Intramuscular injectable aid to joint wear and ‘Follow Me’ lesson. See War bridle. tear. Oral equivalent is chondroitin sulphate. Seek Crooked knees Blanket term for knee deformity. See text. Cut Castrate, geld, make a gelding. Back up, or down State of mu

Microsoft word - normas

Normas y requisitos para manuscritos presentados a la Revista Electrónica FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA UVM. 1. Los trabajos deben versar sobre investigaciones en las áreas de Computación e Industrial, áreas afines. Los trabajos deben ser originales y no estar sometidos a la consideración de otras revistas. Los autores deben consignar la carta de originalidad (http://revistav.uvm.edu.ve/r


T. M. Glaus, G. Wess, Band 152, Heft 3, März 2010, xxx – xxx © 2010 by Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG, Bern Originalarbeiten 1 Linksherzhypertrophie bei der Katze – „wenn eine hypertrophe Kardiomyopathie keine hypertrophe Kardiomyopathie ist“ T. M. Glaus1, G. Wess2 1Abteilung für Kardiologie, Klinik für Kleintiermedizin, Universität Zürich, 2Abteilung für Kardiologie,

Microsoft word - magnesium.doc

This information has been produced for self-education purposes only What is Magnesium? Magnesium is a trace mineral, a metal. It is the eighth most abundant element in the world, the fourth most abundant in the body, and Magnesium oxide is the second most abundant compound in the earth’s crust. Magnesium is a key component of plant chlorophyll. Why is it Important to Me? Magnesium i

Microsoft word - ati_q45s typical specs.doc

Typical Specification TSQ45S (02/17/06) Wet H2S Gas Monitor The Gas Monitor for the detection of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) shall be provided to monitor the gas concentration in wet 100% moisture saturated atmosphere in the _____(Specify Location)_____. Each Gas Monitor shall consist of a special hydrogen sulfide sensor, 25 feet of sensor interconnect cable with quick disconnect plug, and a


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR UNDERTREATMENT OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN ETHNICALLY DIVERSE OLDER ADULTS: WHO SHOULD RECEIVE AN ELECTROCARDIOGRAM? To the Editor: There is an increased prevalence of cardio-vascular disease and its associated risk factors such as hy-pertension in older African Americans and probably otherethnic groups as well.1,2 Several factors likely contribute tothis increas


www.revueargument.ca Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. Texte paru dans le numéro 3 vol 1 – Automne 2000 - Hiver 2001 De l’impasse nihiliste à l’utopie biogénétique Remarques sur une rétractation de Francis Fukuyama, un roman de Michel Houellebecq, une conférence de Peter Sloterdijk et l’âme humaine« Un spectre hante l’Europe : le spectre du


The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Diagnostic criteria for research World Health Organization F10-F19 Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use F10.- Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol F11.- Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids F12.- Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids F


Only the Westlaw citation is currently available. In re ZYPREXA PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION. This Document Relates to All Actions. MDL No. 1596. ORDER REGARDING DAVID EGILMAN, M.D., M.P.H. *1 Upon consideration of the moving party's request for an Order to Show Cause, the response of David Egilman, M.D., M.P.H., and having heard oral argument, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. Dr. Egilm


Dieses Factsheet stellt eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Aspekte zum Thema Rauchstopp und Tabakentwöhnung dar und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf inhaltliche Vol ständigkeit. Warum soll das Rauchen aufgegeben werden? Der wichtigste Grund den Tabakkonsum zu beenden, ist die Gesundheit. Zu den gesundheitlichen Konsequenzen des Tabakkonsums zählen Krebserkrankungen wie Lungen-, Ke


RB18L15/RB18L40 18V LITHIUM-ION BATTERY PACK ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS DESCRIPTION 1. Latches2. Charge level indicator3. Charge level indicator button Important! It is essential that you read the instructions in this manual before operating this machine. Save all warnings and instructions for future OPERATION reference. Use the battery pack for Ryobi One+ 18V cordless The term

J 8210.p65

Roll No. . Total No. of Questions : 12] [Total No. of Pages : 03 Paper ID [C1419] (Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet) B.Sc. BI (402) (Sem - 4th) OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C ++ Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instruction to Candidates: Section - A is Compulsory Attempt any Nine questions from Section B. Section - A < (15 × 2 = 30) Q


Mayo Medical Laboratories Test Catalog [Previous Drugs Detectable by Drug Screen This test specifically screens for each of the drugs listed below. Results for drugs indicated by # are quantitative in plasma, all others are qualitative. All results are qualitative in urine and gastric fluid. Plasma (and Gastric) Analgesics: Acetaminophen (Tylenol )# Acetylsalicylate


Innovative Mixing Solutions Case Study: RAM Mixing of Compounded Pharmaceuticals Compounded Pharmaceuticals RAM Mix Test Results 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MIX NUMBER Summary:  All mixes were well under the FDA required “readily mixed” RSD value line of 4% -- RSD results typically less than 3%  Thorough mixing o


Concussion Patient Information Sheet Name : _______________________________________________: You have had a concussion and need to be watched closely for the next several days until you have completely recovered. The following information is regarding your treatment and recovery. What is a concussion? A concussion is a brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body. It may o

Tweede kamer

Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal Vaststelling van de begrotingsstaten van het Ministerie van Defensie (X) voor het jaar 2012 BRIEF VAN DE MINISTER VAN DEFENSIE Aan de Voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer der Staten-GeneraalNaar aanleiding van mediaberichten over de bijwerkingen van hetantimalariamiddel mefloquine (handelsnaam Lariam) informeer ik uhierbij over het gebruik hiervan door Nederlan


APPENDIX B MEDICATION LISTS DQCMS Medication List (MARCH 2013) Color Code Key Oral Antidiabetes Agents Sulfonylureas Second-generation agents Glyburide……………………………………………………………….………DiaBeta, Micronase, Glynase Glipizide…………………………………………………………………………….Glucot

Addiction research

ADDICTION RESEARCH: BELIEVING IN THE FUTURE1In global terms, alcohol research has been a growth industry in recent decades, as TomBabor has recently documented, and I believe the same could be documented for illicit drugs, forpsychopharmaceuticals, and for tobacco research. There is some reason to believe that the periodof growth may be coming to an end. The growth has, in any case, been highly


Institute of International Relations and .S. Wars Japan’s Passive Support for U.S. Wars: Examining the Case for Humanitarian Intervention in Libya and Syria Abstract This paper examines Japanese Foreign Policy in regards to claims that it is both passive and unfailingly supportive of US Foreign Policy even when the latter’s military actions clash with Japan’s professed commi

Patents: protecting inventors and the public good

Patents: Protecting Inventors and the Public Good “In a world in which science is a rich-country prerogative while the poor continue to die, the niceties of intellectual property rights are likely to prove less compelling than social realities.” —Jeffrey Sachs, economist and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University1Every year U.S. companies charge thousands of dollars

Recommandation sanitaires pour le voyageur - 2ème partie : prophylaxie du paludisme / cespharm

FICHE TECHNIQUE juin 2006 Voir en complément : VACCINATIONS ET HYGIÈNERecommandations sanitaires pour le voyageur, RECOMMANDATIONS SANITAIRES POUR LE VOYAGEUR 2e partie : Prophylaxie du paludisme D’après les recommandations éditées par le Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire Introduction Le nombre de cas de paludisme d’importation en France métropolitaine a été est

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April 2004 vol

March 2005 Vol. 2 No. 3 are so many drugs being taken off the market Death by Prescription after being approved?” While researching and writing my book Death by Prescription , I found a lot of answers, and raised many concerns of my I am a person of Faith, but not blind faith. When itown about the way drugs are being approved incomes to anything except God, I ask a lot ofquesti


Artigos Originais ABORTO PROVOCADO COMO OBJETO DE ESTUDO EM ANTROPOLOGIA DA SAÚDE INDUCED ABORTION AS THE OBJECT OF STUDY IN ABORTO PROVOCADO COMO OBJETO DE ESTUDIOS EN HEALTH ANTHROPOLOGY Este artigo tem o objetivo de contribuir para a reflexão sobre o aborto provocado em adolescentes, sob o ponto de vista teórico-metodológico. Apre- senta uma breve revisão bibliográf


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Swine flu.indd

29 April 2009 Zealand, the disease hit in 1918, infected over one third of New Zealand’s population and killed an estimated 8,000 people in just four months. With a big proportion of the population staying at home, economic activity was severely disrupted, although this Investment was compounded by the ending of World War I. US industrial insights production slumped 18% between Ma

Kamerlid: <naam kamerlid>

Den Haag, 07-10-2013 t.b.v. de nationale feestdag van Taiwan Spreektekst Nederland - Taiwan Your excellencies, Ambassadors and representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all I would like to thank mr Lee for the honour to address a short speech on the occasion of the hundred and second anniversary of the founding of the Republic of China. A specific characteristic of Chinese civiliz

Microsoft word - bc what is prolo handout[1]

Dr. Allen Hooper Sports Clinic at City Centre 207 – 399 Main Street Penticton, British Columbia Phone: 250-487-1455 Fax: 250-487-1453 PROLOTHERAPY What is prolotherapy? Prolotherapy, or proliferation therapy, is the injection of a solution to stimulate the growth of newcells to heal painful areas. Ligaments and tendons are the most common sites for injection. What do li


Le Olimpiadi del Viagra Sembra, dalle analisi dei controlli antidoping effettuati alle Olimpiadi di Pechino, che moltissimi atleti (uomini e donne) facciano uso di Viagra : il farmaco che è stato scoperto e messo in commercio nel 1992 ed è consigliato per aiutare le persone anziane (uomini) ad essere ancora attivi sessualmente, cioè ad avere erezioni ancora efficienti con le benefiche c


Empresas 63 Flomax Drip® MáxiMa eficiencia y uniforMidad de riego La mezcla enzimática Flomax Drip® es un tratamiento biológico diseñado para limpieza de los sistemas de riego tecnificado. Flomax forMa de uso de floMax drip®: Drip® degrada la materia orgánica al interior de tuberías y matrices y desprende sedimentos adosados a los componentes de los equipos


The Heritability of Otitis Media A Twin and Triplet Study Context Anatomical, physiological, and epidemiological data indicate that there may be a significant genetic component to prolonged time with and recurrent episodes ofotitis media in children. Objective To determine the genetic component of time with and episodes of middle ear effusion and acute otitis media (AOM) during the first


La protection des droits et libertés fondamentaux est, aujour-d’hui, considérée comme un standard constitutionnel, voire un inté-rêt commun de l’Humanité (1). Ce souci universel rend impérieusel’intégration des instruments internationaux de protection desdroits de l’homme au sein des ordres juridiques étatiques. Au niveau européen, la Convention européenne des droits del’ho


1020 Green Acres Rd #5 - Eugene, OR 97408 * Phone: (541) 345-7970 * www.deltaoaksvet.com Dilated cardiomyopathy Dilated cardiomyopathy, DCM Affected Animals: The dogs most frequently diagnosed with DCM are large and giant purebred dogs, including Scottish deerhounds, Doberman pinschers, boxers, Saint Bernards, Afghan hounds, Newfoundlands, and old English sheepdogs. Recently, both E


INDIAN INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RIGHTS 11. What was the purpose of Sikri Committee ? Second Year 12. Who was the first chairperson of the NHRC?jk"Vªh; ekuokf/kdkj vk;ksx ds igys v/;{k dkSu Fks \ Paper 5.1 13. What does article 32 of Indian Constitution say ? Human Rights Education, Teaching and Training Hkkjrh; lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn 32 esa D;k dgk x;k gS ? 14. What do you understand by

Chemical name

List of substances banned for use in cosmetic products as from 1 December 2010 The following substances are classified as CMR substances of category 1A, 1B or 2 under Commission Regulation 790/2009, amending Regulation 1272/2008.1 Therefore they are banned for use in cosmetic products as from 1 December 2010 (which is the date of application of their classification), in accordance with Arti

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Published on Relata Tecnica Web Site http://www.relata.info , Issues, Articles of 2000 International Electronic Journal on Dermopharmacological Research, Dermopharmaceutical Technology and Related Cosmetic Subjects Y2K MAN AND PHEROMONAL COMMUNICATION Faculty of Science, University of Turin, Torino, Italy XIII Seminario Vevy Europe, Genova Novembre 1999. 110 40 Anni di Ricerca per la Der


los materiales impresos proponen. Y si el trabajo puede iniciarse supo-niendo que la tradicionalización de un romance de ciego ha de estu-diarse comparando un original con las versiones recogidas de la tradi-ción oral para documentar estados múltiples de cambio diacrónico, nadade esto obliga a asumir que la moral predicada, “el mensaje que coneste tipo de ‘fábulas’ se trata de transmiti

The japan wild rogaining navigation challenge 2003 in sugadaira

The Japan Wild Rogaining Navigation Challenge 2004 in Sugadaira NaganoThe brand-new outdoor sports “Rogaining” in Japan. The vastextent of highland “Sugadaira”is waiting for wild rogainers. 【Date】 June 27 2004 Sunday 【Place】 Sugadaira,Nagano JAPAN【Class】 9 hours / 6 hours (Start 5 o'clock)【meet place】 Sugadaira Kogen Ski area【Organizer】Japan Ro

Rijksuniversiteit groningen

Equivalence Testing of Inhaled Drugs The predictive value of cascade impactor results for the detection of differences in efficacy and safety of medicines for the treatment of asthma and COPD. ter verkrijging van het doctoraat in de Wiskunde en Marjolein Weda Voordat een geneesmiddel tot de markt kan worden toegelaten, moet de balans tussen werkzaamheid (i.e. het gewenste klinisch effe


Ro s e m a r y M e d i c a l C e n t r e 2 Rosemary Gardens, Parkstone, Poole BH12 3HF Tel: 0844 477 3101 www.rosemarymedicalcentre.co.uk Our website has been designed with you in mind and is packed with lots of useful information and helpful tips, including surgery opening times, how to make an appointment and what to do when the surgery is closed. In addition, you can also find out a

Microsoft word - 2012

Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie und Neuroradiologie: Erfasste Publikationen AKTUEL NEUROL. 2012;39(8): 437-438 (Impact(2011)=0.318, Typ=Editorial Material) Schorn C, Burmeister JF, Monninghoff C, Obermann M Acad Radiol. 2012;19(11): 1424-33 (Impact(2011)=1.692, Typ=Article; Journal Article) Lauenstein TC, Umutlu L, Kloeters C, Aschoff AJ, Ladd ME, Kinner S 3)

Microsoft word - partner100709.doc

WASH HANDS/ALCOHOL GEL SNEEZE IN ARM STAY HOME WHEN SICK H1N1 Partner Briefing From: Director of Health, David R. Gifford, MD, MPH Re: Local Influenza Activity Level: Regional1, H1N1 predominant circulating strain Rhode Island2: 2 hospitalized cases, 0 deaths National Report3: 16,174 hospitalized cases, 1,379 deaths Sentinel Surveillance (% of visits due to influenza-like ill

Microsoft word - contrast media - modified for manheimer.doc

POLICY ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF IV CONTRAST MEDIA Intravenous contrast material is to be administered by a qualified physician or trained radiologic nurse. A radiologist or radiology resident/fellow will administer all other parenteral contrast material. The supervising physician will prescribe the nature, dose and rate of contrast administration. The patient’s risk status will be assessed p


UNABHÄNGIGE INFORMATION FÜR ÄRZTE/INNEN BEGRÜNDET VON DER ÄRZTEKAMMER FÜR TIROL IM JAHRE 1986 unter Präsident OMR Dr. J. M. Kapferer. Herausgeber, Verleger, Medieninhaber: Verlagshaus der Ärzte GmbH, 1010 Wien, Nibelungengasse 13. Redaktion: Gerhard Bauer (Neurologie), Andrea Laslop (Pharmakologie), Christian Marth (Frauenheilkunde), Christian Prior (Innere Medizin), lrene Virgolin


Oxytocin, a Mediator of Anti-stress, Well-being, Social Interaction, Growth and Healing Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg1, Maria Petersson2 Abstract The neuroendocrine and physiological systems related to pain and stress have long been subjected to study. More recently, the corresponding systems promoting anti-stress and restoration have also come into focus. It is not only important to inve


Regionalna Energetska Agencija Kvarner d.o.o. Regional Energy Agency Kvarner Ltd. Ciottina 17b, 51000 Rijeka, Hrvatska T +385 (0)51 631 844 F +385 (0)51 263 751 E info@reakvarner.hr SUPPLY CONTRACT NOTICE Purchase and installation of solar cooling system for public building within the EU IPA CBC Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Republic of Croatia 1. Publication reference


Merchandising Madness: Pills, Promises, andBetter Living Through ChemistryNEARLY A HALF-CENTURY AGO, THE DRUG THORAZINE WASintroduced to ease the suffering of the mentally ill and thosewho cared for them. Since then, pharmaceutical companieshave laid the fruits of science and technology before us through ad-vertising text and images that explicitly or implicitly promise someform of psychologica

Pii: s0360-3016(99)00063-2


Pin worms-span.doc

Los oxiuros son gusanos pequeños de color blanco que viven en los intestinos. Lasinfecciones por oxiuros son comunes en los niños pequeños y son fáciles de tratar. Si su niño está infectado por oxiuros el puede rascarse la cola con frecuencia. Ustedtambién puede notar que su niño se mueve mucho en la cama de noche o que no puededormir. La comezón es causada por el oxiuro hembra que sale


(Actos cuja publicação é uma condição da sua aplicabilidade) REGULAMENTO (CE) N.o 1760/2000 DO PARLAMENTO EUROPEU E DO CONSELHO de 17 de Julho de 2000 que estabelece um regime de identificação e registo de bovinos e relativo à rotulagem da carne de bovino e dos produtos à base de carne de bovino, e que revoga o Regulamento (CE) n.o 820/97 do Conselho O PARLAMENTO EUROPEU

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Metropolitan Medical Centre Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.C-21, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel : 5203435 (hunting), Fax : 5203417, Unit Gawat Darurat : 5273473 E-mail : mmc@rsmmc.co.id, Homepage : www.rsmmc.co.id DASAR / BASIC. 1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history. 2. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination. 5. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test : a. Darah Perifer Lengkap


SANDRA OUTLAW, PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT vs. SANDRA L. WERNER, M.D., ET AL., DEFENDANTS-APPELLEES No. 92297 COURT OF APPEALS OF OHIO, EIGHTH APPELLATE DISTRICT, CUYAHOGA COUNTY 2009 Ohio 2362 ; 2009 Ohio App. LEXIS 2004 May 21, 2009, Released PRIOR HISTORY: [**1] [*P2] On December 21, 2007, Outlaw originallyCivil Appeal from the Cuyahoga County Court offiled this action


Criteria 2012 provisional classifi cation criteria for polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiativeBhaskar Dasgupta,1 Marco A Cimmino,2 Hilal Maradit-Kremers,3 Wolfgang A Schmidt,4 Michael Schirmer,5 Carlo Salvarani,6 Artur Bachta,7 Christian Dejaco,8 Christina Duftner,5,9 Hanne Slott Jensen,10 Pierre Duhaut,11 Gyula P


Sandra Wood – copyright Respecting, navigating and negotiating the delicate interplay between the aspirations of carers and care-recipients Introduction • Thank you to our Hong Kong hosts, thank you for your welcome. I’m here to talk about respite. I’m speaking particularly about the respite program I work in, Southern Respite Service, in Victoria, Australia, and I want t

Shofar 201403 master copy

M A R C H 2 0 1 4 A D A R I / A D A R I I 5 7 7 4 Wednesday Thursday Saturday 09:20 Prayers & Blessings 10:30 Shabbat Morning Service Lili Jefferson 10:30 Tots’ 09:45 Cheder 10:00 Baby & 10:00 Jews 11:15 Novel 10:30 Pre- 10:00 Hadracha 10:30 Shabbat 18:30 GCSE 1 18:30 Youth Choir 20:00 Bridge Club

La segnalazione spontanea e il suo percorso

FARMACOVIGILANZA La segnalazione spontanea e il suo percorso È uno strumento a disposizione dei medici ecazione relativa all’insorgenza di una reazionedei farmacisti, per i farmaci senza obbligo di pre-avversa che si sospetta si sia verificata dopo l’as-scrizione, da utilizzare nella quotidiana gestionesemplice, pratico ed economico applicabile aNon esistono criteri standard per d

Microsoft word - 271_ok_cefaleas en la mujer para publicar oct 28 2006.doc

Edición Electrónica - Volumen XII - Nº 1 - 2007 Dres. Saravia B. (1), Zavala H.A. (2) y Zavala L.J. (3) Summary: Headache is analyzed, with emphasis on migraine, in relation to female hormonal function, studying estrogen and progesterone fluctuation along the menstrual cycle; and also the relation of headache with different stages of female life: menarche, menstrual cycles between 18 and 46 y

Reme cap 12 v10 n2

ANALGESIA E SEDAÇÃO EM TERAPIA INTENSIVA: RECOMENDAÇÕES GERAIS ANALGESIA AND SEDATION IN INTENSIVE CARE: GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ANALGESIA Y SEDACÍON EN TERAPIA INTENSIVA: RECOMENDACIONES GENERALES RESUMO Trata-se de estudo descritivo e exploratório sobre analgesia e sedação em terapia intensiva. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram conceituar e caracterizar a intensidade dolor

Microsoft word - bp 5144.1(a)suspension/expul span.doc

Estudiantes SUSPENSIÓN Y EXPULSIÓN/PROCESO DEBIDO La Mesa Directiva ha establecido pólizas y normas de conducta para promover el aprendizaje y proteger la seguridad y el bienestar de todos los estudiantes. Cuando estas pólizas y normas son violadas, puede ser necesario suspender o expulsar a un estudiante de su instrucción regular del salón de clases. (cf. 5144 – Discipl


607 14th Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005 Tel: (202) 783-6040 Fax: (202) 783-6031 Email: jhynds@rfem.com Joseph A. Hynds Mr. Hynds practices across the full spectrum of intellectual property law, with a particular focus on patent infringement litigation. He has extensive experience with all aspects of patent litigation in U.S. district courts and before the U.S. Internati


Ambulatory Phlebectomy(AP) Instructions Description:  Ambulatory Phlebectomy(AP) is a minimally invasive method for treating varicose veins of the leg.  Small stab incisions are made in the skin and the veins are pulled out of these incisions with a small hook.  Blood flow now returns from your leg to your heart in the deep veins of the leg. Strong stable muscles protect thes

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Tel: (01886) 832288/832000 Fax: (01886) 833517 Tel: (01886) 832288/832000 Fax: (01886) 833517 CELL GROWN WILD FLOWERS, MARGINALS & REEDS Availability The following varieties which are listed will give you a selection of Nature Plant Varieties which are available throughout the season. Some wild flower species have erratic germination, causing these species to be ready at diff


Odontología 2011 1) ¿Cuál, de las siguientes opciones, es una característica de la periodontitis del fumador? d) Respuesta inflamatoria disminuida. 2) De acuerdo a la experiencia realizada por Harold Loe (1965), ¿qué característica tiene la presencia de placa bacteriana supragingival? a) Necesaria pero insuficiente para producir gingivitis marginal crónica. b) Necesaria y su

Highly drug-resistant salmonella enterica serotype kentucky st198-x1: a microbiological study

Articles Highly drug-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Kentucky ST198-X1: a microbiological study Simon Le Hello, Dorothée Harrois, Brahim Bouchrif, Lucile Sontag, Dalèle Elhani, Véronique Guibert, Khalid Zerouali, François-Xavier Weill Background Salmonella enterica is a major global food-borne pathogen, causing life-threatening infections. Published Online Ci


Important Safe Use Document for Lithium Polymer Batteries WARNING: You must read and understand before charging or using your lithium polymer battery. Failure to read and follow the below instructions may result in fire, personal injury and damage to property if charged or used improperly. B&Y Hobby Supplies, our distributors/dealers and employees assume no liability for failures to compl


Rock Eagle 4-H Camp June 16-20, 2008 Who is Going to Camp With My Child? 4-H Staff and volunteers staying overnight have been trained in the Georgia 4-H Certified Leaders Training for Overnight Chaperones. Teen leaders have also gone through teen leader training and have previous experience as a teen leader. Shivone Wilson , County Extension 4-H Agent Cindee Sweda , County Extension

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Breast Cancer Care helpline 0808 800 6000 Website www.brea stcancercare.org.uk How long will I have to take tamoxifen is, how it works, what the benefits tamoxifen? You will usually take tamoxifen for five years, What is tamoxifen? although this time can vary according toindividual circumstances. Some women maybe changed to a different hormone therapycancer in both men and women.


EL DELITO INTERNACIONAL DE PIRATERIA Maximiliano Genskowsky Moggia * Contrariamente a la creencia generalizada, los actos de piratería yrobos a mano armada perpetrados contra buques desaparecer de la fazd e l a t i erra, o al menos disminuir en su frecuencia, se hanacrecentado de manera dramática en el curso de los últimos años. Las estadísticas de la Organización Marítima In


Revista do Ministério Público 132 : Outubro : Dezembro 2012 A revogação de actos administrativos entre o Direito nacional e a jurisprudência da União Europeia: um instituto a dois tempos? Carla Amado Gomes Professora Auxiliar da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa Professora Convidada da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Rui Tavares Lanceiro Assistente

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Zie de website www.reisvormen.nl voor meer informatie. • Oppervlakte: 99.373 km² • Aantal inwoners: 48 miljoen (2007) • Hoofdstad: Seoul (+/- 15 miljoen inwoners) • Belangrijkste steden: Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Daejon • Taal: Koreaans (mondjesmaat Engels) • Religie: Christendom, Buddhisme • Staatsvorm: Republiek • Munteenheid: Won (1300 won ~ € 1) • Aantal eilanden: 3000 • Gr


ROSACEA Dialogue with a Mentor Albert Kligman, M.D., Ph.D., is a pioneer who continues to break new ground in dermatology. knowledge remains so poor. Consider that rosaceahis career to challenging the status quo,and acne vulgaris are related disorders, and while A and to this day continues to play an active we have a good understanding about the causes of role in the ever-cha


Till dig som behandlas med Relanio Elpenhaler Relanio förebygger andningsproblem vid astma och kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL). Relanio innehål er salmeterol och flutikasonpropionat. Salmeterol är en långverkande luftrörsvidgare. Luftrörsvidgare verkar på luftvägarna i lungorna så att de hål s vidgade och gör det lättare att andas. Effekten varar under cirka 12 timmar. Fluti

Studiul asupra aplicabilitatii sistemului de achizitie biometric în stabilirea parametrilor psihomotorii pentru posesorul unei set de semnaturi

Studiul asupra aplicabilit ˘atii sistemului deachizitie biometric în stabilirea parametrilorpsihomotorii pentru posesorul unei set deAlegerea lotului de subiecti a avut în vedere structurarea unorgrupuri care prezint ˘a particularit ˘ati din punct de vedere alanalizei avute în vedere. În acest sens au fost selectionatiindivizi de nationalit ˘ati diferite precum si cu anumite grade de


Food for thought - performance enhancing supplements - caffeine If you’ve followed all the training plans and you’re looking for that extra ‘edge’ it’s tempting to seek out the ‘magic bullet’ that will take those last few seconds off your pace. There is a long list of substances that are, or have been, promoted as performance improvers; some are legal and others are not; some h



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2ª edição do evento SlowMovie promove exibição gratuita do clássico Cinema Paradiso e atividades relacionadas à sustentabilidade e desaceleração no Parque Burle Marx em São Paulo Durante à tarde do evento, no próximo dia 29, pessoas se reunirão para viver uma experiência de pic nic, shows, intervenções artísticas, atividades que propõem reconexão com o meio ambiente, alé


R&I Affirms AA/a-1+, Stable: Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I) has announced the following: Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. Issuer Rating: AA, Affirmed Rating Outlook: Stable Commercial Paper: a-1+, Affirmed RATIONALE: For the pharmaceutical business, Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. has strength in the fields of cardiovascular and infectious diseases. I


Preferred Drug Program: A Program for Three-Tier Groups Common Questions & Answers Q. Does the Three-Tier Drug Program limit which drugs my physician can prescribe for me? A. This list is not meant to replace a physician’s judgement for prescribing decisions. The ODS Preferred Drug Program is designed 2008 Preferred Drug Chart to offer cost-effective choices that will save members m

I-spy 2: an adaptive breast cancer trial design in the setting of neoadjuvant chemotherapy

nature publishing group translational medicine I-SPY 2: An Adaptive Breast Cancer Trial Design in the Setting of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy AD Barker1, CC Sigman2, GJ Kelloff1, NM Hylton3, DA Berry4 and LJ Esserman3 I-SPY 2 (investigation of serial studies to predict your treatment options remain limited. These patients continue therapeutic response with imaging and molecular analysis

Fact sheet

Fact sheet 2. Equine Metabolic Syndrome: Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is a relatively newly recognised disorder of equids. It doesn‟t relate to one particular problem but rather: “A col ection of risk factors that are associated with an increased susceptibility to laminitis.” A horse with EMS is quite often referred to as “a good doer” i.e. It seems to gain weight very easil

Enapi 2009 comunicaÇÃo oral

Encontro de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, Presidente Prudente, 5 a 8 de outubro, 2009 Colloquium Vitae , 2009 1(n. Especial) Encontro de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, Presidente Prudente, 5 a 8 de outubro, 2009 RESUMOS SIMPLES Colloquium Vitae , 2009 1(n. Especial) Encontro de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, Presidente Prudente, 5 a 8 de outubro, 2009 ENAPI 2009 O PAPEL DA ENZIMA P

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Artigo - Pontos críticos da Sucessão dos Companheiros no Novo Código Civil - Por Verônica Ribeiro Pontos críticos da Sucessão dos Companheiros no Novo Código Civil frente às Leis 8.971/94 e 9.278/96 Por: Verônica Ribeiro da Silva A nova abrangência da família conforme o comando do art. 226 da Constituição Federal, e de acordo com o novo Código Civil acabam com expressõe

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Group Pension Managed Funds Update to 31st December 2005 Summary Group Pension Managed Funds ended 2005 with yet another positive month. The final quarter of the year saw funds return 4.9% on average. Over the year, the average fund return was an excellent 21.6%, the best yearly return since 1997. Over the three years to 31st December 2005 the average fund return has been 14.7% per


Nordic Section of the Regional Science Association Submitted to Parallel 2: Networks, Innovations and Infrastructure Robert Sörensson, CERUM, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden Are MAR, Jacobs and Porter externalities less important for multi-plant firms than single plant firms? In the literature treating endogenous growth models, human capital accumulation and knowledge spillov

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