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Reply: Complexity in Camalexin Biosynthesis
accumulation of multiple glutathione S-
camalexin pathway in Arabidopsis.
subunits of GGTs from bacteria and animal.
cides with camalexin production;GSTF6
overexpression increased and GSTF6
et al., 2011) may reflect inhibition of GGPs
only 4.8 to 9.8% sequence identities with
Arabidopsis thaliana GSTF6 expressed in
acivicin has been widely used as a specific
yeast cells catalyzed GSH(IAN) formation;
inhibitor of GGT activity for in vitro and in
conserved residues involving in the inter-
action of GGTs with acivicin are present in
Arabidopsis GGTs, but not GGPs. There-
biosynthetic pathway; and, finally, g-glu-
binding of acivicin with Arabidopsis GGTs
acid residues in substrate binding pocket.
inhibits GGT activity. However, experimen-
data and the expression patterns of these
GGTs from bacteria and animal cells (Wada
hypothesis of Møldrup et al. (2013) that
genes, we suggest that (1) GSH is the Cys
et al., 2008). For example, Escherichia coli
GGT binds acivicin through the formation of
inhibits GGP’s activities. For example, we
thesis, (2) the conjugation of GSH with IAN
a covalent bond between the Og atom of its
binding with the GGPs, the binding affinity,
dihydroisoxazole ring of acivicin and also
and/or the crystal structure of GGP-acivicin
camalexin biosynthesis. The Letter to the
alternative explanation for reduced cama-
Flores et al., 2011) argue that g-glutamyl
lexin production following acivicin treat-
2008). To show if Arabidopsis GGTs and
ment, suggesting that “termination of all
GGT activity could arrest glutathione and
glutathione conjugates in the vacuole and
Figure 1. Multiple Sequence Alignment of Arabidopsis GGT1, GGT2, GGP1, GGP3, and GGTs from Other Organisms.
The coding sequences of all genes were aligned by ClustalW (MegAlign program DNAStar). Sequences corresponding to the S-subunits of GGTs frombacteria and animals are presented. Identical residues in all GGTs are boxed. The residues that interact with acivicin in E. coli GGT are indicated by anasterisk above the alignment.
extracellular space” (Møldrup et al., 2013).
in the camalexin secretion. Most recently,
porters in Arabidopsis, are reported to be
Møldrup et al. (2013) also questioned the
uole and cytosol for GSTF6 (Carter et al.,
our experiments (Su et al., 2011). They note
lexin biosynthetic pathway to be cytosolic
based on the cytosolic localization of some
after inhibition of GGT activity or elimination
known enzymes in the pathway. Their point
2011; Møldrup et al., 2013) will be difficult
of GGT gene expression is possibly due to
of view is that enzymes in a biosynthetic
pathway usually are colocalized temporally
secretion. In fact, the liquid media system
and spatially (Møldrup et al., 2013). Be-
camalexin biosynthetic pathway. It is a gen-
erally accepted viewpoint that enzymes in
a biosynthetic pathway might be located in
et al., 2008; Su et al., 2011) and by other
groups (Bednarek et al., 2005; Ren et al.,
ing to this viewpoint, the different localiza-
as described by Xu et al. (2008). The camalexin inliquid media and GSH(IAN) in seedlings weremeasured as described (Su et al., 2011).
Sequence data from this article can be found in theArabidopsis Genome Initiative or GenBank/EMBLdatabases under the following accession numbers:MKK9, At1g73500; GGT1, At4g39640; GGT2,At4g39650; Escherichia coli GGT, NP_417904;Helicobacter pylori GGT, NP_207909; humanGGT, NM_005265; pig GGT, NM_214030; ratGGT,
GGP3, At4g30550. T-DNA insertion lines usedhere are as follows: ggt1-1 (SAIL_1178_C01) andggt2-1 (SAIL_6_G02).
Figure 2. Camalexin and GSH(IAN) production in MKK9DD, Columbia Wild-Type, ggt1-1, and ggt2-1Seedlings.
Twelve-day-old seedlings were either treated with dexamethasone (DEX) or inoculated with Botrytiscinerea spores. Twelve hours after dexamethasone treatment or 16 h after inoculation with B. cinerea,the seedlings were used for GSH(IAN) extraction and the media were used for camalexin measurement.
This work was supported by grants from the
Right axis, peak areas for GSH(IAN) (mass-to-charge ratio [M1H]1 ¼ 462.17); left axis, camalexin
National Natural Science Foundation of China
content. Data represent the means 6 SD of three biological replicates. Asterisks indicate statistically
(No. 31030010 and 31125006 to D.R., No.
significant differences between wild-type (WT) and GGT mutant seedlings. **P , 0.01 (paired sample t
31000127 to Y.L., and No. 30771124 to H.Y.).
likelihood that a given enzyme is involved in
a particular pathway in planta,” as noted by
T.S., Y.L., and H.Y. performed the experiments.
T.S., Y.L., H.Y., and D.R. wrote the article.
colocalization cannot be taken as evidence
that such enzymes do not work in the same
camalexin than the wild type after patho-
Another observation that led Møldrup et al.
(2013) to argue that GGPs instead of GGTs
are involving in camalexin biosynthesis is that
(IAN) in GGT mutants in our previous work
ported that GH3.5, a multifunctional acetyl-
(Su et al., 2011). However, we have since
amido synthetase, is involved in camalexin
measured the contents of GSH(IAN) in MKK9
biosynthesis through catalyzing the conju-
hyperactive mutants (as MKK9DD), Columbia
gation of indole-3-carboxylic acid with Cys.
camalexin biosynthesis. We found that GSH
biosynthetic pathway. Current data there-
(IAN) accumulated in the wild type and in
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Carter, C., Pan, S., Zouhar, J., Avila, E.L.,
biological repeats in their experiments, the
0), ggt1-1 and ggt2-1 mutants, and MKK9DD
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CYP71B15 (PAD3) catalyzes the final step in
MAPK kinase 9 induces ethylene and camalexin
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Møldrup, M.E., Geu-Flores, F., and Halkier,
in Arabidopsis. J. Biol. Chem. 283: 26996–27006. Reply: Complexity in Camalexin Biosynthesis
Tongbing Su, Yuan Li, Hailian Yang and Dongtao Ren
; originally published online February 28, 2013;
This information is current as of December 13, 2013
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