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JOURNAL ON DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, VOLUME 11 NUMBER 2 Prenatal and Perinatal Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Neuro-cognitive Development in the Fetus Note: In the text of this paper, the term "mental retardation" has been used in the diagnosticsense and to correspond with terminology used by authors who have been cited. Abstract There has been an increased dependence on p


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I concluded chapter 4 discussing the stages of Prostate Cancer. We will now consider the various treatments available for all types of Prostate problem. Just to recap the three main areas responsible for the majority of Prostate problems. (1) Infection. (Prostatitis) (2) BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) (3) Cancer. RECOGNISED CONVENTIONAL TREATMENTS INFECTION Most Urinary tract infections ar

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Reform / Living to be 500, death by asteroid, and the inevitability of NHS reformReform / Living to be 500, death by asteroid, and the inevitability of NHS reformwhile typically the private sector succeeds by showing how well it is doing, the public sector often declaims its own failure in the hope of extracting more government spending. And, partly, it’s because publicly-funded healthcare

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Making good things happen

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Assessment of progression of COPD: report of a workshopheld in Leuven, 11–12 March 2004M Decramer, R Gosselink, M Rutten-Van Mo¨lken, J Buffels, O Van Schayck, P-A Gevenois,R Pellegrino, E Derom, W De Backer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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SWINE FLU – Questions and Answers What is Swine flu? Swine influenza is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract in pigs. The mortality in pigs is low and recovery usually occurs within 7-10 days. Swine influenza viruses have also been detected in wild birds, poultry, horses and humans, but interspecies transmission is considered a rare event. Swine influenza is rare in people and

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The Effects of Levetiracetam on Neuropsychological Functioning in Relation to “Subclinical” Spike Production Mark Mintz,1 Daniel LeGoff,1 Jean Scornaienchi,1 Sarah Levin,2 Pnina Mintz,1 and Cathy Smith1 1 Clinical Research Center of New Jersey and The Center for Neurological and Neurodevelopmental Health, Voorhees, New Jersey, USA; 2 Department of Psychology, Drexel University,

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