Microsoft word - abridged minutes november 13 for website

Abridged Minutes of Dufferin Parent Council Meeting Mme Coretti’s room needs a window and a paint job! WiFi was installed in the Annex today, but its floors still need buffing. Air quality in M Segura’s room is a serious concern; will be checked. b. Staffing: Mme Graham has left for a full time position at Walsh. A posting for this 0.5 FTE opportunity is Progress reports have gone home and interviews are tomorrow and Friday. Marks on writing tasks will soon be developed using traditional testing, as well as conversation and There is a backlog on receiving the netbooks for our grades 3 and 4. Ten flat screen monitors for the library have been received for FREE!! e. School improvement plan: This was circulated and explained. Rahno stated that lunchtime monitors should be included in Bullying Prevention strategies. There will be a letter writing exchange with Haitian children! Dufferin will also have a gently used With the disaster in the Philippines, we will do a drive for shoes, summer clothes, medical items (Tylenol, Imodium), blankets and dry goods. Monetary donations would be welcome also, and the federal government will match them. More information to follow – check the e-blast! g. There will be morning Christmas assemblies December 17 and 18. h. Financials: Our balance looks awesome, but we haven’t paid for MacMillan’s yet! Profit from this i. $581 was made for the school from the spaghetti dinner. Thanks to Susan Atkins and her team! Ukulele will be opened up to Grade 3s now. We have numerous French-speaking co-op students with us now. The Penny Drive starts Nov 18-December 9 as a fundraiser for Light A Smile. This is to support students in our Board (and their families) that may not be having much of a Christmas. There will be an increased emphasis on donating Canadian Tire money. We are the only school in the Board that raises money for this event. We will not be sponsoring a family this year, just donating to the The book fair is in progress. The goal is to raise $5000 for classroom library supplies. Teachers have been debating the pros and cons of the Board’s mandate for CSA approved helmets for skating, as many kids do not have them. We have some donated small-sized helmets to borrow. ACTION: We will ask for donations of medium and large sized helmets from parents. ACTION: Arden will ask the public library to put up a sign for us at their skate exchange requesting MOTION: That DPC donate $250 to buy used CSA approved helmets for use for skating trips. Alison. Grades 5 and 7 are going to see Le Petit Prince at the Sanderson Centre. The new French Immersion curriculum is available on the website. There is a new emphasis on French culture and oral French. Check the website also for various surveys. A few Dufferin parents attended the open house at BCI regarding the future of French Immersion schools. The Board has applied for capital funding for renovations to Coronation, but use of these funds is not guaranteed. A final decision will be made January 20. There are major issues with Ministry funding affecting this, and City by-laws affect what will happen also. There was discussion about the validity of some of the arguments some Fairview parents are presenting. Verna would like us to promote more community between Fairview and Dufferin (ex. dances, skating, class projects, and chess club). Funds could be accessed from Marlies or potentially DPC to pay for busing. The committee would like to buy popcorn makers so it could be sold at movie nights, vendor fairs, fun fairs, etc. There were questions about whether oiled popcorn meets the healthy eating guidelines set by the Ministry. There were greater concerns about whether anybody would eat ACTION: Let Alison know if you can help with MacMillans sorting next Wednesday from 3-8. December 7 Vendor Fair 9-12. Twenty vendors are confirmed. We can accommodate 50. ACTION: Melissa will send out flyers for us to send out, as well as vendor contracts if you know ACTION: Volunteers needed to set up tables after school on December 6. ACTION: Keep acquiring prizes for the fundraising calendar in June! We will be selling École Dufferin products at the book fair. The “hungry buckets” full of fruit in each class each morning have been very successful. It is funded by Breakfast for Learning. Thank you to Lucy Smith for all her help with the program by washing the buckets. It’s a thankless job, but we are thanking her! Brant Food for Thought is running a fundraiser for United Way, skating for $2 at Gretzky during this 6. Social Committee: Megan Dutra has resigned as her children no longer attend Dufferin. Nori Smith has graciously agreed to return to DPC to spear-head the Social Committee. 7. Communication Report: Only 33 people have signed up for the e-blasts. ACTION: To promote the e-blast more, peel-off labels will be put in agendas with the sign-up email address, and posters and slips of paper with reminders will be at the DPC table at the vendor fair (Marlies and Jocelyn to ACTION: Teachers, please continue to have students write in their agendas when the school newsletter is on- line. Teachers can also submit to Jocelyn requests for permission forms to be returned, alerts about school trips, alerts about sports events, etc. Links to forms can be included now, too!


I n c i d e n c e , C o s t , a n d O u t c o m e s o f B l e e d i n g a n d C h e m o t h e r a p y D o s e M o d i fi c a t i o n A m o n g S o l i d T u m o r P a t i e n t s W i t h C h e m o t h e r a p y - I n d u c e d T h r o m b o c y t o p e n i a By Linda S. Elting, Edward B. Rubenstein, Charles G. Martin, Danna Kurtin, Saul Rodriguez, Esa Laiho,Krishnakumari Kanesan, Scott B

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