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Comprehensive list of publications – Prof.dr. Slappendel Publications with impact factor: 1. Spread of radiopaque dye in the thoracic epidural space. R.Slappendel, M.J.M.Gielen, M.A.W.M. Hasenbos, F.J.M. Heystraten. Anaesthesia 1988;43:939-940. Continue thoracale epidurale infusie als postoperatieve pijnbestrijding. R.Slappendel, M.A.W.M. Hasenbos, M.J.M. Gielen, M.N.Eckhaus. NTV

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Agriculture and Food Science Vol. 1 (1), pp. 006 - 010 August, 2012. Available online Copyright (c) 2012 Herald International Research Journals. Effects of fermented Camilla sinensis , Fuzhuan tea, on egg cholesterol and production performance in laying ‡Xiaojiang Xu1,2, ‡Yabei Hu1, *Wenjun Xiao1,2, Jian’an Huang1,2, Xi He1, Jin W

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Published in IVIS with the permission of the AAEP Review of the Examination and Treatment of Back and Pelvic Disorders Kevin K. Haussler, DVM, DC, PhD Author’s address: Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center, Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523; E-mail: Kevin.Haussler@ColoState.

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CAPITULO 10 INFECCIONES ENDOGENAS DEL TRACTO GENITAL INFERIOR: CANDIDIASIS VULVOVAGINAL Alicia Farinati I. Introducci ón Las infecciones por Candida spp. han adquirido en los últimos a ños una importanciarelevante, particularmente por el advenimiento del S í ndrome de InmunodeficienciaAdquirida (SIDA) y el aumento de pacientes con estados de inmunodepresió n(ej.:pacientes onco

Acta de la Sesión Ordinaria del H. Cabildo de Gómez Palacio, Dgo., Celebrada el Día 7 de Enero de 2014. En la Ciudad de Gómez Palacio, Estado de Durango, siendo las 14:00 (catorce horas), del día 7 (siete) del mes de Enero del año 2014 (dos mil catorce), reunidos los integrantes del Republicano Ayuntamiento en el Salón de Sesiones del H. Cabildo del Palacio Municipal, se procede a c

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June1997 Column, Country Life in B.C. Wendy R. Holm, P.Ag. I didn’t make it to Wayne Wicken’s farewell dinner. Something of a “pressing and urgent nature” (somuch so I can’t now recall what it was) caused me to be unable to leave Bowen that night to attend. Only last week did I take down the “invite fax” from the board. Wayne took early retirement rather than stomach the gruel b

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Summary of Cover – Members of the International Federation of Aromatherapists What is the Summary of Cover? This document provides key information about Hiscox medical malpractice insurance. It does not contain the full terms and conditions of the insurance cover and does not constitute your insurance contract. If you have any additional questions, please refer to the policy wo

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(Dr Jim Duff, 30/09/2012) As you ascend to altitudes above 2000m, your body has to acclimatize to the decreasing amount of oxygen available. The three main acclimatization mechanisms are: • Deeper breathing and an increased respiratory rate (from 8 to 12 breaths/min at rest at sea level to around 20 breaths/min at 6000m). This starts immediately on arrival at altitude. • Producing more uri

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Testing and Certification Regulations TÜV SÜD Group These Testing and Certification Regulations apply to the TÜV SÜD Group. Specifically for the following companies: TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH Hereinafter solely and jointly referred to as TSC (TÜV SÜD Company). The Testing and Certification Regulations apply to: - the testing and certification of products

POTILASOHJE AIKUISEN ÄKILLINEN RIPULI Ripuli on tila, jossa suoli tyhjenee yli kolme kertaa vuorokaudessa. Uloste on löysää tai vetistä. Ripuliin liittyy usein myös vatsan kouristelua sekä lievää lämpöä, mahdollisesti oksentelua ja jäsensärkyjä. Tavanomainen viruksen aiheuttama ripuli alkaa äkillisesti ja tauti rauhoittuu yleensä itsestään muutamien päi

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Hormones, Breast Cancer EMFs and Cellphones by Sherrill Sellman, ND energy fields from external sources of EMFs H tiny amounts that are produced by the can eventually damage our own fields, resulting in many physiological imbalances,insulin, and melatonin, are made in parts perbillion or parts per trillion. Even smallproducts can’t get out and nutrients can’t getin. This leads t

Asiakkaan suostumus Restylane-tuotteillatehtävään käsittelyynRestylane-tuotteet ovat steriilejä geelejä, jotka koostuvat stabiloiduista, ei eläinperäisistähyaluronihaposta. (paikallispuudutetta). Tuotteet ruiskutetaan ihoon kasvojen juonteiden ja ryppyjen tasoittamiseksisekä huulien ja kasvonpiirteiden muotoilemiseksi. Lisäksi niitä käytetään ihon kimmoisuudenpalauttamiseen ja i

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Almost everyone will suffer with a sore throat at some stage in their lives. In fact a sore throat can mean different things to different people, ranging from a mild irritation to dryness to severe acute pain. In more severe cases, this may cause difficulties in swallowing or even airway problems depending on the cause. The majority of sore throats are caused by a viral infection, usually associa


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APPENDIX E Sample Campaign Plan (SECURITY CLASSIFICATION) PEACE OPERATIONS CAMPAIGN PLAN: (Number or Code Name)Reference: Maps, charts, and other relevant documents. COMMAND RELATIONSHIPS. Briefly describe the command organiza-tion (composition and relationship) for the campaign. Is it UN-sponsoredwith a single force commander? Is the US in support? OPCON? Is it non-UNsponsored with

Worship Schedule Friday, March 7 Kabbalat Shabbat service Bring your own Dinner K-6 families Saturday, March 8 10:15 am Shabbat Service, Parsha Friday, March 14 Kabbalat Shabbat service Bring your Own Dinner Saturday, March 15 10:15 am Shabbat Service, Parsha Zachor Tzav Guest speaker Ambassador Barak Adult Pot Luck Purim Celebration


Bernd Sebastian Kamps and Christian Hoffmann Amantadine inhibits the replication of influenza A viruses by interfering with the uncoating of the virus inside the cell. Like rimantadine, it is an M2 inhibitor which blocks the ion channel formed by the M2 protein that spans the viral membrane (Hay 1985, Sugrue 1991). The influenza virus enters its host cell by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Thereaf

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THE September, 2007 BOARD MEETING FOR THE JOINT COMMITTEE OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES IN TRUMBULL COUNTY WAS HELD at 11:30 am on 9/26, 2007 at Abruzzi’s 422 restaurant. Voting Members present were as follows: 1) Chairman – none 2) Co Chairman – none 3) TMH REPRESETATIVE – George Snyder 4) Education REPRESENTATIVE – George Brown 1) FIRE CHIEF – Roger French


By: Dr. Ayesha FakirTibb PractitionerMarch 2010Tuberculosis first became a major scourge in Europe during the Industrial Revolution, when overcrowding in cities was common, accounting for more than 30 percent of all deaths. With the development of the antibiotics streptomycin in the 1940ís, isoniazid in the 1950ís, ethambutol in the 1960ís and rifampicin in the 1970ís, the battle against tube

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C H A P T E R 8 THE IMPACT OF PARENTAL MENTAL ILLNESS ON SUPERVISED VISITATION Introduction Supervised visitation programs receive case referrals involving parents with mental illnesses. Sometimes themental health status of the parent is known at the time of the referral; it may in fact be a factor in theremoval of children from a parent. In other cases, however, no mention of the i


Teaching Syllabus of Pharmacology (For 7th-Year Program students, School of Medicine) Pharmacology is a required medical course. It deals with the chemical and physical properties, action, mechanism of action, biotransformation, side effects, clinical uses and contraindications of drugs. This outline sums to 94 teaching hours according to plan. 1.Objective Understand the character

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PROCEDURES FOR MANAGING PREGNANCY RISK IN THE NIMH TREATMENT OF ADOLESCENT DEPRESSION STUDY (TADS) © 2005 Duke University Medical Center, The TADS Team Contact: Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department of Psychology – Soc & HLTH 718 Rutherford St Durham, NC 27705 Box 3527 Med Ctr Durham, NC 27710 (p) 1-919-416-2404 (f) 1-919-416-2420 I. Rationale In a s

Procedure: Renal Scan Patient Name:_______________________________Date of Appointment:_________________________Time of Appointment:_________________________The Aroostook Medical Center would like you to have the best possible experience while you are in our care. Therefore, we have compiled information for you regarding your procedure. The following information has been provided in order

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HOW OFTEN SHOULD I VISIT THE SURGERY? We are often asked this question by patients with longstanding medical conditions, or who are on regular medication. We hope you will find the following guide helpful and that it allows you to make best use of our services. When first diagnosed, or when starting new medication, your doctor or nurse will tell you how often to attend. The followin

Fever 1793

Learning Unit: Fever 1793 or 2009? Discussion Guide, Activities Talk About It What was Philadelphia like in 1793? What were the advantages and disadvantages of living in thecountryside outside of Philadelphia?How was the life of a 14-year-old in 1793 different from the life of a 14-year-old today? In whichperiod would you rather live? Why?What are the greatest advancements American soc

THE NUTRI-SPEC LETTER Volume 17 Number 12 From: Guy R. Schenker, D.C. December, 2006 Dear Doctor, BITS & PIECES, ODDS & BEGINNINGS. This has been an amazing year for NUTRI-SPEC doctors. --- It is truly gratifying to witness the quality and quantity of service you are providing. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK … The world needs your systematic, objective approach

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CENTRO COCHRANE DO BRASIL ACUPUNTURA PARA SÍNDROME DO TÚNEL DO CARPO SÃO PAULO TÌTULO: ACUPUNTURA PARA SÍNDROME DO TÚNEL DO CARPO PERGUNTA A acupuntura é mais efetiva do que o placebo no tratamento da síndrome do túnel do carpo. Introdução: Os sinais e sintomas da compressão do nervo mediano no punho foram inicialmente denominados de neurite do mediano, neuropat


Removal of cosmetic ingredients and pharmaceuticals inMarta Carballa, Francisco OmilÃ, Juan M. LemaSchool of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Santiago de Compostela,Received 5 November 2004; received in revised form 12 September 2005; accepted 12 September 2005Two physico-chemical processes, coagulation–flocculation and flotation, have been assessed for enhan

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PRODUCT DATA SHEET TRANSGLUTAMINASE MICORASSAY KIT, COLORIMETRIC Kit produced and Developed by CovalAb, France TABLE OF CONTENTS INTENDED FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY, NOT FOR USE IN HUMAN, THERAPEUTIC OR DIAGNOSTIC APPLICATIONS. ZEDIRA GmbH, Roesslerstr. 83, D-64293 Darmstadt, Germany; +49 (0)6151-325100 Product No.: T054 Introduction Transglutaminases (EC. 2.3.213, R-glut

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UPDATE FOR WADA CODE 2009 The World Anti-Doping Authority –WADA – has just released the new Drugs In Sport Code, which comes into effect from 1 January 2009. This is available to read through the links at the WADA web site. However, THERE ARE A NUMBER OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES TO THE CURRENT CODE . These will take some time to understand and not all the final pathways have been worked ou

“CON IL CUORE SUL TETTO DEL MONDO” di Luigi Zanin NEPAL/EVEREST – 14 OTTOBRE / 1 NOVEMBRE 2005 Introduzione:Quando nel marzo del 2005 l’amico Stefano Varponi, al termine del test d’idoneità sportiva, mi propose di accompagnarlo nella spedizione scientifica che l’Università di Padova stava organizzando in autunno all’Everest, ho provato una grand’emozione: forse sarei r

VOICE OF T ● II CANN ADAP CRISIS $82 Million Needed in “Emergency Supplemental Appropriation” to Halt ADAP Deterioration Continued on page 5 Late Breaking News. Greater Advocacy Efforts Around ETHA Urged access Medicaid until they becomesick and disabled even though ear- Compelling Arguments VOICE OF T ● II CANN secure comprehensive health care Th

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Dr. med. Kirsten R. Müller-Vahl Abteilung Klinische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Medizinische Hochschule Hannover April 2002 Diese Broschüre wurde konzipiert, um Personen mit Tourette-Syndrom und derenAngehörige über die derzeitigen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der Erkrankung zuinformieren. Sie soll und kann die Diagnostik und Therapie durch einen Arzt nichtDr. med. Kirsten


Co-Promotion von Takeda und Pfizer: gemeinsamer Vertrieb von actos® in China Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Takeda) hat Pfizer Inc. (Pfizer) als Co-Promotionpartner für den Vertrieb von actos® (Pioglitazon HCI) in China gewonnen. Diese exklusive Vereinbarung berücksichtigt das Umsatzpotenzial von actos® und erhöht entsprechend den medizinischen Außendienst zur Unterst

Questions and answers on the review of prozac for use in children and adolescents

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE REVIEW OF PROZAC FOR USE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has completed its arbitration review of Prozac (fluoxetine) and associated namesextend its use in the treatment of children suffering from depression, provided that the marketing authorisation holder (MAH), Eli Lilly, carries out additional studie

Pferdeverzeichnis Aberdeen 21 Bl., l. Hf. urglm.halb.w., f. Hfsl. urglm.w.,--- Allegro 269 Adam Smith unregelmäßige Blesse, rechte Vorderfessel und beide Hinter- füße n.r.ob.versetzt.Fl.,l.Vfsl.inn.u.Bln.w.,bd.Hfsln.unreg.w.m.Krflecken, Agadir 54 Stern,fleischfarbene Schnippe, Oberlippe rechts weisser Fleck,r. V Amicelli 74 Ahron Jumpüst.rchd.Bl.,Utl.w.,r.

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- tarkista vuokravakuudet kuntakohtaisesti Valitse kunta - valitse - Postitusosoitteet löytyvät lomakkeen lopusta. HAKIJAN HENKILÖTIEDOT Sukunimi ja entiset nimet (painokirjaimin) Kaupungin/Kunnan osa/Kylä (jos tiedossa) Muita toivomuksia (esim. vuokran suuruusluokka) ASUNNONTARVE (kohdat 1-3 täytetään tarpeen mukaan) 1. ASUNNOTTOMUUS rakennustarkastajan antamalla selvityksellä) 2.


Hepatitis B virus infections in families in which the Takegoshi Internal Medicine Clinic, 377-7 Nomura, Takaoka, Toyama 933-0014, Japan Department of Pathology, Tangdu Hospital, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710038, China Received 11 July 2005; received in revised form 10 November 2005; accepted 8 June 2006 Abstract We studied a total of 37 families, in wh


T O N Y W I G H T G A L L E R Y 845 West Washington Boulevard | Chicago 60607 | t. 312.492.7261 | Dannielle Tegeder American, b. 1971 Lives and works in New York EDUCATION MFA School of the Art Institute of Chicago BFA State University of New York at Purchase Amsterdam School of Fine Arts, The Netherlands Arrangements to Ward Off Accidents, Priska C. Juschka Fine

Director of Photography tel: 845-358-8687 cell: 914-325-2825 Nyack, New York, 10960 USA AWARDS 1997 Earthwatch Film Award and Honorable mention by the American Film and Video Association, 1993, for co-directing and shooting on “the Quiet Revolution”. Voted Best Cinematography in the 1988 FOCUS awards for “Where or When”, which also won Best Film

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Alcohol & Drug Questionnaire CLIENT : NAME ____________________________________ /  M  F / DOB __________ AGE ______ / HT ______ WT _____ / STATE ______ AMT. REQUESTED $ _______________ / MAX. ANNUAL PREMIUM $ ___________________ / TYPE OF INS.  UL  TERM YRS. LVL _______ TOBACCO USE  NO  YES, TYPE ______________________ / REPLACEMENT  YES  NO / CURRENT A

Ensemble de Ministrils Ciutat de Gandía Durante el año 2007 y bajo el entusiasmo de Frederic Santamaría empieza a constituirse el Grupo de Ministriles. Este contagio de entusiasmo, por crear un conjunto de Chirimías e interpretar Música Antigua, y más concretamente Renacentista, lo transmite Frederic a otros músicos de la Asociación de Dulzaineros y Tabaleteros de la Safor, de la cual

REPORT NUMBER A96 Ø 0153 The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) investigated this occurrence for the purpose of advancing transportation safety. It is not the function of the Board to assign fault or determine civil or criminal liability. Orillia Aviation Ltd Cessna 150 C-GAXG Orillia, Ontario 17 August 1996 Summary The aircraft alternator had recently been replaced, and the pilot d

Curr Pain Headache RepDOI 10.1007/s11916-010-0093-yThe Effect of Morphine on Glial Cells as a PotentialTherapeutic Target for Pharmacological Developmentof Analgesic DrugsHaroon Hameed & Mariam Hameed & Paul J. Christo # Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010Abstract Opioids have played a critical role in achievingpain relief in both modern and ancient medicine. Yet, theirclinic

Chapter 4 TRADITIONALKNOWLEDGE ANDGEOGRAPHICALINDICATIONS INTRODUCTION Human communities have always generated, refined and passed on knowledge from generation togeneration. Such “traditional” knowledge” 1 is often an important part of their cultural identities. Traditional knowledge has played, and still plays, a vital role in the daily lives of the vast majorityof people. Tradition

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Your Products Because of the 3 P's of poor soil, poor diet, and processed food, we need to supplement our diet. Our body does not recognize the isolated parts of vitamins that are contained in over the counter supplements and can't use them effectively. Whole food supplements contain your vitamins and minerals in the package that nature intended and your body recognizes. Studies show that

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Magnesium: the key to life Written by: Mark Sircus Ac., OMD Calcium and magnesium are opposites in their effects on our body structure. As a general rule, the more rigid and inflexible our body structure is, the less calcium and the more magnesium we need. Dr Garry Gordon wrote, “If you have compromised cell membranes or low ATP production for any reason, then the cell has trouble m

PPT Working Paper No.6 Practical strategies for pro-poor tourism TROPIC Ecological Adventures - Ecuador Scott Braman and Fundación Acción Amazonia April 2001 This case study was written as a contribution to a project on ‘pro-poor tourism strategies.’ The pro-poor tourism projectis collaborative research involving the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the International

1.1. This Guide is heavily weighted toward litigation and arbitration, but the Introduction defines the other types of international peaceful means of dispute settlement because students may run across them in their reading. But litigation is the only peaceful means of dispute settlement that regularly publishes its results. Arbitral awards that come from an intergovernmental organization’s

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Thompson Recreation Epi-Pen Individualized Emergency Treatment Plan Child’s Name_________________________________________________ Date of Birth ________________ Child’s Address ___________________________________________________________________________ Physician’s Name _____________________________________________ Phone ______________________ Physician’s Address ________________

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A Survey of Edmonton Area Smokers’ Opinions About Tobacco About how many cigarettes do you currently smoke per day? Have you used smokeless tobacco (this includes snuff dipping, “snus,” chewing tobacco, and other non-smoked oral tobacco products) at least 10 times in your life? Have you used medicinal nicotine products (this includes nicotine patches and nicotine gum) at least 10 t


Timeline of the Kings of Jerusalem & Samaria 1 Timeline of the Kings of Jerusalem & Samaria Written by: Rami Nir - Israel 2007. © Edited by: Abstract: This article provides a timeline of the Kings of Jerusalem (Judah) and Samaria (Israel). The author uses various methods to scale the timeline and map it to the Biblical sources – “Kings” 1+2 and “Chronicles” 1

Combinatorics and algebra have been used to find equations forthe smallest integer with a certain length in an integral base. How-ever, improper fractional bases have not been explored in much depthsince their discovery in the 1930s. In this study, I discovered an orig-inal formula for the smallest integer with a specific digit length in animproper fractional base. I wrote an original computer p

Drugs & supplements: vitamin b12 (print version)

Drugs & Supplements: Vitamin B12 (Print Version) Vitamin B12 URL of this page: Background Vitamin B12 is an essential water soluble vitamin that is commonly found in a variety of foods such as fish, shellfish,meats, and dairy products. Vitamin B12 is frequentl

C o l o n o s c o p y

C o l o n o s c o p y MiraLAX® PREP (Sp IF YOU HAVE CIRRHOSIS, HEART DISEASE OR KIDNEY DISEASE , DO NOT TAKE THIS PREP. DISREGARD THIS PREP AND CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR AN ALTERNATE PREP. ----READ CAREFULLY---- ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE PROCEDURE : Do not take iron pills or medications that can cause bleeding. These include: aspirin, Coumadin, Percodan, Alka-Seltzer. You mu

Implementing problem-based learning in a secondary three biology class

IMPLEMENTING PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING IN Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Secondary School, Singapore This paper reports on how problem-based learning was incorporated into the biology curriculum in a secondary three class. The focus of the paper is on how the students generated ideas for their problems, the types of questions that they asked, and

Daniel Andrés Mora Lugo Resume 2012 Personal Information / Información Personal Daniel Andrés Mora Lugo Graphic Designer, Ilustrator, Art Director / Diseñador Grafico, Ilustrador, Director de Arte Birth / Nacimiento: Contact / Contacto: Mobile: (57) 300 697 / Experience / Experiencia Sancho BBDO 2012 Bogotá, Colombia www.sanchobbd

Dr. Friedman’s Guide to Estrogen Replacement There are risks and benefits with all medicines and estrogen replacement is noexception. In fact, estrogen replacement is one of the most controversial topics inEndocrinology. This is due to conflicting data on its benefits and side effects, themultitude of available hormone replacement products and regimens and the fact that moststudies on est

“Distracted Gratitude” Let me start by saying how glad I am to see all of you here. I am indeed thankful thatall of you would come out on this cold wet evening. You see, I don’t take this for granted. I am pretty certain that most all of you are verybusy people. You have responsibilities and obligations, and some of these are mightyheavy. Some of you have come here from jobs that are a

Statin and exercise prescription

Correspondence The fi rst case of H7N9 high H7N9 viral loads (4·5–51·4 × 107 side-eff ects of statins. Sinzinger and copies per mL) were found in the O’Grady1 reported statin intolerance infl uenza in Taiwan two sputum specimens and one in elite soccer players,2 and the Published Online We report here the fi rst case of H7N9 throat-swab specimen (collected on PRIMO study3

Skin Care 0123 – 2009 (Acne vulgaris) Acne is a skin disorder caused by changes in sebaceous (oil) glands and hair follicles that occur during puberty. Most teenagers get some blackheads and pimples and some develop more severe, widespread acne. Acne can be effectively controlled with skin cleansers and medicines. The common type of acne is cal ed acne vulgaris. It develop

OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY 2013 R&D 100 AWARDS  ClimateMaster Trilogy 40 Q-Mode Geothermal Heat Pump, developed by ClimateMaster and ORNL through a cooperative research and development agreement. The ORNL team consisted of Ed Vineyard, Moonis Ally, Jeffrey Munk, Bo Shen, Keith Rice and Anthony Gehl. This water-to-air packaged heat pump provides significantly lower energy costs, red

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Transplant Order Form 2506 Lakeland Drive, Suite 201, Jackson, Mississippi 39232 Pharmacy phone: (866) 420-4041 Pharmacy fax: (601) 420-4040 Patient Information Prescriber Information Patient name ___________________________________________________________ Prescriber name________________________________________Lic#_________________ ess_____________________________________________

Sweden (in spanish)

This is a version previously presented at the University of Lima. PRINCIPIOS DE LA CONSTITUCION DEL ESTADO Todo poder publico en Suecia emana del pueblo. La democracia sueca (Densvenska folkstyrelsen) se basa en la libre. formacion de la opinion y en el sufragio universal e igualitario, y se ejerce a traves de un regimen representativo y parlamentario y de la autonomia municipal (kommunal sjal

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NITEC PHARMA GRANTS EXCLUSIVE EUROPEAN DISTRIBUTION LICENCE TO MUNDIPHARMA FOR LODOTRATM Basel/Reinach, Switzerland, 31 March 2009 – Nitec Pharma AG (“Nitec” or “Nitec Pharma”) , a Switzerland-based specialty pharma company focused on the development and commercialization of medicines to treat chronic inflammation and pain-related diseases, today announced that it has

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No.13, Kong 9th Road, 2nd Industrial Park, Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 886-2-2601-0385 FAX: 886-2-2601-0460 MATERIAL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. MANUFACTURER INFORMATION Mobile Energy Technology Co., Ltd. No.13, Kong 9th Road, 2nd Industrial Park, Linkou District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. TEL: 886-2-2601-0385 FAX: 886-2-2601-046 Date of issue: February

TEATRI DI PIETRA SICILIA - CALENDARI TEATRI DI PIETRA SICILIA - CALENDARI TEMPIO DI HERA CASTELVETRANO SELINUNTE TP domenica 17 luglio da Seneca, Eschilo, Euripide, Massimo Fini, Jean Baudrillardcon Elisabetta Pozzi Hal Yamanouchi, Carlotta Bruni, Rosa Merlino domenica 24 luglio con Eleonora Brigliadori e Sebastiano Tringali , Cinzia Maccagnano Riccardo Diana, Clau

The notion of cultural history and cultural studies in general, as usually employedin contemporary academic discourse, is derived from social anthropology. The culturalhistorian reads texts and other historical sources and studies artifacts, not so much asdiscursive expositions. Rather, like an anthropologist studying live behavior, thehistorian seeks both to discover the ways people in the socie


CAZURI CLINICE BOALA KYRLE – observaþie asupra unui caz Boala Kyrle face parte din grupul dermatozelor Kyrle’s disease belongs to primitive perforating perforante primitive caracterizate prin eliminarea dermatoses group that is characterized by transepidermal transepidermicã spre exterior a componentelor dermului elimination of superficial dermis elements. Clinically there


Microsoft word - popping that zit updated.docx

If you absolutely must pop that pimple, read this first. If you absolutely must get rid of that zit, or blackhead, then at least do it right. Keep in mind, it is best to let a pimple run its course without "picking," but I know that many of us just can't keep our hands off a big zit. So, if you must get rid of it, then please follow these instructions. 1. Make sure the pimple is rea

Microsoft word - toxikologenkurs2009

Missbrauch von Stoffen Missbrauch von Stoffen gibt es aus verschiedenen Gründen: • Akute willentliche Intoxikation (rauschhaft, suizidal, kriminell) • Abusus = schädlicher Gebrauch (wiederholter Rauschzweck im Vordergrund) • Abhängigkeit (wiederholter zwanghafter Gebrauch im Vordergrund) • Manipulation von Körperfunktionen • Manipulationen von geistigen Funk

APPLICATION NOTE Circuit Protection Solution for Lithium Cells Primary lithium cells (i.e., AA and 2/3A) and rechargeable lithiumcells (i.e., 18650, 17500, and prismatic) are used in many portableelectronics applications, such as laptop or notebook computers. Their popularity is based on the fact that they offer high energydensity, high capacity and long cycle life, with no memory effect

Cp lancement celsentri vf 27 11 08

Pfizer annonce la mise à disposition en France de Celsentri® Paris, le 27 novembre 2008 --- Pfizer met à disposition Celsentri® (maraviroc), premier représentant d’une nouvelle classe d’antirétroviraux par voie orale pour les patients prétraités, infectés par le VIH-1 à tropisme uniquement CCR5. Les patients ayant déjà fait l’expérience d’un traitement contre le VIH p

Ascending orderwise_commodity_for_website_141008.xls

VALUE ADDED TAX COMMODITY Absus Precatorious- Medicinal herbs and country drug ( By Notification No.II (1) / CTR / 30 (a-2) / 2007 - G.O. Ms.No.79 dated 23.3.07) -w.e.f - 1.1.07Abutilon Indicum - Medicinal herbs and country drug ( By Notification No.II (1) / CTR / 30 (a-2) / 2007 - G.O. Ms.No.79 dated 23.3.07) -w.e.f - 1.1.07Acacia Arabica Barks, Gum - Medicinal herbs and country drug( By

Fundamental #23 here is the powers granted to the Seat of the Government of the United States located in Washington D.C. Section 8 "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

US: the year in review The key moments in US pharmaceutical law this year, summarised by R Joseph Trojan , registered patent attorney and trial lawyer with Trojan Law Offices I t has been an active year for the courts in of Cipro until at least six months before the these provisions.The patent law does not issuing decisions that will have an impactpermit double counting. The Patent Office

Scheda Tecnica Farmaco | Cardioaspirin | 100 mg 30 compresse gastroresistenti Dettagli CARDIOASPIRIN ® 100 COMPOSIZIONE QUALI-QUANTITATIVA Una compressa contiene: principio attivo: acido acetilsalicilico 100 mg. FORMA FARMACEUTICA 30 compresse da 100 mg con rivestimento gastro-protettivo. INFORMAZIONI CLINICHE Indicazioni terapeutiche Prevenzione della trombosi co

University student health services • fact sheet

UNIVERSITY STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES • Fact Sheet  OSTEOPOROSIS WHAT IS IT? Osteoporosis is a disease that causes a significant loss in bone mass. This means that the inside of bones becomes weak and porous, making them more likely to break. Even minor trauma can cause a fracture. Fractures can result in loss of function, pain, and deformity, as well as life-threatening conditions, s

You would be hard-pressed to find a Tahoe local who does not feel extremely lucky to cal this area home. With a multitude of outdoor activities to choose from whatever the season, fresh air, low crime rates, world-class restaurants, proximity to Reno and Sacramento, neighborhoods full of smiling friends and vacationers who have saved for years just to enjoy our backyard for a week or two; we un

Mrsa information im niedergelassenen bereich_07 2013

Informationen zu MRSA für niedergelassene Ärzte Stand: Juli 2013 1. Allgemeine Informationen zu MRSA Eigenschaften von Staphylococcus aureus Etwa 30 bis 40 % al er Menschen sind ständig oder vorübergehend mit Staphylococcus aureus besiedelt, vorwiegend im Nasen- und Rachenraum. Diese Besiedlung hat zunächst keinen Krank- heitswert, da S. aureus nur unter best


American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology 6 (3): 231-238, 2010 ISSN 1553-3468 © 2010 Science Publications Uterus-Relaxing Study of a Sudanese Herb (El-Hazha) 1Aimun Abdelgaffar Elhassan Ahmed, 1Robert Gaspar, 1Arpad Marki, 3Andrea Vasas, 2Mahmoud Mudawi Eltahir Mudawi, 3Judit Hohmann and 1George Falkay 1Department of Pharmacodynamics and Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universi


pharmamz0809.qxd 5/12/08 4:31 PM Page 141 PHARMA & DEVICE COMPANIES M-Z Menssana Research, Inc. 201-886-7004 Sr. Mktg. Mgr., Singulair .Deb BlackSr. Marketing Manager, Vytorin, Internet � Officers & General Management Chief Executive Officer.Dr. Michael PhillipsMarketing Manager .Sheila DuffyCustomer Care Mgr., Managed � Manufacturer Diagn

Emergency Medical Release Form 2005-2006 Please complete each section thoroughly, sign and date. The Awty International School A new form must be completed each school year and is required for enrollment. Student’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Sex: F □ M □ Last First irthdate _______________ Age: _______ 20

60 - 69 jaar jarige man; 2010

REGIONALE TOETSINGSCOMMISSIE EUTHANASIE van de Regionale toetsingscommissie euthanasie voor de regio (.) betreffende de melding van levensbeëindiging op verzoek van: mevrouw (.) (.) (.), (.) gevestigd te (.) verder te noemen: de arts bij: de heer (.) (.) (.) geboren op (.) overleden op (.) te (.) verder te noemen: patiënt geconsulteerd werd: de heer (.) gevestigd te (.) verder te noem

Gone today, hair tomorrow the clone wars that are coming to a head Stephen Cauchi / Courtesy of The Age YEAH, yeah, it's cloned hair. Melbourne scientists are trying to cure baldness once and for all by using stem cells to grow a potentially endless supply of new hair. If successful, cloning would overcome the shortcomings in existing hair-loss treatments. Hair transplant surgery, f

Goethe totesi kaukonäköisesti jo 1800-luvun vat muihin kuin vakaviin mielenterveyshäiriöi- alussa olevansa huolissaan kehityksestä, jon- hin. ”Funktionaaliset” mielisairaudet skitsofre- ka myötä maailma muuttuisi valtavaksi sai- nia ja maanis-depressiivisyys (nykyisin ”kaksi- raalaksi, jossa kansalaiset ovat toistensa poti- suuntainen mielialahäiriö”) ovat pitkäkesto

Want to buy from China Manufacturer: textile-, telecom products, energy saving lamps We are introducing our self as a Manufacturer of traditional handloom textile products and Importer of Telecom products, energy saving lamps here in Bangladesh. We also operate a money changing firm. We have been enjoying a number of business relations with our clients. Currently in addition to our busines

Untitled document

(Al levantarse el telón está YERMA dormida con un tabanque de costura a los pies. La escena tiene una extraña luz de sueño. Un pastor sale de puntillas mirando fijamente a YERMA. Lleva de la mano a un niño vestido de blanco. Suena el reloj. Cuando sale el pastor, la luz se cambia por unaalegre luz de mañana de primavera. YERMA se despierta.)YERMA.?Trabajas mucho y no tienes tú cuerpo

Microsoft word - linear vs. exponential project.docx

Advanced Quantitative Reasoning Coach Whitt Linear vs. Exponential Project Caffeine Elimination Rate The human body processes different drugs in different ways. Most of you have probably observed that a drunken person does not stay drunk forever. Sooner or later, the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) returns to zero. Alcohol is a rather unusual chemical in terms of how the body process

Microsoft word - 2009-251-ec_dmf_emergency_ban_20090521.doc

2009/251/EC DIMETHYL FUMARATE (DMF) EMERGENCY BAN The biocide dimethylfumarate, commonly known simply as DMF, is set to be prohibited in consumer products asof 1 May this year, while stocks of such products that are already placed or made available on the market on thatdate will have to be withdrawn, with recalls from consumers also becoming necessary.  BACKGROUND NOTES: Since 2008,


CANDIDA ALBICANS Self-Screening Introduction The fol owing questionnaire was designed by William G. Crook, M.D., to be used by adults to identify one's predisposition to Candida albicans yeast overgrowth. It is not intended as a means for diagnosis, but only as an organized system for gathering information regarding candida . [For detailed information, see the web site information at .

Microsoft word - bp criminalization.doc

Treatment Advocacy Center Briefing Paper Criminalization of individuals with severe psychiatric disorders "We are literally drowning in patients, running around trying to put our fingers in the bursting dikes, while hundreds of men continue to deteriorate psychiatrically before our eyes into serious psychoses… The crisis stems from recent changes in the mental health law

Research Article Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Rie Nakajima1, Takehito Takano2, Vaanchig Urnaa2, Nyambayar Khaliun1 Keiko Nakamura1 1International Health and Medicine, Graduate School of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan2Health Promotion, Graduate School of Tokyo Medical and Dental University, 1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan Address for Correspondenc

Volume 11, Number 45, November 8 to November 14 2009 The Ten Commandments Sermons from the Heidelberg Catechism “Many ministers have written sermons on the fifty-two Lord's Days as we find them in our Heidelberg Catechism. One of these ministers and servants of the Most High, is the late Rev. G. Van Reenen, of the Netherlands. When he was not able to preach any more because of a throat


Design of Treatment Trials for Functional GastrointestinalDisordersDesign of Treatment Trials Committee: E. JAN IRVINE,* WILLIAM E. WHITEHEAD,‡WILLIAM D. CHEY,§ KEI MATSUEDA,ʈ MICHAEL SHAW,¶ NICHOLAS J. TALLEY,#,** andSANDER J. O. VELDHUYZEN VAN ZANTEN‡‡*Division of Gastroenterology, St. Michael’s Hospital and University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; ‡Division of Gastroentero

2011_ar_website (2).xls

TURRELL FUND GRANTS For the Year Ended December 31, 2011 ORGANIZATION/ GRANT PURPOSE 4CS of Passaic County Inc., Paterson, NJ/ Parent education workshops and childcare career development courses (4,000)/ Trustee grants (2,000) + (2,000)Advocates for Children of New Jersey, Newark, NJ/ Pre-K-3rd Lab initiative (15,000)/ Trustee grant for program support (2,000) Aid to Women, Men and Chi


6D · WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2006 · USA TODAY Internet use grows in importance, time Online communities have become so vital that closeto half of those in the USA who participate — 43% —say their online friends and associates are as importantas groups they participate in face to face. That’s ac-cording to a wide-ranging report on Internet habitsand att

VERSLAG ISRAËLREIS 1 t/m 12 oktober 2010 Damiaan de Veuster. Dag 1: vrijdag 1 oktober 2010 Amsterdam – Wenen – Tel Aviv - Netanya Nog midden in de nacht vertrekken we om 3.00 uur vanuit Stiphout met de bus naar Schiphol. We treffen daar een vertegenwoordiger van Isropa aan, die ons helpt bij het inchecken. Ook sluiten zich daar nog drie reisgenoten aan zodat we met een uur vertraging

Optima preferred and standard drugs july 2000

OPTIMA HEALTH Preferred Drugs List October-December 2012 Dear Doctor: Please refer to this list when prescribing for your patient. Your patient will have lower drug costs if you prescribe generic drugs and allow brand substitution for dual-branded products. PA= prior authorization required Qty= quantity limit SE= step edit required Small Case Letters= tier 1 Uppercase First Let

Microsoft word - clinical studies of alkaline water

CLINICAL STUDIES OF ALKALINE Reduced water Electrolyzed water Alkaline /Acid water Microwater There have been many studies by Doctors inJapanese Hospitals on the Benefits of using AlkalineWater. Below are a few now translated into English Fluid replacement promotes optimal physical performance.  Electrolyzed-reduced water scavenges active oxygen & protects The mecha

Tms november single page.indd

COMPARISON CHART TMS Recommends TMS Recommends Phytocare Imucare Blackmores Perilla Complex Blackmores Echinacea Andrographis Oriental Botanicals Bactivir Orthoplex Intestaclear Phytocare Imucare Oriental Botanicals Astragalus 8 Blackmores Astragalus Complex Bacopa and Ginkgo Compound Oriental Botanicals Brain IQ Interclinical Laboratories MeMax Phytocare Ox

Microsoft word - traumatic_brain_injury.doc

TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY DEFINITION: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is injury caused to the head that results in minor to serious brain injury. It is caused by either an open head injury where there is a penetrating lesion or closed head injury (most common) where there is no outward injury. Characterized by permanent brain damage caused by concussion, contusion, or hemorrhages. Studen

Transportation Association of Canada Small Municipalities’ Task Force Terms of Reference MANDATE The Small Municipalities Task Force would provide a forum for discussion of current and emerging issues in the transportation sector of importance to small municipalities. The Task Force would also encourage the development and dissemination of practical tools and approaches to ad

Microsoft word - cp 3-116 blood and blood component 2-10[1].doc

Transfusion-Free Medicine Program (TFMP): Enrollment 1. To describe the operational process for enrollment in the Transfusion-Free Medicine Program (TFMP). 2. To identify persons who refuse blood product administration and to respect their convictions regarding 1. Each patient has the right to participate actively in decisions regarding his/her medical care. To the extent permitted by l



The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge (ISSN 2321 – 919X) THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLEDGE Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some New Pyrazoline Derivatives of Vanillin Analogue V. R. Dangar Department of Chemistry, Kamani Science College, Amreli, Gujarat, India J. V. Dodia Department of Chemistry, Kamani Sc ience College,

Headline goes here

Shakedown? Epilepsy Drug Lobby Gave Lawmakers Fits • Industry- Funded Non-Profit Pushed To Limit Generic Substitutes. acing huge revenue losses as a result of expiring The Journal reported that when the foundation’s San patents for anti-seizure pills, drug makers teamed Antonio and Houston chapters decided to make such a F up with the industry-funded Epilepsy Foundation

THE TOLEDO ZOO SPRING PLANT SALE – 2010 Traditional and unusual plants OWENS COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENT LANDSCAPE CLUB Assorted Rare, Unusual and Hard-to-Find Trees and Shrubs – May include but not limited to: Shrubs: Gold Pillar Barberry, Bottle Brush Buckeye, Dwarf Burning Bush, Annabelle Hydrangea, Panicle Hydrangea ‘Limelight’, ‘Quick Fire’, Climbing Hydrangea, Dwarf


sional time. In her 100 breaststroke she is only INSIDE THE ATHLETE three seconds away and if she accomplished this Sydney Foster time this winter, she would be ahead of where she Sydney Foster started out as just an ordinary kid was as a nine year old trying to accomplish the with ordinary dreams and an ordinary life. She same standard. Since there


Chanpura and Yende Critical Care 2012, 16 :322 J O U R N A L C LU B C R I T I Q U E Weighing risks and benefi ts of stress ulcer prophylaxis in critically ill patientsUniversity of Pittsburgh Department of Critical Care Medicine: Evidence-Based Medicine Journal Club, edited by Sachin Yende Expanded abstract signifi cant gastrointestinal bleeding, ho


ThaiMania-Packliste Dokumente Alle Tickets (Flug, Zug, Fähre, Sonstige), Buchungsbestätigungen (Hotel,Guesthouse)Anfahrtsbeschreibungen falls Hotel/Guesthouse/Strandbungalow vorgebucht)Reisepass/PersonalausweisFührerschein national/internationalFür 100 Euro Baht (als Startgeld/Person)Bargeld 300 €Kreditkarten / EC KarteKrankenversicherungskarte (privat)Evtl. Ausdruck von Nummern vo


CONVENIO INTERNACIONAL PARA LA REPRESIÓN DE LOS ACTOS DE TERRORISMO NUCLEAR NACIONES UNIDAS CONVENIO INTERNACIONAL PARA LA REPRESIÓN DE L O S ACTOS DE TERRORISMO NUCLEAR Los Estados Partes en el presente Convenio, Teniendo presentes los propósitos y principios de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas relativos al mantenimiento de la paz y la seguridad internacionales y a

Microsoft word - uz06_r7a.doc

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte eine der Umweltzeichen-Adressen Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Abteilung VI/5 Tel: +43 (0)1 515 22-1250; Fax: Dw. 7649 Tel: +43 (0)1 588 77-208; Fax: Dw. 99207 e-m@il: Inhaltsverzeichnis Allgemeine Regelungen für Ro

Microsoft word - c_vega1_a_17.01.02_.doc

LAS DROGAS EN LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN: DESDE EL CONTROL SOCIAL A LA EDUCACIÓN CRITICA - comunicación oral- AMANDO VEGA FUENTE D.O.E. Universidad del País Vasco. Avda. Tolosa 70 20009 San Sebastián INTRODUCCION La cuestión del papel de los medios de comunicación social y las drogas no pierde actualidad, a pesar de ser un tema de continuo debate en en

Chronique d'un dernier voyage Comme toute maman, ma mère aurait préféré voir rester son fils près d'elle. Mais elle respectait trop la liberté et les choix duCap' que pour le retenir. Les visiteurs du bord de Thoè lui ramenait de temps en temps mes carnets de voyage. Ils étaient untrait d'union entre nous. Par journal interposé, elle partageait un peu le voyage. Les informations ci-

LE ORIGINI DELLA LETTERATURA La nascita del e lingue romanze Le lingue volgari hanno origine in un periodo, durato oltre cinque secoli, che va dal crol o del ’Impero romano (476 DC) al 'anno 1000 circa. In quel periodo il latino, parlato da tutte le genti romanizzate, si trasforma di continuo poiché entra in contatto con i dialetti germanici (Franchi, Goti, Longobardi), il greco

Microsoft word - gr 1452-11 us 447-324

IN THE COURT OF JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE 1ST CLASS AT TINSUKIA Sri Kamaljyoti Moran alias Kalia ….….Accused Advocate for the prosecution : Smti P.Buragohain, Asstt. P.P. Advocate for the Defence : Miss Sidhika Yasmin Evidence Recorded On : 2.5.2012; 7.9.12;14.2.13 JUDGEMENT PROSECUTION STORY IN BRIEF : The prosecution Story in brief is that on 31/10/20121 Sri Kanteswar Moran lodged

Board of health

PRESS RELEASE Milton Board of Health 525 Canton Avenue Milton, MA 02186 617-898-4886 (Phone) 617-696-5172 (Fax) July 25, 2012 Milton, MA - The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) announced yesterday evening that Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) has been detected in mosquitoes collected in the town of Canton. As a result, the risk level in neighboring towns, including

Op deze pagina beantwoorden we de meest voorkomende vragen op het gebied van bruining. Als u zich aan onderstaande adviezen houdt, kunt u het meest van de zon en de zonnebank genieten. Wat moet ik allemaal doen voordat ik op de zonnebank ga? · Bekijk op de huidtypen tabel welk huidtype u heeft en bepaal aan de hand daarvan uw bruiningstijd. · Verwijderen van sieraden, co

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project has an opening for afull-time program staff mem-ber. Responsibilities include A different subject is featured in this column in each issue of The Nicotine Challenger. Please send questions or suggestions for topics to Dr. Slade at Addressing Tobacco… training state-wide on tobaccoissues and nicotine dependencetreatment. Bachelor's degree Bupropion as an Adjunct in Treatin

Microsoft word - pacc min_sept. 30-09.doc

Minutes of Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on the above date in the Town Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. Chairman Ken Johnston presided. PRESENT: Mayor Joe Hawes, Councillors Raymond Gregory, Bob Naylor Committee members: Mishi Babinec, Elwin Hemphill, Gary Nowlan, Tony Zuethoff Jeffrey Turnbull, Planner, PCDPC; Scott Conrod, CAO; Penny MacKenzie, Administrative Assistant; Stewart DeSoll

Microsoft word - authentic_leadership060113.doc

TEAM INTERNATIONAL® INTERNATIONAL www. What, Exactly, is Authentic Leadership? When I hear people talking about “authentic leadership”, I think about Jimmy Buffet, one of my favorite songwriters and singers, and his song “Fruitcakes”. In the song lyrics, he talks about relationships: “We all got ‘em, we all want ‘em, what do we do with them?

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STUDENT INJURY AND SICKNESSINSURANCE PLANLimited Benefit PlanPlease Read CarefullyLimited benefits health insurance. The insurance evidenced by this certificateprovides limited benefits health insurance only. It does NOT provide basichospital, basic medical, or major medical as defined by the New York StateInsurance Department. Table of Contents Privacy Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Trouiller study - unsupported conclusions

Via E-Mail George C. Prendergast, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief Cancer Research 615 Chestnut Street 17th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404 Genetic Instability In vivo in Mice”, B. Trouiller, et al. , Cancer Research , 2009; 69:8784 The Titanium Dioxide Stewardship Council (TDSC)1 and the Titanium Dioxide Manufacturers Association (TDMA)2 submit these comments on the UCLA study published in the j

Il fluconazolo

Il Fluconazolo Supplemento#20 Fluconazole revisionato da Edith Kernerman, IBCLC nel 2009 Il Fluconazolo (Diflucan™) è una molecola antimicotica sintetica che può essere utilizzata per il trattamento del a Candida Albicans e di altre infezioni da funghi. In particolare, può essere usato come primo intervento con le madri che al attano per trattare le infezioni ricorrenti dei capezzol

Zaviacic sexo 4

Résumé : Reinier de Graaf, physiologiste et histologiste allemand, fut le premier à décire la prostate féminine, à lui attribuer ce terme et à essayer de déterminer la fonction de cet organe. La description qu’en * Le Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FICAT) à la conférence d’Orlando (2001) a fit le gynécologue Américain Alexander J.C. accep

Detta är en något omarbetad studiehandledning som användes i tryckta kursen på ssvn

Studieanvisning i Mekanik, Fysik A enligt boken Quanta A Detta är en något omarbetad version av Studiehandledningen som användes i tryckta kursen på SSVN. Sidhänvisningar hänför sig till Quanta A © 2000, ISBN 91-27-60500-0 Där det har varit möjligt har motsvarande saker angetts för nyare boken Quanta A © 2003, ISBN 91-27-60507-2 i parenteser som dessa: {} Det finns många nyfram

This is a list of hints and tips that the wonderful MyFitnessPals are posting. Please enjoy these and more will be added in the Part 2 list. This list is up-to-date as of September 4th, 2012. Enjoy! Please note that I have “cut and pasted” the posts exactly as they were posted. - If your cutting board is slipping and sliding, just wet a dish cloth and slip it under. Your cutting board wi

Microsoft outlook - memo style

Paul Davis Subject: Texas Hospital Pharmacy News - August 6, 2012Having trouble viewing this email? Click here In This Issue August 6, 2012 Vo. 41, No. 29 On This Date On August 6 , 1890 the electric chair was used for the first time to execute a convicted murderer. In 1945 , the Enola Gay dropped the world's first atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima, Jap

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Jacqueline Criswell, Editor (312) 627-4003 WALGREENS’ “WAL-VERT” MARK IS DENIED REGISTRATION Wyeth’s ALAVERT and Walgreens’ WAL-VERT are chemically identical medications for allergy relief. In seeking trademark registration of the WAL-VERT mark, Walgreens selected the “VERT” element because potential purchasers were familiar with Wyeth’s su


CH 343 - CHAPTER 19 STUDY GUIDE 1. Be able to draw the structures of individual fatty acids given their short hand notation (16:0,18:1 “del”9, for example), including omega-three fatty acids, and also for triglycerides given thefatty acyl composition. 2. Know the initial phases of digestion/metabolism of fats from intestine to storage in adipocytes(roles of bile salts or acids, intestinal o

Metformin 500mg tablets 1. Name of the medicinal product Metformin hydrochloride 500 mg uncoated tablets 2. Qualitative and quantitative composition Each uncoated tablet contains 500 mg metformin hydrochloride corresponding to 390 mg metformin. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3. Pharmaceutical form White, round, biconvex, film-coated tablets with 'B' deb

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IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4 Indian J Crit Care Med July-September 2007 Vol 11 Issue 3 Review Article TNF-alpha inhibitors: Current indications Rashmi Sharma, Chaman Lal Sharma* Advances in the DNA hybrid technology led to the development of various biologicals that specifi cally target TNF-α. There are currently three anti- TNF-α drugs available- etanercept, infl ix

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CDP1877, CDP1877C Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) Features Description • Compatible with CDP1800 Series The CDP1877 and CDP1877C are programmable 8-level interrupt control-lers designed for use in CDP1800 series microprocessor systems. They • Programmable Long Branch Vector Address and provide added versatility by extending the number of permissible interrupts Vec


JHEA/RESA Vol. 10, No.1, 2012, pp.139–170© Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa 2013The Roles of Higher Education in theDemocratization of Politics in Africa:Survey Reports from HERANA1Robert Mattes* & Thierry M. Luescher-Mamashela** Abstract Against the theory on the nexus of higher education and citizenship, thisarticle brings together the main finding

From the orgalime s2000 conditions to the orgalime s2011 general conditions for the supply of mechanical, electrical and electronic products

The new S 2012-conditions: an overview of the major changes 1. Revision of the Orgalime-S 2000-Conditions As the international sale of products represents the core business of companies in the mechanical and electrical engineering industries in Europe, Orgalime has soon recognised that these companies would benefit from a set of general conditions for the supply of products, whi

Uniform policy

Thomas Carr College Medication Policy Date of approval: Date of review: To be reviewed by: College Nurse, Director of Student Services To be ratified by: Medication Policy Policy Statement Thomas Carr College is committed to the provision of medication needs to promote the wellbeing of all students. No student is to be in possession of any med

July/August 2000 NEW DRUGS VI Rosiglitazone (Avandia®) Approved indication: To lower blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes not controlled by diet and exercise alone: 1) as monotherapy or 2) in addition to maximum doses of metformin. Mechanism of action: Agonist for the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor by which it decreases insulin resistance in muscle and adipose t

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Mutaties in Standaard afhandeling cumarine-interacties periode november 2002 - januari 2007 Januari 2007 Adreswijziging Trombosediensten verwerkt. Juni 2006 Samenstelling commissie is gewijzigd. Fouten eruit gehaald April 2006 Nieuw opgenomen in de standaard Nieuw opgenomen geneesmiddelen, die qua geneesmiddel, afhandeling en/of werkingsmechanisme niet kunnen worden samengevoegd met e

Resochin Tabletten / Resochin junior TablettenAnwendung in Schwangerschaft und Stillzeitheit, Verwirrtheitszustände, Schläfrigkeit,nicht angewendet werden, weil es die Pla-– passagere Akkomodationsstörungen,– Herz-Kreislauf-ReaktionenBehandlung ist eine Schwangerschaftauszuschließen. Während der Behand-lung und für drei Monate danach ist einwirksamer Konzeptionsschutz einzuhal-R

Chairs: Selim Badur Professor, Department of Microbiology, Division of Virology and Immunology, Istanbul University Medical School, Istanbul, Turkey Director, Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA Professor of Medicine and Stuart S. Richardson Professor of Clinical Virology, U

Bb_ist brain-doping tatsächlich doping

Ist Brain-Doping tatsächlich Doping? Zur medialen Definition pharmazeutischer leistungssteigernder Maßnahmen im Beruf und Alltag der Konzentration, Provigil® zur Erhöhung undVerlängerung der Wachsamkeit); Medikamente,»Forget sports doping. The next frontier iswelche die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit erhö-brain doping.« So schreibt Karen Kaplan in ei-hen (z.B. Steroide). Viagr

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Reglas Oficiales del Concurso Concurso “Rápidos y Furiosos 6” (Las “Reglas Oficiales”) ATENCION A CONTINUACION TE PEDIMOS QUE LEAS CIERTAS CONSIGNAS FUNDAMENTALES PARA PARTICIPAR EN EL CONCURSO. • Sólo podrán participar las personas físicas de 18 (dieciocho) años de edad o mayores, con residencia legal y efectiva en alguno de los siguientes países: México,

Eye 1-2006.qxd

M A R K E T I N G De kracht van kwaliteit Kwaliteit wordt in marketing- land vaak vertaald als ‘beter zijn’ dan de concurrent. Maar dat is in deze tijd van alleen maar ‘betere’ producten ach- terhaald. Welke invulling van het begrip ‘kwaliteit’ sluit wél aan bij de consument van vandaag en morgen? Wat is een kwalitatief concept? Vroegerkon je als concept


Page numbers may refer to music as well as text. Page references in bold type indicate the main appearance of a tune, a photograph of a pianist, based on four-note chords in key of F 140or an entry in Appendix I, ‘Suggested Listening’. dominant sevenths/ninths 103, 112, 187in left hand 214–217in right-hand improvisation ‘A’ Train Improvisation 66, 68, 69 in walking basslines

Leonard c. thomas

Characterization of Polymorphic Transitions in a Pharmaceutical by DSC and MDCS  TA Instruments, 109 Lukens Drive, New Castle DE 19720, USA BACKGROUND Because crystalline drugs generally have better storage stability, pharmaceutical companies prefer to use crystalline compounds for development of new drug formulations. However, a frequently encountered problem is the ability

Microsoft word - toprol physician letter 031609.doc

UPDATE: TOPROL-XL® (metoprolol succinate) now generally available after AstraZeneca delivers significant supply across the US in response to generic shortage Dear Doctor, We are pleased to provide you with follow-up information to our letter of last month regarding the availability of TOPROL-XL. As you know, after published reportsi,ii that two generic manufacturers had reca

Vorwort zur 4. Auflage Die anhaltend positive Aufnahme unseres Buches ist mir wieder mit besonderer Sorgfalt alle gegenwärtigen und zu erwartenden körpermedizinischen Behandlungsverfahren Vollkommen neu sind in dieser Auflage die Kapitel „Sys-vorgestellt und diskutiert, von PT-141 bei sexuellen Funk-temische Therapie sexueller Luststörungen“ von Ulrich tionsstörungen von Männern


Effective Drug Policies for Racing Pigeons Written by: John Vance ~ Back in May of 2012, Peta released a “Sting” video about the racing pigeon sport, and from the very beginning, this video was full of misrepresentations and out right lies. However, in one part of the video, a club officer of one of the IF clubs in the NYC area, actually stated on the video


O TRABALHO E A SAÚDE NA CULTURA CONTEMPORÂNEAApresentarei, de início, uma oposição entre o Direito e a Psicanálise. Opensamento jurídico é permeado por uma pergunta: O que leva um homem atornar-se antissocial? As formalizações psicanalíticas, por sua vez, também sãoinstigadas por uma pergunta, que, entretanto, é o inverso da primeira: O que levaum homem a tornar-se social? A difere

LEITARTIKEL / WISSENSCHAFT UND FORSCHUNG Noch gravierender aber sind die gesetzlichen Regelungen der spielen eine nicht unerhebliche Rolle. So haben beispielsweise großen Koalition, die das Subsidaritätsgebot zugunsten zen-arme Leute eine niedrigere Lebenserwartung. Das sind gute tralstaatlicher Bevormundung unterwandern. Eine solche Politik Gründe, das Solidarprinzip im Gesundheits

Diario di “un pazzo” La storia tragica - comica - allegra di Pippo Bosè Firenze. Piazza Signoria. Un giorno qualunque dei primi anni '80. Da un lato Alessandro Fantechi, un giovane attore, dall’altra Filippo Staud, “un matto”. Entrambi si buscano il pane facendo gli artisti di strada. Si scontrano spesso. Non si incontrano mai. Venticinque anni dopo, in un mite pomeriggio di ott

Septoplasty and/or endoscopic sinus surgery post-operative instructions

TIER ENT ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15 Riverside Drive Johnson City, NY 13790 607-770-9050 Septoplasty and/or Endoscopic Sinus Surgery post-operative instructions Items typically needed: Medications: Unless otherwise stated, antibiotics should begin the day after surgery if no significant nausea or vomiting have occurred. Prescription pain medicine is almost always needed and should be

Microsoft word - provost_statement_041008.doc

Statement given April 10, 2008 Faculty Meeting Marty Wyngaarden Krauss, Provost I want to speak to you about a variety of issues, including some of the issues raised in the March 13 meeting of the Senate, as noted in their minutes. I will defer commentary on the specific issues raised in the preceding reports in order to consider them carefully. I have been a member of this faculty since 1982

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Denley, Quintin Davidson, Duncan Denley, Quintin DavidsonCampbell, Eoin, Richard Street, Richard ScottJane Westley, Will Westley, Duncan Eley, Gary LockeNewman, Kelvin King, Olivier Ales, Alex WilsonGarcia, Marianne Nygaard, Allan Heron, Daniel WoodMacDonald, Marty Garbutt, Steph, Neil SmithFitzmaurice, Karl Street, David Thompson, Chad TriveriCarlyne, USIETO PASCAL, Herran Frederic, Coutur

• If you submit handwritten solutions, start each problem on a fresh page. • Collaboration is encouraged, but all writeups must be done individually and must include names of all• Referring sources other than the lectures is strongly discouraged. But if you do use an outside source(eg., other text books, lecture notes, any material available online), ACKNOWLEDGE it in yourwriteup. • Th

Cv uwe totzke 20110609

CURRICULUM VITAE Route de Bellegarde 36; 1284 Chancy/Geneva; Switzerland [+ 41] (0)79/ 83 83 856 (cell) / (0)22/ 756 06 44 (landline) Work Experience Co-founder and Owner, Healthcare Consultant TOTZKE & DREHER SCIENTIFIC SA, Geneva, Switzerland Freelance Healthcare Consultant and Writer TOTZKE SCIENTIFIC Writing, Medical Affairs & Communication, Geneva, Switzerland Areas

Microsoft word - endometriosis july 201

Endometriosis is a chronic condition characterised by growth of endometrial tissue in sites other than the uterus, most commonly in the pelvic cavity, but also in other parts of the body (RCOG 2006). This ectopic tissue responds to the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle, with subsequent bleeding, inflammation, and pain. If the ovaries are affected, endometriotic ovarian cysts may develo


Da These are the Seven Viennese Singing Sisters, also known as the Singing Babies, a capella group of the Thirties. Fritzi Schlichter is top middle left. If you know any Fritzi Schlichter è la seconda in alto, da sinistra. Se riconosci qualcun’altra delle ragazze, per favore Eva Oplatek is the top left singer, according to her Eva O

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LRC Highlights January - March 2000 • Applications of Evidence-Based Practice • LRC Outreach Into the Community • Promoting LRC / Partner Sustainability • Internet Consultations • Communications And Information Exchange • Health Policy Change and Medical Curriculum Reform • Application of Information Technology, Telemedicine, and Database Information Systems

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FINNISH LAKES & FORESTS 7 Nights / 8 Days Self – Drive On this trip you will experience the Land of the Thousand Lakes. The seemingly endless lakes in Finland`s lakedistrict are punctuated by several communities that come to magical life in the summer, from Imatra and Lappeenranta in the south to the town of Savonlinna with its medieval island castle. The Karelia regio

Multi-component quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment by LC-MS/MS with fast polarity switchingNatsuyo Asano, Kiyomi Arakawa, Shinjiro Fujita, Multi-component quantitative analysis of pharmaceuticalsand personal care products in the environment by LC-MS/MS with fast polarity switchingIntroductionPharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs)

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Currículum Resumido Dra. Marcela Redruello Títulos Médico, otorgado por la Universidad de Buenos Aires el 22 de diciembre de 1989. Títulos de posgrado - Médico Especialista en Cardiología, recibida el 21 de diciembre de 1993 Otorgado por la Universidad Católica Argentina - Médico Especialista en Medicina Nuclear. Recibida en noviembre de 1998. Otorgado por la Universidad d

Some Womens’ Health Considerations for Kokoda Trail Trip Excepts from ‘Travelling Well’ Dr Deborah Mills• Other issues with the contraceptive pillThrush is a most unpleasant condition to have while travelling! Doxycycline is thecommon anti-malarial medication used for this part of the world and about 9% ofwomen taking doxycycline will develop thrush. Cotton underclothes may help pre

( Relaxed Pelvic Floor Syndrome , RPFS) , © 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. (po steriorint ra - vaginalsling , P - IVS)( sacro spinousligamentfixatio n , SSL F)Tho mp so n W G , Lo ngst ret h GF , Dro ss man DA , et al . Func2 © 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http:/

Microsoft word - infectious disease.doc

Infectious Disease Christine Petersen, DVM, PhD; Iowa State University In the recent years many new diseases have come to light which previously were not commonly found in either the United States and/or in dogs. Among these are infection with canine influenza, West Nile virus, Leishmaniasis and others. At the same time, mutations and alterations in other disease pathogens are causing increased c

Journal of Synthetic Organic SYNTHESIS Chemistry Special Issue Developing Novel Organocatalyzed Aldol Reactions for the Enantioselective ew Synthesis of Biologically Active Molecules Revi e 1831 A Novel Catalyst-Free Tandem Reaction for the Synthesis of 5-Hydroxy-1,5- cl dihydro-2 H -pyrrol-2-ones in Water Medium ti re Ar eatu F


Session 4 Teaching so that learners learn Setting the context Some teachers and trainers see their role as being to onlytransmit knowledge. In Sessions 2 and 3 the activitiesmodelled a different approach. They required inductive‘learning by doing’. Prepare yourself for Session 4 by reading about activeapproaches to learning in Section 3: Learning by doing (pages 3.1 to 3.13). ț To an

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Dr. Eric Hanson | 2820 NW 32nd St. | Newcastle, OK The Food and Drug Administration and Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation have each issued a drug precaution for health professionals regarding a condition known as Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ). According to these precautions, this condition has been observed in cancer patients who undergo invasive dental procedures such as dental implants or

GTCC’s VISA SERVICE FOR BUSINESS TRIPS TO GERMANY – FACT SHEET Germany is Thailand’s largest trading partner within the European Union. Due to this fact, numerous business travels between both countries take place every year. In cooperation with the German Embassy in Bangkok, the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) offers a new business visa application service for ordinary G

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PARENTAL PERMISSION / MEDICAL FORM FOR Bendigo/Ballart STUDENT: Tutor: Parent/Guardian’s Full Name: . Student’s Date of Birth: . Medicare Number: . Please tick of your child suffers from any of the following: Asthma – complete details overleaf Fits Please specify any medical conditions, e.g. allergies or physical problems the coach needs to be aware of: . Teta


Condições contratuais gerais TVCABO? 1.OBJECTO 1.1. As presentes Condições Gerais regulam, em conjunto com os seus Anexos e os demais elementos referidos nas mesmas (conjuntamente “Condições dos Produtos e Serviços TVCABO” ou “Contrato”) o fornecimento e a prestação, pela TVCABO Comunicações Multimédia, Lda. (“TVCABO”) ao Cliente, dos produtos e serviços de: (

Significant Changes – 53rd Edition DGR 2 – Limitations 2.3 – Dangerous goods Carried by Passengers or Crew A new paragraph has been added recommending that operators implement documented policy and procedures to address the operator approval of dangerous goods permitted in passenger and crew baggage. More detail on these recommendations is set out in A note ha

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