"M" - Medical Pdf Finder:

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Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß EU-Verordnung 1907/2006 Ausstellungsdatum : 05.09.2007 Ersatz für das Datenblatt vom : 24.02.2006 "*" Änderungen gegenüber Vorläufer, n.a. = nicht anwendbar, n.v. = nicht verfügbar BEZEICHNUNG DES STOFFES BZW. DER ZUBEREITUNG UND DES UNTERNEHMENS Bezeichnung des Stoffes oder der Zubereitung Handelsname : Multi-Star Gescha Hochkonzentrat A

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Direct Member Reimbursement (DMR) Frequently Asked Questions What is a Direct Member Reimbursement (DMR)? At times, you may be required to submit a claim form and your receipts for reimbursement for prescriptions filled at a retail pharmacy. This process of reimbursing is called Direct Member Reimbursement, or DMR. When will I need to submit a request for Direct Member Reimbursem


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Elaine Inglesby Telephone: 0161 206 5862 Facsimile: Mr Gary S Brown 63/69 Lambton Road Worsley M28 2SU Dear Mr Brown Please find attached the response letter in relation to your complaint to this Trust. Under normal circumstances response letters are always signed by Mr David Dalton, the Chief Executive. At present Mr. Dalton is out of the office for a period of time and it has been agreed tha

Pertussis (whooping cough)

Pertussis (whooping cough) Updated: January 2012 What is pertussis? Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a highly contagious bacterial infection that causes an uncontrollable, violent cough lasting several weeks or even months. It is caused by a bacterium that is found in the mouth, nose and throat of an infected person. Pertussis may begin with cold-like symptoms or a dry cough that prog


Nombre_________________________________________ Grupo_________a) ¿Cuáles son los 4 tipos principales de moléculas biológicas mencionadas en clase? Cite unafunción importante de cada tipo de molécula biológica celular. b) Responda brevemente las siguientes preguntas:I)¿Cuáles son las 2 diferencias principales entre las células procariotas y eucariotas?II) ¿En qué se diferencian los


International Journal of Impotence Research (2006) 18, 77–81& 2006 Nature Publishing Group All rights reservedORIGINAL ARTICLEEarly use of vacuum constriction device following radicalprostatectomy facilitates early sexual activity and potentiallyearlier return of erectile functionR Raina1,2, A Agarwal1, S Ausmundson1, M Lakin1, KC Nandipati1, DK Montague1, D Mansour2 and CD Zippe11Cente

Faculty in charge of course:

NEUR 4006: MOVEMENT DISORDERS AND NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES 2011-2012 Students need to see elective director immediately after receiving computer-generated schedule and at least 30 days prior to beginning of elective. Faculty In Charge Of Course: Dr. Mya Schiess and Dr. Erin Furr Stimming Participating Faculty: Dr. Mya Schiess, Dr. Gage Van Horn, and Dr. Erin Furr Stimming Location:


Drug Facts Active Ingredient Purpose Omeprazole 20 mg.stops stomach acid Uses temporarily relieves frequent heartburn. Heartburn occurs when stomach contents back up into esophagus Warnings Ask a doctor before use if you take blood-thinning medicine anxiety medicine antifungal medicine heart medicine When using this product Stop use and ask a do


MEN'S HEALTH URBANATHLON CHICAGO, ILLINOIS OCTOBER 18, 2008 OVERALL MENS TEAMS RESULTS Place Name Ag Rank Leg 1 Rank Leg 2 Rank Stair Rank Leg 3 Time Team Name ===== =========================== == ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ===== ==== ======= ======= ======================================== 1 JOE HERINGTON 30 3 18:54 2 26:17 3 5:41 1 20:24 1:05:34 MARQUETTE GUYS 2 DIRKUS CALLAHAN 25 2 18:31 4 26:


Biol Trace Elem ResDOI 10.1007/s12011-010-8711-4The Co-effect of Cordyceps sinensis and Strontiumon Osteoporosis in Ovariectomized Osteopenic RatsWei Qi & Ya-bo Yan & Pu-jie Wang & Wei LeiReceived: 14 April 2010 / Accepted: 21 April 2010# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010Abstract The co-effect of Cordyceps sinensi (CS; caterpillar fungus) and strontium onovariectomized o

Classification et mode d'action des antibiotiques

CLASSIFICATION ET MODE D'ACTION DES ANTIBIOTIQUES D.YALA*, A.S. MERAD** D. MOHAMEDI, M.N. OUAR KORICH***Un antibiotique est une substance antibactérienne d'origined'acide cl avulanique et qui agit sur les bactéries pro d u c -biologique, c'est à dire produite par des micro-organismes(champignons microscopiques et bactéries) ou de synthèsechimique et qui est cap able d'inhiber la mu

Blood pressure

• Have your blood pressure HYPERTENSION (HIGH BLOOD HYPERTENSION (HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: PRESSURE) checked three to four times a Current guidelines state that year; it should be less than normal blood pressure is less than World Wide estimates of individuals 130/80mm Hg. with hypertension are 1 billion Pre-hypertension is systolic blood people

Comunicato stampa -time code

THE TIME CODE SHOW curated by Fabiola Naldi and Alessandra Pioselli 3rd July – 17th August 2008 Opening: Thursday, July 3rd 2008, 6.30 p.m. The inauguration of THE TIME CODE SHOW – curated by Fabiola Naldi and Alessandra Piosel i, and conceived as a “choral” moment which retraces the stages of the TIME CODE project – wil be held on July 3, at MAMbo – the Museum of Modern Art


Chronic Dizziness and Anxiety Effect of Course of Illness on Treatment Outcome Jeffrey P. Staab, MD, MS; Michael J. Ruckenstein, MD, MSc Objective: To investigate the hypothesis that the effi- Interventions: Patients with CSD were treated with an cacy of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) forSSRI according to an established protocol for at least 8chronic subjective d


Membership Update May/June 2005 Visit our website at: ww w.msck.org L. P. Hinterbuchner, M.D., Ed itor Mark A. Longo, Legal Counsel Brooklyn Happenings The Annual Stated Meeting of the Medical Society of the County of Kings, Inc. and the Academy of Medicine of Brooklyn was held on May 17, 2005 at Michael’s Restaurant, 2929 Avenue R, Brooklyn, New York. The meeting was called t



Merkblatt oxyuriasis ga main-tauber-kreis

Merkblatt Lan Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 31 97941 Tauberbischofsheim Tel.: 09341/82-5579, Fax: 09341/82-5560 E-Mail: gesundheitsamt@main-tauber-kreis.de Internet: www.main-tauber-kreis.de Enterobiasis, Oxyuriasis, Madenwurm-Infektion Die Enterobiasis wird durch den weiß aussehenden Madenwurm Enterobius vermicularis verursacht. Dieser Madenwurm gehört zu der Gattung der Nematoden, den Rund


I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O N A B O U T S Y M B I C O R T WHAT SHOULD I TELL MY HEALTH then ask your doctor about SYMBICORT. CARE PROFESSIONAL BEFORE USING n you need to use your fast-acting inhaler more often No advertisement can provide al the information SYMBICORT? n your fast-acting inhaler does not work as well for you needed to determine if a drug is right for yo


M E D I E N U N D W E R B U N G Kultur und Moral im Wandel der Gesellschaft Vom „Sanso“-Schäfchen zur Folterkammer Am Beispiel der Werbung und ihrer Entwicklung lassen sich sowohl Veränderungenvon Gesellschaft und Kommunikation prägnant beschreiben als auch die jeweils in denEpochen vorherrschenden Leitbilder und Lebensstile: Werbliche Schöpfungen am Pulsder Zeit brechen oft konventi

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 Wir betrachten den Anteilswert (Prozentsatz) für ein interessierendes Ereignis in zwei verschiedenen Grundgesamtheiten ( ,  ) Ziel: Auf der Basis von Stichprobenerhebungen zu entscheiden, ob die beiden Grundgesamtheitendie gleichen Anteilswerte aufweisen oder sich unterscheiden Frage: Wie ist die Differenz der Stichprobenanteile  Wir betrachten 2 unabhängige Stichproben v

Dr stefan lanka

Dr Stefan Lanka Does vaccinating make sense?--Dr Stefan Lanka and Karl Krafeld[2001] Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud" Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The "Viral Fraud" Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked[1998] 15 YEARS OF AIDSThe continuous failure in the prevention and treatment of AIDS is rooted in the misinterpretation of aninflammatory auto immune process

Consensus on antiretroviral treatment

CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE It has been 3 years since the release of the 1st National Guidelines on Antiretroviral Therapy. The feedback from the 1st edition from medical practitioners have been encouraging and theexpert panel valued all comments made. With the many new developments in HIV medicineover the last 3 years, we felt it was time for a review of the guidelines. The development of the 2n

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CONTENTS High-Sensitivity Reagent PRINCIPLE 3. Plasma Storage Plasma samples may be stored at 18 to 26oC for up to 2 hours; at 2 The capacity of blood to form a fibrin clot by means of the to 8oC for up to 4 hours; frozen at –20oC for up to 2 months or at – extrinsic hemostatic pathway requires thromboplastin, calcium, 70oC for up to 6 months. Plasma may be re-cent


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. RESIGNATION OF GROUP FINAN


Institut for Industriøkonomi og VirksomhedsstrategiWorking Paper 2000-5New HRM Practices, Complementarities, and the Keld Laursen and Nicolai J. Foss Department of Industrial Economics and Strategy,Copenhagen Business School, Howitzvej 60, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark2nd draft, this version: 22 February 2000Paper prepared for the 3rd Applied Econometrics Conference, Alicante, Spain, Acknow

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Martedì 15 Maggio 2012 @ “Piper Club” (Roma, Via Tagliamento 9) dalle ore 21.30 fino a tarda notte. divertimento, musica, spettacolo, cultura, solidarietà e sociale. L'evento, ideato e realizzato dall’Associazione-Organizzazione “Mondo Notte”, con il Patrocinio della Presidenza dell'Assemblea Capitolina (“Roma Capitale”), e con la partecipazione di StandBy Tv, RadioDanceMusic e


MOLECULAR INFORMATION FUSION FOR METABOLIC NETWORKS RALF HOFESTÄDT, MATTHIAS LANGE AND UWE SCHOLZ Bioinformatics / Medical Informatics Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg P.O. Box 41 20, 39016 Magdeburg, Germany E-mail: {hofestae|mlange|uscholz}@iti.cs.uni-magdeburg.de Tel.: ++49-391-67-18659 Fax: ++49-391-67-1202

Antiinflammatory living

Anti-Inflammatory Living By Rachel Abrams, M.D. You probably don’t spend much time thinking about inflammation in your body, but inflammation is a buzz-word in the medical community these days is because it is such an important part of health and wellness. We generally think of inflammation as painful redness or swelling around injuries or joints, but the process of inflammation is used throu

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PRIMA DELL'USO LEGGETE CON ATTENZIONE TUTTE LE INFORMAZIONI CONTENUTE NEL FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO Questo è un medicinale di AUTOMEDICAZIONE che potete usare per curare disturbi lievi e transitori facilmente riconoscibili e risolvibili senza ricorrere all'aiuto del medico. Può essere quindi acquistato senza ricetta ma va usato correttamente per assicurarne l'efficacia e ridurne gli e

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Middle East Journal of Family Medicine, 2004; Vol . 2 (2) Smoking Cessation Interventions; Pharmacological Aids Dr. Mohammed H. AL-Doghether ABFM, SBFM. Consultant family medicine Director of Center of Postgraduate studies in Family Medicine Ministry of Health P.O.Box 90945 Riyadh 11623 Saudi Arabia Tel number: 4961860 Fax number: 4970847 E-mail: doghether@hotmail.com Abstract Tobacco

Memorial hermann healthnet providers

MEDICAL MANAGEMENT POLICY TITLE : Admission Criteria for Outpatient POLICY NUMBER : MEDM-090-2011 Detoxification Treatment Services (Pre-Cert Required) Yes x No EFFECTIVE DATE: 7/1/2011 REVISION DATE : PAGE : 1 of 4 SUPERSEDES : POLICY IN COMPLIANCE WITH: This medical policy is not a guarantee of benefits or coverage, nor should it be deemed as medical ad

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From 2009 Philmont Guidebook to Adventure, Pages 16-17 YOUR PERSONAL EQUIPMENT Check Check Be sure to label all of your clothing and equipment with your name and Expedition Number, , so you can readily identify what is yours Personal and Miscellaneous and so any of your belongings lost and found can be returned. *matches and lighter in waterproof container (BB, A


De maatschappelijke kosten en baten van de gezondheidszorg Aute ur(s ): J.M. Pomp (auteur) De auteur is b ij het CPB werkzaam als programmaleider marktsectoren. j.m.pomp@cpb .nl Ve rs che ne n in: ESB, 90e jaargang, nr. 4459, pagina 212, 6 mei 2005 (datum) Rubrie k : Tre fw oord(e n): De Amerikaanse gezondheidszorg is in veel opzichten ondoelmatig. Toch zou de enorme stij


8/06/2013 THE MINNEHAHA COUNTY COMMISSION CONVENED AT 9:00 A.M. August 6, 2013 pursuant to adjournment on July 30, 2013. Commissioners present were: Barth, Beninga, Heiberger, Kelly, and Pekas. Also present were Cindy Jepsen, Commission Recorder, and Kersten Kappmeyer, Chief Civil Deputy State’s Attorney. Chairman Beninga called the meeting to order. MOTION by Pekas, seconded by Barth, to ap


VIAGRA® Consumer Medicine Information What is in this leaflet It does not take the place of talking to 2. you are using amyl nitrite 3. you have heart or blood vessel Before you take problems that make sexual intercourse inadvisable 4. you have suffered a heart YOU MUST NOT TAKE attack or stroke in the last 6 VIAGRA IF YOU ARE TAKING ANY NITRATE MEDICA

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Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 21: 982–994 © 2001 The International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc., Philadelphia Quantification of Neuroreceptors in Living Human Brain. V. Endogenous Neurotransmitter Inhibition of Haloperidol Binding Positron Emission Tomography Center, Aarhus University Hospitals, Aarhus,


SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE H U N G A R I A N S O C I E T Y O F CA R D I O L O G Y Cardiologia Hungarica Alapította/Founded by: Dr. Ghyczy Kálmán Felelõs szerkesztõ/Editor in Chief: Dr. Tenczer József Szerkesztõségi titkár/Editor secretary: Dr. Kerkovits András 228 Performance of the Hungarian cardiac surgery centers Szerkesztõség címe/Editorial office:


J Vector Borne Dis 46, March 2009, pp . 81–82 Case Report Toxic psychosis due to chloroquine overdose : a case reportSyed Ahmed Zaki, Anupama Mauskar & Preeti Shanbag Department of Pediatrics, Lokamanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital, Mumbai, India Key words Chloroquine overdose – malaria – psychosis Malaria is an endemic disease in developing coun-understand the dosing sc


C H A P T E R e 2 6 Amodiaquine Amodiaquine has been widely used in the treatment of malaria for >40 years. Like chloroquine (the other major 4-aminoquinoline), amodiaquine is now of limited use because of the spread of resis-tance. Amodiaquine interferes with hemozoin formation through complexation with heme. Although rapidly absorbed, amodiaquine behaves as a prodrug after oral

Mobilux ep series (pdf)

Product Description Mobilux EP 0, 1, 2, 3, 460, 004 and 023 products are a high performance family of five general-purpose industrial greases and twospecial-duty semi-fluid greases. These lithium hydroxystearate greases are formulated to provide extra protection against wear, rustingand water washout. They are available in NLGI grades ranging from 00 to 3, with base oil viscosities ISO VG 1

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MOAA: Military Officers Association of AmericaMOAA Legislative Up. http://www.moaa.org/lac/lac_issues/lac_issues_update/lac_issues_updat. MOAA Legislative Update: Roth TSP/SBP Allowance Bill Passes April 03, 2009 USPHS/NOAA Corps to Get Post-9/11 GI Bill In a much-welcome surprise, the VA announcedthis week that USPHS and NOAA Commissioned Corps officers will be entitled to educational

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Curriculum Vitae Europeo Informazioni personali Istruzione e formazione Ho frequentato un Master di II livello in REACH, acronimo di Registrazione, Autorizzazione,Valutazione e Restrizione delle sostanze chimiche. L’obiettivo formativo del corso è stato la formazione di figure professionali altamente specializzate nella gestione delle sostanze chimiche, acquisendo conoscenze te

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A delicate tea with higher concentrations of antioxidants and lower levels of caffeine than other teas Silver Needle White Peony The rarest and most spectacular of the Fujian white teas, producing a glittering pale gold liquor with a delicate aroma Picked in Spring and then dried to halt oxidation Green Tea revives the body, aids digestion and lowers blood pressure Lions Peak Dragon Well One o


Myofascial Medicine –Natural Hormone Clinic The MyoMed Natural Hormone Clinic The MyoMed Natural Hormone Clinic comprises a group of medical practitioners and nurse consultants. As we get older our production of hormones decreases. This leads to an increased rate of tissue degeneration. Our body begins to physical y break down, our immune system becomes weaker, and our chances of cardiova


Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Protocol applies to non-Hodgkin lymphoma involving any organ system except the gastrointestinal tract. Protocol revision date: January 2004 Procedures • Cytology (No Accompanying Checklist) • Biopsy • Resection of Lymph Node or Other Organ Authors Carolyn Compton, MD, PhD Department of Pathology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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Blue Care Network - January 2007 DOSE OPTIMIZATION PROGRAM Antidepressants Cymbalta (Nonformulary)* Emsam (Nonformulary) Paxil CR (Nonformulary)* Pexeva (Nonformulary)* Prozac Weekly (Nonformulary)* Wellbutrin XL (Nonformulary)* Antidiabetics Actoplus Met (Nonformulary) * Avandamet (Nonformulary) * Byetta (Nonformulary)* Duetact (Nonformulary)* Antihype

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Head, Division of Infectious Diseases Chief, Department of Microbiology SMBD-Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Dr. Mark Miller graduated from medical school at McGill University in 1982 and then did specialty training in Montreal in the fields of Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases and in Medical Microbiology, for which he received Royal College and Quebec certification in 198


DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA — I SÉRIE-B MINISTÉRIOS DAS FINANÇAS E DA EDUCAÇÃO Celebração de contrato 1 — Os contratos abrangidos pelo presente diploma Portaria n.o 367/98 consideram-se celebrados na data da aceitação, sem pre- de 29 de Junho juízo do disposto nos números seguintes. 2 — Caso a colocação ocorra em data anterior a 1O Estatuto dos Educadores de Infânc

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Coping with WORDNET Sense Proliferation Alessandro Artale, Anna Goy*, Bernardo Magnini, Emanuele Pianta & Carlo Strapparava IRST, Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica [artale | magnini | pianta | strappa@irst.itc.it] *Dipartimento di Informatica - University of Torino, Italy Abstract 1. Adding Subject Field Labels WORDNET makes a great number of fine-grained

Curriculum vitae & bibliography

DAVID L. PEARLE, M.D. DAVID L. PEARLE, M.D. PERSONAL INFORMATION HOME ADDRESS: (202) 444-8833 / (877) 303-1461 Facsimile EDUCATION 1964 M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts TRAINING/ PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 1968-1969 Internship in Medicine, New York Hospital Residency in Medicine, New York Hospital Commissioned Officer, Public Health Servic


Sildenafil Treatment of Women With Antidepressant-Associated Sexual Dysfunction A Randomized Controlled Trial Context Antidepressant-associated sexual dysfunction is a common adverse effect that frequently results in premature medication treatment discontinuation and for whichno treatment has demonstrated efficacy in women. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of sildenafil for sexual dysf

Microsoft word - sgrq-c manual 2008.doc

ST GEORGE’S RESPIRATORY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR COPD PATIENTS (SGRQ-C) Professor Paul Jones Division of Cardiac and Vascular Science St George’s, University of London London SW17 0RE Tel +44 (0) 208 725 5371Fax +44 (0) 208 725 5955 CONTENTS 1. THE SGRQ The SGRQ-C was developed from the SGRQ which was designed to measure healthimpairment in patients with asthma and COPD. The


Productivity Considerations for Service Design [Beta]When designing hip fracture services, consider the following interventions as ways to achieve specific productivity improvements whilst maintaining the quality and safety of clinical care. This approach is being trialled as a beta product alongside the Map of Medicine Hip fracture, Osteoporosis, and Falls pathways, which cover all areas of a pa

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Weekdays through January 2nd -18th, 2013 It is abstaining from food, drink, or other items for a period of time in order to spend concentrated time praying and seeking the Lord. Fasting takes a lot of discipline and strength – strength that you can only receive from God. Your private discipline will bring you rewards in Heaven, Matthew 6. The 2013 FRESH START FAST is a Corporate Fast : which

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Older People’s JSNA Factsheet : Mental Health Summary This factsheet covers mainly dementia and depression. Around 1800 people are estimated to have dementia in Southwark. Prevalence rises steeply with age. Under half of people with dementia over 65 appear to be recognised (on registers) with local GPs. Dementia may be a precipitating factor in admission, for example when the person

Normas generales i, unidad 6

Normas generales I Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Unidad 6: Actos administrativos singulares: normas comunes (cánones 35-47) El Título IV es el más largo de todo el Libro I. tiene 59 cánones, distribuidos en cinco Capítulos. En él se retoman algunas materias que ya estaban presentes en el Código de 1917, modificándolas en mayor o en menor medida, en algunos


Microscopic colitisChris J. J. Mulder1, Ivar M. Harkema2, Jos W. R. Meijer31 Department of Gastroenterology, Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum / Free University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands2 Department of Gastroenterology, Ziekenhuis Rijnstate / Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, the Netherlands3 Department of Pathology, Ziekenhuis Rijnstate / Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, the Netherlands

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Scientific Developments relating to the Abortion Act Submission Select Committee on Science and Technology by the Council for Health and Wholeness DOCUMENT This submission has been prepared in response to a new inquiry by the Select Committee on Science and Technology: Scientific developments relating to the Abortion Act 1967. Contact details: Ana Ferreira, Clerk to t

Réconcilier lutte contre les maladies vectorielles du bétail et protection de l’environnement : mise au point d’un dispositif répulsif

Pastoralisme et biodiversité : évaluation et acceptation de disposi-tifs répulsifs, alternatifs aux pesticides rémanents à large spectre, Repellents vs. pesticides: develop environmentally friendly devices to control Directeur & correspondant : Pierre JAY-ROBERT 04 67 14 24 61 – 06 84 82 26 72 – Équipe d’accueil : Écologie des arthropodes & changements globaux, CE

Tufts community dental program

PROGRAM BENEFITS By signing this form, I am giving consent to receive dental treatment. All patients will receive an oral health 1) I understand that dental treatment may include any or all of the following: Dental Some patients may need to be scheduled for Instruction, Fillings, Other Restorative further dental treatment and will be referred Dentistry, Prosthetic

Type of presentation: poster

Category I: Chance-related Heterogeneity Type of presentation: Oral Quantifying the Amount of Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis: A Comparison of Methods Knapp G Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany In random effects meta-analysis, several confidence intervals on the between-trial variance have been proposed. These confidence intervals can be broadly categorized in

Microsoft word - metabolic.dot

Nahrungsmittel bei Histaminintoleranz Wichtigste Maßnahme ist eine histaminfreie/-arme Ernährung und Karenz eventuell auch aufgrund anderer Unverträglichkeiten/Al ergien) problematischer Nahrungsmittel. Auch sollten Nahrungsmittel, die potentielle Histaminliberatoren (biogene Amine) enthalten, aus dem Speiseplan zeitweise gestrichen werden. Dem Vitamin B6 wird eine Coenzym-Funktion f


The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed maintenance drugs that are also on theExpress Scripts High Performance Formulary. Members who use these drugs will be targeted forSelect Home Delivery outreach. This is not an all-inclusive list of drugs that will be targeted, butrepresents the maintenance drugs that are on the High Performance Formulary. PLEASE NOTE: Not all of the drugs l


Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftliche Fakult¨Prof. Dr. Karl Graf Ballestrem – Prof. Dr. Jan Tonnemacher1.1 Ethik, Sittlichkeit und Moral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Normen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Die Aufgaben des Deutschen Presserats aus ethischer Perspektive . . 1.4 Individualnormen und Medien . . . . . . . . . . .

Microsoft word - sintesis de medios 12_04_13

Comunicación y Medios 12 de Abril de 2013 Ocho columnas Calan a Gobierno: cierran autopista Enfrentan a EPN e IP las cuotas al IMSS Engañosa baja de homicidios en México: ONU Mondragón: “no vamos a tolerar más bloqueos” Chocan IP y Congreso por las cuotas al IMSS Avanza regulación a deuda de gobiernos No intimidan a la

Título: educação e dialética em theodor w

Título: Agenesia renal unilateral em cão – relato de caso Número: 2028 Curso: Medicina Veterinária Categoria: Investigação Científica Autoria: Aline Bezerra Nacamori, Bianca Fiuza Monteiro, Lidiane Monteiro Penas Britto, Marco Bernstein, Priscila Aparecida Loli e Tania Parra Fernandes Contato: pri_loli_vet@hotmail.com Instituição: Universidade Metodista de São P

Diagnostic criteria for primary immunodeficiencies

Clinical ImmunologyVol. 93, No. 3, December, pp. 190 –197, 1999Article ID clim.1999.4799, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com onDiagnostic Criteria for Primary ImmunodeficienciesMary Ellen Conley, Luigi D. Notarangelo, and Amos Etzioni Representing PAGID (Pan-American Group for Immunodeficiency) and ESID (European Society for Immunodeficiencies) 1The identification of many gen

Microsoft word - agency in illness and recovery _allen_.doc

Jon G. Allen, Ph.D. Richard L. Munich, M.D. Alice Rogan, M.D., Ph.D. The Menninger Clinic and the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at the Baylor College of Medicine Abstract.—In the closing words of his article on hospital treatment at The Menninger Clinic, one of us (RLM) proposed that treatment must address the patient’s “willingness to accept agency for the illne


Severe Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis) For all Staff Aim To work in partnership with pupil, parents, school staff, nurses and doctors to provide a safe environment for the pupil who is at risk of severe allergic reaction. Recognition Background As with asthma, the true incidence of food allergy, and in particular peanut allergy, is increasing; up to 1 in 70 children is sens


IDA Ireland is the Irish Government’s inward investment promotion agency, responsible for the attraction and development of foreign direct investment in Ireland. Today Ireland is the location of choice for some of the most innovative companies in ICT and digital media, life sciences, engineering, business services and financial services. To find out why these companies and others hav

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H. pylori infection Definition H. pylori infection occurs when a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) thrives in your stomach or the first part of your small intestine. H. pylori infection may be present in about half the people in the world. In industrialized countries the infection rate is about 20 percent to 30 percent, but in developing countries the infection rate ma

Appraisal of the human resources for health situation in tanzania

Dominick & Kurowski, January 2005 Human resources for health - an appraisal of the status quo in Tanzania mainland Anna Dominick1 and Christoph Kurowski2,3 1 Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre 3 London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Dominick & Kurowski, January 2005 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by the World Bank. The findings, interpretatio

20120326 - mo qna - 1 april_attach_v3

1. Brands where the patient may expect to pay less – most common strength . 2 2. All drugs with price reductions . 31 1. Brands where the patient may expect to pay less – most common strength • Patient savings represent an expected maximum saving per script. • Different pharmacies may charge different amounts for medicines that cost less than the co-payment. o This means that some


In this letter you can find some practical information that you need for your stay in 1. Documents for reimbursement of travel costs and lodging for extra nights Only the flights that occur on or between the IP dates wil be reimbursed: For reimbursement of the travel costs you need to keep al original proofs of the invoices and the boarding passes of your flights, train tickets, fuel


School of Nursing & Midwifery Author-date (Harvard) referencing guide Based on Style manual for authors, editors and printers , 6th edn. Written by Raechel Damarell Revised by Jan Badcock and Rebecca Miller Third edition This publication replaces the original compilation by Raechel Damarell, Harvard referencing guide, first published in September 2000 an


Great-West’s Drug Prior Authorization Great-West Life’s prior authorization process is designed to provide an effective approach to managing claims for specific prescription drugs. Approval for coverage of certain prescription drugs is required in order to provide plan members with coverage for appropriate drug treatment, and keep your drug plan affordable. Below is a current listing of dr


Erhalt der geschlossenen Zahnreihe bis zur letzten Sharpey`schen Faser Kongressnachlese vom ersten Würzburger Symposium für Regenerative Zahnheilkunde Mit seinem Vortrag zum Würzburger Konzept in der Parodondontologie konnte Prof. Schlagenhauf das Symposium für regenerative Zahnheilkunde in einem gut gefüllten Hörsaal der Würzburger Zahnklinik eröffnen. Da die Patienten erst nach erf


Clandestine Psychopathology: Unrecognized Dissociative Karni Ginzburg, PhD,* Eli Somer, PhD,† Gali Tamarkin, MSW,† and Lilach Kramer, MSW† A large scale survey among mental health professionals in Abstract: Surveys among Israeli mental health professionals found that Israel found that 63% of those interviewed had no experiencealmost half of them doubt the validity of dissociative dis


Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2002) 259 : 274–278 Jussi Laranne · Leo Keski-Nisula · Riitta Rautio · Markus Rautiainen · Mari Airaksinen OK-432 (Picibanil) therapy for lymphangiomas in childrenReceived: 20 July 2001 / Accepted: 26 October 2001 Abstract Lymphangiomas are benign, soft tumors that sent as soft, non-tender masses. Lymphangiomas maymost often affect the head and neck area, u


Fatigue: An Overview Thomas C. RosenThal, mD; BaRBaRa a. majeRoni, mD; RiChaRD PReToRius, mD, mPh, and KhaliD maliK, mD, mBa, Department of Family Medicine, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York Fatigue, a common presenting symptom in primary care, negatively impacts work performance, family life, and social relationships. The differential diagnosis of fatigue includes lifestyle issu

Knowledge of correct dosages of misoprostol in reproductive health

International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetricsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / i j g oKnowledge of correct dosages of misoprostol in reproductive healthNishigandh Deole , Andrew Weeksa University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, Coventry, UKb Liverpool Women's Hospital, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK1%–2%). Of the respondents, 1


CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA PARA FUNCIONARIOS ENCARGADOS DE HACER CUMPLIR LA LEY Adopción: Asamblea General de la ONU Resolución 34/169, 17 de diciembre de 1979 ARTÍCULO 1 Los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley cumplirán en todo momento los deberes que les impone la ley, sirviendo a su comunidad y protegiendo a todas las personas contra actos ilegales, en consonancia con

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Drugs that inhibit CYP2D6 that should be avoided while taking tamoxifen Strong CYP2D6 Inhibitors Generic Names Brand Names Moderate CYP2D6 Inhibitors Generic Names Brand Names SSRIs and SNRIs that are not inhibitors Generic Names Brand Names 1. Borges S et al. “ Quantitative effect of CYP2D6 genotype and in- hibitors on tamoxifen metabolism:


Version: 32. 7th July, 2009 Swine Flu 2009 Description: H1N1 influenza 09 (Human Swine Influenza) is a new type of influenza virus which causes respiratory disease inhumans. Symptoms: The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of seasonal influenza, including:Other symptoms may include a runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people havealso r

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(Virtual) Reality volgens sciencefiction Naam: Marjolein Knuit Studentnummer: 0303836 Cursus: Repertoire film, televisie en nieuwe media Blok 3, cursusjaar 2004-2005. Neo en Trinity die in THE MATRIX (Andy en Larry Wachowski, 1999) via de telefoon naar verschillende locaties worden getransporteerd en Allegra en Pikul die in EXISTENZ (David Cronenberg, 1999) van de ene virtuele wereld in de vol


MEDICAL EVENTS Contents. ESPONSIBILITIES OF THE EVENT ORGANISER . It is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure that medical, ambulance and first-aid assistance are available to all those involved in your event, whether spectating or participating. The event organiser needs to minimize the effects of an event on the healthcare provision for the local population and, w


25th Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference Carbondale Civic Center, Carbondale IL March 11-13 2005 _______________________________________________________________________ POPULATION BIOLOGY / ECOLOGY RECORD 90 DAY SURVIVAL WITHOUT FOOD AND WATER BY ADULTS OF THE AMERICANSPIDER BEETLE, MEZIUM AFFINE Ark, J.T.1, Benoit, J.B.1, Rellinger, E.J.1, Yoder, J.A.1 and Keeney, G.D.21

Regus es una empresa comprometida con el servicio que ofrece a sus clientes y ha creado los términos y condiciones que han de

El Cliente reconoce y acepta que sus datos personales puedan ser transferidos o accesibles para todas las entidades del Grupo Proveedor, dondequiera que se encuentren, con el fin 1. Definición del Producto Mailbox Plus. Permite al Cliente recibir su correo en el Centro del Proveedor que se especifica en el presente Contrato (“Centro designado”). El Cliente podrá utilizar la direcci

1. amanda white proposal

Effects of doxycycline treatment on skeletal muscle mitochondrial content and function from obese, diabetic subjects Amanda White Med-Into-Grad Area: Diabetes Winter 2010 University of California San Diego The increasing prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, which includes obesity and type 2 diabetes, is a major health crisis in the Western world. This disease affects approximately 24

Response reviewer

Antibiotics used References for indications in sepsis References for use in animal models in this study Daptomycin • S. aureus endocarditis (25-40mg/kg) (Sakoulas, Eliopoulos, Alder, & Thauvin-eliopoulos, 2003). = NB: dose selection was refered to as mimicking human dose. • Laparotomy: 1mg/kg (De Winter et al., • CLP model of sepsis: 20 mg/kg (Ghiselli levels in patients in

Immune-mediated hematologic disease and bone marrow failure

IMMUNE-MEDIATED HEMATOLOGIC DISEASE and BONE MARROW FAILURE 1) Autoimmune thyroiditis/hypothyroidism is frequently present and/or affected dogs are often of breeds or cross-breeds susceptible to thyroid disease. 2) Aggressive and more sustained treatment with corticosteroids is needed. Suggested doses are: Prednisone or prednisolone given at 2-3 mg/lb/day divided BID for 5-7 days, or de

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Italy Packing Tips: You’ve heard it a million times; now you’ll hear it once again— pack light. You don’t need a steamer trunk and we are not going to a third-world country. Allow room for purchases. You are your own porter, so get a soft-sided 20-22” bag with wheels and a pull-up handle and one school-size backpack. No more. Airlines have a strict 50 pound limit on each suitcase, s

Propranolol and the risk of hospitalized myopathy: translating chemical genomics findings into population-level hypotheses

Propranolol and the risk of hospitalized myopathy:Translating chemical genomics findings intopopulation-level hypothesesSoko Setoguchi, MD, DrPH, a ,d John M. Higgins, MD, b,d,e Helen Mogun, MS, a Vamsi K. Mootha, MD, c andJerry Avorn, MD a Boston, MABackground A recent large-scale, chemical screening study raised the hypothesis that propranolol may increase the riskof myopathy. We tested this hy

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Extraction of Conditional Probabilities of the Relationships Between Drugs, Diseases, and Genes from PubMed Guided by Relationships in PharmGKB Martin Theobald, Ph.D1, Nigam Shah, M.B.B.S., Ph.D2, and Jeff Shrager, Ph.D3 Departments of (1) Computer Science, (2) Biomedical Informatics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA Abstract Suppose, for example, a patient is given

June 28, 2004 page 1 of 9 mmalaria treatment guidelines

TREATMENT GUIDELINES Treatment of Malaria (Guidelines For Clinicians) If you wish to share your clinical experience, please contact us at: nciddpdmalaria@cdc.gov Treatment Table The Treatment Table is available in PDF format at www.cdc.gov/malaria/pdf/treatmenttable.pdf Reporting We encourage clinicians to report all cases of laboratory-confirmed malaria to help


Publikationen ORIGINALARBEITEN IN ZEITSCHRIFTEN 1. Happe S, Louwen F, Lüdemann P. Präeklampsie und HELLP-Syndrom: Hämorheologische Befunde im Verlauf. Hämostaseologie 1998 ; 18: 80-83 2. Zunker P, Happe S, Evers S, Louwen F, Ringelstein EB. Peripartal temporal course of endothelin 1, angiotensin II, and atrial natriuretic peptide in pre-eclampsia and normotensive pregnancy. Fetal

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2012 Merri-Mac 1123 Montreat Road Camper Packet Black Mountain, NC 28711 Please print the entire packet, then fill out and mail forms to camp Dear Parents, In just a few short weeks summer camp at Merri-Mac will be in full swing! In order to help us have everything ready for your daughter’s arrival, please give special attention to the following pages. Items highlighted

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CYP2C19 Genotyping Assay: Genetics and Clinical Overview Test Information: CYP2C19 Genotyping Assay (CMGDL test code 4001) For sample collection, transport and testing information refer to the CMGDL website www.medgen.med.miami.edu. See the link for additional test ordering information such as CPT codes, test methodology and limitations. Genetics, Epidemiology and Clini


J. Appl. Cosmetol. 31, 47-56 (January/June 2013) Efficacy of a Cosmetic Caffeine Shampoo in Androgenetic Alopecia management. II Note T. Sisto MD, C. Bussoletti, MD, L. Celleno, MD Department of Dermatology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Largo Gemelli 8, 00168 Rome, Italy Received: March, 2012 Key words: Androgenetic alopecia; Caffeine; Hair loss; Androgenetic alopecia (A

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We all want to become better leaders, because leadership is about making a real difference in the world. We don't want to just manage people. If a management course or a coach isn't in the budget and your company hasn't done 360-degree reviews in years, you still can improve. AZ magazine worked with leadership strategist, facilitator and coach Dean Newlund to create a special month-long program

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Asunto: Solicitud Privada de Oferta SPVA 2011-570 La Empresa para la Seguridad Urbana -ESU- está interesada en recibir propuestas para el siguiente proceso de solicitud privada de oferta: COMPRAVENTA DE BOTIQUINES PARA APOYO A LA GESTION DEL PROGRAMA POLICÍA CÍVICA JUVENIL EN DIFERENTES COMUNAS DE LA CIUDAD El plazo para la ejecución del contrato es hasta el treinta de Diciembre de 20


Basic Contract Law Directions: Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper. You may need the Internet. 1. If you read the directions above, then write “Yes”; if not write “No”. 2. Connie Adler agreed to go to the homecoming dance with Fred Wolfe. Fred bought tickets, rented a tuxedo, and purchased a corsage for Connie. Later Steve McNamara, the captain of the football team,

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Salvatore Sansalone – Curriculum Vitae Senior Lecturer in Urology University of Tor Vergata Rome, Italy Personal information: born on August 1st, 1971, in Locri, Reggio Calabria, Italy. Medical degree in 2001: Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, “Tor Vergata” University in Rome, Italy; thesis entitled “PSA Screening in Prostate Carcinoma” published in Professional bac

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JAMES A TAYLOR, Ph.D. 12022-A Royal Birkdale Row 2105 Redbud Lane San Diego, CA 92128 Furlong, PA 18925 Experience: Merchant-Taylor International Inc. 1996-Present Partner MTI, Inc. was formed to assist clients who require a broad spectrum of services extending from facilities design, validation and operational activities through design and evaluation of clinical tr

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Post-Operative Instructions for Dental Surgery Prescribed medications: Take as directed. Most patients will have a non-steroidal anti- inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen, Motrin, Lodine, or Anaprox prescribed to decrease swelling and lessen discomfort. Please take all of this medication as directed. The most common side effect some anti-inflammatories is an upset stomach. A narc


Birth Control Note Sheet 1. __________________________: also called "celibacy" or "saying 'no''', means not having sexual intercourse. EFFECTIVENESS:____________________ 2. __________________________: also known as "rubbers”, are like very thin, very strong gloves. A condom is worn over the penis to catch the sperm so they can't enter the uterus and fallopian tubes.


The following drugs are considered preventive care and are covered at 100% by the plan without being subject to the deductible. Note: Multi-source brand preventive medications are not covered at 100% (for example, Lipitor is not covered at 100% but its generic equivalent— atorvastatin—is covered at 100%). Ace inhibitors (hypertension) Anti-hyperlipidemics (high cholesterol) All sing


Nº 133, quarta-feira, 14 de julho de 2010 PORTARIA No- 219, DE 13 DE JULHO DE 2010 I - formação generalista, humanista, crítica e reflexiva, ca-Art. 8º A prova do Enade 2010 terá, em seu componentepacitado a atuar em todos os níveis de atenção à saúde, com base noespecífico da área de Fisioterapia, 30 (trinta) questões, sendo 3 (três)A Presidente, Substituta, do Instituto N


Biopiraten plukken tropisch Congo-woud leeg Bron: www.indymedia.be By Raf Custers — 22/03/2006 Biopiraterij bloeit ongehinderd in Afrika. Eén voorbeeld: de Duitse firma Cognis beweert ontdekt te hebben hoe heilzaam de bladeren van Afrika's oerboom, de Baobab, voor de huid zijn en maakt er zalfjes mee. Westerse ondernemingen roven schaamteloos planten, organismen en (traditionele) kennis weg u


XIX Setmana de la Prevenció Fundació Mútua General de Catalunya 31 de març a les 19 h Disfunció erèctil Ponents: Dr. Carles Alsina. Metge de Família. CAP Les Hortes LA DISFUNCIÓ ERÈCTIL (Font: Revista Consumer) Tot i que el terme més utilitzat per a designar els problemes d’erecció és el d’impotència sexual, resulta més correcte englobar


El síncope, que se define como la pérdida brusca y con recuperación es-pontánea de la conciencia debida a caída de la perfusión cerebral. Es por lotanto una pérdida del estado conciencia y el tono postural transitorio que norequiere de maniobras especiales para su recuperación. Debido a la condi-ción de recuperación espontánea, el síncope no es mortal, pero si valor pro-nóstico con r

Wait three years and then two come at once aba international antitrust bulletin

International Committee │ ABA Section of Antitrust Law October 2012 │ Vol. 3 Wait Three Years and Then Two Come at Once: European Commission Moves Against Pharma Patent Settlements Matthew Hall McGuireWoods, Brussels I n July 2012, three years after it published its final re- So far as concerns the decline of novel medicines port into competition in the pharmaceutical sec

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ANVISNING Enkät om slakter och producentpriser för kött ANVISNING FÖR IFYLLANDET AV STATISTIKBLANKETTEN Kontaktuppgifter I fältet uppe på blanketten ber vi er förutom slakteriets namn också fylla i dess FO-nummer. Vi använder FO-numret som identifikationsuppgift för slakteriet. Rutan för kontaktpersonens namn och telefonnummer ber vi er fylla i uppgifterna om den person som


Member Drug Formulary Alphabetical Listing 2008 The Member Drug Formulary is an alphabetical list of approved medicines covered by your benefit plan. In the Member Drug Formulary, generic drugs are listed by their generic name and begin with lower case letters. You will pay the lowest copay when you buy generic drugs. Formulary brand drugs are listed alphabetically by brand name. The nam

Microsoft word - december 9, 2005 minutes.doc

BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS 161 Capitol Street, Augusta, Maine MINUTES – December 9, 2005 Meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. Board Members Present: Drs. Cohen, Fister, Higgins, Faulkner and Theriault, Diane Blanchette, RDH, Kristine Blaisdell, RDH and William Buxton, LD, Thomas Palmer arrived at approximately 9:20 a.m. Also Present: John Bastey, MDA; Barbara Fister; Cindy


Holzschutzlasur w ä s s r i g Produktbeschreibung: Transparent pigmentiertes, nicht Schicht bildendes Lagerfähigkeit: Mindestens 2 Jahre, original verschlossen. Gebindeaufdruck (diffusionsoffenes) Holzbeschichtungsmittel (Dünnschichtlasur) auf Basisbeachten. Angebrauchte Gebinde wieder dicht verschließen und ehebaldigsteiner wasserverdünnbaren Alkyd/Acrylatharz-Bindemittelko


MS-UK believes that based on experience, people cope best when they look at what is happening, rather than what might be. MS can cause a long list of symptoms. This list is not exhaustive and it is extremely unlikely that any one person would experience all or even most of these symptoms. Most will only experience a small number of these. The combination, severity and frequency will be diffe

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PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LOS MUNICIPIOS DE MÉXICO Dirección General Adjunta de Fomento y Desarrollo del Federalismo Dirección de Difusión y Publicaciones Noticias destacadas en materia de federalismo, descentralización, gobierno y AGUASCALIENTES Aguascalientes y Guanajuato impulsan plan regional de zona Centro Occidente BAJA CALIFORNIA Instalan Oficina de Enlace Empresarial

Atc categories.pdf

Introduction This file is produced to help you understand the heirarchy of the ATC system. To simply lookup a particular code, you might be better to use the “atc_alphabetical.pdf” file alsoavailable from www.msupply.org.nzThis file is based on a listing of ATC codes as supplied to us in November 1999. It is suppliedfree as a service to those who care about good medicine use by mSupply sup

Management of patients with coronary artery disease

MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Department of Periodontics and Oral MedicineUniversity of Michigan - School of DentistryTelephone: (734) 763-3375 FAX: (734) 764-2469CAD Common in General Population• > 60 million with cardiovascular disease• Heart disease leading cause of death- More than 30% of deaths- Most are acute myocardial infarction- > 5l4,000 die each ye


Missão Permanente da República de Angola junto dos Escritórios das Nações Unidas e Organizações Internacionais em Genebra Discurso sobre o Estado da Nação, proferido por Sua Excelência José Eduardo dos Santos, Presidente da República de Angola, na cerimónia de abertura da IV Sessão Legislativa da II Legislatura da Assembleia Nacional EXCELENTÍSSIMO SENHOR PRESIDENTE DA


Egyéb teljesítményfokozók 1. Aminosav A Reergin tabletta kétféle amonisavat (glutaminsavat és aszparaginsavat) tartalmaz. Anaerob edzéseknél elősegíti a bomlástermékek (elsősorban a tejsav) átalakítását és kiürítését. A szellemi munkára kedvezőtlenül hat. 2. Inozin tabletta Az inozin emeli a sejtek ATP (adenozin-trifoszfát) szintjét, amely a rövid ideig tart

Sports related skin infections position statement and guidelines

Sports Related Skin Infections Position Statement and Guidelines National Federation of State High School Association (NFHS) Sports Medicine Advisory Committee (SMAC) Skin-related infections in both the community setting and the sports environment have increased considerably over the past several years. While the majority of these infections are transmitted through skin-to-sk


Web site: www.geocities.com/riversidecoc Purim: Why Not Bow? In chapter three of the Megilla , the scroll of Exodus 17:8-16 tells of the battle and concludes “the Esther, King Ahasuerus decrees that all should bow LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with down to his courtier, Haman. All the servants in the Amalek from generation to generation.” As Moses said king’s ga


Sanskrit & Artificial Intelligence — Knowledge Representation in Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence Roacs, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California Abstract In the past twenty years, much time, effort, and money has been expended on designing an unambiguous representation of natural languages to make them accessible to computer processing. These efforts have


dynamic phase diagram of possible behav- 1. Schal er, V., Weber, C., Semmrich, C., Frey, E. & Bausch, A. identical E. coli cells arise over time under the iours of the filaments. Just how universal this Nature 467, 73–77 (2010). selective pressure imposed by the presence of diagram will be — whether it describes the 2. Joanny, J. F. & Prost, J. HFSP J. 3, 94–104 (2009)


7.2 GARANZIA CONVENZIONALE Fermi ed impregiudicati i diritti previsti e descritti all’Art. 7.1 che precede, di cui il cliente è titolare, il venditore assume nei confronti del cliente una garanzia convenzionale ulteriore, costituita dagli impegni qui di seguito specificati, senza che ciò comporti per il cliente alcun costo supplementare. La presente garanzia convenzionale si applica press


LEY No. 2.051 DE CONTRATACIONES PÚBLICAS. La presente ley establece el Sistema de Contrataciones del Sector Público y tiene por objetoregular las acciones de planeamiento, programación, presupuesto, contratación, ejecución, erogacióny control de las adquisiciones y locaciones de todo tipo de bienes, la contratación de servicios engeneral, los de consultoría y de las obras públicas

Gnvq ict - advanced

ICT SOLUTIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS (7331) About This Unit This unit gives you the opportunity to investigate the provision of ICT software andhardware, dedicated to people with special needs, and to assess whether this equipmenthas improved the quality of life of users with special needs. • explore why there is a need for dedicated equipment and discover what special• cons

Microsoft word - information for the group

Mission Team Members, Honduras has been an independent nation since it declared independence from Spain in 1821. It is one of the poorest Central American nations, with unemployment at about 25%. Some of the larger cities have become modern while many rural areas have no infrastructure. Medically, The fertility rate is approximately 3.7 per woman. The under-five mortality rate is at 40 per 1


The CPN liaison service To provide a seamless mental health cases who, however, continue to be referred to service across the primary / secondary care CMHTs by GPs who feel that they do not have thenecessary expertise. Thus, there is a risk that some interface, it is necessary to look at the patients might find that neither primary nor needs of modern primary care and secondary care


Information on ED and various evidence-basedteaching/learning strategies that can be used in and out of Emotional Disturbance Manual Section 1: Definition/ IDEA 2004 i. extended definition, including examplesExcerpt from the Regulations Governing Special EducationPrograms for Children with Disabilities in Virginia regardingNICHCY Disability Fact Sheet- No. 5: Emotional DisturbanceFact

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AM 68/89 (Resistocell™) Clinical Research Summaries of all relevant clinical reportsAM 68/89 (Resistocell™) has been used in humans since 1968. Numerous clinicians have reported their observations concerning welcomeand unwelcome effects of the application of AM 68/89. The following studies have been chosen according to their systematismand scope and reflect the latest developments in

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SOME DRUGS FROM 2010 THAT MIGHT CHANGE YOUR PRACTICE ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE Although more than a dozen New Molecular Entities (NMEs) were approved by the FDA in 2010, most of them will have little impact on the practice of emergency physicians. Nonetheless, many will affect our patients. While I don’t expect you to prescribe Pradaxa®, Exalgo®, or Vivitrol®, you need to

Kfoil: learning simple relational kernels

kFOIL: Learning Simple Relational KernelsNiels Landwehr1 and Andrea Passerini2 and Luc De Raedt1 and Paolo Frasconi22Machine Learning and Neural Networks GroupAlbert-Ludwigs Universit¨at, Freiburg, GermanyUniversit`a degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy{landwehr,deraedt}@informatik.uni-freiburg.deAll these kernels are fixed before learning takes place and,to the best of the authors’ kn

Por marche fesr 2007-2013 - intervento “promozione della ricerca industriale e dello sviluppo sperimentale in filiere produttive” – bando 2008

REGIONE MARCHE DECRETO DEL DIRIGENTE DELLA P.F. [INNOVAZIONE, RICERCA E COMPETITIVITA’ DEI SETTORI PRODUTTIVI ] 11/11/2011 Oggetto: Por Marche Fesr 2007-2013 Intervento “Promozione della ricerca industriale e dello sviluppo sperimentale nelle PMI” - Bando 2010 – Rettifica graduatoria approvata con DDPF 156/IRE del 20.10.2011 IL DIRIGENTE DELLA P.F. [

"questo paese è diverso"

"Questo paese è diverso" Mi ritrovo a terminare questa lettera su un'isola al largo del a costa del a Croazia. Ma è il luogo ideale per riflettere sul a mia recente esperienza che ho vissuto a Cipro. Attraverso l’aiuto di vostri compagni lettori sono stato in grado di incontrare un ampio numero di persone, e con molti ho avuto del e approfondite discussioni sulla crisi che in quest


FIBROMYALGIA: SYMPTOMS, DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT Fibromyalgia is a condition involving musculoskeletal pain all over the body. Widespread pain is the most common symptom of fibromyalgia. There may also be fatigue, sleep disturbance, memory and mood issues. More women than men are likely to be diagnosed with this disorder. A known cause for fibromyalgia has yet to be discovered. Howe

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THE MIDWEST CENTER FOR REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, P.A. AND THE SUBSIDIARIES MCRH ALPHA, P.A. AND GREAT PLANES RE PRODUCTIVE Phone 763.494.7700 CENTERS, P.A. Toll Free 800.508.9763 Fax 763.494.7706 Web Site www.mcrh.com Patient Guide The Midwest Center for Reproductive Health, P.A. Thank you for choosing The Midwest Center for Reproductive Health, P.A. (

Kein folientitel

New Pd-catalyzed cross coupling reactions with Boronic Acids Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1, D-45470 Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany Tel. +49-208-306-2392; Fax +49-208-306-2985; e-mail goossen@mpi-muelheim.mpg.de Abstract New palladium(0)-catalyzed cross coupling reactions between arylboronic acids or esters and alkyl bromides, which do not contain β



14-15_health care_oct 2004

Emerging Trends in Health Care for Employers and their Employees Designing Incentive Programs That Work for Your Organization I ncentives have long been a part of wellness initiatives. Recently, however, several developments in health care benefits management are leading to the need to place greater emphasis on incentives to motivate employees. With the continued rise in health care co

Prise en charge des fausse

PRISE EN CHARGE DES FAUSSE–COUCHES < 12 SA TROIS POSSIBILITES THERAPEUTIQUES - L’aspiration - Le traitement médical par misoprostol ( Cytotec®) - L’abstention Ne jamais oublier les gamma-globulines si la mère est RH négative ( 200 µg) Se méfier des sacs ovulaires en position isthmique, surtout si césarienne antérieure : possibilité de grossesse cervical


CURRICULUM VITAE IDENTIFICATION : ________________________________________________________ Nom : MAHFOUDHI Prénom : Sana Etat civile : Célibataire Adresse : 44 rue el ferdaws ,el bhira Bizerte 7000 Téléphone :(+216)22 451 944 E-mail : beauzart-girl@live.fr LANGUES :________________________________________________________________ Rédaction Français


Articles Second-generation everolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting stents in real-life practice (COMPARE): a randomised trial Elvin Kedhi, Kaiyum Sheik Joesoef, Eugene McFadden, Jochem Wassing, Carlos van Mieghem, Dick Goedhart, Pieter Cornelis Smits Summary Background Everolimus-eluting and paclitaxel-eluting stents, compared with bare metal stents, reduced the risk of Published

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PUBLICATIONS Manuscripts: Trainees names are underlined. Monument MJ, Hart DA, Befus AD, Salo PT , Zhang M, Hildebrand KA: The mast cell stabilizer, ketotifen significantly reduces joint capsule α-smooth muscle actin and TGF-β1 expression and collagen hyperplasia in a rabbit model of posttraumatic joint contractures. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, submitted. Miller D,

1037279_capnohrfcasestudy.qxd [ 2 ], page 1 @ normalize

C A S E S T U D Y The Use of Capnography and NPPV in Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure Jhaymie L. Cappiello, RRT RCP Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC A 73-year-old male with a complex history of COPD, hypertension and previous myocardial infarctions presented to the emergencydepartment in severe respiratory distress. The patient was placed on Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventila

Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1 –IDENTIFICATION Product Name Recommended Use Fly Spray / Insecticide Supplier TASMAN CHEMICALS PTY LTD ACN : 005 072 659 Street Address 1-7 Bell Grove, Braeside , Victoria 3195 AUSTRALIA Telephone Number Facsimilie Emergency Telephone Number 1 800 334 556 SECTION 2 – HAZARDS INDENTIFICATION Haza

29 daypitney haglund

29 DayPitney Haglund 4/25/07 11:44 AM Page 1 The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel New Jersey Supreme Court Reins In Appellate Division’s Expansive Tort Conflicts-Of-Law Analysis Benjamin E. Haglund, already diluted its interest in applying its Marc D. Crowley and Amy Valentine McClelland DAY PITNEY LLP The New Jersey reversed a decision rendered last year bysion’s


IMAGING REQUEST Patient Details Region(s)/Clinical Notes Referral/Request(s) For: MRI +/– Orbits +/– Skull +/– Chest X-ray CT Scanning Important: Indicate whether the fol owing applies to your patient. Send copy of report to Referrer Details MIA Radiology Clinic Listing For up-to-date information or to book an appointment online go to www.miaradiology.com

Die neue technologie, der litium-polymer-akku

Eine neue Technologie, der Litium-Polymer-Akku Immer öfters stellt man fest, dass die ursprüngliche Akkuzelle Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) die lange Zeit in technische Geräten verwendet wurde und die Folgezelle Nickel-Metall-Hydrid (NiMH) von der neu entwickelten Lithium-Polymer (LiPo) Zelle verdrängt wird. Ab dem Jahre 2010 wurde intensiv die neue Lithium-Polymer-Technologie in elektris

Aromatherapy sheet 3 contraindications

Do not use these oils if you have the following health problems: Do not use: Basil, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Hyssop, Sage, Rosemary• High Blood pressureDo not use: Red Thyme, Hyssop, Pine, Rosemary, Sage • HypoglycemicDo not use: Basil, Birch, Camphor, Cassia, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Clove Bud, Coriander Fennel, Sweet Hyssop, Jasmine, Juniper, Lemon Marjoram, Myrrh, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, S

Microsoft word - fp1036.doc

FP1036 MAMMARY AND EXTRAMAMMARY PAGET’S DISEASE: STUDY OF 14 CASES AND THE THERAPEUTIC DIFFICULTIES v. a. tanaka1, c. festa 1, j. a. sanches1, l. a. r. torezan1, a. b. niwa1 1Dermatology, Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, sao paulo, Brazil Background: The Paget’s disease is an uncommon cutaneous neoplasm. It is classified into mammar

Microsoft word - aciduria glutárica tipo i2009

Aciduria glutárica tipo I Profs: Verónica Cornejo, Erna Raimann INTA, Universidad de Chile Introducción Se debe al déficit de la enzima glutaril-CoA deshidrogenasa (OMIM 231670), que produce una alteración en el metabolismo de los aminoácidos lisina, hidroxilisina y triptofano (Figura 6). Esta es una enzima intramitocondrial que requiere dinucleótidos de adenina y fla

Max gxl ingredients

Max GXL Ingredients Serving Size – 3 capsules (56 servings per box) – take 1 pkg in the am, one in the pm – comments next to the ingredients are those of a friend who likes to analyze this Amount per serving Vitamin C (as Calcium Ascorbate) – 250mg N-Acetyl Cysteine – 375mg L-glutamine – 750mg N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine – 125mg Quercetin – 37.5mg


Term Effective: Full Title: Advanced Cardiac Life Support (limit to 50 characters including spaces) If this is a variable unit course, then the relationship between units and any difference in expected SLO’s should be explained. Student Learning Outcomes: (Enter the SLO’s in an outline format. Use the Ctrl + Tab keys to indent for subtopics.) At the conclusion of this cour

Стеклов Тезисы mccmb

Revelation of the amino acid residues essential for ligand-binding selectivity of cytokinin receptors from arabidopsis and maize by computational approach. Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya 35, 127276 Moscow, Russia; Department of Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1/3, 119991 Moscow, Russia; Cytokinin receptors diffe


SCHRIFTENVERZEICHNIS Originalarbeiten in Zeitschriften: Frese A, Evers S. Biological markers of cervicogenic headache. Cephalalgia 2008; 28 (Suppl 1): 21-23 Frese A, Rahmann A, Gregor N, Biehl K, Husstedt IW, Evers S. Headache associated with sexual activity: prognosis and treatment options. Cephalalgia 2007, 27: 1265-1270 Frese A, Gantenbein A, Marziniak M, Husstedt IW, Goadsby PJ,


M i wsp. Znaczenie zaka¿eñ grzybiczych i alergii …Znaczenie zaka¿eñ grzybiczych i alergii na grzyby u chorychClinical relevance of fungal infection and allergy to mouldsMAREK NIEDOSZYTKO1,2/, MARTA CHE£MIÑSKA1/, MARTA GRUCHA£A-NIEDOSZYTKO3/, EWA JASSEM1/1/ Klinika Alergologii Akademii Medycznej w Gdañsku2/ Klinika Chorób Wewnêtrznych Endokrynologii i Zaburzeñ Hemostazy Akademii Me

Microsoft word - medical info.doc

Medical Care while travelling Fit to fly? Read up on what medical care is available in-flight and other useful healthcare information. When is air travel not recommended? Travel by air is not recommended in the following cases: After 32nd week of pregnancy for those with multiple pregnancies (e.g. twins). After 35th week of pregnancy for international flights. After 36th week of pregna


Active Music Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease: An Integrative Method for Motor and Emotional Rehabilitation CLAUDIO PACCHETTI, MD, FRANCESCA MANCINI, MD, ROBERTO AGLIERI, CIRA FUNDAR `O, MD, EMILIA MARTIGNONI, MD, AND GIUSEPPE NAPPI, MD Background: Modern management of Parkinson’s disease (PD) aims to obtain symptom control, to reduce clinical disability, and to improve quality of life. Mus

Microsoft word - the story2-chilloux stéphanie.doc

“Ok, nice work. Bring him to the waking room number 6.” “Doctor Allen” called Mrs Watson, a nurse. “You must go to the meeting now.” “I will, thank you.” I left the operating room and I made my way to the meeting. But when I sat down, I noticed that there was nobody in front of me; Tom Dorchester was missing. « You’re looking for Tom Dorchester, aren’t you? Penelope said. I


HUBUNGAN INFEKSI MALARIA, KECACINGAN DAN KONSUMSI TABLET BESI TERHADAP KEJADIAN ANEMIA IBU HAMIL Mugiati1) Mashaurani Yamin2) 1)Jurusan Kebidanan Poltekkes Kemenkes Tanjungkarang 2)Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Tanjungkarang Abstract: The Relation of Malaria Infection, Worm and Iron Tablet Consumption Towards Pregnant Mother Anemia Incident. One of the main cause of n

Postoperative instructions: gallbladder and appendectomy surgery

Postoperative Instructions: Gallbladder and Appendectomy Surgery 1. For the first 24 hours make sure your diet is a liquid diet. You may have any liquids that are the consistency of water, including tea and coffee, but try to avoid carbonated beverages for the first 24 hours. You may also have low-fat frozen and regular yogurts. Starting 24 hours following your surgery you may progress to a low-

Microsoft word - novartis sample.doc

From NOVARTIS' Speech for Elidel Product Launch, March 2002 Marketing Overview/Treatment Options Day 2 PM General Session – Focus: The Market 20 minutes After musical number "Talkin’ Trash" there is a Voice Over introduction of speaker Too bad we can’t detail the physicians with that number. This afternoon’s General Session Focus is on The Market. Elidel’s p

Minutes march 17 2009 council.doc

SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, 17 MARCH 2009 AT 6.45PM Maribyrnong City Council, Cnr Hyde and Napier Sts, Footscray. Ms Kerry Thompson CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mayor: Councillor Michael Clarke Deputy Mayor: Councillor Sel Sanli Membership: Mayor, Michael Clarke Councillor Sarah Carter Councillor Catherine Cumming Councillor John Cumming Councillor Dina L


Clenbuterol .02gr Y TAURINABolsita CON 100 PASTILLASMARCA NITRO PRO BOLICBaja rapidamente de peso con esta excelente combinacion de medicamentos el clembuterol quemara la grasa mientras la taurina te dara energia y te quitara el hambre .Tags : clenbuterol, clembutaurine, clenbutaurina, clembutaurine, clenbutaurina, ciclo de clembuterol y cytomel, ciclo de clembuterol, Aguascalientes, Distrito Fe

Microsoft word - document2

Breast Self Exam May Aid in Pituitary Tumor Diagnosis Thousand Oaks, CA – July 10, 2006 Manipulating the nipple and checking for discharge is an important yet often neglected step in a woman’s breast self exam. Discharge may be an indication of the presence of the most common type of pituitary tumor called a prolactinoma. According to the Pituitary Network Association, a prolactin


– Urinteststreifen 10 für den semi-quantitativen und qualitativen Nachweis von Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Spezifisches Gewicht (Dichte), Blut, pH-Wert, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrit und Leukozyten im Urin Art.-Nr. wi-urs 10 VERWENDUNGSZWECK positive Fälle reichen von so niedrigen Werten wie 40% bei Fällen mit geringer Verweildauer des Die Reagenzstreifen zur Urinanal

Template (page 1)

4. Show Patient - Hold a mirror approximately 16 inches away from the patient’s face and let them examine their smile. a. If the shade is not what you or the patient wants, remove the BLOCK-OUT Try-In Paste from the LUMINEERS and tooth surface with a Skubes® or a clean, dry brush. Reapply a new shade of BLOCK-OUT Try-In Paste and check the shade again. 5. To Remove


Report 2003Perspective and action plan 2004PrefaceMy goal as Danish Minister for Gender Equality is to empower every girland boy, every woman and man to choose the life she or he wants. We must appreciate each individual’s resources and never let gender becomea barrier in working or private life. We must allow women to be executivesand give men the space to become fathers. To achieve this goa


ROTEIRO DA PALESTRA DO Dr. Wanderley GuedesNEUROSES: Doenças que afetam a personalidade de forma superficial, caracterizada por conflitos intra psíquicos que podem inibir as condutas sociais; há uma certa consciência do estado mórbido. PSICOSES: Transtornos mentais que comprometem gravemente a personalidade; rompe-se o relacionamento com o mundo. Não se reconhece como doente – só vai ao


Food and Medication Interactions Stable Vit. K intake is recommended. Limit foods that are high in Vit. K – Kale, Broccoli, clotting in blood Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, other leafy green Avoid Vit. A & E supplements. Avoid herbal teas that contain coumarin. Avoid taking medicine with high bran fiber and high pectin foods (eg. jellies), may decrease drug absorption. Diet high in Potas


Eine Tagesdosis von 8 Tabletten bzw. 8 Beuteln 6400 mg Magaldrat sollte nicht überschrittenDie Arzneimittel sollen während derSchwangerschaft nur kurzfristig angewendetEine Tablette enthält 0,961 g Sorbitol. BeiIm Tierversuch führte die Gabe von Alumini-bei jeder Anwendung 0,961 g Sorbitol zuge-umsalzen zu schädlichen Auswirkungen aufEin Beutel Suspension enthält 0,335 g Sorbi-tol.

Patient guide to spirometry.docx

Patient Guide to Spirometry Welcome to Me Cure Healthcare Limited. This information booklet aims to answer questions that you may have about your Spirometry exam. Frequently Asked Questions Purpose Spirometry is the most commonly performed pulmonary function test (PFT). The test can be performed at the bedside, in a physician's office, or in a pulmonary laboratory. It is often

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MONTHLY – APPLICATION FORM Culm Valley Sports Centre Exe Valley Leisure Centre Lords Meadow Leisure Centre The MEMBER – PERSONAL DETAILS Block Capitals Surname …………………………………………………… First Names ………………………………………………. Zest Card No: Address …………………………………………

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Microsoft word - ch 02 ssm 1-2 rev.doc

Chemical Foundations bonds increases the order and therefore decreases the entropy (S becomes more negative). Less energy is required to form noncovalent bonds than covalent bonds, and the bonds that stick the Stereoisomers are compounds that have the same gecko’s feet to the smooth surface need to be molecular formula but are mirror images of each formed and broken many times as the ani


Ripken Foundation to back 5 ballparks in city Working with community groups, the Swing for the Future campaign plans to build first at old Memorial Stadium site Teri Joyner (left), director of the Park Heights Boys and Girls Club, and Ken Darden, the Baltimore Metropolitan Boys and Girls Club's president and chief executive, look forward to improvements at the C.C. Jackson Recreation C


Adverse Ocular Drug Reactions Recently Identified by the National Registry of Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects F. W. Fraunfelder, MD, F. T. Fraunfelder, MD Purpose: To report recent ocular adverse drug reactions identified by the National Registry of Drug-Induced Methods: Case reports from the National Registry and the World Health Organization were collected andadverse drug reacti


Finite groups and their characters (Paper B2b)Hilary Term 2007: Sheet 0: Specimen answersRemind yourself about Lagrange’s Theorem and its proof. Show that Alt (4) has no subgroup of order 6. See any textbook of algebra or group theory. Indeed, it is a good idea to see several and comparetheir treatments of Lagrange’s Theorem. Let G := Alt (4) and suppose that G had a subgroup H of order

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Great New Lemon Lime Choline and added Vitamin D and Choline Children’s Chewable Multi-Vitamin & Mineral dietary sources. Vitamin D plays many roles in the body and vital for supporting strong healthy bones. Vita-Kids™ provided by Douglas Laboratories® is a Choline, a nutrient related to B vitamins, is important great tasting, chewable multiple vitamin-mineral-tr

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Metabolic Assessment Form Name: ____________________________________________________ Age: ______ Sex: _____ Date: ______________ PART I Please list the 5 major health concerns in your order of importance: 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________________


However, stays that are too short may reduce the quality of care and patients who are sent home The Authority bases its performance reports before they are ready may experience poorer on the 48 indicators agreed by the Council of outcomes.4 Some evidence suggests that shorter Australian Governments (COAG). In this report, stays can lead to higher readmission rates, the Authority has focused

Unit 6: living with tb today

Unit 6: Living with TB Today Activity 4: Case Studies – comprehension and application Robert David (Haiti) In 1986, when Robert David was 19, he complained of cough, night sweats, and fever. Initially he used herbal remedies to try to get better, but Robert went to hospital when his conditioned worsened and he lost weight and experienced shortness of breath. There, he was diagnosed wit


PLACES KL Heritage Walk Old High Court Building National History Museum Flanking to Panggung Bandaraya is the Old In front of the old fountain is the National High Court located along the banks of Sungai History Museum. The building was built in 1888 and was once used by the Standard Chartered Bank. Sultan Abdul Samad Building Cross the bridge over Sungai Gombak, and Kuala

President's page - october 2003

DRUG SHOPPING Both Senate and House versions of the so-called “Medicare drug benefit” are inadequate to meet the needs of those of our seniors who live on fixed incomes. There is no reason to believe that a beneficial version will arise from the attempts to reconcile the two approaches. The cost estimates bandied about by various finance gurus are based on data not unlike tea leaves or run


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A Taxonomy for Secure Object-Oriented DatabasesMartin S Olivier and Sebastiaan H von Solms(Published in ACM Transactions on Database Systems , 19 , 1, 3–46, 1994) Abstract This paper proposes a taxonomy for secure object-oriented databases in order toclarify the issues in modelling and implementing such databases. It also indicatessome implications of the various choices one may make wh

Post op instructions - lumbar .pages

Post-Operative Instructions after (Low Back) Lumbar Spine Surgery Laminectomy, Discectomy, Spinal Fusion We want to make this experience as pleasant as possible for you and your family. If you have any questions before or after your surgery, please contact our office at 303-783-1300. PLEASE NOTE THAT IN SOME CASES, DUE TO UNFORESEEN EVENTS INCLUDING EMERGENCIES, SCHEDULING


mwb-3142-codex.pharma.-.deel.i.book Page 115 Monday, March 21, 2011 10:48 AM Koninklijk Besluit van 22 januari 1998 wetenschappelijke doeleinden noodzakelijk voor en(Het in het vorige lid bedoelde etiket dient niet tebinnen de perken van hun beroepsnoodwendigheden. worden aangebracht op de recipiënten waarin farma-Indien deze verwerving geschiedt in het kader vanceutische specialiteiten


Atypische antipsychotica bij schizofrenie Geddes J, Freemantle N, Harrison P, Bebbington P, for the National Schizophrenia Guideline DevelopmentGroup. Atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia: systematic overview and meta-regressionanalysis. BMJ 2000;321:1371-6. Samenvatting De auteurs wilden goed onderbouwde guidelines op- regressieanalyse werd aangetoond dat de dosis va

Syndromes dementiels

Les syndromes démentiels I / Introduction. Le syndrome démentiel (SD) est un état d’affaiblissement intellectuel acquis, progressif, réversible ou non, entraînant un retentissement sur les relations sociales du patient et sur son autonomie Cette définition permet de le distinguer des débilités mentales et du syndrome confusionnel Il existe des critères diagnostiques de démence. Le


Depressed? Treatment Not Working? Be Careful What You Do Next If you are taking an anti-depressant but are still depressed, the ad says, ask your doctor about adding Abilify (originally approved as an anti-psychotic medication). This is, at best, misleading medical advice. It implies (even if it doesn't say it directly) that adding Abilify should be the first course of action if your ant


V E R O R D N U N G Aus für die Malus-Regelung Gute Nachrichten für Vertragsärzte: Ab 2008 entfällt die Malus-Regelung! Darauf haben sich die Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung und die Spitzenverbände der Krankenkassen in den Bundesrahmenvorgaben Arzneimittel verständigt. Ihre Be-gründung: Die Rabattverträge hätten eine vertretbare Umsetzung nicht mehr zuge- Zwölf Arz

(bibliographie_web_spécialité 2)

MITRA - Médiation interculturelle: identités, mobilités, conflits Bibliographie indicative Spécialité 2 - Le sujet migrant : récits et pratiques sociales Semestre 2 – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U Leuven) UE 1 – Migration and Minorities Policies : Anthropological Presuppositions and Implications Field, J. (2003): Social Capital . London, New York: Routled


Blackout När miN hjärNa Blev miN fieNde Utgiven enligt avtal med Ulf Töregård Agency ABOriginalets titel: Brain on Fire – My Month of Madness en del av Simon & Schuster, Inc., USA Tillägnad alla som saknar diagnos iNNehÅll Kapitel 3 ”Carota” 16Kapitel 4 ”The Wrestler” 25Kapitel 5 ”Cold Roses” 30Kapitel 6 ” America’s most wanted” 33Kapitel 7 Kapitel 34


for forlænget eksponering af omgivelsernes luft- Forklaring til symbolerne på pakken af LH har fremgangsrigt været brugt for at fastslå fremtagning af ægcelle for in vitro befrugtning (5,6) og kan også være til hjælp ved kunstig insemination. 7. Håndtér urinprøver og brugte dele som om de er potentielt smittebærende. Undgå kontakt med BlueCROSS One Step LH ægløsnings

Chronological resume

ANNE B GIORDANI PhD, ELS ● Free lance medical, scientific, and regulatory writer with more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry ● Exceptional analytical skills and proven ability to prepare clear, accurate, and comprehensive regulatory documents, scientific papers, and presentations ● Early adopter and champion of process improvements leading to efficient


FAHMI ISHAQ EL-URI M.B.Ch.B (Hons), MRCOG, FRCOG Tel +9626 534 2386, Mob +96279 557 1068, E-mail PERSONAL DETAILS QUALIFICATIONS FRCOG, Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians& Gynaecologists, London MRCOG, Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians& Gynaecologists, London MBChB (Hons) , Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt French Internatio

For pdf.pmd

Volume 24 January 2010 EDITORIAL Quality manuscript and peer review ORIGINAL ARTICLES Prevalence Study of Metabolic Syndrome in Newly Detected Diabetes Patients in RIMS Taruni Ng, Romeo K, Romola P, O Brojendro, David L Anterior Transposition of Ulnar Nerve in Tardy Ulnar Palsy- A Case series Y. Nandabir Singh, L. Nilachandra Singh, M. Usharani Devi, Kunjabasi Wangjam O

Microsoft word - asthma rx self administration.pdf

 ASTHMA MEDICATION SELF-ADMINISTRATION FORM Student Name: _________________________________________________Grade: __________Date of Birth________________ The Missouri Safe Schools Act of 1996 provides for students to carry and self-administer life-saving medicat


Speaker Profile Two courses in Late Phase and Outcomes Research Sarah Goring Director, Epidemiology Qualifications MSc, Health Care and Epidemiology, University of British Columbia, 2008 Dissertation “Effectiveness of inhaled corticosteroids in preventing morbidity and mortality in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the impact of coexisting asthma” BSc, Ma

Patna ratesupdt.xls

CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA NAME OF INVESTIGATION / TREATMENT PROCEDURE OPD Procedures 4 Suturing of wounds with local anesthesia5 Aspiration Plural Effusion - Diagnostic 6 Aspiration Plural Effusion - Therapeutic 23 Health Chec k up{ see Annexure (IV-a )for details} Opthalmology 30 Subconjunctival/subtenon’s injections in one eyes31 Subconjunctival/subtenon’s injections in both eyes33


Makowska J., Kowalski M.L. Rola mobilizacji szpikowych prekursorów komórek zapalnych w rozwoju . Alergia Astma Immunologia, 2003, 8(2), 59-68Rola mobilizacji szpikowych prekursorów komórekzapalnych w rozwoju zapalenia alergicznegoRole of progenitor cells in the pathogenesis of allergic inflammationKatedra i Zak³ad Immunologii Klinicznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w £odzi, ul. Pomorska 251,


Category: Individual Travel DEPART: EVERY TUE / THU / SAT 5D4N SPLASH OF COLOURS AT SPRING IN KOREA “ Min. 4 to Go ” SEOUL / MT SORAK / NAMISEOM ISLAND / HANHYANGJUNG / PEAK ISLAND / EVERLAND SUMMARY SCHEDULE SIGHTSEEING HIGHLIGHTS SEOUL BRIEF: Seoul has been the capital of Korea for about 600 years, since the time of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910

Microsoft word - cv - prof. andrea fabbri

Curriculum Vitae Andrea Fabbri Born in Rome 26/08/1956. Degree in Medicine with laude (1980), Specialty in Endocrinology with laude (1983) and Philosophy Doctor in Endocrinology (1988), University of Rome La Sapienza University Positions and Clinical Activities: 1990-2001. Assistant Professor in Endocrinology, Dept. of Medical Physiopathology, University La Sapienza, Rome-Italy

Transitional cell carcinoma

Transitional Cell Carcinoma in Dogs and Cats Elizabeth Kergosien DVM DACVIM – Oncology Transitional cell carcinoma is the most common bladder tumor in dogs and cats comprising over 75% of all bladder tumors. The average age for dogs and cats diagnosed with bladder tumors is 9 years. In a recent abstract presented at the Veterinary Cancer Society annual meeting, risk factors for TCC in a

World trade

COMPILATION OF WTO LEGAL DOCUMENTS RELEVANT TO CANADA’S ACCESS TO MEDICINES REGIME AND BILL C-398 WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2 WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE Fourth Session Doha, 9 - 14 November 2001 DECLARATION ON THE TRIPS AGREEMENT AND PUBLIC HEALTH We recognize the gravity of the public health problems afflicting many developing and least-developed countrie


Jason Andrew Silva, M.D. Practice Merrimack Valley Orthopedic Associates 10 Research Place Suite 203 North Chelmsford, MA. 01863 Email: Jsilva@merrimackvalleyortho.com Phone: 978 275 9650 Fax : 978 275 9566 Fellowship OrthoCarolina Sports Medicine/Shoulder & Elbow Charlotte, NC Dr James Fleischli, Director 8/2012-7/2013 Residency University of Massachusetts Department


medien recht Register 2003 Zeitschrift für Medien- und KommunikationsrechtRedaktion und Verlag: 1040 Wien, Danhausergasse 6, Tel. 01/505 27 66, Fax 505 27 66-15E-Mail: verlag@medien-recht.com http://www.medien-recht.com Beiträge Abgabenrecht – „MA 2412“ und der Schutz von characters (Thomas Höhne) ,– Werbeabgabe: Erlass zur Besteuerung der Prospektwerbung– Neu geboren

Microsoft word - health update tainted weight loss products 23mar09.doc

Health Update From: Hugh F. Stallworth, MD, MPH Tainted Weight Loss Products Monterey County Health Officials are alerting health care providers to the finding of new undeclared drug ingredients in over the counter weight loss products The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expanded, for the second time, the nationwide alert to consumers about tainted weight loss

Microsoft word - commentary 106.docx

No. 106               Thursday, 14 March 2013   Morocco’s Pension Reform Entails Different Social Policies Lahcen Achy Carnegie Middle East Center, Beirut n consultation with representatives of labour and business, the Moroccan government is studying alternative options for dealing with the financial imbalances in the kingdom’s I retirement schemes. The a


MEDICAL SUMMARY REPORT----SAMPLE---SAMPLE---SAMPLE Personal History Joe is a 32 year-old, white male. Joe has been using methamphetamine for the past eight years, smoking the drug 3-6 per week. He is the middle of three siblings. He has an older sister and a younger brother. Joe was born and raised in Arkansas. He moved to the West Coast at the age of 20. He was thrown out of the family home


PRACTICES TM MARCH/APRIL 2013 THIS NEWSLETTER CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT PERTAINS ONLY TO MVP-PARTICIPATING HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS. in this issue Healthy Practices delivered to your email To reduce our impact on the environment and minimize the amount of mail that we send to our providers, MVP Health Care® is converting our printed newsletters to email. If you have an MVP online


Alimentos desde e até quando? Maria Berenice Dias www.mbdias.com.br www.mariaberenice.com.br www.direitohomoafetivo.com.br Devem ser qualificadas, no mínimo, de tormentosas as questões que a definição do marco inicial e do termo final de vigência do encargo alimentar suscitam. O surgimento de dúvidas em sede doutrinária e de uma infinidade de posições díspares na ju


Title A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (2nd Edition)Author Brian S. Everitt and Torsten HothornMaintainer Torsten Hothorn <Torsten.Hothorn@R-project.org>Description Functions, data sets, analyses and examples from the second edition of the book`A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R' (Brian S. Everitt and TorstenHothorn, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2008). The first chapterof th


COMPLETED RESEARCH 1. Science Fund: 305/PPSP/6113206 "Artesunate & amodiaquine: tolerability & pharmacokinetics study in healthy normal volunteers of non-fixed and fixed combinations & their correlation with the CYP2A6 and CYP2C8 gene. 2. Geran Jangka Pendek: 304/ PPSP/ 6131480 "Stereoisomer concentrations of amphetamine, amphetamine derivatives & metabolites in sali

La suspensin del acto impugnado

El Principio de efecto suspensivo. EL PRINCIPIO DE EFECTO SUSPENSIVO EN EL ARTÍCULO 208 BIS DEL CÓDIGO FISCAL DE LA FEDERACIÓN “La falta de confianza en los jueces es el principio del fin Sumario.- 1.- Normativa. 1.1.- Principio de efecto suspensivo. 2.- Jurisprudencia y doctrina. 2.1.- Suspensión en materia administrativa.- 2.2.- Suspensión en materia fiscal. 2.3.-


1 International Diabetes Federation 20062 The Challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response. Nov. 2006 (http://www.euro.who.int/document/e89858.pdf)3 ADA / EASD-Konsensus Leitlinie 2008: Nathan et al. Management of hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a conxensus algorithm for the initiation and adjustment of therapy: update regarding the thiazolidinedion

Life support concession application form

Life Support Concession/Notification of installation of life support machineDoes a member of your household use a life support machine?All households with life support users should complete this form to ensure their electricity retailer and/or water authority are awareof the presence of a Life Support machine at their residential address. If the electricity and/or water account holder holds an

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Basic Load – Pharmacy Cache DMAT Item Description Required Manufacturer Issue (UI) DMA5000 Acetaminophen Oral Liquid 160mg/5mL; 120mL DMA5001 Acetaminophen Suppositories 120mg; UD DMA5002 Acetaminophen Suppositories 650mg; UD; 100s DMA5003 Acetaminophen Tablets, 325mg;UD;250s DMA5004 Acetaminophen w/Codeine Tablets 325/30mg; UD; 25s DMA5005 Acetazolamide (Diamox) Tablets

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EUSPC-CZR-T-062009/Final for Variation 003/II/003 NAAM VAN HET GENEESMIDDEL Cozaar 12,5 mg, filmomhulde tabletten Cozaar 50 mg, filmomhulde tabletten Cozaar 100 mg, filmomhulde tabletten 2 KWALITATIEVE EN KWANTITATIEVE SAMENSTELLING Elke Cozaar 12,5 mg tablet bevat 12,5 mg kaliumlosartan. Elke Cozaar 50 mg tablet bevat 50 mg kaliumlosartan. Elke Cozaar 100 mg tablet bevat 100

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“How do you know it's a 'her'?” she whispers back. “I guess I always just assumed because they cal her Nessie.” “Grandma says that assuming makes an ass out of you and me.” We both giggle at the idea of my prim, evangelical mother using profanity as a teaching tool. “Actual y, I think asking the nurse to bring us freshly-warmed blankets every half hour makes an ass out of you and me.

Erprobung von hilfsmitteln bei infantiler cerebralparese

Erprobung von Hilfsmitteln bei infantiler Cerebralparese mit der Bewegungs- und Ganganalyse Überblick Wegen meiner Tätigkeit am Spastiker-Zentrum München befasst sich mein beruflicher Alltag hauptsächlich mit der infantilen Zerebralparese und anderen neuroorthopädischen Erkrankungen. Zunächst werde ich einen aktuellen Überblick über die Zerebralparese und die Spastik geben und


Zusammenfassung der Vorträge anlässlich des Fortbildungstages des Märkischen Brustzentrums. Vortrag 1: Frau Dr. Dable Thema: Mammografiescreening. Das Mammografiescreening im Märkischen Kreis besteht seit 04/2007. Frau Dr. Dable ist PV( Programm verantwortliche Ärztin) für den Raum Iserlohn, Menden , Hemer, Schwerte, Unna und Lüdenscheid. Der Bezirk reicht bis Hamm, dort gi

Microsoft word - fleishman 15jun04.doc

Adjunctive steroids for reducing residual pleural effusion in patients CITATION Fleishman SI, Coetzee AM, Mindel S, Berjak J, Lichter AI. Antituberculous therapy combined with adrenal steroids in the treatment of pleural effusions: a controlled therapeutic trial. Lancet . 1960 Jan 23;1:199-201 RESEARCH QUESTION Compared to standard therapy, how effective is adjunctive steroid t


Referenz 1 ) Parkinson Study Group. Pramipexole vs levodopa as initial treatment for Parkinson disease: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2000: 284:1931-38. 2 ) Parkinson Study Group. Pramipexole vs Levodopa as Initial Treatment for Parkinson Disease. A 4-Year Randomized Controlled Trial Arch Neurol 2004: 61:1044-53. 3 ) Corbin A et al. Maintained pramipexole monotherapy treatment


Safety and Efficacy of Flexible Ureterorenoscopy and Holmium:YAG Lithotripsy for Intrarenal Stones in Anticoagulated Cases Burak Turna, Robert J. Stein, Marc C. Smaldone, Bruno R. Santos, John C. Kefer, Stephen V. Jackman, Timothy D. Averch and Mihir M. Desai* From the Glickman Urological Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio and Department of Urology, University of Pittsbu


Mayhew Program Staff Health History and Examination Form • According to NH State Law, you must provide “a health history and statement of health status as prepared by a physician, doctor of osteopathy, advanced registered nurse practitioner, or a physician’s assistant prior to attending a Youth Recreation Camp. The statement shall include a certification that the physical examination h


High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) - Health Savings Account (HSA) Preventive Therapy Drug List (02/01/14) ANTICONVULSANTS ACE INHIBITOR/CALCIUM CHANNEL COMBINATION ANTIHYPERLIPIDEMICS BLOCKER COMBINATIONS lamotrigine ext-rel levetiracetam BETA-BLOCKERS DIABETES ORAL DIABETES AGENTS CARDIOVASCULAR CONDITIONS - metoprolol/hydrochlorothiazide


4 | juli 2011 | Nieuwsbrief Infectieziekten | Voor huisartsen in de provincie Utrecht Meldingen Infectieziekten (regio) juli 2010 t/m april 2011 Infectieziekten voor huisartsen provincie Utrecht Nederland 07-'10/04-'11 07-'09/04-'10 Resistentie bij Gram-negatieve bacteriën: Van ESBL tot carbapenemase Ans van Lier, arts M&G afdeling infectieziektebestrijding GGD M


The Successful Treatment of Trichophyton rubrum Nail Bed (Distal Subungual) Onychomycosis With Intermittent Pulse-Dosed Terbinafine Nardo Zaias, MD; Gerbert Rebell, MS Background: The standard treatment of Trichophyton had completely removed the mycotic defect or failure of rubrum nail bed onychomycosis (or distal subungual ony-chomycosis [DSO]) with daily terbinafine for 12 weeks

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Name: Ehud Bodner HOME ADDRESS Address: 15 Hacabaim st. Ramat-Gan, 52275, Israel Tel: +972-3- 5744580, Fax : +972-3-6761134 E-mail: bodnere@mail.biu.ac.il I.D : 5599242/4 Place of Birth: Petah Tikva, Israel Date of Birth: 4 July 1959 Marital Status: Married + 3 children EDUCATION Degree Institution B.A. Bar-Ilan University, Psychology (with Tel-Av

Stat 333

The instructions for using the t-distribution on the computer are the same as the instructions given for the z-distribution on the last assignment except you have to input degrees of freedom for the t-distribution. Note: some answers may be off due to rounding. 1. The length of human pregnancies is approximately normally distributed with mean equal to 266 days and standard deviation equal to 16

Butting rails together in 5 easy steps

TECHTALK DESIGN ADVICE SERIES YOUR CONTACT BUTTING RAILS TOGETHER IN 5 EASY Linear rails typically come in lengths between six and 12 feet (1829-3650 millimeters), but customers often ask: is it possible to make rails longer by butting them together? The answer is yes and linear plain bearings, like igus®’ line of DryLin® linear bearings and gui


Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 50, 622¿626, 2010Intravenous Methylprednisolone Reduces the Risk ofPropofol-Induced Adverse Effects During Wada TestingNobuhiro MIKUNI, Youhei YOKOYAMA, Atsuhito MATSUMOTO,Takayuki KIKUCHI, Shigeki YAMADA, Nobuo HASHIMOTO*,Department of Neurosurgery, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto;*National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita, OsakaThe adv

Information of mu-tea 9 with pictures.xls

Mu-Tea (Macrobiotic Herbal Beverage) MUSO's Mu-tea is made from herbs, most of which are grown in China. Macrobiotic founder, George Ohsawa was the first to blend them into effective mixtures for various diseases. The herbs used in Mu-tea are selected for only the highest quality and maximal effectiveness. Great care is taken to bringout and maintain the origi


Double Trigger Diaghilef Bijou D’Inde By John Scanlon Fly To The Stars In 1996, Bijou d'Inde battled to success inin the two-mile event in 2009, 3:24:13, was Determination Fruits Of Love ing to Mark, he confesses to self-doubt asrated in 1946, has fallen to Kingsley HouseTownsend, in 2006 that "as we get nearer Celtic Silence Fruits O

11. the anti-fertility vaccine that never was

The Anti-Fertility Vaccine That Never Was Sonya Ghosh The research on the anti-hCG vaccine consists of a part of Kulkarni PP, Patel KL et al, 1982, “Clinicalcontroversial anti-hCG anti the hormone which induces an and Immunological Response to Pr-B- fertility vaccine that scientists antibody reaction and blocks hCG . Two prototypes of the anti hCG 25:421-34). struggling to develop

Drogas legalização

Drogas: proibir é legal? Será que a legalização das drogas pode acabar com o ciclo de tráfico e violência que afeta a todos? por Texto Tarso Araujo Desde os anos 60, o mundo trata os entorpecentes como problema de polícia. nesse período, o consumo cresceu e a violência atingiu a todos - usuários ou não. será que a guerra às drogas ainda faz sentido? O álcool faz mal à


About the consequences of untreated magnesium deficiency for developing diabetes mellitus – a case report omag-Zaragoza D.-H.Liebscher (Berlin), D.-E.Liebscher (Potsdam) Self-Help Organisation Mineral Imbalances (Berlin), http://www.magnesiumhilfe.de/ The experience of our group of patients that are affected by Case report magnesium-deficiency tetany (among them 7 fam

Echinacea-c tabsheet

Echinacea-C™ Echinacea-C Contains Both Purpurea and Angustifolia Roots The Native Americans used purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea , to strengthen theimmune system and for general well-being. Early settlers soon adopted the plant as ahome remedy. Cultivated purple coneflower is usually Echinacea purpurea , although Echinacea angustifolia is considered more potent by some herba

Landscaping with herbs

LANDSCAPING WITH HERBS With the resurgence of interest in herbs for culinary and medicinal uses, homeowners are interested in growing these fascinating plants in their own gardens. Herbs have the versatility to be a plant to flavour soup or to become a soft, grey-leaved addition to provide interest in the landscape. Historically, herbs have been used in kitchen gardens and complex knot garde

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WAS IST MIGRÄNE? Migräne ist die am meisten verbreitete und eine besonders unangenehme Kopfschmerzart. Die häufigste Migräneform ist die Migräne ohne Aura. Sie Download verursacht einen überwiegend einseitigen, pochenden, langsam zunehmenden und länger andauernden Schmerz (4h bis 3 Tage) sowie Übelkeit und/ oder Erbrechen, auch Durchfall und vermehrten Harndrang. Die Wahrnehm

remember that fever helps your child fight the infection

Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen dosing charts Ibuprofen dosing for children under 60 lbs Do not use ibuprofen in children under six months of age. Do fevers cause brain damage? You may repeat the ibuprofen dose every 6 hours as needed. Fevers are a sign of infection, which are usually viral in nature. They do not cause damage to the brain even when the temperature is very high. Ho

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PROCESSORS & GROWERS RESEARCH ORGANISATION The Research Station, Thornhaugh, Peterborough PE8 6HJ Tel: (01780) 782585 Fax: (01780) 783993 E-mail: Info@pgro.co.uk INFORMATION SHEET NUMBER 135 THE REACTION OF GREEN BEANS & BROAD & FIELD BEANS TO HERBICIDES Revised January 2004 Although some indication of sensitive varieties may be given by manufacturers on their


ON TRIPLE FACTORISATIONS OF FINITE GROUPSSchool of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Western Australia, Crawley WA 6009, AUSTRALIAThe second criterion characterises triple factorisations of G in terms of a subset of ΩB havingLet G, Ω, ∆ and be as in Notation 1. Then the Embedding Theorem for imprimitive permutationrestricted movement. For a finite subset Γ of Ω, the mo


Typical modification sites: RGG box or RXR sequence motifs R-arginine, G-glycine,Enzymes catalysing protein arginine methylation: PRMT1 from rat and the humanhomologue HRMT1L2, human PRMT2 (HRMT1L1), rat and human PRMT3, mouseCARM1 (PRMT4), human JBP1 (PRMT5). Substrates of PRMTs: In mammalian cells hnRNPs contain about 65% of the totalNG,NG-dimethylarginine found in the cell nucleus. Additi

o rio grande do norte precisa fazer justiça a seus indígenas

Indígenas do Rio Grande do Norte: uma longa história deDurante parte dos séculos XVII e XVIII aconteceu no RN, uma das maioresresistências indígenas do país que recebeu o nome de “Guerra dos Bárbaros”, ou Guerra doAçu, por ter sido o seu epicentro a região do Açu e que depois se expandiu por váriosestados do nordeste. Por mais de quarenta anos, diversas lideranças indígenas lu


Stephen M. DeBock536 Ridgeview CourtToms River, NJ 08753(732) 286-2169 (H)(732) 462-1156 (W) MEDIA POLLUTION: A Survival Course Designed by Stephen M. DeBock Simple test for power of advertis ing: how easily are youinfluenced? Is one or more of the following in your medicineAll aspirin is 5 grains of acetylsalicylic acid. Bayercosts more because it advertises more. Would you want to b

La coerción reguladora en la esfera nuclear

Compendio de Medidas Coercitivas Medidas Administrativas SUSPENSION Y REVOCACION DE AUTORIZACIONES. Al amparo del Decreto–Ley Nro 207 “Sobre el uso de la energía Nuclear“y la Resolución Nro.25/98 del CITMA Reglamento “Autorización de prácticas Asociadas al empleo de las radiaciones ionizantes” la autoridad competente podrá disponer la suspensión o la revocación


Resolution of Severe Constipation, Vomiting and LegPain in a Child Undergoing Subluxation Based Michael Mills, D.C.1 & Joel Alcantara, D.C.2 Objective: To describe the chiropractic care of a 6-year-old male with complaints of chronic constipation, daily vomiting and “growing pains”. Clinical Features: The patient’s constipation began at 2 years of age and has been under medic

Anthony v. lange

Anthony V. Lange 13049 KEWEENAW COURT  LINDEN, MI 48451 OBJECTIVE To obtain a challenging position in pharmaceutical sales that will capitalize on my proven selling skills and experience while offering opportunities for professional growth and advancement. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ridgefield, CT March 2005 - Present Sale


COMMISSION RÉGIONALE BIOLOGIE ET ENVIRONNEMENT SUBAQUATIQUEDunkerque, le 06/09/07 Coreg = Comité régional Nord-pas-de-CalaisCodep62 = Comité départemental Nord-pas-de-Calais Quelques précisions • Pour les stages, les plongeurs doivent être de niveau II minimum et habitués aux eaux de notre région (surtout pour ST 78) sinon toutes les plongées ne seront pas possibles. Po


SUB-URETHRAL SLING: POSTOPERATIVE PATIENT INFORMATION You have undergone a sub-urethral sling procedure to provide support to the urethra. The goal of this sling procedure is the correction of stress urinary incontinence. Careful adherence to the following instructions is imperative to a safe and satisfying result. Patience, realistic expectations, and positive attitude always help exp

classroom health care plan

Cerebral Palsy Classroom Health Care Plan Name:________________________________________ Effective Date:_________________________ Parent(s):_______________________________________ School: _____________________________ Home Phone:________________________ Bus: __ yes __ no Emergency/Cell:_________________________ School Nurse:____________________ Office #_________ DOB:________________

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CURRICULUM VITAE YING , Gui-shuang HOME ADDRESS: 1523 Brookhaven Road Wynnewood, PA 19096 OFFICE ADDRESS: 3535 Market Street, Suite 700 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-3309 Email: gsying@mail.med.upenn.edu TELEPHONE: (610) 645-0836 -Home (215) 615-1514 -Work PLACE OF BIRTH: Visa Status/Citizenship Permanent Resident of United States / P. R. China EDUC

‘tis the season for pins and needles

‘Tis the Season for Pins and Needles CHRISTIAN COTRONEO, TORONTO STAR, DECEMBER 2006 e thermometer is taking its seasonal swan dive, shoppers are milling in malls, festive lights are a-twinkling — andin the heads of millions of Canadians, a time bomb is a ticking. Migraine sufferers seem to be especially vulnerableduring the holidays. “People are out and they’re partying or they


Canada Product Ingredients This list is compiled based on product information provided by Subway® approved food manufacturers. Every effort is made to keep this information current however it is possible that ingredient changes and substitutions may occur before this list is updated. This list does not include regional or special promotional items as ingredients vary. BREADS


FRÉDÉRIC CHARPENTIER info@fredericcharpentier.com Langues parlées et écrites : français et anglais (accent) Agence artistique Duchesne www.agenceduchesne.com 514.274.4607 ANIMATION TÉLÉVISION / RADIO ÉMISSION et DIFFUSEUR RÉALISATEUR PRODUCTEUR Chroniqueur (2010/11) Co animateur / sports (été 2010) Le Show du matin, V Chroniqueur (2006/07) Les oranges pre


TERMS OF SALE Interpretation “ACCEPTANCE FORM” means the Sel er’s written acceptance of the Buyer’s order; “BUYER” means the person named as Buyer in the order form or the Sel er’s Acceptance Form; “CONDITIONS” means the standard terms and conditions of sale set out in this document and (unless the context otherwise requires) includes any special terms and conditions agr

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DESPERTADOR CON LUZ SAC 40 15588 45100 3 Simula la salida del sol dentro del dormitorio. (Nos reservamos el derecho a realizar mejoras sin previo aviso) Tratamiento por Cromoterapia de la Depresión estacional (Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD) Funciones/Aplicaciones Contenido: Logísticos: La luz se enciende 30 minutos antes de la Hora progr


Nº 135, quarta-feira, 16 de julho de 2008 PORTARIA No- 506, DE 15 DE JULHO DE 2008 Organização Educacional Artur Fernandes S/C Ltda., com sede naProcesso nº 23000.001511/2006-48, Registro SAPIEnS nºcidade de Tupã, Estado de São Paulo. 20050012687, do Ministério da Educação, resolve:O Secretário de Educação Superior, usando da competênciaArt. 2o Esta Portaria entra em vigor


Dept. of Information Engineering - University of Padova1 Corresponding author: M. Falda, Dept. of Information Engineering,v. Gradenigo 6 – 35131 Padova (Italy). Email: marco.falda@unipd.itAbstract. No matter how prepared a population may be, bioterrorism cannot beprevented: the first clues will always be given by ill people. Temporal analysisapplied to this type of scenarios could be an addit

Interrogatorio hematológico modif

Semiología hematológica. Curso Ciclipa II – 2008. Clinica Médica “C”. Prof. Dra. Adriana Belloso Dr. Ricardo Silvariño (*) Dr. Gerardo Pérez (*) (*) Asistentes Clínica Médica “C” Interrogatorio Serie Roja 1) Lo notaron pálido? 2) Sindrome funcional anémico *Perdida de memoria. *Letargia mental. *Confusión. *Cefaleas. *Mareos. *Fosfen


Eine Aktivierung der Sehrinde auchbei geschlossenen Augen, die auf eineTrance erreicht wird, um alternative Vor-stellungen zur alltäglichen WirklichkeitUmkehr der Informationsverarbeitung. verändert und in die Alltagswirklichkeitwieder so implementiert, dass dies zu ei-ner adaptiven Verhaltensregulation führt. entiert sich der Mensch als visuelles We-nur subjektiv unterscheidet (Bongart

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Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ List phone number(s) Home: ___________________Work: _____________________Cell: ________________ E-mail add


Correspondence Mario Guslandi indicates that at based group has some advantages cacy in preventing least two trials have compared COX-ulcer relapses of either celecoxib 2 inhibition with PPI plus traditional the fact that the rate of dyspepsia in 200 mg daily or a combination NSAID with respect to gastrointestinal of naproxen 750 mg daily plus safety.1,2 These two trials provide it decrease

Laboratory 4

ANAT 2160/BIOL 3430 Nervous tissue and cartilage laboratory module 1) Nervous tissue Objectives: 1) understand the structure of neuronal somata (cell bodies) and cytoplasmic processes 2) identify somata and processes of neurons in other tissues in the body 3) identify cell types that support neurons in the central and peripheral nervous systems 4) understand the relationship between pe


Health Tips: New Options for Smoothing Wrinkles Mirror, mirror on the wall.Although most women have no illusions about being the fairest of them all, it’s normal enough to experience a little angst as wrinkles begin to make their mark with passing years. Fortunately there are many new products for home use that can help erase wrinkles and other skin problems as well as a new gener

Guerre du golfe : on continue de mourir

Guerre du Golfe : on continue de mourir Guerre du Golfe : on continue de mourir - Français - Analyses et témoignages - Archives - Date de mise en ligne : jeudi 4 septembre 2008 Auteur(s) : Avigolfe Guerre du Golfe : on continue de mourir Il avait été un des premiers adhérents de l'Association des victimes civiles et militaires de la guerre du Golfe et des Balkans (AVIGOLFE).


SPECIFICATION FOR MEASURES GROUP REPORTING ONLY CATARACTS MEASURES GROUP OVERVIEW 2013 PQRS OPTIONS FOR MEASURES GROUPS: REGISTRY ONLY 2013 PQRS MEASURES IN CATARACTS MEASURES GROUP: #191. Cataracts: 20/40 or Bet er Visual Acuity within 90 Days Fol owing Cataract Surgery #192. Cataracts: Complications within 30 Days Fol owing Cataract Surgery Requiring Additional Surgical

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Source BioScience plc (‘Source BioScience’ or ‘the Company’) Source BioScience to offer Roche AmpliChip CYP450 gene-based diagnostic test Source BioScience plc (LSE: SBS), the provider of expert, quality services to the healthcare, pharma biotech and life science research sector, is pleased to announce the addition of the Roche AmpliChip CYP450 test to its portfolio of diagnos

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Client Information DIRECTIONS FOR TREATING A SUSPECTED CHLAMYDIA INFECTION We recently treated your sex partner for chlamydia. It is a curable bacterial infection you can get from having sex with a person who has it. You are probably infected, too. Many people who have chlamydia do not know they have it. They often have no symptoms and feel fine. Others may feel pain. It can be in their p


Some Solutions to Common Problems During Pregnancy  Eat dry crackers, toast or cereal before getting up or when feeling sick.  Drink water between meals but not during meals.  Eat or drink products that contain ginger.  Over-the-counter medications like Emetrol and Benadryl (25-50mg) can help – use as directed.  Congestion may be relieved by using Vicks Vapor Rub and/or a coo


INSTRUCTIONS FOR PATIENTS FOLLOWING SURGERY T (780) 482-6551 YOU ARE LEGALLY IMPAIRED FOR 24 HOURS FOLLOWING A GENERAL ANESTHETIC. DO NOT DRIVE OR OPERATE HAZARDOUS MACHINERY. T (780) 482-6551 T (780) 482-6551 1. Bleeding Some bleeding is normal following your surgery. To control bleeding, place a tightly rolled gauze over the surgical site and apply firm, constant bi


2012 Wooster Music Camp - Camper Health History All information contained on this form will be treated confidentially and is for use by only camp staff in an effort to provide appropriate and safe care for all campers (feel free to add any additional information on a separate sheet). My child is in good health; none of the below information applies: Allergy Information: If your child h

Microsoft word - _cefaleia.doc

Fluxo de atendimento e dados de alerta para qualquer tipo de cefaléia no atendimento do Fluxo de atendimento e dados de alerta para qualquer tipo de cefaléia no atendimento do Primeiro Atendimento Serão classificados como emergência (sinais de alerta de alto risco para 1. Cefaléia de instalação súbita (pico de dor desde o início) 2. Cefaléias dese

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SAFE PAIN RELIEF. . . EVEN of hay. It is important to supplement most FOR CATS . . . MSM ! . . . diets with a pure source of MSM. Nutritionists, vets, & horse owners report acclaimed by vets and horse studs for its contribution to equine health care and pet sulfur, an element that is essential in the throughout the equine and pet industry in the US, being relatively new

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o Vad innebär demokratibegreppet? Repetera ”principen om politisk jämlikhet”. o Hur har demokratin växt fram? Ursprunget i Grekland ca 400 f.Kr. Återuppstår som en konsekvens av upplysningstankarna på 1700-talet. Den stora kampen mellan o Demokratin som spelregler. Vad måste finnas i ett politiskt system för att garantera att principen om politisk jämlikhet efterlevs? Politiska


HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 4.0 - 5:46 PM 10/16/2013 Page 1 AMAC JSC Meet - 10/19/2013 Psych Sheet - AMAC JSC Meet Event 1 Mixed 10 & Under 100 SC Meter Freestyle Seed Time HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 4.0 - 5:46 PM 10/16/2013 Page 2 AMAC JSC Meet - 10/19/2013 Psych Sheet - AMAC JSC Meet Event 1 . (Mixed 10 & Under 100 SC Meter Freestyle) Event 2 Mixed 11 & Over 100 SC Meter


NIH Public Access Author Manuscript Discov Med . Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 November 1. Discov Med. 2010 November ; 10(54): 434–442. Neurorestorative Treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury Ye Xiong 1, Asim Mahmood 1, and Michael Chopp 2,3,* 1 Department of Neurosurgery, Henry Ford Health System, 2799 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202, USA 2 Department of Neurolog


PEDRO MATA i FONTANET: UN HETERODOX A LA CAPITAL D’ESPANYA. 1- Introducció El XIX és el segle del progrés científic i tecnològic. Un profund i progressiu canvi en la mentalitat científica, inspirat pel positivisme, primer, i per l’evolucionisme darwinià, després, es va anar imposant per tota Europa, i especialment, en l’àmbit de la medecina. Fora d’Espanya, en aquesta

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Commune d'Erdeven Explicatif succint de la symbologie appliquée Inventaire des Zones Humides et Cours d'eau 21, Le Guern Boulard 56400 Pluneret autre : Fontaines et périphéries, chemin taluté, bassins artificiels 02 97 58 53 15 bois_humide : Formation dominée par la strate arborescente avec un sous étage arbustif, hérbacé puis muscinale (mousse) 0


Title : Glutathione in Parkinson ’s disease : a link between oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage? Author: Di Monte DA; Chan P; Sandy MS Address : California Parkinson ’s Foundation, San Jose 95128. Source : Ann Neurol, (): Abstract : Several links exist between the two mechanisms of neuronal degeneration (i.e., oxygen radical production and mitochondrial damage) p


Patient Registration Form Thank you for choosing our practice! We look forward to taking care of all your dental needs. Please fill out this form in ink only. If you have any questions regarding this form do not hesitate to ask for assistance. We will be happy to help. Patient Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Birthdate: ________________ (Last, Mi


Editors-in-Chief Editorial Staff Kevin J Tracey, MD Christopher J Czura The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Anthony Cerami, PhD Margot Gallowitsch-Puerta The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Mollie Medcast Episode 10 Transcript: Sepsis, Cardiac Proinflammatory StressHello and welcome back to “Mollie Medca


AUDIENCE ETIQUETTE These guidelines help you (and others) have 1. DO turn off all electronic devices. These interfere with our sound 2. DO refrain from talking and making noise. 3. DO remain seated during the concert. Wait until the end of a song to move, unless removing an upset child. 4. DO keep children seated with you. 5. DON’T bring food or drinks in the auditorium.


What’s On This Week From Margie’s Kitchen…. By: Chef Margie Arosh David Zvi Kahn Sunday March 8, 2009 The Purim Costume Party of The Year UJA Federation’s Israeli Forum and Impact Toronto are hosting the Purim Costume Party of The Year. Dance The night away with a live DJ at Suite Night Club and Wet Bar 106 Peter St. Doors Open at 9PM “A Feast For A Queen” T


A THERMOGENIC FOR A LEANER BODY MET-Rx Xtreme Thermo Crush is a truly effective weight management solution, helping you achieveyour weight management goals as part of your diet and training regime. Thermo Crush is a unique natural formula containing some of the most sought after ingredients. CLA CLA can help change your body composition by reducing body fat and preserving lean body m


hypertensive rats and human hypertensives (Liu et al.,2005; 2006). In this study, we investigatewhether TRPC3 up-regulation in aorta from SHR is associated with angiotensin II receptor Arterial and Venous Endothelin-1 Content in Humans: Interactions with (AT1R) mediate calcium influx. Methods: Blood pressure was measured using tail-cuff Other Predictors of Hypertension plethys-mography a


Monika Schöller-Gyüre No pharmacokinetic interaction between TMC125 Tibotec BVBA Generaal de Wittelaan L11 B3 (etravirine; ETR) and paroxetine in HIV-negative volunteers B2800, Mechelen M Schöller-Gyüre,1 TN Kakuda,2 S Bollen,1 G De Smedt,1 B Woodfall,1 M Peeters,1 K Vandermeulen,1 RM Hoetelmans1 mscholle@tibbe.jnj.com Tibotec BVBA, Mechelen, Belgium; 2Tibotec Inc., Ya

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Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 1998. 27:247–71 Copyright 1998 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved Epidemiologic Transition Ronald Barrett, Christopher W. Kuzawa, Thomas McDade, and Department of Anthropology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322; e-mail:rbarret@learnlink.emory.edu; antga@learnlink.emory.edu; ckuzawa@emory.edu;KEY WORDS: health transition, history of disease, political ecolo


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Copyright © Arnold Mann 2008 Member Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences Director The Surgical Unit, Canberra Hospitals, ACT Tutor in Clinical Surgery, University of Melbourne. International Visiting Professor of Surgery 1978 Copyright © Arnold Mann 2008 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK IF YOU ARE NOT A MEDICAL PRACTITIONER When you meet an unfamiliar word, do not skip


Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2012 Oct 15; 5(3):324-327. http://dx.doi.org/10.3889/MJMS.1857-5773.2012.0242 Case Report Actinomyces Odontolyticus - Associated Bacteremia Anika Považan1, Anka Vukelic1, Nevena Secen2, 3, Danica Sazdanic-Velikic2, Daliborka Bursac2 1Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina, Center for Microbiology, Immunology and Virology, Sremska Kamenic


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