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PRESS RELEASE National Association of Professional Organizers Greater Philadelphia Chapter FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Sara Long, 610-772-5017, PHILADELPHIA ORGANIZERS ON GOOD MORNING AMERICA LOCAL CHAPTER INVITED TO BE VIP GUESTS ON NATIONAL SHOW Good Morning America anchors Robin Roberts, George Stephanopoulos and Juju Chan


von Patient zu Patient verschieden, typisch sind jedoch Warnhinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen Probleme beim Gehen, Taubheitsgefühl, Seh- oder Bitte sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, bevor Sie Gilenya einnehmen:6. Inhalt der Packung und weitere Informationen Gleichgewichtsstörungen. Die bei einem Schub auftretenden – wenn Sie einen unregelmäßigen, anormalen Beschwerden können vollstä

Veröffentlichungen der neurologischen klinik

Veröffentlichungen mit Beteiligung der wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsgruppen der Neurologischen Klinik mit Institut für Klinische Neurobiologie 2004 Originalarbeiten 1. Bendszus M, Wessig C, Solymosi L, Reiners K, Koltzenburg M. MRI of peripheral nerve degeneration and regeneration: correlation with electrophysiology and histology. Exp Neurol 2004;188:171-177 Bischofs S, Zelenka M,

Test deployment of the “turbulence mooring” By Ilker Fer, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen The ocean surface is a complex boundary where air-sea fluxes of mass, momentum and energy take place. The processes in this dynamic interface are of crucial importance for ocean circulation and ecosystems in general. The coupling between surface gravity waves, winds and currents in the


ORIGINAL PAPER Development of a radiolabeled Amir R. Jalilian, Mahdokht Jouiaei, glucagon compound for imaging Ali R. Doroudi, Fatemeh Bolourinovin, Javad Garousi Abstract. In order to develop a possible Ga-labeled glucagon (GCG) compound for imaging studies, biosynthetic glucagon (GCG) was labeled with [67Ga]-gallium chloride after conjugation with freshly prepa

Serving the people of north east Essex Prescribing Of Drugs For Erectile Dysfunction (ED) The prescribing of drugs for ED on FP10 was formerly covered by Schedule 11 and has since been enshrined in Part 3 para. 42(2) of the National Health Service (GMS Contracts) Regulations 2004. This laid down clear criteria for prescribing, in that treatment on the N


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CURRICULAM VITAE S. SYED JAHAN , 8/149 – Middle Street MANDAPAM – 623 518 Educational Qualification • Pursuing M. Sc., Zoology, Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar, • B. Sc., Zoology, Jamal Mohammed College Bharathidasan University Technical and other qualification • Typewriting junior grade 1990, Department of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu • Typewriting s

Eszter könyve

Eszter könyve 1. fejezet 1. Történet Ahasvéros idejéből. Ahasvéros Indiától Etiópiáig 127 tartomány uralkodója volt. 2. Amikor Susán városában, királyi trónján ült, 3. az összes vezető emberének és tisztségviselőjének - uralkodásának harmadik évében - lakomát rendezett. Megjelentek előtte a perzsa és méd vezérek, a nemesek és a tartományok vezetői. 4.


The aim of drug therapy is in general to cure diseases or reduce symptoms. However, drug therapy is ineffective in 30 to 60 percent of the patients and, on the other hand, two to four percent of all hospital admissions result from adverse drug reactions. A better prediction which patients will not respond to drug therapy or will develop adverse drug reactions may avoid these events ( chapter 1

Medicaid updates

Medicaid and North Carolina Health Choice Updates November 2011  CSC Updates and Information o The enrollment requirement for Physician Assistants (PA) and Nurse Practitioners (NP) is being delayed until further notice from DMA. A State Plan Amendment has been submitted to CMS to allow the direct enrollment of PAs. NPs are already allowed to direct enroll with Medicaid. The Med

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Announcement: Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs Now FSA Reimbursable IRS Revenue Ruling 2003-102, released September 3, 2003, permits many OTC drugs purchased without a physician’s prescription to be reimbursed through a health care flexible spending account (FSA), as long as the items alleviate illness or injury. Below are examples of medical-only and dual purpose OTC


What can I expect during my initial visit? The initial visit is an opportunity to meet Dr. Schmitt and discuss your concerns as well as for thesurgeon to give you an idea of what treatment options are available. If I decide to have surgery, when can it be scheduled? Dr. Schmitt will explain how and when you can schedule surgery. The scheduling depends onavailability, and for certain cases,

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HEALTH SERVICES POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL To assure that DOP inmates with Soft Tissue Infections are receiving high quality Primary Care for their infections and that the risk of infecting other inmates or staff is minimized. All DOP Primary Care Providers are expected to follow this guideline and/or will document in the medical record any deviations from this guideline and the


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Retina II Jeanne L. Rosenthal MD MPOD FACS Surgeon Director in Ophthalmology Assoc. Director, Retina Service Attending Surgeon, Trauma Service New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology New York Medical College Based on AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 12 Retina and Vitreous, 2006-2007 Part II Chapter 10 Retinal Degenerations A

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NEPHIE E.V. Das ist Neffie , die kleine, tapfere Schildkröte. Selbsthilfemappe – idiopathisches nephrotisches Syndrom. Liebe Eltern, liebe Betroffene, wir möchten mit dieser kleinen Mappe versuchen, Sie dort abzuholen, wo Sie gerade stehen mit Ihrer Erkrankung bzw. der Erkrankung Ihres Kindes. Stehen Sie noch ganz am Anfang, vielleicht erst nach dem ersten Rückfall? Dann möcht

Is Nephrotic Syndrome Summary likely to recur? Nephrotic Approximately 70% of children with minimala condition that most children outgrow. change lesion have recurrences of oedema. Syndrome This is more likely to occur at the same timeto occur with the common cold. Prednisoloneas a common cold. The urine can be tested is very effective in controlling the urine prot

Geographic patterns of genetic variation in brushtail possums trichosurus vulpecula and implications for pest control

1 School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University, P.O. Box 600, Wellington. Present address: Science Directorate, Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 10420, Wellington. 2 Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 31-011, Christchurch. Present address: Advocacy and Extension Directorate, Department of Conservation, P.O. Box 10420, Wellington. GEOGRAPHIC PATTERNS OF GENETIC VARIATION INBRUSHTAIL

CONDICIONES GENERALES DE SUMINISTRO DE NSURE 4.1 Los Mandatos son aceptados en base a un precio fijo o en base a un nuevo cálculo. Salvo que se indique lo contrario, Inscripción en la Cámara de Comercio de Arnhem con el ninguno de los importes indicados por el Prestatario del servicio en el Presupuesto incluyen el impuesto sobre las Artículo 1. Definiciones y campo de aplicación

Natural Treatments for Dairy Cows From an article written by Hubert J Karreman, VMD Introduction There is increasing interest in treating the common, daily problems in dairy cows with remedies other than the traditionally used antibiotics and hormones. There is a new class of farmer emerging who tends to keep cows healthy by grazing them as much as possible, reducing hi-tech input

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Summary of the 7th annual NOREPOS workshop Hurdalsjøen, 20 - 21 September 2012 This year’s workshop was organized by the Oslo group and the venue was Hurdalsjøen Hotel and Conference Center in Akershus. Twenty-seven researchers from across Norway interested in epidemiologic osteoporosis research met for two days and discussed research results and future plans. Professor Karl Michaëlsson f

Copyright © 2007 do(s) autor(es). Publicado pela ESFA. Guidoni C, Figueiredo FT & Silva AG (2007)Plantas contendo isoflavonas no tratamento da síndrome da menopausa e nos distúrbios do climatério. Natureza on line 5(1): 25-29. [on line] Camile Guidoni¹, Fabíola T Figueiredo¹ & Ary G Silva2 Plantas contendo isoflavonas no tratamento da síndrome

Sucht - Rauchen - Nikotinsucht Medikamentenabhängigkeit/sucht Süchtig sein heißt, dass suchterzeugende Mittel nicht mehr abgesetzt werden können, ohne psychische oder körperliche Entzugserscheinungen zu bekommen. Entzugserscheinungen können sein: Nervosität, Zittern, Schweißausbrüche, Gedankenfixation auf das Suchtmittel, Denkhemmung, Halluzinationen, Delirium, Bauchkrämpfe, Üb

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Brain and Spinal Tumors The Neurospinal and Cancer Research Institute combines multidisciplinary clinical care and a strong research program in an effort to facilitate rapid transfer of basic scientific findings into clinical protocols for patients with tumors of the brain, skull base and spine. The Institute has innovative clinical initiatives organized under the auspices of thethe NCRI P

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Elezioni comunali del 2006 Il 10 settembre 2006, dalle ore 8 alle ore 18 nella Bassa Sassonia saranno aperti i seggi elettorali. Lecittadine ed i cittadini della Bassa Sassonia eleggono le rappresentanze comunali per i distretti, le città, idistretti comunali, i comuni, i comuni uniti e le diverse località. In diversi distretti, città, comuni uniti e comunidagli elettori vengono eletti in

Original Article ShaShIDhar VIShWanath, raDhIKa SarDa, annet OlInDa D’SOuza, ChIranjay MuKhOpaDhyay ABSTRACT out of the four patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria had Objective: Patients with diabetes mel itus have a higher associated complications of diabetes mel itus. Enterococcus prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria and incidence faecalis (2,50%), Staphylococcus saprophyt


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COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. NOT FOR REPRINT. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine® A Nutritional Supplement for Improving Fertility in Women A Pilot Study Lynn M. Westphal, M.D., Mary Lake Polan, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Aileen Sontag Trant, Ph.D., and Stephen B. Mooney, M.D. OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of nutritional P = .04). The placebo group (n = 15) did not show any no- sup

NUJHS Vol. 2, No.4, December 2012, ISSN 2249-7110 Nitte University Journal of Health Science LAPAROSCOPIC ADRENALECTOMY IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS - A REPORT OF 2 CASES. Sandeep B. Rai , Rajesh Ballal , Raghu Shankar Professor and Head, Associate Professor, Pediatric Surgery, Professor and head, Department of Surgery,Justice K.S. Hedge Medical College, NITTE University, Mangalore - 5

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Haldol (haloperidol) FDA ALERT [9/2007]: This Alert highlights revisions to the labeling for haloperidol (marketed as Haldol, Haldol Decanoate and Haldol Lactate). The updated labeling includes WARNINGS stating that Torsades de Pointes and QT prolongation have been observed in patients receiving haloperidol, especially when the drug is administered intravenously or in higher doses than

Microsoft word - questions for the pharmacist

ANY QUESTIONS FOR THE PHARMACIST? Charles F. Caley, Pharm.D., addressed questions from audience members in the Brace Professor Auditorium at the Tully Health Center in Stamford on March 17th. The audience of 35 to 40 included NAMI Stamford/Greenwich affiliate board members, as well as those living with mental illnesses and their families. Dr. Caley is an Associate Clinical Professor of Pharma

Netop remote control - version 9.0

Release notes – version 9.0 Danware is proud to introduce NetOp Remote Control 9.0 as the coming shipping version. It will also be available as a commercial upgrade to our existing customers using version 8.0 or earlier. What’s new in version 9.0? This is the new features in headlines grouped by function. Later in the document detailed information about each new feature has b

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release Vulture range countries in South Asia adopt a regional declaration and action plan for transboundary conservation of endangered vulture species New Delhi, India, Saturday, 5 May, 2012 (IUCN) – In a groundbreaking step towards vulture conservation in South Asia, the governments of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan adopted a Regional Declar

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430-439 – derivati del poliossietilene Sostanze che non rientrano nelle classificazioni sopra indicate Abbreviazioni usate nell'elenco [PRA] - additivi che possono provocare reazioni allergiche in soggetti predisposti [OGM] - additivi che possono essere prodotti anche con l'uso di organismi geneticamente modificati [OA] - additivi di origine animale E101 Riboflavina (Vitami

Comparative treatment requirements.doc

NEW ZEALAND TIMBER PRESERVATION COUNCIL – INFORMATION SHEET Comparative treatment requirements - New Zealand & Australia AS1604 (subject to final approval) CCA 0.035 Boron 0.047 ACQ 0.170 Permethrin 0.006 Cypermethrin 0.006 Deltamethrin 0.0006 Bifenthrin 0.0012 Fluorine 0.140 Analytical zone central one-ninth except boron <24% mc full sapwood x-section. Permethrin 0.006 C

8401 W. DODGE RD., SUITE #115, OMAHA, NE 68114; 1-800-222-1222; (402) 955-5555 Steven A. Seifert, MD, Medical Director Nebraska Regional Poison Center _____________________________________________ The Emergency Department is often the front line in dealing with significant toxic exposures. Here’s an update. 1) We’ve had a name and sponsorship change. We are now the Nebraska Regional Po

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Piyarat Govitraponga,U, Jaturaporn Chagkutipa, Wanpena Neuro-Beha ¨ ioural Biology Center, Institute of Science and Technology for Research and De ¨ elopment, Mahidol Uni ¨ ersity, Salaya, Nakornpathom 73170, Thailand b Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Srinakarinwirot Uni ¨ ersity, Bangkok, Thailand c Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn Uni ¨ er

SKIN CARE: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO SKIN CARE PRODUCTS AND INGREDIENTS The Skin Sciences Institute Children’s Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati, OH 45229 Copyright  1999 by The Skin Sciences Institute, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH CONTENTS The Skin: An Overview Skin Structure 4 Epidermis 5 Stratum Corneum Middle Epidermis

Traditions checklist - from the a

Traditions Checklist - from the A.A. Grapevine Service Material from the General Service Office These questions were originally published in the AA Grapevine in conjunction with a series on the Twelve Traditions that began in November 1969 and ran through September 1971. While they were originally intended primarily for individual use, many AA groups have since used them as a basis for wid

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~~NEW SUMMER EDITION~~ Message from the President Barrett P. Brenton (St. John’s University) It is with great pleasure that I welcome NEAA Newsletter readers to the inaugural summer winner Erica Varlese from Drew University issue. The idea of an additional issue was and her exploration of labor support and devised under the leadership of Editor-in-resistance in American bir

Lijst van toegestane medicijnen bij sportbeoefening januari 2009

Lijst van toegestane medicijnen bij sportbeoefening januari 2010 Hieronder tref je een lijst aan van veel gebruikte geneesmiddelen die (soms onder bepaalde voorwaarden) zijn toegestaan. De lijst is per “klacht/kwaal” gerangschikt. Als eerste wordt de naam genoemd waaronder het geneesmiddel te koop is; tussen haakjes is de werkzame stof vermeld (maar alleen als die verschilt van de

Analyse von vitaminen in lebensmittel und tierfutter

NutriControl NutriControl Vitaminen Vitamine sind Nährstoffe, die der Organismus für lebenswichtige Funktionen benötigt. Sie sind unverzichtbar für das Wachstum und die Erhaltung der Lebensfähigkeit des Körpers. Es sind 13 verschiedene Vitamine bekannt, wie zum Beispiel die wasserlöslichen Vitamine des B-Komplexes und Vitamin C und die fettlöslichen Vitamin A, D, E un

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PAM50-Based Prosigna Breast Cancer Assay Helps to Identify Patients at Risk of Late Distant Recurrence in a Combined Analysis of 2,137 Patients Prosigna Combined Analysis of TransATAC and ABCGS-8 Data Presented at the 2013 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium SEATTLE and SAN ANTONIO -- December 13, 2013 -- NanoString Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: NSTG), a provider of life science t


Tourette Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorders: A Pharmacological ApproachDr. Harvey S. Bennett MDDirector, Child Neurology and Developmental MedicineGoryeb Children’s HospitalTourette Syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorders: A Pharmacological Approach• Dr. Bennett does not have any relevant financial relationship(s) or interest(s) with any manufacturer(s) or providers of any commercia

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General Schedule of Events SUNDAY, June 23 17:00 – 18:00 Slovak Society for Neuroscience Committee Meeting Symposium Venue – Catholic University, Hlavna 89, Kosice MONDAY, June 24 08:00 – 08:45 Speaker Presentation Preview and Poster Display Cell Signaling, Neurotoxicity and Neuroprotection I. TUESDAY, June 25 08:00 – 08:45 Speaker Presentation Preview and Po

Leila Dargahi  Personal Information Date of Birth: 10/31/1979 Place of Birth: Tehran Nationality: Iranian Marital status: Single  Address for correspondence Neuroscience Research Center Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences Tehran, Iran Tel: ( +98-21) 22 42 97 68 Fax: ( +98-21) 22 43 20 47 Mobile: ( +98-912) 506 99 30 e-mai  Educ

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• Research targets “cleaner” populations• What percentage (approx.) of your clients/ • Clinicians/ agencies do not communicate• One question or problem related to CODs • Alcohol and drug dependence can present with symptoms suggestive of psychiatric disorders– Drug interactions– Aggravating medical problems• Underlying/ Primary problem progresses– Develop treatmen

Titel / title:

Kvalitet i strålskyddsarbetet, 3-5 februari 2004 Strålskydd och kvalitetssäkring i ett ekonomiskt perspektiv Magnus Halin Fortum Power and Heat, Generation, Lovisa kraftverk Rubriken Strålskydd och kvalitetssäkring i ett ekonomiskt perspektiv ger möjlighet att betrakta nämnda faktorer ur olika synvinklar. I dagens läge betyder det ekonomiska perspektivet oftast att arbetet/verk

Newark Hypnosis & NLP Presents A Brief Review of Some of the Research Evidence on the Effectiveness of Medical Hypnosis: Hypnosis Reduces Frequency and Intensity of Migraines Compared the treatment of migraine by hypnosis and autohypnosis with the treatment of migraine by the drug prochlorperazine (Stemetil). Results show that the number of attacks and the number of people who

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11th NAPRECA Symposium Book of Proceedings, Antananarivo, Madagascar Natural Products and Drug Discovery through a Network of Partnerships Philippe Rasoanaivo, David Ramanitrahasimbola, Dina Rakotondramanana, Voahangy Ramanandraibe, Suzanne Ratsimamanga Institut Malgache de Recherches Appliquées Abstract We present here relevant result obtained from a network of collaborations. Mala

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PUBLICATIONS 1. Self Monitoring Dysfunction And The Schizophrenic Symptoms Of Alien Control • The relationship between poor self-monitoring and the Psychological Medicine presence of alien control symptoms provides support for 1998, 28, 675 – 683. Frith & Done's account of the origins of these symptoms in schizophrenia. 2. Antibiotic Prophylaxis In Spinal Surgery


PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTER PRE-PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS FOR: Trigger Points, Botox Muscle Groups, Generalized Joint Injections At North Shore Medical Center (knees, shoulders), Synvisc Injections and 781-477-3676 Other________________________ Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ You have been scheduled for a _____

Orchestra sinfolario

Orchestra Sinfolario L’Orchestra SINFOLARIO debutta nel 2001 con la produzione dell'opera "Nabucco" di G.Verdi. Da quella data, l'orchestra si è esibita in molti teatri di tradizione del Nord- Italia quali: Teatro Dal Verme di Milano, Teatro Fraschini di Pavia, Teatro Comunale di Adria, Teatro Sociale di Como, Idroparkfila di Milano, Teatro Comunale di Lonigo (VI), Teatro del Vi

The hSK4 (KCNN4) isoform is the Ca2 ؉ -activated K ؉ channel (Gardos channel) in human red blood cells Joseph F. Hoffman*†, William Joiner*‡, Keith Nehrke§, Olga Potapova*¶, Kristen Foye* ʈ , and Amittha Wickrema** *Departments of Cellular and Molecular Physiology and Pharmacology, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520; §Department of Medicine, University ofRochester Medical Center, R

C:\documents and settings\rer.ntent.ie5\mldb7v75\343[1].pdf

Environment and Crime in the Inner City: Does Vegetation Reduce Crime? Environment and Behavior 2001; 33; 343 The online version of this article can be found at: Design Research Association can be found at: Environment and Behavior Additional services and information for Email Alerts:

Ondansetron Decreases Vomiting Associated With Acute Gastroenteritis: A Randomized, Controlled Trial John J. Reeves, MD*; Michael W. Shannon, MD, MPH‡; and Gary R. Fleisher, MD‡ ABSTRACT. Objective. Relatively little research has examined the role of antiemetic agents in the treatment United States develop acute gastroenteritis of acute gastroenteritis. The use of the sele

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Taurine: an Amino Acid Rich in Fish Meal Research Scientist1, Oceanic Institute, 41-202 Kalanianaole Hwy. 1Retired. Current address, 113 Wooddale, Euless, TX 76039, USA Abstract Taurine is a sulfur containing amino acid and is unique in that it is not linked to any protein by a peptide bond. Taurine is the most abundant free amino acid in any tissue. Taurine is found in greater conc


LET’S TALK RABBITS! By Melanie Lyons – NY State 4-H Rabbit Ambassador Hello, my name is Melanie Lyons. I am the NYS 4-H ambassador for rabbits. I am going to be writing this column to help newcomers understand and learn about rabbits and teach you ways to have fun while doing it. I am 13 years old and belong to Otsego county 4-H. I have been an ARBA member for 3 consecutive years. This m

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Titel proefschrift : Molecular Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance in Helicobacter pylori Door : Monique Gerrits Promotiedatum : 2 december 2004, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam Ruim 4 miljoen Nederlanders zijn besmet met Helicobacter pylori, een bacterie die de maagmucosa koloniseert. Een infectie met deze bacterie is chronisch en resulteert meestal in maagontsteking, maar kan ook leiden tot

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Comparison of two methods for the detection of Escherichia coli serogroup O157 in foods and feeding stuffs: ISO 16654:2001: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for the detection of Escherichia coli O157 and Nordic Committee on Food Analysis: NMKL No 164, 2. Ed. 2005: Escherichia coli O157. Detection in food and feeding stuffs. Jeppe Boel Danish Insti

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Clinical europsychologist – Comprehensive europsychological Services (C S) • Investigator – Dedicated Clinical Research EDUCATIO Degree: Doctor of Philosophy, May 2002 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia (APA-Accredited Program) Psychology (Clinical Adult Specialization) Neuropsychological research, assessment, and treatment “A Neu

Microsoft word - res update - dec 2007

NVA RESEARCH UPDATE NEWSLETTER December 2007 This newsletter has been supported, in part, through a grant from the Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation . This newsletter is quarterly and contains abstracts from medical journals published between September and December 2007 (abstracts presented at scientific meetings may also be included). Please direct any comments regarding thi


DIGITAL GOVERNMENT PROJECT Progress Report: April 24, 2000 The Research Team NISS: Alan Karr, Ashish Sanil, Jaeyong Lee [, James CMU: Adrian Dobro, George Duncan, Stephen LANL: Sallie Keller–McNulty MCNC: Bonnie Parrish, Karen Litwin, Syam Sun- Build a Web-based query system that 1. Is dynamic and history-dependent 2. Dispenses statistical analyses rather than3. Uses s

Stress ulcer prophylaxis

GUIDELINES FOR APPROPRIATE STRESS ULCER PROPHYLAXIS The following information, derived from the ASHP guidelines, can be used as a screening tool to determine appropriateness of prophylaxis. Medical Intensive Care Unit patients ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING RISK FACTORS • Likely to require mechanical ventilation for > 48 hours • Non-intentional coagulapathy, i.e. not on warfarin

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1997, 119, 10549 10550 Catalytic Pauson Khand Reaction in Super Critical the homogeneous reaction media after completion of thereaction. The reaction with water soluble ligand bound catalystsin organic/aqueous phase process8 and with perfluorinatedligands bound catalysts in the conventional organic solvent andNakcheol Jeong,*,† Sung Hee Hwang,† Youn Woo Lee,‡ an

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Sang Do, Lee M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Director, Clinical Research Center for Chronic Obstructive Airway Diseases Address: Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine University of Ulsan Coll

2013 registration

PATIENT REGISTRATION Use black ink Ricardo Izquierdo, M.D. Plastic Surgery & Advanced Medical ServicesDate____________________Name_____________________________________ Address_________________________________________City________________________ State________________ Zip______________ Date of Birth________________ Age______ Sex_______ Email__________________________________Social Se


Public Hearing “Review State law governing forfeiture of property associated with criminal activity, including the system for distribution of assets seized and accountability for their expenditure” LOCATION: MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE PRESENT: Senator Louis F. Kosco, Chairman Senator James S. Cafiero, Vice-Chairman Senator Joseph L. Bubba Senator John A. Girgenti Senator Edw

Part one

TAYSIDE PRESCRIBER Issue 107 GUIDANCE ON STEROID TREATMENT CARDS WITH INHALED STEROIDS Steroid treatment cards give guidance on minimising associated risks of therapy with corticosteroids and provide details of the prescriber, drug, dosage and duration of treatment.1, 2 They also contain instructions to the patient and inform healthcare professionals that a patient is receiving

Accomplishments of the international information disclosure activities regading the accident at fukushima daiichi nuclear power station

Accomplishments of the International Information Disclosure Activities regarding the Accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power StationResponse Plan after FukushimaInternational Experts' Meeting onHuman and Organizational Factors inNuclear Safety in the Light of theAccident at the Fukushima DaiichiDaiichi NPP Accident in the light of PSA =The international Topical Conference onManagement Toky

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Product Name: Unique Polymer Powder Page: 1 of 4 This revision issued: October, 2010 Section 1 - Identification of The Material and Supplier Unique Nail & Beauty Supplies Phone: 02 8824 9250 1 De Villiers Rise Fax: 02 8824 9250 Bella Vista, NSW 2153 Chemical nature: Trade Name: Unique Polymer Powder Product Use: Creat

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Nashoba Regional High School Return to School Nurse School Health Services: Student Emergency and Health Record School Year 2011/2012 Sept. 2011 Grade:_______ Student Name Date of Birth Birthplace Mother/Guardian Employer Father/Guardian Employer Parent/Guardian Email SIBLINGS TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Include extensions and other prompts Work/Daytime Phone C

Nigerian Journal of Science, Technology and Environmental Education (NIJOSTEE), Vol. 3, No. 1, July 2010 ISSN: 0331-9873 In Vitro Determination of Bactericidal Effects of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichi coli Medical Microbiology Department, Federal Medical Centre, Jalingo. Abstract Sensitivity patterns of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus


Northern California Community Blood Bank 2524 Harrison Avenue Eureka, CA 95501 (707)443-8004 MEDICATION DEFERRAL LIST Please tell us if you are now taking or if you have EVER taken any of these medications: • Proscar© (finasteride) - usually given for prostate gland enlargement • Avodart©, Jalyn© (dutasteride) - usually given for prostate enlargement (Jalyn added 11/1/10)

Microsoft word - bio identical hormone replacement therapy e book.docx

Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Bio-Identical hormone replacement therapy has been practiced in the United States since the 1980’s. However, dating back to the 11th century in China, doctors implemented this therapy. Writings discuss how in mediaeval times, doctors would collect the urine of young men and women, then precipitate the urine and make it into pil s and give it to emperors

EC Safety Data Sheet pursuant to Directive 2001/58/EC Convotherm GmbH Trade name: Convocare-K Product no.: 3007028 Issue: 19.12.03 1. Substance/preparation and company name Product particulars Trade name: Convocare-K , concentrate for mixing 1 : 9 withwater Manufacturer/supplier particulars Address: Convotherm Elektrogeräte GmbHTalstraße 35D-82436 Eglfing / GermanyTel. no.: +4

011_artikel stellungnahme ect-ltt

Bedeutung von Epikutantest und Lymphozytentransformationstest für die Diagnostik von Typ IV-Sensibilisierungen. Stellungnahme des Deutschen Berufsverband der Umweltmediziner Significance of the patch test and the lymphocyte transformation test in the diagnostic of type IV-Statement of the German professional association for enviromental medicine Frank Bartram1, Hans-Peter Donate2, K

Sbfsem 7-26-2010me

NCMIR METHODS FOR 3D EM: A NEW PROTOCOL FOR PREPARATION OF BIOLOGICAL SPECIMENS FOR SERIAL BLOCK FACE SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Thomas J. Deerinck, Eric A. Bushong, Andrea Thor and Mark H. Ellisman Center for Research in Biological Systems and the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA Note: This protocol was desig

Student personal data sheet 2002-2003

BROOKWOOD JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT PERSONAL DATA SHEET 2013-14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We need a current Student Personal Data Sheet in our office at all times in case of an emergency. This form should be completed by a parent/guardian. Please return compl

21048 neostrata green phas.qxd

21048 Neostrata Green PHAs.qxd 2/12/02 5:13 PM Page 1Polyhydroxy Acids (PHAs) Provide Conditioning Effects to Skin Without Increasing Sensitivity to UV LightBarbara A. Green, R.Ph., Richard H. Wildnauer, Ph.D., Brenda L. Edison NeoStrata Company, Inc., Princeton, NJ, USA Self Assessment COMPATIBILITY OF A PHA REGIMEN WITH TOPI


Agnieszka S∏awomirska prawnikLubelski Urzàd Wojewódzki w Lublinie NIERUCHOMOÂCI ZABYTKOWE W ROZUMIENIU USTAWOWYM Po okresie dyskusji, na podstawie rzàdowego pro- Przedmiot i zakres ochrony zabytków jektu, dnia 23 lipca 2003 r. Sejm uchwali∏ ustaw´ i opieki nad zabytkami o ochronie zabytków i opiece nad zabytkami1 (dalej:u.o.z.o.z.), która zastàpi∏a ustaw´ z dnia 15 luteg


MEMORANDUM MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT KATHERINE DISTRICT HOSPITAL MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT GOVE DISTRICT HOSPITAL THROUGH: TRIM REF NO: Obstetric Medicine Clinic (OMC): This is a joint weekly clinic held on Friday afternoons at Royal Darwin Hospital. The clinic is staffed by Obstetric consultants, registrars and RMO’s, Endocrinologist (Dr Sridhar Chitturi), endocrine registrar, Diab

The great drug switcheroo

SWITCHE R OO YOUR PHARMACIST MAY BE CHANGING YOUR MEDICATION WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE—AND WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW COULD HURT YOU. HERE’S HOW TO STAY SAFE. BY RICHARD LALIBERTE | ILLUSTRATIONS BY NICK DEWAR expect to get the medication your doctor ordered. But because of expect to get the medication your doctor ordered. But because of a perfectly legal loophole in rules that govern how d

Poor seroprotection but allosensitization after adjuvanted pandemic influenza h1n1 vaccine in kidney transplant recipients

Transplant Infectious Disease, ISSN 1398-2273Poor seroprotection but allosensitization afteradjuvanted pandemic influenza H1N1 vaccine inkidney transplant recipientsT. Fairhead, E. Hendren, K. Tinckam, C. Rose, C.H. Sherlock, L. Shi, N.S. Crowcroft, J.B. Gubbay, D. Landsberg, G. Knoll, J. Gill, D. Kumar. Poor seroprotection but allosensitization after adjuvantedpandemic influenza H1N1 vaccine

Medication procedure

Medication Procedure Please be aware that the Northgate School District’s Administration of Medication Policy was recently revised according to state law. Procedures for administering medication during school hours have not changed. We continue to encourage parents to administer medication to their children at home either before or after school. However, please be aware that over the

Clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of cancer therapy-induced oral and gastrointestinal mucositis

Mucositis: Perspectives and Clinical Practice Guidelines Supplement to Cancer Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer Therapy–Induced Oral and Gastrointestinal Mucositis Edward B. Rubenstein, BACKGROUND. Oral and gastrointestinal (GI) mucositis can affect up to 100% of Douglas E. Peterson, D.M.D., Ph.D. patients undergoing high-dose chemotherap

Microsoft word - inset ic 232 02-11-05.doc

observed in children aged 5 to 11 years up to 6 hours after treatment with doses of 0.10 mg/kg or higher of albuterol inhalation solution. Patient’s Instructions for Use Single doses of 3, 4, or 10 mg resulted in improvement in baseline PEFR that was comparable in extent and duration to a 2-mg dose, but doses above 3 mg were associated with heart rate increases of more than 10%.

Microsoft word - health information form - deb will send out this year

Student Health Information _____________ _____________ _____________ Family Doctor’s Name ____________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ Dentist’s Name ________________________________ Date of last visit ________________________________ Optometrist’s Name ________

Neuropsychopharmacology (2004) 29, 731–738& 2004 Nature Publishing GroupReversal of Sensorimotor Gating Deficits in Brattleboro Ratsby Acute Administration of Clozapine and a NeurotensinAgonist, but not Haloperidol: a Potential Predictive Model forNovel Antipsychotic EffectsDavid Feifel*,1, Gilia Melendez1 and Paul D Shilling1Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego


Administrative Offices Phone: 207-873-7711 Fax: 207-873-7022 TECHNICAL PRODUCT INFORMATION Brilliant Green Agar Brilliant Green Agar w/Novobiocin (15 mcg/ml) Brilliant Green Agar w/Nalidixic Acid (50 mcg/ml) Brilliant Green Agar w/Nalidixic Acid (100 mcg/ml) & Novobiocin (15 mcg/ml) Brilliant Green Agar w/Sulfadiazine (80 mcg/ml) INTENDED USE: Brilliant Green

NEW XELERATE IN FROM XYIENCE. FEATURING THREE MAJOR INGREDIENTS EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT… IF YOU ARE LOOKING TO LOSE A FEW EXTRA POUNDS. 1) HOODIA… What is it and where does it come from? Hoodia Gordonii (Asclepiadaceae) looks like a cactus, but is actually a milkweed-like plant that grows in Botswana and the Kalahari Desert in Southwestern Africa. It was just introduced to the US ma

Ndjour sup

25th Anniversary Supplement April 2001 Published by the NEW DIRECTIONS IN THE STUDY OF ALCOHOL GROUP Designed and produced by Sheila Raby at Aquarius E•T•C New Directions in the Study of Alcohol Editor: Robin Davidson Assistant Editors: Sheila Raby & Marilyn Christie The New Directions in the Study of Alcohol group is a multi-disciplinary forumestablished in the mid-s

Sp57 juli 2000 tussen psychiatrie en verslaving

TUSSEN PSYCHIATRIE EN VERSLAVING De problematische relatie tussen psychiatrie en verslaving. Door de diagnostiek het bos ingestuurd Henk is 42 jaar en gebruikt al jaren Overdag houdt hij zich vooral bezig met de zorg voor zijn moeder die verzor- daarvan uiteindelijk het resultaat. Wordt gingsbehoeftig is. Twee weken geleden jarenlang seresta’s heeft gekregen, de praktijk

Preventive migraine treatment

Migraine is a central nervous system disorder that is characterized by moderate orsevere headaches that last 4 to 72 hours. The attacks are often aggravated by routinephysical activity and may be associated with a variety of other symptoms, includingphotophobia, phonophobia, osmophobia, nausea, or vomiting. Approximately 15%of patients experience attacks of migraine with aura. The typical aura con

Cdar_a_153699 111.114

Drug and Alcohol Review (March 2006), 25, 111 – 113The rise of Viagra among British illicit drug users: 5-year survey dataJIM MCCAMBRIDGE1, LUKE MITCHESON1,2, NEIL HUNT2,3 & ADAM WINSTOCK31National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, London, UK, 2South London and MaudsleyNHS Trust and KCA, UK, and 3South West Sydney Area Health Services and National Drug an


LIVING WITH BOWEL PROBLEMS FOLLOWING RADIOTHERAPY A SCOPING STUDY COMMISSIONED BY NACC CONTENTS Bowel problems following radiotherapy: an overview Bowel problems following radiotherapy: personal experiences Living with bowel problems following radiotherapy: a scoping study commissioned by NACC, by Judy Wilson EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This short scoping study carried out in

Microsoft word - 042-1040605 norvir consumer lch 11.23.12

Important Safety Updates to the Patient Package Inserts for NORVIR® (ritonavir) Soft Gelatin Capsules and NORVIR® (ritonavir) Tablet and Oral Solution In November 2013, the following safety update was added to the Patient Package Inserts for NORVIR: The following safety information was added to the section “What are the possible side effects of NORVIR?” Talk to your d

Patient Category Recommended Therapy Contained Casualty Setting Adults Preferred choices Gentamicin, 5 mg/kg IM or IV once daily or 2 mg/kg loading dose followed Alternative choices Doxycycline, 100 mg IV twice daily or 200 mg IV once daily Chloramphenicol, 25 mg/kg IV 4 times daily§ Children\Preferred choices Streptomycin, 15 mg/kg IM twice daily (maximum daily dose, 2

Travel via the Moon Aug 2013 You’ve been saving for months, you got your airline tickets when they were priced much lower, hotel reservations confirmed for great rooms, and you have an itinerary laid out for a grand vacation….and you’re finally there after all that planning! And then, something happens that no one can ever plan on….a health problem. If you were home, a quick ca

Ley nº 16

Ley Nº 16.107 (del 31 de marzo de 1990) Banco de Previsión Social Dispónese Ajuste Fiscal Tributario y de aportación Artículo 1 Sustitúyese el literal A) del Título 10 del Texto Ordenado de 1987, por el siguiente: "A) Básica del 22% (veintidós por ciento)" El aumento de la tasa dispuesto por la presente disposición, tendrá vigencia a partir del primer d

Publikationsliste prof

Publikationsliste Prof. R. Schindler 1. Glorieux G, Schepers E, Schindler R, Lemke HD, Verbeke F, Dhondt A, Lameire N, Vanholder R: A novel bio-assay increases the detection yield of microbiological impurity of dialysis fluid, in comparison to the LAL-test. Nephrol Dial Transplant 24:548-554, 2009 Schammann T, Schindler R: [The patient with chronic renal failure]. Med Monatsschr Pharm

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders (crsd)

Sleep Medicine Reviews, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp 45–55, 2002doi:10.1053/smrv.2001.0190, available online at on MEDICINE Yaron Dagan Institute for Fatigue and Sleep Medicine, “Sheba” Medical Center, Affiliated to “Sackler” Medical School,Tel Aviv University, Israel KEYWORDS Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders (CRSD) are a group of sleep disorderscharacterized

The complete technology book on fine chemicals

The Complete Technology Book on Fine Chemicals Author : NIIR Board of Consultants & Engineers Format : Paperback ISBN : 8178330563 Code : NI126 Pages : 586 Price: Rs. 1,100.00 US$ 125.00 Publisher : Asia Pacific Business Press Inc. Usually ships within 3 days Fine chemicals are the chemicals which are produced in comparatively small quantities and in relatively pures

Revisão da Literatura Evidências de eficácia da terapia cognitiva Evidences from the efficacy of the cognitive behavior therapy on schizophreniaElizA MARtHA dE PAivA bARREto1 , Hélio Elkis2 1 Psiquiatra, mestre em Psiquiatria pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Fellow em terapia cognitiva e comportamental pelo Departamento de Psiquiatria do Massachusetts General Hospital (EUA).

Nikesh K. Patel, MD axã exyÄxvà|ÉÇá cÄtáà|v fâÜzxÜç 509 Stillwells Corner Road, Suite E5 Freehold, New Jersey 07728 (732) 354-3792 Please complete Medical History Form to the best of your ability Name ___________________________________________________ Age _____ Height _______ Weight ___________ Purpose of Consultation _____________________________________

Microsoft word - gender detriments in health plan benefits.doc

Gender Detriments in Health Plan Benefits Anna C. Naples, Pharm. D. Candidate, UNC-CH Class of 2003 David Work, JD,Executive Director of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy, Adjunct Professor at UNC-CH School of Pharmacy Anna Naples 24 Warbler Lane Durham, NC 27712 Phone 919-593-1199 Fax 919-967-5757 Abstract The Pharmacy Board receives many calls about health

T o p T w e n T y pay- f o r - D e l ay D r u g s : H o w D r u g I n D u s t r y Pay o f f s D e l ay g e n e r I c s , I n f l at e P r I c e s a n D H u r t c o n s u m e r s T oo often, consumers are forced to shoulder a heavy financial burden, or even go without needed medicine, due to the high cost of brand-name drugs. Our research indicates that one significant cause is the practic

ISO/IEC AGREEMENT CONCERNING STANDARDIZATION OF ELECTROTECHNOLOGY FOR ROAD VEHICLES AND THE COOPERATION BETWEEN ISO/TC 22 “ROAD VEHICLES” AND IEC TECHNICAL COMMITTEES Introduction The allocation of work between IEC and ISO is based on the agreed principle that all questions relating to international standardization in the electrical and electronic engineering fields are res


UNIT 6 - NERVOUS SYSTEM / SPECIAL SENSES ACTIVITY – Diseases of the Central Nervous System A. This is the most common cause of crippling in children and results form prenatal, prenatal, or postnatal CNS damage due to anoxia. Motor impairment may me minimal or severely disabling. Associated defects, such as seizures, speech impairment, and mental retardation are common. This disorder cannot be c

General frequently asked questions How many.? Why do.? Who is.? Does it.? What stops.? What are.? How many people have literacy difficulties in Ireland? In 1997 the OECD developed an international survey which examined how wel adults could cope with different types of reading and numeracy tasks which crop up regularly in work and in daily life. The survey looked at how adults of worki

This Provisional PDF corresponds to the article as it appeared upon acceptance. Copyedited andfully formatted PDF and full text (HTML) versions will be made available soon. Impact of intensive care on renal function before graft harvest: results of a monocentric study Critical Care 2007, 11 :R103 Article type Submission date Acceptance date Publication date Article URL T

Kuwait's Automated Settlement System for Inter-participant Payments-KASSIP Regulations FEBRUARY 2010 CONTENTS ARTICLE STATEMENT Payment Transactions in the Queue at End of 1- Introduction These regulations were set out in accordance with the basic principles of Systemically Important Payment Systems which were determined by the Committee on Payment and Settlement Sys

Women’s Health Center PERSONAL AND FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY Date: __________________________ Allergies: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medications — Please list all of the medications you are taking, includ

Microsoft word - hazard communication plan.doc

Hazard Communication Plan Revised 9/13/04 NET100 Hazard Communication Plan Table of Contents The Minimum Training For A New Employee .6 Inventory List of Hazardous Chemicals .8 Revised 9/13/04 NET100 Hazard Communication Plan To provide and implement a Hazard Communication Plan that complies with the Occupational Safety And Health Administration (OSHA).

Foh swine flu update – april 27, 2009

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES FOH SWINE FLU UPDATE – APRIL 27, 2009 Outbreaks of a novel strain of swine flu have been detected in humans in several states in the United States as well as Mexico and possibly other countries prompting the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to declare a Public Health Emergency. The formal declaration of a Public Health E

Microsoft word - february- barbara ann grova.doc

seen in my own practice many children who have experienced reduced symptoms of ADD/HD after some very simple dietary changes and food sensitivity eliminations. Studies as far back as the 1940's show that some children and adults definitely react to certain food colors, especially Yellow #5 (Tartrazine). Linking ADD, ADHD, OCD, & Hyperactivity to • Food Dyes, Prese

Microsoft word - paknahad.doc

Zamzam Paknahad(Ph.D) Postal Address: Academic Qualification : 1986-1989 : B.S, Biology , Shiraz University 1990-1994: M.Sc, Nutrition in Medicine - Shiraz University of Medical Sciences ,Iran 1996-2002: Ph.D, Nutrition, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Iran Areas of Particular Expertise: Teaching Areas: Major Research Involvements: ™ Publication: 1

Microsoft word - after_total_hip_replacement.doc

Center of Joint Preservation and Replacement After Total Hip Replacement Discharge Instructions Congratulations on your new hip! You are going home after a successful total hip replacement. Although there is still much work to do, we have already achieved a lot. So, when you get home, take a deep breath and relax. The benefits of a total hip replacement are great

2009 into africa medical team - tanzania report.pdf

INTO AFRICA TOUR 2009 Tanzania MEDICAL REPORT Wycliffe Australia sends its fifth short-term team medical Into Africa in partnership with SIL Tanzania The purpose of the primary health-care clinics is to demonstrate to the unreached people groups where the Scriptures are being translated into their mother tongue, that God cares not only about their spiritual wellbeing but abou

Keep all medication out of reach of children. PATIENT INFORMATION ON Anti-anginal Agents (I) NITRATES About your Medicine Your doctor has just prescribed for you a nitrate, e.g. Isosorbide dinitrate (Isobin®, Isordil®, Sorbitrate®), Isosorbide mononitrate (Imdex CR®, Imdur®, Ismo 20®), Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) ( Angised®, Deponit®). What are Nitrates used

Beth M. Silverstein, DONorth Shore University Hospital, North Shore–Long Island Jewish Health System, Manhasset, New York Abstract   Effective treatment of epilepsy remains a medical juggling act. Neu- rologists must weigh effective control of seizure activity with patients’ medical histories and comorbidities t


Lernerfolgskontrolle Curriculum Urologicum Modul 3 „Onkologische Urologie“ vom 13.-14.03.2009 in München Welche der folgenden Untersuchungen gehört nicht zur Basisdiagnostik bei erektiler Dysfunktion ? Dynamische Infusionscavernosographie und -metrie (DICC) Bei geplanter Anwendung eines Phosphodiesterase-5-Inhibitors (Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil) sollte in der Anamnes

DETAILS OF TEST FACILITIES AVAILABLE AT NTH (NR), GHAZIABAD NAME OF PRODUCT MATERIAL OF TEST TEST / CALIBRATION FACILITIES REMARKS LABORATORY CHEMICAL Cement (33-grade OPC), (43- SRPC, PPC, Slag cement, White Oxide, Chloride content, CHEMICAL Cement mortar, Cement concrete, Lime content, Silica contents. CHEMICAL I S : 228(I ),(I I), (II I), (V) &

Northeast iowa community action corporation

FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM INFORMED CONSENT FOR CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS (Prescription & Non-Prescription) ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES I have chosen oral contraceptives as my method of contraception. I have been provided counseling and written information regarding the benefits and risks, effectiveness, potential side effects, complications, and danger signs of oral contraceptive use. I have been gi

Pharmaceutical, drugs, fine chemicals, bulk drug intermediates, pharmaceutical drugs, pharma drug ingredients intermediates, drug intermediates, speciality chemicals, raw materials, fine and specialty chemicals intermediates, pharmaceutical bulk drugs

Pharmaceutical, Drugs, Fine Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Pharma Drug Ingredients Intermediates, Drug Intermediates, Speciality Chemicals, Raw Materials, Fine and Specialty Chemicals Intermediates, Pharmaceutical Bulk Drugs We can provide you detailed project reports on the following topics. Please select the projects of your interests. Each detailed pro

Microsoft word - leaflet sj_005_201131128_delcastillo_2012-01-17.doc

Antioxidant product derived from coffee residues CSIC has developed a procedure for the extraction of antioxidant compounds from coffee silverskin, a residue of roasted coffee beans. The method involves an extraction step with water and the extracts contain high amounts of bioactive compounds such as chlorogenic acid and caffeine, with applications in cosmetics, food and

Microsoft word - fsa hra nfcsd ineligible medical expenses

Expenses that ARE NOT Covered Under Niagara Falls City School District’s Health Flexible Spending or Health Reimbursement Account Over-the-counter products *physician’s prescription required to be eligible for the majority of over-the-counter products Prescription is good for one year from the date it was written, and will need to be resubmitted annually. Medical Expense


Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS No: Domestic Emergency Phone 800-424-9300 Senoret Chemical Company International Emergency Phone 703-527-3887 69 N. Locust Street Information Phone 800-800-1819 Lititz, PA 17543 Intl Info Phone: 717-626-2125 SECTION I: MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION Product Number/Size: T400 Trade Name: Terro® Ant Killer Spray I A

Microsoft word - 540.docx

SRI LANKA NAVY TENDER INVITATION headquarters Chaithiya Colombo 01 CMS/P/540/2012 31/08/2012 M/S ………………………………………………………………………………… QUOTATION FOR SUPPLY OF MEDICAL ITEMS Tenders are invited for the supply of items in the attached list. The tenders should be sent in duplicate in favor of Chairman, Tend

Patch testing

Patch Testing Patient Information Sheet Allergic Contact Dermatitis Allergic contact dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction that occurs when substances to which you are allergic come in contact with your skin. These substances might be an ingredient in your perfume or aftershave, an antibiotic ointment or cream, household cleaners, rubber boots etc. Whilst the susceptibility to de

Croup is an infection of the voice box and windpipe. It is often mild, and most children soon recover. A steroid medicine is usually prescribed to ease symptoms. In some cases severe breathing difficulties develop. A small number of children with croup are admitted to hospital, usually for a short time until symptoms ease. What is croup? Croup is an infection of the larynx (voice box) and

Microsoft word - flygblad01_09.doc

FLYGBLADET Ett medlemsblad för Norrköpings Radioflygklubb NR 1 NOVEMBER 2009 Årgång 33 mycket jobb. Vi får se tiden an. Positivt under NRFK 2009 senare år är också att NRFK har fått flera nya Först vill styrelsen önska alla medlemmar, bland annat några duktiga och flitiga medlemmar och anhöriga en God Jul 3D Helikopterflygare. Gästmedlemmar både fr

Microsoft word - nans.2009.v9n1.036-04


Microsoft word - religious transformation, himatullah.doc

Religious Transformation and Development among the Pakhtuns: A Historical and Analytical Study Himayatullah ∗ Like their inaccessible hilly terrain hidden away in huge mountains the origin of the Pakhtuns is also shrouded in mystery. There are various theories put forward by different scholars and historians regarding their origin. The first theory, which was propounded by

Patient Category Recommended Therapy Contained Casualty Setting Adults Preferred choices Gentamicin, 5 mg/kg IM or IV once daily or 2 mg/kg loading dose followed Alternative choices Doxycycline, 100 mg IV twice daily or 200 mg IV once daily Chloramphenicol, 25 mg/kg IV 4 times daily§ Children\Preferred choices Streptomycin, 15 mg/kg IM twice daily (maximum daily dose, 2


Almond DY, King RF, Burkinshaw L, Laughland A, McMahon MJ. 1987. Potassium depletion in surgical patients: intracellular cation deficiency is independent of loss of body protein. Clin Nutr 6:45-50. Alverdy JC. 1990. Effect of glutamine-supplemented diets on immunology of the gut. JPEN 14(suppl.):109S-113S. Amadori D, Bonaguri C, Volpi A, Nanni O, Zoli W, Lundi N. 1993. Cell kinetics and prognosi

Nasseri medical centre

Nasseri Medspa LAST/ FAMILY NAME: _____________________________ FIRST/GIVEN NAME: _________________________BIRTHDATE (Day) ___________ (Month) ___________ (Year) ___________ SEX: (M) _______ (F) _______CARE CARD # ________________________________________________________________________________MARITAL STATUS: ________________________________ NAME OF SPOUSE: _________________________OCCUPAT


Responsibility in Counselling Supervision in New Zealand: An Exploratory Study of Supervisor Perspectives Kathie Crocket, Desmond Cooper, John Crockett, Jill Elder, Paul Flanagan, PeterHoride, Susan Mortlock, Glen Silvester, Wendy Talbot, Carol White Abstract This study investigated how experienced supervisors understand the matter of supervisor responsibility, and the effects of that underst


Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder A Guide for the Treating Clinician For many years, doctors have recognized the link of men- Diagnosis strual cycle to behavior and mood changes in women. In the1930s, RT Frank used the term “premenstrual tension syn-Diagnosis of PMDD is based on the presence of at least fivedrome” to describe the premenstrual mood problems that heof the symptoms listed

Prmt-gap-05 - prime.050601.2.qxd

The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It represents anabbreviated version of the preferred drug list that is at the core of your pharmacybenefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. In additionto using this list, you are encouraged to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs Georgia Preferred Drug List PLEASE NOTE: The symbol * next

The women’s natural health practice

Fact Sheet Endometriosis Endometriosis is a disease affecting women in their reproductive years. The name comes from the word "endometrium," which is the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus and builds up and sheds each month in the menstrual cycle. In endometriosis, tissue like the endometrium is found outside the uterus, in other areas of th

Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management (2009) 13, 266-271 Epidural steroid injections: An update on mechanisms of injury and safety Christopher Gharibo, MD, Caroline Koo, MD, Jennifer Chung, MD, Alex Moroz, MD From the Departments of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University Medical Center, New YorkUniversity School of Medicine, New York, New York.

Microsoft word - expose the truth - oct 2012 mp letter-1.docx

Dear_______________________________ M.P./ Hon. Member/ Rt. Hon. Member (cc: Minister of Health, Leona Aglukkaq, Deputy Minister, Glenda Yeates) Please stop Health Canada (HC) from removing my access to more Natural Health Products (NHPs) without valid evidence of harm! Yet another valuable NHP called nattokinase is about to be refused. It has been consumed in fermented soybeans for more th

Hormones play a role in body health

Improving the function of the appropriate glands or organs can help optimize the body’s performance and contribute to RESTORING a more normal body shape. By years of consuming excess sugar, low calorie diets, dieting from one type diet to another and toxic chemical exposure the endocrine system can get damaged, this can disrupt or block glandular function. Over or underproduction of horm

Microsoft word - concerned_about_swine_flu_12_1_09.doc

Concerned about the 2009 H1N1 Flu {Swine Flu}? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization are both in agreement that as of now, travel within the U.S. is safe, and there are no restrictions on travel or group gatherings. However, because NeighborWorks® America has an important relationship with our Training Institute participants, we want you to know we

Nickstories - Vielfältiger als jeder RegenbogenHerausgeber:Nickstories e.V. Eingetragen in das Vereinsregister beim Amtsgericht Kaiserslauternunter der Registernummer VR30198Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher nach §10 MDStV:Dirk Marx, Nickstories e.V. - Vorstand »Literatur«Inhaber aller Urheberrechte ist der auf der Titelseite gekennzeichnete Autor. Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile is


CASE STUDY Image-Analyse Aspirin vs. ratiopharm (ASS) Analyse der emotionalen Ladung von OTC-Präparaten Fallbeispiel: next practice-Kompetenzgebiet next expertizer /Emotional Brand Loading next practice GmbH · Am Speicher XI / 6 D-28217 Bremen · +49 421 3355880 CASE STUDY Image-Analyse Herausforderung Die Werbeagentur

Bianca individual page2

Vision and headaches No specific mechanism exists in the eye itself that causes headache, except in Similarly many pains of the face are transferred from the muscles in the neck and the farsighted people where there is a spasm of the muscle that focuses the lens. muscles responsible for posture. These pains would typically occur during working hours. A chiropractor will be able to locate t

Microsoft word - chapterthree

FIRST FRIDAY (afternoon) CHAPTER 3: FIRST MEETINGS "And it [the boundary of the Tribe of Benjamin] passed along to the side over against the Arava northward, and went down unto the Arava." (JOSHUA 18:18) The Arava bus slowed to a halt beside the stark sun shelter. Behind, on the right, a strip of tarmac cut into a nondescript wadi —one of the myriad dry watercourses that ar


Patienteninformation Dr. med. Freia Guse-Große Migräne Die Migräne ist eine ganz spezielle Form des Kopfschmerzes. Typisch sind anfallsweise auftreten-de, meist halbseitige Schmerzen, die häufig mehrere Stunden dauern. Wie kann es zu der Krankheit kommen? Die genaue Ursache ist nicht bekannt. Eine erbliche Veranlagung ist aber wahrscheinlich. Beeinflus-send kann ein Wetterumschlag

Treating candidiasis final-sajnm

This article appeared in The South African Journal of Natural Medicine 2008, Issue 39, pp 72 – 80. Treating candidiasis HEIDI DU PREEZ, PR SCI NAT , is a professional natural scientist with a Masters degree in Food Science. She is currently specialising in Nutritional Medicine. Heidi consults for both the food and health industries. She began specialising in natural health while liv

Microsoft word - document.doc

The following items should never be included in an overseas move due to the hazardous nature or high value of the items: Aerosol spray cans Ammunition, flares, fireworks Bleaches, paints, thinners Fire extinguishers Gasoline, oil, lighter fluid, kerosene Matches Open containers and bottles Perishables Propane tanks Weed killer, insecticides, other poisons Coin and stamp collections Furs Jewel

Microsoft word - presenter log

Presenters at Sunset Valley Elementary School STEM Day April 26, 2013  Norwin SD long term Substitute in Kdg   Mrs. Stone did several different experiments with colorful gel material  1st  Mr. Stolinski battery and light bulbs and power and a change in power resulting in Mrs. Bailey and Ms. Kaszycki/   Had packages and station to deli

D:himalayan projectinformation

Himalayan Project Medlemsblad Nr. 4 - 2. årgang - Juni 2000 Hvis du vil være medlem af Himalayan Project eller på anden måde vil yde en eller anden form forbidrag til foreningen, så kan du kontakte en af medlemmerne af bestyrelsen. Bestyrelsen Kurt Lomborg, Kjeldbjergvej 34, 7800 Skivetlf. 97 54 53 08 - fax. 97 54 53 55 - klomborg@post11.tele.dktlf 97 52 77 56 - fax 97 51 22 99 -

Allen_triptans for migraine2 _2_

TRIPTANS FOR MIGRAINE The triptans are very effective for the treatment of an acute migraine attack even if taken several hours after the onset of the pain. This feature makes them quite useful for you when you awaken with a fully developed migraine. However, they are most effective if taken at the onset of the headache when the pain is mild. In studies comparing the triptans to placebo, t

Complementary and alternative approaches to menopause care

Complementary and alternative approaches to women’s health Continuing Education Module Jacques Rossouw (DSc) and Timothy J. Maher (PhD) Goal: To briefly review the physiology of menopause, the use of conventional hormone replacement therapy, and to examine several complementary and alternative approaches to managing menopausal symptoms. Objectives: Following the successful

Lwwus_mph_201446 339.343

Efficacy of Hydroxyurea in Providing Transfusion Saqib H. Ansari, MBBS, DCH, DPGN, MPhil, Tahir S. Shamsi, MBBS, FRCPath, Mushtaq Ashraf, MBBS, MD, Kousar Perveen, BSc, MBA, CRA, Tasneem Farzana, MBBS, MCPS, Munira Borhany, MBBS, FCPS, Sajida Erum, Pharm D, CCRP, and Tabassum Mehboob, PhD in the general population with an increased risk of Background: Packed red blood cell (PRC) transfusion

Biology of transmission

RISKS OF SEXUAL TRANSMISSION OF HIV: A REVIEW OF ADVICE IN THE UK National AIDS Trust, February 2007 Risks of HIV transmission Introduction The National AIDS Trust (NAT) was a key organising partner in a major conference for people living with HIV in 2004, and one of the key messages that emerged from participants was the need for clear, comprehensive, consistent and up to date i

Packing List & Travel Tips Suggested items to bring:  One (1) large piece of luggage (not to exceed 50lbs please check carrier website for carry-on policies)  One (1) personal carry-on bag Carry-on bag items;  Glasses, contacts & solution, sunglasses  Spending Money  Disposable camera (1 per day), or digital camera (please be careful!)  Toothbrush & toothp


Hartklachten bij de Wetterhoun. Bij de Wetterhoun komen regelmatig aangeboren hartklachten voor. Meestal wordt het ontdekt op 6-7 weken wanneer de pup voor het eerst gevaccineerd wordt. Het is vrijwel zeker een erfelijk probleem indien meerdere pups uit één nest hartproblemen hebben. Beide ouderdieren (de reu en de teef) zijn dan drager. Bij een volgend nest wordt dan rekening gehouden b

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Global Equity Research UBS Investment Research 12-month rating Teva Pharmaceuticals Unchanged 12m price target US$64.00 Unchanged US$48.84 „ What we learned from the conference call (1) Mgt. attributed the US generic miss to Irvine (~$53M impact), a Jerusalem 11 May 2011 slowdown (~$55M) and headwinds from high 1Q10 sales of Mirapex, Protonix,Lotre

Tipps und Tricks zur Gen-Spirale Allgemein Die Reagenzien sind reichlich bemessen. Während des Transports fliessen die Lösungen jedoch in die Deckel der Röhrchen. Deshalb vor Öffnen der Röhrchen alle Reagenzien kurz abzentrifugieren. (Bcn1 nur für 2 Sekunden!). So reichen die gelieferten Mengen gut für 6 oder mehr Gruppen. Damit die Pipettenspitzen auch auf die Socorex Mikro


Letter to the Editor Accepted August 27, 2008 Published online: September 9, 2008 Neuroaid in Stroke Recovery Mount Alvernia Hospital, Singapore , Singapore Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability condition dictated ( table 2 ). The Neuroaid dose received worldwide [1] . Many patients only make a partial or poor was 4 tablets, 3 times per day. Treatment was initiat-re

Medication primer for bipolar disorder

Larry Fisher, Ph.D., ABPN Director, Neuropsychology Services UHS Neurobehavioral Systems 12710 Research Blvd., Suite 255 Austin , TX 78759 512-257-3468; fax-512-257-3478 Email  Irritability may be a psychiatric disorder Chemical imbalance or personality disorder Depression, PTSD, ADHD Bipolar Disorder: Mania Borderline personality disor


International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease open access to scientific and medical researchRole of aliskiren in blood pressure control This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease21 March 2011Number of times this article has been viewed Abstract: Patients with chronic renal disease are at increas


Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2003) 10(3), 338–339ª 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0967-5868(03)00010-9Treatment of painful peripheral neuroma by vein implantationR.J. Mobbs BSc(MED) MB BS, M. Vonau MB BS FRACS, P. Blum MB BS FRACSDepartment of Neurosurgery, Institute of Neurological Sciences, The Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, AustraliaSummary Painful n

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ETHICS, SUSTAINABILITY AND HEALING (Talk to Alberta Round Table on the Environment & Economy & the Alberta Environmental Dr. Stuart B. Hill , then Assoc Prof of Entomology & Director, Ecological Agriculture Projects (11 June, 1992 ) My aim in this presentation is to be supportive to everyone here (and to whomever subsequently reads this transcript) in the development of your o

Lavement évacuateur Réaliser ce lavement et en effectuer la surveillance après relever de l'article 3 de la santé publique. Acte prescrit pose de sonde réctale, lavement, extraction fécalome, pose et surveillance de goutte-à-goutte en rectal. Définition Actes infirmiers sur prescription médicale qui consiste à instiller par l'anus une solution dans le rectum ou le colon sigmoïde

ATTACHMENT: Profile of the Group A Recipient of 2011 C&C Prize Dr. Akira Yoshino 1970 Earned B.S. from Department of Petro-chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, 1972 Earned M.S. from Department of Petro-chemistry, Graduate School of 1982 Entered Kawasaki Laboratory, Asahi Kasei Corp. 1992 Became Manager, Product Development Group, Ion Battery Business 1994 Became Manager, Technical

Tolerance is a word describing certain changes in the way an addict reacts to a drug

SUBSTANCE ABUSE DEFINITIONS Acid (LSD) LSD , also called "acid," is sold in the street in tablets, capsules, or even liquid form. It is clear and odorless, and is usually taken by mouth. Often LSD is added to pieces of absorbent paper divided into small decorated squares, each containing one dose. LSD is a hallucinogen and a very powerful mood- altering chemical. Addiction i

Cholesterol Why is high cholesterol a problem? Cholesterol is essential for good health and is found in every cell in the body. However, a high cholesterol level in the blood (hyper-cholesterolemia) is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Seven out of 10 people over 45 have high cholesterol. The main risks associated with high cholesterol are caused by fatty dep

Microsoft word - palliative care csg annual report el changed.doc

NCRI Palliative Care Clinical Studies Group 2006-7 The remit of the Group is in line with the existing Clinical Studies Groups and the primary aimis to develop a portfolio of national collaborative studies, which are clinically relevant andlikely to have an impact on day-to-day practice. The full committee is concerned withdeveloping a strategy for the Group and identifying priorities for palli


Cheryl Lopate, MS, DVMDiplomate, American College of TheriogenologistsPyometra is a condition that affects intact bitches, causing a variety of clinical signs andsymptoms. Pyometra is typically pre-empted by pathologic changes in the uterus. The Greekderivation of pyometra is: pyo = pus and metra = uterus, so pyometra = an accumulation of pus inthe uterus. As the bitch goes through the normal e

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PRESS RELEASE PIRELLI: RUMANIA’S PRIME MINISTER EMIL BOC INAUGURATES THE EXTENSION OF TYRE FACTORY IN SLATINA WITH CHAIRMAN MARCO TRONCHETTI PROVERA Over 450 million euros of investment by the group in the country between 2005 and 2014 Slatina, 30 August 2011 – The Prime Minister of Rumania, Emil Boc, inaugurated the extension of the tyre factory in Slatina, accompanied by t

sImvastatIn IntroductIon There are increasing reports to the Centre for Adverse Reaction Monitoring (CARM) of rhabdomylitis due to interactions with simvastatin, resulting from serum concentrations of simvastatin increasing over 200 times. Important medicines to be wary of:Drug interactions can be broadly categorised as pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic. In pharmacokinetic interactions the

Specifications Classification: Chemical System: Designation: Nominal Voltage: Storage Temp: Operating Temp: Typical Weight: Industry Standard Dimensions Typical Volume: Max Discharge: Max Rev Current: Typical Li Content: Typical IR: Shelf Life: 15 years at 21°C (90% of rated capacity) Transportation: Global (except US): Special Provisi

Cvmedlegal_feb 2012


Microsoft word - nucleolistofingredients

Nucleo™ ingredient list and nutritional information as it appears on the packaging. Both these lists are approved by the South African Directorate Food control. This product is registered as a complimentary medicine with the Medicines Control Counsel of South Africa. (Registration number 421750) Ingredients Pre cooked full yellow maize, soya milk powder, fructose, nature identical apple flavo

NEW ACTION ALERT American Littoral Society * Clean Ocean Action * Save Barnegat Bay PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD EXTENDED 60-DAYS HELP “CLOSE THE LOOP” SUPPORT NJDEP’S PLAN TO STOP THE DESTRUCTION OF MARINE LIFE FROM OYSTER CREEK’S NUCLEAR POWER PLANT At the urging of citizens, the public comment period has been extended to November 6, 2005. After 35 years of ext

First Aid Kits The question of what to put in your backcountry First-Aid Kit is easy to answer - “it all depends”. The “depends” part is where it gets tricky, and requires you to assess the following issues: 1. What kinds of problems do you expect to encounter? 2. What kinds of treatment do you feel comfortable administering? 3. How far away is definitive medical care? and 4. How much stuf

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