"J" - Medical Pdf Finder:

Microsoft word - 14samverkan

Samverkan är ett ofta diskuterat begrepp.1 Jag ska här ta upp en enda aspekt som är av stor betydelse vid samverkan: Att man är medveten om sitt eget uppdrag. Var mitt uppdrag börjar och slutar och när någon annans tar vid. Det är när man oombedd går över denna gräns som irritation och problem uppstår. Ibland sitter man flera personer på ett möte om en klient. Alla närvarande har o

Chemwatch msds 431815


Possible neurotransmitter-linked metabolic mechanisms in brain for sensing dietary protein quality and quantity

Compartmentation of Enzymes of Glucose, Glutamate, and Branched Chain Amino Acid Metabolism in the CNS. Susan M. Hutson , Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry, Wake Forest University Health Sciences, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in mammalian brain. Detoxification and repletion of glutamate released by neurons is achieved by glutamate/glut

Microsoft word - cv-english-hojat.doc

CURRICULUM VITEA Mohsen Hojat PhD student of nursing Department of Medical Surgical Nursing School of Nursing Jahrom University Medical sciences Jahrom, Iran Last update: 2012/05/01 Personal Information: First name: Mohsen Last name: Hojat Date of Birth: 23august 1978 Nationality: Iranian Marital status: married Number of children: 2(boy 2 and da


O Conselho do Governo, reunido no dia 26 de março de 2013, na Calheta, no âmbito da visita estatutária à ilha de São Jorge, tomou as seguintes deliberações: 1. Aprovar a atribuição de um apoio financeiro à Câmara Municipal da Calheta correspondente à componente não comparticipada por fundos comunitários das obras de reabilitação da rede viária municipal do concelho afetada pelas

Europass cv

Desired employment / Técnica de cardiopneumologia, CardiopneumologistaExerce actividades na área de electrocardiografia, realizando essencialmente Provas de esforço emtapete rolante. Complementa com a realização de electrocardiogramas de repouso, registo contínuo (holter) emonitorização ambulatória da pressão arterial. Dr. Adelio Martins Gabinete de Cardiologia da Boavista e Medicil

Microsoft word - day 15.doc

Day 15 - Tuesday 4 October I’m now in the Borders, at the Buccleuch Arms Hotel in Moffat having run over Beattock Summit today. I did 26.4 miles today (slightly more than shown on Endomondo tracker). Raj ran the first 12 miles with me and Sue ran the last 14. The run was better than yesterday as we were on more even terrain, on cycle tracks. I did more running today as I have injured a

Microsoft word - 2375 - calcium magnesium with vitamin d.doc

CALCIUM MAGNESIUM many years, this condition can lead to the development of osteoporosis, a disease characterized by brittle and weak WITH VITAMIN D3 bones, which increases the risk of hip and vertebrae fractures as well as spinal deformities and loss of height. Osteoporosis generally strikes both men and women in later life, though it is a particular concern for post- NATURAL HEALT

11.12.18.r10 programa interno

Tel/Fax (0351) 464 5938 WWW.HIPODROMOCORDOBA.COM.AR PROGRAMA NO OFICIAL Domingo 18 de Diciembre de 2011 Reunión Nº 10 PROGRAMA SUJETO A CAMBIOS. ACCESO EXCLUSIVO POR ENTRADA PRINCIPAL 1 º Carrera Apuestas a Ganador, Segundo, Exacta, Imperfecta y Trifecta CONCERTADA Premios: $150 P.C.C.- Insc. $150 R.O. $150 Der Prog $40 Procedencia Padre - Madre Cuidador


Material Safety Data 24 Hour Assistance: 1-847-367-7700 Rust-Oleum Corp. www.rustoleum.com Section 1 - Chemical Product / Company Information Section 2 - Composition / Information On Ingredients Chemical Name CAS Number Weight % Less Than ACGIH TLV-TWA ACGIH TLV-STEL OSHA PEL-TWA OSHA PEL -CEILING Section 3 - Hazards Identification *** Emergency Overview ***:


Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 01 (08); 2011: 235-238 Over prescribing and resistance to chloroquine Gandhi AM, Patel PP, Desai CK, Desai MK and Dikshit RK ABSTRACT Malaria is a major health concern in the developing world including India. Overdiagnosis and overprescribing of malaria may lead to increase morbidity, mortality and o antimalarial drugs and hence increase t

Nejm’s battle with the drug companies trying to hide behind the fda

The Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law Volume 8, November 5, 2008 www.miami.edu/ethics/jpsl NEJM, Drug Companies, and the FDA: The Conflict Underlying Levine v. Wyeth * Professor Law, Shepard Broad Law Center, Nova Southeastern University “Nothing new under the sun.” Product manufacturers, drug companies, and even tug boat owners want to set their own standards when it comes t


JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY AND THERAPEUTICS (JDDT) An Official Journal of Society of Pharmaceutical Technocrats (SoPhTech) AUTHOR GUIDELINES Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics (JDDT) publishes Reviews, Research papers and Short communications/Technical notes. Manuscripts will be reviewed by members of the editorial board, whose opinions will form the basis of the final decision by

Microsoft word - my_story.doc

In Sept of 1999, at the age of 29, my husband and I were married. I had met the perfect man, the love of my life, and was excited to start our life together. Like most couples, we contemplated starting a family, but decided to wait a year before trying; and in May of 2001 I learned that I was pregnant. We were excited, nervous and so happy to be expecting our first child. However, about 16 wee


GYNAECOLOGY GYNAECOLOGY Use of Metformin for Ovulation Induction in Women Who Have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome With or Without Evidence of Insulin Resistance Kimberly E. Liu, MD, Ivanna Viola Tataryn, MD, Margaret Sagle, MSc, MD Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Alberta, Edmonton AB Abstract similaires chez les femmes qui présentaient des taux sériquesélevés


East African Medical Journal Vol. 82 No. 12 December 2005DRUG SUSCEPTIBILITY PATTERN OF HELICOBACTER PYLORI IN PATIENTS WITH DYSPEPSIA AT THE KENYATTA NATIONAL HOSPITAL,NAIROBIL. Lwai-Lume, MBChB, (MUK), MMed (UON), Senior House Officer, E. O. Ogutu, MBChB, MMed (UON), Consultant Physician/Gastroenterologist,E. O. Amayo, MBChB, MMed (UON), Consultant Physician/Neurologist, Senior Lecturer (at ti

Microsoft word - tempprint.doc

DATE REPORT ISSUED 22/03/2011 PLEASE FIND ENCLOSED OUR REPORT REFERENCE ALC E : 133257 : 0211BUREAU VERITAS CONSUMER PRODUCTS SERVICES UK LTD SAMPLE RETENTION POLICY Unless otherwise agreed in writing, samples will be retained for a minimum period of 28 days and then disposed of at BureauVeritas Consumer Products Services UK Ltd’s discretion. Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Serv


The Geography of Poverty and Wealth by Jeffrey D. Sachs, Andrew D. Mellinger, and John L. Gallup, Scientific American, March 2001, pp.71-74. Why are some countries stupendously rich and others horrendously poor? Social theorists have been captivated by this question since the late 18th century, when Scottish economist Adam Smith addressed the issue in his magisterial work The Wealth of Natio

Material safety data sheet

3 October 2012 SAFETY DATA SHEET Section 1: IDENTIFICATION of CHEMICAL PRODUCT and COMPANY Product Name: Maxalac LC Intramammary Antibiotic Product Code: Recommended Use: An intramammary infusion to treat mastitis in lactating cows. Company Identification: Address: Customer Centre: National Poisons Information Centre: Emergency Telephone


Jacksonville Beekeepers Association Welcome: Michael Leach, Club President, welcomed current members and guests. The 2011 board of officers and guests were introduced. Members who have not yet renewed were encouraged to do so. Guests were encouraged to join. Minutes: December 2010’s minutes were approved. Treasurer’s Report: Prior to the January meeting, there were 12 familie

041. 13890301- _edited_

PLANT ECOPHYSIOLOGY Plant Ecophysiology 3 (2009) 129-133 Effect of leaf clipping on yield and quality traits of three corn cultivars S. Hamzi Alvanagha, A.M. Modarres-Sanavia*, M. Aghaalikhanib, F. Khazaeib, and H. Heidari- aDepartment of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. bSeed and Plant Certification and Registration Institute, Karaj, Iran.


Jennifer Johannesen It had become an annual event. Owen’s pneumonias seemed to hap-pen every spring, a kind of rite of passage to clear the lungs in prepa-ration for the inevitably muggy Toronto summers. We could always tell when it was coming—started with mild lethargy and weak smiles, continued through a body-heat phase that made his skin weirdly dry and clammy at the same time, righ

European medicines agency starts review of aliskiren-containing medicines following termination of altitude study

Press release European Medicines Agency starts review of aliskiren-containing medicines following termination of ALTITUDE study Interim advice while review is ongoing The European Medicines Agency is reviewing aliskiren-containing medicines, to assess the impact of data coming from the ALTITUDE study on the balance of benefits and risks of these medicines in their approved indication. Alis

Microsoft word - dr_nancy_budambula_cv_2012.doc

CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. Nancy Budambula, Ph.D. MSc. BSc. Contact: New Science Complex, 2nd floor e-mail: nbudambula@fsc.jkuat.ac.ke Current position: Senior Lecturer / Chairperson Botany Department Previous Cccupations: Programme Officer, Project Officer and Environment Consultant. Recognition : Honoured and recognized in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering in the 10th Anni


Los Actos de Habla, una competencia comunicativa clave para el desarrollo de personas y organizaciones La perspectiva del lenguaje como un género de acción, nos permite desarrollar competencias relevantes en aspectos claves de nuestras interrelaciones en la empresa, partiendo por la comprensión de la esencia misma de una empresa en términos de redes de conversaciones para la creaci

Mhtml:file://c:\documents and settings\sin\my documents\sar sum

The SAR Newsletter is published by Society for Acupuncture Research (http://www.acupunctureresearch.org/) Welcome to SAR's Summer 2011 newsletter. This issue provides you with selected information on recent and upcoming meetings and events, acupuncture in the news, highlights of new relevant research, and more. SAR Newsletter Committee SAR's newsletter will keep you up-to-date a




Chalutzim Chadashim/The New Pioneers Six-Week Subsidized Summer Service Mission to Ayalim Village in Israel’s Negev Inaugural Program: July 10th to August 21st 2011 The Jewish Federation and Ayalim invite you to join us on an extraordinary six-week journey to Israel. Participants will experience life in Israel as modern pioneers and make a significant imprint in the lives of tho


FOLLETO DE INFORMACION AL PACIENTE HALDOL® Lea cuidadosamente este folleto antes de la administración de este medicamento. Contiene información importante acerca de su tratamiento. Si tiene cualquier duda o no está seguro de algo, pregunte a su médico o farmacéutico. Guarde este folleto puede necesitar leerlo nuevamente. COMPOSICIÓN: HALDOL® 0,5 mg de haloperidol por compri

Microsoft word - cts-2020e product data

Product Data CTS-2020E Shantou Institute of Ultrasonic Instruments Co., Ltd. Add: 77 Jinsha Road, Shantou, Guangdong 515041, China Tel: 86-754-88250150 Fax: 86-754-88251499 Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector MAIN FEATURES 1~4MHz and 0.5~10MHz, highlighting advantages of high sensitivity and broadband. Immersion detection or precision measurement can be easily achieved through t

Uno de los procesos que distingue y caracteriza la evolución de los asuntos globales en las recientes décadas es la democratización

El Papel de los Congresos en las Políticas Públicas Uno de los procesos que distingue y caracteriza la evolución de los asuntos globales, en las recientes décadas, es la democratización. América latina no estuvo ausente de ese fenómeno, y es así que hoy en la segunda década del siglo XXI prácticamente todos los países de la región tienen gobiernos que son el resultado de la expr

Microsoft word - development site hedge spec.doc

Guidance on the management of hedges on or All views and opinions expressed in this proposal are purely those of the author. The content cannot necessarily be taken to represent the specific policy of any of JP Associates’ developer clients. Development Site Hedge Work Specification JP Associates 46 St Peter Street, Tiverton, EX16 6NR. The importance of hedges within the landscape is


ABRUPT CHANGES OF THE EARTH’S ROTATION SPEEDM. SÔMA and K. TANIKAWANational Astronomical Observatory of JapanMitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japane-mail: Mitsuru.Soma@nao.ac.jp, tanikawa.ky@nao.ac.jpABSTRACT. In our recent work using ancient solar eclipse records we showed that the Earth’srotation rate changed abruptly in about AD 900 (Sôma and Tanikawa 2005). We show here thatmore abrupt changes


11 1st Street | Brooklyn, NY 11231jon@jonpannier.com | 646-489-8611 | jonpannier.com 1999-Present Wunderman / neW York, nY 2006-Present Vice President / Creative supervisor 4 Provide concepts, advertising solutions, art direction and graphic design for Health Care 4 Supervise and direct senior art directors and copy writers4 Prepare and deliver client presentations4 Forge and maintain cli

Microsoft word - zhu v chen parker & ors _judgments template__jtk_1755.doc

IN THE HIGH COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND REGISTRY CIV-2009-404-003620 THE HAT FACTORY 2006 LIMITEDFourth DefendantF C Deliu and R Zhao for plaintiffB M Cunningham for defendants RESERVED JUDGMENT OF HUGH WILLIAMS J This judgment was delivered by The Hon. Justice Hugh Williams on pursuant to Rule 11.5 of the High Court Rules …………………………………


Plak de hartjes in je agenda!MEER? MAIL mail@jeugdtheaterschoolzuidoost.nlCHECK www.jtszo.nl BEL 020 – 4000 771 SEE YOU!Eindpresentaties DanS- & muSical gRoepen 10+ tHeateR klaSSen baSiSklaSSen Sky HigHligHtS Stop je HoofD nooit Stop je HoofD nooit in een Spinnenweb in een Spinnenweb Aaliyah Abbygail Abigail Abraham Adanna Adeel Adja Aisha Akesha Akua Alaya Al


Notes sur les technologies de la santé en émergence Le tiotropium : un substitut potentiel à l’ipratropium dans le traitement de la BPCO numéro 35 juillet 2002 Boehringer Ingelheim, Burlington (Ontario), le30 avril 2002) et à la Food and Drug Administration auxÉtats-Unis4, en quête de l’approbation de l’utilisation du9 Dans le traitement de la bronchopneumopathie médicam


Nutrition: Complementary And Alternative Choices Nutritional Consult, Nutrition Pure and SimpleNote: to have optimal response, all recommendations begin with Opti-Vites , Opti-PUFA . (see A Basic protocol). This information is intended for the use of health care professionals. It has not been evaluated by the FDA and isnot intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You shou


Date : 15/06/2013 Page No : 1 Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Jessore List of Students for HSC Admission (Session 2013-14) College : MAGURA GOVT. MAHILA COLLEGE (118004) Group : Science ======================================================================================================== Slno|SSC Roll | Board | Year | Name | GPA |SelectQ|ApplyQ.| SSC Group =======================

Transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo

Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria Print ISSN 1516-4446 Rev. Bras. Psiquiatr. vol.22 s.2 São Paulo Dec. 2000 Transtorno obsessivo- compulsivo Maria Conceição do Rosario-Campos e Marcos T Mercadante Protoc, Departamento e Instituto de Psiquiatria da Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Child Study Center, Yale University Schools of Medicine & Nursing, Yale, USA O tra

Microsoft word - forms combo 2013

Listed below are the Behavior Contract Form, Memory Book and Website Permission, Acceptable Use Policy Form, User Guidelines, and the Emergency and Medical Information Form for participation in Junior DECATS 2013. The general guidelines are provided below and have been condensed into one form for convenience. Please complete and print out ONLY the Emergency Contact and Medial Information Form (pa

Pfizer breaks from merger mentality as others chase leads

Pfizer breaks from merger mentality as others chase leads It was less than two years ago that the its review of its portfolio during the second half blockbusters coming off patent, either.”pharmaceutical giant Pfizer made headlines of the year and is still determining the optimal Meanwhile, some pharmaceutical companies when it acquired the drugmaker Wyeth for mix of businesses that it c


CAMP CENTERLAND Date Received ______________________________ HEALTH FORM Reviewed & Initialed Camp Nurse_______________ Reviewed & Initialed by Camp Director___________ PARENTS: PLEASE PRINT, COMPLETE AND SIGN Camper’s Name: ________________________________ Birth Date: ___/___/___ Age: _____ Sex:  M  F Custodial Parent: ____________________________________________ P


Being Orthodox In The City of The 21st century SYNDESMOS International Youth Festival, Manosque, France 24/08 - 30/08 1998 There is this story in "Γεροντικο" ("Γεροντικο" is a collection of little stories and sayings of monks of the desert during the first centuries of Christianity): a group of visitors having strenuously worked, approached a venerable fathe


JAGANNATH CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL WORKS PVT. LTD. A-29 & 30 INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, CUTTACK – 753 010. PRODUCT LIST NAME OF THE PRODUCT Aspirin Tablet I.P. 300mg Diethyl Carbamazine Citrate Tablet I.P. 100mg Isoniazid Tablet (I.N.H.) I.P. 100mg Isoniazid Tablet (I.N.H.) I.P. 300mg Calcium Lactate Tablet I.P. 300mg Chloroquine Phosphate Tablet I


ANNOUNCEMENTS 02-18-14 Gladiator Army sends its congratulations to the Johns Creek High School Boys Basketball Team for beating West Forsyth to qualify for the schools first spot in the state tournament! Tonight they will play in the 3rd place game against rival Chattahoochee! Please come out to support them. Any students who make the trip to West Forsyth to watch can keep their ticket stu

April 2003-1-up

JUDGES AND LAWYERS BREAST CANCER ALERT SAVE THE DATE The Twelfth Annual Ellen P. Hermanson Memorial Symposium LOCATION: Association of the Bar of the City of New York42 West 44th St., NYC SUBJECT: Specific topics to be announced. Panelists and judges willgenerally discuss (1) the role of government policies andlaws, or absence thereof, in reduced breast cancer screeningand the sig


CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA DEL ESTUDIANTE DE LA PRIMARIA Distrito Escolar de Janesville Revisado en Octubre 2009 MENSAJE DEL SUPERINTENDENTE El Distrito Escolar de Janesville ha creado este Código de Introducción . 1 Conducta del Estudiante para ayudar a que cada escuela dentro Procedimientos de la Escuela Primaria del distrito, logre nuestra meta de un ámbito segur

April 2003-1-up

SAVE THE DATE JALBCA ANNUAL DINNER Monday, May 7, 2012 Honoring Hon. Gail A. Prudenti Sul ivan & Cromwel LLP SAVE THE DATE ELLEN P. HERMANSON FOUNDATION EVENTS The El en P. Hermanson Foundation is planning the fol owing two events for Summer 2012:Celebrity chef dinner at a private home on the water. August 19, 2012 - 17th Annual El en’s Run (5K Walk)Southampton Hos


as U.S. NUTRITION INFORMATION Note: Your totals may differ slightly from those listed. Wendy’s® calculations follow the federal regulations regarding the rounding of the nutritional data. Garden Sensations® Nutrition Information Allergens Salads Flavor-Packed Entrée Salads* Prepared Fresh Daily Mandarin Chicken® Salad Chicken Caesar Salad Chicken BLT Salad Southwes


Sur l'abstinence L'abstinence ne peut être le résultat d'une simple prescription. J. Morenon, J .Rainaut L'ambition des médecins au sujet de l'alcoolisme se résume souvent en cette formule : Guérison = Réparation des dégâts + Abstinence. D'autres avancent l'idée contraire que l'alcoolique ne pourrait être guéri que s'il peut de nouveau consommer normale


Poder Judicial de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires “CANEVARO, MARTÍN Y OTRO C/ GCBA S/AMPARO (ART. 14 CCABA)”, Expte. Nº EXP 36410/0 ///dad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, 19 de marzo de 2010.- VISTOS: para dictar sentencia en la presente causa iniciada por los actores MARTÍN CANEVARO y CARLOS HUMBERTO ÁLVAREZ NAZARENO, de cuyas constancias; RESULTA: 1. Que MARTÍN


Letters to the Editor The authors well present that in vitro cytotoxicity by com-bination of chemotherapeutic agents with anti-malaria drugsagainst malignant glioma cell lines. The cell viability was foundto be markedly decreased when hydroxychloroquine was addedon malignant glioma cell lines. The possible mechanism in theirexperiments is to bind P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and competiti-To the


MEDIDA CAUTELAR. ACTOS DEL CONSEJO DE LA MAGSITRATURA. REVISIÓN. INTERÉS LEGÍTIMO A LA INTEGRACIÓN DE LA TERNA. FALTA DE MOTIVACIÓN. SUSPENSIÓN. PROCEDENCIA. A y S, tomo 26, pág. 88/101Santa Fe, 7 de noviembre de 2011. VISTOS: Estos autos caratulados “GALVÁN, Noemí Matilde Zulema contra PROVINCIA DE SANTA FE -R.C.A.- sobre MEDIDA CAUTELAR ” (Expte. C.C.A.1 n° 142, año 2011), veni

Microsoft word - archive 192.doc

Antimicrobial activity of Reboulia hemispherica Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial activity of methanolic extract and phenolic compounds of a liverwort, Reboulia hemispherica Chetna Sharma, Anu Sharma and Meenu Katoch Dept. of Biotechnology, IIIM Jammu. Email: anu4botany@gmail.com Abstract Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial activity of methanolic extract and phenol

Marcelo alejandro zysman

Curriculum Vitae DATOS PERSONALES Marcelo Alejandro ZYSMAN Martín y Omar 470, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina. desde el exterior: (54-911) 4742-6011 / cel. (54-911) 4474-6410 ESTUDiOS CURSADOS y TïTULOS OBTENiDOS Estudios Primarios. Escuela Provincial Nro 8, Domingo F. Sarmiento, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1971-77). Bachiller Nacional (estudios secundarios

Implant post-op-pdf 6

Post-Operative Instructions for Implant Procedures From the Office of Dr. James G. Barsamian (904) 246-6545 Now that your surgery has been completed, follow these instructions to make yourself more comfortable, promote healing, and help prevent any possible complications. Read all items carefully! Day of Surgery: Anesthesia: Most patients prefer an intravenous sedation to relax the


washingtonpost.com: Against Depression, a Sugar Pill Is Hard to Beat washingtonpost.com Against Depression, a Sugar Pill Is Hard to Beat Placebos Improve Mood, Change Brain Chemistry in Majority of Trials of Antidepressants By Shankar Vedantam Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, May 7, 2002; Page A01 After thousands of studies, hundreds of millions of prescriptions and tens of bill

Microsoft word - 1. enajuv caratula.doc



Ch inese Jo u rna l o f Pa ra sito lo gy & Pa ra sit ic D isea ses © 1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Table 1 . Changes in EPG of pa tien ts w ith A sca r is infection before and af ter trea tm en t Ka to- Ka tz th ick sm ea r m ethod: EPG= A verage num ber of egg s on each slide Table 2 . Changes in EPG of pa tien ts w ith T r ichu r is


A COMPLEXIDADE E A EMPRESA Edgar Morin Imaginemos uma tapeçaria contemporânea. Ela comporta fios de linho, seda, algodão, lã, de coresvariadas. Para conhecê-la, seria interessante conhecer as leis e princípios relativos a cada umadessas espécies de fio. Contudo, a soma dos conhecimentos sobre cada tipo de fio que compõe atapeçaria é insuficiente para conhecer essa nova realidade qu

Knowledge-based decision theory and the new evil demoni am grateful to davide fassio and errol lord for substantial help in working through the ideas of this paper, and to charity anderson and, again, davide fassio for detailed comments on an earlier draft. thanks also to matt benton, john hawthorne, maria lasonen–arnio, clayton littlejohn, nico silins, jacques vollet and tim williamson, members of the new insights for religious epistemology group in oxford and the audience at a 2013 new evil demon workshop in geneva.

The idea that being rational is doing what is best in view of what oneknows has some intuitive appeal, fits nicely with attractive views of evi-dence, reasons and the application of decision theory, and promises to bringsome theoretical unity to epistemology. However, it has hardly ever beenseriously considered, because it appears to fly in the face of what episte-mologists call the New Evil


Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 2004 The Ethics and Science of Medicating Children Jacqueline A. Sparks Barry L. Duncan Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change Prescriptions for psychiatric drugs to children and adolescents have skyrocketed in thepast 10 years. This article presents evidence that the superior effectiveness of stimulantsand

Microsoft word - race briefing.rtf

Jedburgh Three Peaks Ultra Marathon Sunday 27th October 2013 A big thanks to our sponsors: Scottish Borders Brewery Jordanhill Garden Supplies Registration and Start: 07:00 - 07:45: Registration and kit check in Jed Thistle Rugby Club which is at the side of Lothian Car park. Address is Abbey Bridge End, just off the A68, postcode TD8 6JQ. Cars can be parked here

Microsoft word - tender for website h.c.doc

UNIVERSITY OF JAMMU HEALTH CENTRE TENDER NOTICE Sealed Tenders affixed with revenue stamp of Rs.5/- are invited from the manufacturers/registered firms dealing in the items mentioned below for the year 2011-12:- S.no. ITEMS 1. MEDICINES 2. SANITATION ARTICLES 3. DENTAL MATERIAL 4. MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS The tender should reach the office of the C.M.O, University of Jammu on or


J. Mex. Chem. Soc. 2005 , 49(4), 353-358 Studies on the Selective S-oxidation of Albendazole, Fenbendazole, Triclabendazole, and Other Benzimidazole Sulfides Olivia Soria-Arteche,1* Rafael Castillo,2 Alicia Hernández-Campos,2 Marcela Hurtado-de la Peña,1Gabriel Navarrete-Vázquez,2, 3 José Luis Medina-Franco,2 Kathia Gómez-Flores.11 Departamento Sistemas Biológicos, DCBS. Universida

Microsoft word - 4-meena.doc

INTRODUCTION Indian Research Output on Malaria: A Bibliometric Study using Scopus Data Base Malaria is a major public health problem in India, accounting for sizeable morbidity, mortality and economic loss. Around 1.5 million confirmed cases are reported annually by the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), of which Department of Library and Information science

Jrc green procurement guidelines ver.5

Environmental Policy Basic Philosophy JRC (hereinafter referred to as “ the Company ”) recognizes environmental conservation to be one of the most important common concerns for all mankind, and will act with full consideration for environmental conservation in all aspects of its business activity. Basic Policy The Company fulfills its responsibility as a corporation for development o

Functional interactions between dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine neurons: an in-vivo electrophysiological study in rats with monoaminergic lesions

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, Page 1 of 15. Copyright f 2008 CINPFunctional interactions between dopamine,serotonin and norepinephrine neurons:an in-vivo electrophysiological studyin rats with monoaminergic lesionsBruno P. Guiard1, Mostafa El Mansari1, Zul Merali1,2 and Pierre Blier1,21 Institute of Mental Health Research, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada2 De

Naamloos 2

55. Al drieduizend jaar en meer is deze ziekte dus bij artsen bekend. En al drieduizend jaar en meer klopt de mensheid op de deur van de arts en vraagt om genezing. - Fortune, maart I937Nu is het de beurt aan kanker om een ziekte te worden die niet klopt voor hij ergens naar binnen gaat. Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor 56. Kanker daarentegen heeft een veel moderner imago. De kankercel is een d

Microsoft word - 5 rajesh_putta

511 | J App Pharm 01(04): 511-523 (2012) Kumar et al., 2012 Original Article STUDIES ON CORE IN COAT GASTRORETENTIVE TABLETS USING POROUS CARRIERS WITH CELLULOSIC POLYMERS AND NATURAL GUMS Putta Rajesh Kumar*, Hiremath Doddayya and S. Rajendra Reddy Department of Pharmaceutics, N.E.T. Pharmacy College, Raichur -584103, Karnataka, India. ABSTRACT The present study

Microsoft word - parkinson's disease.doc

Parkinson’s disease Pathophysiology Degeneration of dopaminergic neurones in the substantia nigra, pars compacta1 Balance of dopaminergic and cholinergic activity in the extra-pyramidal system determines activating outflow to motor cortex In Parkinson’s disease, a relative dopaminergic deficit causes the clinical features of ‘TRAP’ T remor (‘pill-rolling’, absent in 20


Boletim das Turmas Recursais da Seção Judiciária do Rio de JaneiroAno VI - Número 23 - Julho a Setembro de 2009Magistrados integrantes das Turmas Recursais 1ª Turma Recursal 2ª Turma Recursal Dr. Eduardo André Brandão de Brito Fernandes (Presidente)Dr. Manoel Rolim Campbell Penna (Presidente)Dra. Paula Patricia Provedel Mello NogueiraDra. Daniella Rocha Santos Ferreira de Souz



Microsoft word - jutta

Dio: una parola ignorata? Jutta Burggraf Riproduciamo la conferenza della teologa Jutta Burggraf "Comunicare l'identità cristiana oggi", tenuta a Roma presso la Pontificia Università della Santa Croce il 27 aprile 2010 -7 mesi prima della sua morte- in occasione del congresso "Comunicazione della Chiesa, identità e dialogo". Dobbiamo parlare della trasmissione della f


1 Which story do these sentences come from? ekaterina, 3 Who said this? Who did they say it to? ekaterina, Breaking Loose, Remember Atita, A gathering of Atita, Nothando, Ranger, Daniel, Neil gordon, Yasmin, N Bald Men. Marcia, van Vuuren, Okema. O a In his dream the rebels attack his home and take a ‘I’m a foreigner, so I didn’t know that.’

Tip of the week

Limit the use of fragrance in the home. When airing out your home, do it the natural way! Avoid using commercial deodorizers, including the plug-in type. These may contain phthalates – a chemical that interferes with the production of our body’s hormones. Exposure to phthalates has been associated with reproductive problems and birth defects. To reduce your risk of exposure, keep the

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Gli angeli sono liberi perché sanno, gli animali perché non sanno, in mezzo, restano i figli degli uomini, a lottare. se pur dovesse lottare per centomila anni e non riuscisse a mirare la beltà dell’Amico. non do-vrebbe attristarsi. SOLO IO NON RIPOSO Asmara, 5 aprile 1955 ε δουσιν δ ρ ων κορυφα τε κα φα´ραγγε , πρ ον τε κα χ


AIDS Care, August 2005; 17(6): 661 Á/673An empirical test of the Information, Motivation andBehavioral Skills model of antiretroviral therapyadherenceK. R. AMICO1, J. TORO-ALFONSO2, & J. D. FISHER11Center for Health/HIV Intervention and Prevention, University of Connecticut, USA, and 2UniversityCenter for Psychological Services & Research, University of Puerto Rico, Puerto RicoAbstr


Sonoma County Juvenile Justice Commission Inspection Report The Juvenile Justice Commission has deviated from its customary inspection form in the case of Children’s Village, 1321 Lia Lane, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, because we feel that structure would not provide us the room to address our concerns. Commissioners Cone, Lopez and Zita conducted an inspection on Saturday, April 6, 2013, and obse

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