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Proceeding 2003
Proceedings 2003 2003 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS Table Content: Chapter 1 : Sustainability Science Analythical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Decision – Making for End-of-Life of Products
Aurora Dimache*, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland Laurentiu Dimache, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland Kate Goggin, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland
The Development of a Sustainable Development Model Framework
Alim Hannoura*, University of New Orleans, USA Giana M. Cothren, University of New Orleans, USA Wael M. Khairy, National Water Research Center, Egypt
Bringing Sustainability Science to Water Basin Management
Jurgen Schmandt*, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Cultural Difference in Conceptualisation of Sustainable Future – Water and Lessons of Thai Culture
Davisi Boontharm, Kasetsart University, Faculty of Architecture, Thailand Darko Radovic*, The University of Melbourne, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Australia
Technical Design of Flexible Sustainable Energy Systems
Henrik Lund*, Aalborg University, Denmark
The Ethics of Water: Some Realities and Future Challenges
Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman*, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Sustainable Development After Johannesburg and Iraq: The Global Situation and the Cases of Slovenia and Croatia
Robert Blinc*, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Ivo Slaus, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatia
Chapter 2: Evaluation of Energy Systems
Some Problems of Development of Combined Generation of Electricity and Heat in Russia
Yu.A. Zeigarnik*, Institute of High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
An Assessment of the Potential Benefits from Integrated Electricity Planning in the Northern Middle East Region
Farqad AlKhal*, American University of Beirut, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Lebanon Riad Chedid, American University of Beirut, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Lebanon Zeina Itani, American University of Beirut, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Lebanon
A Novel Kalina Cycle in Power Generation Study Case: Research and Exploitation Geothermal Well IB – 10, Ilidza, Sarajevo
Emin Kulic*, University of Sarajevo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Bosnia and Herzegovina Haris Lulic, University of Sarajevo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Bosnia and Herzegovina Alija Lekic, University of Sarajevo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Improvement of the Cogeneration Plant Economy by Using Heat Accumulator
Zeljko Bogdan*, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia Damir Kopjar, HEP d.d., Croatia
Increasing the Penetration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources in Island Energy Supply
Maria da Graca Carvalho, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Neven Duic*, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia
Feasibility Study and Energy Efficiency Estimation of a Binary Geothermal Power Station Based on Medium Enthalpy Water
Aleksandra Borsukiewicz-Gozdur*, Technical University of Szczecin, Poland Wladyslaw Nowak, Technical University of Szczecin, Poland
Comparative Economical Analysis about the Waste Heat Utilisation in Germany and Poland on the Basis of an Industrial Project
Slawomir Smolen, Hochschule Bremen, Germany Marzena Budnik-Rodz*, Technical University of Szczecin, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Poland
Sustainability Assessment of Co-Generation Sector Development in Croatia
Marko Liposcak*, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Naim H. Afgan, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Neven Duic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia Maria da Graca Carvalho, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Energy Conservation and Efficiency – a Way to Sustainability
Lidia Maurovic*, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Croatia Daria Karsalihovic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Croatia Igor Dekanic, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Croatia
A Method for the Long – Term Scheduling of Power System with Multiple User Reservoirs Elis Sutlovic*, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia M. Majstrovic, Energy Institute "Hrvoje Pozar", Croatia I. Sarajcev, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia
Local Resource Management as a Basis to Provide Community Based Electrical Power Supply in Accordance to Ensure Sustainable Energy (Indonesian Case)
Tri Mumpuni Wiyatno*, People Centered Business and Economic Institute (IBEKA), Indonesia
Towards Sustainable Power from Coal: Two Decades of Experience with On-load Detonation-wave Boiler Cleaning in a Coal-fired Power Plant
Izet Smajević, Elektroprivreda BiH , Bosnia and Herzegovina Kemal Hanjalić*, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Analysis of Cooling and Heating of Water with Flat – Plate Solar Radiators
Igor Balen*, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia Vladimir Soldo, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Croatia David Kennedy, Faculty of Engineering, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Problems of Diversification of Energy Sources in Poland against the Background of EC Requirements Policy
Barbara Radwanek-Bak*, Polish Geological Institute, Carpathian Branch, Poland
Thermodynamic Analysis of the Flow Process Utilization in the Heat Flow Waste
V.T. Volov*, Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Science, Russia
Recycling of Wood Waste as Sustainable Industrial Resources
Y. Obata*, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan K. Kanayama, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan K. Takeuchi, Industrial Technology Researchers of New Energy, Japan N. Soma, Industrial Technology Researchers of New Energy, Japan
Municipal Solid Waste Incineration in Europe –Contribution to Sustainable Development of Energy and Environment
Zdena Zsigraiova*, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Slovakia Gilberto Tavares, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portuga Viriato Semiao, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Maria da Graca Carvalho, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Renewable Energy and the Need for Local Energy Markets
Frede Hvelplund*, Aalborg University, Denmark
More Efficient Use of Wind Energy for Reduction of Brine Volumes
Jack Gilron*, Ben-Gurion University, Institutes for Applied Research, Israel O. Kedem, Ben-Gurion University, Institutes for Applied Research, Israel
Regional Planning of Small Hydro Power Plants Construction
Hubert Basic*, Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar, Croatia
Wind Energy Development as a Part of Poland's Industrial Development
Dagmara Stoerring*, Aalborg University, Denmark Frede Hvelpund, Aalborg University, Denmark
Chapter 3 : Evaluation of Water Systems
Coastal Water Quality Monitoring: How Can It Contribute to Sustainable Development of Holbox Island in Quintana Roo State – Mexico
Kim Chi Tran*, Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Policy Studies, Japan David Valdes, CINVESTAV-Merida, Mexico Jorge Euan, CINVESTAV-Merida, Mexico Mizue Ohe, Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Policy Studies, Japan
Integrated Analysis and Simulation of Water and Energy Systems
Luis Alberto Herrero, University of Zaragoza, Spain Luis Serra*, University of Zaragoza, Spain Javier Uche, University of Zaragoza, Spain Antonio Valero, University of Zaragoza, Spain Jose Antonio Turegano, University of Zaragoza, Spain Cesar Torres, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Application of Groundwater Monitoring in Management of Pedunculate Oak Forests in Croatia
Ivan Pilas*, Forest Research Institute, Croatia Boris Vrbek, Forest Research Institute, Croatia Damir Medak, Forest Research Institute, Croatia
Efficient Energy Consumption in Water Supply Company
Henning Gulbrandsen, Institute for Energy Technology - Kjeller, Norway Feliksas Zinevicius*, Lithuanian Energy Institute - Kaunas, Lithuania Gerardas Zukauskas, Lithuanian Energy Institute - Kaunas, Lithuania
Water Demand Management
Dragutin Geres*, Croatian Waters, Croatia
Adjusted Genuine Saving and Water – a Measure for Sustainability
Holger Schlor*, Research Centre Julich, Germany
Exploring an Innovative Watershed Management Approach: from Feasibility towards Sustainability
Ahmed Said*, Utah State University, Logan, USA David K. Stevens, Utah State University, Logan, USA Terry Glover, Utah State University, Logan, USA Darwin L. Sorensen, Utah State University, Logan, USA Wynn Walker, Utah State University, Logan, USA Thomas Hardy, Utah State University, Logan, USA Gerald Sehlke, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, USA
Educational Material for School Children about Integrated Water Resources Management
Maria Angelica Alegria Calvo*, Direccion General de Aguas – Ministerio de Obras Publicas de Chile , Chile
Chapter 4 Evaluation of Environment Systems
Renewable Energy Sources Usage in Romania Diminishing the Negative Impact over the Environment
Liviu Dragos, Oskar Von Miller-Conception, Research & Design Institute for Thermopower Equipment-OVM-ICCPET, Romania Nicolae Scarlat, Oskar Von Miller-Conception, Research & Design Institute for Thermopower Equipment-OVM-ICCPET, Romania Andreea Iancu*, Oskar Von Miller-Conception, Research & Design Institute for Thermopower Equipment-OVM-ICCPET, Romania
Qualitative Aspects of Sustainability in a Green Society
Manuela Sarmento, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal Manuela Duarte, Superior Institute of Accounting and Administration, Portugal Diamantino Durao*, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Green Products and Clean Environment Opportunities for Companies
Manuela Sarmento*, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal Diamantino Durão, University Lusiada, Lisbon, Portugal Manuela Duarte, Superior Institute of Accounting and Administration, Lisbon, Portugal
Examples of CO2 Reduction Opportunities in the Pulp and Paper Industry Based on Process Integration Measures
Cecilia Bengtsson*, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Thore Berntsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Limits to CDM and Joint Implementation (The Kyoto Mechanism and Technological Innovation)
Henrik Lund*, Aalborg University, Denmark
An Environmental LCA of Alternative Scenarios of Urban Sewage Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Mario Tarantini*, ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment, Italy Patrizia Buttol, ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment, Italy Lorenzo Maiorino, ENEA, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment, Italy
Activated Carbon for Environment Application
Georgeta Predeanu*, Metallurgical Research Institute, Romania Nicolae Ticleanu, University of Bucharest, Romania Gavril Baican, Ministry of Industry and Resources, Bucharest, Romania
Chapter 5 . Technology Processes for Sustainable Development
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of the Dimension of a Localised Heat Source on the Natural Convection in Square Enclosures
M. Paroncini*, Universita degli Studi di Ancona, Italy B. Calcagni, Universita degli Studi di Ancona, Italy F. Marsili, Universita degli Studi di Ancona, Italy
Influence of Oxygen Content in Purge Gas on Thermal Degradation of Biomass
Janusz Nowakowski*, Technical University of Szczecin, Poland
Catalytic Cracking over HY Zeolites of Polypropylene/Light Cycle Oil Blends
Jose M. Arandes*, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain Javier Erena, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain Miren J. Azkoiti, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain Raul Garona, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain Javier Bilbao, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain
Life Cycle Assessment of MSF, MED and RO Desalination Technologies
Luis Serra*, University of Zaragoza, Spain Javier Uche, University of Zaragoza, Spain Gemma Raluy, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Trafic Noise Levels Prediction and Management
K. Jadaan, Al-Isra University, Jordan Saad Abo-Qudais*, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan Alhiary, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan M. Abu-Hadba, UNRWA, Jordan
The Use of Oil Shale Activated Residue for the Removal of Phenolic Compounds From Waste Water
Sameer Al-Asheh*, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan Fawzi Banat, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan Asmahan Masad, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan
Improvement of a Reverse Osmosis Desalination Process through Integration with a CHP System
Luis Serra, University of Zaragoza, Spain Javier Uche, University of Zaragoza, Spain Angela Bona, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Chiara Ciano, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Vittorio Verda*, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Michele Cali, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Passive Radiative Condensers to Extract Water from Air
Daniel Beysens*, CEA-Grenoble, France Marc Muselli, Université de Corse, France Iryna Milimouk, CNRS, France Catherine Ohayon, Unibersité de Bordeaux 2, France Simon Berkowicz, Hebrew University, Israel Emmanuel Soyeux, Lyonnaise des Eaux, France Marina Mileta, Drzavni Hidrometeoroloski Zavod, Croatia Pascal Ortega, Université de la Polynésie Française, Polynesie Francaise
Evaluation of Prochlorperazine Buccal Tablets (Bukatel) and Metoclopramide Oral Tablets in the Treatment of Acute Emesis SANJAY SINGH*, DEEPIKA R SHARMA**, ADARSH CHAUDHARY*** The dizziness associated with vertiginous disorders is often accompanied with nausea and/or vomiting. Anti-emetic effect of prochlorperazine (PCZ) is diminished by its low bioavailability owing to a signifi
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