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Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Evaluating Solvent Recovery Alternatives in Pharmaceutical Manufacture
William A. Carole, C. Stewart Slater, Mariano J. Savelski*, Timothy Moroz, Anthony Furiato, Kyle Lynch
Rowan University, Dept. of Chemical Engineering
201 Mullica Hill Rd., Glassboro, NJ 08028, USA
Keywords: pharmaceutical manufacture, solvent recovery, pervaporation, life cycle assessment ABSTRACT
A retrofit case study is presented in this paper to compare various treatment options of pharmaceutical wastes
generated in the manufacturing of celecoxib. Celecoxib is the active pharmaceutical ingredient in Celebrex®, an arthritis pain medicine produced by Pfizer, Inc. Each proposed treatment method was evaluated based on its ability to efficiently separate and purify isopropyl alcohol (IPA) from an aqueous waste stream. A pervaporation-distillation hybrid process was identified technically feasible to treat the wastes and to recycle IPA back into the process. The recovery of the spent IPA avoids its incineration and also reduces the inventory of fresh IPA required to operate the celecoxib process. Life cycle inventories have been generated to quantify the environmental performance of each treatment option. A life cycle assessment was then conducted to determine the percent reduction of emissions for each alternative as compared to the base case. It was found that the treatment of all the waste by a combination of pervaporation-distillation and conventional methods can reduce emissions by 92%.
University, several green solvent recovery methods were
A case study was developed to measure the
proposed as alternatives to waste incineration. This project
environmental performance of several green solvent
is supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
recovery alternatives to minimize the wastes produced in
and Pfizer Green Chemistry Program. The addition of a
the celecoxib process [1]. Each recovery alternative was
solvent recovery system would reduce the amount of fresh
evaluated to determine their ability to efficiently separate
IPA required for the celecoxib process. This would lower
and recover IPA form an aqueous waste stream. This can
the environmental footprint for the production of celecoxib
prove to be a difficult separation as IPA forms an azeotrope
by avoiding the manufacturing of fresh IPA and reducing
with water at 12 wt. % which is not pressure sensitive. A
life cycle inventory was generated for the recovery methods
which were able to effectively separate and purify IPA
E-Factor = 9.0
from the process waste streams. A life cycle assessment
was later conducted to measure the environmental
performance of each recovery technique as compared to the
Celebrex® is an arthritis pain medicine which is
produced by Pfizer, Inc. The process used to produce the
active pharmaceutical ingredient, celecoxib, was found to
be very mass efficient with an E-factor of only 9. Typical
E-factors for pharmaceutical processes have been estimated
to range from 25 to more than 100 kg waste / kg API [2].
The basic process used to manufacture celecoxib at the
Pfizer plant in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico is shown in Fig.1
Since the production of celecoxib is relatively
large, the recovery of the waste streams was thought to
provide substantial economic and environmental benefits.
In a cooperative effort between Pfizer, Inc. and Rowan
Fig. 1 General celecoxib process flow diagram [3] CASE STUDY
solvent. The main advantage to this solvent recovery
Initially, each recovery alternative was modeled
system is that the equipment necessary to operate it is
to determine if it could be used to efficiently separate a
available at the production site. Therefore, the use of a
combined IPA/water waste stream. A pressure-swing
hybrid distillation-PV system was also considered to be a
distillation recovery system was the first proposed
feasible alternative to the incineration of the process wastes.
alternative to waste incineration. When treating a combined
waste stream from the celecoxib process, an IPA purity of
only 75% was obtained using this method. If the dryer
distillate and centrifuge washes are treated without the
Since the distillation-MS, distillation-PV, and
mother liquor, the IPA purity increases to 86%. Additional
distillation-PV-distillation processes proved to be highly
studies showed that the IPA/water azeotrope was not
efficient at separating the IPA/water waste streams, a
pressure sensitive. Therefore the pressure-swing distillation
LCI/A was performed on each. SimaPro 7.1 (PRé
system was unable to further increase the IPA purity in the
Consultants) and Ecosolvent 1.0.1 were used to determine
distillate to acceptable levels for it to be recycled back into
the LCI for each process step and various waste treatment
methods, respectively. As IPA was the main solvent to be
An extractive distillation solvent recovery
recovered, the LCI was generated on that, neglecting the
process was also modeled. Extractive distillation involves
manufacture or disposal of water and other feed stocks.
the addition of an entrainer to extract IPA from water at its
For each recovery method, only the dryer
azeotropic concentration. Diisopropyl ether, ethylene glycol,
distillates and centrifuge washes were treated. The mother
and dimethyl sulfoxide were identified as possible
liquor was either incinerated or concentrated and sold as a
entrainers to recover IPA. The use of diisopropyl ether was
generic solvent. If the mother liquor is sold as a generic
able to produce a 99% pure IPA product but required that
solvent, then it is assumed that its manufacture is avoided
the column operate at 30 atm. Ethylene glycol and dimethyl
when generating the LCI’s. Depending on whether the
sulfoxide produced 94% and 99% pure IPA product
mother liquor is incinerated or sold, the life cycle block
streams, respectively; however, multiple columns were
flow diagram (BFD) differs slightly, as shown in Fig.2 and
needed. The extreme operating conditions that extractive
distillation would require were found to surpass the
Using SimaPro 7.1, the total emissions, energy
equipment limitations at the Barceloneta site and were not
and mass utilization for each solvent recovery alternative
was quantified. Fig.4 displays the percent reduction in both
Both molecular sieves (MS) and pervaporation
total emissions and CO2 emissions from the use of either
(PV) systems were considered as possible solvent recovery
membrane-based recovery system when compared to the
alternatives. In both cases distillation is used to bring the
waste stream composition to the azeotropic concentration
According to Fig.4, the total process emissions
and then followed by either MS or PV systems. When
are lowered by 64 – 96% depending on the recovery
modeling a distillation-MS process, an IPA product stream
method chosen. It was also determined that selling the
of 99.5% purity was obtained. This was achieved through
mother liquor instead of incinerating it reduced the total
the use of a dual MS system to allow for regeneration
emissions by an additional 75 – 80%. The large reduction
cycles. The high IPA purity would allow it to be directly
recycled back into the celecoxib process making a
distillation-MS recovery system a feasible alternative to
incineration. However, it was estimated that a $1.5 MM
capital investment would be required to purchase and
install the MS units at the Barceloneta site as they are not
A common distillation-pervaporation hybrid
process was also considered. It was determined that by
sending the vapor distillates from a distillation column
through a PV system, a 98.4% pure IPA product could be
produced based on the capacity of the existing PV units at
the Barceloneta site. The addition of a second distillation
column following the PV unit further purified the IPA to
99.1%. These results were achieved by treating the dryer
Fig.2 Life Cycle Block Flow Diagram – Solvent
distillates and centrifuge washes, leaving the mother liquor
Recovery Process with Mother Liquor Incinerated
to be incinerated or concentrated and sold as a generic
Fig.3 Life Cycle Blo ck Flow Diagram – Solvent Recovery Proces s with Mother Liquor Sold Fig.4 LCI Percent Reductio ns from the Base Case [1]
in LCI emissions was primarily due to the recovery and
recommended as the best recovery method. The addition of
reuse of spent IPA in the celecoxib process. This avoided
the distillation-PV-distillation recovery method to the
the manufacture and disposal of fresh IPA which was no
current celecoxib process required an additional 10,700 kg
longer required and reduced the environmental footprint of
steam/batch, 59 kWh electricity/batch, and 345,230 kg
the process. Also, since the mother liquor is considered a
cooling water/batch but reduced the total LCI emissions by
generic solvent, its sale avoids the manufacture of other
12.6 MM kg per year (91.9% reduction from the base case)
generic solvents which further reduces the LCI emissions.
and the total CO2 emissions by 11.6 MM kg per year
(94.7% reduction from the base case). The cumulative
From the life cycle assessment, the use of a
energy demand (CED) was also reduced by 202,706 MJ-Eq
distillation-PV system where the mother liquor is sold was
for a 111% reduction when compared to the base case. The
found to have the largest reduction in LCI emissions.
use of a distillation-PV-distillation solvent recovery system
However, the distillation-PV-distillation configuration was
as an alternative to waste incineration therefore increased
able to produce IPA at a higher purity with a minimal
the overall greenness of the celecoxib process. [1,3]
increase in process emissions, and was therefore
plant. The authors thank the Pfizer Green Chemistry
The base case annual cost for the celecoxib
Program and Pfizer Green Chemistry Lead, Dr. Peter Dunn
process was $5.28 MM. Approximately 45% of this cost
for their support of the Rowan clinic partnership. The
resulted from purchasing fresh IPA and the remaining 55%
authors also acknowledge the support of the U.S.
was due to waste disposal costs. Through the
Environmental Protection Agency through the Pollution
implementation of a distillation-PV-distillation recovery
Prevention grant program (NP97257006-0) and for their
process in place of incineration, the total annual operation
support of the Rowan projects within the green engineering
costs reduced to $1.46 MM for a 72% savings. The
pharmaceutical manufacturing initiative.
additional polishing column increased the total operating
costs by 0.5% when compared to the single distillation-PV
recovery system. However, the additional column was
[1] Savelski, M., Slater, C.S., Hounsell G., Pilipauskas, D.,
required to obtain the desired IPA purity. Since the
Urbanski, F., A Collaborative Partnership to Develop
majority of the spent IPA recovered in the celecoxib
Strategies for Waste Minimization and Solvent Recovery
process is now available to be recycled, the costs associated
for the Celecoxib Process, 12th Green Chemistry &
with purchasing fresh IPA were reduced by 43%. [3] If the
Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, June 2008
distillation-MS recovery system was used, the total annual
[2] Sheldon, R.A. Chemistry and Industry 1997, Vol.1,
savings would only increase by less than 1% but require a
$1.5 MM capital investment [3]. The equipment needed to
[3] Slater, C.S., Savelski, M., Hounsell, G., Pilipauskas D.,
operate the distillation-PV-distillation system is already
Urbanski, F., Analysis of Separation Methods for
available on-site therefore only new membranes would
Isopropanol Recovery in the Celecoxib Process,
need to be purchased which are incorporated into the
Proceedings of the 2008 Meeting of the American Institute
of Chemical Engineers, Philadelphia, PA, November 2008.
A life cycle assessment was performed for
several distillation-membrane based recovery methods to
separate and purify IPA from a pharmaceutical waste stream. A distillation-PV-distillation recovery system was found to produce 99.1% pure IPA which can be recovered and directly recycled back into the celecoxib process. The addition of this recovery system to treat the dryer distillates and centrifuge washes reduced the total LCI emissions by 91.9% and the total CO2 emissions by 94.7% assuming the mother liquor was sold as a generic solvent. The CED was also observed to decrease by 202,706 MJ-Eq (111% reduction from base case). Thus the proposed IPA recovery system led to a much greener process.
distillation-PV-distillation solvent recovery system reduced the annual celecoxib manufacturing costs by $3.8 MM for a 72% savings when compared to the base case. This resulted from a 43% decrease in the cost to purchase fresh IPA and reduced waste disposal costs in the celecoxib process as none of the wastes are incinerated. Since the equipment necessary to operate the distillation-PV-distillation recovery system is available on-site, no capital investments would be required. Therefore the distillation-PV-distillation recovery method is recommended as the best engineering alternative to waste incineration and provides significant environmental and economic benefits.
The authors acknowledge the help and guidance
provided by Mr. Jorge Belgodere of the Pfizer Barceloneta
• B R E V E T D U V I V A N T : P R O G R È S O U C R I M E ? Revue Tiers Monde, t. XLVI. N° 181, janvier-mars 2005sont trop peu nombreux pour être vraiment dangereux. Plus dangereux sont (…) les fonctionnaires prêts à croire et à agir sans poser de question. » Résumé Le cartel génético-industriel, drapé dans le manteau de la philanthropie et du progrès, a réussi à impos
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