The Singapore Department of Statistics conducts an annual survey on the services industries
to collect a wide range of data for studies and analyses. The first survey on the services
industries was conducted in 1968 for the reference year 1967 and subsequently at regular
intervals. Since 1984, the inquiry was carried out on an annual basis.
The latest survey was carried out in 2013 for reference year 2012. The reports will focus on
several services industries of importance to the Singapore economy. This report on Food & Beverage Services is the Department’s second issue in the series for reference year 2012. A
final consolidated report on The Services Sector will provide a performance overview of the
28 November 2013 FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES Table 1 : Key Indicators of Food & Beverage Services % Change 2011 2012 Establishments (No.)
3.2 % 6,464 6,668 Operating Receipts
8.1 % $7,247 mil $7,836 mil Operating Expenditure
8.1 % $6,922 mil $7,482 mil Operating Surplus
7.7 % $528 mil $568 mil Value Added
10.2 % $2,503 mil $2,759 mil
In 2012, there were about 6,700 establishments in the food & beverage (F&B) services
I . ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE Total operating receipts of the F&B services industry stood at $7,836 million in 2012,
which was 8.1 per cent higher than the previous year. All F&B services groups (i.e.
restaurants, fast food outlets, food caterers and other F&B services) registered increases in
operating receipts in 2012. Operating receipts per establishment also rose 4.8 per cent to $1.2
Total operating expenditure incurred by the F&B services industry was $7,482 million in
2012, an increase of 8.1 per cent from $6,922 million in 2011. On a per establishment basis,
operating expenditure expanded by 4.8 per cent to $1.1 million in 2012.
Total operating surplus of the industry rose 7.7 per cent to $568 million in 2012. On a per
establishment basis, operating surplus went up 4.4 per cent to $85,200 in 2012.
Total value added generated by the industry amounted to $2,759 million in 2012, 10.2 per
cent higher compared to 2011. Value added per establishment also increased 6.8 per cent to
Restaurants represented the largest segment in the F&B services industry, accounting for 36.4
per cent of the total number of establishments in 2012 (Chart 1). They generated $2,962
million and $1,126 million of operating receipts and value added respectively in 2012,
contributing 37.8 per cent of total operating receipts and 40.8 per cent of total value added of
Chart 1 - Establishments, Operating Receipts and Value Added, 2012 Establishments Operating Receipts Value Added FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES
Fast food outlets and food caterers respectively constituted 6.6 per cent and 5.2 per cent of
the total number of establishments in the F&B services industry in 2012. Together they
contributed 22.9 per cent and 23.1 per cent of operating receipts and value added respectively
Purchases of food & beverages for sale and remuneration remained the top two business cost
items in 2012, together accounting for between 51 per cent and 64 per cent of total operating
expenses for the various F&B services groups (Chart 2). This was followed by rental
expenditure, which was the third largest expense item for all F&B services groups except
Chart 2 - Top 5 Business Costs, 2012 Notation
Royalties / franchise & management fees
Purchases of food & beverages for sale
Renting of offices, shops & other premises
FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES III . KEY PERFORMANCE RATIOS Profitability Ratio1 of the overall F&B services industry was 7.3 per cent in 2012, similar to
the level attained in 2011. The highest profitability ratio (21.7 per cent) was recorded by food
caterers (Chart 3). Profitability ratios of the remaining F&B services groups ranged from 4.0
Chart 3 – Profitability Ratio, 2011 & 2012 Earnings-Expenditure Ratio2 for the overall F&B services industry was 7.6 per cent in
2012. Among all F&B services groups, food caterers recorded the highest earnings-
expenditure ratio of 27.2 per cent in 2012 (Chart 4). The ratios ranged between 4.0 per cent
and 7.1 per cent for the other F&B services groups.
1 Defined as the ratio of operating surplus to operating receipts
2 Defined as the ratio of operating surplus to operating expenditure
FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES Chart 4 - Earnings-Expenditure Ratio, 2011 & 2012 IV . PERFORMANCE BY FIRM SIZE In 2012, 75.1 per cent of F&B establishments were firms with operating receipts of less than
$1 million (Table 2). These firms accounted for 27.2 per cent and 25.0 per cent of the
industry’s total operating receipts and value added respectively. On the other hand, firms with
operating receipts of $5 million or more made up only 2.6 per cent of the total number of
establishments, but contributed a significant 33.1 per cent and 37.4 per cent to the industry’s
total operating receipts and value added respectively.
Table 2 : Establishments, Operating Receipts &Value Added by Size of Operating Receipts, 2012 Size of Operating Establishments Operating Receipts (Number) Receipts ($ Million) ($ Million) The publication on “Food & Beverage Services” containing more detailed statistical tables will be released in 1st Quarter 2014.FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES
Summary Tables Key Indicators of Food & Beverage Services, 2010-2012 Key Indicators of Food & Beverage Services by Size of Operating Receipts of Firm, 2012
Note: 1. Data for 2012 are preliminary. 2. Industries are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2010. 3. Figures may not add up to the totals due to rounding.
Explanatory Note
Objective The data presented in this report are compiled from the results of the Annual Survey of Services 2012. The objective of the survey is to gather information on the services sector for studying the structure and performance of the various activities in the sector. The data are also used for the compilation of national accounts, input-output tables and other related studies. In addition, the results are used by policy makers, economic planners, academicians, the business community and other interested users in their work. Scope & Coverage Food & beverage services comprise establishments engaged in the sale of prepared food and drinks for immediate consumption. The various types of food and beverage services are: Restaurants Fast food restaurants Food caterers
Cafes, coffee houses and snack bars Food courts, coffee shops and eating houses (with mainly food & beverage income) Pubs (including bars) Other restaurants, cafes and bars Canteens Hawkers and stall-holders which are not registered with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) are excluded. Also excluded from the group are eating and drinking places which operate in connection with the provision of lodging. FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES Definition of Terms
Defined as a business or organisation unit engaged in one activity and operating in a
Includes those arising from services rendered, commission charges, sale of goods and
rental of premises, machinery and equipment.
Refers to all current expenses connected to the business operations such as purchases
of goods and services, remuneration, utilities and professional services. It includes
depreciation and adjustment for changes in inventory.
Refers to the amount of operating receipts less operating expenditure plus depreciation of
Comprises operating surplus, remuneration and taxes (less subsidies) on production.
Comprises wages and salaries, employers’ contribution to Central Provident
Fund/pension funds and other benefits of all employees as well as fees paid to non-
The value, at current replacement cost, of reproducible fixed assets such as buildings,
plants and machinery used during a period of time as a result of normal wear and tear,
foreseen obsolescence and the normal rate of accidental damage.
Defined as the ratio of operating surplus to operating receipts. It shows the proportion
of operating receipts that is converted to profits.
Defined as the ratio of operating surplus to operating expenditure.
Curriculum Vitae Europeo Informazioni personali Istruzione e formazione Ho frequentato un Master di II livello in REACH, acronimo di Registrazione, Autorizzazione,Valutazione e Restrizione delle sostanze chimiche. L’obiettivo formativo del corso è stato la formazione di figure professionali altamente specializzate nella gestione delle sostanze chimiche, acquisendo conoscenze te
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