Randomized clinical trial of trigger point infiltration with lidocaine to diagnose anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome
Randomized clinical trial Randomized clinical trial of trigger point infiltration with lidocaine to diagnose anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome O. B. A. Boelens1, M. R. Scheltinga1, S. Houterman2 and R. M. Roumen1
1 Department of Surgery and 2M´axima Medical Centre Academy, M´axima Medical Centre, Veldhoven, The NetherlandsCorrespondence to: Mr O. B. A. Boelens, Department of Surgery, M´axima Medical Centre, de Run 4600, PO Box 7777,5500 MB Veldhoven, The Netherlands (e-mail: o.boelens@gmail.com)
Background: Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES) is hardly considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic abdominal pain. Some even doubt the existence of such a syndrome and attribute reported successful treatment results to a placebo effect. The objective was to clarify the role of local anaesthetic injection in diagnosing ACNES. The hypothesis was that pain attenuation following lidocaine injection would be greater than that after saline injection. Methods: Patients aged over 18 years with suspected ACNES were randomized to receive an injection of 10 ml 1 per cent lidocaine or saline into the point of maximal abdominal wall pain just beneath the anterior fascia of the rectus abdominis muscle. Pain was recorded using a visual analogue scale (VAS; 1–100 mm) and a verbal rating scale (VRS; 0, no pain; 4, severe pain) during physical examination just before and 15–20 min after injection. A reduction of at least 50 per cent on the VAS and/or 2 points on the VRS was considered a successful response. Results: Between August 2008 and December 2010, 48 patients were randomized equally (7 men and 41 women, median age 47 years). Four patients in the saline group reported a successful response compared with 13 in the lidocaine group (P = 0·007). Conclusion: Entrapped branches of intercostal nerves may contribute to the clinical picture in some patients with chronic abdominal pain. Pain reduction following local infiltration in these patients was based on an anaesthetic mechanism and not on a placebo or a mechanical (volume) effect. Registration number: NTR2016 (Nederlands Trial Register; http://www.trialregister.nl)
Paper accepted 29 August 2012 Published online in Wiley Online Library (www.bjs.co.uk). DOI: 10.1002/bjs.8958 Introduction
A cohort study recently reported on the results of a tai-
lored regimen on diagnosis and treatment of patients with
Up to 30 per cent of patients with chronic abdominal
suspected ACNES (139 patients)10. The diagnosis is sug-
pain suffer from pain localized in the abdominal wall1–4.
gested by the combination of a patient’s history (chronic
Although these patients are seldom able to discriminate
pain), physical examination (pain localization) and the
visceral (organ-related) from parietal (abdominal wall)
absence of objective abnormalities (laboratory, ultrasonog-
pain themselves, simple testing allows distinction between
raphy and/or computed tomography). If these findings are
the two varieties2,5,6. A positive test result is frequently
consistent with ACNES, the diagnosis may be confirmed
associated with anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syn-
by local subfascial anaesthetic injection, so-called trigger
drome (ACNES), although some doubt the existence of
point infiltration (TPI). Some state that a salutary effect of
this somewhat illusive pain entity7. ACNES is a pain syn-
a single injection is placebo-based, whereas others hypoth-
drome thought to be the result of entrapment of cutaneous
esize a dry-needling or acupuncture-like mechanism11–14.
branches of an intercostal nerve at the level of the rectus
Controlled data in the diagnostic setting of ACNES are
2012 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd
O. B. A. Boelens, M. R. Scheltinga, S. Houterman and R. M. Roumen
The primary aim of the present study was to compare
of the rectus abdominis muscle; tenderness increased by
the effect of a single TPI using either lidocaine or saline
abdominal muscle tensing using Carnett’s test; normal
on pain perception in the diagnostic setting in patients
laboratory findings (C-reactive protein concentration
with suspected ACNES. It was hypothesized that pain
below 6 mg/l, serum leucocyte count 4–10 × 109/l,
attenuation following lidocaine injection would be greater
normal urine sedimentation); and no abnormal abdominal
imaging, if performed previously. Carnett’s test involvesan investigator localizing and stabilizing the point ofmaximum pain using an index finger. The patient is then
asked to lift the upper torso or both legs while the palpating
This single-centre randomized double-blind placebo-
index finger remains on the painful spot. When pain
controlled trial was conducted at a large teaching hospital
intensity is increased by this manoeuvre, the origin of the
(M´axima Medical Centre (MMC), Veldhoven) in the
pain is likely to be located in the abdominal wall2,5,6,18,19.
Netherlands. The institute has gained a reputation
Exclusion criteria were: previous injection at the site
for specializing in diagnosing and treating chronic
of maximum pain, surgical scar-related pain syndromes,
pain presenting with abdominal wall or groin nerve
recent intra-abdominal pathology, lidocaine allergy, co-
entrapment syndromes, so patients are increasingly being
morbidity and impaired communication.
referred from other Dutch hospitals10,15–17. The medical
If the patient fulfilled these criteria, the possible
ethics committee of MMC approved the study design,
diagnosis of ACNES was communicated and informed
protocol and informed consent procedures. The study was
consent obtained for the local administration of a
registered in the Nederlands Trial Register (NTR2016),
first diagnostic injection. After explaining the injection
and is reported according to Consolidated Standards of
procedure, the participant was randomized to receive a
Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines.
subfascial injection of either 10 ml 1 per cent lidocaine or
All patients aged over 18 years suffering from loco-
10 ml saline at the point of maximum pain. The injection
regional abdominal pain for at least 1 month were eligible
was performed in outpatients by a freehand technique
for this study if all of the following criteria were met:
unilateral single tender spot (trigger point); constant site of
The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients
abdominal tenderness with a small (less than 2 cm2) area of
achieving at least a 50 per cent improvement in pain
maximal intensity (fingertip) within the lateral boundaries
perception measured on a visual analogue scale (VAS;
Did not meet inclusion criteria n = 30Declined to participate n = 6Other reason n = 42
Fig. 1 CONSORT diagram for the trial. TPI, trigger point injection
2012 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd
Diagnosis of anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome
where 0 mm represented absence of pain and 100 mm
indicated excruciating pain) and/or an improvement of atleast 2 points on a verbal rating scale (VRS; 0, no pain; 4,
Patients were recruited from August 2008 to December
severe pain), during physical examination 15–20 min after
2010. A total of 126 patients were referred and evaluated
the TPI compared with directly before20. The secondary
for alleged abdominal wall-related pain (Fig. 1). Based on
endpoint was the investigator’s or patient’s ability to predict
physical examination or laboratory or imaging findings,
the type of injection administered based on the observed
the origin of the abdominal pain was considered unlikely
effect (both subjective and physical findings) 15–20 min
to be abdominal wall-related in 13 patients. A total of
after TPI. Patient and primary investigator (both blinded)
78 patients were excluded, including 25 who had already
were asked to register their opinion on the injected agent,
received TPI. Six patients did not consent to participation.
A total of 48 patients were randomized and received the
Participants were assigned randomly to one of the
allocated intervention, 24 in each group.
treatment groups following a computer-generated list
There were no significant differences between groups
of random numbers in blocks of eight. The allocation
regarding baseline demographics, pain characteristics
sequence was concealed from the researcher enrolling,
(VAS, VRS) and disability scores (Table 1). All patients
injecting and assessing participants by use of sequentially
received TPI according to allocation. Data were complete
numbered, opaque and sealed envelopes that were prepared
for all participants, with no dropouts or loss to follow-up.
by a secretary who had no involvement in the trial. Afterenrolment, an outpatient department nurse opened the
Table 1 Baseline patient demographics, pain characteristics and
next consecutively numbered envelope, and a syringe was
prepared according to the allocation and checked by adoctor not involved in the trial. The name and date of birth
of the participant were written on the envelope. As both
fluids were colourless and odourless, the investigator and
participant remained blinded. The allocation was revealed
only after follow-up at 2 weeks, when outcomes were
assessed by the primary investigator and communicated
Statistical analysis
Based on previous experience with a cohort of patients
with ACNES, the study was powered for the primary
endpoint to detect a difference in the proportion of
successful responses (at least 50 per cent improvement in
pain perception) of 75 per cent in the lidocaine group
versus an expected response of 30 per cent in the saline
(placebo) group, with a two-sided 5 per cent significance
level and a power of 80 per cent10. To achieve this, a sample
size of 22 patients per group was required. To allow for
possible dropouts (10 per cent), enrolment of 48 patients
Continuous data are presented as median (range).
Differences in baseline characteristics between placebo and
intervention groups were tested using χ2 test for categorical
variables, and Student’s t test (normal distribution)
or Mann–Whitney U test (skewed distribution) for
continuous variables. The difference in success rates
between groups was calculated using Yates’ corrected
χ2 test. P < 0·050 was considered statistically significant. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 16.0 for
*Values are median (range). VAS, visual analogue scale; VRS, verbal
Windows (IBM, Armonk, New York, USA).
2012 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd
O. B. A. Boelens, M. R. Scheltinga, S. Houterman and R. M. Roumen
Concerning the primary endpoint, the proportion of
may be due to interaction between these agents and
patients demonstrating a successful response (at least
the make-up of sodium channel isomers found on the
50 per cent VAS difference and/or 2 or more VRS
nerve axons27. Moreover, pain levels can be influenced
categories) was significantly higher in the group receiving
by using anaesthetic agents to block nerve transmission.
lidocaine (13 of 24 versus 4 of 24 in saline group; P = 0·007).
Data from the present study therefore strongly support
Evaluation of the secondary endpoint showed that 26
the contention that ACNES is a nerve-related abdominal
of the 48 patients correctly predicted the type of agent
wall problem. The clinical observation that more than
administered (lidocaine 8 of 24, saline 18 of 24). In contrast,
two-thirds of the patients with ACNES had an area
the principal investigator was correct about the nature of
of several centimetres around the trigger point with
the injected agent in 36 patients (lidocaine 14 of 24, saline
sensory disturbances (hypaesthesia, hyperalgia or allodynia;
Table 1) is highly suggestive of a peripheral nerve lesion.
No adverse events occurred apart from an occasional
On the other hand, as local trigger points are also the
small haematoma that resolved spontaneously. Seven
hallmark of myofascial pain syndromes, these entities
patients reported increased pain during the first few days
should also be considered in the differential diagnosis28.
following examination and TPI (lidocaine 3, saline 4).
Future research in patients with suspected ACNESneeds to focus on substantiating these sensory skin
alterations objectively by performing quantitative sensorytesting29,30.
This controlled trial demonstrated that individuals
Although all 48 patients had signs and symptoms
with abdominal pain suggestive of ACNES experienced
suspicious of ACNES, only just over half of the lidocaine
significantly more pain reduction after lidocaine infiltration
group experienced significant pain reduction. Several
than those who received saline. Interestingly, a blinded
factors may explain this limited response. First, it is thought
experienced investigator was able to predict the type of
that nerve entrapment in ACNES is usually situated at the
injected agent correctly in the majority (three-quarters) of
level of the ventral fascia of the rectus abdominis muscle.
patients with suspected ACNES. In contrast, the patient’s
Lidocaine was therefore injected immediately after the
estimation was equivalent to tossing a coin. These findings
needle was felt to cross the superficial fascia. Some of
suggest that an experienced physician is often able to
the non-responders may have had a form of ACNES
predict the presence of a pain entity such as ACNES on
characterized by nerve entrapment (or herniation) at dorsal
the basis of a diagnostic injection. This is in line with the
or lateral portions of the muscle8. Second, a per-protocol
fact that patients with ACNES often report pseudo-visceral
wait of 15–20 min after injection may have been too
short in some individuals. In some patients who received
A long-lasting effect after just a single anaesthetic
lidocaine, a pain relief response of less than 50 per cent
injection is frequently reported in various abdominal wall
was reported initially after injection, although substantial
pain syndromes. This observation led critics to conclude
pain reduction or even absence of pain in the first few
that a placebo phenomenon may be involved7. Controlled
hours or days after the injection was reported at the 2-week
investigations were advised but considered unethical5. Others suggested that the pain cycle is interrupted by
evaluation. Third, lidocaine may not have reached the exact
a dry-needling effect, as in acupuncture11–14. It has
point of entrapment as a freehand injection technique was
also been hypothesized that the injected volume results
used. Ultrasound-guided injection may be more effective
in hydrodissection, leading to release of an entrapped
as small fascial openings allowing nerve passage may be
nerve23. This latter mechanism may be involved as the
volume effect of a 10-ml bolus of any type of fluid
ACNES is still frequently overlooked and patients are
within a confined subfascial space may possibly reduce
subjected to prolonged investigation2,4,31–33. The median
a small fat pad that is herniated and compresses the
delay to diagnosis in the present trial was 13 months (up
nerve during its passage through the rectus abdominis
to 120 months). A long delay inevitably leads to central
muscle, as is hypothesized in ACNES8,24–26. The finding
sensitization in some patients. An accelerated diagnostic
of attenuated pain levels in four patients following saline
pathway in patients with suspected abdominal wall pain,
injection may be explained by either of these suggested
searching for a trigger point in the rectus abdominis muscle
with a simple diagnostic injection of local anaesthetic, may
Others have postulated that long-lasting beneficial
cut costs by reducing the number of unnecessary visceral
effects of anaesthetic agents in chronic pain syndromes
2012 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd
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