Global Speaker Development Meeting
Barcelona, Spain
26 – 27 January 2008
DRAFT Agenda
Saturday, 26 January

7.00 – 8.00

8.00 – 8.15
Welcome and Introduction
8.15 – 8.30
Discussion of Fesoterodine and Tolterodine in the Marketplace
Jorg Bruggemann
Pfizer Inc

8.30 – 9.15
Improving upon the OAB Gold Standard: Opportunity for Dose
Christopher Chapple, MD, BSc, FRCS, FEBU Question & Answer Session
9.15 – 10.00
The Link between Fesoterodine and Tolterodine: Pre-clinical and
Early Clinical Data
Martin Michel, MD
Question & Answer Session
10.00 – 10.15
9.45 – 12.00
Fesoterodine Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability, Demonstrated in
Phase 3 Studies

Phase 3 Study Design and Efficacy Results from the US
Study (SP584)
Eric Rovner, MD

Efficacy Results from the International Study (SP583) and
Combined Phase 3 Safety and Tolerability Results
Andrea Tubaro, MD, PhD

Question & Answer Session
12.00 – 13.00
Saturday, 26 January (cont’d)

13.00 – 14.00
Fesoterodine Promotional Slide Kit

Fesoterodine Profile Established in Pre-clinical and Phase
1 and 2 Clinical Trials
Klaus-Peter Jünemann, MD, PhD

Fesoterodine Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability as
demonstrated in Phase 3 Trials
Paul Abrams, MD, FRCS

14.00 – 14.30
Question & Answer Session

14.30 – 14.45
Overview of Case Studies
Sender Herschorn, MD, FRCSC
14.45 – 15.15
Case Study 1
56 Year Old Female – Treatment Naive
Question & Answer Session
Sender Herschorn, MD, FRCSC

15.15 – 15.45
Case Study 2
72 Year Old Male – Treatment Naive
Question & Answer Session
Klaus-Peter Jünemann, MD, PhD

15.45 – 16.15
Case Study 3
63 Year Old Male - Previously Treated
Question & Answer Session
Klaus-Peter Jünemann, MD, PhD

16.15 – 16.30
Overview of Sunday’s Workshops and Closing Remarks
Marina Brodsky, PhD
Pfizer Inc

Dinner (offsite)
Sunday, 27 January

7.30 – 8.15

8.15 – 8.30
Introduction to Day 2
Marina Brodsky, PhD
Pfizer Inc

8.30 – 9.00
Potential Applications of Nanotechnology in Urology
Iqbal S. Shergill, BSc, MB,BS, MRCS
Guest Speaker

9.15 – 12.00
Workshop Overview and Assignments

Workshop Sessions

Faculty Members:
Paul Abrams, MD, FRCS
Linda Cardozo, MD
Christopher Chapple, MD, BSc, FRCS, FEBU
Roger Dmochowski, MD
Sender Herschorn, MD, FRCSC
Klaus-Peter Jünemann, MD, PhD
Steven Kaplan, MD, FACS
David Sussman, DO, FACOS
Andrea Tubaro, MD, PhD

12.00 – 13.00
Lunch (Optional)


Microsoft word - sm_om.doc

This is the pre-final version of a paper published in Voeltz F.K. E. (ed.), 2005, Studies in African Linguistic Typology , 445-459, John Benjamins. Please don’t quote without checking the published version before. A typology of subject marker and object marker systems in African languages 1. Introduction In this paper, the term ‘pronominal marker’ is applied to any bound mo

Microsoft word - giardiasis.doc

GIARDIASIS Autor: juan C. Beltramino Etiología Infección provocada por Giardia lamblia, protozoo con flagelos que coloniza y se multiplica en el intestino delgado proximal del hombre y algunos mamíferos. El contagio se produce por la ingestión de quistes que contaminan las manos, el agua o los alimentos y que al pasar por el estómago dejan en libertad a los trofozoítos, formas

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