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Ordinationen Univ. Doz. Dr. med. Georg S. Kobinia Nautilusweg 7/11, 9020 Klagenfurt Scheibenbergstrasse 41-43/10, 1180 Wien Mobile: +43 660 555 44 33 Tel.: +43(1) 320 21 46 Fax: +43(1) 47 00 499 Kundeninfo Offer 2013-371 DG: Tetraplegia
This is to inform you that according to the best of our knowledge you are eligible for stem cell therapy at our institution in Vienna, Austria. According to austrian law, we would like to inform you, that this treatment is considered as individual healing attempt. Beschreibung Stem Cell Therapy via Lumbar puncture
Harvesting of the bone marrow from the iliac crest, separation of stem cell with our advanced Point of Care technique, application of the stem cells into the liquor via lumbar puncture,postoperative care at the intensive care unit; accomodation for Two days/one night at a prestigious clinic in Vienna. Gesamtbetrag € 8.882,50
Stem Cell Therapy Group Vienna will offer you the best possible methodology in the field and provide highest professional care. We also assist in all questions concerning your stay in Vienna. Therefore we need close cooperation with you as our partner. This offer is based on the information we have received so far and it remains valid for 3 months after the date issued. Additional medical information may result in altered costs. The total amount as agreed upon in the offer has to be on the account of the stem cell therapy group the day before the operation. We accept banktransfer in due time, cash or credit card (Visa, Master) . If the money is not on the account the day before the operation, the operation has to be canceled. Traveling costs cannot be charged to us in such a case. Should important clinical data of any type which are unknown to us at the present time, contraindicate the performance of stemcell treatment we reserve the right to cancel the treatment at any appropriate time. In such a case: Prepayments will be returned. However we will not cover eventual traveling costs. No exemptions will be made from these regulations.Wiring of the treatment fees will be considered as patients receipt and treatment acceptance confirmation. In case an agreed upon treatment is not performed due to reasons beyond the influence of the SCTGV, €600 of the fee will be retained. In case such a postponed treatment is performed within 1 year, the amount (€600) will be credited towards that treatment. All patients must show up in our office the day prior to the surgery in order to make sure all medical and organisation data
Dr. med. univ. Georg S. KobiniaErste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AGBLZ 20111 Kto.Nr. 820-564-450/00IBAN: AT74 20111 82056445000 BIC / SWIFT: GIBAATWWXXX
are correct. For this visit please take with you all relevant medical reports you have. If you want to pay with credit card please make sure the card limit is above the required amount and that your card is valid. When transfering monies please take in account the relevant transfer fees and add them to the total sum in order to cover such fees. Also please make sure you have informed us of all relevant allergies and infectious disease (hepatitis.) three weeks before the operation. Please understand that you must not take any medication that inhibits normal coagulation at least 5 days prior to surgery. Such medicaments include but are not limited to platelet inhibitors like aspirin, novalgin, iboprufen, Plavix (clopidogrel), Icover, Tyklild, ASS and drugs like warfarin. Failure to inform us of such medication will result in cancellation of the procedure. These regulations are made to insure a stem cell procedure without complications and are made for your safety. Please note: SCTGV does not charge any addiditional fees for therapy. Any third party which charges additional fees or offers contracts to the effect that only through those contracts a treatment at SCTGV becomes possible are not in compliance with SCTGV policy and Austrian laws.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if any questions arise. Our surgery is opend from monday until thursday from 10.00 a.m.-05.00 p.m. Best regards from viennaSCTGV
Dr. med. univ. Georg S. KobiniaErste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AGBLZ 20111 Kto.Nr. 820-564-450/00IBAN: AT74 20111 82056445000 BIC / SWIFT: GIBAATWWXXX
Chapter 4 Conventional Medical Therapies “Today’s standard, AMA-approved medicine is rooted in treating symptoms, rather than causes. Its dependence on drugs and surgery is ruinously expensive to patients, insurance companies, “Why I Left Orthodox Medicine” Conventional medical treatments for FMS and CFS is a controversial topic. Consider the following statements