Point of View
Metabolic or Pseudometabolic Syndrome?Luis Cláudio Lemos Correia1, Adriana L. Latado2, José Augusto Barreto-Filho3 Escola Bahiana de Medicina1; Universidade Federal da Bahia2, Salvador/BA; Universidade Federal de Sergipe3, Aracaju, SE, Brazil
A predictive model is created based on the following: (1)
Metabolic syndrome has been proposed as a predictor of
identification of variables associated with an outcome in cohort
cardiovascular risk. However, such idea lacks strong scientific
studies, which are submitted to (2) multivariate analysis that
basis. This article reviews the evidence regarding that issue,
defines which are the independent predictors of outcome
challenging the existing paradigm of the prognostic value of
and the relative value of each one. Drawing on such data, (3)
those predictors are attributed points proportionally to their
force of association with the outcome, generating a risk score.
According to Hans Christian Andersen’s tale (1837), once
That was how the classical Framingham Score was created3.
upon a time there lived a vain Emperor who ordered from
two tailors an extraordinary suit, of such unique quality that
Differently, the metabolicsyndrome has not been created
nobody had ever seen a similar one. As the tailors could not
based on the independent association between outcome
and each of those components. In a simpler strategy, experts
fulfill the Emperor’s wish, they conceived a wonderful suit,
have clustered clinical and laboratory findings based on
which would be invisible to anyone who was too stupid to
the assumption of a single pathophysiological construct,
appreciate its quality. The Emperor himself, while trying on his
in which insulin resistance would provide the explicative
new clothes, could not see them on the mirror, but pretended
link for the different metabolic abnormalities. This has little
to see them so as not to appear stupid. Similarly, everybody
if any relationship with risk prediction. In addition, studies
could see that the Emperor was naked, but nobody admitted
have shown that the prognostic accuracy of the Framingham
it, since nobody was willing to admit his own stupidity. Thus,
Score is clearly superior to that of the metabolic syndrome for
the Emperor spent a long time naked, exposed to ridicule.
predicting cardiovascular events, and that the latter does not
This tale explains why some medical myths last for so long,
despite the lack of scientific basis. The metabolic syndrome,
Stern et al4 have assessed the prognostic value of those
as an entity of great clinical value, seems to be a myth to be
two models regarding cardiovascular events in a cohort of
challenged. In reality, that entity holds a huge dissociation
1,709 non-diabetic individuals4. In the univariate analysis,
between its popularity and its real usefulness in medical
the odds ratio of the Framingham Score was 9.7 (95%
decision making. The metabolic syndrome can be defined
confidence interval [CI] = 6.7 – 14), clearly superior to
as the clustering of at least three of the following five criteria:
that of the metabolic syndrome, 4.0 (95% CI = 2.8 – 5.6).
increased abdominal circumference; high triglyceride levels;
Even more important, when both predictive models were
low HDL-cholesterol levels; high blood pressure; and glycemia
tested using multivariate analysis, the Framingham Score
≥ 100 mg/dl1. That concept has gained importance with the
remained with odds ratio of 9.1 (95% CI = 6.0 – 14), while
seminal study by Reaven2, proposing a pathophysiological
the metabolic syndrome lost statistical significance (odds
model in which insulin resistance/hyperinsulinemia would be
ratio = 1.1; 95% CI = 0.76 – 1.7). Similarly, the area under
the link responsible for the clustering of the cardiovascular risk
the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of the
factors commonly observed in clinical practice.
Framingham Score was 0.82, as compared with 0.81 after
However, extrapolating that pathophysiological hypothesis
incorporating the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome into the
to the creation of a concept of metabolic syndrome used to
Framingham model. Thus, there is no incremental prognostic
predict cardiovascular events and the development of diabetes
value in using the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome along
has not been well founded, exemplifying how myths can be
created. Therefore, this brief review aimed at assessing, based
Wannamethee et al5 have reported the area under the
on scientific evidence, whether metabolic syndrome really
ROC curve of the Framingham Score and the number of
criteria for the metabolic syndrome in a cohort of 5,128 men
of the British Regional Heart Study5. The Framingham Score
had an area under the ROC curve of 0.73 (95% CI = 0.71 –
0.75), greater than the accuracy of the metabolic syndrome
(0.63; 95% CI = 0.61 – 0.65) in predicting coronary events
Risk factors; diabetes mellitus; obesity; abdominal
(p < 0.001). Likewise, in the cohort of 12,089 individuals
of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study,
Mailing Address: Luis Cláudio Lemos Correia •
the area under the ROC curve of the Framingham Score
Av. Princesa Leopoldina 19/402- Graça – 40150-080 – Salvador, BA – Brazil
was similar, with or without incorporating the definition of
E-mail:lccorreia@cardiol.br, lccorreia@terra.com.br
Manuscript received September 20, 2011; revised manuscript received
metabolic syndrome, in women (0.729 vs. 0.731) and men
September 21, 2011; accepted December 20, 2011. Correia et al Metabolic or Pseudometabolic Syndrome? Point of View
The excessive attention given to metabolic syndrome has
the anorexigenic drug Rimonabant (already removed from
caused some confusion in medical reasoning. An example
the market) had its marketing campaign based on the “cure”
is the mistake of the Brazilian Guidelines on Dyslipidemia
of metabolic syndrome. When someone is labeled as having
in suggesting that the presence of metabolic syndrome
metabolic syndrome, a procedure such as bariatric surgery might
should reclassify patients at intermediate cardiovascular risk
seem justifiable in someone without morbid obesity, even without
according to the Framingham Score to high risk7. In that
the necessary scientific validation. Tests to assess myocardial
context, it has been recommended that the presence of
ischemia might seem plausible when applied to a patient with
metabolic syndrome corrects the Framingham classification.
metabolic syndrome, even when asymptomatic. And so forth.
However, it is questionable, and even surprising, that
That is medicalization of society induced by labels for diseases.
a better predictor be corrected by a worse predictor,
Thus, returning to the tale of the Emperor’s new clothes. One
especially when the worse predictor does not add any value
day, during a ceremonial parade in the streets of the village, when
the Emperor passed wearing his “marvelous” clothes, one child
Another argument used in favor of the metabolic syndrome
shouted: the Emperor is naked! That child unveiled the tailors’
is the prediction of the development of diabetes. In
trick, embarrassed the Emperor, and especially the people who
fact, metabolic syndrome predicts diabetes better
believed in the lie or were ashamed to disagree. Some people
than the Framingham Score5. However, when the
say it was the child’s innocence that allowed him/her to speak
metabolic syndrome is compared with models created to
frankly. In reality, legend has it that the child was mischievous. In
predict diabetes, the latter show better predictive capacity
that case, the difference between the child and the adult was the
than metabolic syndrome4. Once again, that is expected,
recognition of the naked truth. Briefly, the tale of the Metabolic
because the clustering of risk factors that define the
Syndrome teaches us that scientific knowledge is not always
diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is not in accordance with
based on assumptions. Only questioning and scientific debate
the scientific assumptions that have founded the creation
of risk prediction models. Thus, for diabetes prediction, the
most adequate are multivariate models derived from cohort
Potential Conflict of Interest
studies. It is worth noting that the simple fasting glycemia
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
is a better predictor of diabetes than the definition
of metabolic syndrome. For example, in the cohort of the
PROSPER study, the hazard ratio of the metabolic syndrome
for predicting diabetes was 4.4 as compared with 18.4 of
Sources of Funding
There were no external funding sources for this study.
Thus, one should question why so much emphasis on
the metabolic syndrome. The excessive attention given to
Study Association
that syndrome originates from our culture of creating labels
for diseases. Based on those labels, complementary tests,
This study is not associated with any post-graduation
medications and complex procedures are justified. For example,
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