EAGLE II™ Lender Funds Management Reports Release 4 School Auto-Debit Notification Report Purpose
The School Auto-Debit Notification Report provides schools with a list of disbursements and the total dollar amount associated with the auto-debit initiated on the date indicated. Schools use this report to reconcile the funds auto-debited from their accounts.
The Lender Funds Management subsystem sorts the report numerically by school location ID. The report is also sorted by borrower SSN.
The School Auto-Debit Notification Report is distributed: Daily
The School Auto-Debit Notification Report is available via: ViewDirect® (365 generations) DocumentDirect® for the Internet (365 generations)
The School Auto-Debit Notification Report is owned by:
EAGLE II™ - Confidential and Proprietary Copyright 2007 Sallie Mae, Inc. – All Rights ReservedEAGLE II™ School Auto-Debit Notification Report Distribution
The Lender Funds Management subsystem automatically generates the report as laser for schools subscribed in the Customer Information subsystem. The School Auto-Debit Notification Report is distributed by Sallie Mae Production Control to:
The report is also distributed by Loan Disbursement and Change Operations via Faxgate to: Schools
The following report sample contains all available sections of the report and may be edited for length. The report you receive may not contain all of these sections depending on the data.EAGLE II™ - Confidential and Proprietary Copyright 2007 Sallie Mae, Inc. – All Rights Reserved EAGLE II™ School Auto-Debit Notification Report Report Sample
6 7 8 9/10 11 12 13 BORROWER BORROWER LOAN LN PGM/ TRAN TRANSACTION SSN NAME DSBR ID DISB DT DATE TYPE AMOUNT 999-15-0012 EDENS, ERIC E NN-025895631-01 STFS 02/20/2007 SCHOOL REFUND 775.00 14 LN PRD: 09/05/06 - 05/12/07 15 CL UNIQUE ID: 0026250000B000825 10/12/06 16 DISB REG ID: 001569327 LENDER: 863001 17 999-15-0012 EDENS, ERIC E NN-025895632-01 STFU 02/20/2007 CONSUMMATED CANCEL 2,000.00 LN PRD: 09/05/06 - 05/12/07 CL UNIQUE ID: 0026250000B000825 10/12/06 DISB REG ID: 001569327 LENDER: 863001 999-47-9945 SMITH, SAMUEL S NN-025904891-01 STFS 02/20/2007 CONSUMMATED CANCEL 2,750.00 LN PRD: 09/05/06 - 05/12/07 CL UNIQUE ID: 0026250000B001932 10/12/06 DISB REG ID: 001569327 LENDER: 863001 999-84-5447 THOMAS, TERRY T NN-023204311-01 PLUS 02/20/2007 SCHOOL REFUND 2,870.49 LN PRD: 09/05/06 - 05/12/07 CL UNIQUE ID: 0026250000B000032 10/12/06 DISB REG ID: 001569327 LENDER: 869145 18 STUDENT SSN: 999-00-9544 19 STUDENT NAME: THOMAS, TERRIE T 20 TOTAL DEBIT AMOUNT: 8,395.49 EAGLE II™ - Confidential and Proprietary Copyright 2007 Sallie Mae, Inc. – All Rights ReservedEAGLE II™ School Auto-Debit Notification Report Field Definitions
Fields on the report include the following:
1. REPORT NBR. (Report Number) A 5-character field that indicates
the number assigned to a report. The first two characters identify the subsystem from which the report was generated.
2. REPORT DATE. An 8-digit field that indicates the date the
Automated Clearing House (ACH) will be initiated. The field format is MM/DD/CCYY.
SCHOOL [REINSURER ASSIGNED] ID. An 8-digit field that indicates the identification number assigned to a school by a reinsurer. The field format is 999999-99. SCHL LOC NAME. (School Location Name) A 35-character field that indicates the name of the school identified in SCHOOL ID. SCHL LOC ID. (School Location ID) A 9-digit field that indicates the unique identification number assigned to a school by EAGLE II. The field format is 999999999. 6. BORROWER SSN. A 9-digit field that indicates the identification
number assigned to the borrower by the U.S. Social Security Administration. The field format is 999-99-9999.
7. BORROWER NAME. A 35-character field that indicates the last
name, first name, and middle initial of the borrower identified in BORROWER SSN. LOAN DSBR ID. (Loan Disbursement ID) A 13-character field that uniquely identifies a lender disbursement. A lender disbursement represents the funds sent to the school and the fees sent to the guarantor for an education loan. The field format is XX- 999999999-99.
Example: US-123456781-01 A loan disbursement ID is split into a 2-character database code, a unique 8-digit loan request sequence number, a 1-digit loan sequence number, and a 2-digit disbursement sequence number.
PGM. (Loan Program) A 4-character field that indicates the
abbreviation for a loan program name. Valid values are:
GRPL — Federal Graduate PLUS loan program PLUS — Federal Parent PLUS loan program STFS — Stafford Subsidized loan program STFU — Stafford Unsubsidized loan program EAGLE II™ - Confidential and Proprietary Copyright 2007 Sallie Mae, Inc. – All Rights Reserved EAGLE II™ School Auto-Debit Notification Report DT. (Disbursement Date) A 6-digit field that indicates the
last date a disbursement was issued to the school. The field format is MM/DD/YY.
DATE. (Transaction Date) An 8-digit field that indicates the
date the transaction posted. The field format is MM/DD/CCYY.
12. TRANSACTION TYPE. A field that indicates the type of CONSUMMATED CANCEL DECREASE/REISSUE REISSUE SCHOOL REFUND UNCONSUMMATED CANCEL 13. AMOUNT. A field that indicates the total dollar amount of the
transaction posted to the specified disbursement.
PRD. (Loan Period) A 12-digit field that indicates the beginning
and ending dates for the academic term of a borrower’s education loan. The field format is MM/DD/YY – MM/DD/YY.
15. CL UNIQUE ID. (CommonLine Unique ID) A 17-character field
that indicates the unique identification number assigned to an application. The CommonLine Unique ID is split into a 6-character participant ID, a 4-character participant branch ID, a 1-character system ID, and a 6-character incremental code. The field format is 9999999999XXXXXXX.
16. DISB REG ID. (Disbursement Register ID) A 9-digit field that
indicates the unique identification number assigned by LFM to a disbursement register. The field format is 999999999.
17. LENDER [REINSURER ASSIGNED ID]. A 6-digit field that
indicates the identification number assigned to a lender by a reinsurer. The field format is 999999.
18. STUDENT SSN. A 9-digit field that indicates the identification
number assigned to a student by the U.S. Social Security Administration. The field format is 999-99-9999.
19. STUDENT NAME. A field that indicates the last name, first name,
middle initial, and suffix of the student identified in STUDENT SSN. EAGLE II™ - Confidential and Proprietary Copyright 2007 Sallie Mae, Inc. – All Rights ReservedEAGLE II™ School Auto-Debit Notification Report 20. TOTAL DEBIT AMOUNT. A field that indicates the amount to be
auto-debited from the school’s bank account.
EAGLE II™ - Confidential and Proprietary Copyright 2007 Sallie Mae, Inc. – All Rights Reserved
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