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Drug Facts Active Ingredient Purpose Omeprazole 20 mg.stops stomach acid Uses temporarily relieves frequent heartburn. Heartburn occurs when stomach contents back up into esophagus Warnings Ask a doctor before use if you take blood-thinning medicine anxiety medicine antifungal medicine heart medicine When using this product Stop use and ask a doctor if you have headache diarrhea cough vomiting stomach pain cold symptoms Directions Adults Take 1 tablet every day before eating Do not take more than 14 days Children ask a doctor
1. What is not a side effect of this medicine?
3. If you have vomiting as a side effect, then.
2. Ask a doctor before you start taking this, if you usually take .
A. stomach medicineB. heart medicineC. thyroid medicineD. allergy medicine
Drug Facts Active Ingredient Purpose Desloratadine 5mg.antihistamine Uses temporarily relieves symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) Warnings Ask a doctor before use if you have liver problems are pregnant have kidney problems are breast-feeding When using this product Stop use and ask a doctor if you have sore throat dry mouth sleepiness tiredness Directions Adults and children 12 and over Take 1 tablet every day Children under 12 ask a doctor
4. What is not a side effect of this medicine?
7. Ask a doctor before you use this medicineif you .
C. have kidney problemsD. have lung problems
5. If this medicine makes you sleepy, then.
A. you can’t stay awakeB. you can’t sleepC. you can't breatheD. you feel excited
6. Side effects from this medicine could affectyour baby, if you .
A. have liver problemsB. have kidney problemsC. are breast-feedingD. have a sore throat
Drug Facts Active Ingredient Purpose rosuvastatin 5mg. statin Uses lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides raises “good” cholesterol Warnings Talk to your doctor before you take Crestor if you have liver problems are pregnant are breast-feeding drink alcohol When using this product Stop use and ask a doctor if you have muscle pain abdominal pain constipation nausea Directions Adults Take 1 tablet every day Children ask a doctor
8. If you get nausea as a side effect of this
10. Side effects could hurt your baby, if you
9. What is not a side effect of this medicine?
A. muscle painB. sleepinessC. nauseaD. abdominal pain
The LaRue Medical Literacy Exercises were created by Charles LaRue through a grant from the Minnesota
Department of Education under the supervision of the Minnesota Literacy Council. MN Dept of Education
INDUSTRIE-INFO 11/2009 1. Akkus mit zehnfacher Speicherkapazität geplant Nutzung von Sauerstoff als Reagenz als Schlüssel zum Erfolg Ein von der Universität St. Andrews ( entwickelter Ansatz verspricht im Falle von Marktreife eine Verzehnfachung der Speicherkapazität von Lithium-Ionen-Akkus. Das vom UK Engineering and Physical Science Council (http://
P R E S S E M I T T E I L U N G Forschungspreis für artgemäße Nutztierhaltung vergeben IN Internationale Gesellschaft für Nutztierhaltung München, im November 2006 – Die Internationale Gesellschaft für Nutztier-haltung (IGN) hat am 23. November 2006 zum vierten Mal ihren mit insgesamt Forschungspreis 9.000 Euro dotierten Forschungspreis für artgerechte Nutztierhaltung vergeb