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Patient Details
Region(s)/Clinical Notes
Referral/Request(s) For:
MRI +/– Orbits +/– Skull +/– Chest X-ray
CT Scanning
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Referrer Details
MIA Radiology Clinic Listing
For up-to-date information or to book an appointment online go to
Clinic Name & Address
Clinic Name & Address
Hallam Radiology, 214 Princes Hwy, Hallam 3803
9796 3240
East Melbourne Radiology, St Vincent’s Private Consulting Suites
Linacre Radiology, Linacre Private Hospital, 12 Linacre Road, Hampton 3188
8599 3000
East Melbourne
9413 0200
Level 1, 141 Grey St, East Melbourne 3002
Gippsland Southern Radiology, Koonwarra Road, Leongatha 3953
5667 5579
Collins Street Medical Imaging, Level 3, 250 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 NEW
9637 6500
Cabrini Hospital, 183 Wattletree Road, Malvern 3144
9508 1444
QV X-Ray, 25 QV Terrace, 292 Swanston Street, Melbourne 3000
9639 7269
Mentone Radiology, 41 Balcombe Road, Mentone 3194
8585 2400
Victoria House Medical Imaging, 316 Malvern Road, Prahran 3181
8697 0100
The Valley Radiology, The Valley Private Hospital, Cnr Police & Gladstone Roads,
8793 4300
Mulgrave 3170
Blackburn Radiology, Suite 4, 195 Whitehorse Road, Blackburn 3130 (Cnr Maple St)
8847 7600
Noble Park
Chandler Road Radiology, 127 Chandler Road, Noble Park 3174
9706 3966
Boronia Radiology, 154 Boronia Road, Boronia 3155
8739 7100
Como Radiology, Como Private Hospital, 152 Como Parade West, Parkdale 3195
9586 3509
Box Hill Radiology, Epworth Eastern Hospital, 1 Arnold Street, Box Hill 3128
9236 1300
Box Hill MRI & NM, Box Hill Hospital, 51 Nelson Road, Box Hill 3128
9890 8660
MRI Central Booking Line
9238 8000
Camberwell Medical Imaging, 566 Riversdale Road, Camberwell 3124
8808 7000
Frankston Private Radiology, Frankston Private Hospital
9238 8000
24-28 Frankston Flinders Road, Frankston 3199
Croydon Radiology, 320 Mount Dandenong Road, Croydon 3136 (Cnr Gordon St)
9725 2611
Frankston Radiology, 19 Hastings Road, Frankston 3199 (opposite Frankston Hospital) 8781 5200
Doncaster-Templestowe Radiology, 2-4 George Street, Doncaster East 3109
9841 9133
Peninsula Private Radiology, Peninsula Private Hospital
Kew Radiology, St Vincent’s Private Hospital, 5 Studley Avenue, Kew 3101
9851 8899
8769 5000
Cnr McClelland Drive & Cranbourne Road, Frankston 3199
Lilydale Radiology, 355 Main Street, Lilydale 3140 (Cnr Berwick St)
9738 8700
Mornington Radiology, Beleura Hospital, 925 Nepean Highway, Mornington 3931
5970 4700
Mont Albert
Mont Albert Radiology, 649 Elgar Road Mont Albert North 3129 (Cnr Belmore Road)
8843 2100
The Bays Radiology, The Bays Private Hospital, 262 Main Street, Mornington 3931
5975 2081
East Ringwood Radiology, 110-114 Mount Dandenong Road, Ringwood East 3135
Ringwood East
9871 7888
Rosebud Radiology, 1535 Point Nepean Road, Rosebud West 3940
5986 9400
(Enter via Grey St)
South East
John Fawkner Radiology, John Fawkner Private Hospital, 275 Moreland Road, Coburg 3058
8378 6100
Bentleigh East
Moorabbin Radiology, 758-760 Centre Rd, Bentleigh East 3165 (opposite Moorabbin Hospital) 9242 8000
Epping Radiology, Epping Medical & Specialist Centre, 230 Cooper Street, Epping 3076 8405 9800
Berwick Medical Imaging, Cnr Langmore Lane & Gloucester Ave, Berwick 3806
8794 2000
Warringal Radiology, Warringal Medical Centre
Cabrini Hospital, 243 New Street, Brighton 3186
9508 5660
9450 2100
Level 2, 214 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg 3084
Caulfield Radiology, Caulfield Hospital, 1st Floor, 260 Kooyong Road, Caulfield 3162
8531 8700
Monash Radiology, Monash Specialist Centre
8540 3400
Hoppers Crossing
Hoppers Crossing Radiology, 267 Heaths Road, Hoppers Crossing 3029
8734 0500
212 Clayton Road, Clayton 3168 (Cnr Dixon St next door to MMC)
Taylors Lakes
Taylors Lakes Radiology, 1 Melton Hwy, Taylors Lakes 3038 (Cnr Sunshine Ave)
9390 6781
Cranbourne Radiology, 201 High Street, Cranbourne 3977
5996 4076
Werribee Mercy Radiology, Werribee Mercy Hospital, 300 Princes Highway, Werribee 3030 8734 0400
Dandenong Radiology, 96-98 David Street, Dandenong 3175 (opposite Dandenong
8710 3500
Wyndham Radiology, Wyndham Private Medical Centre
8734 3000
242 Hoppers Lane, Werribee 3030 (opposite Werribee Mercy Hospital)
Glen Waverley Radiology, 264 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley 3150
Glen Waverley
8541 7600
(Cnr Glen Road, opposite Novotel Hotel)
Your doctor has recommended that you use MIA Radiology. You may choose another provider but please discuss this with your doctor first.


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