Patna ratesupdt.xls


OPD Procedures
4 Suturing of wounds with local anesthesia 5 Aspiration Plural Effusion - Diagnostic 6 Aspiration Plural Effusion - Therapeutic 23 Health Chec k up{ see Annexure (IV-a )for details} Opthalmology
30 Subconjunctival/subtenon’s injections in one eyes 31 Subconjunctival/subtenon’s injections in both eyes 33 Conjunctival peritomy34 Conjunctival wound repair or exploration following blunt 36 Cauterization of ulcer/subconjunctival injection in one eye 37 Cauterization of ulcer/subconjunctival injection in both eyes 38 Corneal grafting—Penetrating keratoplasty 39 Corneal grafting—Lamellar keratoplasty40 Cyanoacrylate /fibrin glue application for corneal perforation 41 Bandage contact lenses for corneal perforation 42 Scleral grafting or conjunctival flap for corneal perforation 43 Keratoconus correction with therapeutic contact lenses44 UV radiation for cross-linking for keratoconus45 EDTA for band shaped keratopathy46 Arcuate keratotomy for astigmatism47 Re-suturing (Primary suturing) of corneal wound 48 Penetrating keratoplasty ---- with glaucoma surgery49 Penetrating keratoplasty --- with vitrectomy,50 Penetrating keratoplasty ---- with IOL im plantation CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

51 DALK- Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty52 Keratoprosthesis stage I and II53 DSAEK- Descemet’s stripping autom ated endothelial 54 ALTK- Automated lamellar therapeutic keratoplasty55 Probing and Syringing of lacrimal sac- in one eye 56 Probing and Syringing of lacrimal sac- in both eye 58 Dacryocystorhinostomy—Plain with intubation, and/or with 59 Dacryocystorhinostomy—conjunctival with implant60 Canaliculoplasty61 Dacryocystectomy 65 Orthoptic check-up- with synoptophore66 Lees’ charting or Hess’ charting67 Orthoptic exercises68 Pleoptic exercises69 Perimetry/field test—Goldman70 Perimetry/field test— automated 71 Fluorescein angiography for fundus or iris 72 Ultrasound A- Scan73 Ultrasound B- Scan74 Indocyanin green angiography75 Corneal endothelial c ell count with specular micropscopy76 Corneal topography77 Corneal pachymetry78 Auto-refraction 80 Potential acuity metry81 Laser interferometry82 OCT- Optical coherence tomography83 HRT- Heidelberg’s retinal tomogram84 GDX--- Nerve fibre layer analyzer 85 UBM- Ultrasound biom icroscopy86 Non Contac t tonometry87 IOP measurement with schiotz88 IOP measurement with applanation tonom etry89 Three mirror examination for retina90 90 D lens examination91 Gonioscopy92 Chalazion incision and curettage in one eye 93 Chalazion incision and curettage in both eyes 94 Ptosis surgery with fasanella servat procedure95 Ptosis surgery with LPS resection96 Ptosis surgery with Sling surgery97 Ectropion surgery- one lid 100 Cantholysis and canthotomy101 Entropion surgery- one lid 105 Lid retraction repair106 Concretions removal CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

107 Bucket handle procedure for lid tumors108 Cheek rotation flap for lid tumors109 Orbitotomy110 Enucleation111 Enucleation with orbital implants and artificial prosthesis 112 Evisceration113 Evisceration with orbital implants and artificial prosthesis 114 Telecanthus correction115 Orbital decompression116 Exenteration 117 Exenteration with skin grafting118 Fracture orbital repair119 Retinal laser procedures120 Retinal detac hment surgery121 Retinal detac hment surgery with scleral buckling122 Buckle removal123 Silicone oil removal124 Anterior retinal cryopexy125 Squint correction for one eye126 Squint correction for both eyes127 Trabeculectomy 128 Trabeculotomy129 Trabeculectomy with Trabeculotomy130 Trephination131 Goniotom y132 Glaucoma surgery with Glaucoma valves133 Cyclocryotherapy134 YAG laser iridotomy 136 ALT-Argon laser trabeculoplasty137 PDT-Photodynamic therapy138 TTT- Transpupillary thermal therapy139 PTK- Phototherapeutic keratectomy140 Argon/diode las er for retina141 Intralase application for keratoconus142 EOG- electro-oculogram143 ERG- Electrio-retinogram144 VEP- visually evoked potential145 Vitrectomy- pars plana146 Intravitreal injections- of antibiotics 147 Intravitreal injections- of avastin148 Intravitreal injections- of lucentis149 X- Ray orbit150 CT-orbit and brain151 MRI- Orbit and brain152 Dacryocystography153 Orbital angio-graphical studies154 ECCE with IOL 156 Phaco with foldable IOL ( silicone and acrylic)/PMMA IOL157 Pars plana lensectomy with/without IOL158 Secondary IOL implantation- AC IOL, PC IOL or scleral 159 Cataract extraction with IOL with c apsular tension rings 160 Optic nerve sheathotom y161 Iridodialysis repair or papillary reconstruction162 Iris cyst removal CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

164 Orbital Abscess incision and drainage165 Biopsy166 Paracentesis167 Scleral graft for scleral melting or perforation168 Amniotic membrane grafting169 Cyclodiathermy170 Intraocular foreign body removal 171 Electrolysis172 Perforating injury repair 173 Botulinum injection for blepharospasm or squint Dental Procedures
174 Flap Operation per quadrant 175 Gingivectomy per quadrant176 Reduction & immobilasation of fracture- Maxilla Under LA 177 Reduction & immobilasation of fracture-Mandible Under LA 178 splints/Cirucum mandibular wiring under LA179 splints/Cirucum mandibular wiring under GA180 Internal wire fixation/plate fixation of Maxilla under LA181 Internal wire fixation/plate fixation of Maxilla under GA182 Internal wire fixation/plate fixation of Mandible under LA183 Internal wire fixation/plate fixation of Mandible under GA184 Extraction per tooth under LA185 Complicated Ext. per Tooth under LA186 Extraction of impacted tooth under LA 187 Extraction in mentally retarded/patients with systemic diseases/patient with special needs under short term GA 188 Cyst & tumour of Maxilla /mandible by enucleation/excision/marsupalisation upto 4 c ms under LA 189 Cyst & tumour of Maxilla/mandible by enucleation/excision/marsupalisation size more than 4 cms under LA 190 Cyst & tumour of Maxilla/mandible by enucleation/excision/marsupalisation size more than 4 cms under GA 191 TM joint ankylosis- under GA192 Biopsy Intraoral-Soft tissue193 Biopsy Intraoral-Bone 194 Hemi-mandibulectomy with graft195 Hemi-mandibulectomy without graft196 Segmental-mandibulectomy with graft197 Segmental-mandibulectomy without graft198 Maxillectomy- Total with graft199 Maxillectomy- Total without graft200 Maxillectomy- partial with graft201 Maxillectomy- partial without graft202 Release of fibrous bands & grafting -in (OSMF) treatment 203 Pre-prosthetic surgery- Alveoloplasty204 Pre-prosthetic surgery - ridge augm entation205 Root canal Treatment(RCT) Anterior teeth206 Root canal Treatment(RCT) Posterior teeth207 Apicoectomy- Single root208 Apicoectomy-Multiple roots209 Metal Crown-per unit CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

210 Metal crown with Acrylic facing per unit211 Complete single denture-metal based212 Complete denture- acrylic based per arch213 Removable partial denture-Metal based-upto 3 teeth214 Removable partial denture-Metal based-more than 3 teeth 215 Removable partial denture-Acrylic based-upto 3 teeth216 Removable partial denture-Acrylic based-more than 3 teeth 217 Amalgum restoration-per tooth218 Composite Restoration-per tooth-anterior tooth219 Glas Ionomer-per tooth220 Scaling & polishing221 Removable Orthodontics appliance- per Arch222 Fixed Orhtodontics-per Arch223 Space maintainers-Fixed224 Habit breaking appliances-removable225 Habit breaking appliances-Fixed226 Expansion plate227 Feeding applianc e for cleft palate228 Maxillo-facial prosthesis (nasal/auricular/orbital/facial lost 229 Functional orthodentic appliances230 Obturator (Maxillo-facial)231 Occlusal night guard(splint) E.N.T.,Head and Neck

232 Pure Tone Audiogram 233 Impedence with stepedeal reflex234 SISI, Tone Decay 235 Multiple hearing assessment test to Adults 236 Speech Discrimination Score 237 Speech Assessment 238 Speech therapy per session of 30-40 minutes 239 Cold Calorie Test for Vestibular function 240 Removal of foreign body From Nose 241 Removal of foreign body From Ear 242 Syringing (Ear)243 Polyp removal under LA244 Polyp removal under GA245 Peritonsillar abscess drainage under LA 246 Myringoplasty 247 Staepedectomy 248 Myringotomy with Grommet insertion249 Tympanotomy 250 Tympanoplasty 251 Mastoidectomy 252 Otoplasty 253 Labyrinthectomy 254 Skull Base surgery 255 Facial Nerve Decompression 256 Septoplasty 257 Submucous Resection 258 Septo-rhinoplasty 259 Rhinoplasty- Non-cosmetic260 Fracture Reduction 261 Intra Nasal Diathermy 262 Turbinectomy CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

263 Endoscopic DCR 264 Endoscopic Surgery 265 Septal Perf. Repair 266 Antrum Puncture 267 Lateral Rhinotom y 268 Cranio-facial resection 269 Caldwell Luc Surgery 270 Angiofibroma Excision 271 Endoscopic Hypophysectomy 272 Endoscopic Optic Nerve Decompression273 Decompression of Orbit274 Punch/Wedge biopsy275 Tonsillectomy276 Uvulo-palatoplasty277 FESS for antrochoanal polyp278 FESS for ethmoidal polyp279 Polyp removal ear280 Polyp removal Nose(Septal polyp)281 Mastoidectomy plus Ossciculoplasty including TORP or 282 Endolymphatic sac decompression283 Diagnostic nasal endoscopy under GA284 Yonges operation for Atrophic rhinitis285 Vidian neurectomy for vasomotor Rhinitis286 Nasal Packing-anterior287 Nasal Packing-posterior288 Ranula Excision 289 Tongue Tie excision 290 Sub Mandibular Duct Lithotomy 291 Adenoidectomy 292 Palatopharyngoplasty 293 Cleft Palate repair at S. No.

294 Pharyngoplasty 295 Styloidectomy 296 Direct laryngoscopy including Biopsy under GA297 oesophagoscopy/foreign body removal from298 Bronchoscopy with F.B.removal Head and Neck
299 Ear Lobe Repair one side 300 Excision of Pinna for Growth (Squamous/Basal/ Injuries) 301 Excision of Pinna for Growth (Squamous/Basal/ Injuries) 302 Partial Amputation of Pinna303 Total Amputation of Pinna304 Total Amputation & Ex cision of External Auditory Meatus 305 Excision of Cystic Hygroma 306 Excision of Cystic Hygroma Extensive 307 Excision of Branchial Cyst 308 Excision of Branchial Sinus 309 Excision of Pharyngeal Diverticulum 310 Excision of Carotid Body-Tumours 311 Operation for Cervical Rib 312 Block Dissection of Cervical Lymph Nodes 313 Pharyngectomy & Reconstruction 314 Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge-Excision CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

315 Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Vermilionectomy 316 Operation for Carcinoma Lip - Wedge Excision and 317 Estlander Operation 318 Abbe Operation 319 Cheek Advancement 320 Excision of the Maxilla321 Excision of mandible-segmental322 Mandibulectomy323 Partial Glossectomy324 Hemiglossectomy 325 Total Glossectomy 326 Commondo Operation 327 Parotidectomy - Superficial 328 Parotidectomy - Total329 Parotidectomy - Radical330 Repair of Parotid Duct 331 Removal of Submandibular Salivary gland 332 Hemithyroidectomy 333 Partial Thyroidectomy (lobectomy)334 Subtotal Thyroidectomy 335 Total Thyroidectomy 336 Resection Enucleation of thyroid Adenom a 337 Total Thyroidectomy and Block Dissection 338 Excision of Lingual Thyroid 339 Excision of Thyroglossal Cyst/Fistula 340 Excision of Parathyroid Adenom a/Carcinoma341 Laryngectomy 342 Laryngo Pharyngectomy 343 Hyoid Suspension 344 Genioplasty 345 Direct Laryngoscopy including biopsy under GA At

346 Phonosurgery 347 Fibroptic examination of Larynx under LA 348 Microlaryngeal Surgery 349 Laryngofissure 350 Tracheal Stenosis Excision Head and neck cancer
363 Radical mastectomy-formal or modified.
General surgery
Injury Of Superficial Soft Tissues


374 Excision Biopsy of Superficial Lumps 383 Excision of Superficial Neurofibroma 388 Vericose vein surgery;Tendelenburg operation with suturing or ligation.
389 Atresia of Oesophagus and Tracheo Oesophageal Fis tula 390 Operations for Replacement of Oesophagus by Colon391 Oesophagectomy for Carcinoma Easophagus 392 Oesophageal Intubation ( Mausseau Barbin Tube)393 Achalasia Cardia Transthoracic 394 Achalasia Cardia Abdom inal 395 Oesophago Gas trectomy for mid 1/3 lesion 397 Colon-Inter position or Replacement of Oesophagus398 Oesophago Gas trectomy – Lower Corringers procedure 400 Gastric & Duodenal Biops y (Endoscopic) 403 Simple Closure of Perforated peptic Ulcer 404 Vagotomy Pyleroplasty / Gastro Jejunostomy 406 Partial/Subtotal Gas trectomy for Carcinoma 407 Partial/Subtotal Gas trectomy for Ulcer CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

424 Rare Hernias Repair (Spigalion, Obtur ator, Lumbar, Sciatic) 429 Direct Operation on Oes ophagus for Portal Hypertension 433 By Pass Procedure for Inoperable Carcinoma of Pancreas 434 Cystojejunostomy or Cystogastrostomy 436 Cholecystectomy & Exploration of CBD 440 Hepatic Resections (Lobectomy /Hepatectomy) 441 Operation on Adrenal Glands - Bilateral 442 Operation on Adrenal Glands - Unilateral for Tumour 449 Resection & Anastomosis of Small Intestine 451 Operation for Intestinal Obstruction 452 Operation for Intestinal perforation 455 Operations for Haemorrhage of Small Intestines 456 Operations of the Duplication of the Intestines 457 Operations for Recurrent Intestinal Obstruction (Noble Plication & Other Operations for Adhesions) 467 Operations for Volvulus of Large Bowel 468 Operations for Sigmoid Diverticulitis 469 Fissure in Ano with inter nal sphinctrectomy with 472 Operation of Haemorrhoids -Lords procedure CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

478 Operations for Hirschsprungs Disease 480 Abdomino-Perineal Excision of Rectum ICU/CCU procedures ( Special Care Cases)
484 Coronary Care with Cardiac Monitoring including ECG & Diet 492 Pneupack ventilator in Nursery (Per day) Cardiovascular and cardiac surgery & inv estigations
516 Heart transplant517 Balloon coronary angioplasty/PTCA 520 Directional atherectomy521 Rotablation 527 Permanent pacemaker implantation- DDD 528 Permanent pacemaker implantation Biventr icular CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

534 Intra vascular coils one coil( additional coil charges extra) 538 Digital substraction angiography-Pheripheral artery539 Digital substraction angiography- venogram540 Venous DSA541 C.T Guided biops y542 Sinogram543 Cine -Barium544 CT guided PTA545 DSA + PTA546 Embolisation 547 IVUS548 Vascular stent549 Aortic stent graft for aortic aneurysm550 IVC Filter Listed


554 echocardiography echo adultHolter analysis 558 Stress Thallium - exrercise559 Stress Thallium - pharmacological560 Coronary angiography 561 CT coronary angiography562 Cardiac CT scan563 Cardiac MRI564 MR angiography.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
565 Normal delivery or with Episiotomy & P. repair 566 vaccum delivery567 Low Forceps 568 Low midcavity forceps 569 Cesarean Section 570 Cesarean Hysterectomy 571 Rupture Uterus, closure & repair with Tubal Ligation 572 Perforation of Uterus after D/E ,Laparotomy & Closure573 Laparotomy for Ectopic Rupture 574 Laparotomy-peritonitis Lavage and Dr ainage575 Laparotomy-failed laparoscopy to explore 576 Salphingectomy 577 Salphingo-Oophorectomy 578 Ovarean Cystectomy-laparoscopic. CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

579 Ovarean Cystectomy -laparotomy. 580 Ophorectomy-laparoscopic 581 Oophorectomy-laparotomy 582 Broad Ligment Haem otoma Drainage 583 Exploration of perineal Haem atoma & Resuturing of 584 Exploration of abdominal Haematoma (after laparotomy + 585 Internal podalic version and breech extraction 586 Manual Rem oval of Placenta 587 3rd stage Com plication from extra-institutional deliver y etc 588 Examination under anaesthesia 589 Burst-abdomen Repair 590 Gaping Pareneal W ound Secondary Suturing591 Gaping abdom inal wound Sec ondary Suturing592 Complete perineal tear-repair 593 Exploration of PPH-tear repair 594 Destructive Operation 595 Suction evacuation vesicular mole, Missed abortion D/E596 Colpotomy-drainage P/V needling EUA 597 Repair of post-coital tear, perineal injury 598 Excision of urethral caruncle 599 Shirodhkar, Mc. Donalds stich 600 Abdominal Hysterectomy 602 Myomectomy -laparotomy603 Myomectomy -laparoscopic604 Vaginoplasty 605 Laparotomy for Ectopic Pregnancy 606 Vulvectomy -Simple607 Vulvectomy-Radical 608 RVF Repair609 Manchester Operations 610 Perineorrhaphy 611 Colporrhaphy with mesh. 612 Colporrhaphy without mesh. 613 Enterocoel repair614 Shirodkar’s sling Operation or other sling operations for 615 Laparoscopic sling operations for prolapse uterus616 Diagnostic Curettage 617 Fractional Curettage 618 D & C and Cer vical Biopsy 619 Polypectomy 620 Other-Minor Operation Endom etrial 621 Excision Vaginal Cyst/Burtholin Cyst 622 Excision Vaginal Septum 623 Laparoscopy -Diagnostic with chromopertubation624 Laparoscopy Sterilisation 625 Laparoscopy Operative 626 Laparoscopy LAVH 627 Total laparscopic hysterectomy628 Drilling of Overy 629 Laparascopic treatment of Ectopic pregnancy-salpingectomy 630 Laparotomy treatment of Ectopic pregnancy.
631 Conisation of cervix CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

632 Trachleorraphy of cervix for early CA cervix633 Hysteroscopic cannulation634 Laparotomy recannulation of Fellopian tubes -(Tubuloplasty) 635 Laparoscopic recannulation of Fellopian tubes - 637 LEETZ(Large Loop Excision of Transformation Zone)638 Loop Electro Surgical procedures.
639 Chorionic Villi sampling640 Interventional Ultrasonography 641 Amneocentosis642 Karyotyping Listed

643 Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation644 Thermal ballon ablation.
645 Ultrasonographic myolysis646 Laparoscopic cystectomy647 Intra Uterine Insemination648 ICSI649 Anti Retroviral Therapy.
650 Laparotomy abdominal scaro-colpopexy651 Laparotomy Vault suspension652 Laparscopic abdominal scaro-colpopexy653 Laparoscopic Vault suspension654 Laparotomy radical Lymphedenectomy655 Laparoscopic radical Lymphedenectomy656 Pap smear Listed

658 Transvaginal sonography (TVS for Follicular 659 laparoscopic treatment for stress incontinence660 Transvaginal tubes for Stress incontinence661 trans-obturator tubes for Stress incontinence662 Interventional radiographic arterial embolisation663 Diagnosticcystoscopy 664 Staging laparotomy surgery for CA Overy665 Internal Iliac ligation666 stepwise devascularisation667 Assisted breech delivery668 Cordocentesis669 Intra-uterine fetal blood transfusion670 Hysteroscopy TCRE 671 Hysteroscopy Removal of IUCD 672 Hysteroscopy Removal of Septum 673 Hysteroscopy Diagnostic 674 Werthimas Hystrectomy for Cancer cervix 675 Sterilisation Post ertum 676 Sterilisation Intravaginal 677 Abortion- D & C 678 Abortion- Evacuation 679 MTP- 1st Trimester 680 MTP - 2nd Trimester CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

681 Triple test682 Quadriple test683 Biophysical score684 Fetal nuechal translucency685 HPV testing686 BLCG Nephrology and urology.
688 Partial Nephrectomy-laproscopic/endoscopic 690 Nephrolithomy -laproscopic/endoscopic 692 Pyelolithotomy -laproscopic/endoscopic 693 Operations for Hydronephrosis -pyeloplasty open 694 Operations for Hydronephrosis -pyeloplasty Lap/endoscopic 695 Operations for Hydronephrosis Endoplyelotomy antegrade 696 Operations for Hydronephrosis Endoplyelotomy retrograde 697 Operations for Hydronephrosis -ureterocalicostomy 698 Operations for Hydronephrosis-Ileal ureter 700 Percutaneous Drainage of Perinephric Abscess -Ultrasound 702 Operations for Cyst of the Kidney -open 703 Operations for Cyst of the Kidney -Lap/endoscopic 708 Operations for Ureter for -Double Ureters 709 Operations for Ureter -for Ectopia of Single Ureter 710 Operations for Vesico- ureteric Reflux -Open 711 Operations for Vesico- ureteric Reflux-Lap/Endoscopic 712 Operations for Vesico- ureteric Reflux-with bulking agents 718 Diathermy Destruction of Bladder Neoplasm 720 Operations for Injuries of the Bladder 721 Suprapubic Drainage (Cystostomy/vesicostomy) 725 Diverticulectomy -Endoscopic incision of neck 727 Operations for Extrophy of the Bladder- Single stage repair 728 Operations for Extrophy of the Bladder- Multistage repair 729 Operations for Extrophy of the Bladder- simple cystectomy CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

731 Repair of Ureterocoel -Lap/Endoscopic 732 Repair of Ureterocoel -Endoscopic incision 735 Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) 738 Internal urethrotomy -Core through urethroplasty 739 Urethral Reconstruction -End to end ans atamosis 740 Urethral Reconstruction - substitution urethroplasty 741 Posterior Urethal Valvu fulguration. 742 Operations for Incontinence of Urine - Male -Open 743 Operations for Incontinence of Urine - Male -Sling 744 Operations for Incontinence of Urine - Male-Bulking agent 745 Operations for Incontinence of Urine - Female -Open 746 Operations for Incontinence of Urine - Female-Sling 747 Operations for Incontinence of Urine - Female-Bulking agent 752 Operations for Hypospadias + Chordee Correction 753 Operations for Hypospadias - Second Stage 754 Operations for Hypospadias - One Stage Repair 756 Operations for Epispadias _primary repair 757 Operations for Epispadias-crippled epispaedias 762 Orchidectomy -Post orchidectomy retroperitoneal lynpy node 764 Adreneclectomy Unilateral/Bilateral for Tumour/For 765 Adreneclectomy Unilateral/Bilateral for Tumour/For 766 Operations for Hydrocele - Unilateral 767 Operations for Hydrocele - Bilateral 768 Vasectomy (Should be free for Family Welfare) 770 Micro-surgical Vasovasostomy /Vaso epidedymal 771 Operations for Varicocele Palomo’s Unilateral-Microsurgical 772 Operations for Varicocele Palomo’s Unilateral - 773 Operations for Varicocele Palomo’s Bilateral --Microsurgical 774 Operations for Varicocele Palomo’s Bilateral - 775 Block Dissection of Inguinal Nodes - One Side 776 Block Dissection of Inguinal Nodes - Both Sides CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

779 Emergency Dialysis Subclavian Puncture S.No.1287
781 Dialysis Femoral Catheterisation Bilateral 782 Haemo Dialysis-For sero negative cases S.No.1289
783 Haemo Dialysis -FOR SERO POSIT IVE CASES S.No.1290
785 Continuous Arterio Venus Haemofiltration at S.No.

at S.No.

at S.No.

791 Renal Transplantation 792 Lymphocoel Post transplant793 Transplant Nephrectomy 794 Bilateral Nephrouretectomy (Native) 795 Vascular Prosthetic Graft 796 CAPD 801 Gil-Verner’s Extended Pyelolithotomy 802 Radical Nephrectomy Nephrectomy -Open 803 Radical Nephrectomy Nephrectomy -Lap/Endoscopic 805 Radical Nephrectomy plus IV thrombus plus cardiac bypass.
808 Radical Cystectomy - continent diversion.
813 Ureteric Reimplant for Megaureter,Vesicoureteric 820 Orchidopexy - Unilateral- Lap/Endoscopic CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

822 Orchidopexy - Bilateral -Lap/Endoscopic 824 Endoscopic Removal of Stone in Bladder 825 Resection Bladder Neck Endoscopic /Bladden nec k incision/transurethral incision on prostrate 830 Dilatation of Stricture Urethra under G.A. 831 Dilatation of Stricture Urethra under LA 833 Retroperitoneoscopy partial Nephrectomy 834 Retroperitoneoscopic nephrolithotomy 836 Retroperitoneoscopic operation for Hyderonephrosis 837 Retroperitoneoscopic surgery for Renal cyst 838 Retroperitoneoscopic ureterolithotomy 839 Retroperitoneoscopic Nephroureteroectomy 841 Laproscopic operation for varicocele 842 Lithotripsy Extra corporeal shock wave. 845 Cystoscopy with Retrograde Catheter -Unilateral /RGP 846 Cystoscopy with Retrograde Catheter - Bilateral /RGP 848 Voiding-cysto-urethrogram and retrograde urethrogram 852 Hilioum Laser Prostrate surgery/ Optical Internal urethrotomy/Core through/Stone lithotr ypsy/Bladder tumour 853 High Intensity Focus Ultrasound (HIFU) Robotic for Carcinoma prostrate and renal cell carcinoma 854 Prosthetic surgery for urinary incontinence855 Ultra sound guided Biops y Neuro-surgery
856 Craniotomy and Evacuation of Haematoma -Subdural 857 Craniotomy and Evacuation of Haematoma -Extradural 858 Evacuation /Excision of Brain Abscess by craniotomy 859 Excision of Lobe (Frontal, Temporal, Cerebellum etc.)860 Excision of Brain Tumours -Supratentotial 861 Excision of Brain Tumours -Infratentorial 862 Surgery of spinal Cord Tumours 863 Ventriculoatrial /Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt864 Twist Drill Craniostomy 865 Subdural Tapping 866 Ventricular Tapping 867 Abscess Tapping 868 Placement of ICP Monitor - 869 Urokinase Therepy for ICH - 870 Skull Traction Application 871 Lumber Pressure Monitoring 872 Vascular Malformations 873 Theco-peritoneal Shunt 874 Meningo Encephalocoeleexcision and repair CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

875 Meningomyelocoel 876 C.S.F. Rhinor rhaea 877 Cranioplasty 878 Posterior Cervical Dissectomy 879 Anterior Cervical Dissectomy 880 Brachial Plexus Exploration Microsuturing 881 Median Nerve Decompression 882 Peripheral Neurectomy (Tirgeminal) 883 Trigeminal Rhiotom y 884 Cranial Nerve Anastomosis 885 Peripheral Nerve Surgery – Major 886 Peripheral Nerve Surgery Minor 887 Ventriculo-Atrial Shunt (without valve)888 Nerve Biopsy889 Brain Biopsy 890 Anterior Cervical Spine Surgery with fusion891 Anterior Lateral Decompression of spine 892 Brain Mapping 893 Cervical or Dorsal or Lumbar Laminectomy 894 Combined Trans-oral Surgery & CV Junction Fusion 895 C.V. Junction Fusion procedures896 Depressed Fracture 897 Discectomy 898 Endarterectomy 899 R.F. Lesion for Trigeminal Neuralgia - 900 Spasticity Surgery - 901 Spinal Fusion Procedure 902 Spinal Intra Medullary Tumours 903 Spinal Bifida Surgery Major 904 Spina Bifida Surgery Minor 905 Stereotaxic Procedures- biopsy/aspiration906 Trans Sphenoidal Sur gery 907 Trans Oral Surgery 908 Implantation of DBS -One electrode909 Implantation of DBS -two electrodes910 Endoscopic adueductoplasty911 Facial nerve reconstruction912 Recanelisation of venous sinuses913 Carotid stenting914 Cervical disc arthroplasty915 Lumbar disc arthroplasty916 Corpus callosectomy917 Hemishpherectomy918 Endoscopic CSF rhinorrhea rapair919 Burr hole evacuation of chronic subdural haematoma 920 Microsurgical excision of Acoustic tomour921 Microsurgical excision of meningomas922 Epilepsy surgery923 RF lesion for facet pain syndrome924 Cervical laminoplasty925 Lateral mass C1-C2 screw fixation926 Microsurgical decompression for Trigeminal nerve 927 Cerebellar stimulation for hemifacial spasm928 Cerebellar stimulation for other cranial nerve neuralgia929 IC EC bypass procedures930 Steriotactic guided craniotomy931 Baclofen pump implantation lesioning for movement disorder CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

932 Programmable VP shunt933 Endoscopic sympathectomy934 Lumber puncture935 External ventricular drainage936 Image guided s urgeryExcision of tethored937 Endoscopic 3rd ventriculostomy938 Endoscopic cranial surgery/Biopsy/aspiration/aneurysm 939 Endoscopic discectomy940 Aneurysm coiling 941 Endoscopic spinal procedure- aneurysm coiling 942 Surgery for groving skull fractures-aneurysm coiling 943 carpel Tunnel decompression944 Clipping of intracranial aneurysm with use of stent945 Surgery for intracranial Arteriovenous malformarions(AVM) 946 Endovascular procedure/embolisation947 4 vessels cerebral angiography948 Foramen magnum decompression949 Foramen magnum decompression with syringosubarachnoid 950 Dorsal column stimulation for bachache in failed back 951 Surgery for recurrent disc prolapse/epidural fibrosis952 Surgery for brain stem tumours953 Programmable shunts954 Decompressive cranectomy for hemishpherical acute subdural haematoma/brain swelling/large infarct 955 Intra arterial thrombolysis with tPA for ischemic stroketTpa- 956 steriotactic aspiration of intracerebral haematoma957 Endoscopic aspiration of intracerebellar haematoma958 Steriotactic Radiosurgery for brain pathology(X 959 Steriotactic Radiosurgery for brain pathology(X 960 Chemotheraphy wafers for malignant brain tumours Paediatric surgery
961 Excision of thyroglossal Duct/Cyst 962 Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair (Thoracic or Abdominal 963 Tracheo Oesophageal Fis tula (Correction Surgery)964 Colon Replac ement of Oesophagus 965 Omphalo Mesenteric Cyst Excision 966 Omphalo Mesenteric Duct- Excision 967 Meckels Diverticulectomy 968 Omphalocele 1st Stage (Hernia Repair) 969 Omphalocele 2nd Stge ( Hernia Repair) 970 Gastrochisis Repair 971 Inguinal Herniotomy 972 Congenital Hydrocele 973 Hydrocele of Cord 974 Torsion Testis Operation 975 Congenital Pyloric Stenosis- operation 976 Duodenal- Atresia Operation 977 Pancreatic Ring Operation 978 Meconium Ileus Operation 979 Malrotation of Intestines Operation CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

983 Abdominal Perineal Pull Through (Hirschaprugis Disease) 984 Imperforate Anus Low Anom aly -Cut Back Operation 985 Imperforate Anus Low Anom aly - Perineal Anoplasty 986 Imperforate Anus High Anom aly -Sacroabdomino Perineal 987 Imperforate Anus High Anom aly - Closure of Colostomy 988 Intususception Operation 989 Choledochoduodenos tomy for Atresia of Extra Hepatic 990 Operation of Choledochal Cyst 991 Nephrectomy for -Pyonephrosis 992 Nephrectomy for - Hydronephrosis 993 Nephrectomy for -Wilms Tumour 994 Paraortic Lymphadenoctomy with Nephrectomy for Wilms 995 Sacro-Coccygeal Teratoma Excision 996 Neuroblastoma Debulking 997 Neuroblastoma Total Excision 998 Rhabdom yosarcoma wide Excision 999 Congenital Atr esia & Stenosis of Small Intestine 1000 Muconium ileus 1001 Mal-rotation & Volvulus of the Midgut 1002 Excision of Meckle’s Deverticulum 1003 Primary Suturing of Wound 1004 Injection of Keloids - Ganglion 1005 Injection of Keloids - Haemangioma 1006 Free Grafts - Wolfe Grafts 1007 Free Grafts - Theirech- Small Area 5% 1008 Free Grafts - Large Area 10% 1009 Free Grafts - Very Large Area 20% and above.
1010 Skin Flaps - Rotation Flaps 1011 Skin Flaps - Advancement Flaps 1012 Skin Flaps - Direct- cross Leg Flaps- Cross Arm Flap 1013 Skin Flaps - Cross Finger 1014 Skin Flaps - Abdominal 1015 Skin Flaps - Thoracic 1016 Skin Flaps - Arm Etc. 1017 Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps Raising 1018 Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps Delay 1019 Subcutaneous Pedicle Flaps Transfer 1020 Cartilate Grafting 1021 Reduction of Facial Fractures of Nose 1022 Reduction of Facial Fractures of Maxilla 1023 Reduction of Fractures of Mandible & Max illa - Eye Let 1024 Reduction of Fractures of Mandible & Max illa - Cast Netal 1025 Reduction of Fractures of Mandible & Max illa - Gumming 1026 Internal W ire Fixation of Mandible & Max illa1027 Cleft Lip - repair.
1028 Cleft Palate Repair 1029 Primary Bone Grafting for alveolar cleft in Cleft Lip CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

1030 Secondary Surgery for Cleft Lip Deformity 1031 Secondary Surgery for Cleft Palate 1032 Reconstruction of Eyelid Defects - Minor 1033 Reconstruction of Eyelid Defects - Major 1034 Plastic Surgery of Different Regions of the Ear - Minor1035 Plastic Surgery of Different Regions of the Ear - Major 1036 Plastic Surgery of the Nose - Minor 1037 Plastic Surgery of the Nose - Major 1038 Plastic Surgery for Facial Paralysis (Support with 1039 Pendulous Breast - Mammoplasty 1040 Underdeveloped Breast Mammoplasty1041 After Mastectomy (Reconstruction)Mammoplasty1042 Syndactyly Repair 1043 Dermabrasion Face 1044 upto 30% Bur ns 1st Dressing 1045 upto 30% Bur ns Subsequent Dressing 1046 30% to 50% Bur ns 1st Dressing 1047 30% to 50% Bur ns Subsequent Dressing 1048 Extensive Burn -above 50% Fr ist Dressing1049 Extensive Burn -above 50% Subs equent dressing Orthopedics
Plaster Work

1078 Application of P.O.P Cas ts for Upper & Lower Limbs 1079 Application of Functional Cast Brace 1082 Bandage & Str appings for Fractures 1083 Aspiration & Intra Articular Injections CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

1084 Application of P.O.P Spices & Jackets 1085 Close Reduction of Fractures of Limb & P.O.P 1087 Open Reduc tion & Internal Fixation of Fingurs & Toes 1088 Open Reduc tion offracture of Long Bones of Upper / Lower 1089 Open Reduc tion of fracture of Long Bones of Upper / Lower 1093 Excision or other Operations for Scaphoid Fractures 1095 Sequestrectomy & Saucerizations -Arthrotomy 1096 Multiple Pinning Fr acture Neck Femur 1097 Nail Plate Fixations for Fracture Neck Femur 1098 A.O.Com pression Procedures for Fracture Neck Femur 1099 Open Reduc tion of Fracture Neck Femur Muscle Pedicle 1102 Open Reduc tion of Fracture Dislocation & Internal Fixation 1108 Laminectomy, Excision Disc and Tumours 1109 Spinal Ostectomy and Internal Fixations 1110 Anterolateral decompression for tuberculosis/ Costo- 1111 Antereolateral Decompression and Spinal Fus ion 1112 Corrective Ostectomy & Internal Fixation - short bones 1113 Corrective Ostectomy & Internal Fixation - long bones 1116 Soft Tissue Operations for C.T.E.V. 1120 Operations for Brachial Plexus & Cervical Rib 1126 Amputations -Hind Quarter and Hem ipelvectomy 1131 Arthroscopy-therapeutic: without implant 1132 Arthroscopy-therapeutic: with implant 1133 Soft Tissue Operation on JOINTS -SMALL 1134 Soft Tissue Operation on JOINTS -LARGE 1135 Myocutaneous and Fasciocutaneous FlaP Procedures for CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

1147 Pelvi-acetebular fracture -internal fixation physiotherapy
1148 Ultrasonic therapy 1149 S.W. Diathermy 1150 Electrical stimulation (therapeutic) 1151 Muscle testing and diagnos tic 1152 Infra red 1153 U.V. Therapeutic dose 1154 Intermittent Lumbar Traction 1155 Intermittent Cervical traction 1156 Wax bath 1157 Hot pack 1158 Breathing Exercises & Postural Drainage 1159 Cerebral Palsy – exercise 1160 Post – polio exercise Nuclear Medicine.
131-lodine Therapy

1161 131-lodine Therapy <15mCi 1162 131-lodine Therapy 15-50mCi 1163 131-lodine Therapy 51-100mCi 1164 131-lodine Therapy >100mCi 1165 Phosphorus-32 therapy for metastatic bone pain palliation 1166 Samarium-153 therapy for metastatic bone pain palliation Radiotherapy and Chem otherapy
Cobalt 60 therapy
Linear accelerat or
1170 Radical therapy1171 Palliative therapy1172 3 D Planning 1173 2 D Planing1174 IMRT(Intensity Modulated r adiotherapy)1175 SRT (Stereotactic radiotherapy)1176 SRS(Stereotactic radio surgery)1177 IGRT(Image guided radiotherapy)1178 Respiratory Gating-alongwith Linear accelerator planning 1179 Electron beam with Linear accelerator 1180 Tomotherapy Brachytherapy- High Dose radiat ion

1193 PICC line (peripherally inserted Central canulisation) List of procedures/ t ests in Gastroenterology
A) Endoscopic procedures
a. Upper G.I. Endos copy + Lower G.I. Endos copy
1194 a. Diagnos tic endoscopy1195 b. Endos copic biopsy1196 c. Endoscopic mucosal resection1197 d. Oesophageal stricture dilatation1198 e. Balloon dilatation of achalasia cardia1199 f. Foreign body removal1200 g. Oesophageal stenting1201 h. Band ligation of oesophageal varices1202 i. Sclerotherapy of oesophageal varices1203 j. Glue inj ection of varices1204 k. Argon plasma coagulation1205 l. Pyloric balloon dilatation1206 m. Enteral stenting1207 n. Duodenal s tricture dilation1208 o. Single balloon enter ocopy1209 p. Double balloon enter oscopy1210 q. Capsule endoscopy1211 r. Polypectomy1212 s. Piles banding1213 t. Colonic stricture dilatation1214 u. Hot biops y forceps procedures1215 v. Colonic stenting1216 w. Junction biopsy1217 x. Narrow band im aging1218 y. Conjugal microscopy 1219 a. Diagnos tic ERCP1220 b. Endos copic sphincterotomy1221 c. CBD s tone extraction1222 d. CBD s tricture dilatation1223 e. Biliary stenting (plastic and metallic)1224 f. Mechanical lithotripsy of CBD stones1225 g. Pancreatic sphincterotomy1226 h. Pancreatic stricture dilatation1227 i. Pancreatic stone extraction1228 j. Mechanical lithotripsy of pancreatic stones1229 k. Endoscopic cysto gastrostomy1230 l. Balloon dilatation of papilla CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA


1233 c. Ultrasound guided FNAC1234 d. Ultrasound guided abs cess drainage1235 e. PTBD 1236 f. Biliary stenting S.No.1223
1237 a. Diagnos tic angiography1238 b. Vascular embolization1239 c. TIPS 1240 d. Trans jugular liver biopsy1241 e. IVC gr aphy + hepatic veinography1242 f. Balloon angioplas ty1243 g. Muscular stenting1244 h. BRT O1245 i. Portal haemodynamic studies 1246 a. Oes ophageal PH m etry1247 b. Oesophageal m anometry1248 c. Small bowel manometry1249 d. Anorectal manometry1250 e. Colonic manometry1251 f. Biliary manometry1252 E. Sengs taken blackenesse tube tem ponade1253 F. Lintas machles tube temponade G. Bichemistry ,Serology and Molecular biology Listed

1255 b. Fecal fat test/ fecal chymotrypsin/ fecal elastase Listed


1257 d. H pylori serology for ciliac disease Listed



1268 a. CBD s tones1268 b. Pancreatic duct stones1270 I. Liver biopsy CGHS RATES 2011 PATNA

Nephrological procedures
1271 Internal jugular cannulization1272 Renal Biopsy1273 Transplant Biopsy1274 Acute P.D. catheterization1275 Cont. Renal Replac ement Therapy1276 SLED (Slow Efficiency Dialysis)1277 Permacath Insertion1278 CAPD ( Insertion and Rem oval )1279 Femoral Access1280 Subclavian Access1281 Partial Nephrectomy at

1282 Nephrolithotomy- Laproscopic/endoscopic at

1283 Pyelolithotomy-laproscopic/ endoscopic at

1284 pyeloplasty -Lap/ Endoscopic1285 Ureterolithotomy- Lap/ Endoscopic at


1288 Dialysis Femoral Catheterization Bilateral1289 Haemodialysis- For Sero negative cases1290 Haemodialysis- For Sero positive cases1291 Double lum an sub clavian catheter 1292 Continuous Arterio Venous Haemofiltration1293 Plasma Exchange1294 Donor nephrectomy- Open at


at S.No.


at S.No.


Intracranial arteriovenous.qxd

Radiosurgery Practice Guideline Initiative Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Patients with Practice Guideline Report #2-03 ORIGINAL GUIDELINE: September 2003 MOST RECENT LITERATURE SEARCH: September 2003 This practice guideline, together with a report on "Intracranial ArteriovenousMalformations (AVM): Overview" is an original guideline approved by the IRSA®(International RadioS

Si j’avais su … bilan de 10 ans de maladie de parkinson

Si j’avais su … Bilan de 10 ans avec la Maladie de Parkinson. (Paolo 20.12.07) Né en 1930, j’ai reçu le diagnostic de la maladie de Parkinson au printemps 1997, donc à l’âge de 67 ans. Je ne connaissais cette maladie que par les images de Casius Clay et du Pape Giovanni- Paolo II. Mais je n’avais aucune idée sur l’évolution de la maladie et sur les thérapies à utiliser

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