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Name: Ehud Bodner

Address: 15 Hacabaim st. Ramat-Gan, 52275, Israel
Tel: +972-3- 5744580, Fax: +972-3-6761134
I.D : 5599242/4
Place of Birth: Petah Tikva, Israel
Date of Birth: 4 July 1959
Marital Status: Married + 3 children
Degree Institution
B.A. Bar-Ilan University, Psychology (with Tel-Aviv University; Clinical Psychology (with Distinction). Bar - Ilan University, Psychology, (with the Highest Distinction) Learned helplessness and the occurrence of depressive like and paranoid-like responses: The role of attentional focus." SUPERVISOR: Prof. Mario Mikulincer


1. Psychopathology - a cognitive perspective 2. Music and Emotions 3. Psychology of music 4. Medical Psychology 5. Suicide 6. Ageism and Social perceptions of the elders

1. Specialist and instructor in clinical and in medical psychology (licensed by the 2. Specialist in practicing hypnosis, and in the scientific instruction of hypnosis 3. Specialist in practicing CBT, and in the scientific instruction of CBT (licensed by HISTORY OF ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS

Appointment (Work
Teaching of the psychology courses at the Music Department; Bar-Ilan University (voluntarily with no nomination, due to being a career officer in the IDF). 2000-2001 Ashkellon's College, , The Interdisciplinary Sciences Department and the Social Work department: Teaching (An outside teacher by hours). Ph.D. Instructor and teaching psychology courses at the Music Department; and at the Interdisciplinary Department for Social Sciences; Bar-Ilan University Lecturer and teaching psychology courses at the Music Department; and at the Interdisciplinary Department for Social Sciences; Bar-Ilan University. Senior Lecturer with tenure at the Music Department and at the Interdisciplinary Department for Social Sciences; Bar-Ilan Appointment
The Dean of the Social Sciences Faculty award for achievements in the range of the upper 3 percent of the students in the Psychology Department; Bar-Ilan University. The Dean of the Social Sciences Faculty award for achievements in the range of the upper 3 percent of the students in the Psychology Department; Bar-Ilan University. The M. Fooler Grant for excelling graduate students and a scholarship for MA students; Tel- A scholarship for PhD students; Bar-Ilan University A grant from the "Israel National Institute for the study of Medical services and Medical I submitted with my colleagues (Dr. Hanser and Dr. Gilboa) a research proposal ("Decoding of emotions in music - A cultural perspective") to the "United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation". The proposal received very positive evaluations (by 4 out of 5 reviewers, see the attached reviews for application), but was not supported because no funds were available for PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES
Senior Mental Health officer of Division (Major) Chief of Medical Psychology Unit in Medical Specialists Center in Sarafend (Major). Chief of the Mental Health Clinic of the Intelligence force (Major). Head of Control and Clinical Research Branch - Mental Health Dept Medical Corps A Member of the Helsinki committee of the Medical Corps. 1989-Present A member of the Israeli Psychological association, the Israeli society of Hypnosis, The Israeli society for CBT (since 2004) An active Reviewer of Archives of Suicide Research (since 2007), and of Israeli 2007-Present Journal of Psychiatry (since 2008)
Statistics, Research Methods; Theories in Personality, Cognitive Psychology; Seminar in imagination and memory (2 semesters); Developmental Psychology (one semester) Psychopathology, Methods in Psychotherapy, Group Therapy (2 semesters); The Therapeutic Interview, Seminar in emotion and imagination in musical expression (one semester)
M.A. Students
In the past:
Tal-Or Hana: Is there "A aood enough" repetition in music therapy?
Fredkin Dafna: " Characteristics of the oriental "tearful songs" ("Shirey dikaon") and the role they
play among adolescents.".
Michal Elkaim: "The effect of music on the recovery from supra-maximal exercise"
Aharoni Ronit: "Does listening to vocal improvisations promote recognition of emotions in human
voice among patients suffering from social phobia?"
Being supervised today:
Edna Neuman: "Mutual perceptions and attitudes of teachers and music therapists towards music
therapy as a profession in mainstream education schools."
Erez Gorelov: The intergenerational family: ageist perceptions among immigrants from the former
USSR and Israeli born.
Einat Assa-Polansky: Perceptions of Music therapist of emotions in musical improvisation as
predicting successful therapy – A comparative study – not submitted yet.

Ph. D Students
Michal Yanko: "The effect of a comprehensive musical program on basic psychological needs of
young elementary school children." – not submitted yet.
Maya Marom: Musical aspects of echolalia: A theoretical examination and implementation to
music therapy." – not submitted yet. (supervised with Dr. Avi Gilboa).


1. Iancu, I., Bodner, E. (2008). Smoking and suicide: another concern in women's mental
health. In M. K. Wesley & I. A. Sternbach (Eds.), Smoking and women's health research (pp. 199-215). NY: Nova Science Publishers. 2. Bodner, E., & Iancu, I. (2008). An integrative perspective over dissociation and eating
disorders in women. In J. N. Fuchs (Ed.), Eating Disorders in Adult Women. (pp. 95-112). NY: Nova Science Publishers. 3. Bodner, E. (2008). Solider Suicide: A Victimological Perspective. In N. Ronel, K.
Jaishankar, & M. Bensimon (Eds.), Trends and Issues in Victimology (pp. 264-282) Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. א ןורוד ךותב .לארשיב םיריעצ םישנאב תוינליג תודמע .(םוסרפב א

1. Bodner E. & Barak, Y. (1995). Letter to the editor: "Visual perception in schizophrenic
patients", European Psychiatry, 10, 320.
2. Barak, Y., Bodner, E., Achiron, A., Ring, A., Stier, S. Perceptual conformity in
schizophrenic patients: A comparative study with healthy controls (1997), Psychologia, 5, 161-166. (Hebrew Publication). 3. Bodner, E. & Mikulincer, M.(1998). Learned helplessness and the occurrence of
depressive-like and paranoid-like responses: The role of attentional focus, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1010-1023. 4. Barak, Y., Kimhi, R., Bodner, E., & Achiron. E. (1998). Treatment of depression in patients
with Multiple – Sclerosis. The Neuorologist, 4, 99-104. 5. Barak, Y., Lampel, Y., Bodner, E.,& Sarova – Pinchas, I. (1999) Perception of body esteem
following stroke. Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation, 13, 1-3. 6. Mark, M., Abramowitz, M.Z., Intrator, O., Bodner, E., Shklar, R., Knobler, H.Y (1999).
Quality assurance in the mental health department in the I.D.F. Harefuah, 13(5), 349-352. (Hebrew Publication). 7. Barak, Y. & Bodner E., Klayman, N., Ring A., Elizur, A.(2000). Anxiety among Israeli
soldiers during the Gulf- War: European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 275, 1-4. 8. Kaplan, Z., Iancu, I., & Bodner, E. (2001). A review of psychological debriefing after
extreme stress, Psychiatric Services, 52, 824-827. 9. Barak, Y., Bodner, E., Zemishlani, H., & Mirecki, I.M. Donepezil for the treatment of
behavioral disturbances in Alzheimer's disease: a 6-months open trial (2001). Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 33, 237-241. 10. Weiser, M., Reichenberg, A., Rabinowitz, J., Kaplan, Z., Mark, M., Bodner, E., Nahon, D.,
& Davidson, M. (2001). Association Between Nonpsychotic Psychiatric Diagnoses in Adolescent Males and Subsequent Onset of Schizophrenia, Archives of General Psychiatry, 58, 959 – 964. 11. Kaplan, Z., Weiser M., Reichenberg A., Rabinowitz J., Caspi, A., Bodner E., & Zohar J.
(2002). Motivation to serve in the military influences vulnerability to future PTSD, Psychiatry Research, 109, 45 – 49. 12. Bodner, E., Ben-Artzi, E., & Kaplan, Z. (2006). Soldiers who kill themselves: The
contribution of dispositional and situational factors. Archives of Suicide Research, 10, 29 – 43. 13. Bodner, E., & Gilboa, A. Emotional communicability in music therapy: Different
instruments for different emotions? (2006). Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 15, 3 – 16. 14. Gilboa, A., Bodner, E., & Amir, D. (2006). Emotional communicability in improvised
music: the case of music therapists, Journal of Music Therapy, 43, 198-225. 15. Bodner, E., Gilboa, A., & Amir, D. (2007). The unexpected side-effects of dissonance.
Psychology of Music, 35, 286 – 305. 16. Bodner, E., & Iancu, I., Gilboa, A., Sarel, A., Mazor, A., & Amir, D. (2007). Finding words
for emotions: The reactions of patients with major depression disorder towards various musical excerpts. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 34, 142-150. 17. Iancu, I., Bodner, E., Sarel, A., Einat, H. (2007). Changes in mental health support level
policy and their influence on self injurious behaviors in the Israeli military prison system, The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 52, 591–597. 18. Orbach E., Gilboa-Schechtman, E., Ofek, H., Lubin, G., Mark, M, Bodner, E., Cohen, D.,
& King, R. (2007). A Chronological perspective on suicide: The last days of life, Death studies, 31, 909-932. 19. Bodner, E., Iancu, I., Sarel, A., Einat, H. (2007). Effort to support special-needs soldiers
serving in the Israeli defense forces. Psychiatric Services, 58, 1396-1398. 20. Bodner, E., & Einat, H. (2008). Special needs soldiers in Israel: Another view -Bodner's
and Einat's Reply. Psychiatric Services, 59, 329-330. 21. Bodner, E., & Lazar, A. (2008). Ageism in Israeli students: structure and demographic
influences. International Psychogeriatrics, 20, 1046-1058. 22. Bodner, E., & Bensimon, M. (2008). After the curtain falls: on the post-performance
adjustment of solo singers. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 23, 172-177. 23. Gilboa, A., & Bodner, E. (2009). What are your thoughts when the national anthem is
playing? An empirical exploration. Psychology of Music, 37, 459-484. 24. Bodner, E, & Gilboa, A. (2009). On the power of music to affect intergroup
relations. Musicae Scientiae: Journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 13, 85-115. 25. Mazeh, D., Bodner, E., Swartz, M., Weizman, R., Delayahu, Y., Abramov, S., Cholostoy,
A., Martin, T., & Barak, Y. (2009). Comorbid social phobia in schizophrenia: An analysis in differing subgroups of patients. The International journal of social psychiatry, 55, 198-202 26. Bodner, E., Iancu, I., Sarel, A., Gilath, O. (accepted for publication). The Relationship
between Type of Insurance, Time Period and Length of Stay in Psychiatric Hospitals: The Israeli case. Israeli Journal of Psychiatry 27. Bodner, E. (2009). On the Origins of Ageism among Older and Younger Adults: A Review.
International Psychogeriatrics, 21, 1003-1014. 28. Bensimon, M., & Bodner, E. (accepted for publication). Playing with Fire: The Impact of
Football Game Chanting on Level of Aggression. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 29. Iancu, I., Bodner, E., Roitman, S., Sapir, A. P., Poreh, A., & Kotler M. (accepted for
publication). Impulsivity, aggression and suicide risk among male schizophrenia. Psychopathology. 30. Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. (in press). Relations between attachment styles, ageism and
quality of life in late life. International Psychogeriatrics. 31. Iancu, I., Tschernihovsky, E., Bodner, E., Sapir-Piconne, A., Lowengrub, K. (accepted for
publication). Escitalopram in the treatment of negative symptoms in patients with chronic schizophrenia: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Psychiatry Research. 32. Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S., & Iancu, I. (accepted for publication). Staff Attitudes
towards patients with borderline personality disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry. PAPERS PRESENTED AT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES
1. Bodner, E. Personal Learned Helplessness and the Formation of Paranoid-like and
Depressive-like Reactions: The role of Attentional - Focus. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Ramat-Gan, Israel, October, 1993. (Hebrew presentation). 2. Bodner, E. A Model for the Etiology and the treatment of Physical complaints with major
emotional factor. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Ramat-Gan, Israel, October, 1993. (Hebrew presentation). 3. Bodner E., Barak, Y., Klayman, N., Ring A.& Elizur, Anxiety reactions among Israeli
soldiers during the Gulf War. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Beer-Sheva, Israel, October, 1995. (Hebrew presentation). 4. Bodner, E. & Drori, A. The military parade situation in the school base as a mean for
systematic diagnosis of the unit. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Beer-Sheva, Israel, October, 1995. (Hebrew presentation). 5. Bodner, E, Barak, Y., Achiron, A., Ring, A. & Stier, S. Perceptual Conformity in
Schizophrenic patients: A comparative study with normal controls. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Beer-Sheva, Israel, October, 1995. (Hebrew presentation). 6. Bodner, E., Einat, H., & Mark, M. Suicide Rates in "Special need Soldiers in the Israeli
Defense Forces: a 9 - Years Survey". International Seminar "Violence and Adolescence". Jerusalem, Israel, November, 1999. (English presentation). 7. Mark, M., Bodner, E., Einat, H., Eladad, A., & Shemer. J. Changes in mental health support
level policy and their influence on self injurious behaviors in the Israeli military prison system. International Seminar "Violence and Adolescence". Jerusalem, Israel, November 1999 (English presentation). 8. M Weiser, M., Reichenberg, A., Kaplan, Z., Bodner, E., Rabinowitz, Y., Mark, M., Nahon,
D., Davidson, M. (1999). Non-psychotic Psychiatric Diagnoses in Adolescence as Risk Factors for Schizophrenia: A Follow-up Study. The Annual Meeting of American Congress of Neuro-psychophermacology, Acapulco, Mexico. (English presentation). 9. Gillath, O., Bodner., E., Mark M.& Kaplan Z. The influence of a supplier-insurer contract
on patterns of psychiatric hospitalizations and on their scope. The Israel Psychiatric association Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, April, 2000. (English presentation). 10. Bodner, E., Zohar, Y., Shaklar, R., Mikulincer, M., Zinger, Y., Gilath, O. Kaplan, Z. &
Solomon, Z. PTSD victims of the Lebanese war: An eighteen years follow-up. The Israel Psychiatric association Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, April, 2000. (English presentation). 11. Bodner, E., Gilat, O., Doron, M., Ashkenzi, M., & Kaplan, Z. A case of psychotic and
PTSD symptoms developed during a rescue mission – the question of two different diagnosis. The Israel Psychological association Congress, Haifa, Israel, June, 2000. (Hebrew presentation). 12. Bodner, E., Ben-Arzi, A., Einat, H. Gilat, O., & Kaplan, Z. The mental classification during
the reception phase to the military prison. The Israel Psychological association Congress, Haifa, Israel, June, 2000. (Hebrew presentation). 13. Bodner, E., Gilat, O., Doron, M., Ashkenzi, M., & Kaplan, Z. A comparative study of the
effect of traumatic event on members of rescue team for the victims of the Turkey’s Erthquake. The Israel Psychological association Congress, Haifa, Israel, June, 2000. (Hebrew presentation). 14. Bodner, E. Mikulincer, M. Izak, R., Mark, M. & Kaplan, Z. The relationship between
soldiers and their direct commanders and their implications on the health and level of functioning of the soldier. . The Israel Psychological association Congress, Haifa, Israel, June, 2000. (Hebrew presentation). 15. Bodner, E. The invasion of Normandy - using the principles of suggestion as a way to
understand the deception plan. 1515 International Congress of Hypnosis. Munich (October 2000). 16. Bodner, E. Leaning and e-learning in a large course at Bar-Ilan University. Meital
Conference. Tel-Aviv (February, 2004). (Hebrew presentation). 17. Bodner, E., Mazor, A., Gilboa, A., & Amir, D. Putting the Sad Affect of Music into Words
as a Way to Communicate with the Depressive Patient. 6 th European Music Therapy Congress. Jyväskylä, Finland (June, 2004). 18. Bodner, E., Shevach, O., Lukovetsky E., Avni1, Y., & Ron, Y. Psychopathology and
Quality of Life Among Patients With Chronic Idiopathic Constipation: a Comparison to
Healthy Controls. 12th United European Gastroenterology Week "UEGW 2004" Prague,
Czech Republic, (September, 2004).

19. Bodner, E., Gilba, A., Amir, D. Emotional communicability in improvised music: the case
of music therapists. 11 th World Congress of Music Therapy, Australia (July, 2005). 20. Bodner, E., Gilba, A., Amir, D. Songs as cultural icons: The case of the Israeli society. 11 th
World Congress of Music Therapy, Australia (July, 2005). 21. Bodner, E. Songs as Death Reminders and Tranquilizers: Deliberate and Natural Music
Therapy under the Threat of Death. The 7th European Music Therapy Congress in the Netherlands (August 2007). 22. Bodner, E. Delegitimization of Suicides through Media Reports: The Effect of Similarity
between the Young Reader and the Deceased. Second International Conference on Understanding Youth Suicide: A Meeting of Differing Perspectives. Ma'ale HaChmisha Conference Center, Judean Hills, Israel (March, 2008). 23. Bodner, E., & Gilba, A. "Friendship, we bear you without words: Do memorial songs have
the power to change attitudes in the Israeli public?". A lecture presented at the national conference of the Israeli Society of Musicology, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, Israel (June, 2008). 24. Bodner E., Ben-Artzi E., & Kaplan Z. Soldiers who kill themselves: the contribution of
dispositional and situational factors. 12th European Symposium On Suicide & Suicidal Behaviour (ESSSB12), Thistle Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland (August 2008). 25. Bodner, E., Gilba, A. "Can songs bring conflicting groups closer together? Paper presented
at the Nordic Conference of Music Therapy, Aalborg, Denmark (May, 2009). 26. Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. "On the relations between attachment styles, ageism and
Quality of life in late life." The 18 th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society. Tel-Aviv, Israel (February, 2010). 27. Bodner, E., & Iancu, I. "Recalling the threat: Dental anxiety in patients waiting for dental
surgery." The Anxiety Disorders Association of America's (ADAA) 30 th Annual Conference Anxiety Across the Lifespan: Practical Integration of Basic and Clinical Approaches, Baltimore, Maryland, US (March, 2010).   28. Iancu, I., Lupinsky, Y., Barenboim, D., & Bodner, E. Negative and positive automatic
thoughts in social anxiety disorders. 18 th European Congress of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany (March 2010). 29. Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. "On the relations between attachment styles, ageism and
Quality of life in late life." The International Association for Relationship Research Conference. Herzliya, Israel (July, 2010). 30. Cohen-Fridel, S &Bodner, E. "The paths from relations to others and our death fears to
ageism." The International Association for Relationship Research Conference. Herzliya, Israel (July, 2010). 31. Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. & Iancu, I. Staff attitudes towards patients with borderline
personality disorder (BPD). "13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour." Rome (September 2010).


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