The CPN liaison service To provide a seamless mental health
cases who, however, continue to be referred to
service across the primary / secondary care
CMHTs by GPs who feel that they do not have thenecessary expertise. Thus, there is a risk that some
interface, it is necessary to look at the
patients might find that neither primary nor
needs of modern primary care and
secondary care feels able to deal with their problems. community mental health services. A theoretical model can then be developed
The advent of new antipsychotic drugs, the trainingof CPNs in advanced psychotherapeutic skills such
which integrates services and clarifies the
as cognitive therapy and family therapy, and the
resources, both human and training,
adoption of more effective Assertive Outreach
needed in such a service.
techniques do make CPNs more effective in dealingwith severe mental illness in the community. Despite
It has been suggested that between 20–25% of this, the effective use of the Care Programme
consultations carried out by GPs on a day-to-day
Approach (CPA) should involve GPs and the PCT in
basis concern mental health problems. Yet, a
the management of the seriously mentally ill. The
large proportion of patients who present with
involvement of general practice in the care of the
depression to their primary care team (PCT) are not
seriously mentally ill (especially when dealing with
diagnosed as suffering from the condition. 1,2 In an
physical symptoms) has been emphasized by the
average practice list of 1900 patients there will be:
recent publication of consensus guidelines. 6 Burnsand colleagues have also demonstrated that practice
nurses can monitor the progress of the seriously
◆ 60 with moderate to severe depression
mentally ill. 7 These advances offer great promise for
◆ 140 with mixed anxiety and depression
the improvement of the mental health of our
However, most patients who are treated with
◆ Sufficient resources in finance and manpower
antidepressants in primary care are not treated for a
are available in both primary and secondary care
sufficient time according to current guidelines.
◆ Appropriate education is given to enable
Furthermore, most patients prescribed tricyclic
primary care doctors and nurses to carry out
antidepressants by their GPs are prescribed sub-
their role in the field of mental health, and
education in cognitive and family therapytechniques (such as the Thorn Course) are made
Primary care in England must shoulder the major
part of the burden of mental healthcare, and manage
◆ A clear structure is established to ensure the
most of it without referral to secondary care services.
close relationships and cooperation of PCTs and
This task is a great one and GPs need the support of
CMHTs is maintained and that this strategy is
their team and a programme of ongoing education
to enable them to deal adequately with the mentalhealth workload generated by their practice lists.
The first attempts to link PCTs and CMHTs devolvedoutpatient clinics into primary care. However,
Within secondary care it has become policy,
psychiatrists who run outpatient clinics in general
following an Audit Commission report, to assume
practice surgeries often fail to integrate into the PCT.
that community psychiatric nurses (CPNs) and
Recent articles by Gask and coworkers, 8 and Burns
community mental health teams (CMHTs) should
and Bale 9 have described consultation-liaison
reserve their attention for the care of the seriously
attachments of psychiatrists to PCTs. However, the
mentally ill. 5 This has led to the withdrawal of CPNs
number of psychiatrists available throughout the
and CMHTs from involvement with ‘less serious’
country is insufficient to provide such a system forall general practices. Mark Agius MD
We have recently developed a system which takes
Medical Adviser John Butler MSc
advantage of a third model also described by Gask
Lead Community Mental Health Nurse
and colleagues. 8 CPNs, who are part of the CMHT,
Beds and Luton Community NHS Trust, Charter House
are aligned with general practices, and this is
developed into a full liaison service between PCTs
In addition, health visitors are able to identify
Primary Care Community Mental
postnatal depression and to treat it using cognitive,
Health Team
problem-solving or counselling strategies. 14,15
Training the PCT is critical to making the model
work. A team of multidisciplinary trainers trained
after the fashion described by Tylee 16 is based in
Luton 17 and visits PCTs to help increase their
preparedness to deal with mental health problems. Community midwife Psychiatrist
After visiting the practice and assessing the currentpractice, the team writes a report giving advice and
expertise. It runs workshops for PCGs offering
evidence-based guidelines to deal with common
Counsellor Psychologist
mental health problems. The team also runsworkshops to train practice nurses in theidentification and management of depressionanxiety. The full implementation of this model is a
Figure 1: CPN Liaison Model
challenging task which will take many years ofeducation and innovation, with regular audit. However, there seems little doubt that the fullintegration of PCTs and CMHTs, using the CPN as
and CMHTs (see Figure 1). The CPN belongs to both
the link worker, presents the best chance of taking
the CMHT and the PCT, and in this way, can fulfill
psychiatry of recent years and achieving a fullyintegrated community psychiatric service.
◆ Acting as liaison link with the CMHT, giving
advice to GPs on the management of mentalhealth problems, and referring to the consultant
References 1. Paykel ES, Priest RG. Recognition and management of depression in
general practice: Consensus statement. BMJ 1992;305:1198–202
◆ Giving cognitive therapy and family therapy to
2. Kessler D, Lloyd K, Lewis G, et al. Cross sectional study of symptom
the seriously mentally ill within the setting of the
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3. Onyett, Pidd, Cohen, et al. Mental health service provision and the
◆ Ensuring the full involvement of the practice in
primary health care team. Mental Health Rev 1996;1(3):8–16
4. Tylee A, Donaghue JM. The treatment of depression: Prescribing
the CPA, acting as a keyworker, and encouraging
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◆ Offering clinical supervision to practice nurses,
5. Audit Commission. Funding a place: A review of mental health services.
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6. Burns T, Kendrick T. The primary care of patients with schizophrenia: A
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7. Burns T, Millar E, Garland C, et al. Randomized controlled trial of
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there must be sufficient number of CPNs available to
receiving depot antipsychotic injections. Brit J Gen Pract
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8. Gask L, Sibbald B, Creed F. Evaluating models of working at the
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be changed rarely, in order to ensure continuity of
care. The value of this form of CPN liaison is
9. Burns T, Bale. Establishing a mental health liaison attachment with
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graphically illustrated in the interim report of IRIS, 11
which suggests that in cases of early psychosis, the
11. Goldberg, Gourney. The general practitioner, the psychiatrist and the
attached CPN is probably the one person in the
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Given proper medical supervision by the practice
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practice nurses can monitor depressed patients and
encourage compliance with treatment. Mynors-
16. Tylee A. RCGP mental health management course. J Primary Care
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The development of a training and facilitation initiative. RCGP Beds
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Medications For Rheumatoid Arthritis Although there is no actual treatment for RA or rheumatoid arthritis to this day, there are a range of availablemedications in pharmacies that are meant to relieve its symptoms and ultimately improve the condition. Overall, medications for rheumatoid arthritis can be grouped into distinctive types, as discussed later in thisarticle. Doctors will design a pr
IVG PAR AUTO-ADMINISTRATION DE MISOPROSTOL: INTRODUCTION Depuis l’arrivé sur le marché de la mifépristone, autrement appelé la RU 486, vers la fin des années 1980, des millionsde femmes partout dans le monde ont fait des interromptions de grossesse sans risque à l’aide de ce médicament. Aucours des 20 dernièresannées, des études ontidentifiées plusieurs schémas d’avortement