Scientists with Multiple Hot Papers Institution of Hot Papers 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.netThe Red2Hot Research Papers of 2008 Citations
Y. Kamihara ,et al . , Iro n2based superconductor wit h La[ O1 - x Fx ] FeAs ( x = 0. 05
J . A m. Chem. S oc. ,130 (11) :3296 - 7 ,19 March 2008.
I. H. Park ,et al . , Rep rogramming of human so matic cells to pluripotency wit h defined facto rs ,
N at u re ,451 (7175) :141 - 6 ,10 J anuary 2008.
F. M. Brunkho rst ,et al . , Intensive insulin t herap y and pentastarch resuscitatio n in severe sep sis ,
N ew En g l . J . M e d. ,358 (2) :125 - 39 ,10 J anuary 2008.
M. Nakagawa , et al . , Generatio n of induced pluripotent stem cells wit ho ut Myc f ro m mo use and
N at u re B iotech . ,26 (1) :101 - 6 ,J anuary 2008.
X. H. Chen ,et al . , Superco nductivit y at 43 K in SmFeA sO1 - x Fx ,
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C. de la Cruz , et al . , Magnetic o rder clo se to superco nductivit y in t he iro n2based layered LaO1 - x
N at u re ,453 (7197) :899 - 902 ,12 J une 2008.
Z. A . Ren ,et al . , Superco nductivit y at 55 K in iro n2based F2doped layered quaternary compound Sm
Chi nese Phys . L et t. ,25 (6) :2215 - 6 ,J une 2008.
S. Yusuf ,et al . , Telmisartan , ramip ril ,o r bot h in patient s at high risk fo r vascular event s ,
En gl . J . Me d. ,358 (15) :1547 - 59 ,10 Ap ril 2008.
J . Bagger ,N . Lambert , Gauge symmet ry and supersymmet ry of multiple M22branes ,
D ,77 (6) : no . 065008 ,7 March 2008.
E. H. Turner ,et al . , Selective p ublicatio n of antidep ressant t rials and it s influence o n apparent effi2
N ew En gl . J . M e d. ,358 (3) :252 - 60 ,17 J anuary 2008.
Superco nductivit y at 43 K in an iro n2based layered compound LaO1 - x
N at u re ,453 (7193) :376 - 8 ,15 Ap ril 2008.
J . Bagger , N . Lambert , Co mment s o n multiple M2 branes ,
J . H i g h Ene r g y Ph ys . , 2 : no . 105 ,
J . K. Adelman2McCart hy ,et al . , The Sixt h Data Release of t he Sloan Digital Sky Survey , A st ro2
p h ys. J . S u p p l. S e r. ,175 (2) :297 - 313 ,Ap ril 2008.
J . J . P. Kastelein , et al . , Simvastatin wit h o r wit ho ut ezetimibe in familial hypercholesterolemia ,
N ew En g l . J . M e d. ,358 (14) :1431 - 3 ,3 Ap ril 2008.
H. C. Gerstein , et al . , Effect s of intensive gluco se lowering in t ype 2 diabetes ,
M e d. ,358 (24) :2545 - 59 ,12 J une 2008.
P. Gaede ,et al . , Effect of a multifacto rial interventio n o n mo rtalit y in t ype 2 diabetes ,
g l . J . M e d. ,358 (6) :580 - 91 ,7 February 2008.
C. L . Sp rung ,et al . , Hydroco rtiso ne t herap y fo r patient s wit h septic shock ,
358 (2) :111 - 24 ,10 J anuary 2008.
A . Lievre ,et al . , KRA S mutatio ns as an independent p rogno stic facto r in patient s wit h advanced
colo rectal cancer t reated wit h cet uximab ,
J . Cl i n. Oncol. ,26 (3) :374 - 9 ,20 J anuary 2008.
A . Patel ,et al . , Intensive bloo d gluco se co nt rol and vascular o utco mes in patient s wit h t ype 2 dia2
N ew En gl . J . M e d. ,358 (24) :2560 - 72 ,12 J une 2008.
J . Do ng ,et al . , Co mpeting o rders and spin2density2wave instability in La (O1 - x Fx ) FeAs ,
Eu rop hys . L ett. ,83 (2) : no . 27006 ,J uly 2008.
X. L . Li , et al . , Chemically derived , ult rasmoot h grap hene nano ribbo n semico nducto rs ,
319 (5867) :1229 - 32 ,29 February 2008.
S. L . Hauser ,et al . , B2cell depletion wit h rit uximab in relap sing2remitting multiple sclero sis , N ewEn g l. J . Me d. ,358 (7) :676 - 88 ,14 February 2008. 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.netCitations
A . I. Hochbaum , et al . , Enhanced t hermoelect ric perfo rmance of ro ugh silico n nanowires ,
t u re ,451 (7175) :163 - 7 ,10 J anuary 2008.
E. Zeggini ,et al . , Meta2analysis of genome2wide association data and large2scale replication identi2
fies additio nal suscep tibilit y loci fo r t ype 2 diabetes ,
N at u re Genetics ,40 (5) :638 - 45 ,May 2008.
S. Kat hiresan ,et al . , Six new loci associated wit h bloo d low2density lipoprotein cholesterol , high2
densit y lipop rotein cholesterol o r t riglycerides in humans ,
N at u re Genetics ,40 (2) :189297 ,Febru2
C. J . Willer ,et al . , Newly identified loci t hat influence lipid co ncent ratio ns and risk of co ro nary ar2
N at u re Genet ics ,40 (2) :161 - 9 , February 2008.
S. Mallal ,et al . , HL A - B 3 5701 screening for hypersensitivity to abacavir ,
N . S. Beckett ,et al . , Treat ment of hypertensio n in patient s 80 years of age o r older ,
J . M e d. ,358 (18) :1887 - 98 ,1 May 2008.
J . Distler ,et al . , M2 - branes o n M - folds ,
J . H i g h Ene r g y Ph ys . ,5 : no . 38 ,May 2008.
T. E. Tho rgeirsso n ,et al . , A variant associated wit h nicotine dependence ,lung cancer and perip her2
N at u re ,452 (7187) :638 - 42 ,3 Ap ril 2008.
S. F. Tavazoie , et al . , Endo geno us human micro RNA s t hat supp ress breast cancer metastasis ,
N at u re ,451 (7175) :147 - 52 ,10 J anuary 2008.
Z. A . Ren , et al . , Superco nductivit y and p hase diagram in iro n2based arsenic2oxides ReFeAsO1 - d
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E PL2 Europ hys. L ett. , 83 (1) : no 17002 ,J uly
I. Kirsch ,et al . , Initial severit y and antidep ressant benefit s : A meta2analysis of data submitted to
PloS Me d . ,5 (2) :260 - 8 , February 2008.
M. Van Raamsdo nk , Co mment s o n t he Bagger2Lambert t heory and multiple M2 - branes ,
H i g h Ener g y Ph ys . ,5 : no . 105 ,May 2008.
A . Gustavsso n , Self dual st rings and loop space Nahm equatio ns ,
J . H i g h Ene r g y Phys . ,4 : no .
R. J . Hung ,et al . , A suscep tibilit y locus fo r lung cancer map s to nicotinic acet ylcholine recepto r
N at u re ,452 (7187) :633 - 7 ,3 Ap ril 2008.
J . Angle ,et al. , First result s f ro m t he XENON10 dark matter experiment at t he Gran Sasso Na2
Ph ys. Rev. L ett. ,100 (2) : no . 021303 ,18 J anuary 2008.
T. Walsh ,et al. , Rare st ruct ural variant s disrup t multiple genes in neurodevelop mental pat hways in
S cience ,320 (5875) :539 - 43 ,25 Ap ril 2008.
S. V . Mo rozov ,et al . , Giant int rinsic carrier mo bilities in grap hene and it s bilayer ,
L ett. ,100 (1) : no . 016602 ,11 J anuary 2008.
P. M. Ho , M2 to D2 revisited , J . H i g h Ener g y Phys . ,7 : no . 003 ,J uly 2008.
L . A . Weiss , et al . , A ssociatio n between micro deletio n and micro duplicatio n at 16p11. 2 and au2
N ew En gl . J . Me d. ,358 (7) :667 - 75 ,14 February 2008.
X. X. O. Yang ,et al . , T helper 17 lineage differentiatio n is p rogrammed by o rp han nuclear recep2
to rs RO Ra and RO R ?, I m m unit y ,28 (1) :29 - 39 ,J anuary 2008. 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.
BOARD OF DENTAL EXAMINERS 161 Capitol Street, Augusta, Maine MINUTES – December 9, 2005 Meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. Board Members Present: Drs. Cohen, Fister, Higgins, Faulkner and Theriault, Diane Blanchette, RDH, Kristine Blaisdell, RDH and William Buxton, LD, Thomas Palmer arrived at approximately 9:20 a.m. Also Present: John Bastey, MDA; Barbara Fister; Cindy
To close the yellow note, click once to select it andthen click the box in the upper left corner. To open the note, double click (Mac OS) or rightclick (Windows) on the note icon. Producing a Strain of E. coli that Glows in the Dark Pamela C. Edgerton, Governor’s School for Government and International Studies, Richmond, VA INTRODUCTION Description In this exercise, students will