
Rock Eagle 4-H Camp
June 16-20, 2008
Who is Going to Camp With My Child?
4-H Staff and volunteers staying overnight have been trained in the Georgia 4-H Certified Leaders Training for Overnight Chaperones. Teen leaders have also gone through teen leader training and have previous experience as a teen leader.
Shivone Wilson, County Extension 4-H Agent
Cindee Sweda, County Extension FACS Agent
Robin Turi, County Extension 4-H Program Assistant
Julie Pate, Certified Volunteer Leader
Shon Bellah, Certified Volunteer Leader
Kevin Nolan, Certified Volunteer Leader, Former Rockdale 4-H’er
Candace Clark, Certified Volunteer Leader
Joshua Norton
-Lindsey Rogers
Joshua Ray
-Alicia Snavely
Elizabeth Mitchell
- Ashley Jackson
Kaylee Whitfield
How Do I Know My Child Is Safe?
Children are supervised in cabins, in classes, at meal-time, all the time.
Sometimes Rockdale County 4-H’ers will be supervised by other county leaders during the day activities. All leaders on 4-H
property for camp have been trained by Extension Agents following the Georgia 4-H Overnight Chaperone Guidelines.
Before leaving you will turn in a completed 100 A Medical form (White Form). This is an insurance form that allows the
Rockdale County Extension 4-H staff to seek medical attention for your child in the case of an emergency. Your child is
covered by the Georgia 4-H camp insurance during the week of camp. Please list the medication, times to be given, and
amounts on this form. All medication will be kept with a Rockdale County Extension 4-H Staff member. If you do not fill out this
form prior to camp, the 4-H staff will not administer any medication. Medications include anything from Tylenol and Pepto-
Bismol to Claritin and Flonase.
Please notify the 4-H office before June 13th if your child’s medical condition changes. Our major goal is to keep your child
safe and well during the week.
If your child’s doctor prescribes medication for hyperactivity during the school year, please consult with him or her about your
child taking the medication during the week of camp. This helps everyone have a more productive week.
Occasionally, a 4-H’er will become homesick. If this situation occurs, the 4-H staff and volunteers will do everything possible
to help the child remain at camp. Allowing the child to call home is not the first course of action because calling home tends to
make matters worse. We make sure the child is involved in activities and has friends to get their mind off the home sickness.
Usually home sickness is temporary and hits around Wednesday of camp. If the child becomes physically ill due to the homesickness, parents will be contacted to come get their child.
Please do not ask your child to call home during the week of camp. “No news is good news!" Phones are not accessible to campers. Rockdale County Extension 4-H Staff members will contact you if necessary.
In case of a family emergency and you need to get in touch with your child, call the Rock Eagle 4-H Center (706) 484-2843.
If you plan to pick up your child from camp during the week, you must inform the Rockdale County Extension 4-H Staff of your plan, date, and time in writing prior to camp. A child may NOT be taken from camp without a Rockdale County Extension 4-H Staff member present. If you plan to visit camp at any time you must inform the 4-H staff as well as fill out a Visitor’s Request Form to be given to security at the guard shack.
What Rules & Discipline Measures are

Expected behavior of 4-H’ers are listed on the blue Code of Conduct form. Each parent and child signs this form before every 4-H activity.
All 4-H’ers are expected to treat others nicely. No “bullying” is tolerated.
If a 4-H’er breaks the code of conduct by fighting or using fowl language. Parents will be notified to come pick up their child. We will do what we can to correct minor misbehavior but consistent misbehavior or major violations of the code of conduct will not be allowed. When Do They Depart for Camp &
Arrive Back Home?

Depart for Camp:
You will need to meet the Rockdale County buses in the parking lot on the far right side of the building (by the field) Please be sure your 4-H’er bring a sack lunch and used the restroom before arriving at the parking lot (We will provide beverages). There are no bathrooms at the parking lot. Luncheswill be eaten at Rock Eagle- Not on the buses. Arrive Home
Friday, June 20th at approximately 11:30 am.
Rockdale County 4-H’ers will return to the parking lot they departed from. Please be there waiting to pick up your 4-H’er. What Should My 4-H’er Bring to Camp?
Note to parents: Please help your child pack his/her suitcase. Also, check it again before leaving for camp.
Sleeping Bag (preferable) or bed linens for a twin bed
Toiletries (ex: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, towels, wash clothes, deodorant, etc…)
Plastic bags (for storing dirty clothing, wet towels, etc…)
Comfortable Clothing. Shorts are suggested. However, no short-shorts and no “Cheer leader” type shorts (Don’t go out
and buy a new wardrobe for camp. Send older clothes that you don’t mind getting lost or messed-up).
Sleep wear
Swim suit (possibly two). Must be in good taste. No string bikinis or tiny two pieces. One pieces are preferable.
Shoes to bring:
1. shower shoes 2.one pair of tennis shoes to keep DRY for running, hiking, walking to class 3. one pair of old shoes/sandals to get WET (sandals need a heel strap) Note: Wearing wet socks, shoes or sandals all day can cause blisters. Socks (Bring enough pairs of socks to keep your feet dry throughout the week)
Rain jacket or poncho
Jacket or sweatshirt (for cool mornings & nights)
Insect Repellent
Water Bottle
Medication. Please place all medication (prescription & over the counter) in a baggie with your 4-H’ers first and last name
on it. Medication & medical forms should be brought in between May 26 and June 6.
Spending money. The canteen provides snack foods, drinks, and souvenirs. Your child should bring no more than $15-$20
to camp. The 4-H staff will keep a “4-H bank”. All money should be checked into the bank between May 26 and June 6. No
money will be taken on the day of camp departure. Money will be distributed daily in the morning. Directions for the
Banking system are included in your parent packet.

What Should Your 4-H’er Leave at

• Halter tops & tube tops. • Flip flops (except for the showers). No open toed sandals.
• String or itty bitty bikinis• Shaving Cream• Alcoholic beverages or tobacco products• Skates, roller blades, skate boards• Weapons• Inappropriate reading materials• All Electronics • Cell phones, radios, walkman, flashlights, computers, game boys, televisions, beepers, CD players, laser lights, etc… Where Do Campers Stay While at Camp?
Can They Room With Their Friends?

Campers sleep in cabins. 4-H’ers sleep on bunk beds with approximately 20 campers per cabin. At least one adult and one teen leader will be in each cabin with the 4-H’ers. Bathrooms are in the cabins at Rock Eagle. All showers have liners for privacy.
4-H’ers can request who they would like to room with. However, the Rockdale County 4-H staff reserve the right to rearrange 4-H’ers within cabins if there is a problem during the week. 4-H’ers need to make sure they will be rooming with friends that will not create a situation that will result in trouble during the week.
What Do They Eat All Week?
Three meals per day in the dining hall. Rock Eagle has great food. Snacks are available from the canteen.
Parents please talk with your child about the importance of eating ALL meals during the week and drinking plenty of water. Not eating meals and eating an abundance of junk food can lead to stomach illness. Not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration. 4-H’ers in need of a special diet due to food allergies or other medical conditions NEED to inform the 4-H office at least 2 weeks prior to camp. Tribes/T-shirts
During the week of camp there will be a competition between the 3 tribes. The Cherokee, Muskogee, and Shawnee tribes compete for the coveted “Tribal Shield”that is awarded on Friday morning. Each tribe is awarded points during the week for cleanliness in their cabin/camp area, enthusiasm at Tribal meetings, being on time for classes, lights out on time, etc. Your registration for camp includes a Rockdale County 4-H Camp t-shirt & water bottle. These shirts & bottles will be distributed Thursday night during camp. All 4-H’ers will be encouraged to wear their shirt for the return trip home on Friday.
Typical Day at Camp
Can 4-H’ers Receive Mail?
Yes, 4-H’ers can receive mail. In order for mail to get to camp before we leave, please mail cards or packages on Saturday (or earlier) before your child leaves for camp. You can also email your children!

Source: http://www.rockdalecounty.org/docs/4HCamp.pdf


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