"D" - Medical Pdf Finder:

Effect of dietary thiamin supplementation on milk production by dairy cows

Effect of Dietary Thiamin Supplementation on Milk Production by Dairy Cows R. D. Shaver and M. A. Bal ABSTRACT fiber carbohydrate, PEM = polioencephalomalacia, TH = thiamin supplemented diet, TLC = theoretical length We conducted three experiments to determine theeffects of dietary thiamin supplementation on milk pro-duction by dairy cows. In trial 1, 28 Holstein cows were INTRO


(diazepam) CAS Registry Number: 439-14-5 DESCRIPTION VALIUM (diazepam) is a benzodiazepine derivative developed through original Roche research. Chemically, diazepam is 7 - chloro - 1,3 - dihydro - 1 - methyl - 5 - phenyl - 2H - 1,4 - benzodiazepin - 2 - one. It is a colourless crystalline compound, insoluble in water and has a molecular weight of 284.74. PHARMACOLOGY Pharmacodynamics Mechanis

Microsoft word - document3

Fat-busting laser revolutionises treatment for acne and cellulite By Sam Lister A technique developed by American scientists could lead to fat-related conditions, including arterial heart disease, being melted away by high-intensity beams. cel ulite and excess fat zapped with the flick of a switch? It may sound like the sci-fi dream of teenagers and the middle-aged, but scientists have d


DERECHOS SEXUALES Y DERECHOS REPRODUCTIVOS20 1. EL PANORAMA POLÍTICO Durante los debates para la campaña presidencial desarrollada durante el primer semestre del año 2011 estuvieron presentes algunos de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, entre ellos el derecho al aborto te-rapéutico, que entonces alcanzó el consenso de todos los candidatos. Se debatió también sobre posibilidad d

Asthma record card

SCHOOL ASTHMA ACTION PLAN This record is to be completed by parents/carers in consultation with their child’s doctor. Please tick the appropriate box and print your answers clearly in the blank spaces where indicated. This school is collecting information on your child’s asthma so we can better manage asthma while your child is in our care. The information on this Plan is con


Care of the eyes before and after Blepharoplasty surgery Surgery can be with local anaesthetic, with or without sedation, and sometimes under general anaesthetic. The operation takes 1-2 hours, depending on whether upper and lower lids are being operated on. It is usual to go home the day of surgery (day case). Preoperative Medications Make sure you do not take any aspirin for 10 days be


Version: 0.1 National Informatics Centre (NIC-DGFT) Document Organisation This document has the following sections. Introduction : Identify the purpose, audience. Process Detail: Details about e-BRC Information Services process. Annexure : Response codes, sample XML files etc. Contact Details: For any queries or information regarding e‐BRC Information Services


Sirolimus als De-Novo-Immunsuppressivum in Kombination mit Tacrolimus nach Herztransplantation M. Müller, B.M. Meiser, J. Groetzner, I. Kaczmarek, P. Landwehr, I. Adamidis P. Überfuhr, B. Reichart Herzchirurgische Klinik der Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität München, Klinikum Großhadern Studiendesign Zielspiegel Dosierungsschema Monat 1-6 >6 Monate z Prospektive, of

White paper

Recognising and managing mental health issues at work The rationale for training and evidence of effectiveness Introduction This paper develops some of the rationale for the effectiveness of trainingemployees in the recognition and management of mental health issues andthen explores available evidence in this area. This is not an academic paper, although references and further reading are

Microsoft word - cv_mingchen_201

CURRICULUM VITAE Feb. Ming Chen Birth: 24th Dec. 1979 Education Background: August.2011--Present: University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA Sept.2007--July.2011: Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Jena, Germany Sept.2004--Jul.2007: School of Pharmaceutical sciences, Peking University, Beijing, P.R. China Master of Science in Pharmaceutics, GPA: 3.7/4

Scott d. levenson, m.d.

Scott Levenson, M.D. GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY COLONOSCOPY Patient’s Procedure Location: Digestive Care Medical Center 1000A Laurel Street, San Carlos, CA (650) 596-8118 Date and Time of Procedure: Arrival Time: Purpose of Procedure: To evaluate the colon with a flexible instrument. Preparation:  Obtain the prescribed 4 liter bottle

Viral encephalitis: a review of diagnostic methods and guidelines for management

European Journal of Neurology 2005, 12: 331–343E F N S T A S K F O R C E / C M E A R T I C L EViral encephalitis: a review of diagnostic methods and guidelinesfor managementI. Steinera, H. Budkab, A. Chaudhuric, M. Koskiniemid, K. Sainioe, O. Salonenf andP. G. E. KennedycaLaboratory of Neurovirology, Department of Neurology, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel; bInstitute of Neuro


une faille : le pyréthroïde est utilisé comme insecticide sur toutes ces moustiquaires, de sorte qu’une résistance peut se développer. Nous avons besoin d’autres solutions.” Des insecticides peuvent, par exemple, être 5 ans. “Des efforts soutenus restent néces- pulvérisés à l’intérieur des habitations saires” , conclut le professeur Coosemans.

Microsoft word - american dental association health history.doc

American Dental Association Health History Date ________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City/State/Zip _________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________ Occupation ________________________________________ Business Phone ___________________________________ Date


NEW PATIENT REGISTRATION FORM : PATIENT’S NAME _________________________________________________ BIRTHDAY ________/________/________ AGE__________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________________HOME PHONE______________________________________ CITY________________________ STATE________ ZIP_________________CELL PHONE_______________________________________ EMPLOYER/OCCU


economic growth. Whether these factors are sufficient to explain Europe’s deve-lopment or are more generally necessary to have growth elsewhere is difficultto determine. Recent Chinese economic developments suggest that once newtechnologies become available they can combine with local practices of longhistorical standing to create distinctive patterns of historical change. Empire in Chinese Hi

Steroid-induced mania treated with aripiprazole

© 2012 The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Steroid-Induced Mania Treated with AripiprazoleRyan J. Kimmel, M.D., Heidi Combs, M.D. Brown and Chandler reviewed the literature on signif-One month prior to her ED presentation, Ms. A wasicant psychiatric side effects of corticosteroids, not-treated with whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) and aing


Deze tekst is uitgesproken door de ambassadeurs van ‘belemmerende medicatie op vrij sterven’ op het composium ‘de rol van vaccinatie en medicatie op vrij leven en sterven’ Inleiding Dit document is onderdeel van het thema ‘belemmerende werking van medicatie op vrij sterven’. ( Voor de achtergrond hiervan zie het document ‘ conserverende medicatie’ te vinden op de webs


EL TRIBUNAL CONSTITUCIONAL ESPAÑOL Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional I.- CRONICA. 1.1.- Fecha y contexto de su establecimiento La primera creación de un modelo de justicia constitucional en España tiene lugar en la Constitución española de 1931. El Tribunal de Garantías Constitucionales de la II República española llegó a tener una notable infl uencia en otros modelos eu

lockport city school district

130 Beattie Avenue, Lockport, New York 14094-5099 Mrs. Terry Ann Carbone, Superintendent Phone: (716) 478-4835 November 5, 2009 Dear Parent/Guardian: RE: H1N1 Update for November 5, 2009 The purpose of this letter is to update you on the status of H1N1 influenza activity in our community as well as any recent developments. As you may be aware, we continue to have widespread influenz

Mathcad - u3l7.mcd

The Graph of a Rational Function List of things to do to analyze the graph of a rational function f (x) = Find the domain there are places where denominator = 0 are prohibited, otherwise domain is R . Locate any intercepts solve p(x) = 0. The x intercepts are points of the form (r,0) where r is a root of p(x) but not a root of q(x). Vertical asymptotes reduce f(x) to l


https://apps.era.nih.gov/qvr/projectnga.cfm?ApplId=7114024&requestti. ********************** NOTICE OF RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP AWARD *********************NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARD Issue Date:05/17/2006Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Institutes of HealthNATIONAL INSTITUTE ON ALCOHOL ABUSE AND ALCOHOLISM**********************************************************************


Resources from Laughing Allegra by Anne Ford • National Learning Disabilities Organization—serving Resources for Adults with Learning Disabilities • National Learning Disabilities Organizations RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES National Learning Disabilities Organizations—Serving All Ages NATIONAL CENTER FOR LEARNING DISABILITIES (NCLD) NCLD seeks to raise p


Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 2007, 42(1), 59 – 64 © Division on Developmental Disabilities Functional Analysis and Reduction of Inappropriate Spitting Abstract: Functional analysis was used to determine the possible function of inappropriate spitting behavior ofan adult woman who had been diagnosed with profound mental retardation. Results of an initial descrip


Co r t i s o l Ab n o r m a l i t y a s a Ca u s e o f E l eva t e dE s t ro g e n a n d I m m u n e De s t a b i l i z a t i o nTo be published in Medical Hypotheses, 2003Ihave long regarded adrenal dysfunction as a well- Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the pitu-spring of excess estrogen which may contribute to hor-itary stimulates cortisol production. ACTH is monal imbalances, im


Hier finden Sie Rat und Hilfe: Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Soziales, Frauen, Familie und Gesundheit Das Ministerium stellt auf seiner Homepage viele Informationen über die aktuelle Situation der neuen Grippe zur Verfügung unter Schweinegrippe Niedersächsisches Landesgesundheitsamt Info-Telefon: 0511/ 4505-555 (Mo. – Fr. 10.00 – 12.00 Uhr) ersachsen.de Bundesmi


Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of Biomedicine and BiotechnologyVolume 2012, Article ID 480289, 6 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/480289 Review Article Autism Spectrum Disorders: Is Mesenchymal Stem Cell Personalized Therapy the Future? Dario Siniscalco,1, 2 Anna Sapone,3, 4 Alessandra Cirillo,5 Catia Giordano,1 Sabatino Maione,1 and Nicola Antonucci6 1 Division of Pharmacology “L. Donatell

«einfache» harnwegsinfektionen: diagnostik, therapie und prophylaxe

«Einfache» Harnwegsinfektionen: Diagnostik, Therapie und Prophylaxe Andreas U. Gerber Einleitung genden Ko-Faktoren, jedoch ohne Vorliegenvon Fremdkörpern meist spontan auftretenHinter dem Begriff «Harnwegsinfektion» (HWI)versteckt sich ein grosses Spektrum von Infek-(Urethra, Blase) beschränkt bleiben [1] (Tab. 1). tionen unterschiedlicher Ätiologie, Pathoge-Den einfachen HWI is

Summary of research on 'party pills' containing bzp

Drug Foundation summary of recent research on ‘party pills’ containing BZP February 2007 This paper summarises recent research findings on BZP/party pills, and outlines the current legislative status of BZP. It is being made available to assist organisations or people wanting to make submissions on the proposal to reclassify BZP and its analogues. Please note that these are the Drug Foundati

Microsoft word - tonsillectomy_patient_notes.doc

Matthew Leaper MBChB, (Otago), FRACS (Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery) Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery Head, Neck and Thyroid Surgery Facial Plastic Surgery Snoring surgery www.drleaper.co.nz Post-operative instructions for children’s tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy General information: Tonsillectomy is the removal of the tonsils. Tonsils are a collection of ly


Enfants du baby-boom et dépendances: quels modèles de consommation ? Ignace Olazabal, Ph.D. anthropologie Responsable de programmes : Gérontologie Toxicomanies JEUDIS DE L’INSTITUT DU CRDM-IU ET DE LA SEMAINE DE PRÉVENTION DE LA TOXICOMANIE 21 NOVEMBRE 2013 Qui sont les enfants du baby-boom au Québec?  Des cohortes très nomb

MociÓn nº ______

CÓDIGO DE LA NIÑEZ Y LA ADOLESCENCIA LA ASAMBLEA LEGISLATIVA DE LA REPÚBLICA DE COSTA RICA TÍTULO I DISPOSICIONES DIRECTIVAS CAPÍTULO ÚNICO ARTÍCULO 1.- Objetivo Este Código constituirá el marco jurídico mínimo para la protección integral de los derechos de las personas menores de edad. Establece los principios fundamentales tanto de la participación social


DR. ROSS MARTIN M.B., Ch.B, MRCGP, DRCOG GMC No: 2427940 Greenwood Medical Centre, 249 Sneinton Dale, Sneinton, Nottingham, NG3 7DQ OVERVIEW OF CURRENT ROLES I currently hold roles in general practice, aesthetics, consultancy and medicolegal services. I have been a senior partner at my GP practice since 1987 andsince 2009 have been a GP Trainer for the Nottingham Vocational TrainingSch

Microsoft word - exercise of 10 tenses

Change the verbs based on the Simple Present Tense form! 1. My mother (cook) many foods for us. 2. The children (not, talk) to my brother seriously. 3. Some Indonesian people (have) a demonstration to decrease the fuel price. 4. My manager (park) his car in my garden. 5. She (not, speak) Spanish fluently. Change the verbs based on the Simple Present Continuous Tense form! 1. I (draw) so


CONFIDENTIAL MEDICAL INFORMATION Patient’s Name:___________________________________ DOB: ________________ Home Phone: ( ) __________________ Street Address:__________________________________________________________ Work Phone: ( ) __________________City:____________________________________ State:____________ ZIP:____________ E-Mail ___________________________Social Security Number:______

Microsoft word - antidopingform2011.doc

36. Deutsche Squash Einzelmeisterschaften München/Germering, 19. - 22. Mai 2011 DSQV - Anti-Dopingerklärung für Athleten Vorname, Name Geburtsdatum PLZ, Wohnort Telefonnummer(n) Telefaxnummer(n) E-Mailadresse Bitte vollständig und lesbar ausfüllen! Ich erkenne die für Fragen des Anti-Doping Kampfes relevanten Bestimmungen des DSQV in der jeweils


What does glutamine do? The cells of the immune system – like all the other cells in the body – need energy, and the fuels they use include glucose and glutamine. When a foreign organism is detected in the body, the cells of the immune system are sent to attack and inactivate it. The immune cells grow and divide rapidly, so the energy demand is high. Studies with isolated cells show that w

Microsoft word - eco_service_agb_veranstaltungen_amiando_eng.doc

symbol order were fil ed out and if these participation terms and conditions as well as the business terms and conditions and 2.2 Due to the fact that participation is 1 These terms and conditions shall apply limited for eco events, registrations are (hereinafter „participant“) to eco Service receipt. As long as the number of tickets GmbH events –- (hereinafter „eco“). requested

Management of challenging cases of patients with cancerassociated thrombosis including recurrent thrombosis and bleeding: guidance from the ssc of the isth

Received Date : 06-Feb-2013 Accepted Date : 23-Jun-2013 Article type : SSC Communication Management of challenging cases of patients with cancer-associated thrombosis including recurrent thrombosis and bleeding: guidance from the SSC of the ISTH. CARRIER M1, KHORANA AA2, ZWICKER JI3, NOBLE S4, LEE AYY5 on behalf of the subcommittee on Haemostasis and Malignancy for the SSC of the ISTH 1 A

Microsoft word - sm_om.doc

This is the pre-final version of a paper published in Voeltz F.K. E. (ed.), 2005, Studies in African Linguistic Typology , 445-459, John Benjamins. Please don’t quote without checking the published version before. A typology of subject marker and object marker systems in African languages 1. Introduction In this paper, the term ‘pronominal marker’ is applied to any bound mo


De Luna Díaz y Cía., S.C. Boletín Informativo Número 7, Noviembre de 2004 EDITORIAL El artículo 16 constitucional y 38 del código fiscal de la federación reglan y ESTIMADOS LECTORES: expresan la seguridad jurídica que “deben” proporcionar las autoridades hacendarias al emitir actos jurídicos cualquiera que sea su tipo y naturaleza, tienen la obligación de fundar y motiv

102397 a comparison of sustained-release bupropion



DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA — I SÉRIE-A ASSEMBLEIA DA REPÚBLICA 2 — O presidente da câmara envia, por correio regis-tado com aviso de recepção, até ao 17.o dia anteriorao da eleição: Lei Orgânica n.o 3/2004 a ) Ao eleitor, a documentação necessária ao exer-cício do direito de voto, acompanhada dos docu- de 22 de Julho Votação antecipada, para a eleição da Assembleia L


NoN-alcoholic SpecialtieS Milk Shakes Glowing Character Punch Mega-Berry Smoothie appetizerS Island BBQ Pork Ribs Conch Fritters Mozzarella and Tomato Salad with Mixed Greens and Balsamic Syrup 7.99 Mixed Greens Salad Crab Cakes Caesar Salad Grilled Mojito-marinated Shrimp Soup of the Day 5.49 Conch Chowder 6.99 eNtréeS Mahi Mahi Coconut-encrust


Health Outreach Newsletter – Fall 2008 Tim’s Notes to make our missions successful. We meet regularly to plan by Tim Lee, President and Founder - tim@healthoutreach.ca our annual trip to Guatemala and to plot the future course of the charity. Building on our success in January where I have been advocating expansion of our scope of operations to include other countries

Microsoft word - fusion2012medicalrelease.doc

Medical Release Form for Winter Camp 2012 Disciples Church Student Ministries Please attach to this form a photocopy of your child’s medical/insurance card. Student Name: Check if Minor is Subject to Any of the Following: Allergic Reactions: Other allergies/comments pertinent to child’s health: This form authorizes a nurse or adult supervisor designated by Discipl


Cystoscopy – Female Cystoscopy in women is done for various reasons. Blood in the urine, irritative voiding symptoms, certain other conditions such as frequent and/or urgent voiding, and incontinence are just a few of the reasons Cystoscopy may be needed. Cystoscopy in the female is somewhat easier than that for men since the urethra in women is substantially shorter (5 cm vs. 27 cm). Cys


EXAMPLE PROTOCOL FOR ADMINISTRATION OF THE ‘NARCAN CHALLENGE’ B: General Exclusion Criteria for Community Detoxification. (i) Naltrexone as described in this protocol is for use • As for community lofexidine protocol. as adjunctive prophylactic therapy in the preventionof relapse to opioid drug misuse following planned(iv) The CDAT consultant should


de otros comportamientos antisociales y/o violentos “¿Qué hago si mi hijo está molestando o más graves. Los niños que frecuentemente molestan intimidando a otros?” Niños Que Molestan o Intimidan o intimidan a sus pares son más proclives que otros a:• Aclárele a su hijo que usted toma seriamente losactos de molestia o intimidación y que no tolerará (Children Who Bully)

Microsoft word - ismr1eu_12_07.doc

MR1E50 – MR1E ITALIANO 1. INFORMAZIONI GENERALI Il ricevitore integra le funzioni di ricevitore e decodificatore di codice standard e di codice Rolling Code. La sua memoria è in grado di memorizzare fino a 200 codici diversi generati da trasmettitori della famiglia MULTIPASS, sia standard che Rolling Code. Destinazione d’uso del prodotto: radio ricevitore in sistemi per

Microsoft word - document

Logan Banner “Foreign delegates examine local wood industry” By J.D. CHARLES, Staff Writer A delegation of businessmen from France and Japan visited southern West Virginia this week on a four-day fact finding tour to learn more about how the Mountain State is open for business. The group learned about the West Virginia wood and timber industry from a handful of experts from the industrial and

Microsoft word - 07_djmcj_alam_m_efficacy.doc

Original Contribution Efficacy of Short-term Low Dose Oral Steroid in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome *Alam MM,1 Bari MS,2 Ullah AK,3 Haque A,4 Sardar AH,5 Mohammad KD6 To determine the efficacy of four weeks course of oral steroid in the conservative treatment of idiopathic mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome this observational study was carried out in the department of neurology, Bangabandhu

Microsoft word - amalia jurado.doc

Name : Maria Amália da Silva Jurado Position : Assistant Professor in the Biochemistry Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, since1992. Email adress : asjurado@ci.uc.pt Research area: Biomembranes (with emphasis on the role of the lipid-bilayer component in health and disease conditions) and Biochemical Toxicology (toxicity studies relyin

Tetracycline resistant lactococci from fish farms – a case study

Tetracycline resistantlactococci from fish farms –a case study Atte von Wright University of Kuopio (UKU) Institute of Applied Biotechnology P.O. Box 1627 FIN-70211 Kuopio Finland † Dairy lactococci are very sensitive to mostantibiotics (antibiotic residues in milk a majorcause of starter failures)† Occasional multiresistant isolates have beendetected lately in foods (i.e. Perreten et al

Remote desktop redirected printer doc

Gastric Ulcers WHAT ARE EQUINE GASTRIC ULCERS? ‘Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome’ describes the erosion of the horse’s stomach lining, due to the prolonged exposure to the acid produced by the stomach. Gastric ulceration is a common, serious condition that can be fatal in foals and can also seriously affect an adult horse. Despite negatively affecting appetite, temperament and over

Caderno de gds

Estudo dirigido - Obesidade - 2010 - Prof. Flávio Chaimowicz - Faculdade de Medicina - UFMG ESTUDO DIRIGIDO - OBESIDADE 1 ANÁLISE DE TEXTOS Leia inicialmente o trecho abaixo, retirado da publicação do National Institute of Health, dos Estados Unidos: “ Practical Guide to the Identification, Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults ”. A versão você tamb


Use the opposite side of the page as necessary to complete your answers. Please print legibly. Name ______________________________________________________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________________________________Phone (w) __________________________ (h) _________________________ (c) _________________________ DOB _________________


F. Giammarile, P. Chauvot Le traitement du neuroblastome par radiothérapie métabolique. F. Giammarile, P. Chauvot Centre Léon Bérard - Médecine Nucléaire - Lyon. Résumé La scintigraphie à la méta-iodobenzylguanidine (mIBG) est un examen de référence dans l’exploration des tumeurs dérivées de la crête neurale en oncologie pédiatrique. Dans ces condi- tions, ce


Skin treatment cream for &Couperose ReadthisinstructionleafletcarefullybeforeusingDermalexRepairRosacea&Couperose.Toachievethebestresultsplease followtheinstructionsprovidedcarefully. · Keep this instruction leaflet. You may need to refer to it again during treatment. Should you require any additional information, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Microsoft word - 31405df0.docx

Marital Status:  Single Married Divorced Widowed Separated Source of referral: Self referred  Physician/Provider Other Referring/Primary Care Provider and telephone number:  White  American Indian/Alaska Native  Asian  Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander  Spanish/Latino/Hispanic  Please describe your reason(s) for Meeting with the Dietitian today: ___


                                                 Economic   Agreements  Economic Agreements are defined as an agreement between two countries or more on taking specific actions to promote trade among them, and the most important actions as follows: 1. Immediate Exemption or gradual reduction to reach the full exemption from customs

Microsoft word - cv wieger voskuijl

CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Wieger P. Voskuijl, MD, PhD Date of birth: March 24th 1974 Current position: Paediatrician, Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Qualifications: 'pre-university education’ (VWO) or grammar school, Barlaeus Gymnasium, Amsterdam: June 1992 Propedeuse or First year in Medical biology, Faculty of biology, University of Amsterdam: 1


Effect of Amiodarone on the Descending Limb of the Peter Smetana, MD, Esther Pueyo, BSc, Katerina Hnatkova, PhD,Velislav Batchvarov, MD, A. John Camm, MD, and Marek Malik, PhD, MD Comparing patients treated after myocardial infarc- enrolled patients were survivors of acute myocardial tion with amiodarone or with placebo, we found a infarction (aged 18 to 75 years) who had left ventri

Microsoft word - 12pharma_overtakes_arms_industry_to.docx

Pharma overtakes arms industry to top the league of misbehaviour GlaxoSmithKline's $3bn fine for mis-sel ing drugs in the US is the biggest ever handed down, but analysts say it is a drop in the ocean compared with the profits from medicines Terry Macalister The Observer, Sunday 8 July 2012 GSK's headquarters in Brentford, London. The firm has been handed a $3bn fine in the US for

Microsoft word - bone strengthening drugs actually cause fractures.doc

Michael J. Hughes, D.C. (517) 784-9101 Bone Strengthening Drugs Actually Cause Fractures Posted By Dr. Mercola | March 15 2011 Orthopedic surgeons and bone specialists have been seeing an increasing number of unusual fractures among long-term users of bisphosphonate bone-strengthening drugs such as Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva and Reclast. The latest and largest study suggests th


Instructions for Day Surgery Patients You have been scheduled for a procedure at the Dextra Munkkiniemi Medical Centre. The Day Surgery Unit is located on the 2nd floor. If the time of arrival is not stated, please phone +358 9 5601 6246 two (2) working days before the day of procedure between 8am and 3pm. Preoperative fasting You are required not to eat or drink six (6) hours


Linezolid Effective in Suppression of XDR Pulmonary TB Use of once daily linezolid in patients with XDR pulmonary tuberculosis results in confirmed culture conversion in 87% of patients within six months, but side effects are frequent. Dave Halterman, PharmD February 17, 2013 – A recent study suggests that linezolid is effective in the treatment of extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuber


Insulin and Diabetes In type 1 diabetes the body stops producing insulin. Insulin therapy is essential in the treatment of type 1 diabetes, together with a healthy eating plan and regular physical activity. Insulin can be given either by injection or through an insulin pump. Managing type 1 diabetes is a constant balancing act between insulin and physical activity which lower the blood glu

Microsoft word - programa bioquímica clínica tm



Prof. dr. Jánosi András közleményeinek jegyzéke Wessely J., Jánosi A .: Pitvari dissociatio. Orv. Hetil. 1972; 113:199-200. Jánosi A ., Gyárfás I., Szabó I.: Az EKG változásának előrejelző értéke a myocardialis infarctus késői prognózisában. Orv. Hetil. 1976; 117:1147-1151. Jánosi A ., Gyárfás I., Csukás A.: Adatok az akut myocardialis infarctus késői pr


Swine Flu General Advice What is swine flu? Swine flu is a respiratory disease. The symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of regular seasonal flu infection and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and sore throat. For most people this illness is not severe. Infection with this flu is treatable with the antiviral drugs, oseltamavir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).

Microsoft word - colono_gavilyte_ instruction, en 09-2012.doc

Preparing for Your Colonoscopy (Lower GI Endoscopy) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have been scheduled for a COLONOSCOPY on _______________ at _______ am pm ATTENTION: If you need to reschedule or cancel your procedure, you must call by 9:00AM three business day


My previous illnesses are negligible. In June 1990 I was 28 years old. I found a pea sized lump in my right testis. There was almost immediate denial/shock – an ‘it will go away’ attitude. Every day became a compulsive routine – knowing it was growing – no pain – living with this thing. Apart from the size I did not let it affect my day – I had successfully blocked it out of my s

Microsoft word - antidepressiva_arzneimittelwirkung.doc

Antidepressivagruppen mit unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen, Wechselwirkun- gen und Kontraindikationen (Quelle: S3-Leitlinie/NVL Unipolare Depression, 2009) Unerwünschte Interaktionen/Arzneimittel- Kontraindikationen Arzneimittelwirkungen Wechselwirkungen (WW) Trizyklische Antidepressiva, TZA (nichtselektive Monoamin-Rückaufnahme-Inhibitoren, NSMRI) oder sedier


Assessment of Residual Periodontal Maintenance Populations S.L. Campbell*, A.R. Biesbrock, R.W. Gerlach Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, OH, USA ABSTRACT Patients undergoing routine periodontal maintenance may Patients with moderate-to-severe disease often complete present with residual disease. To evaluate residual disease initial care (scaling and root planing with or withou


The Case for Genetic Engineering of Native and Landscape Trees against Introduced Pest and Diseases JONATHAN M. ADAMS,* GIANLUCA PIOVESAN,† STEVE STRAUSS,‡AND SANDRA BROWN,§*Department of Natural Resources Science, University of Rhode Island, RI 02879, U.S.A. email jonathan.adams@netzero.net†Department of Forest Science, University of Tuscia, 01100 Viterbo, Italy, email piovesan@unitu

Microsoft word - the killer smile.doc

THE KILLER SMILE A Growing Problem How Do You Say That in Science-speak? As environmental pollution increases we become Toxic metals alter pro-oxidant / anti-oxidant bal-more and more vulnerable to the chronic, low-level ance, and are directly antagonistic to essential exposure to toxic metals in our air, water, food and trace elements for binding sites on transport and teeth.

Pntd.0000076 1.3

Ivermectin Resistance in Onchocerca volvulus: Towarda Genetic Basis1 Laboratory of Molecular Parasitology, Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute, New York Blood Center, New York, New York, United States of America, 2 Divergence Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America, 3 Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America

Health questionnaire 07092006

JOHN F. COOMBS, B.Sc., M.D. 3 WALTER’S LANE, FALLBROOK, ONTARIO Mailing address: P.O. Box 20090, Perth, Ontario, K7H 3M6 Telephone: (613) 267-2523 Fax: (613) 267-6216 HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is designed to help you examine some of the many factors affecting your health. It is long and detailed, but the time spent in answering all the questions is well worthw


A A working knowledge of the dairy cow’s estrous cycle and its associated hormones can help you improve conception rates and boost reproductive efficiency. The following article outlines the most common reproductive hormones, the role each plays within the estrous cycle and how they relate to REpROduCTIvE HORmOnESDairy cattle reproduction is controlled by multiple hormones which are produce


Aanvraag geneesmiddelen bij stoppen met rokenAchmea, Avéro, DVZ, FBTO, Interpolis, OZF Achmea, Zilveren Kruis, AGIS, Pro Life, Take Care Now, CZ, Delta Lloyd, OHRA, De Amersfoortse, De Friesland, DSW, StadHolland, Salland, HollandZorg, energiek, Zorg en Zekerheid In te vullen door behandelaar; ❍ aankruisen indien van toepassing. Eén middel per formulier. De verzekerde dient dit aanvraagfor


Economics rnational February 26, 2003 Frankfurt Voice e Int national t Demography Special Pharmaceutical market: Run on lifestyle Special edition f eaders of drugs boosted by demographic trend Frankfur International pharmaceutical companies have been pushing the lucrativelifestyle drugs segment since the late 1990s. Both younger and older customersare prepared to


Abilene Physicians Group Nicole Koske Bullock, D.O. Cervical ripening: Yes or No (circle one) Date/time of ripening: ________________________ Date/time of Induction: ________________________ Your induction of labor will be at Abilene Regional Medical Center. You should report to the nurse’s station on Labor and Delivery at the time above and tell the nurses you are scheduled for an indu

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Specification Sheet The Mini 100 Press is designed for Cold Pressing most Oil Seeds without Pre-Treatment * . Its small size and tight tolerances means that it is very efficient at rupturing the structures of oil-bearing materials and extracting the oil. The Mini 100 may also be used to process cooked and prepared feed materials, where the pre-treatment will enable greater


To summarize the recent advances in aetiology, diagnosticSmall calibre nerve fibres are distinguished in thinlyassessment, and treatment of small fibre neuropathies. myelinated Ad-fibres and unmyelinated C-fibres. Ad-fibres carry cold sensation, participate in cold and mech-New causes of small fibre neuropathy have beenanical nociception, and have preganglionic sympatheticrecognized and adv


Aviso Importante: Laboratorios Suiphar interpreta que internet es un medio de comunicación global, sin embargo es importante considerar que la Industria Farmaceútica está regida por un marco regulatorio específico de cada país. La sección de productos está exclusivamente dedicada a satisfaccer necesidades de información de los profesionales de la salud, para uso adecuado de lo


Northern Valley Dairy Production Medicine Center 900 N Wabasha, Plainview, MN 55964 (507) 534-4356, 1-888-534-4026 Dehorning and castration are necessary procedures in the cattle business. We all know that cattle have to be dehorned to protect animal and workers. We also know markets demand meat from steers, and that young bulls can be dangerous to humans. Our industry is coming under more a

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A Primal-Dual Bicriteria Distributed Algorithm for Capacitated Abstract In this paper we consider the capacitated vertex cover problem which is the variant of vertex coverwhere each node is allowed to cover a limited number of edges. We present an efficient, deterministic,distributed approximation algorithm for the problem. Our algorithm computes a (2 + ǫ)-approximatesolution which violates th


International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. Disclosure Annex for Interest Rate Transactions This Annex supplements and should be read in conjunction with the General Disclosure Statement. NOTHING IN THIS ANNEX AMENDS OR SUPERSEDES THE EXPRESS TERMS OF ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND US OR ANY RELATED GOVERNING DOCUMENTATION. Accordingly, descriptions in this Annex of the operation o

Yukon quest international

YUKON QUEST® Official Race Rules for the 31st Annual Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race As adopted by Yukon Quest International June 12, 2013 English is the official language of the Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race All dollar amounts are in U.S. currency GENERAL RACE PROCEDURE 1. Race Start: The official starting date for the 2014 race will be Saturday, Febru

Recreational vehicle and towing safety

What are the Warning Signs? There are several warning signs of fatigue; however, we often don’t understand them or worse yet, choose to ignore them. Some of the warning signs include: What is Fatigued Driving? Fatigued driving is best explained as driving when you are tired or sleepy. Driving when you are fatigued has serious consequences. First, fatigue impairs your ability to safe

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Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Vol. 3, Nº 3, 320-338 (2004) O papel das metaciências na promoção da educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável Orlando Figueiredo1, Paulo Almeida2 e Margarida César3 1Escola Básica 2,3 António Bento Franco, Ericeira. E-mail: of1967@hotmail.com. 2Escola Secundária Leal da Câmara, Rio de Mouro. 3Centro de Investigaçã


Ameritrans Capital Corporation Enters Into Definitive Agreements with Affiliate of Columbus Nova, LLC Announces Up to $65 million Equity Investment by Affiliates of Columbus Nova NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ameritrans Capital Corporation (NASDAQ: AMTC, AMTCP), a business development company, today announced that an affiliate of Columbus Nova, LLC, Renova US Holdings, Ltd. ("Renova"

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APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION BY A NONPROFIT ORGANISATION READ THIS FIRST WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS FORM? 1. ORGANISATIONAL DETAILS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHICH ORGANISATIONS MAY APPLY FOR REGISTRATION? _____________________________________________________ _______________

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SUSANE - Sustainable, sanitary and efficient management of animal manure for plant nutrition Impact of medicated feed on the development of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in integrated pig-fish farms in Vietnam. 1. Introduction Use of animal manure as fertilizer of aquaculture ponds is practiced widely in Southeast Asia. Pigs are raised in houses on the edge of ponds and

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BREAST REDUCTION POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS Management of Pain and Discomfort: We have found through many years of experience that the level of pain and discomfort following breast reduction surgery is far less than you might expect. It is not unusual for our patients to return and tell us that their level of discomfort was far less than they had feared. However, you have been given pain reliever


Malattia infiammatoria delle vie aeree, responsabile della comparsa di sintomi associati a broncostruzione reversibile, spontaneamente che dopo terapia . 70% dei bambini: - manifestano episodi ricorrenti di respiro sibilante in associazione ad infezioni virali acute - non hanno familiarità per atopia - non sviluppano sensibilità ad allergeni - non presentano ip


Dallmayr in München gilt als der Inbegriff für Genuss. Es ist das Stamm-haus veredelter Spitzenkaffees und der Treffpunkt von Gourmets aus aller Welt. Das Unternehmen wird mit viel Liebe zum Detail, Respekt vor dem Fachwissen der Mitarbeiter und Stolz auf eine lebendige Tradition geführt. Qualität und Service erster Klasse sind hier Berufung und Passion – jeden Tag. Es geht bei Dallmayr nich


POLICY FOR WITHHOLDING TREATMENT FROM VIOLENT AND ABUSIVE PATIENTS Simply Teeth Dental Practice POLICY FOR WITHHOLDING TREATMENT FROM VIOLENT AND ABUSIVE PATIENTS Review Date Distribution Policy Statement This policy forms part of an overall approach to managing violence and aggression, which includes local guidelines and clinical procedures, for example, the men


Frozen Embryo Cycle Frozen Embryo Replacement (FET Cycle) Dr Scott Salisbury Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Frozen Embryo Cycle FROZEN EMBRYO TRANSFER CYCLE There are 3 ways of performing a Frozen embryo Cycle . 1) Natural Cycle FET This involves monitoring with blood test, urine kits and/or scans to predict when ovulation occurs or alternatively trigg


Zactin® contains the active ingredient fluoxetine hydrochloride Consumer Medicine Information • flecainide, a medicine used to treat someThis leaflet answers some common questions Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any • St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum), a other medicines, foods, dyes or preservatives. It does not contain all the available information. Tell your doc


Jeff Schneider Associate Research Professor Robotics Institute School of Computer Science August 31, 2007 (3:30pm) Research Topic Machine learning Research Problem Can machine learning techniques be used to make the drug development process more efficient? Problem Statement Given behavioral data gathered from animal trials on specific drug compounds, construct a learning agent t

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Deer Park Primary School New Road, Wingerworth, Chesterfield S42 6TD Tel / fax: 01246 232696 Email : info@deerpark.derbyshire.sch.uk Web site: www . deerpark.derbyshire.sch.uk Headteacher : Mr T.G. Soar . B.Ed (Hons) 11 February 2010 School Newsletter No: 12 2009 2010 Dear Parent/Guardian In our OFSTED inspection last February, there were two issues that the inspectors aske

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Troubleshooting Common Thermostat Problems Signature/Star Series (Except for P374-0000, 0100, 0200, 0300) 1) Clock losing time 2) Display goes blank or shows “PF” when starting cooling or heating 3) Unit running backwards – cooling on heat demand, heating on cool demand 4) Unit runs both heat and cool at the same time 5) Display blanks out during heating 6) Wireless thermo


Treatment of dystonic syndromes by chronic electrical stimulation of the internal glob. Sida 1 av 7 Deep Brain Stimulation in Adult and Pediatric Movement Disorders Laura CIF1, Simone HEMM1, Nathalie VAYSSIERE1, Philippe COUBES1 1Research Group on Movement Disorders, Department of Neurosurgery (Professor Philippe Coubes, Montpellier University Hospital, 34295 MONTPELLIER, CEDEX 5, FRANCE) C

Data linkage branch_projects1995-2012

Data Linkage Branch – Project Applications 1995 – 2010 Project Title Investigators Johnson Graeme, Fiona Stanley, Alison Plant Hospitalisation rates for women 20-60 years Breast cancer - patterns of care and outcomes Comorbidity in people with mental illness Key cancers - lung, colorectal, breast, melanoma Secondary prevention of Myocardial infarction SPLASH - Health behaviou

Tiotropium bromide step-up therapy for adults with uncontrolled asthma (talc trial)

Tiotropium bromide Step-Up Therapy for Adults with Uncontrolled Asthma (TALC trial) Peters, S. et al . NEJM 363(18)1715-1726. Oct. 28, 2010 Rationale: - short acting anticholinergics have been around for decades and have been used for acute and chronic management of both COPD and asthma - Cochrane review 2004 “no justification for routinely introducing anticholinergics as part of

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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, first, middle): BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the key personnel in the order listed for Form Page 2. Follow the sample format on preceding page for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. Medical Director, Portuguese Mental Health Clinic; Director, Depression and Anxiety Disorders Research Program, Cambridge Heal

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CANNABIDIOL IS A NEGATIVE ALLOSTERIC MODULATOR AT THE µ OPIOID (MOP) RECEPTOR M. Kathmann, K. Flau, E. Schlicker Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Bonn, Reuterstr. 2b, 53113 Bonn, m.kathmann@uni-bonn.de Introduction ∆9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main source of the pharmacological effects caused by the consumption of cannabis, both the mariju

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Jeffrey M. Jacobs, M.D. Diplomate of the American Board of Gastroenterology This procedure is an endoscopic examination of the body by a physician. If necessary, a small piece of tissue (biopsy) can be removed for further examination under a microscope. If a polyp(s) is found it can usually be removed during the procedure. You need to be here 30 minutes before your appointment time to allow for p


C h i r u r g i e - h e e l k u n d i g e i n g r e e p Afhankelijk van de uitgebreidheid van de weg te nemen letsels, kan dit in het kabinet tijdens een consultatie onder lokale verdoving gebeuren of in AZ ALMA (onder lokale of algemene verdoving) VERDOVING : De betreffende huidafwijking wordt eerst plaatselijk verdoofd met een injectie. Hierbij voelt u eerst een klein prikje van de i


EXTREME MORINGA ENERGY Zija’s XM+ Energy Mix combines the abundant nutrition of Moringa oleifera with natural energy and performance ingredients to elevate your mood, boost your energy level, and suppress your appetite. These days it’s harder than ever to live a well-balanced life. Sleep schedules, modern diet deficiencies, and stress can lead to physical and INGREDIENTS: Proprie


DPLA MANUFACTURING PROCESS FOR TADALAFIL FROM RACEMIC OR L-TRYPTOPHAN Introduction Tadalafil 1 is a selective inhibitor of cGMP specific Type V phosphodiesterase (PDE5) and it is used for treatment of erectile dysfunction (Cialis®). The pharmacological activity of Tadalafil is assigned specifically to (6R,12aR)-enantiomer. Since Tadalafil 1 possesses at C(12a)-atom R-configura


Explaining Recent Declines in Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States: The Contribution of Abstinence and Improved Contraceptive Use| John S. Santelli, MD, MPH, Laura Duberstein Lindberg, PhD, Lawrence B. Finer, PhD, and Susheela Singh, PhDIn recent years, the United States has had the Objectives. We explored the relative contributions of declining sexual activityhighest rate of adolescent


IMMANUEL BIBLE CHURCH ■ 2428 Superior Ave. ■ Sheboygan, WI 53081 ■ www.DelightintheWORD.orgPsychological Labels that Disguise Sin Let’s just admit it: taking a pill is easier than submitting to the Holy Spirit It does not surprise me that the mental health industry continues to create and propagate new labels for human behavior that minimize personal responsibility. Human nature has alwa

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Thumb Arthritis One of the most common causes of pain when pinching, grasping, torquing (twisting), and lifting with the hand, is arthritis at the base of the thumb. A complex saddle-shaped joint at the base of the thumb allows for movement of the thumb away from the palm. This joint also al ows the thumb to pivot and turn so as to meet one or all of the fingers in opposition, which one


Gastroparesis -- This condition occurs when the rate of the electrical wave slows and the stomach contracts less frequently. Now the food just lays in the stomach relying on acid and digestive enzymes to break down the food and on gravity to empty the stomach. There are a number of causes for this condition: Diabetes is the most common known cause. Adrenal and thyroid gland problems can a


Eskalering för MÄN, att gå från 0-100 när du möter en kvinna. Det finns en viss del inom raggning som många har problem med, och det är den så kallade eskaleringen, med andra ord: Hur går man från att först träffa en tjej till att få det att bli någonting mer än bara en vänskapligt möte? Och svaret är: en eskalering både på det mentala, verbala och fysiska planet efter just


Letter from Members of Trinity Episcopal Church Advocating the Reform of our Healthcare System I have observed the misery of my people . . . ; and I have come down to deliver them (Exod 3:7f). The joys and the sufferings of our neighbors, and more especially of our brothers and sisters, cannot leave us indifferent. Thus it is that those of us at Trinity Episcopal Church (Troy, Ohio) hav


CT CPT CODING GUIDE 76380 – CT Limited 70450 – w/o contrast 70460 – w/contrast 70470 – w/o & w/contrast Cervical Spine 72125 – w/o contrast Orbit, Sella, IACS 72126 – w/contrast 70480 – w/o contrast 72127 – w/o & w/contrast 70481 – w/contrast 70482 – w/o & w/contrast 70491 – CT Neck Contrast (Soft Tissue) Face/Sinuses

Preventive measures for your prostate

Preventive Measures for your Prostate Saw Palmetto Saw Palmetto is a supplemental extract used to treat the symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia (BNP), or non-cancerous prostate enlargement. It has pharmacologic effects similar to finasteride and has been used as a preventive measure against prostate cancer. The use of saw palmetto extracts can reduce the size of the prostate. So

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Ten Years of Judicial Gatekeeping Under Daubertand certainty dissolves into probability.”2In the ten years since Daubert v Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc , the standardsfor admissibility at trial of expert testimony in general and scientific evidence inLegal doctrines developed to guide judges inparticular have become more demanding. Reviews of recent cases and empiri-considering such d


pTRE-Myc Vector Information GenBank Accession #: Submission in progress. EcoR I BamH I pTRE-Myc ATG GCA TCA ATG CAG AAG CTG ATC TCA GAG GAG GAC CTG CTT ATG GCC ATG GAG GCC CAA GCT TGG TCG ACC GAG ATC TCT CGA GGT ACC GCG GCC GCT CGA CGA TAT CTC TAG A Map and Multiple Cloning Site (MCS) of pTRE-Myc Vector. Unique restriction sites are in bold. Description: pTRE-Myc is a tetracyclin

Cv detaille

Dominique DETAILLE Born on september 17th, 1969 E-mail: domidet@usal.es or domidet@hotmail.com PhD in Biology Project: Scientific collaborator in a public or private research laboratory on Biomedical topics. Education 2002 - Ph.D. in Biology (Adviser: Professor Pierre Devos) Title: The Xenopus laevis oocyte as experimental tool for the study of an antidiabetic drug,


CLINICAL STUDIES Clinical Utility of Monitoring Tacrolimus Blood Concentrations in Liver Transplant Patients Raman Venkataramanan, PhD, Leslie M. Shaw, PhD, Laszlo Sarkozi, PhD, Richard Mullins, PhD, John Pirsch, MD, Gordon MacFarlane, PhD, Dan Scheller, BS, Diana Ersfeld, BA, Mary Frick, MS, William E. Fitzsimmons, PharmD, Mohammed Virji, MD, Ashok Jain, MD, Kenneth L. Brayma


The following answers are based on pages 44–55: Section one: What is cancer (pages 44–46)? 1. What part of a cell must be damaged before it becomes a cancer cell? The genetic information, DNA. 2. In what ways does a cancer cell behave differently from a normal cell? Cancer cells do not respond to the signals that control normal cell behaviour.They multiply uncontrollably, making many

Microsoft word - policy 504.3.1-r.doc

Policy 504.3.1-R Administering Medications to Students For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions apply: Supervision of Medication When a school staff member "supervises" a student taking medication, he or she simply monitors the student taking the medication on their own, having been informed of the need by a note from the parent. Administration of Me


GASTROENTEROLOGY ASSOCIATES, PC Preparation Instructions For Colonoscopy with Movi-Prep At Prince William Hospital Appointment Date: __________________________ Appointment Time: ___________________________ • PLEASE BE SURE TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS THE DAY BEFORE PROCEDURE Date: _____________ CAREFULLY. IF NOT WELL PREPPED, THE PROCEDURE MAY BE CANCELLED AND • When you wake up,

Vermondans ec imp.pdf

VERMONDANS ETAT CIVIL 1793/1902 NAISSANCES 1353 Actes BIENVENUE DANS L'ETAT CIVIL DE VERMONDANS 1793/1902 Naissances : 1353 actes Mariages : 367 actes Décès : 933 actes Ce document a été établi en 2002 par Mr Pierre SCHUFT et mis en forme par Philippe PELLETIERd'après les registres d'Etat civil de la mairie pour la Période 1793/1862 et d’après les registr

Poetry map.pdf

A Poetry Map for LSJ Bruce Fraser Greek Lexicon Project Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge 2003 (revised 2007) Table of contents Introduction When using the Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ), readers face theproblem that many citations of the early Greek poets are to editions which are out of printand have been superseded by works which give diffe

Advised to the diabetic patients who wants to fast during the month of ramadan:

Advice to the Diabetic Patient who wants to FAST during the Holy month of Ramadan: By: Dr M Akber, Consultant Physician in Diabetes & Endocrinology University Hospital of North Staffordshire, Stoke on Trent, UK Contact: mohammed.akber@uhns.nhs.uk This article includes: 1. General issues and advice to the patient during Ramadan fasting (sawm) 2. Specific advice to the physician, and

01 migradao

Evaluation DAO-deficiency patients migraine. Carmen Vidal1, Feliu Titus2 y Rafael Guayta-Escolies3 1 Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology at University of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain); Member of honour in the Spanish Society of Neorology, Madrid (Spain) and Scientific assessor in the Spanish Association of Patients with Headache (AEPAC), Valencia (Spain); Assessor in th

Pii: s0010-7824(01)00316-x

An open label, comparative study of the effects of a dose-reduced oralcontraceptive containing 20 ␮g ethinyl estradiol and 100 ␮glevonorgestrel on hemostatic, lipids, and carbohydrate metabolismJ. Endrikata,*, C. Klippingb, M. Cronina, C. Gerlingera, A. Ruebiga, W. Schmidtc,a Schering AG, Mu¨llerstr, 178, D-13342 Berlin, Germany b Dinox Medical Investigations, Groenewoudseweg 317, NL-6

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Manufacturer/Supplier: Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc. Address: 6701 Evenstad Drive, Maple Grove, MN 55369 Skin Corrosion: Category 3 Eye Corrosion: Category 2B Skin Sensitization: Not available Carcinogenicity: N/A Reproductive/Developmental: 2 Target Organ Toxicity (Repeated): Liver & Central Nervous System GHS Label: Symbols: Do not eat or drink in areas where Topiramate or a solution

Microsoft word - fvl'09.doc

Physics of Live Processes ; Introduction to Biophysics John van Noort, Physics of Life Processes Exam 28-05-2009, 13:45-16:30h This exam consists of 6 problems (2 pages). Note your name and student ID on every sheet. Give sufficient motivation for your answers. You may use books, notes and calculators 1) A model protein Proteins are built from strings of amino acids. 20 different

Microsoft word - ybio.docx

DANNY GOTTLIEB Danny Gottlieb is one of the most popular drummers in jazz and contemporary music. He is also one of the rare and exceptional musicians in the world who has been able to combine both a world renown performing and recording career with a successful career in music education. While best known as a founding member of the original Pat Metheny Group, Gottlieb has performed and recorded


TOTAL INTEGRATED WELLNESS, INC Phone: (775) 825-3625 Fax: (775) 825-3628 NUTRITION EVALUATION: 12/27/2013 PATIENT INFORMATION DATA USED FOR ANALYSIS Height: 5'6"Weight: 145Blood Pressure: 139 / 95O2 Level: 83%Heart Rate: 98 PRIMARY SYMPTOMS 1. Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol) PRESENTING SYMPTOMS Allergic Rhinitis (Sinusitis) • Anxiety/Stress • Arthritic/Rheumatic D

Risk of adverse effects with fluticasone propionate as compared to other intranasal steroids

Risk of Adverse Effects with Fluticasone Propionate as Compared to Other Intranasal Steroids Stephen P Motsko, PharmD, PhD1, Marlo A Corrao, MPH2, Ruby M Vendiola1, Kourtney J Davis, PhD2, Earl L Goehring1, Judith K Jones, MD, PhD1 1The Degge Group, Ltd., Arlington, VA, and 2Worldwide Epidemiology, GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC, United States Table 1. Number of Even


SPECIAL CIRCULAR In view of the repeated news in the media and the misuse of psychotropic drugs by certain medical shops, it has been decided to enforce maintenance of written registers at al steps of sales point for sale of psychotropic/other critical drugs sales from the first sales point to the chemist. This special circular will be have immediate effect. All Asst Drugs Controllers and Inspe

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Center for Women’s Heart Care Explaining Your Cholesterol We do not closely follow the total cholesterol Triglycerides (TG’s) are a form of fat that number. This is because it doesn’t give as can be made in your body or come from the much information as the individual parts of food you eat. People who are overweight or the cholesterol panel—the HDL, LDL, and have dia

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VOICING CONCERNS by Dr. Sadhana. Nayak Certain medicines either prescribed by your doctor or taken over the counter may affect the voice directly or indirectly. These medications affect the voice in different ways- some by producing dryness, some by causing tremors, some by slowing down the functioning of the central nervous system, some by increasing the susceptibility to haemorrhage. If y


(Rev. Esp. Anestesiol. Reanim. 2002; 49: 314-323) REVISIÓN Pautas de ayuno preoperatorio y premedicación para reducirel riesgo de aspiración pulmonarA. C. López Muñoz*, J. Tomás Braulio**, R. Montero Benzo***Servicio de Anestesiología y Reanimación. Hospital Infantil La Fe. Valencia. Guidelines for preoperative fasting andpremedication to reduce the risk of Gracias a un mejor conocim


Journal of Psychosomatic Research 60 (2006) 253 – 256Pro-anorexics and recovering anorexics differ in theirElizabeth J. Lyonsa,T, Matthias R. Mehlb,T, James W. PennebakercaDepartment of Health Behavior and Health Education, University of North Carolina, NC, United StatesbDepartment of Psychology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United StatescDepartment of Psychology, University of Te

Microsoft word - antiangiogener cocktail (aac)neu2.docx

Compassionate Bob Leibowitz, M.D. Onclogy Medical Group DIPLOMATE AMERICAN BOARDS OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE ANTIANGIOGENER COCKTAIL (AAC) Wir haben eine sehr effektive Behandlungsoption, die weder eine Chemotherapie ist, auch keine Hormonblockade darstellt und dabei das Immunsystem stärkt. Ist es nicht genau das, was Sie immer gesucht haben? Der Name dieser Form der Behandlung

Plantilla informac al pacien

14 . INF. PAC. - A. J. LUCENDO -:PLANTILLA INFORMAC AL PACIEN 26/12/07 08:17 Página 7291130-0108/2007/99/12/729REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE ENFERMEDADES DIGESTIVASCopyright © 2007 ARÁN EDICIONES, S. L. INFORMACIÓN AL PACIENTE Sección coordinada por: Servicio de Gastroenterología. Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal. Madrid Esofagitis eosinofílica ¿QUÉ ES? ¿CÓMO SE TRATA LA ESO


Neurocritical Care Copyright © 2004 Humana Press Inc. All rights of any nature whatsoever are reserved. ISSN 1541-6933/04/3:XXX–XXX Translational Research Multimodality Monitoring in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury The Role of Brain Tissue Oxygenation Monitoring Jamin M. Mulvey,1*, Nicholas W.C. Dorsch,2 Yugan Mudaliar,1 and Erhard W Lang,2 1Department of Intensive Care, Univers


A physician should be consulted if Lyme disease is suspected. Only the rash is distinctive enough for a clinical diagnosis without laboratory confirmation. In the absence of an EM rash, Lyme disease may be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms and signs vary among individuals and can be similar to those of many other diseases. Conversely, other arthritic or neurologic diseases may be mis


Wirkstoff(e) 5-FU medac 50 mg/ml, Lösung zur intravenösen Injektion und Infusion AC - F 113 4,7 l 1 KanAC - F 213 4,7 l 1 KanAC - F 219/1 4,7 l 1 KanAC - F 413 4,7 l 1 KanACC® akut 200 mg Hustenlöser, ACCU CHEK AVIVA TESTSTREIF 10 StkACCU CHEK AVIVA TESTSTREIF 50 StkACCU CHEK COMPACT GLUCOSE 50 ACCU CHEK MULTICLIX 1 StkACCU CHEK MULTICLIX LANZET 204 ACCU CHEK MULTICLIX LANZET 24 StkACCU C

Jlcd - administering medication to students

EDUCATIONAL POLICIES OF SCHOOL REGIONAL SCHOOL UNIT #10 DATE ADOPTED: 8.10.09 ADMINISTERING MEDICATION TO STUDENTS The administration of medication in schools is limited and controlled by law -- Title 20-A MRSA, 254 (5), 4009 (4) -- and is specifically addressed by school board policy JLCD. This regulation is based on the following: A.The dispensing of medication on school premise

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EC-SAFETY DATA SHEET ACCORDING TO DIRECTIVES 2001/58/EC IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND COMPANY Magtoxin tablets, Magtoxin roundtablets Detia Degesch GmbHDr.-Werner-Freyberg-Str. 11D-69514 LaudenbachGermany COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Preparation with ignition inhibiting additivesChem. Characterization / Concentration / Symbol / R-phrases / CAS-No. Magn


Dr. Maria Fe Corpuz-Bato MEDICAL HISTORY Patient’s name ____________________________________________________________Date Form Completed____/_____/_____ Birth date______/______/______ Weight___________________________*Blood Pressure___________________ Instructions to the Patient: Answer the following questions as completely and accurately as possible. All information is CONFIDENT


Packing List ∙ 1 windproof jacket ∙ 2 long pairs of pants ∙ 2 short pairs of pants ∙ 1 pair of cloves (light weight) ∙ 2 long sleeve shirts ∙ 2 short sleeve shirt ∙ 4 pairs of socks ∙ 1 tracking suite ∙ Sports bra for the ladies, it is bumpy on the bush roads ∙ 1 pair of boots or hiking shoes for long walking sessions ∙ 1 pair of tennis shoes to relax in ∙ 1 w

Flu fact sheet - schools

What Schools Need to Know About Preventing The Flu the Spread of. About Flu Influenza, commonly called “the flu,” is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Infection withinfluenza viruses can result in illness ranging from mild to severe and to life-threatening complications. Five hundredout of 100,000 children with high-risk conditions (such as heart disease or


Sehr geehrte Patientin, sehr geehrter Patient,bei Ihnen werden Beschwerden einer Analfissurbehandelt. Analfissuren haben nichts mit Krebs zu tun! Der sehr Was ist eine Analfissur? seltene Analkrebs kann aber gelegentlich wie eine FissurÜbersetzt heißt „Fissur“ Riss. Der bei der proktologischenaussehen und wird dann oftmals lange Zeit nicht alsUntersuchung festgestellte Defekt sieht a


Clin Res Cardiol (2008)DOI 10.1007/s00392-008-0672-7CLINICAL TRIAL UPDATES AND HOTLINE SESSIONSj Abstract This article summarizes the results of a number of newReceived: 25 April 2008Accepted: 25 April 2008clinical trials, registries and meta-analyses in the field of cardiovascularmedicine. Key presentations made at the annual meeting of the AmericanCollege of Cardiology (ACC), held in Chicag

Effectiveness of stopsmoking medications: findings from the international tobacco control (itc) four country survey

RESEARCH REPOR T Effectiveness of stop-smoking medications: findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Four Country Survey Karin A. Kasza1, Andrew J. Hyland2, Ron Borland3, Ann D. McNeill4, Maansi Bansal-Travers2, Brian V. Fix2, David Hammond5, Geoffrey T. Fong5,6,7 & K. Michael Cummings8 Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences, Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Patient registration form

Patient Registration Form PLEASE PRINT Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Ps Dr (Med) Dr (PhD) Other: ___________________________ Surname: ________________________ Given Names: _______________________________ Date of Birth: / / Occupation: ________________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ ________

Epilepsy and anti-malarial medication

15 EPILEPSY AND ANTI- MALARIAL MEDICATION The risk of contracting malaria is high when travelling to some parts of the world, and preventative (or “prophylactic”) medicines are normally recommended to protect the traveller from contracting the infection. It should be noted, however, that these medicines are not 100% effective, and it is important that measures be taken to avoid being

Balanitis in children - information, symptoms and treatment

Balanitis in children - information, symptoms and treatment Balanitis in children Published by Bupa's health information team, June 2008. This factsheet is for parents of boys who have balanitis, or who would like information about it. Balanitis is an inflammation of the head of the penis (glans or glans penis). Often the foreskin is affected, and theinflammation can spread down the shaft o


Cognitive Side Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs in ChildrenCognitive Side Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs in Children By David W. Loring, Ph.D., Psychiatric Times URL: http://psychiatrictimes.com/article/showArticle.jhtml?articleId=171201519 Psychiatric Times September 2005 Vol. XXII Issue 10 Epilepsy is a major public health concern, with prevalence estimated to be slightly less than 1% (Annegers,


Darren Blencowe | 3D Generalist Folio: www.darrenblencowe.com M: +44 (0)7971 558 041 E: darren@darrenblencowe.com INTRODUCTION | Bio: Traditionally an imaginative, curious and inventive Softimage 3D Generalist. A digital creative that brings over 26 years of direct creative experience into a wide range of digital content project

Dental magazine _ journal _ march 201

JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES Volume 2 Issue 1 PRESCRIBING ANTIBIOTICS AND ANALGESICS IN CHILDREN Dr. Jyoti Mathur Dr. Amish Diwanji Abstract For the purpose of having a standardized prescription practice, it is very necessary for the operators involved in dispensing treatment in a large set up, to have a quick reference system which would minimize chances of errors due to variation

Microsoft word - annual report prof van biljon2009.doc


Sdran program announcement

Crisis Management SDRAN PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT Crisis Management Thursday, July 26, 2007 Location : Favrille (directions at end of this message) 10445 Pacific Center Court, Conference Room M Speakers: Joyce Williams, MBA, RAC Del Stagg, PhD Brian Donato, JD Moderator: Laura Guy, MS, RAC Regulatory Liaisons, Principal Regulatory and Quality Consultant


Possibility to obtain SPCs broadened by three eagerly awaited CJ decisions On 12 December 2013, the Court of Justice of the European Union (" CJ ") handed down three important decisions regarding the interpretation of Regulation 469/2009 (the " SPC Regulation "). These three decisions are expected to impact your SPC strategies. In Actavis v Sanofi (C-443/12) and Geo

Pilzerkrankungen der haut:

Pilzerkrankungen der Haut: In den letzten Jahren haben Pilzerkrankungen weltweit zugenommen. Als Ursachen gelten u.a. die Haltung von kleinen Nagetieren, wie Hamster und Meerschweinchen, sowie der vermehrteBesuch von Solarien, Saunen, Schwimmbädern und Sportstätten. Als Ursache der Zunahme vonPilzerkrankungen gelten auch ein erhöhter Zuckerverbrauch, der Einsatz von Korticostereoiden,Antib

J:\pubsdept\oma-17 temp\cd-rom2\995_04.vp

previously charged with Cu ions. Column is washed and AOAC Official Method 995.04 tetracyclines are specifically eluted with buffer containing EDTA. Multiple Tetracycline Residues in Milk Eluate is ultrafiltered to remove remaining protein and filtrate is in- Metal Chelate Affinity-Liquid Chromatographic Method jected onto LC column. Tetracyclines are adsorbed and concentrated First Act

Microsoft word - colonoscoy morning _amended_ updated jan 2011t v1.doc

Dr. Sina A. Malki-Gastroenterologist (phone/fax/message service 9836 7333) Colonoscopy -morning Please read and follow this information carefully to ensure good outcome. (PICO PREP) You have been booked for your procedure. Date _____/_____/___ Day Arrival time: **** Note: a cancellation fee does apply so it is essential you keep your appointment & attend for the procedure **** ADD

Microsoft word - resumo - fórum 2013 taisa da silva 1997-2003

11º FÓRUM DE EXTENSÃO E CULTURA DA UEM FORMULAÇÃO, DESENVOLVIMENTO E PRODUÇÃO DE MEDICAMENTOS EM ESCALA INDUSRIAL. Nos dias de hoje, o farmacêutico está vocacionado para cumprir o seu papel perante a sociedade, responsabilizando-se pelo bem-estar da população e contribuindo para a melhoria da sua qualidade de vida. O compromisso que o farmacêutico envolve perante a soc

Ayahuasca pack eng

The contents of this pack are enough for 1 trip. Ayahuasca (or ‘yage’) is a magic potion that has been brewed for millennia by Indian shamans (a.k.a. ‘vegetalistas’ or ‘ayahuasqueros’) in the Amazon rainforests of South-America. The word ayahuasca means ‘vine of the soul’ (‘aya’ means spirit, ancestor or soul; ‘huasca’ means rope or vine, after Banisteriopsis caapi, the mo

090317 pm auditberichte-en-f

Accredited GMP audit reports for additional active pharmaceutical ingredients Münster, 23 March 2009. During March 2009, pharma service provider Diapharm (www.diapharm.com) has commissioned audits of GMP compliance in the production of the active pharmaceutical ingredients C affeine, Theophylline, Phenazone, Metamizole-Sodium and Trimethoprim by manufacturers in the Shandong region o



Schmerztherapie bei kleinen heimtieren

Wie mache ich einen alten Hund wieder „jung"? - Verhaltensmanagement Alter – was ist das? Es gibt normales und pathologisches Altern. Dies abzugrenzen bzw. zu unterscheiden ist nicht leicht. Dies gilt sowohl für die Veterinärmedizin als auch für die Humanmedizin. Alte Hunde sind imGegensatz zum alten Menschen oft medizinisch unterbehandelt. Häufig sind sowohl Besitzer als auc


WELLNESS, WEIGHT LOSS & DISEASE PREVENTIONEMAIL: TOMRIFAI@GMAIL.COM WEB: DRTOMRIFAI.COM ADDRESS: PO Box 1814, Troy, MI 48099Medical Director, Metabolic Nutrition and Weight ManagementSt Joseph Mercy Oakland (Trinity Hospital System)-Pontiac, MichiganBoard of Director Member - American Board of Physician Nutrition Specialistsamerican board of internal medicine, 8.2003 american board of phy

Microsoft word - digiderm eng_eindversie.doc

Study on the effect application of Digiderm+ in comparison with formalin 4% on Digital Dermatitis (Mortellaro disease) in dairy cows. GD Deventer: Dr. M. Holzhauer, Dr. C. J. Bartels, and Dr. T.J.G.M. Lam WUR Wageningen: Ir. M. van ’t Riet and Dr. Ir. K. Frankena Introduction Digital Dermatitis or Mortellaro disease (DD) is the most important infectious claw disorder in dairy cows in


dati e tabelle a cura dell’Agenzia RadiocorTelefonici giù, gli investitori si aspettavano di più da Telecom e che puntasse al possesso totale della controllata Ancora positivoil Nuovo mercatoProfumo in partenza: Usa a due facce: sale l’indice manifatturiero e cala l’occupazione industriale). Ebbene, l’indice è salito auna possibile ripresa. C’era molta atte-54,7 punti, be

Medication authorization form

Milne/Kelvin Grove School District 91 MEDICATION AUTHORIZATION Please Note: Only one medication per form . (All information in this section must be completed) STUDENT NAME________________________________ Date of Birth _________Grade _____ ALLERGIES (Please List)_________________________ Current weight of Student_________ Purpose of Medication _______________________________

Microsoft word - common superficial oral lesions table 1.docx

Common Superficial Oral Lesions TABLE 1 From: Common Oral Lesions: Part I. Superficial Mucosal Lesions . Am Fam Physician. 2007 Feb 15;75(4):501-506.WANDA C. GONSALVES, M.D., ANGELA C. CHI, D.M.D., and BRAD W. NEVILLE, D.D.S., Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina Condition Clinical presentation Treatment Comments Candidiasis4– Pseud

Analyses of proposals to amend

Ref. CoP13 Prop. 37 Inclusion of Hoodia spp. in Appendix II, designating all parts and derivatives except those bearing the label ‘Produced from Hoodia spp. material obtained through controlled harvesting and production in collaboration with the CITES Management Authorities of Botswana, Namibia and South Africa under agreement no. BW/NA/ZA xxxx’ . Proponents: Botswana, Nami

Bijsluiter gaviscon kauwtabletten.pdf

Lees deze bijsluiter zorgvuldig door, want deze bevat belangrijke informatie voor u. Dit geneesmiddel is verkrijgbaar zonder doktersvoorschrift (recept), voor de behandeling van een milde aandoening waarbij advies van een arts niet noodzakelijk is. Toch blijft het belangrijk om Gaviscon 250 pepermunt kauwtabletten zorgvuldig te gebruiken om een goed resultaat te bereiken. · Bewaar deze b

Deer run dental

Welcome to our Practice! Please help us by providing the following confidential information. PATIENT INFORMATION Name (last, first, middle):_____________________________________________Preferred________________ Date of Birth_________________ Sex : M_______ F_______ SS#_________________________________ Drivers License #:_____________________ Email address___________________________


Preventing Disturbing Migraine Aura With Lamotrigine: An Open Study Julio Pascual, MD; Ana B. Caminero, MD; Valent´ın Mateos, MD; Carlos Roig, MD;Rogelio Leira, MD; Carlos Garc´ıa-Monc ´o, MD; Miguel J. La´ınez, MD Background.—Lamotrigine has been suggested as possibly effective for preventing migraine aura. Objective.—To describe our experience with a series of patients with di

Microsoft word - articolo leslie leonelli.doc

Elisabetta Leslie Leonelli UN EVENTO CLINICO POSITIVO SULLA SESSUALITA’ IN MENOPAUSA: RIFLESSIONI E QUESITI Faccio parte di una generazione di donne, quelle della seconda metà del XX secolo che stata protagonista di un grande cambiamento storico : abbiamo potuto scegliere sulla sessualità e la riproduzione, abbiamo ottenuto un livello alto di scolarità, l’indipendenza econ


3. Pour la candidose oropharyngée, la dose habituelle est de 50 à 100 mgune fois par jour pendant 7 à 14 jours. Le traitement peut être poursuiviplus longtemps si nécessaire chez les patients dont la fonction immuni-Pour prévenir une rechute de la candidose oropharyngée chez lespatients atteints du SIDA, le fluconazole peut être administré à raison de150 mg une fois par semaine une fo

Bijlage iii

BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIK(ST)ER Pantozol 20, maagsapresistente tabletten 20 mg Lees de hele bijsluiter zorgvuldig door voordat u start met het innemen van dit geneesmiddel. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter. Het kan nodig zijn om deze nog eens door te lezen. Heeft u nog vragen, raadpleeg dan uw arts of apotheker. Dit geneesmiddel is aan u persoonlijk voorgeschreven. Geef dit g

Microsoft word - actualités dopage .doc .doc

Suite à la brève publiée dans le Handinfos n° 607 du 18 janvier 2011,nous vous apportons des précisions sur les évolutions de laréglementation pour l’année 2011. • SUPPRESSION DU SYSTÈME DES DÉCLARATIONS D’USAGE (DU) La nouvelle liste des substances et méthodes interdites dans le sport en vigueur pour 2011, fixée par le décret du 16 décembre 2010, ne fait plus référence a



June 22, 2009

New Journals from the Resource Centre for September 2011 The Resource Centre is open to the public Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. Books, videos and DVDs are available for loan. Reference materials and journals are not available for loan, but can be photocopied free of charge. For a complete listing of items in our collection, as well as an extensive list of online materials in over 70 lang

Microsoft word - parent h1n1 letter 21sept09 _2_.doc

Guidance for Parents with School-Age Children Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County is providing you and your family with the following current and relevant information regarding the upcoming flu season. It is our hope that you share this information and encourage others to follow this guidance to prevent the spread of both seasonal flu and the new H1N1 flu. As you may know, seas

Da funk discography

Da Funk-Discography Originals 2004 Da Funk-Montparnasse | Monolog Recordings Da Funk-Double Cream | Acryl Music Da Funk-Back Yard | Acryl Music Da Funk-Exhale | Inhale Music Da Funk-Outside In | Acryl Music Da Funk-Goin’ On | Acryl Music Da Funk-Strict Rulin’ | Acryl Music 2005 Da Funk-That’s Me | Acryl Music Da Funk-Everything Changes E.P. | Acryl Music Da Funk-Heat

Kingsport city schools health services

KINGSPORT CITY SCHOOLS (KCS) HEALTH SERVICES Kingsport City Schools Medical Form 2011-2012 This form is required for ALL After School and School Related Activities A Parent/Guardian must complete ALL Items on this form. ***Additional forms will need to be completed if student takes Medication for Asthma or Allergies. If questions, call the appropriate school nurse. Name

Bod minutes

MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF KANSAS CITY HELD IN The meeting convened at 8:00 a.m. with Chairman Paul DeBruce presiding and the following Incoming First Vice President Alan D. Barkema Senior Vice President and Director of Research Denise I. Connor Senior Vice President Kevin L. Moore Senior Vice President Dawn B. Morhaus Senior Vice President


Veterinary Dermatology 2004, 15 , 61– 74 Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. Cyclosporin A: a new drug in the field of canine dermatology ERIC GUAGUÈRE*, JEAN STEFFAN† and THIERRY OLIVRY‡*Clinique Veterinaire Saint Bernard, 598 Avenue de Dunkerque, 59160 Lomme, France †Novartis Animal Health, CH 4002 Basle, Switzerland ‡Department of Clinical Sciences, C


REMS Presszangen Mini Zubehör für REMS Mini-Press ACC 3UHVV¿WWLQJ6\VWHPH IU *DVLQVWDOODWLRQHQ GUIHQ QXU PLW GHQ LQ GHU 7DEHOOH JHOE KLQWHUOHJWHQ 3UHVV]DQJHQ JHSUHVVW ZHUGHQ Nationale Regelwerke beachten. 1) Nur Presszangen ab Kennzeichnung „108“ (1. Quartal 2008), „208“ (2. Quartal 2008) usw. einsetzbar. Die Kennzeichnung ist auf jeder Pressbacke gestempelt. 2) Zur Aufnahme geeig

Microsoft word - multidrug resistance

Multidrug Resistance (MDR1) bij honden (Overgevoeligheid voor geneesmiddelen bij Collies) Wat is MDR1? Bij de normale gezonde hond worden het hersenweefsel en het centrale zenuwstelsel beschermd tegen de hoge concentraties van giftige stoffen (zoals geneesmiddelen) die in de bloedbaan circuleren. Het "Multidrug Resistance gen 1" (het MDR1 gen) heeft een belangrijke func

Dafne bi scenarios

Implementing the most clinically effective background insulin regimen Stephanie A Amiel & Anita Beckwith  IN BLUE the main points raised in Comparisons with once‐daily or twice‐daily basal insulin regimen: † indicates p value = non significant; * differences are adjusted for baseline variable Variable Once Daily P value Twice daily  P


Stellungnahme der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie „Die kieferorthopädische Behandlung bei kardiologischen Risikopatienten“ Als kardiologische Risikopatienten gelten Patienten mit folgenden Herzfehlern: Linksherzvitium, Aortenklappenstenose, Mitralklappenstenose, rheumatisch veränderte Aorten – oder Mitralklappe, angeborene Herz- oder Herzklappenfehler, rheumatisches

Vr3 full 2008-09 retail price list eur.xls

VR Dive Computers VR3 HD Single Colour with Multicolour Preview Upgrades Computer Level Upgrades VR Dive Computer Upgrades Open Circuit Air/Nitrox to Open & Closed Circuit Air/NitroxOpen Circuit Air/Nitrox to Open Circuit TrimixOpen Circuit Air/Nitrox to Open & Closed Circuit Air/Nitrox/TrimixOpen and Closed Circuit Air/Nitrox to Open Circuit TrimixOpen and Closed Circui


Regione che vai, cura che trovi. L'accesso ai farmaci e la terapia alle prese con la regionalizzazione. Primo dossier diCittadinanzattiva-Tribunale per i diritti del malato Pazienti costretti a fingere o a cambiare Regione di residenza per accedere ad un farmaco che possa migliorare la loroqualità di vita. Non si tratta della trama di un film di fantasia, ma la triste realtà a cui sono sottopo

How to look after someone with h1n1 flu virus

LOOKING AFTER SOMEONE AT HOME WITH H1N1 FLU VIRUS Note: This guidance document is being provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada in response to the recent outbreak of H1N1 flu virus (human swine flu) in Canada. This guidance has been developed to assist people in caring for someone at home who is recuperating from the virus. This guidance is based on current available scientific evid

Acne patient information

ACNE PATIENT INFORMATION Acne is a skin disease affecting the pilosebaceous unit (oil glands). When these pores do not drain properly, the oil attracts unique bacteria to be trapped causing inflammation to occur. Clinical manifestations range from mild to severe, such as comedones (whiteheads and blackheads) or cysts. Acne can also be described as inflammatory or non-inflammatory. Seve


Dr. Norbert Guggenbichler, Louisenstr. 19, 61348 Bad Homburg v.d.H. Dr. Guggenbichler, Louisenstr. 19, 61348 Bad HomburgAnHerrn Prof. Dr. Dr. LauterbachDeutscher BundestagPlatz der Republik 111011 Berlin Offener Brief zur Forderung der Streichung von Aufwendungen für HomöopathieSehr geehrter Herr Prof. Dr. Dr. Lauterbach,Danke für Ihre Antwort auf meine E-mail vom 13.7. 2010. Sie schrie

Fever control

www.Doceisner.com FEVER MANAGEMENT WHAT IS A FEVER? Fever is not a disease. It is a symptom of an underlying problem. What the illness is and how serious it is depends on the other symptoms and how the child looks after the temperature is brought down. Younger children under 4 years old tend to have higher fevers when ill. Fever usually goes up at night. High fever below l06.0°F


Derrick’s Tea List Listed below are our more popular teas, these are loose leaf and brewed in Served in bone china with semi skimmed milk or lemon. Our House Tea Miles Original We have chose Miles Original Blend as our house tea, created by Derek Miles it has a high Assam content, for strength and colour, together with high grown Kenya teas, for flavour and brightness, to prod


ALERT: March 31, 2009 Wyeth v. Levine: Raising the Bar for Implied Federal Pre-emption For more information, please contact any of the individuals listed below: On March 4, 2009, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its decision in Wyeth v. Levine, the most highly anticipated product liability John C. Maloney, Jr. ruling of the session. In a 6-3 ruling


PATIENT NAME ________________________________________________ REG# _____________________ Please CIRCLE the appropriate response next to each question below: Yes (Y), No (N), Don’t Know (?) Do you have or have you had any of the following: Explain: _______________________________Explain: _______________________________ 2. Heart or circulation problems? Explain: _________________

Low level laser therapy can help facilitate



Health & Permission Form Dargaville Primary School STUDENTS NAME …………………………………………. ROOM……………. EDUCATION OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM Parents/Caregivers permission and medical information form I give permission for my son/daughter…………………………………………………. To participate in class camp/trip at ……

Representación del estado en los actos jurídicos

Representación del Estado en los Actos Jurídicos.- G. O. No.5148, del 28 de Marzo de 1938. EL CONGRESO NACIONAL, En Nombre de la República. DECLARADA LA URGENCIA, HA DADO LA SIGUIENTE LEY PARA LA REPRESENTACIÓN DEL ESTADO EN LOS ACTOS JURÍDICOS, Y PARA LA DEFENSA EN JUSTICIA DE SUS INTERESES. NUMERO 1486: Art. 1.- Los actos jurídicos concernientes a la


Derechos de los pobres, ¿pobres derechos? Estudio acerca de la justiciabilidad de los derechos sociales Tercera Entrega 15 de Febrero de 2010 En

Microsoft word - plant pre sale 2014 order form--final.doc

Darke County Parks’ Native Plant Sale April 26, 2014 10am-4pm The Darke County Parks Native Plant sale is back! The plant sale will be Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 10am-4pm during *Nature Day* at Shawnee Prairie Preserve. Butterfly gardening is the focus of the plants available this year. Please consider planting milkweed to help provide habitat for the struggling monarch populati

Module 3 –treatment

Pharmacologic Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease • Recommended use of Cholinesterase Inhibitors (ChEIs) and • Research findings for these treatments agents Other treatment agents, including supplements When to discontinue pharmacologic treatment No pharmacologic treatments currently available for Alzheimer’s disease offer a “cure” for the disease. However, early diagnosi

Run auf lifestyle-drugs

Aktuelle Grafik Vorreiter dieser neuen Generation von Medikamenten war vor allem dasPotenzmittel Viagra. Kaum war das Prparat in den USA auf dem Markt,stellten amerikanische rzte 40.000 Rezepte pro Tag aus. Daher verwundertes nicht, dass sich der Aktienkurs des Unternehmens in den ersten zwlfMonaten nach der Markteinfhrung mehr als verdoppelte. Auch inDeutschland meldeten die Apothe

(la prescripciÓn de las infracciones administrativas)

LA PRESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS INFRACCIONES ADMINISTRATIVAS 1 La potestad administrativa sancionatoria confrontada con la prescripción nos plantea varias interrogantes, partiendo por la de indagar si es aplicable dicho instituto en este ámbito, esto es, si las infracciones administrativas prescriben cuando el órgano competente no ha procedido a su persecución durante un lapso más que razonable

Microsoft word - final programme dspap 21-22 januar 2007.doc

ABSTRACTS 21-22. januar 2007 Hotel Koldingfjord, Fjordvej 154, 6000 Kolding - Tlf: +45 75510000 Dansk Selskab for Pædiatrisk Allergologi og Pulmonologi SØNDAG 21. JANUAR 2007 09.00-10.00 Registrering og morgenbrød 10.00 –11.00 Relevante ”end-points” i astmastudier Søren Pedersen 11.00 - 11.45 Fødevareallergi – state of the art Tine K Han

Microsoft word - lrrbc_leukoreduced rbc control_blutbildkontrolle_kontrolle_1.docx

BGT BioGenTechnologies GmbH Material Safety Data Sheet Cat.-No.: LRRBC 1. Identification of Substance: • GHS Product identifier: Hematology Whole Blood Control • Application of the substance / the preparation: In-vitro laboratory reagent or component • Manufacturer/Supplier: BGT BioGenTechnologie GmbH Von-Langen-Weg 10 48565 Steinfurt Germany Tel.: 02551/40


Amphetamine_wdl_220404.qxd 28/04/2004 12:19 PM Page i GETTING THROUGH AMPHETAMINE WITHDRAWAL Amphetamine_wdl_220404.qxd 28/04/2004 12:19 PM Page ii CONTENTS About this book Making the decision to stop using amphetamines Amphetamine withdrawal Getting started Getting through withdrawal © Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc. Original edition by Dr Nik Lintzeris,

Microsoft word - 7-18-12 msma continues to be on the market

Drexel Chemical Company MSMA CONTINUES TO BE ON THE MARKET The Organic Arsenical Products Task Force (Task Force) would like to clarify to its users and distributors that under the terms of the 2009 agreement with EPA the sale, distribution, and use of MSMA products labeled for golf course, sod farms, and highway rights of way will continue into and through 2013 and likely much longer.

Microsoft word - 063048 li-polymer.doc

Prepared/Date Auditing/Date Approved/Date UNIONFORTUNE Edition No. 1 、 Scope This product specification describes UNIONFORTUNE polymer lithium-ion battery. Please using the test methods that recommend in this specification. If you have any opinions or advices about the test items and methods, please contact us. Please read the cautions recommended in the specifications first, tak

Lithium-ionen akku-ladegerät für camcorder und digital-kameras

Lithium-ion Akkuladegerät Lithium-ion Battery Charger Bedienungsanleitung: Instructions: Schließen Sie den AC Netzadapter an eine Plug the AC power adapter in a wall outlet. Connect the AC power adapter supplied with your Verbinden Sie den AC Netzadapter mit dem DC “STATUS” indicator shows RED when the charger Die rote STATUS-LED zeigt an, dass der Lader is ready and

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