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Instructions for Day Surgery Patients
You have been scheduled for a procedure at the Dextra Munkkiniemi Medical Centre. The Day Surgery Unit is located on the 2nd floor. If the time of arrival is not stated, please phone +358 9 5601 6246 two (2) working days before the day of procedure between 8am and 3pm. Preoperative fasting
You are required not to eat or drink six (6) hours before the procedure, not even water.
Please take the MRI and/or X-ray images with you to the hospital.
If you take medications regularly, please take your medications or prescriptions with you to the hospital. In the morning of the procedure you should take your own medications normally with small sip of water. If you take an anticoagulant (e.g. Disperin, Asperin, Marevan, Primaspan, Plavix, Asa, Asasantin), or medication for diabetes, please consult your physician.
The operative area and the surrounding skin must be healthy.
Drinking alcohol is prohibited 24 hours prior to hospital admission. In addition, you are advised not to use alcohol or sleeping pills 24 hours after the procedure.
Please leave jewelry, large amounts of cash and other valuables at home.
Day Surgery patients discharged on the same day as the procedure must have a responsible adult arranged to accompany him/her from the hospital and to stay the evening and night with him/her.
If you have a written financial commitment, please take it with you to the hospital. In that case the invoice is sent straight to the insurance company. Otherwise the invoice is sent to your home address. Please fill in the preliminary information form carefully! Please take your Kela-card (personal health insurance card) with you to the hospital. Informing us about the basic illnesses, medications and allergies helps us to provide good care for you. Background information for anesthesia
1. Have you consulted a doctor during the past year?
2 Are you pregnant? 3. Do you take regular medications?
4. Have you undergone surgery before?
5. Have you undergone procedures abroad, at the Pirkanmaa district or in Töölö in the past 5 years?
6. Have there been special issues concerning anesthesia or local anesthesia?
7. Do you have or have you had one or more of the following conditions?
Coronary disease
8. Do you have another condition other than those listed above?
9. Do you have any allergies?
10. Do you have any dental bridges, implants or caps?
11. Do you smoke regularly? 12. Any other issues that you would like to inform your anesthesiologist about?
13. A responsible adult to accompany you for the journey home and care at home have been arranged.
I am committed to pay for my surgery if the insurance company has not provided a written financial commitment prior to the procedure. Date
LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic ClassificationFacility: Fortis Clinical Research Limited, Sunflag Hospital Research Centre. Sector-16-A, Faridabad, Haryana-121002. Contact: Ph-0129-4090-900; LIST OF BIOANALYTICAL METHODS AT FORTIS CLINICAL RESEARCH LIMITED LLOQ (per mL) Instrument Theraputic Cla
DRG® Estradiol ELISA (EIA-2693) REVISED 23 MAY 2005 1 INTRODUCTION The DRG® Estradiol Enzyme Immunoassay Kit provides materials for the quantitative determination of Estradiol in serum and plasma. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only. Estradiol (1,3,5(10)-estratriene-3,17β-diol; 17β-estradiol; E21) is a C18 steroid hormone with a phenolic A ring. This