Version: 0.1 National Informatics Centre (NIC-DGFT) Document Organisation
This document has the following sections.
Introduction: Identify the purpose, audience. Process Detail: Details about e-BRC Information Services process. Annexure: Response codes, sample XML files etc.
Contact Details: For any queries or information regarding e‐BRC Information Services you may contact
Recipient of eBRC Information (web) Services
Bank Realisation Certificate (BRC) is issued by Banks based on realisation of payment
against export by an Exporter. Message exchange with banks has resulted into Repository of Foreign Exchange realisation information in form of Electronic Bank Realisation Certificate (e-BRC).
DGFT plans to share this information with all stake holders like Customs, RBI and various
Departments of State Government by the way of e-BRC Information Services.
This document specifies broad outline of e-BRC information services. Further Service can
be tailor made to suit the needs of consumer.
Interested external agencies like Departments of State Government , Customs , RBI henceforth
termed as Consumer (Recipient of e‐BRC Information (web) Services) Sr.No. Contents
Key features of e-BRC Information Services
e-BRC information made available to users
e-BRC information XML Response codes Currency Codes
1. Key features of e-BRC Information Services
DGFT has published web services to access e-BRC information. Access to information is
for registered users only. Consumer need to register with DGFT before consuming the web services. Consumer need to sign a MoU with DGFT.
Information exchange will be automatic, without any human intervention. DGFT expects the consumer to use the web services in dynamic way and avoid bulk data
exchange (download) using these web services.
All Information exchange (request and Response data) will be in platform independent
Authorisation, Authentication and tamper proof aspect of information will be through
Digital signature based message exchange.
e‐BRC information will be available for e‐BRC issued and uploaded on or after 17.08.2012 e‐BRC information is snapshot of data at the time of request. 2. e-BRC information made available to users
By default only Active e-BRC data is shared
Total realised Value in currency of realisation
Note: e‐BRC information will be available for e‐BRC issued and uploaded on or after 17.08.2012 3. Input Parameters (Request Parameters) Consumer DGFT
Parameter to be exchanged XML Element Name Type, Length Mandatory
Permanent Account Number of the Firm (PAN)*
data for a shipping bill then shipping bill number, port, date are mandatory
In case user needs BRC data for a period then realisation period is mandatory
*When consumer needs information based only on IEC or PAN then the period of realisation is mandatory. 4. Response Contents DGFT Consumer Response XML will have a unique Request Id and timestamp and one or more e-BRC element with following information for each BRC. XML file level parameters:
Parameter to be exchanged XML Element Name Type, Length For each e-BRC:
BRC level Parameter to be exchanged XML Element Name Type, Length
Total realised Value in currency of realisation
: user id /running sequence number e.g. MH01/5678
: Please see the Annexure for list of response codes. 5. Input validations Request Type, Length Validation Parameter Element Name
Exact 20 character in length Format of BRC NO:
First 11 characters: IFSC Code of branch
10 character valid IEC issued by DGFT.
Exact 11 character in length Alphanumeric characters
Max 20 characters Alpha numeric characters and ‘-‘ and ‘/’ Alphabets in capital letters
6 characters Port code as per code list provided by
In case of deemed export port code should be
‘OTHERS’ for Export document supported by
VPP, Courier etc, old shipping bill where port code is not available.
6. Registration
One time registration of Digital Certificate of the Administrator for Consumer. Consumer of e-BRC information services has to register the public key (Digital Signature) of one
Administrator in turn can register other users (DS) for consumption of information.
Digital Certificate and signing specifications:
Certificate should be 2048 characters long SHA-II standard PKI technology approved by CCA. Class II, III certificates are accepted.
7. Process Flow:
Step –I: One time Registration for e-BRC information services Step –II: Consumer to write a web service client to consume the web service Step III: Call web service by sending the request in predefined XML format Step IV: Consume the response received from DGFT ( in XML format) and use .
8. Annexure
Generic Request XML : Request XML to have following format .
Input request parameters are sub elements of ENVELOPE element . < ENVELOPE >. </ ENVELOPE > part of XML is to be signed with user certificate. No empty element is allowed. See the Sample Cases based on specific input parameters for more details.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <BRCRQST> <ENVELOPE>
<BRCNO> ebrcno</BRCNO> <IEC>iec</IEC> <EXPPAN>Exporter’s PAN </ EXPPAN > <IFSC> IFSC of branch (bank) </ IFSC > <SNO>Shipping bill number</ SNO > <SDATE>Shipping bill date </SDATE> <SPORT> Port of export</SPORT> <FRDATE>Realisation date from </FRDATE> <TRDATE> Realisation date upto </TRDATE>
<USERID>userid</USERID> <CERTNO>user certificate number</CERTNO> <SIGNHASH>signature hash</SIGNHASH>
o Sample Cases based on specific input parameters
Request based on e-BRC number
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <BRCRQST> <ENVELOPE> <BRCNO>UTIB0000003000001255</BRCNO> </ENVELOPE> <DIGSIGN> <USERID>MH001</USERID> <CERTNO>42 02 00 2a 53 2c 36 ea 28 d9</CERTNO> <SIGNHASH>AHAwP5nMcxU7Temebu6LcZ</SIGNHASH> </DIGSIGN> </BRCRQST> Request based on IEC <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <BRCRQST> <ENVELOPE> <IEC>0388622200</IEC> <FRDATE>2013-01-25</FRDATE> <TRDATE>2013-02-28</TRDATE>
</ENVELOPE> <DIGSIGN> <USERID>MH001</USERID> <CERTNO>42 02 00 2a 53 2c 36 ea 28 d9</CERTNO> <SIGNHASH>AHAwP5nMcxU7Temebu6L</SIGNHASH> </DIGSIGN> </BRCRQST> Request based on PAN <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <BRCRQST> <ENVELOPE> <EXPPAN>ABDCC1039M</ EXPPAN > <FRDATE>2013-01-25</FRDATE> <TRDATE>2013-02-28</TRDATE> </ENVELOPE> <DIGSIGN> <USERID>MH001</USERID> <CERTNO>42 02 00 2a 53 2c 36 ea 28 d9</CERTNO> <SIGNHASH>AHAwP5nMcxU7Temebu6L</SIGNHASH> </DIGSIGN> </BRCRQST> Request based on Shipping bill number <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <BRCRQST> <ENVELOPE> <SNO>1234567</ SNO > <SDATE>2012-08-25</SDATE> <SPORT>INNSA1</SPORT> </ENVELOPE> <DIGSIGN> <USERID>MH001</USERID> <CERTNO>42 02 00 2a 53 2c 36 ea 28 d9</CERTNO> <SIGNHASH>AHAwP5nMcxU7Temebu6L</SIGNHASH> </DIGSIGN> </BRCRQST> Request based on IFSC <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <BRCRQST> <ENVELOPE> <IFSC>BKID000FORT</ IFSC > <FRDATE>2013-01-25</FRDATE> <TRDATE>2013-02-28</TRDATE> </ENVELOPE> <DIGSIGN> <USERID>MH001</USERID> <CERTNO>42 02 00 2a 53 2c 36 ea 28 d9</CERTNO> <SIGNHASH>AHAwP5nMcxU7Temebu6L</SIGNHASH> </DIGSIGN> </BRCRQST>
e-BRC information XML
A valid request will be processed and e-BRC information will be enclosed in
< ENVELOPE >. </ ENVELOPE > part of XML will be signed with DGFT authorized
Response XML with data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EBRCINFO> <RQSTNO>MH001/1</RQSTNO> <RQSTTIME>2013-03-31 15:25:10</RQSTTIME> <RESPCODE>000</RESPCODE> <ENVELOPE> <EBRC> <BRCNO>UTIB0000003000001255</BRCNO> <BRCDATE>2012-12-25</BRCDATE> <IEC>0288622200</IEC> <EXPNAME>A B C COMPANY</EXPNAME> <IFSC>UTIB0000003</IFSC> <SNO>1234567</SNO > <SDATE>2012-08-25</SDATE> <SPORT>INNSA1</SPORT> <RCC>USD</RCC> <RVALUE>3456.23</RVALUE> <RDATE>2012-12-19</RDATE> </EBRC> <EBRC> <BRCNO>UTIB0000003000001256</BRCNO> <BRCDATE>2012-12-25</BRCDATE> <IEC>0288622200</IEC> <EXPNAME>A B C COMPANY</EXPNAME> <IFSC>UTIB0000003</IFSC> <SNO>2345656</SNO > <SDATE>2012-08-24</SDATE> <SPORT>INNSA1</SPORT> <RCC>USD</RCC> <RVALUE>3456.23</RVALUE> <RDATE>2012-12-19</RDATE> </EBRC> </ENVELOPE> <DIGSIGN> <USERID>DGFT001</USERID> <CERTNO>42 02 00 2a 53 2c 36 ea 28 d9</CERTNO> <SIGNHASH>AHAwP5nMcxU7Temebu6L</SIGNHASH> </DIGSIGN> </EBRCINFO> Response XML with no data found
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EBRCINFO> <RQSTNO>MH001/2</RQSTNO> <RQSTTIME>2013-03-05 15:25:10</RQSTTIME> <RESPCODE>999</RESPCODE> <ENVELOPE> <EBRC/> </ENVELOPE> <DIGSIGN> <USERID>DGFT001</USERID> <CERTNO>42 02 00 2a 53 2c 36 ea 28 d9</CERTNO> <SIGNHASH>AHAwP5nMcxU7Temebu6L</SIGNHASH> </DIGSIGN> </EBRCINFO> Response XML when request contains error <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <EBRCINFO> <RQSTNO>MH001/3</RQSTNO> <RQSTTIME>2013-03-05 15:20:10</RQSTTIME> <RESPCODE>R03</RESPCODE> <RESPCODE>R05</RESPCODE> </EBRCINFO>
Response codes Response Code Description Request Processed successfully
No information available for the request
Server facing Technical Problem. Error while processing.
List of Currency Codes Currency Code Currency Description
Note: List will be updated as and when changed by Custom.
CDP1877, CDP1877C Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) Features Description • Compatible with CDP1800 Series The CDP1877 and CDP1877C are programmable 8-level interrupt control-lers designed for use in CDP1800 series microprocessor systems. They • Programmable Long Branch Vector Address and provide added versatility by extending the number of permissible interrupts Vec