Resources from Laughing Allegra by Anne Ford • National Learning Disabilities Organization—serving Resources for Adults with Learning Disabilities • National Learning Disabilities Organizations RESOURCES FOR CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES
National Learning Disabilities Organizations—Serving All Ages NATIONAL CENTER FOR LEARNING DISABILITIES (NCLD) NCLD seeks to raise public awareness and understanding of LD throughout the life span, furnish national information and resources through their Website, and engage in educational programs and legislative advocacy. NCLD provides educational tools to heighten understanding of learning disabilities, including the quarterly publication called Our World, informative articles and newsletters, specific state-by-state resource listings, and informative training programs regarding learning disabilities. In addition, NCLD offers an Anne Ford Scholarship. All Kinds of Minds is a nonprofit institute for the understanding of differences in learning. Each month, the All Kinds of Minds Website explores different areas of learning and learning differences. The site has a library full of articles, books excerpts, audio and video clips, a searchable LearningBase of strategies, and many more resources, including up-to date information about the institute’s programs and products. The DIVISION FOR LEARNING DISABILITIES (DLD) CEC is a non-profit membership organization with seventeen specialized divisions. This organization is also responsible for administering the Stanley E. Jackson Awards, four scholarships of $500 to students with a “handicapping disability.” DLD is the division dedicated to learning disabilities. Both CEC and DLD provide free information and to hold conferences. National membership organization dedicated to assisting professionals who work with individuals with learning disabilities by offering daily updated information concerning current issues and recent developments that shape the learning disability community. The Learning Disabilities Quarterly, a professional publication is available through CLD. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Information Clearinghouse funded by the U.S. Department of Education and hosted by International nonprofit membership organization that offers training in language programs and provides publications relating to dyslexia. Chapters are located in most states. The association has forty-two national meetings and support groups. Referrals are made for persons seeking resources; in addition, they publish journals and publications regarding dyslexia and hold an annual conference. Comprehensive online resource offering information on learning disabilities for parents, and educators, as well as children and adults with learning disabilities. Features include basic and in-depth information, national events calendar, bulletin boards, audio clips from LD experts, extensive resource listings with hyperlinks, and a special section just for kids. Artwork and writing by young people with learning disabilities are featured weekly. LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (LDA) National nonprofit membership organization, with state and local chapters, which conducts an annual conference and offers information and various publications. The LDA national office has a resource center of over 500 publications for sale; it also operates a film rental service. Call the national headquarters to receive a free information packet. LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (LDAC) Nonprofit membership organization with provincial and territorial offices that conducts programs and provides information for LD children and adults. Resources include books and pamphlets that may be useful to U.S. residents. Offers information in English and French. NATIONAL ASSOCAIATION FOR THE EDUCATION OF AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILDREN WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES (NAEAACLD) The NAEAACLD links information and resources provided by an established network of individuals and organizations experienced in minority research and special education with parents, educators, and others responsible for providing an appropriate education for students, specifically African Americans. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE SPECIAL EDUCATION CENTERS (NAPSEC) Provides referral services for persons interested in private special education placements. Offers publications and sponsors annual conferences. NATIONAL INFORMATION CENTER FOR YOUTH AND CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES (NICHCY) NICHCY is an information clearinghouse that provides free information on disabilities and related issues, focusing on children and youth (birth to age twenty-five). Services include personal responses, referrals, technical assistance, and information searches. 1650 South Amphlett Boulevard, Suite 300 Schwab Learning, a program area of the Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation, is dedicated to helping kids with learning differences be successful in learning and life. The Schwab Learning Website provides children who are newly identified as having learning difference, it is designed to be a parent’s guide through the new and unfamiliar landscape of LD is a lively interactive site just for kids to help them understand their learning differences as they engage in activities that focus on their strengths. ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER (ADD/ADHA) THE ATTENTION DEFICIT INFORMATION NETWORK (AD-IN) Nonprofit volunteer organization that provides support and information to families of children with ADD, adults with ADD and professionals. CHILDREN AND ADULTS WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER (CHADD) Through family support and advocacy, public and professional education, and encouragement of scientific research, CHADD works to ensure that those with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) reach their inherent potential. CHADD holds an annual international conference, and local chapters have regular meetings providing support and information. THE NATHIOAL ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER ASSOCIATION (ADDA) National membership organization that provides referrals to local support groups, holds national conferences and symposiums, and offers materials on ADD and related issues. Government Departments and Agencies NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR CHILD HEALTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (NICHD) NICHD provides reviews of literature and information related to NICHD research OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Provides grants, technical assistance training, and support to states as well as information about special education programs, vocational rehabilitation programs, and information about national and international research regarding disabilities and rehabilitation. State Departments of Education can provide information about Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) implementation requirements and regulations. Contact directory assistance in your state capital for further information Answers questions about Title II (public services) and Title III (public accommodations) of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Provides materials and technical assistance on the provisions of the ADA. Provides technical assistance and information regarding the Americans with Disabilities AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION CENTER ON CHILDREN AND THE LAW Provides information on legal issues and referrals to local bar associations NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PROTECTION AND ADVOCACY SYSTEMS Provides literature on legal issues and referrals to federally mandated programs that advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. NATIONAL CENTER FOR LAW AND LEARNING DISABILITIES (NCLLD) Nonprofit organization that provides education, advocacy, analysis of legal issues, policy recommendations, and resource materials. OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS (OCR) OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Contact to file a formal civil rights complaint Parents, advocates, educators, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, up-to-date information about advocacy for children with disabilities. You will find hundreds of articles, cases, newsletters, and resources about special education law and advocacy in their Advocacy Libraries and Law Libraries. PARENT TRAINING AND INFORMATION PROJUCT (PTI) Parent cnters in each state provide training and information to parents of infants, toddlers, school-aged children, young adults with disabilities and the professionals who work with their families. Organization for families that publishes a newsletter and holds support group meetings. Students with documented learning disabilities can apply for test accommodations as appropriate. For more information, contact: Students and parents receive information on college admission, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Students with documented LD who take the ERB tests for private schools can obtain Tests administered include the SAT, GRE, and GMAT. THE GENERAL EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT TESTING SERVICE (GEDTS) Administers the GED exam and publishes information on disability related accommodations. Operates the GED Hotline, a twenty-four hour service that provides information on local GED classes and testing services. An accommodations guide for people with learning disabilities is available. Tests administered include the LSAT and LSDAS Membership organization that offers legal assistance on homeschooling issues. Nonprofit membership organization that offers lists of support groups, magazines, books, THE ADVISORY SERVICE ON PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND CAMPS Provides detailed information about private schools and camps LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Telephone (outside U.S.): (212) 645-0653 Provides personalized guidance and referrals to sleep-away camps. THE ASSOCIATION OF THE GIFTED (TAG) OF THE COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN Membership organization that answers questions and provides information on education Dedicated to serving academically gifted children and their families, primarily in the Comprehensive, university-based initiative that promotes the academic ability of children DUKE UNIVERSITY TALENT IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM Provides opportunities and resources for gifted students, their parents, and educators. ERIC CLEARNINGHOUSE ON DISANILITIES AND GIFTED EDUCATION Information clearinghouse funded by the federal government and hosted by the Council HOLLINGSWORTH CENTER FOR HIGHLY GIFTED CHILDREN National membership organization that provides information and referrals and publishes a quarterly newsletter and sponsors conferences. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIFTED CHILDREN (NAGC) Membership advocacy organization that provides information to educators, administrators, and parents and publishes a quarterly magazine for parents. NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTER ON THE GIFTED AND TALENTED A broad collaborative research effort with an emphasis on identifying the research neds of economically disadvantaged youth, individuals of limited English proficiency, individuals with handicaps, and other special populations that traditionally have been underserved in programs for gifted and talented students. Website: A program for academically able and highly motivated fifth-ninth grade students in the following states: Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. NATIONAL LIBRARY SEVICE FOR THE BLIND AND PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED (NLSBPH) Provides books on tape to children and adults with learning disabilities. Contact your RECORDING FOR THE BLIND AND DYSLEXIC (RFB&D) International nonprofit organization that loans recorded and computerized books at all academic levels to people who cannot read standard print. Network of forty community-based technology resource centers for people with disabilities. Contact the headquarters for local listings. A not-for-profit that seeks to expand educational opportunities for individuals with learning disabilities through the development and innovative uses of technology. Computer Technology in Special Education and Rehabilitation Provides newsletter, resource directory, and conducts an annual conference on the use of technology to support students with disabilities. REHABILITATION ENGINEERING AND ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA (RESNA) Maintains a listing of state assistive technology programs that are funded under the Technology-related Assistance for Individuals Act of 1988 and its amendments. RESOURCES FOR ADULTS WITH LEARNING DISABILITES NATIONAL LEARNING DISABILITIES ORGANIZATIONS ERIC CLEARNINGHOUSE ON ADULT, CAREER &VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AT THE CENTER FOR EMPLOYMENT; EDUCATION & TRAINING AT OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ERIC Clearning house representatives are available to provide information, ERIC Digests annotated bibliographies and assorted publications, some with information on LD. ERIC does not answer specific questions on disabilities, local programs, or jobs. (Higher Education and Adult Training for People with Disabilities) National clearinghouse that provides free information on postsecondary education and related issues and publishes a newsletter. Telephone (outside U. S.): (304) 293-7186 Job accommodation Network (JAN) has a free consulting service that provides information on equipment, methods, and modifications for disabled persons to improve their work environment. All information is specific to the disability; including LD. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR ADULTS WITH SPEICAL LEARNING NEEDS (NAASLN) Nonprofit organization comprised of professionals, advocates, and consumers whose purpose is to educate adults with special learning needs publishes a newsletter and holds annual conferences. A COLLECTION OF Web-based and other resources on issues affecting adults with learning disabilities and their families, as well as literacy practitioners and other human resource providers who work with these persons. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (ASVIM) Provides information on educational materials including a Performance Based Teacher ASSOCIATION ON HIGHER EDUCATION AND DISABILITY (AHEAD) International organization that provides training programs, workshops, conferences, and THE HIGHER EDUCATION CONSORTIUM FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION (HECSE) Nonprofit membership organization for colleges and universities that promotes the improvement of special education training programs. International association in lifelong learning, offering information and consulting resources to providers of lifelong learning programs. OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES (OSERS) These agencies can provide job training, counseling, financial assistance, and employment placement to individuals who met eligibility criteria. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION (EEOC) Key Federal agency for the implementation of Title I (employment) of the Americans Telephone: (outside U.S.); (304) 293-7186 Intentional information network and consulting resource that answers questions about workplace accommodations, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the REhanilitation Act of 1973. Offers individualized information packets to employers, rehabilitation professionals, and persons with disabilities. National nonprofit organization dedicated to improving competitive employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Provides specialized services and acts as a bridge that links people with disabilities, employers and service providers. Answers questions and produces several publications about financial aid. Provides referrals to local centers for information regarding scholarships and grants. National clearinghouse that provides free information on financial aid available to RECORDING FOR THE BLIND & DYSLEXIC (rfb&d) Awards three scholarships of $6000 each for high school seniors registered with RFB&D for at least a year prior to the deadline. Provides financial assistance to those with disabilities who meet eligibility requirements. LIVING RESEARCH UTILIZATION PROGRAM (ILRU) National resource center that produces materials, develops and conducts training programs, and publishes a monthly newsletter. NATIONAL COUNCIL ON INDEPENDENT LIVING (NCIL) Cross-disability grassroots national organization that provides referrals to independent Nonprofit membership organization that publishes journals for teachers, researchers and professionals and holds an annual convention. A catalog o books, videos, and other materials is available. Federal agency that provides leadership through advocacy, information sharing and NATIONAL CLEARNINGHOUSE ON ESL LITERACY EDUCATION (NCLE) Provides literacy education for adults and out-of –school youth who are learning English National nonprofit organization that provides literacy opportunities for adults.


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For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of the editor ( By Gail Foreshew , MSc, MRPharmS Pharmacists can help A&E departments achieve thefour-hour target for dealing with patientsdepartment is one of the busiest in Britain, Drug history taking with 131,581 patients attending in 2004. Arecent £6m development has enabled a newTakin


I case report _ calcified mandibular molar Author_ Dr Rafaël Michiels, Belgium _Treatment and discussion A diagnostic radiograph (Fig. 1), which is essentialin determining the treatment strategy, was taken to visualise the extent of the lesion and the anatomy ofthe roots. The patient was then anesthetised by a loweralveolar nerve block with 4% articaine, 0.01mg/ml epinephrine (Sep

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