PLEASE PRINT Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Ps Dr (Med) Dr (PhD) Other: ___________________________ Surname: ________________________ Given Names: _______________________________ Date of Birth: / / Occupation: ________________________________________ Home Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Postcode: ______________ Mailing Address (if different from above):
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Postcode: _______________ Home phone no.: ___________________ Mobile: _____________________ Work: ___________________ Email:_______________________________________ Next of Kin: ________________________ Relationship: __________________ Tel: __________________ Medicare No.: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Individual Ref No. (single digit in front of name): _ Exp Date:_ _/_ _ _ _ Health Fund Name: _____________________ Membership No. ______________________ Is this a Workers Compensation Claim or Third Party Claim: Y / N (please circle) Insurer: ____________________________ Claim No.: _________________________________ Case Manager: _______________________ Tel:_________________Fax:___________________ Pensioner: Y / N Type: Aged / Disability / Other Pension No.: _________________ Exp:_________ Veteran Affairs: Y / N Type: Gold / White / Other Card No.: __________________ Exp: ___________ Usual GP Name: ___________________________ GP Tel: ______________________________ GP Practice and address: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ If your GP above was not the Referrer, please enter details of Referring Doctor below: Name: _______________________________ Address: __________________________ Tel: _______________________________ __________________________ __________________________ If there are any other interested health Professionals you would like to receive a copy Dr Curtis' clinical reports, please enter details below: _____________________________________ ________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________
The information requested below is fully confidential and will be used for the purpose of medical communication, record keeping and treatment planning only. Name:______________________________________ ALLERGIES: Are you allergic to any medications or have you had any allergic reactions in the past? _________________________________________
Please list your current medications (unless you have brought a list from your doctor). ___________________________________________
Are you taking any of the following anticoagulant medications or any other blood thinners? Aspirin, Cartia, Asasantin, Warfarin, Astarix Plavix, Pradaxa (Please circle) Other: _______________________ PAST SURGERIES:
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ MEDICAL CONDITIONS:
Any other medical conditions: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
FINANCIAL CONSENT This practice is guided by AMA (Australian Medical Association) fee values and thus there are out-of-pocket costs for services rendered. A discount is offered for aged pensioners, but we do not bulk bill. Payment for consultation is required at the time of appointment. All fees are partially recoverable through Medicare. Each consultation is allocated an MBS (Medicare Benefit Schedule) item number which is dependent on the nature of the appointment, and the actual time and complexity of the consultation. Workers Compensation, Third Party and International Insurance patients must provide their insurer details, claim numbers and case manager details, along with guarantee of payments prior to their appointment. If written guarantee of payment is not received by the time of the appointment, the patient will be responsible for payment of the consultation at the time of the appointment, at standard Workers Compensation rates. If your treatment requires hospital admission, you may choose to be admitted as a private, public or self-insured patient. Private accounts for surgery are guided by AMA fee values for item numbers used in actual surgery. Therefore only estimates can be provided for likely out-of-pocket surgical costs. Final costs are dependent on actual surgery performed. Estimates do not include costs for ancillary services or additional hospital or prosthetic costs. Patients are encouraged to discuss fee estimates with their health fund providers to ensure adequate hospital and prosthetic cover. Our practice does not usually participate in no-gap arrangements with health funds. I accept responsibility for my accounts and agree to the above financial conditions. Signed by Account Holder: ______________________________________________ Print Name:
Dr Jonathan Curtis Suite 205, Level 2 156 Pacific Highway Greenwich NSW 2065 PRIVACY CONSENT To comply with the Privacy Act 2001, all patients need to provide written consent for the following important aspects of their medical care. The medical practice collects information from you for the primary purpose of providing quality health care. We require you to provide us with your personal details and a full medical history so that we may properly assess, diagnose, treat and be proactive in your health care needs. We will use the information you provide in the following ways:
Administrative purposes in running our medical practice.
Billing purposes, including compliance with Health Insurance Commission requirements.
Disclosure to others involved in your health care and / or medical claims. This may include treating
doctors, specialists, allied health care personnel outside this medical practice and any third party that is involved with your care. This may occur through referral to other doctors, medical tests, reports or results returned to us following referral.
To conduct practice audit and medical research, in which case all data is analysed without identifying
personal details. Audit and research are important ways of maintaining high standards of medical practice. Audit is a requirement of the Royal Australian College of Surgeons.
Please sign the following declaration: I have read the information above and understand the reasons why my information must be collected. I am also aware that this practice has a privacy policy on handling patient information. The practice will not provide information regarding my medical condition, appointments etc to anyone, including family members, unless I have agreed to this in writing. I understand that I am not obliged to provide any information requested of me but that my failure to do so might compromise the quality of the health care and treatment given to me. I am aware of my right to access the information collected about me, except in some circumstances where access might legitimately be withheld. I understand that I will be given an explanation in these circumstances. Name : _______________________________________________________ Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________ Dr Jonathan Curtis Suite 205, Level 2 156 Pacific Highway Greenwich NSW 2065
A holistic perspective of security in Health related Virtual Communities I. Apostolakis1, A. Chryssanthou2, I. Varlamis3 Department of Computer Science and Technology Abstract A significant issue in health related applications is protecting a patient’s profile data from unauthorized access. In the case of telemedicine systems a patient’s medical profile and other medical informa
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