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Steroid-induced mania treated with aripiprazole
2012 The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Steroid-Induced Mania Treated with Aripiprazole
Ryan J. Kimmel, M.D., Heidi Combs, M.D.
Brown and Chandler reviewed the literature on signif-
One month prior to her ED presentation, Ms. A was
icant psychiatric side effects of corticosteroids, not-
treated with whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) and a
ing presentations of depression, mania, psychosis, and
dexamethasone taper was initiated at 4 mg PO BID. Per
memory deficits.Naber et al. followed a prospective,
her family, her psychiatric symptoms began in the first few
uncontrolled cohort of 50 patients on methylprednisolone
days after the dexamethasone was started. At time of her
or fluocortolone, at initial doses of 119 Ϯ 41 mg/d, and
ED presentation, Ms. A was down to 2 mg of dexameth-
tapered to 75 Ϯ 22 mg/d over 8 days. They found that
asone every other day. Her other medications had been
“manic-type” symptoms were reported by 26% of the par-
stable, but included a chemotherapy regimen of weekly
ticipants, most of which began in the first 3 days of treat-
vinorelbine and trastuzumab. Her most recent brain MRI,
ment and continued, despite the taper, over the 8 days of
done 1 week prior to the ED presentation, showed numer-
ous bilateral lesions throughout her cerebral hemispheres,
If possible, removing the offending steroid is desir-
cerebellum, and brainstem. The largest lesion in this right-
able when patients present with psychiatric side effects.
handed woman was in the left medial temporal lobe and
However, if the steroid-induced behavior puts the patient
at significant risk of morbidity and mortality, adjunctive
Ms. A’s family noted that she had mild insomnia and
use of an anti-manic medication may also be warranted.
racing thoughts during a prior chemotherapy regimen that
The data for pharmacologic intervention in steroid-in-
had included prednisone. Otherwise, her family noted that
duced mania is limited in scope and study design. Among
Ms. A had no lifetime psychiatric symptoms or treatment.
the classic mood stabilizers, lithium has the most evidence
Ms. A, on longer-term follow-up, subsequently confirmed
in steroid-induced mania, with a 71-patient, retrospective
There is a positive case report regarding the use of
In the ED, blood work and urine toxicology were
valproic acid.Amongst the antipsychotics, the use of
normal. A head CT showed no acute changes. She was
phenothiazines is supported by a 14-patient case
admitted for two nights to psychiatry, wherein dexameth-
Haloperidoland quetiapinehave positive case reports.
asone was discontinued. Olanzapine 5 mg daily and loraz-
Olanzapine use is supported by an open-label trial in 12
epam 1 mg PRN were initiated. Her behavior was still
patients.Risperidone has recent pediatric case reports.
manic, but her paranoia had improved when she leftagainst medical advice (AMA) with her family. At homethat night, she refused olanzapine. On the day after dis-
charge, she was brought to an outpatient psychiatrist at hercancer clinic. At this appointment, she was loud, pres-
Ms. A, a 55-year-old woman with breast cancer and brain
Received February 28, 2011; revised March 3, 2011; accepted March 3,
metastases was brought to the emergency department (ED)
2011. From University of Washington, Department of Psychiatry, Uni-
by her family for 4 weeks of psychomotor agitation, tan-
versity of Washington Medical Center, Seattle, Washington (RJK); Uni-versity of Washington, Department of Psychiatry, Harborview Medical
gential thought processes, decreased need for sleep, and
Center, Seattle, Washington (HK). Send correspondence and reprint re-
irritability. Ms. A’s paranoia had worsened to the point
quests to Ryan J. Kimmel, M.D., University of Washington, Department
that she thought her cancer was the result of family mem-
of Psychiatry, University of Washington Medical Center, 1959 NE Pa-cific, Box 356073, Seattle, WA 98195-6073. e-mail:
bers poisoning her food and she had waved a knife at her
2012 The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine. Published by
sured, expansive, tangential, stood for most of the appoint-
Given the significant renal risks associated with her
ment, and refused to eat at home. She was promptly sent
chemotherapy regimen, the treating team did not wish
back to the ED where labs were again unremarkable and
to introduce lithium. Similarly, her chemotherapy reg-
an MRI showed no acute changes. She was hospitalized,
imen can cause myelosuppression, and we did not want
involuntarily this time, on the psychiatric unit. On this
to introduce a confounder by using valproic acid. A
admission, Ms. A refused olanzapine, citing the side effect
phenothiazine, such as chlorpromazine, would have
of sedation. However, she agreed to try a different anti-
psychotic, so long as it was less likely to cause sedation.
Ours is a single case report and there are significant
The treating team agreed to prescribe aripiprazole 10 mg
potential confounders that stand in the way of a conclusion
PO daily. Clonazepam 0.5 mg PO BID was also initiated.
regarding the diagnosis and treatment. Evidence arguing
On the first evening of psychiatric admission, Ms. A
for a steroid component to her presentation includes her
was described as grandiose, euphoric, refusing food, and
history of mild insomnia and racing thoughts when on
too disorganized to answer questions. By the third day of
prednisone. The onset of her symptoms were shortly after
admission, she was eating and sleeping better, but still
dexamethasone initiation, though the psychiatric symp-
disorganized and paranoid regarding her family. By the
toms continued during dexamethasone dose reduction and
fifth day of admission, her mental status was normal, save
for a week after complete cessation. A large review of the
some mild disorganization. She was then transferred to the
case reports of steroid-induced psychiatric symptoms sug-
oncology service for inpatient chemotherapy. She was dis-
gested that 8% of patients did not respond to steroid taper
charged from the hospital after a total of 12 days.
None of her other medications, including the che-
Three weeks after hospital discharge, and 5 weeks
motherapy agents, have been reported to be associated
after her last dexamethasone dose, she tapered off arip-
with mania, and their dosing did not correlate with the
iprazole. Until the time of her death, 1 year after psychi-
onset or resolution of her symptoms.
atric hospitalization, Ms. A was not on psychiatric medi-
It is possible that Ms. A’s manic symptoms would have
cation, was not given steroids, and had no mood or
improved after a week by virtue of being completely off
dexamethasone, though a taper had not shown rapid benefitand the severity of the psychotic symptoms necessitated morepro-active treatment. The treating team included a benzodi-azepine as an augmentation strategy to target her physical
agitation. The benzodiazepine could have hastened her im-provement, but her refusal to eat due to active psychosis
Ms. A’s paranoia was causing her to refuse to eat and to
merited, in our mind, the use of an antipsychotic.
physically threaten her family. This behavior motivated
It is also possible that the etiology behind her psychi-
the treating team to consider not only stopping the dexa-
atric symptoms was not the steroid, but rather related to
methasone, but the addition of an antipsychotic to hasten
her metastases, transient cerebral edema, or structural
her improvement. When she was admitted involuntarily,
damage caused by WBRT. Ms. A’s metastatic lesions
Washington state law would have allowed the treating
worsened during her last year of life and she had no further
team, with the consent of two attendings, to pursue a
psychiatric symptoms, despite being off aripiprazole.
compel order to give intramuscular olanzapine when she
Though her metastases may have contributed to vulnera-
refused oral olanzapine. Unlike olanzapine and quetiapine,
bility, her durable euthymia argues against the lesions
aripiprazole has no prior case reports for steroid-induced
being the primary etiology behind her mania.
mania. However, aripiprazole does not bind the H recep-
Steroid-withdrawal mania is also a possible explana-
tor (associated with sedation) as strongly as olanzapine or
tion for her presentation, and this has been previously
However, Ms. A did not have any other symp-
would increase agitation, but the medication is FDA-
toms of steroid withdrawal, such as body aches, weakness,
approved for bipolar mania and continues to demonstrate
efficacy in meta-analyses.Thus, the treatment team felt
An agitated, psychotic delirium from another etiology
that a compromise with Ms. A wherein she would be given
could have resulted in a similar presentation and cannot be
oral aripiprazole in order to preclude the need for com-
wholly ruled out. However, Ms. A’s symptoms did not
pelled IM medications, was appropriate.
wax and wane, and she was oriented. Her blood work,
toxicology screen, brain imaging, lumbar puncture, clini-
to be a useful medication for steroid-induced psychosis
cal course, and vitals did not suggest other acute delirium
etiologies. An EEG was not done in the setting of herinitial, significant agitation, and her symptomatology im-proved steadily after admission. Disclosure: The authors disclosed no proprietary or
Further research is indicated, but when circum-
commercial interest in any product mentioned or concept
stances and side effects warrant, aripiprazole may prove
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