Microsoft word - annual report prof van biljon2009.doc
DEPARTEMENT KINDERGENEESKUNDE/DEPARTMENT PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH DEPARTEMENTELE JAARVERSLAG/DEPARTMENTAL ANNUAL REPORT: 2009 Naam/Name: van Biljon Saal/Ward: 8.6 Hospitaal/Hospital: SBAH Konsultante/Consultants: van Biljon SAALVERSLAG/WARD REPORT : PAEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY ADMISISONSS Sterftes/Deceased 4 Getal opnames/Total admissions Gemiddelde hospitaalverblyf Average hospital stay 12.7 days Sterftes/Deceased 5 Getal opnames/Total admissions Gemiddelde hospitaalverblyf Average hospital stay 11.5 days Tendense in opnames, siekteprofiel ensovoorts:
Slight increase in the number of admissions. Most patients stay for relative short time in hospital e.g. 2-5 days. Patients with chronic renal failure and some on Iimuune suppressive treatment stay for longer periods skewing the statisticsl (which increases the mean day of hospitalization) SPESIALE KLINIEK VERSLAG/SPECIAL CLINIC REPORT Personeel betrokke/Personnel concerned: 1 Consultant, one nurse, occasionally social worker Medies/Medical: 1 (1/4) Paramedies/Paramedic: Occasinal attendance by Social worker. Getal pasiënte/ Total number of Getal nuwe pasiënte/Number of Pasiënte per Klinieke per patients new patients kliniek/Patients week/Clinics per per clinic 2008: 698 2009: 712 NAVORSING/PUBLIKASIE VERSLAG /RESEARCH/PUBLICATIONS REPORT Projekte afgehandel (titel van protokol)/Projects completed (title of protocol) Protocol 55/2007 CVAL489K2303 Extension 01: An open label extension study to evaluate safety, tolerability, and efficacy of 18 weeks of valsartan treatment in children 1-5 Years old with hypertension.
Annual Departmental Report Van Biljon 2009.04/03/2010
Projekte aan die gang/Projects in progress: Protocol 74/2006 Outcome of nephrotic syndrome in children seen at the steve biko academic hospital Artikels ingedien/Articles presented: None Artikels gepubliseer/Articles published: None Bywoning: Kongres/Konferensie Verslag/Attendance: Congress/Conference Report Naam/Name Plekke/Place Datums/Dates Voordragte gelewer (titel)/Recitations presented (title)
Mede-outeur in voordragte of plakkate gelewer/C0-author of recitations or posters
Kongresse gereël/Congresses organised Naam/Name Plekke/Place Datums/Dates Akademiese vordering verslag/Academic progressional report Kursusse bygewoon/Courses attended Eksamens Grade verwerf/ Degrees geslaag/Examinations obtained
1) Paediatric Nephrology and Urology Update Course:
16-20 March 2009 Great Ormond Street, London 2) Practical course: Peritoneal dialysis –15-17 July 2009 – Fresenius Head Office 3) Practical course: Continuous Haemodialysis and haemofiltration 19-20 August 2009 - Fresenius Head Office
Annual Departmental Report Van Biljon 2009.04/03/2010
Departementele verslag/Departmental report Nagraadse Program/Post graduate Programme
Fluid and electrolytes Hypertension on Children Thrombotic Thrombocytopaenic purpura
Buitelandse/Binnelandse besoekers (Indien lesing aangebied is noem die tema en belangstellingsveld)/Foreign/Domestic visitors (if lecture given, name theme and field of interest). Departementele kursusse/werkswinkels gereël/Departmental courses/workshops organised
Acute Renal Replacement For Children - Workshop For Non Nephrologists Saturday 7 March 2009 Lecture: Indications for Renal Replacement and Different Modalities Available
Annual Departmental Report Van Biljon 2009.04/03/2010
Information om medicinsk abort i hemmet Hur går medicinsk abort till? Medicinsk abort används om graviditeten är högst 84 dagar. Vid läkarbesöket görs gynekologisk undersökning, inklusive bakterieodling och ultraljuds- undersökning. Eventuellt tas blodprov för blodgruppering och HIV-test. USÖ är ett undervisningssjukhus, du kan bli tillfrågad om en blivande barnmor
TRIAZOLAM INFORMATION AND CONSENT FORM Taking triazolam 1 hour prior to your dental appointment is an excellent way to minimize or eliminate anx- ietythat may be associated with going to the dentist. However, even though it is safe, effective, and wears off rapidly after the dental visit, you should be aware of some important precautions and considerations. 1. This consent form and the dent