Design of Treatment Trials for Functional GastrointestinalDisorders
Design of Treatment Trials Committee: E. JAN IRVINE,* WILLIAM E. WHITEHEAD,‡WILLIAM D. CHEY,§ KEI MATSUEDA,ʈ MICHAEL SHAW,¶ NICHOLAS J. TALLEY,#,** andSANDER J. O. VELDHUYZEN VAN ZANTEN‡‡*Division of Gastroenterology, St. Michael’s Hospital and University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; ‡Division of Gastroenterology,University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; §Division of Gastroenterology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,Michigan; ʈDivision of Gastroenterology, NCNP, Ichakawa City, Japan; ¶Division of Gastroenterology, Park Nicollet Clinic and University ofMinnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; #Division of Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Division of Gastroenterology andHepatology, Rochester, Minnesota; **Department of Medicine, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; and ‡‡Division of GastroenterologyDalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
This document addresses the design of trials to assess the
provide standards to help explain the mechanisms of
efficacy of new treatments for functional gastrointestinal
therapeutic success and enable regulatory agencies, re-
disorders (FGID), emphasizing trials in irritable bowel syn-
searchers, and providers to better evaluate the quality of
drome and dyspepsia, because most research has been
published studies. This report focuses largely on designs
undertaken in these conditions. The double-blind, random-
that evaluate treatment efficacy, with emphasis on irri-
ized, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial remains the
table bowel syndrome (IBS) and functional dyspepsia
preferred design. Randomized withdrawal designs, al-
(FD), because they have been studied most extensively.
though encouraged by the European Agency for the Eval-
Studies that address pathophysiology or mechanism of
uation of Medicinal Products, have the same potentialdisadvantages as a crossover design, including carryover
treatment effects are not included in this review because
effects, unmasking (unblinding), and overestimation of the
they require quite different and diverse study designs.
potential benefit for clinical practice. Innovative trial de-
Recommendations in this article are based largely on
signs that evaluate intermittent (on demand) treatment
consensus of the literature, except where specifically in-
are likely to become more common in the future. Investi-
dicated. We refer readers to the corresponding chapter in
gators should include as broad a spectrum of patients as
the Rome III book for a more detailed discussion with
possible and should report recruitment strategies, inclu-
sion/exclusion criteria, and attrition data. The primaryanalysis should be based on the proportion of patients in
each treatment arm who satisfy an a priori treatment
responder definition, or a prespecified clinically meaningfulchange in a patient-reported symptom improvement mea-
The goals of most treatment trials are to ascertain
sure. Such measures of improvement are psychometrically
the impact of the intervention(s) on (1) the frequency and
validated subjective global assessments or a change from
severity of symptoms, (2) health status and quality of life,
baseline in a validated symptom severity questionnaire. It
(3) the patient’s ability to cope with symptoms, and/or
is unethical to change the responder definition after a trial
(4) the use of health care resources. Generally, a single
begins. Data analysis should address all patients enrolled,
using an intention-to-treat principle. Reporting of results
Investigators should select their most important research ques-
should follow the Consolidated Standards for ReportingTrials guidelines and include an analysis of harms data and
tion(s), pertinent to the specific FGID, develop a hypothesis
secondary outcome measures to support or explain the
based on available evidence, and design a study that will most
primary outcome. Trials should be registered in a public
effectively answer the proposed research question.
location, prior to initiation, and should be published even ifthe results are negative or inconclusive. Abbreviations used in this paper: CONSORT, Consolidated Standards
for Reporting Trials; EMEA, European Agency for the Evaluation ofMedicinal Products; FD, functional dyspepsia; FGID, functional gastro-
Thecommittee’saimsweretoreviewtheliteratureon intestinal disorder; ITT, intention to treat; NNH, number needed to
trial design for the functional gastrointestinal dis-
harm; NNT, number needed to treat; IBS, irritable bowel syndrome.
2006 by the American Gastroenterological Association Institute
orders (FGIDs), to further develop to assist
researchers in conducting treatment trials for the FGIDs,
Special recruitment strategies such as advertising have
been accepted in some countries to accelerate recruit-
A broad spectrum of patients should be included to
ment. A recent IBS study observed that patients re-
support the generalizability of the trial findings to patients
cruited by newspaper advertisement, in comparison to
outside of the trial. In pharmaceutical research, particularly,
patients enrolled by gastroenterologists, were older, more
regulatory agencies may limit licensed drug indications to
highly educated, more often depressed but less anxious,
the trial population. The study population should be se-
and had less severe IBS symptoms; primary care patients
lected based on the question, treatment (including possible
were also anxious but had symptom severity that was
side effects), expected results, and empirical A screen-
intermediate between patients recruited by advertise-
ing log, summarizing the most important demographic
ment and patients recruited from gastroenterology clin-
variables in patients entered or excluded and the reasons for
Recruitment strategies should be clearly identified to allowA screening log provides support for the generalizability of theexploration of different patterns of treatment response.
Specified inclusion and exclusion criteria are manda-
tory for all studies and should include the FGID case
Important patient characteristics to report include
definition. If enrollment is targeted to a special popula-
age, gender, race, symptom severity, duration of disease,
tion to maximize treatment efficacy or minimize side
prior treatments for the study condition (and response),
and the use of coexisting medications, including over-
It is advisable to include as broad a spectrum of patients as
the-counter drugs and vitamins. These may impact out-
possible, defined by the ROME-specific FGID criteria. Restrict-
comes and should be tested as possible disease or effect
ing the study population must be justified and inclusion and
modifiers. For example, gender differences in drug re-
exclusion criteria must be specified.
sponse have become evident in clinical trials of certain
In clinical practice, many physicians avoid formal
serotonergic drugs in patients with Depending on
investigation in favor of a positive diagnosis, reassurance,
the hypothesis, investigators may choose to enroll only
and lifestyle modification. However, entry criteria for
one gender. However, if both women and men are to be
treatment trials must be more specific. The consensus
included, there should be sufficient numbers of both to
view is that the minimum evaluation should include a
allow meaningful subgroup analyses. As data accumulate
complete blood count, imaging of the relevant part of the
describing the genetics of the FGIDs in relation to drug
gastrointestinal tract within the previous 5 years, and
responsiveness, it may become relevant to assess these
other investigations determined by symptoms and family
parameters during clinical It is also advisable to
Emerging evidence suggests that screening IBS
assess for psychological distress or prior mental health
patients for gluten enteropathy may also be
problems; in trials of psychological interventions or psy-
When testing is required for study inclusion, it should
choactive drugs, these may be important effect modifiers,
be consistent across all study arms, and the timing
and in trials of nonpsychological treatments, they are
potential confounders that could influence both baseline
The minimum screening investigation for eligibility should bePotential disease modifiers/confounders that might affect re-
Most trials of FGIDs have been conducted in academic
sponse to therapy should be assessed.
centers specifically interested in the FGIDs, creatingconcerns of selection bias that favor inclusion of patientswith more severe symptoms and/or with psychosocial
Two large trials showed significant differences in
Clinical trials differ from usual practice in several
treatment response between primary and referred pa-
ways, including the application of strict eligibility cri-
tients with Thus, researchers should consider re-
teria, use of a placebo, a standardized intervention, fre-
cruiting broadly, noting if subjects are from primary,
quent follow-up visits with extensive data recording, and
secondary, or tertiary care. Differences in baseline sever-
the use of study coordinators. Nonetheless, standard
ity and treatment response by site or type of recruitment
aspects of diagnosis and management, especially an ad-
equate explanation and reassurance about the disease, are
Patient characteristics should be documented sufficiently to
part of standard care and should be provided to all
examine the comparability of patients among centers and allow
patients in the trial. Novel interventions must show
comparisons with other populations.
promise of a benefit over standard care.
or drug trials in which the active drug causes predictable
side effects or rapid symptom change, are difficult tomask from patients or investigators, but possible solu-
tions to maintain an investigator-masked outcome assess-
ment include using independent assessors who are un-
interviewer or self-administered questionnaire, or per-
forming laboratory tests (eg, anal manometry in fecal
incontinence) that are interpreted by individuals not
It is mandatory to undertake the maximum masking possible,determined by the type of intervention and study design.
Randomization. Randomization is a process (equiv-
alent to the flip of a coin) used to assign patients to
treatment arms in an unbiased fashion. The allocation se-
quence should be concealed from investigators and research
personnel should be unaware of the treatment to which a
patient will be assigned until after the patient has beendeemed eligible and has consented to Stratifiedrandomization, whereby the most important prognostic fac-
Every trial should incorporate the principles of good clinical
tors (eg, gender and usual bowel habit) are identified be-
practice to ensure that the study results are relevant to real
forehand, uses a separate randomization sequence for each
stratum (eg, male versus female or constipation-predomi-nant versus diarrhea-predominant IBS) to balance these
factors among treatment Stratification should be
limited to 1 or 2 fParticularly in multicenter
Study designs for treatment trials in FGID face
trials, in which sites may enroll only a few subjects, ran-
several important challenges: (1) a high placebo response
domization can be performed in blocks. A block refers to the
number of subjects within which the group assignments
for multimodal therapy owing to weak effects of available
have to be balanced. A permutated block design (variable block
treatments or multiple etiologic mechanisms interacting
size) ensures that the sequence of assignments is unpredict-
in the disease (4) difficulty of masking (blind-
able to the investigator. When reporting the trial, the
ing) patients and investigators, particularly in trials of
randomization procedure should be explicitly described be-
cause it is a potential source of bias.
the-counter treatments or drugs taken for other condi-
Investigators must include a detailed description of their
tions (eg, antidepressants); and (6) avoidance of harms in
randomization scheme in the report of the study.
Selecting the control group. A placebo control
Bias, defined as systematic error that leads to a devi-
group is essential to establish the efficacy of a new
ation of the estimated treatment effect from its true
treatment. When a proven efficacious treatment exists,
value, may enter a clinical trial at any stage from patient
comparison against this active treatment may be consid-
enrollment to publication of the results. The major
but inclusion of a placebo is still recommended to
avoid an inconclusive trial, in which the active treat-
Masking. Double masking (of both patients and
researchers) to the intervention ensures the validity of the
Behavioral therapy pose particular challenges
outcome assessment. “Triple masking” is desirable and
to identify inactive comparison treatments that generate
extends masking to all investigators, including data
expectancy comparable to the active intervention. Un-
managers and In drug trials, investigators
treated patients are poor control subjects because they
are encouraged to ask both the patient and the interven-
tionist who interacts with the patient at the end of the
result in an overestimate of the impact of the interven-
trial whether they believe the active treatment was ad-
tion. Options to assess the integrity of behavioral trials
ministered and to report these data. Certain interven-
include (1) testing the credibility of both active and
tions, such as psychotherapy, hypnosis, sphincterotomy,
control interventions after initial exposure (eg, by using
the Credibility or (2) using a process measure
The placebo response rate in treatment trials of FGIDs is
to ensure that the active treatment is producing the
substantial and largely unavoidable.
intended effects on physiology or cognitions while the
Baseline observation versus placebo run-in. A
control treatment does not (eg, does biofeedback for fecal
period of prospective baseline measurement before treat-
incontinence change anal sphincter squeeze pressure
ment is useful to evaluate patient eligibility. This also
more than the control condition, or does cognitive–
limits recall and reporting biases by ensuring that pa-
behavioral therapy alter the patients dysfunctional atti-
tients are currently symptomatic. It allows comparison of
tudes to a greater extent than an education control
patients in the active and placebo groups, as well as
evaluation of a clinically important change in health
sources of bias and their potential impact on study
findings in the discussion section of the report.
Older studies have used a placebo run-in period where
A placebo control group is essential. In behavioral treatment
all patients received placebo for a specified period and
trials, confirming that the control condition produces a similar
their response was assessed, using the study outcome
expectation of benefit, but does not act on the same physiologic or
measures. Patients who significantly improved were ex-
psychological principles, is recommended.
cluded from further participation to reduce the propor-tion of placebo responders and to exclude patients with
poor adherence. This has been used in several trials of
A placebo is an intervention believed to lack any
allergic rhinitis and, although acceptable to regulatory
specific effect to change a particular Placebo
agencies, may underestimate the overall effect It
effects range from 10% to 70% for and 0% to 84%
is also difficult to predict whether (1) the placebo re-
for This substantial placebo response rate makes it
sponse increases, plateaus, or decays after the run-in
more difficult to demonstrate superior efficacy of new
(2) a differential dropout occurs, and (3) patients
treatments. Of note, a placebo administered by a physi-
removed from a trial have a different response to those
cian appears to be more powerful than one given by other
who continue. Exclusion of patients for placebo response
may also disrupt the doctor–patient relationship for fu-
an order effect, in which an effective drug has a lesser
benefit when given after a placebo. This is especially
The disadvantages of a placebo run-in appear to outweigh the
important if a placebo run-in period is implemented to
benefits and it is best avoided. However, baseline observations
exclude placebo responders or in studies with a crossover
design, because approximately half of patients in a cross-
External factors may also contribute to changes in
The double-masked, randomized, placebo-con-
health status making it difficult to detect a treatment
trolled trial is the gold standard method to test the
effect, including (1) a natural variation in symptoms, (2)
efficacy of a new treatment. A parallel group study
regression toward the mean, and (3) unidentified or
design requires that patients be randomized to receive
unintended cointerventions. Regression to the mean is the
only one treatment assignment throughout the trial (af-
likelihood that patients consult when symptoms are par-
ter a period of baseline assessment without treatment).
ticularly severe and improve with time owing to the
Dose-ranging studies (different groups receive different
natural variation in symptom severity and irrespective of
doses) and multiple control treatments, with a baseline
observation of no treatment or a washout period after
changes in diet or using over-the-counter remedies could
treatment, are different variants of a parallel group de-
also lead to a false interpretation that an intervention was
effective, as could the extra attention given patients by
Crossover designs, in which subjects receive both treat-
researchers during clinical trials (Hawthorn The
ments during distinct time periods, separated by a wash-
magnitude of the placebo response may also be influ-
out phase have been popular in some FTheoret-
enced by the wording of the question used to define
ically, lesser variability in outcomes within subjects
treatment response or by the use of a compound ques-
could require a smaller sample size for the desired sta-
tistical power. However, patient dropout rates and miss-
the placebo response rate is larger when a responder is
ing data have a greater impact than in a parallel design,
defined by a global improvement in IBS symptoms com-
because patients are omitted from both study arms when
pared to defining a responder by reduction in abdominal
data are missing. The greatest disadvantages of crossover
pain (average placebo responses of 36% versus 28%).
designs are (1) the carry-over (period-by-treatment) ef-
fects that occur when the first treatment influences the
There is a growing interest in developing drugs for
response to the second treatment or when symptoms
intermittent treatment (short-course administration for a
change with and (2) the high likelihood of un-
predetermined time period after symptom recurrence) or
masking owing to side The European Agency
on-demand treatment (medication is taken only during
for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) may
symptoms). These issues have been addressed in gastro-
accept a crossover design for a Phase III trial, yet has
esophageal reflux IBS and FD trials have fo-
highlighted problems that could invalidate study re-
cused on continuous administration of drugs to moderate
and does not provide guidance for analysis. If
period and sequence effects occur, only the first treat-
ment period data should be used to determine efficacy.
believe that patients often take medications only as
Although crossover designs are not recommended for
needed. Trial designs and outcome measures required for
treatment trials with subjective end points, they may be
testing the efficacy of intermittent therapy differ from
used in physiologic studies, where the end points are
those used to test continuously administered treatments.
After establishing efficacy during continuous administra-
A factorial design can be undertaken to evaluate com-
tion, intermittent or on-demand studies can be con-
bined For example, to test the effects of
ducted. Guidelines for intermittent treatment of mi-
combining two treatments, A and B, subjects are ran-
domly assigned to 4 groups: no A and no B; A and no B;
B and no A; or both A and B. Investigators might
The parallel group design is the accepted standard for
consider such a design either (1) to save money by testing
evaluation of efficacy for most treatments and is applicable to
2 treatments at once with fewer subjects overall, or (2) to
most experimental situations. The crossover design is best
test for synergistic effects of combined treatments. Im-
portantly, the 2 treatments should have distinct mecha-
Types of trials. The strongest case supporting the
nisms of action to be able to interpret the simple effects
efficacy of a new medication is made by demonstrating
(ie, the comparison of all patients receiving treatment A
clinical and statistical superiority to placebo or an active
to all patients not receiving treatment A, and the com-
control treatment. An equivalence study or noninferior-
parison of all patients receiving treatment B to all pa-
ity trial can also be considered if (1) a known, effective
tients not receiving treatment B), or to detect whether
treatment is available and it would be unethical to
there is added benefit from combining treatments. Also,
administer a placebo (eg, cancer or inflammatory bowel
a control is required for each intervention. Potential cost
disease, not FGID), or (2) a new treatment might be less
savings are frequently offset by the complexity of inter-
costly, safer, or just as good as standard Such
preting the data, except when testing for synergistic
trials are usually more costly than superiority trials,
because much larger sample sizes are required. Investi-
The withdrawal trial is an enrichment design, in which
gators must first estimate the expected difference be-
all subjects receive the active treatment. At a predefined
tween standard treatment and placebo from a meta-
time point, they are classed as responders or nonre-
sponders and the latter are excluded. Responders are then
“equivalence margins” that are smaller than the expected
randomly assigned to receive active treatment or placebo
difference. The trial is judged to be positive only if the
and efficacy is based on the second part of the trial.
95% confidence interval for the observed difference be-
Potential carry-over effects from the first treatment, how-
tween the new and standard treatments falls within the
ever, can prevent an accurate estimate of the drug benefit.
equivalence margins. For a noninferiority trial, only the
lower 95% confidence limit must fall within the
drugs for short-term efficacy in IBS, and require 2 or
more treatment cycles to demonstrate efficacy. The
In trials that compare the investigational treatment to
a different active treatment, the investigator is obliged to
placebo at an unpredictable time) be undertaken after
show that the treatment arms are in equipoise; it is
active drug, but does not address how to perform the
unethical, for example, to compare the investigational
complex statistical analysis. Like the placebo run-in, this
drug to an ineffective dose of an alternative compound.
design can overestimate the effect One completed
Superiority trials (not equivalence or non-inferiority trials)
followed the EMEA guidelines (with minor vari-
ations) and provided data supporting the efficacy of
Duration of treatment. Treatment duration for
tegaserod for IBS on repeated dosing cycles.
specific FGIDs should be based on natural history data
describing the frequency and duration of episodes. For
IBS, this is highly but for the majority of
Diaries have been used to measure primary or
patients both flares and remissions appear to last less than
secondary end points and minimize recall bias. Relatively
1 wfor dyspepsia, there is a high symptom
few symptoms are recorded and ratings can be performed
at a fixed time (eg, bedtime) or when symptoms actually
dations for trials of 8 –12 weeks were based on experience
occur. The former method is simpler for data analysis. A
and on concerns for cost and ability to retain patients.
major problem of is poor adherence; patients
EMEA differentiate trials of short-term ef-
often complete them retrospectively or just before a
ficacy, for which they would accept 4-week trials, from
Hand-held electronic devices with reminder
long-term efficacy trials, for which 6-month trials are
required. Although both types of trials require patients
been shown to improve adherence to 80%–90%, and
with active symptoms at randomization, long term-stud-
patient satisfaction is Diary symptoms can also
ies could include patients with intermittent symptoms.
be recorded on secure Web sites, which can accurately
Further research on the natural history of individual
FGIDs should be a high priority, to allow clearer recom-
Retrospective questionnaires are an acceptable method for
mendations for trial duration. Extended follow-up
assessing symptoms provided the recall interval is limited to 3
should be considered to determine treatment durability
months. Patients should receive clear instructions on the use of a
and should relate to symptom periodicity and presumed
diary, including the directive to leave it blank if they forget torecord information. Electronic diaries are preferred over paperA minimum treatment duration of 4 weeks that reflects thediaries. Methods to ensure adherence to recording methods shouldsymptom periodicity and anticipated treatment mechanism isrecommended. If chronic use is anticipated, trials of at least 6months should be undertaken to establish long-term efficacy.
Adherence to treatment and study protocol. Stan-
The primary outcome variable(s) provides the ba-
dard methods to assess adherence include interviewing
sis for judging the success or failure of an intervention.
Only 1 or at most 2 variables should be selected and this
blood levels of and may be especially im-
should be done before the trial begins. The Food and
portant when interpreting studies of long duration. The
Drug Administration and EMEA have recommended
frequency of missed or late appointments and missing
that investigators provide rules, a priori, that allow clas-
data from diaries or questionnaires should be reported for
sification of each participant as a responder or nonre-
Adherence to the protocol and treatment should be measured.
include secondary outcome variables to (1) strengthenthe results by showing concordance between individualsymptoms and the primary outcome measure, (2) address
the mechanism of the intervention, (3) assess the safety or
(4) cost effectiveness of the treatment, and (5) identify
variables that predict which patients are most or leastlikely to benefit.
Efficient symptom assessment can be achieved by
The definition of a responder should reflect a clinically
having patients complete questionnaires before treat-
meaningful symptom improvement for each patient. For
ment and at follow-up visits. However, concerns about
IBS and other FGIDs, there is no consensus on what
the accuracy of retrospective questionnaires include
constitutes a clinically meaningful improvement. Some
whether (1) symptoms present on the day they complete
studies accept as little as a 10% reduction in a visual
the questionnaire influence reporting; (2) poor recall
analog scale rating of symptom or 1 step on a
affects the accuracy of a retrospective report; and (3)
7-step ordinal as clinically meaningful, whereas
patients feel pressured to give a more positive report if
other studies require a 50% reduction in an aggregate
questionnaires are completed in the presence of the in-
vestigator. Although data support the presence of these
the most commonly employed definition of clinically
biases, they do not appear to be Recall of
meaningful improvement in IBS has been a patient’s
health-related events appears to be reasonably accurate
report (yes or no) of “adequate relief of abdominal pain
and or “satisfactory relief of IBS symp-
These definitions are assumed to have face
Adequate relief or satisfactory relief as a primary
validity. However, empirical data are needed for each
outcome measure. Since 1999, most published pharma-
outcome measure to assess the clinical significance of
ceutical trials for IBS have used “adequate relief of ab-
different degrees of change from both the patient’s and
dominal pain and or ”satisfactory relief
of IBS as their primary outcome measure. One or at most 2 primary outcome measures should be specified
Responders were defined as patients who reported “yes”
in advance. Investigators should list criteria to classify each
to adequate relief or satisfactory relief on at least half of
patient as a responder or nonresponder based on a clinically
the weeks in the treatment trial. These studies demon-
strated statistically significantly higher responder ratesfor active drug relative to placebo and led to approvals
for alosetron and tegaserod by the Food and Drug
In selecting a primary outcome, investigators
should examine the trial objectives, population, and
Mangel et assessed the validity of the adequate
mechanism of action of the proposed treatment and
relief measure in diarrhea-predominant IBS patients and
should choose either a global measure, which integrates
showed that responders differed significantly from non-
the symptoms into a single numerical index, or the
responders regarding pain-free days, pain severity, ur-
summary score of a validated symptom severity and/or
gency, stool frequency, and 6 of 8 SF-36 quality of life
subscales plus 8 of 9 scales on a disease-specific quality of
Attention should be paid to the suitability of the
life measure. However, correlations among measure-
measurement scale used for each outcome measure. A
ments (convergent validity), test–retest reliability, and
detailed discussion of measurement scales and their prop-
internal consistency were not reported. Similar validation
erties is beyond the scope of this report, but is more
data have been reported for satisfactory
thoroughly addressed in the Rome III book and else-
Integrative symptom questionnaires. An alterna-
tive method for defining a responder in an IBS treatment
Physician-reported assessments have been accepted in
trial is to ask patients to report the frequency or severity
some but are subject to greater measurement
of all (or a representative group) of IBS symptoms prior
error than patient Therefore, patient-reported
to and again following treatment, and to define a re-
measures are endorsed. Only fully validated instruments
sponder as a patient who reports at least a 50% decrease
are recommended as primary outcome assessment tools,
and secondary outcome measures should also be assessed
tionnaires that examine the severity of IBS, such as the
for robustness. Psychometric validation requires that (1)
Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale for and the
the assessment instrument includes symptoms relevant
Functional Bowel Disorder Severity However,
to and fully representative of the disorder (face validity);(2) it show a predictable relationship with other measures
the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptom Severity
(construct validity); (3) the assessment produces similar
is the only IBS symptom severity scale that has been
results when readministered to patients whose health
status has not changed (reliability); (4) it can detect
Whitehead et compared different outcome mea-
clinically meaningful change in health status when such
sures including satisfactory relief and a 50% reduction in
a change has occurred (responsive); and (5) changes in score
the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptom Severity Scale
can be related to clinical indicators that are meaningful
questionnaire, in an observational study of patients’ re-
to clinicians (criterion validity).
sponse to usual medical care for IBS. They reported that
Validation of a new outcome measure is best estab-
the response rate on satisfactory relief was influenced by
lished in a separate The frequency of data re-
pretreatment symptom severity: patients with initially
cording for each outcome should also be specified before
mild IBS symptoms showed the highest responder rate
the trial begins, as should the time frame defining the
but the smallest change in symptom severity, whereas
patient response (whether at the end of the trial, during
patients with initially severe IBS symptoms showed the
a prespecified proportion of weeks or months that re-
lowest responder rate but the largest decrease in severity.
sponder criteria have been fulfilled, or for all time points
In contrast, when defining a responder as a patient who
reported at least a 50% decrease in symptom severity,
A patient-reported outcome assessment is recommended. Psy-
pretreatment symptom severity had no impact on the
chometric validation of each outcome measure is recommended
responder rate. Defining a responder based on a 50%
before it is used in clinical trials.
reduction in symptoms has been used in several stud-
how they were measured. Investigators should attempt to
ever, like satisfactory relief and adequate relief, it re-
place benefits and harms for any intervention into
Subjects can be classed as responders and nonre-
Anticipated and unanticipated adverse events should be
sponders at different time points during a trial. In pub-
lished trials, patients were classified as responders if theyreported adequate relief or satisfactory relief on at least
The reasons for including each secondary outcome
However, this loses important information; the most
and the plan for analysis should clearly be identified
persuasive evidence for efficacy would be to show that
before the trial begins. Health economic outcomes are
patients in the active treatment had a sustained response
becoming an important class of secondary
once they reported satisfactory or adequate relief. Inves-
Secondary outcomes should be selected based on the study
tigators are encouraged to use more sophisticated statis-
question and should be validated measures that support or
tical models that address the longitudinal trajectory of
explain the results. Integrating health economic outcomes is
report the proportion of patients responding at each time
Quality of life assessment. FGIDs significantly
impact quality of Generic and disease-specific
Several well-validated outcome measures have been
quality of life instruments are Generic in-
used in FD These use a single global outcome of
struments can assess quality of life in large populations
a specific symptom (eg, Glasgow Dyspepsia Severity
and across a wide spectrum of disorders, but may not
a global overall assessment of dyspepsia symp-
reflect all important aspects of health status for specific
toms (eg, the Canadian Dyspepsia the LEEDS
disorders. They may be less sensitive to detect important
treatment effects, but they permit comparisons with
important dyspepsia and quality of life outcomes (eg, the
other diseases and help to detect unexpected changes in
health status after treatment. Examples of validated in-
struments include the Sickness Impact the
Nottingham Health Profile, the SF-36 (Short Form of
outcome measures are yet to be developed.
General Well-Being Disease-specific quality of
Pain or discomfort is a key feature of many FGIDs and
is typically either the primary outcome variable or an
FGID (eg, the fear of fecal incontinence in IBS). Theo-
important secondary outcome variable in clinical trials.
retically, they can detect smaller and more specifically
Pain has 3 dimensions—intensity, duration, and fre-
relevant changes in health status, which may be missed
quency—that can be considered separately or integrated
by generic instruments. Quality of life measures have not
in a global assessment of pain or can be incorporated into
been used as the primary outcomes in pharmaceutical
a quality of life measure. Different rating scales can be
clinical trials because they were believed to be insuffi-
used that are reproducible and sensitive to If
ciently responsive to treatment, but have been strongly
pain is chosen as the primary outcome, a meaningful
recommended as secondary outcome variables. One re-
clinical response should be defined beforehand, and the
port focusing on the health-related quality of life data
proportion of patients reaching this end point reported.
from two previously reported trials of alosetron found a
Adequate relief and satisfactory relief are the current stan-
significantly greater improvement on active drug com-
dards for primary outcome assessment in treatment trials in
pared to challenging the belief that these
FGIDs. Alternative outcome measures such as integrative symp-
measures are not responsive enough to be employed as
tom questionnaires are also acceptable. All of these measuresQuality of life assessments are important secondary outcomes.
Safety issues and absence of harms. Every trial
Investigators are encouraged to include both a baseline generic
should document and report adverse events. Recent at-
and a pre–post disease-specific quality of life instrument.
tention has focused on the appropriate reporting ofharms-related issues in randomized clinical
When collecting harms data is a trial objective, it shouldbe reflected in the manuscript reporting the study results
The type of statistical analysis is determined by
and the report should clearly define adverse events and
the particular study design and primary outcome mea-
sure(s). The Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials
efficacy trial, can also allow computation of the number
(CONSORT) statement was developed by scientists and
of patients who need to be treated (NNT) to encounter a
editors to improve the quality of reporting parallel
patient who will experience a clinical benefit. Although
group, randomized, controlled It emphasizes the
the NNT is reported infrequently in randomized, con-
importance of transparently reporting the study objective
trolled trials, its inclusion can convey the clinical impor-
and how the study was conducted and analyzed. Evidence
tance of a study Similarly, harms data can be
supports improved quality of methodology and data
used to estimate the number of patients that would need
to be treated with a drug to see an adverse event (number
journals now require that manuscripts describing clinical
needed to harm [NNH]). Calculation of the NNT and
trials conform to the CONSORT guidelines, found on
NNH allows the researcher or clinician to more quanti-
tatively assess the benefits and risks of any given therapy.
tions have made similar recommendations for studies
When reporting P values, actual values and not thresholds
evaluating diagnostic testing (Standards for Reporting of
should be provided. An NNH can be calculated based on therisk of adverse effects and can be weighed against the NNT.
analyses (Quality of Reports of Meta-Analyses state-
The statistical analysis should be based on an inten-
tion-to-treat (ITT) with a plan for handling
Investigators should adhere to the CONSORT statement on
dropouts. The trial can either be analyzed as the propor-
tion of responders in each group, treating all dropouts as
The main analysis for FGID trials should focus on the
nonresponders, or by carrying forward the last observa-
primary outcome measure(s) to determine whether or not
tion available for the primary outcome. A dual analysis,
the study results support a new treatment. Although the
examining for differences in results using the 2 different
main outcome often compares the end of treatment and
methods should be performed. Many studies also report
baseline observations, data should also describe how pa-
a per protocol (all patients who followed the protocol) or
tients changed during the study; the results of a trial are
an all-patients-treated (all patients who received treat-
far more compelling if patients have had a sustained
ment following randomization) analysis. These analyses
response to the intervention. When 2 primary outcome
may provide insight as to whether a treatment works
variables are included in a trial, investigators should
under optimal conditions, but cannot replace the ITT
specify in advance whether the trial will be considered
analysis. When there is a discrepancy between the ITT
positive if only 1 outcome measure is significant, or if
(negative) and per protocol (positive) analyses, the results
both are required. If significance on any primary outcome
should be interpreted as inconclusive. The effect of po-
suffices, the analysis should adjust for multiple compar-
tential modifiers such as gender, age, duration or severity
isons, for example, using the Bonferroni
of disease, and presence of psychological stress can be
The committee suggests that the EMEA recommenda-
assessed using a logistic regression analysis, where the
tion requiring 2 positive primary outcomes for trials in
binary dependent variable represents the a priori speci-
IBS may be overly conservative. The primary outcome
fied definition of a Such covariates should
results should be stated in absolute numbers to include
both a numerator and denominator; it is not sufficient to
The primary analysis should be the ITT analysis and must
list only percentages of (non)-responders (eg, not 20%
but rather 10/50, 20%). For all outcome measures, theestimated effect of the intervention (difference between
active and placebo treatment) and a 95% 2-sided confi-
The main result of the study must be based on the evaluation
Results should be reported for all prespecified
of the primary outcome measure as stated in the protocol before
outcomes. Score changes should be reported for each
the study begins. The primary outcome should be stated in
cardinal symptom of the entry criteria. Secondary
absolute numbers and should include a 95% confidence interval.
outcomes that are used to support or refute the pri-
Statistically significant differences between study
mary analysis should be analyzed by ITT and not per
groups can also be expressed using a P value. Actual
protocol. Adjustment for multiple comparisons is gen-
values and not thresholds (ie, not P Ͻ .05) should be
erally unnecessary when analyzing secondary outcome
provided and should be complementary to confidence
measures because the efficacy of the treatment is
intervals. The reciprocal of the absolute risk reduction, in
judged on the basis of the analysis of the primary
a risk reduction trial, or therapeutic gain, in a treatment
outcome variable, not the secondary outcomes. Sec-
ondary outcome measures are examined to support the
primary outcome analysis. When many secondary vari-
There is no compelling reason to incorporate in-
ables are included to identify predictors of response or
terim analyses in trials to determine efficacy because
explore for other benefits, the type I error rate may be
FGIDs are not life threatening. Moreover, because the
incidence of serious adverse events is expected to be low,
any occurrence of a serious adverse event is likely to
increase the likelihood of a type II statistical error,
prompt the safety committee to reevaluate the trial with-
rendering truly important differences nonsignificant.
out carrying out an interim analysis. Thus, interim anal-
Using descriptive rather than inferential statistics (eg,
yses in trials of FGIDs are normally only done to assess
means and confidence intervals) or reporting actual P
the futility of continuing the trial. Plans for interim
analyses should be clearly prespecified in the study pro-
Specific plans to present and analyze harms data
tocol and appropriate statistical methods to adjust for
should be clearly described and withdrawals from each
arm of the trial should be detailed. ITT is the preferred
mon method is to partition the ␣ level for the trial by
subtracting the ␣ level for the interim analysis from the
Exploratory subgroup analyses are commonly per-
␣ level intended for the final analysis. Consequently,
formed in trials of FGIDs, although their validity is
most investigators use a conservative ␣ level, such as
.001, for the interim analysis so that sufficient power is
evaluates for differences in treatment effects between
reserved for the final analysis. If an interim analysis is
complementary subgroups (eg, older and younger sub-
preplanned, ␣ sharing can be incorporated when calcu-
jects), rather than simply comparing P values for each
lating the sample size. Unplanned preliminary analysesshould be avoided; premature presentation of results may
subgroup, thereby maintaining statistical power.
affect the further conduct of the trial and can lead to the
Secondary analyses used to support an efficacy claim should be
reporting of inaccurate observations. ITT analyses. Harms data should be analyzed by ITT when
There are few guidelines for conducting interim anal-
possible, but absolute incidence rates and 95% confidence inter-
yses to assess the futility of continuing a trial. However,
to preserve the credibility of the investigators (a) suchanalyses should be overseen by a Data and Safety Moni-
toring Board that is independent from the investigators,
The protocol should present and clearly specify
(b) the analysis should test for equivalence rather than
the assumptions underlying the sample size calculation.
superiority of 1 treatment relative to the other, and (c)
These elements include the minimum effect size (differ-
liberal equivalence margins for the effect size should be
ence in primary outcome between groups) that the trial
defined a priori and will likely be wider than those
is designed to detect, the ␣ (type I) error level, the
statistical power or  (type II) error level, and when
Interim analyses are not recommended because they may
evaluating continuous outcomes (eg, difference in sever-
jeopardize the trial integrity unless there is reason to believe
ity scores), the standard deviation of the difference. Re-
participation in the trial (either in the active treatment or
cent trials have been powered to detect differences as
control group) places the patient at risk.
small as or Often, a power of80% is used ( error or type II error of 20%) and ␣ (type
I) error of 5% using a 2-sided test. An allowance for
The main result of a trial must be presented
dropouts should also be made in determining the appro-
according to the predetermined primary outcome mea-
priate sample size, but efforts should be made to keep the
sure(s). Selecting a primary outcome measure after the
dropout rate below 10%–20%. It is inappropriate for an
trial is concluded inflates the type I error rate and is
investigator to conclude, from an inadequately powered
misleading. Unexpected results that were not part of the
study that fails to find a statistically significant difference
between interventions, that the 2 interventions are
exploratory, for testing in future studies. Adherence to
study goals is strengthened when an independent advi-
A sample size calculation should be routinely performed andshould be based on the expected behavior of the primary outcomeChanging the primary outcome measure(s) in the analysisphase of a study should not be done; it invalidates the statistical
Table 2. Recommendations for Future Research
2. Veldhuyzen van Zanten SJ, Talley NJ, Bytzer P, Klein KB, Whor-
well PJ, Zinsmeister AR. Design of treatment trials for functional
1. Examine the periodicity and severity of symptoms in natural
gastrointestinal disorders. Gut 1999;45(Suppl 2):II69 –II77.
3. Talley NJ, Nyren O, Drossman DA, Heaton KW, Veldhuyzen van
2. Evaluate the multidimensional construct of symptom severity
Zanten SJO, Koch MM, Ransohoff DF. The irritable bowel syn-
(eg, frequency, number present, clustering, severity,
drome: toward optimal design of controlled treatment trials.
contribution to “global severity,” and changes in primary
Gastroenterology International 1993;189 –211.
4. Camilleri M, Northcutt AR, Kong S, Dukes GE, McSorley D,
3. Examine the influence of disease modifiers (predictors) such as
Mangel AW. Efficacy and safety of alosetron in women with
disease duration, baseline severity, psychological status,
irritable bowel syndrome: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
comorbidity, surgeries, and response to prior treatments.
4. Investigate what contributes to the placebo response in
5. Muller-Lissner SA, Fumagalli I, Bardhan KD, Pace F, Pecher E,
different FGIDs and how to minimize its impact on efficacy
Nault B, Ruegg P. Tegaserod, a 5-HT(4) receptor partial agonist,
relieves symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome patients with
5. Evaluate the impact of baseline observations and diagnostic
abdominal pain, bloating and constipation. Aliment Pharmacol
testing on symptoms, data quality, and treatment response.
6. Further validate adequate and satisfactory relief during clinical
6. Fass R, Longstreth GF, Pimentel M, Fullerton S, Russak SM,
Chiou CF, Reyes E, Crane P, Eisen G, McCarberg B, Ofman J.
7. Develop, validate fully, and determine minimal clinically
Evidence- and consensus-based practice guidelines for the di-
important differences for new outcome measures and disease-
agnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Arch Intern Med 2001;161:
specific quality of life instruments. Catalog and critically
7. Cash BD, Schoenfeld P, Chey WD. The utility of diagnostic tests
8. Further evaluate and validate definitions of the treatment
responder measure(s) including a 50% reduction in symptom
in irritable bowel syndrome patients: a systematic review. Am J
severity and ensure that the definitions are clinically relevant.
9. Develop and validate trial designs for testing on-demand
8. Jones R. Likely impacts of recruitment site and methodology on
treatments for intermittent symptoms.
characteristics of enrolled patient population: irritable bowel
10. Examine the impact of CONSORT, EMEA, and Food and Drug
syndrome clinical trial design. Am J Med 1999;107:85S–90S.
Administration guidelines on study quality.
9. Talley NJ, Meineche-Schmidt V, Pare P, Duckworth M, Raisanen
P, Pap A, Kordecki H, Schmid V. Efficacy of omeprazole infunctional dyspepsia: double-blind, randomized, placebo-con-trolled trials (the Bond and Opera studies). Aliment Pharmacol
analysis and renders the conclusions of uncertain value byinflating the chances of a type I error.
10. Longstreth GF, Hawkey CJ, Mayer EA, Jones RH, Naesdal J,
Wilson IK, Peacock RA, Wiklund IK. Characteristics of patients
Concern has been raised that several negative FGID
with irritable bowel syndrome recruited from three sources:
treatment trials have not been published, overestimating
implications for clinical trials. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2001;15:
the efficacy of some treatments and/or diminishing safety
concerns. Investigators are ethically obliged to publish
11. Camilleri M, Atanasova E, Carlson PJ, Ahmad U, Kim HJ, Vi-
ramontes BE, McKinzie S, Urrutia R. Serotonin-transporter poly-
the results of all completed studies, and journal editors
morphism pharmacogenetics in diarrhea-predominant irritable
should publish methodologically sound studies, whether
bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology 2002;123:425– 432.
results are negative or positive. Some journals now re-
12. Guthrie E, Barlow J, Fernandes L, Ratcliffe J, Read N, Thompson
quire investigators to register clinical trials before initi-
DG, Tomenson B, Creed F. Changes in tolerance to rectal dis-tension correlate with changes in psychological state in patients
ation, and failure to do so bars their publication by
with severe irritable bowel syndrome. Psychosom Med 2004;
subscribing The Cochrane Collaboration sys-
tematic reviews also underscore the need for publication
13. Spiller RC. Problems and challenges in the design of irritable
bowel syndrome clinical trials: experience from published trials. It is unethical to withhold publishing the results of a
14. Veldhuyzen van Zanten SJ, Cleary C, Talley NJ, Peterson TC,
Nyren O, Bradley LA, Verlinden M, Tytgat GN. Drug treatment of
In reviewing the relevant literature for this report, the
functional dyspepsia: a systematic analysis of trial methodologywith recommendations for design of future trials. Am J Gastro-
committee identified a number of areas that require
additional evaluation. These recommendations for future
15. Hahn B, Watson M, Yan S, Gunput D, Heuijerjans J. Irritable
bowel syndrome symptom patterns: frequency, duration, andseverity. Dig Dis Sci 1998;43:2715–2718.
16. Drossman DA, Thompson WG. The irritable bowel syndrome:
review and a graduated multicomponent treatment approach.
1. Irvine EJ, Whitehead WE, Chey WD, Matsueda K, Talley NJ, Shaw
Ann Intern Med 1992;116:1009 –1016.
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Donald W. Reynolds Foundation, the Arizona Geriatric Education Center, and the Arizona Center on Aging A Resource for Providers Hyperlipidemia in Older Adults: To Treat or Not to Treat? Carol L. Howe, MD, MLS, College of Medicine, University of Arizona Barry D. Weiss, MD, College of Medicine, University of Arizona Treatment of hyperlipidemia has well-known benefits for or more pas
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