project has an opening for afull-time program staff mem-ber. Responsibilities include
A different subject is featured in this column in each issue of The Nicotine Challenger. Please send questions or suggestions for topics to Dr. Slade at Addressing Tobacco…
training state-wide on tobaccoissues and nicotine dependencetreatment. Bachelor's degree
Bupropion as an Adjunct in Treating
Instructions for patients using Zyban are
Tobacco Dependence
knowledge that antidepressants don't relieve
In the early 1990s, Linda Ferry, a physi-
depression immediately after the medicine is
cian at the Loma Linda VA Medical Center,
begun, patients are advised against trying to
Zyban for a week. Initially, one dose is taken
ducted a small clinical experiment to see if it
each day and this is increased after a few
worked. It did. Taking it further, Dr. Ferry
days to one twice daily. (If the second dose
is not tolerated, then the person can continue
studies. Those studies showed that bupropi-
on, indeed, makes it easier for many people
marked reduction in urges and pressure to
smoke right from the first dose. Without try-
ing, the amount smoked will fall markedly.
Administration and received permission to
falloff. The medicine is helpful for some
people and not for others. It is not clear how
Zyban for managing tobacco dependence. (It
to tell these two groups apart other than by
is still available as Wellbutrin for the treat-
taken for between seven and twelve weeks.
This time limit is arbitrary, dictated by the
the management of tobacco dependence. It is
conditions of the clinical experiments that
the first (and so far only) non-nicotine med-
icine approved for this indication. Like the
In practice, the actual length of treatment
may vary considerably. Occasionally, a per-
(NRT), bupropion enhances the success rate
son will find that Zyban has actually helped
of effective tobacco addiction treatment.
lift an unrecognized depression. In such a
That is, the use of bupropion about doubles
case, it may be appropriate to continue the
the rate of abstinence achieved from coun-
medicine indefinitely, pausing occasionally
seling or other behavioral treatment alone,
(with a medicine "holiday") to learn if it is
and its usefulness is closely tied to how good
still helping keep the depression at bay.
There are suggestions in the literature and
in clinical practice that combining bupropion
Wellbutrin but not Zyban. Fortunately for
with NRT provides even better results than
them, there is a formulation of Wellbutrin
that is exactly the same as Zyban, namely
It is advised that people who have a his-
tory of having had a seizure or who have had
a history of an eating disorder not use Zyban.
with NRT, it is important to keep in mind
This is because bupropion is known to lower
that Zyban is not a magic bullet. It is good
the threshold for seizures and it is associated
medicine, but the benefit people get from it
with an exacerbation of eating disorders. A
is only as good as the counseling and support
person who is already taking another antide-
that they get for the addiction. The medicine
pressant should consult the physician who
is an adjunct; it rarely can do a good job just
And so it was that.pain. My husband had his cancerous voice box removed in November 2006. In April 2009 he had a related cancer removed under his jaw and the site was then treated with radiotherapy. Between the surgery and the start of radiotherapy we were linked with a Macmillan District Nurse who was a liaison with our GP and had many practical ideas which she had the experience and abi
DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA — I SÉRIE-A ASSEMBLEIA DA REPÚBLICA 2 — O presidente da câmara envia, por correio regis-tado com aviso de recepção, até ao 17.o dia anteriorao da eleição: Lei Orgânica n.o 3/2004 a ) Ao eleitor, a documentação necessária ao exer-cício do direito de voto, acompanhada dos docu- de 22 de Julho Votação antecipada, para a eleição da Assembleia L