Ondansetron Decreases Vomiting Associated With Acute Gastroenteritis: A Randomized, Controlled Trial
John J. Reeves, MD*; Michael W. Shannon, MD, MPH‡; and Gary R. Fleisher, MD‡
ABSTRACT. Objective. Relatively little research has examined the role of antiemetic agents in the treatment
United States develop acute gastroenteritis
of acute gastroenteritis. The use of the selective 5-HT3
every year. Of these, 3 million seek evalua-
receptor antagonists (eg, ondansetron) offers a poten-
tion by physicians, and a large number of these pa-
tially valuable treatment option. The objective of this
tients are treated in emergency departments (EDs). study was to evaluate the efficacy of ondansetron for the
An estimated 220 000 children younger than 5 years
treatment of vomiting associated with acute gastroenter-
are hospitalized every year for treatment of dehydra-
itis in children.
tion secondary to acute gastroenteritis.1–6
Methods. A randomized, double blind, placebo-con-
Current recommendations for the treatment of
trolled trial was conducted in the emergency department
acute gastroenteritis focus primarily on the correc-
of a tertiary-care children’s hospital. Eligible patients
tion of dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities. were 1 month to 22 years old and required intravenous
Oral rehydration is the preferred therapy in mild to
fluids for gastroenteritis. Of 172 patients approached, 107
moderate dehydration, whereas intravenous fluids
were enrolled (54 to intravenous ondansetron, 53 to pla- cebo). The mean age was 5.3 years, and 53% of the pa-
are recommended in more severe cases. Administra-
tients were male. The frequency of vomiting, admission
tion of an antiemetic drug, which could safely sup-
rate, and occurrence of complications were measured.
press vomiting, would be useful in promoting suc-
Results. After drug administration, 38 (70%) of the 54
cessful oral rehydration. Although several studies
patients in the ondansetron group had complete cessa-
have shown some benefit with the use of antiemetic
tion of vomiting compared with 27 (51%) of the 53 pa-
medications, including prochlorperazine, prometha-
tients in the placebo group. Sixteen (30%) of the 53 pa-
zine hydrochloride, and metoclopramide, clinical ex-
tients in the placebo group required admission compared
perience with these drugs has revealed an unaccept-
with 14 (26%) of the 54 in the ondansetron group. An
ably high incidence of adverse effects, such as
analysis of previously untreated patients with a mea-
sedation and extrapyramidal reactions.7–12 Reflecting
sured serum carbon dioxide >15 mEq/L showed that 11
this unfavorable clinical experience, we could find no
(23%) of the 47 who received placebo were admitted
recent review articles or guidelines in which the use
compared with 3 (7%) of the 43 who received ondanse-
of antiemetic agents for the treatment of childhood
tron. No significant complications were detected.
gastroenteritis was encouraged. Recent guidelines
Conclusions. Intravenous ondansetron decreases
published by the American Academy of Pediatrics
vomiting in children with gastroenteritis. In addition,
for the treatment of gastroenteritis expressed con-
ondansetron reduces the need for admission in those
cerns about the frequency of adverse effects such as
who are treated at an initial visit to the emergency de-
sedation and extrapyramidal reactions, seen with
partment and have a measured serum carbon dioxide >15
older antiemetics.1 Although a number of investiga-
mEq/L. The safety and low cost of this therapy suggests
tors have examined newer antiemetic agents such as
that ondansetron can be valuable in treating gastroenter-
ondansetron in other areas of clinical practice where
itis in children. Pediatrics 2002;109(4). URL: http://www. pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/109/4/e62; pediatric, gas-
mitigation of nausea and vomiting is the goal, few
troenteritis, vomiting, ondansetron, antiemetic.
studies have been done to identify agents that cancontrol the vomiting associated with acute gastroen-teritis in the ambulatory setting.13–19 The main objec-
ABBREVIATIONS. ED, emergency department; CO2, carbon di-
tive of this trial was to study the safety and efficacy
of ondansetron, a recently developed 5-HT3 receptor
antagonist, in the treatment of the vomiting associ-ated with gastroenteritis in children seen in a pedi-atric ED.
From the *Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, University Med-
ical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada; and ‡Division of Emergency Medicine,Children’s Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachu-
The study design was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-
controlled clinical trial. This investigation was performed in the
Received for publication Jul 24, 2001; accepted Dec 19, 2001.
Children’s Hospital Boston ED between May 15, 1999, and May 1,
Reprint requests to (J.J.R.) University Medical Center, Department of Pedi-
2000. This ED has a census of approximately 50 000 visits annu-
atric Emergency Medicine, 1800 W Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89102.
Patients who were between the ages of 1 month and 22 years,
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright 2002 by the American Acad-
had vomiting from acute infectious gastroenteritis, and were iden-
tified as requiring intravenous fluids for rehydration were eligible
for enrollment. This age range was selected to capture the popu-
of Յ14 mEq/L or a history of intravenous hydration for the same
lation of patients seen at our institution. An attending physician in
illness were generally admitted. Both of these factors are believed
pediatric emergency medicine made the diagnosis of apparent
to indicate a more serious level of dehydration and need for
infectious gastroenteritis and then determined the need for intra-
hospitalization. Information collected by the study investigators
venous fluids on a clinical basis. Because the primary goal was the
was not used in determining the need for hospital admission.
control of emesis, patients were enrolled only when they had had
The primary outcomes recorded were the frequency of vomit-
3 or more episodes of vomiting in the previous 24 hours. Typi-
ing episodes after drug administration and the need for hospital-
cally, the vomiting associated with gastroenteritis precedes the
ization. A vomiting episode was defined as any episode of forceful
diarrheal symptoms of this disease.3 To help ensure that our study
expulsion of stomach contents. Nonproductive retching, spilling
population reflected clinical practice, we did not require the pres-
of oral contents during feeding, and drooling were not considered
ence of diarrhea and/or fever for enrollment as long as the overall
vomiting episodes. Vomiting episodes were recorded by the re-
clinical picture, as determined by an experienced practitioner, was
search assistant or investigator while the patient was in the ED.
gastroenteritis. Because the study protocol included telephone
After patients left the ED, the frequency and timing of vomiting
follow-up, access to a home telephone or pager was required.
episodes and other symptoms were determined from inpatient
Patients were excluded when they had received any antiemetic
nursing flow sheets and home symptom journals, completed by
therapy within 72 hours of enrollment or had a history of hepatic
parents and/or adult patients. Standardized telephone follow-up
disease or a past adverse drug reaction to ondansetron. Patients
was performed 5 to 7 days after patient enrollment. Vomiting
were also excluded when they had diarrhea that had been present
episodes were tabulated in 24-hour blocks starting from the time
for Ͼ7 days; a history of chronic gastrointestinal disease; or any
of drug administration until reported cessation of vomiting. After
preexisting active medical condition, such as congenial heart dis-
the initial analysis of hospitalization rate was performed, a sub-
ease, malignancy, immunodeficiency, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell
group analysis was performed, limited to those patients who did
anemia, or diabetes mellitus. The presence of headache or a focal
not fulfill the requirements for admission in the established clin-
neurologic examination was also an exclusion criteria.
One of 3 trained research assistants conducted patient enroll-
therapy). Secondary outcomes included duration of vomiting
ment Monday through Friday from 4 to 11 pm and on Saturday
symptoms after drug administration, number and duration of
and Sunday from noon to 5 pm. At other times, patient enrollment
diarrhea symptoms, frequency of return visits to an urgent or
was performed by 1 of the study investigators. Patients who were
emergency care center, need for readministration of intravenous
believed to have infectious gastroenteritis by clinical assessment
fluids, and need for later hospital admission. Length of stay in the
and to be in need of intravenous fluids, as judged by the emer-
ED, duration and amount of intravenous fluids given, and dura-
gency physician, were approached for study enrollment. A ques-
tion of hospitalization were also recorded, as were any observedcomplications. Although specific safety parameters were not mea-
tionnaire detailing demographics, history of present illness, med-
sured, data collection was constructed to help identify potential
ical history, allergies, and medications was completed, and
complications. All potential complications noted from chart re-
written informed consent was obtained. A log of all patients who
view, symptom journal, and telephone follow-up were recorded.
were approached for enrollment was kept, and reasons for refusal
To help ensure complete data collection and to help confirm that
were recorded. After enrollment, intravenous fluids were insti-
the initial clinical diagnosis of gastroenteritis was correct, we
tuted as an initial 20-mL/kg bolus of 0.9% saline followed by 5%
followed all patients by telephone until resolution of their vomit-
dextrose in 0.45% saline solution at twice the patient’s mainte-
nance rate. Serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine
The study sample size was calculated as follows. On the basis
were obtained on all patients in accordance with previously de-
of a retrospective review of ED records, we anticipated that 40% of
signed practice guidelines. Children with symptoms suggestive of
the patients in the control group would be admitted to the hospital
bacterial enteritis (eg, grossly bloody stools, fever above 39.0°C)
for treatment of gastroenteritis. We sought to detect a 50% reduc-
underwent stool swab for white blood cells, stool guaiac, and stool
tion in admission rate after use of ondansetron, ie, reduction in
cultures. Other laboratory studies were obtained at the discretion
admission rate to 20% or less. At the end of the gastroenteritis
season in 2000, an independent statistical advisor and study mon-
A computer randomization code was produced by a member of
itor reevaluated the sample size calculation. The advisor noted
the medical school’s center for clinical investigation. Blocking was
that admission rates were lower than anticipated in the control
used in groups of 4, 6, or 10 as generated randomly by computer
group, thus invalidating our a priori sample size estimate. A more
to ensure that equal numbers of patients were enrolled in both the
accurate sample size of 106 total patients was calculated. On the
control group and the treatment group throughout the study. This
basis of this more realistic sample size calculation and the desire
randomization code was controlled by the center for clinical in-
not to delay significantly the availability of study results by wait-
vestigation and provided to the pharmacy for drug distribution.
ing to enroll additional patients during the next gastroenteritis
All providers except the pharmacist were blinded to group assign-
season, we decided to stop enrollment at the end of the 2000
ment until after data analysis. The study investigators remained
gastroenteritis season. This decision was made before release of
blinded until after complete statistical analysis was performed to
the randomization codes and unblinding of the investigators. The
test the primary and secondary outcome measures. The pharmacy
Children’s Hospital Committee on Clinical Investigation ap-
provided a single syringe, labeled “gastroenteritis study drug,”
proved this study and the modification described above. Statistical
that contained either ondansetron (Zofran Injection; Glaxo Well-
analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for the
come Inc, Research Triangle Park, NC) calculated to provide a
Social Sciences (Windows Version 9.0.0; SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL)
dose of 0.15 mg/kg (maximum of 8 mg) or an equal volume of
and consisted of the 2 or Fisher exact test for categorical variables;
0.9% saline solution. The appearance of ondansetron is indistin-
an unpaired, 2-tailed Student t test for continuous variables; and
guishable from that of 0.9% saline. The contents of the syringe
the Mann-Whitney U test for ordinal variables. Significance was
were administered intravenously over 2 minutes, followed by 3 to
5 mL of a 0.9% saline flush. Drug administration was performedduring the initial fluid bolus. Repeat doses of the study drug werenot given, and no other antiemetic medications were allowed
during patient enrollment. Antipyretics were given when indi-
During the study period from May 1999 to May
cated for fever. Other medications given to the patient either
2000, 172 children between the ages of 1 month and
during the visit or after discharge were recorded. All patients were
22 years were approached for study enrollment. Of
kept in the ED for at least 1 hour after drug administration beforefinal disposition was made. This length of time was determined by
these, 107 (62%) provided informed consent. Of these
the pharmacologic profile of ondansetron. The antiemetic proper-
107 patients, 105 (98%) received the study drug; 2
ties of intravenous ondansetron has been shown in previous stud-
(2%) did not complete the study because of loss of or
ies to be Ͻ20 minutes.20,21 Decisions on repeat fluid boluses,
failure to obtain intravenous access before drug or
duration of fluid administration, and need for hospital admission
fluid administration. All 107 patients were included
all were left to the discretion of the attending physician. In accor-dance with preexisting institutional practice guidelines at our
for data analysis as an intent-to-treat population (Fig
institution, patients with a measured serum carbon dioxide (CO
Fig 1. Profile of randomization and allocation of patients.
Of the 107 patients, 53% were male with a mean
graphics, duration and frequency of symptoms, pres-
age of 5.3 years (standard deviation: Ϯ4.9). The on-
ence of fever, presence of other medical problems, or
dansetron group had 54 patients, and the placebo
a previous visit to a physician (Table 1). A signifi-
group had 53. No significant differences were noted
cantly higher proportion of patients randomized to
between the 2 groups with respect to patient demo-
ondansetron had a measured serum CO2 of Յ14
Demographic Characteristics of the Study Population
Vomiting in previous 24 h (median [range])
Diarrhea in previous 24 h (median [range])
SD indicates standard deviation; BUN, blood urea nitrogen. * The most commonly reported underlying medical condition was asthma. † There were no statistically significant differences between the 2 study groups with the exception ofmeasured serum CO2 (P Ͻ .01).
mEq/L (11 [20%] of 54 vs 2 [4%] of 53; P Ͻ .01),
as treatment failures did not alter the results.
No significant differences were noted with regard
Before patient enrollment, the median number of
to reported or observed complications between the 2
vomiting episodes in the previous 24 hours for all
groups. Reported and observed complications after
patients was 7 episodes (range: 3– 40). After drug
drug or placebo administration included abdominal
administration, 38 (70%) of the patients in the ondan-
pain (1 in the placebo group), “sinusitis” (1 in the
setron group had complete cessation of vomiting,
placebo group), and rash (1 in the ondansetron
compared with 27 (51%) in the placebo group (P ϭ
group). One patient in the ondansetron group devel-
.04). For patients who continued to have vomiting,
oped a diffuse nonurticarial rash 24 hours after drug
the median number of episodes after drug adminis-
administration while in the hospital. The rash re-
tration was 2 (range: 1– 4) for the ondansetron group
solved spontaneously and was attributed to his viral
as compared with 4 (range: 1– 46) for the placebo
illness by his inpatient treating physicians, who were
of course unaware of the patient’s enrollment group.
At the time of enrollment, 62 children (58%) had a
All patients with grossly bloody stools or a fever
history of accompanying diarrhea. No significant dif-
above 39.0°C underwent stool testing for leukocytes
ference was seen between the treatment and control
and bacterial culture (6 patients in the ondansetron
group with regard to pre- and postdiarrheal com-
group and 8 patients in the control group). Three
plaints. Both groups had a decrease in the number of
cultures were positive for presumed bacterial patho-
diarrheal episodes and the total duration of diarrheal
gens, all for Escherichia coli 0157:H7. Two patients, 1
in each group, had a positive stool culture for E coli
Fourteen patients (26%) who received ondansetron
0157:H7, which did not require additional treatment.
were hospitalized at the time of enrollment versus 16
Another patient in the ondansetron group was be-
patients (30%) in the placebo group (P ϭ NS). Of the
lieved to require additional treatment and was read-
16 admitted patients in the placebo group, 2 had
mitted after enrollment for hemolytic uremic syn-
been seen in the ED and received intravenous fluids
drome. As this patient had a positive stool culture for
within the 48 hours preceding enrollment. An addi-
E coli 0157:H7 at the time of initial enrollment, he was
tional 3 of the patients in this group were noted to
likely in the prodromal period for this disease. At last
have a measured serum CO2 of Յ14 mEq/L. In the
follow-up (8 months after hospital discharge), this
ondansetron group, 2 of the patients who were ad-
mitted had been seen previously and had failed in-travenous hydration and an additional 8 of the pa-
tients who were admitted had a measured serum
We found that adding ondansetron to standard
intravenous rehydration therapy significantly de-
A subgroup analysis excluding those patients who
creased the amount of vomiting in children with
gastroenteritis. Furthermore, we were able to show
been seen previously for intravenous hydration, or 3)
that in first-time treated children, with a measured
failed to complete enrollment because of lack of in-
travenous access left a total of 90 patients. Fourteen
decreased the hospital admission rate.
(16%) of these patients required admission; 3 (7.5%)
Children who were given ondansetron and intra-
of 43 patients who received ondansetron versus 11
venous fluids were more likely to have complete
(23%) of 47 patients in the placebo group (P ϭ .04).
cessation of vomiting symptoms compared with
The average length of hospitalization was 2 days for
those who were given intravenous fluids and pla-
cebo (70% vs 51%; P ϭ .04). A single, limited trial
No significant intergroup difference was seen with
evaluating the antiemetic activity of ondansetron in
regard to ED reevaluation or readmission rates (Ta-
the treatment of acute gastroenteritis showed similar
ble 2). Reanalysis of the data including these patients
results. Cubeddu et al22 studied a total of 36 children
* First-time patients with measured serum CO Ն
with acute gastroenteritis. The children who were
tis.27 Any study that uses an outcome that depends
evaluated in their study received a standard dose of
on a multitude of interrelated factors (eg, admission
ondansetron, metoclopramide, or placebo in addi-
rate) may be difficult to generalize to other popula-
tion to oral rehydration therapy. The patients who
tions. Despite this, our study design allowed for a
received either of the antiemetic medications showed
double-blind comparison of admission rates between
a statistically significant (P Ͻ .05) improvement in
virtually identical treatment and placebo groups.
the number of emetic episodes, in the percentage of
Thus, we would expect similar improvements in out-
patients with no emetic episodes, and in the percent-
come to be realized at other institutions.
age of patients with treatment failures, when com-
On the basis of our data, approximately 8.5 chil-
pared with saline placebo during the 24-hour study
dren would need to be treated with ondansetron to
period. This study differed from our study in many
prevent 1 hospitalization. This estimate, which is
important respects. The dose of ondansetron used
conservative, includes all children who received on-
was 0.3 mg/kg (compared with 0.15 mg/kg). Fur-
dansetron in the study. The cost of ondansetron is
thermore, patients in the Cubeddu study all were
approximately $26 per 4-mg vial. The total cost of
admitted for inpatient oral rehydration. The use of
ondansetron during this study was $1378 for 53 total
oral rehydration may account only for the higher
vials. A random sampling (20%) of patients who
proportion of patients with continued vomiting after
required hospitalization during our study showed an
drug treatment. Oral fluids when used to treat gas-
average cost of $1900 per hospital admission, exclud-
troenteritis, although effective for rehydration, have
ing ED charges. According to our analysis, we pre-
been shown to be associated with a higher number of
vented 6 admissions during the course of the study.
vomiting episodes compared with intravenous hy-
The cost reduction as a result of prevented admis-
dration.23 The brief (24-hour) period of data collec-
sions was approximately $11 400, yielding a savings
tion in the Cubeddu study makes it impossible to
of approximately $10 022 after deducting the cost for
evaluate the potential for later return of symptoms or
purchase of the drug. The use of ondansetron to
complications. Despite these differences, this earlier
control vomiting and promote successful outpatient
work is consistent with our findings.
management of gastroenteritis therefore represents a
Clear, objective criteria for identifying children
potential for significant cost savings in terms of ac-
who require hospitalization are not available. As
tual dollars spent as well as the potential cost savings
noted previously, at our institution, patients with
from time lost from work and/or school. Because
vomiting and diarrhea symptoms are admitted to the
ondansetron was administered to children who re-
hospital when they return to the ED for a second visit
quired placement of an intravenous line for rehydra-
after a trial of intravenous fluids and home manage-
tion, the additional expense is attributable only to the
ment or when they have a measured serum CO Յ
mEq/L. A subgroup analysis taking these factors
The safety profile of ondansetron, after numerous
into account found that ondansetron significantly
studies of its use in a wide variety of disorders, is
reduced the rate of admission from 23% to 7% (P ϭ
favorable. Common side effects associated with the
use of ondansetron include headache, diarrhea, con-
Results of studies that evaluated hospital admis-
stipation, fever, and malaise/fatigue.20,21 In a study
sion rate for gastroenteritis after rehydration vary
that evaluated the use of ondansetron in the treat-
widely. In a study of 42 patients with estimated mild
ment of postoperative emesis in 1900 patients, the
to moderate dehydration, oral and intravenous rehy-
incidence of the above side effects was similar to
dration were equally effective in preventing hospi-
placebo.28 Only rarely has ondansetron been associ-
talization (successful rehydration 82% vs 78%).23 In
ated with extrapyramidal reactions. Of the 3 re-
another report, of 17 children who had mild to mod-
ported instances of extrapyramidal reactions, all oc-
erate dehydration and were rehydrated with intra-
curred in adults who were being treated for
venous fluids, none required admission.24 Among 58
chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.29–31
children who were aged 6 months to 13 years and
All 3 were taking multiple medications; therefore, it
had acute gastroenteritis and dehydration described
is unclear whether ondansetron was the direct cause
by Reid and Bonadio,25 28% required admission be-
of these reactions. To our knowledge, no cases of
cause of inability to tolerate oral fluids despite intra-
extrapyramidal reactions have been reported in chil-
venous hydration. In this same study, of the 42 pa-
dren. Allergic reactions have been reported in ap-
tients (72%) who were discharged after intravenous
proximately 20 cases to date.30–32 To our knowledge,
hydration, 15% were subsequently readmitted after
no cases of serious morbidity have been described
failure of outpatient management. As an additional
with the appropriate use of ondansetron.
factor, several studies have shown that admission
There are several potential limitations of this
rates can vary widely between institutions. One
study. Our data collection method, which used jour-
study noted up to an 18-fold difference in admission
nal collection and telephone follow-up, has potential
rates for children with gastroenteritis when compar-
limitations. Although 60% of patients did not return
ing the admission practices of multiple, local EDs.
a symptom journal, we were able to conduct a struc-
The authors were unable to explain these differences
tured telephone interview for data collection on
on the basis of objective analysis of the various pop-
100% of patients. Inaccuracies in symptom recall by
ulations.26 A study that compared children in Boston
family members may have influenced our results.
with those in New York noted an unexplainable 2- to
Although we were able to show a significant de-
3-fold difference in admission rate for gastroenteri-
crease in vomiting in patients who received ondan-
setron when compared with those who received pla-
associated mortality in US children, 1968 through 1991. JAMA. 1995;
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SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE H U N G A R I A N S O C I E T Y O F CA R D I O L O G Y Cardiologia Hungarica Alapította/Founded by: Dr. Ghyczy Kálmán Felelõs szerkesztõ/Editor in Chief: Dr. Tenczer József Szerkesztõségi titkár/Editor secretary: Dr. Kerkovits András 228 Performance of the Hungarian cardiac surgery centers Szerkesztõség címe/Editorial office: