Please be aware that the Northgate School District’s Administration of Medication Policy was recently revised according to state law. Procedures for administering medication during school hours have not changed. We continue to encourage parents to administer medication to their children at home either before or after school. However, please be aware that over the counter medication will no longer be given to students during extracurricular activities, even with parental permission. Arrangements should be made to administer any over the counter medication to your child at home either before or after the activity. If the activity is immediately after school, arrangements can be made for the school nurse to administer the medication before the end of the day. Students are not permitted to carry any prescription or nonprescription medications with them during school unless appropriate permission has been obtained through the school nurse. All medications, prescription or nonprescription must be delivered to the school nurse in the original container or current prescription bottle with student’s name. No medication will be accepted in plastic bags or unidentifiable containers. NON-PRECRIPTION MEDICATION
1. Advil (Ibuprofen), Tylenol (Acetaminophen), and Antacids will be
provided to students when needed at the discretion of the school nurse. Parents/guardians MUST sign the medication permission on the emergency record. Phone calls for permission will be limited and only on an emergency basis.
2. Other Nonprescription medications (cold medications, etc) will be
given on an “as needed” basis and at the discretion of the school nurse. Written permission from the parent/guardian and physician is required. The medication must be provided in the original container and labeled with the student’s name.
3. Unused medication shall be picked up by parent/guardian within ten
(10) days, or disposal by the school nurse will be carried out and recorded.
1. All prescription medications must be delivered in a current labeled
prescription container. The container must contain the student’s name, prescribing physician’s name, the date of original prescription, name of medication, dosage, and directions for administration. 2. Physician’s orders for medications for use by the student shall specify
in writing the duration of the order, name of the drug and the dosage, and shall be renewed each school year if long term (or more often if a change in medication, dosage or time schedule is indicated). The School District Medication Permission Form should be used (Attached).
3. In some instances it is necessary or more beneficial for a student to
carry medications on their person rather than keep them in the Health Office (e.g. Epi-Pens, inhalers, glucose tablets). Approval must be obtained from the school nurse and written permission for the possession of the medication must be obtained from the physician and parent/guardian.
4. Not more than one month’s supply of a prescribed medication shall be
PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS-SHORT TERM USE 1. Prescription medications that need to be administered during school
hours for less than 10 days require a physician’s written permission. Discharge instruction sheets from Emergency Departments are not accepted as physician permission.
2. Medication must be in a properly labeled prescription bottle with only
the number of doses needed for school hours.
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