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Original Article
ShaShIDhar VIShWanath, raDhIKa SarDa, annet OlInDa D’SOuza, ChIranjay MuKhOpaDhyay
out of the four patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria had
Objective: Patients with diabetes mel itus have a higher
associated complications of diabetes mel itus. Enterococcus
prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria and incidence
faecalis (2,50%), Staphylococcus saprophyticus (1, 25%) and
of urinary tract infections compared to patients without
Escherichia coli (1, 25%) were the organisms isolated from
diabetes mel itus. A prospective pilot study was conducted
patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria. Staphylococcus
to determine the frequency of association of asymptomatic
saprophyticus isolate was mostly sensitive to antimicrobials
bacteriuria among patients with diabetes mel itus in
tested. Enterococcus faecalis was sensitive to ampicil in.
comparison to control group without diabetes mel itus.
Escherichia coli isolate was multi-drug resistant.
Methods: Urine specimens were processed by microscopy Conclusion: Asymptomatic bacteriuria was more common
and culture fol owing standard guidelines. The spectrum of
among patients with diabetes mel itus than in healthy
uro-pathogens causing asymptomatic bacteriuria and their
control subjects. Further, long term studies investigating the
antibiotic susceptibility profile were noted.
occurrence of complications secondary to asymptomatic
Results: Asymptomatic bacteriuria was seen more
bacteriuria in patients with diabetes mel itus and randomized
commonly in patients with diabetes mel itus (4%) than in
control studies for studying the efficacy of antimicrobial
healthy control subjects. Asymptomatic bacteriuria was not
therapy in preventing further complications in diabetes
seen in the non-diabetic individuals under control group. Three
mel itus patients in Indian setups are needed.
Key Words: Bacteriuria, Diabetes Mellitus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticusINTRODUCTION
However, reports on the incidence of ASB among diabetes
Diabetes mellitus has become a major health challenge
mellitus patients from India are scarce. Hence, there is a need
worldwide. In India alone, the prevalence of diabetes is
for studying the impact of ASB in patients with diabetes mellitus
expected to increase from 31.7 million in 2000 to 79.4 million
in Indian setups. A prospective pilot study was conducted to
in 2030 [1]. As the prevalence of diabetes mellitus increases
assess the frequency of occurrence of ASB among patients
worldwide, complications associated with it also assume
equal importance. Patients with diabetes mellitus have a higher prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) and
incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs) compared with
A prospective case-control study was conducted, in a
patients without diabetes mellitus [2]. Presence of ASB in
tertiary care hospital attached to a teaching Institution, to
patients with Type 2 diabetes is a predictor of subsequent
study the frequency of occurrence of ASB among patients
development of a symptomatic UTI [3]. Complications of UTIs
with diabetes mellitus. This study was approved by our
such as emphysematous cystitis, pyelonephritis and renal
Institutional Ethical Committee. Following informed consent,
papillary necrosis occur more commonly in subjects with Type
one hundred randomly selected adult patients (18-65 years)
diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and presenting to hospital with ailments other than urinary tract infection were included
The reported prevalence rate of ASB in diabetic patients are
in the present study. Pregnant females, individuals who had
9-29% among females and 0.7-11% among males [5]. There
received antimicrobial drugs during the previous 2 weeks,
are reports of symptomatic UTI in patients with diabetes
those with urinary catheterization, symptomatic urinary tract
mellitus and ASB in pregnant women from Indian setups.
National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2013 Sep, Vol 2(3): 16-19 11
Shashidhar Vishwanath et al., Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus at a Tertiary Care Center
infection and renal failure were excluded from the study. One
hundred healthy, non-diabetic age and sex matched controls
Of the 100 patients with diabetes mellitus, 62 were males and
38 were females (M:F::1.6:1; Range 35 – 65 years). Majority of
Sample Collection & processing: Clean-voided, mid-stream
the individuals were between the age group of 51 - 60 years
urine samples were collected in wide mouth sterile containers
(50%). All patients (100%) in the study group had diabetes
from both case and control groups. All specimens were
mellitus – Type 2. Of the 100 patients with diabetes mellitus in
transported within 2 hours to the microbiology laboratory
study group, four (4%) had asymptomatic bacteriuria (males –
for immediate processing. The specimens were processed
3.2% and females – 5.3%). Of the four patients with ASB, two
following standard guidelines [6]. Urine wet mount and gram
(50%) were males and two (50%) were females. All patients
stain examination were done for presence of pus cells and
with ASB had uncontrolled diabetes mellitus status. None
bacteria. Presence of >5 polymorphonuclear leukocytes/
of the healthy controls without diabetes mellitus had ASB.
high power field (which correlates with WBC excretion rate
Presence of other complications of diabetes mellitus (diabetic
of >400,000 WBC/hr) indicated pyuria which is evidence of
retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy) was seen in three (75%)
an inflammatory response in the urinary tract [6,7] and; one
out of the four patients with ASB [Table/Fig-2].
organism per oil-immersion field in gram stain of uncentrifuged
Enterococcus faecalis (2, 50%), Escherichia coli (1, 25%)
urine would suggest bacteriuria with a colony count of ≥ 105
and Staphylococcus saprophyticus (1, 25%) were the
CFU/ml of urine [6]. Specimens were inoculated onto blood
organisms isolated. S. saprophyticus was sensitive to most
agar and MacConkey agar by standard loop method for semi-
of the antibiotics tested. However CLSI does not recommend
quantitative culture [8]. The inoculated media were incubated
routine sensitivity testing of urine isolates of S. saprophyticus
aerobically for 24 hrs at 37°C. A diagnosis of asymptomatic
because infections respond to concentrations achieved in
bacteriuria in female patients was made, if two consecutive
urine of antimicrobial agents commonly used to treat acute,
clean-voided midstream urine specimens yielded the same
non-complicated urinary tract infections [10]. Both isolates
bacterial strain in quantitative counts of ≥105 CFU/mL in the
of Enterococcus spp. were sensitive to Ampicillin (100%). E.
absence of symptoms referable to urinary infection. In male
coli isolate was multi-drug resistant, resistant to most of first
patients, asymptomatic bacteriuria was diagnosed if one
line drugs except for the aminoglycoside, Gentamicin. The
bacterial species was isolated from a single, clean-voided
isolate was sensitive to Meropenem and Beta lactam-Beta
midstream urine specimen in a quantitative count ≥105 CFU/
lactamase inhibitor (BL-BLIs) drugs, Ticarcillin-clavulanate
mL in the absence of symptoms referable to urinary infection
and Piperacillin-tazobactam. Quinolones, the commonly
Key Words: Bacteriuria, Diabetes Mellitus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia
[9]. In those cases with significant bacteriuria, the isolates were
used antibiotics for urinary tract infections were found to be
coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticus
identified by biochemical reactions using standard methods
ineffective against all the four isolates [Table/Fig-3].
[8]. Antibiotic susceptibility testing of the isolated strains was done by Kirby-Bauer’s disc diffusion method following Clinical
Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines [10].
A prospective case-control study was done to detect the presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in patients with diabetes
mellitus. The present study showed that, ASB was present in
four (4%) out of 100 patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus. This
is lower compared to the reported rates of 36.15% (Ophori EA
et al., Nigeria, 2010) [11], 26% (Geerlings SE et al., Utrecht,
2001) [12], 17.5% (Bonadio M et al., Italy, 2004) [13] and 17%
[Table/Fig-1]: Showing the occurrence of asymptomatic
(Meiland R et al., Utrecht, 2006) [14]. However, Karunajeewa
bacteriuria among patients with diabetes mellitus and control group
H et al. [15], (2005, Australia) found a lower rate of 7.3% of
[Table/Fig-2]: Showing the clinical profile of patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria among the study group *DM: Diabetes mellitus
National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2013 Sep, Vol 2(3): 16-19
Shashidhar Vishwanath et al., Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus at a Tertiary Care Center
[Table/Fig-3]: Showing the sensitivity pattern of organisms isolated from asymptomatic bacteriuria Ap: Ampicillin (10 µg), Ac: Amoxicillin–Clavulanic acid (20/10 µg), Cf: Cefazolin (30 µg), Cr: Cefuroxime (30 µg), Fr: Ceftriaxone (30 µg), Nf: Norfloxacin (10 µg), Ct: Trimethoprim-Sulfomethaxazole (23.75/1.25 µg), Er: Erythromycin (15 µg), Cm: Clindamycin (2 µg), Te: Tetracycline (30 µg), Ak: Amikacin (30 µg), Gm: Gentamicin (10 µg), Tim: Ticarcillin-Clavulanate (75/10µg), Tzp: Piperacillin-Tazobactum: (100/10 µg), Ipm: Imipenem (10 µg), NT: Not tested
diabetic patients having ASB. Low incidence of ASB (4%) in
None of the control subjects with normal glucose tolerance
the present study is probably due to more number of male
had ASB. It is reported that ASB is found in 2-5% of healthy
subjects (62%) in the present study.
adult women and is quite unusual in healthy men [19]. Renko M et al., [19] in their meta-analysis of 22 studies found that
Various risk factors for ASB in women with diabetes have
ASB was present in 12.2% of patients with diabetes and in
been suggested including age, disease duration, renal
4.5% of healthy controls. Point prevalence of ASB was higher
microangiopathy (proteinuria, albuminuria), UTI in the previous
in both women (14.2% vs 5.1%) and men (2.3% vs 0.8%) with
year, sexual activity, lower body mass index and status
diabetes than in health control subjects [19].
of diabetic complications (retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy) [3, 5, 13]. There are differences of opinion by
However, the important clinical concerns of ASB in diabetic
different investigators regarding these predisposing factors. [5]
individuals are its contribution to morbidity, either the short-
Three patients with ASB in the present study had associated
term risk of developing a symptomatic urinary infection and
complications of diabetes mellitus [Table/Fig-2]. None of
its more serious complications or the longer-term risks of
the four patients with ASB had prior history of UTI, urinary
developing serious diabetic complications (e.g, nephropathy)
catherization or genito-urinary surgery. Poor metabolic control
[18]. In the present study, the patients with ASB were not
though not a risk factor for developing ASB, was seen in
treated with any antibiotics. The identification and treatment of
most of the study subjects. [5] Considering the small number
ASB would be appropriate if doing so prevents symptomatic
of patients with ASB among diabetic individuals, statistical
infection, especially pyelonephritis or complications of urinary
analysis of significance of presence of risk factors could not
tract infection in diabetes. Antimicrobial therapy for ASB is
also beneficial in some patient populations like pregnant women and individuals undergoing traumatic genitourinary
E. coli, E. faecalis and S. saprophyticus were the organisms
interventions [3]. Not many randomized control studies are
isolated in the present study. These are among the most
performed to determine the efficacy of treating ASB in diabetic
common organisms isolated from diabetic subjects with ASB
individuals to prevent the occurrence of complications and the
and those with symptomatic UTI in other studies [11, 16]. E.
dilemma of treatment versus not treating patients with ASB
coli was the most common organism isolated in the studies
persists. Harding GKM et al., [20] (2002) in their study on
of Nicolle LE et al. [17] and Ophori EA et al. [11] In the present
55 patients with ASB found that treatment does not reduce
study, E. faecalis was the most commonly isolated bacteria.
complications. They recommended against treatment of ASB.
Quinolones, the commonly used antibiotics for urinary tract
Also, in the absence of valid reason to treat, unnecessary
infections were found to be ineffective against all the four
antibiotic exposure risks the development of resistance to
isolates. Janifer J et al., [16] have reported 62% of gram-
negative bacilli and 33% of gram-positive cocci in their study to be sensitive to Ciprofloxacin. Rising rates of drug resistance
The limitation of the present study was the lack of follow-
among both gram-positive & gram-negative pathogens is a
up of patients with ASB. This need has to be addressed in
future studies. Further, studies in Indian setups including larger population based study group to assess the true
Only two (50%) of the four patients with ASB had pyuria.
incidence of ASB among diabetic individuals across various
Nicolle LE [18] in their study found that the prevalence of pyuria
age groups and in both sexes; clinical progression of ASB
among diabetic women with ASB was relatively low (68% of
cases into symptomatic UTI, pyelonephritis and; other long
women with Type 2 diabetes and with positive cultures). It has
term complications of ASB in diabetic patients are needed.
been speculated that the low leukocyte count is a marker for a
Also randomized control studies for studying the efficacy of
dampened inflammatory response that promotes persistence
antimicrobial therapy in preventing further complications in
of bacteriuria and contributes to the observed increased
diabetes mellitus patients may be planned. This would provide
prevalence of bacteriuria in diabetic patients [18].
National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2013 Sep, Vol 2(3): 16-19
Shashidhar Vishwanath et al., Asymptomatic Bacteriuria among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus at a Tertiary Care Center
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Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology,
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University,Manipal-576104, Karnataka, India.
1. Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology,
Ph: + 91 9886075904, Fax: + 91 820 2571927
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, India.
2. Graduate Student, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
3. Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology,
Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, India.
4. Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology,
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Manipal, India.
National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2013 Sep, Vol 2(3): 16-19
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