
What can I expect during my initial visit?
The initial visit is an opportunity to meet Dr. Schmitt and discuss your concerns as well as for thesurgeon to give you an idea of what treatment options are available.
If I decide to have surgery, when can it be scheduled?
Dr. Schmitt will explain how and when you can schedule surgery. The scheduling depends onavailability, and for certain cases, insurance pre certification.
How much is the surgery going to cost?
In order to provide you with fees for procedures, Dr. Schmitt needs to see and evaluate you. Eachpatient is different and has his or her own combination set of problems, options, concerns andstructural/functional and aesthetic goals which must be addressed individually and personally. Asa result, the Dr. Schmitt and his staff will review with you the cost of various procedures andoptions at the time of your consult.
Where will my surgery be performed?
Surgery is typically performed at The Minneapolis Eye Center in Golden Valley, MN.
Will my surgery be performed under general or local anesthesia?
Dr. Schmitt will decide which is the most effective anesthesia for your particular situation andprovide you information on this. How much time should I plan to take off work following surgery?
Normally most patients feel comfortable returning to work and resuming their social activities inabout two weeks. This may vary depending on your type of procedure and how quickly you heal.
Is there anything I should do to prepare for my surgery beforehand?
Yes! • See your primary care physician or internist 3-4 weeks prior to your surgery for standardpreoperative clearance. You will have blood drawn and an EKG. You will need to take the Historyand Physical Exam form with you to the appointment which explains to your physician what bloodwork to order. If you live out of the area you may have this done near your home. • Avoid medications which thin the blood for 2 weeks prior to surgery. These include aspirin,ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin, Excedrin and Coumadin. Also avoid vitamins E & C and herbalsupplements such as Gingko Biloba and St. Johnʼs Wart. Patients who are taking daily doses ofaspirin and Coumadin may need to see their cardiologist, in addition to seeing their internist orregular primary doctor, to be cleared for surgery. Coumadin may be resumed one week followingsurgery. • Schedule a preoperative visit in with the surgeon. This is separate from your initial consultationand not the same as a surgery clearance with your internist or primary care physician. If you liveout of the area, your preoperative visit may be scheduled a day or two before your procedureprovided you were cleared for surgery by your local physician.
• Make arrangements for someone to pick you up the day of your surgery and someone to stay http://www.nweyeplastics.com/page6/page25/page25.html with you for at least the first 8 hours. What should I avoid during my recovery period?
Refrain from doing any activity that has the potential to raise your blood pressure such asexercising, bending, lifting, brisk walking and sexual activity. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Donot take medicines or supplements which thin the blood. The doctor will inform you when it is safeto resume these activities.
When will my first follow up appointment be scheduled?
Anywhere from 1 – 7 days following surgery. Dr. Schmitt will determine this on the day of yourprocedure. You will be given an appointment for your first post operative visit along with detailedinstructions which you must follow carefully. Can I do anything to minimize bruising and swelling?
• Sleep in a reclining (not horizontal) position for 1 week following surgery to minimize thecollection of fluids in the face and eyelids. • Follow the instructions you will be given about making and administering your cold and warmcompresses. These will not only reduce bruising and swelling but will maximize and promotehealing.
• Take Arnica prior to surgery and during your recovery. Arnica is a natural and potent supplementwhich minimizes bruising and swelling and comes in a packet with instructions. For many yearsour patients have relied on Arnica to help them return to their daily activities as soon as possible.
Arnica is available on the internet, in health food stores, or occasionally your doctorʼs office. http://www.nweyeplastics.com/page6/page25/page25.html

Source: http://www.nweyeplastics.com/page6/page25/files/faq.pdf

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