International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease
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Role of aliskiren in blood pressure control
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease21 March 2011Number of times this article has been viewed
Abstract: Patients with chronic renal disease are at increased risk for the development of
cardiovascular disease, which is the main cause of death in this growing population. Among
the risk factors involved, hypertension and proteinuria are major contributors to kidney damage
and, if not controlled, may eventually lead to the progression of renal failure and end-stage renal
disease. Both proteinuria and hypertension can be primary pathologic events or can appear as complications of other disease processes. Initially, these two factors may operate separately but, as progression ensues, both processes generally combine, potentiating their effects and hastening renal damage. Therefore, strategies to reduce blood pressure and proteinuria are essential in order to slow the worsening of many nephropathies. Therapies that target the renin–angiotensin system offer particular benefit, as hypertension and proteinuria can be precisely reduced with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and/or angiotensin receptor blockers. However, with this intervention, plasma renin activity remains high, and although primary endpoints may be controlled, elevated renin concentration can contribute to cardiovascular damage. Aliskiren, a direct renin inhibitor, is the first example of a novel class of antihypertensive drugs with potent antiproteinuric effects, which, alone or combined, can contribute to delaying the progression of kidney disease. Keywords: aliskiren, proteinuria, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, renoprotection Introduction to blood pressure management and renoprotection Hypertension and diabetes mellitus account for over 50% of cases of chronic kidney disease. High blood pressure itself is a major risk factor for the progression of renal disease, affecting approximately 30% of the adult population in Western countries.1 As pointed out by Ritz2 in an editorial regarding the 2007 World Kidney Day, “High blood pressure, not necessarily the ‘disease’ hypertension according to current defini- tions (JNC7), is a major killer …” If a subject presents a blood pressure of 140 mm Hg systolic, the risk of stroke or myocardial infarction is double that of someone with a blood pressure of 120 mm Hg systolic. However, with a systolic blood pressure of 120–130 mm Hg, rather than 120 mm Hg or lower, the risk of end-stage renal disease is approximately 62% and rises to nearly 160% with a pressure of 130–140 mm Hg.3
Therefore, an aggressive approach to blood pressure reduction is mandatory. However,
it is estimated that only a small percentage of hypertensive patients have adequate blood
pressure control. This situation can, in part, explain the growing number of cases of
chronic renal failure. According to the recently published United States Renal Data
System (USRDS) report, in the general population, 31% of hypertensives are unaware
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International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 2011:4 41–48
2011 Trimarchi, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd. This is an Open Access article
DOI: 10.2147/IJNRD.S6653
which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, provided the original work is properly cited.
of their diagnosis, 11% are aware but not treated, 24% are
and blood pressure, either alone or combined.16 However, by
treated but uncontrolled, and only 34% of subjects are aware,
attenuating feedback inhibition of renin release, ACEIs and
treated, and well controlled. Surprisingly, in patients with
ARBs effects lead to an increase in plasma renin concentration
chronic kidney failure stages 3–4 (glomerular filtration rate
and activity, rendering incomplete inhibition of the RAAS
15–60 mL/min), 24% are unaware of being hypertensive,
system.17,18 Moreover, inhibition of ACE causes an increase
6% are aware but not treated, 50% are aware but poorly
in angiotensin I, which is then available for conversion to
controlled, and only 20% have their blood pressure controlled
angiotensin II by ACE-independent pathways not blocked
(,130–180 mm Hg).4 In the same report, it is shown that
by ACEIs, namely cathepsins and tonins.19–21 Consequently,
91.4% of chronic kidney patients are hypertensive.5 This
despite adequate blood pressure control, angiotensin II levels
grim reality may partially explain why the adjusted rate of
increase aldosterone levels to certain degrees, rendering
prevalent cases of end-stage renal disease in the US rose 1.9%
these inflammatory molecules free to play an active role in
in 2008 (the same rate growth as that seen in 2007) to 1699
tissue remodeling and scarring. Henceforth, it is tempting
per million population. This rate is nearly 20% higher than
and reasonable to assess the effects of a different pharma-
that seen in 2000. The annual rate of increase has remained
cologic strategy that blocks the RAAS upstream completely.
stable between 1.9% and 2.3% since 2003.6
Aliskiren is the first known representative of a new class of
Proteinuria is another relevant target, as it is a major risk
nonpeptide orally active renin inhibitors that block the RAAS
factor for renal disease progression.7–9 Proteinuria can be due
at its rate-limiting step and induce a net reduction in plasma
to primary glomerulopathies (focal and segmental glom-
renin activity and angiotensin II and aldosterone levels.22–24
erulonephritis, membranous nephropathy, minimal change
Aliskiren has been assessed in recent years as an efficient
disease, Berger’s disease, membranoproliferative glomerulo-
antihypertensive drug, either alone or in combination with
nephritis), which are the third most likely cause of end-stage
other drugs. Its antiproteinuric effects are notorious and may
renal disease in the adult population and an important cause of
be independent of its antihypertensive effects, showing that
secondary hypertension, or to secondary glomerular damage
aliskiren alone or combined can further decrease proteinuria
as a result of primary hypertension, diabetes mellitus, reflux
and the risk of renal disease progression.25 This suggests that
nephropathy, or other causes of renal disease. A coexistent
renin- or angiotensin-independent pathways may be involved
diagnosis of hypertension and diabetes increases the risk of
in inflammatory processes of which proteinuria is a disease
adverse cardiovascular and renal outcomes. This increased
activity marker and that aliskiren can abrogate.
risk extends to a diastolic blood pressure of $83 mm Hg and a systolic blood pressure of
Review of aliskiren pharmacology,
proteinuria by .30% within the first 6–12 months of treat-
mode of action, pharmacokinetics,
ment in patients with chronic kidney disease has been shown
and effects on renal hemodynamics
to predict long-term renal and cardiovascular outcomes.8,12
The direct renin inhibitor aliskiren is an octanamide and a
Moreover, the management of albuminuria in normotensive
nonpeptide piperidine with high affinity and specificity for
or hypertensive patients with diabetes may slow progression
human renin,25 and it inhibits the enzyme renin by binding
of diabetic nephropathy.13 Microalbuminuria itself, an early
to its catalytic site, thus blocking the RAAS at its point of
marker of kidney vascular dysfunction, is a strong prognostic
activation.26 In this respect, angiotensin I, angiotensin II,
indicator of mortality and cardiovascular disease in hyper-
and aldosterone levels decrease, and their hemodynamic
tension and diabetes mellitus.14,15 Therefore, one of the main
and inflammatory effects are abolished. Therefore, aliskiren
goals to slow the progression of renal disease is an adequate
impedes efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction and diminishes
and not unusually aggressive control of blood pressure and
the glomerular filtration fraction, salt and water absorption,
the reduction of proteinuria to its lowest possible level.
and angiotensin II-induced inflammatory actions. Moreover,
In this regard, the pharmacological manipulation of the
it blocks renin and prorenin activity while renin and prorenin
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) is an impor-
tant tool to employ, as renin, angiotensin II, and aldosterone
A recently discovered (pro)renin receptor activates
are important molecules with hemodynamic and inflamma-
when exposed to either renin or prorenin, the inactive form
tory effects both systemically and locally, particularly in the
of renin.27 The (pro)renin receptor, in turn, enhances renin
kidney. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)
catalytic activity and allows prorenin to display catalytic
and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) reduce proteinuria
activity without its proteolytic conversion to renin. This (pro)
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International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 2011:4
renin receptor-induced prorenin activation could explain how
not major routes of aliskiren elimination.40,41 Following a
prorenin exerts pathological effects in diabetic patients, where
single oral 300 mg dose, aliskiren has an elimination half-
prorenin represents approximately 95% of total circulating
life of 40 hours in healthy volunteers.42 Excretion is almost
renin.28 Interestingly, recent data have shown that renin and
completely by the fecal route (91.5%), with 77.5% of the
prorenin induce activation of the extracellular signal-regulated
dose excreted as unchanged drug.43 The pharmacokinetics of
kinase (ERK) pathway, independent of angiotensin II. In this
aliskiren are not affected by sex,36,41 body mass index,36,41 or
respect, aliskiren has no (pro)renin receptor-blocking action.
race and are similar in Chinese, Japanese, and Caucasian44–46
Therefore, ACEIs, ARBs, and aliskiren all increase renin con-
patients. The pharmacokinetics of aliskiren in patients with
centration, which could conceivably induce (pro)renin recep-
hepatic impairment, mild to severe renal disease,36,41 or type
tor signaling without the involvement of angiotensin II,
2 diabetes42 are no different from those of healthy volunteers.
suggesting that blockade of the (pro)renin receptor might
Thus, initial dosage adjustments are not necessary in patients
be an alternative or an adjunct to renin–angiotensin system
inhibition, particularly in conditions with high renin and/or
Aliskiren has a low potential for clinically relevant inter-
prorenin levels.28 High prorenin levels are closely associated
actions with other drugs.40,41 However, coadministration of
with the severity of diabetic complications. In this respect,
aliskiren with irbesartan decreased the aliskiren maximum
in diabetics, increased prorenin levels have been shown to
concentration by 50% after multiple dosing.36,41 The expo-
be associated with microalbuminuria and with the develop-
sure to aliskiren was not altered by coadministration of
ment of nephropathy.29,30 However, aliskiren still blocks the
furosemide.47 However, furosemide decreased by 28% and
tissue renin–angiotensin system, because at the (pro)renin
49% with concomitant aliskiren administration. Although
receptor level, activated prorenin can immediately be blocked
the clinical significance of this is unclear, the effects of
by aliskiren. The result would be angiotensin II production
furosemide should be monitored.41 When aliskiren was
not occurring.28 Interestingly, renin bound to the (pro)renin
coadministered with rifampicin, the latter reduced aliskiren
receptor presents much more enhanced catalytic activity
concentration by 39%.48 Coadministration of aliskiren with
than soluble renin.31 The cloning of a functional receptor
potent P-glycoprotein inhibitors (cyclosporine, quinidine,
for both renin and prorenin suggests that renin and prorenin
and verapamil) is virtually contraindicated because aliskiren
may exert direct angiotensin II-independent tissue-damaging
plasma concentrations significantly increase, and aliskiren
effects by increasing the expression of profibrotic pathways
and moderate P-glycoprotein inhibitors (ketoconazole, itra-
and molecules, such as transforming growth factor-β.32 conazole, clarithromycin, telithromycin, erythromycin, and Additionally, the receptor may amplify renin-induced angio-
amiodarone) should be coadministered with caution. Grape-
tensin II-dependent effects. Plasma renin activity is blocked
fruit juice should not be taken together with aliskiren.41
only by aliskiren. Elevated baseline plasma renin activity in
One concern is the potential adverse effect of high circu-
untreated patients has been associated with end-organ damage,
lating renin concentrations after aliskiren therapy. As men-
such as left ventricular hypertrophy and renal dysfunction,33,34
tioned previously, aliskiren binds to the active site of renin,
probably due to high angiotensin II levels. Renin inhibition
reducing its activity (plasma renin activity) and angiotensin II
with aliskiren therefore offers the chance of enhanced RAAS
production. Diminished angiotensin II levels stimulate renin
suppression and improved end-organ protection either alone
secretion (plasma renin concentration). The potential nega-
or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs.35
tive consequence of high renin concentration is that renin may
Aliskiren is poorly absorbed, with an absolute oral bio-
bind to a renin receptor and trigger yet unknown events.49
availability of 2.5% with maximum plasma aliskiren concen-
However, an important contributor to the exaggerated renin
trations reached within 1–3 hours of oral administration.36,37–39
response is interference by the renin inhibitor in the renin
Although food has a big effect on the pharmacokinetics of
assay causing overestimation of the renin concentration.50
aliskiren, the resulting decreases in aliskiren exposure are not
Thus, this renin response may not actually represent an
considered clinically relevant.40 Steady-state plasma concen-
increase in enzymatically active renin molecules in plasma.
trations are reached 5–8 days after once-daily oral administra-
The question of whether this increase in renin concentra-
tion of aliskiren.36,41 The half-life of oral aliskiren is around
tion has any effect remains unanswered. Although aliskiren
24 hours;40 it is approximately 50% protein bound in human
lowers plasma renin activity, renin concentration rises, and
plasma, and protein binding is independent of aliskiren
ACEIs and ARBs increase both.51,52 As mentioned previously,
plasma concentration.41 Hepatic and renal metabolism are
high levels of renin can activate the prorenin/renin receptor,
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 2011:4
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which aside from activating prorenin, can possibly initiate
hypertension.63–67 The antihypertensive efficacy of aliskiren
ERK1/2 signaling and transform growth factor-β activation
monotherapy was also demonstrated in subgroups of patients,
and other potentially serious complications.25,53 However,
including diabetic and obese patients and those with meta-
ACEIs and ARBs also leave these issues unresolved with
a partial inhibition of angiotensin II concentration, despite good blood pressure control. Some authors have argued
against renin inhibition, because plasma renin concentra-
Across a number of trials in patients with hypertension,
tions attained after aliskiren are higher than those obtained
aliskiren monotherapy was generally as effective as hydro-
after ARBs.54 However, in some studies in mice, ARBs have
chlorothiazide, ramipril, lisinopril, irbesartan, atenolol,
caused higher plasma renin concentrations than aliskiren.
valsartan, and losartan at reducing blood pressure in short-
This discrepancy could partly be due to the method employed
term studies. In long-lasting, double-blind trials, aliskiren-
to measure renin concentrations in mice and humans.55
based therapy was at least as effective as ramipril-based
Plasma renin activity is blocked only by aliskiren.
therapy69 and more effective than hydrochlorothiazide-based
Elevated baseline plasma renin activity in untreated patients
has been associated with end-organ damage, such as left
Aliskiren 150–300 mg/day was more effective than
ventricular hypertrophy and renal dysfunction,56,57 probably
irbesartan 150–300 mg/day71 and generally as effective as
due to high angiotensin II levels.58 Renin inhibition with
valsartan 160–320 mg/day72 and losartan 100 mg/day73 in
aliskiren therefore offers the chance of enhanced RAAS
lowering blood pressure. Aliskiren did not differ significantly
suppression and improved end-organ protection, either alone
from atenolol in lowering systolic blood pressure in a study
or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs.25,59 The
in which patients received aliskiren 150 mg/day or atenolol
kidney is an important site of the uptake of renin inhibitors,
50 mg/day for 6 weeks followed by 6 weeks on double the
and aliskiren has been found in renal glomeruli, renal arter-
initial dose of the agents.74 However, reductions in diastolic
ies, and capillaries.60,61 Aliskiren may act directly on the
blood pressure were significantly greater with atenolol than
renin-secreting juxtaglomerular cell to influence prorenin
with aliskiren at both 6 weeks and 12 weeks. Efficacy studies and organ
The efficacy75–77 of aliskiren in combination with other
antihypertensives has been evaluated in randomized, double-
blind or open-label, multicentre trials in which aliskiren
The therapeutic efficacy of aliskiren will be outlined in this
150–300 mg/day was administered in combination with
section at a dosage of 150 mg/day or 300 mg/day alone
hydrochlorothiazide, valsartan, valsartan plus hydrochloro-
and compared with placebo and ACEIs or ARBs and/or
thiazide, amlodipine, amlodipine plus hydrochlorothiazide,
combined with hydrochlorothiazide, valsartan, valsartan
plus hydrochlorothiazide, amlodipine, amlodipine plus
In patients with stage 1 to stage 2 hypertension, combined
hydrochlorothiazide, ramipril, and atenolol. In general, adult
strategies of aliskiren plus hydrochlorothiazide were more
patients were enrolled in these trials with diastolic blood pres-
effective than aliskiren, hydrochlorothiazide, or ramipril
sures .90–95 mm Hg and ,110 mm Hg or mean systolic
monotherapies, and at least as effective as amlodipine, in
blood pressures between .160 mm Hg and ,200 mm Hg.
reducing blood pressure in patients with stage 2 hyperten-
Patients with secondary hypertension, severe cardiovascular
sion, including patients with diabetes, patients with obesity,
disease, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, and hepatic or renal
patients with metabolic syndrome, African American patients,
disease were excluded from most studies. A concise, thor-
and aged patients.78–83 Patients who received aliskiren plus
ough, updated review has recently been published.62
valsartan had significantly greater blood pressure reductions than with either an individual component or placebo.84 The
antihypertensive effect of the combination of aliskiren plus
In the 8-week, placebo-controlled trials, monotherapy with
valsartan was similar in patients with or without diabetes.36
aliskiren 150 mg/day or 300 mg/day reduced baseline sys-
The antihypertensive effects of the aliskiren plus valsartan
tolic and diastolic blood pressure to a significantly greater
combination were diminished in African American patients,
extent than placebo in patients with stage 1 to stage 2
as was the case with ACEIs, ARBs, and atenolol.36
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International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 2011:4
Aliskiren in combination with amlodipine was effective in
in Post-MI Patients to Reduce Remodelling [ASPIRE])92 are
lowering BP in patients with stage 1 to stage 2 hypertension.62
First-line therapy with combination aliskiren 150 mg/day
Aliskiren-based therapy demonstrated positive effects
or 300 mg/day plus amlodipine 5–10 mg/day provided
on the markers of cardiovascular and renal damage in
significantly greater control than the respective monothera-
hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropa-
pies in patients with stage 2 hypertension.85 Combination
thy, reducing proteinuria independently of blood pressure
therapy was also more effective than amlodipine monotherapy
control88 in patients with reduced left ventricular hyper-
as first-line therapy in African-American patients with stage
trophy89 or in those with symptomatic heart failure and
2 hypertension.86 This was also observed irrespective of
reduced plasma N-terminal probrain natriuretic peptide.90
age, sex, and the presence of diabetes or obesity.62 Finally,
However, aliskiren therapy did not have a beneficial effect
aliskiren in combination with ramipril led to a significantly
on left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infraction.92
greater reduction in blood pressure than with each indi-
Add-on aliskiren 300 mg/day had no significant beneficial
vidual component in hypertensive patients with type 1
effect on left ventricular end-systolic volume compared with
or 2 diabetes.84 In a study combining aliskiren 150 mg/day
placebo (ASPIRE).92 Further studies are currently under way
with atenolol 50 mg/day, there were greater reductions
to evaluate the effect of aliskiren on the following clini-
in blood pressure than with aliskiren monotherapy after
cal outcomes: reduction of cardiovascular death and heart
failure rehospitalization events within 6 months in patients with congestive heart failure hospitalized for an episode of
Safety and tolerability
acute decompensated heart failure (Aliskiren Trial on Acute
Aliskiren was generally well tolerated at doses of 150 or
Heart Failure Outcomes [ASTRONAUT]),93 morbidity and
300 mg/day62 and resulted in an incidence of adverse events
mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes and pre-existing
similar to placebo.41 Adverse events, including uncontrolled
cardiovascular disease and/or kidney disease (Aliskiren Trial
hypertension (2.2%),36 have generally been mild and have
in Type 2 Diabetes Using Cardio-renal Disease Endpoints
infrequently led to discontinuation of therapy.41 The most
[ALTITUDE]),94 and morbidity and mortality in patients with
common adverse events reported are headache (5.8%),
chronic heart failure (Aliskiren Trial to Minimize Outcomes
nasopharyngitis (2.6%), and diarrhea (1.4%).62 Aliskiren was
in Patients with Heart Failure [ATMOSPHERE]).95 The
also associated with a few cases of cough (1.1%), although,
potential benefit of aliskiren on long-term outcomes is cur-
compared with ACEIs, the rate of cough was approximately
rently being evaluated as part of the larger ASPIRE HIGHER
one-third to one-half that reported with ramipril or lisinopril.36
Although aliskiren has rarely been associated with changes in laboratory parameters, it is still prudent to monitor hemo-
globin concentration and serum levels of creatinine, urea,
Aliskiren can be employed in patients with hypertension, and
potassium, uric acid, and creatine kinase.36,41,62
in particular in subjects with proteinuria. Despite the possibil-ity of an occasional forgotten dose (missing dose), it exerts
protection beyond 24 hours due to its long half-life. This
In respect of organ protection, although blood pressure-
feature is not associated with a higher risk of hypotension.41
lowering effects with aliskiren are well established, its
An important advantage is that aliskiren does not need to
effects on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality are yet to
be adjusted in patients with hepatic or renal disease. As an
be determined. A clinical program is under way to assess the
antihypertensive drug, aliskiren is equivalent to any other
potential benefits of aliskiren in clinical outcomes. Details
drug and may not present major differences in blood pressure
on studies on the renoprotective and cardioprotective effects
control when used as monotherapy, particularly at 300 mg/day.
of aliskiren in hypertensive, diabetic subjects with nephropa-
However, in hypertensive patients with proteinuria, it may
thy (Aliskiren in the Evaluation of Proteinuria in Diabetes
present some advantages. It can be used alone or in combina-
[AVOID]),88 reduced left ventricular hypertrophy (Aliskiren
tion with other drugs to achieve low protein urinary excretion.
in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy [ALLAY]),89 symptomatic
Although aliskiren does not present a renal route of elimi-
heart failure (Aliskiren Observation in Heart Failure Treat-
nation and would potentially be useful at any stage of renal
ment [ALOFT]),90 acute coronary symptoms,91 and postmyo-
disease, there is still not enough information to recommend
cardial infarction with low ejection fraction (Aliskiren Study
its use in chronic renal failure stages 4 or 5. Patients with
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 2011:4
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5.2.5 Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Suchtforschung (IZSW)Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Fallgatter (Vorsitzender)findung“ wird die suchtspezifische Frage untersucht, wie die kognitiv-emotionalen ze auf das individuel e Verlangen zu Rau-ten „Interdisziplinären Würzburger BMBF- chen und als Prädiktoren eines Rückfal s in Suchtforschungsverbund“ zu neurobiologi-E-mail: Fallgatter_A@klini
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