expect to get the medication your doctor ordered. But because of
expect to get the medication your doctor ordered. But because of a perfectly legal loophole in rules that govern how drugs are dis-
a perfectly legal loophole in rules that govern how drugs are dis-pensed, you may not—and the consequences can be dire.
pensed, you may not—and the consequences can be dire.
Just ask Amy Detrick of Grove City, OH. For months after
Just ask Amy Detrick of Grove City, OH. For months after
the former social worker, 40, was diagnosed with epilepsy,
r fine-tuned the precise cocktail of meds that would
ne-tuned the precise cocktail of meds that would
keep her from having seizures—adding and subtracting drugs,
keep her from having seizures—adding and subtracting drugs, calibrating doses, and carefully tracking how she responded.
calibrating doses, and carefully tracking how she responded. When her condition was finally under control, she filled a
When her condition was finally under control, she filled a pr
broke her leg, and had a hairline fracture in
not harmed by the practice. Here are three
her left eye socket. While the doctors were
treating her, they noticed the blood level of
less effective drug and steps you can take
to ensure you get the medication to treat
cist, she learned, had exchanged her Tegretol
for a generic that worked a little differently. “Just imagine what could have happened had I been behind the wheel of a car,” she says.
mistake, but it wasn’t. Instead, she experi-
enced a potentially deadly consequence of
stroke while using a widely prescribed blood
a common practice called “therapeutic sub-
stitution,” wherein her pharmacist legally
prescription for a new one, but a mail-order
switched a drug prescribed by her doc—but
pharmacy changed the prescription back to
without telling her or her physician. Usually,
the old drug. His son, Carmen, caught the
substitution and called the pharmacy. “They
with a generic formulation of the exact same
told me that legally, they had to make the
switch,” says Carmen. Yet no state mandates
similar but with one crucial distinction: The
therapeutic substitution, and even out-of-
new drug is in the same class as the old and
state mail-order houses must comply with
treats the same condition, but it’s not pre-
the laws in your state. In Illinois, therapeu-
tic substitution is allowed only in hospitals,
where doctors control the process. “The
tins. They constitute a single class of medi-
cation because they all lower cholesterol by
ing the insurer’s list of covered drugs as the
reducing its production in the liver. But not
law,” Carmen says. He knew this because he is
every statin lowers cholesterol by the same
executive director of the National Association
amount or with the same balance of LDL to
of Boards of Pharmacy. “I told them I had a
HDL. So if your doctor orders a brand-name
copy of the Illinois Practice Regulations and
drug but your pharmacist switches it for the
knew the law entitled my father to the right
cheaper version of a different medication
drug,” he says. After transferring him from a
(but still a statin), you may not get the pre-
customer service rep to a real pharmacist, the
cise benefi t your doctor had in mind—and
may, in fact, suffer unexpected side effects.
In one way, at least, patients can benefi t
z If your doctor believes her drug of choice
from substitution—smaller co-pays. But
two-thirds of people who reported having
her to write “medically necessary,” “may
meds switched in a National Consumers League survey said they weren’t consulted. Of those, 40% said the new drug was not as effective, and a third said it had more side effects. “It’s not okay for your insurance com-pany or pharmacist to change your drugs without your knowledge,” says NCL Execu-tive Director Sally Greenberg.
is likely here to stay—meaning you need to be on the lookout to make sure you’re
not substitute,” or “DAW”—for “dispense as written”—on the prescription. That obligates
the pharmacist to check with you and your doctor before making any switches. z
If a pharmacy tells you the law requires a
substitution, fi nd out which ones your state
allows, and challenge the switch if the phar-
macy has overstepped its authority. To get
the information you need, contact your state’s
board of pharmacy; go to nabp.net and click
on the Boards of Pharmacy button to bring up
a contacts list for every state offi ce.
Pick a pharmacy you like and stick with it.
YOU MAY GET: Simvastatin, the generic
“That way, your pharmacy will have a long
record of your prescription history and know
THE DANGER: Lipitor does a better job
if a drug didn’t work for you,” says Carmen
Catizone, whose father had stopped going to a neighbor hood drugstore when his insur-
z Ask your pharmacist to put a blanket state-
ment in your records that you don’t want any
medications switched unless you and your
LEXAPRO an antidepressant
doctor approve. “It’s a way of getting your
YOU MAY GET: Citalopram, a generic
pharmacist’s attention,” says Catizone. “When
pharmacists know more, they can do a better
THE DANGER: You could experience
Your Insurance Com- it’s prescribed in smaller amounts.
IF YOUR DOCTOR PRESCRIBES DIOVAN an angiotensin receptor
Insur ance pl an formul aries—the lists
blocker for lowering blood pressure
of drugs that insurers cover—are at the heart
YOU MAY GET: Lisinopril, the generic
of most substitution battles. “The insurance
company will tell me that the drug I pre-
scribed for a patient is not approved or is at
THE DANGER: Patients on lisinopril
the higher co-pay, so I need to submit docu-
mentation justifying why insurance should cover it instead of making a substitution,”
says Lori Heim, MD, president-elect of the
NEXIUMa proton pump inhibitor for
American Academy of Family Physicians. If
a doctor persuades the insurance company
YOU MAY GET: Omeprazole, the
that a particular drug is medically necessary,
the insurer may cover it after all. But the hag-
gling, follow-ups, and appeals can be time-
THE DANGER: Your body may respond
consuming—and infuriating. One frustrated
Ohio doctor sued Medco, a large pharmacy
benefi ts management company, asking to be
compensated for time wasted on prescrip-tion hassles—and won a small award. Court testimony in the case revealed that the company sent 57 times more prescription-related inquiries to physicians in 2007 than it did 10 years earlier.
Meanwhile, as doctors deal with an ocean
of paperwork and bicker with insurers, patients suffer. “I’ve had patients who did not have control of their allergy symptoms—sneezing and feeling miserable—while I jumped through hoops showing that these other drugs didn’t work for them,” says Heim. GET THE RIGHT DRUG:z Ask your doctor up front—before you fi ll your prescription—which generics, if any, are acceptable subs for the drug that she wants you to take: A switch at the phar-macy may be perfectly fi ne (and often cheaper for you). Write down the name of the prescribed medication and the approved
subs on a piece of paper separate from the
prescription slip, and then check the fi lled
order against your list. If your pharmacist
makes an unapproved switch, call your doc-
tor right away so she can begin document-
ing why insurance should cover the original
name drugs is higher,” says Reneker. “I’ve
z If your doctor doesn’t fi ght a substitution,
had pharmacies tell me a drug isn’t on the
make sure he isn’t just taking the path of least
formulary when I’ve already checked with
resistance or losing your prescription in the
the insurance company and know that it is.
shuffl e. “Busy doctors sign papers quickly, so
The switch to a cheaper substitute is moti-
it’s easy for a substitution to sneak through,”
says Robert Reneker, MD, urgent care physi-
cian at Spectrum Health, a hospital system
in Grand Rapids, MI. Ask: Will the new drug
have slashed prices on generics—a move
work better? How will I know if it does or
that lowers profi t margins and reduces the
doesn’t? Are side effects different from those
temptation for pharmacists to make sneak
associated with the original prescription?
How will it interact with other medications
and Target have led the way on price cuts,
their discounts. “Drugs have become a way
to attract people to stores so they’ll spend
money on other items,” says Reneker. z Call your insurance provider to confi rm
whether a drug is really covered if your
ethical behavior. “But they’re not always
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Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology [cemn] Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Vol. 23, No. 2, April 2003 ( C 2003) Rapid Communication A Novel Method of Eliminating Non-Neuronal Proliferating Cells From Cultures of Mouse Dorsal Root Ganglia Parker L. Andersen,1 J. Ronald Doucette,2 and Adil J. Nazarali1,3 Received November 5, 2002; accepted December 18, 2002 1. We hypothes