European Green City Index | Luxembourg (city)_Luxembourg
European Green City Index | Luxembourg (city)_Luxembourg
ternatives to the motor vehicle. Besides a well-
where it rivals the signage for motorists. In line
with SuperDrecksKëscht, a waste management
connected public bus network, this strategy has
with developments in other European cities, Lux-
foundation to convert all public buildings to a
also focused on providing Park and Ride facilities
embourg has installed a public network of
waste management standard. The city is prepar-
outside the city limits, and developing an ex-
rentable bicycles. For a short duration of 30 min-
ing to launch bio-methanisation of organic
Luxembourg (city)_Luxembourg
panding cycling network. City data for 2007
utes, rental is free, and a variety of short- and
waste in 2010. The municipality is seeking to
show that approximately 24% of people took
long-term tariffs are available too. The city hopes
provide leadership on waste management and
public transport to work, and 9% walked or cy-
that this will help to reduce the use of cars for
cled to work. The city has 1.4 km of cycle lanes
per square km, and 2.85 km of public transport
Air quality: Luxembourg ranks a respectable
routes per square km — both well above the av-
Water: With a score of 8.97 in the Green City
8th place out of 31 in the air quality, with a score
index’s water category, this is one of Luxem-
of 7.89 out of 10. This reflects a decent per-
Initiatives underway: The municipality has en-
bourg’s strongest category rankings, coming in
formance in terms of air pollution. In conjunc-
gaged a German consultancy to provide advice
fifth place. Luxembourg is among the best per-
tion with the national environment administra-
on the cycling network, in the form of a com-
formers in terms of water usage per head per
tion, the city keeps track of a range of air pollu-
prehensive cycling concept. The goal is to in-
year, with each resident consuming just under
tants. The city is the best performer in the index
crease the share of cycling in total transport
86 cubic metres (based on the lower night-time
in terms of (low) ozone emissions and also has a
from 1% to 10%. As part of this plan, existing
population of the city). The city also manages to
relatively low incidence of sulphur dioxide emis-
cycle routes are to be upgraded and made safer,
keep water leakages from the system particularly
sions, but is generally a weaker performer in
and signage is being improved to the point
low at only 6.5 percent on average. Luxembourg
terms of nitrogen dioxide emissions. In terms of
city is traversed by a number of natural water-
particulate matter in the air, there is also a low
ways (both open-air and closed), and the city has
occurrence. The city has identified motorised
repeatedly taken measures to keep them clear of
traffic as its main air pollutant, and is therefore
Local agenda 21:
pollution. Water quality is constantly measured
targeting its air quality policies mainly in this di-
Supporting flora
and published online for transparency. Around
rection, including through promotion of public
60% of the city’s drinking water comes from
transport and “soft-mobility” (non-motorised
and fauna
ground water to the north and east of the city,
transport) options, reduction of city bus emis-
and 40% is provided by a national water com-
sions and dynamic traffic management initia-
pany SEBES, from a basin further north in the
belt surrounding — and reaching into — the
Initiatives underway: Luxembourg city has
city. Nicknamed “the green lung”, it consists
Initiatives underway: The city of Luxembourg
partnered with the national environment min-
of over 130 ha of parks and green spaces and
is seeking to reduce the impact of the “sealing”
istry to create a comprehensive air quality plan
more than 1,000 ha of forest. Given the easy
of outdoor surfaces from gradual urbanisation,
(“plan qualité air”), following repeated readings
accessibility for residents of this natural en-
which can reduce the natural rate of water seep-
of excessive nitrogen dioxide emissions, which
dowment, the city has focused on promoting
age into the groundwater. New urban projects
triggered an improvement plan under European
biodiversity. In particular, it has dedicated
incorporate designs to reuse rainwater, or to
environmental directives. Having already made
substantial resources to the implementation
channel its flow into the ground rather than into
some progress towards improving transport al-
of a local biodiversity component of Agenda
ternatives to motor vehicles by implementing an
21, a UN-backed framework for environmen-
The city is running a project with farmers in
ambitious cycling concept, in 2010-15 the city
tal action. The main measures chosen by the
water-catchment basins to considerably reduce
plans to move towards the reintroduction of
city of Luxembourg in this regard involve tol-
the inflow of nitrates and pesticides.
trams on some city thoroughfares, improve the
fairly low, and a higher-than-usual share of the
siderable advantage in tackling environmental
erance for wild-growing vegetation in the ur-
availability of mobility infrastructure, limit the
Luxembourg is the largest urban area in the
state of Luxembourg, but with an estimated
city’s territory is reserved for parks and forests.
issues, making those issues easier to manage
ban environment, the rejection of herbicides
Waste and Land use: Waste and Land use is
number of heavy-lorry deliveries in the city cen-
population of just 92,000, it is smaller than most
The share of heavy industry and manufacturing
than they would be in a metropolitan area of
and genetically modified organisms, the sus-
Luxembourg’s best category in the Green City
tre and introduce new norms for newly con-
European capitals. The city population, however,
100 times Luxembourg’s size (such as London or
index, placing joint second with Zurich, just be-
structed central heating systems. One item that
swells during the day to around 2.5 times its
Luxembourg was not one of the original 30
promotion of “green roofs”, the development
hind Amsterdam, with a score of 8.82. This
could make a considerable difference is the
usual size, as commuters from Luxembourg,
cities comprising the “European Green City
strong outcome stems from the city govern-
mooted increased use of district heating and co-
France, Belgium and Germany commute in to
Index”. For purposes of this city portrait, a theo-
patterns, and the planting and maintenance
ment’s robust commitment to an environmen-
work. As a result, negative environmental exter-
retical 31-city index was created, to evaluate
(CO ) emissions in Luxembourg is comparatively
of indigenous trees, bushes and hedges in
tally sustainable approach to waste, which
nalities, such as carbon emissions and air pollu-
where Luxembourg would fit in with the cities in
low, but Luxembourg is not among the best-per-
helped it to keep the amount of waste per capita
Environmental governance: Luxembourg ranks
tion, are considerably higher than would be
the original index. Based on this theoretical
forming cities in the Green City index, placing
(382.94 kg) to some of the lowest levels seen
7th out of 31 cities in environmental gover-
expected for a city of this size, especially on a
index, Luxembourg places a respectable 6th out
8th out of 31 in this category. CO emissions are
across all comparison cities. With a 41% share of
nance, not far behind the top performers, re-
per-head basis. Our assessments use the day-
of 31. The city scores respectably across all cat-
estimated to be 4.3 tonnes per inhabitant per
waste recycled, the city is the third-most-effec-
flecting its strong commitment to environmental
time population as a reference for the Green City
egories, and particularly well in waste and land
year. In this respect, Luxembourg ranks in the
tive city in the index. The city’s commitment to
sustainability. Luxembourg municipality’s ap-
Index, since this population accounts for most of
use, energy and water. Its lowest rank of ninth,
middle of the cities in the index, but in terms of
enjoyable green urban spaces is also solid, albeit
proach to environmental governance is marked
the environmental impacts. On the whole, how-
in the category of buildings, still represents a
emissions per unit of GDP, the city’s per-
helped by its proximity to the countryside. Bio-
by openness and accountability. Each year, the
ever, Luxembourg has a favourable environ-
reasonable outcome. Luxembourg’s strong envi-
formance is much better, placing third. The city’s
diversity initiatives and the protection of green
city publishes an environmental assessment of
mental situation. Luxembourg state has one of
ronmental performance reflects the city’s green
top-level CO strategy targets an increase in re-
belts form the core of the city’s strategy. The
the current situation and an action plan for the
the highest GDP levels per head in the EU, and
credentials and aspirations. There is also a case
newable energy consumption (from a fairly low
1000 ha of communal forests are certified by the
coming year, demonstrating the progress of ini-
given Luxembourg city’s specialisation in finan-
to be made that the city’s small size (with a day-
share currently) and an improvement in the en-
tiatives in each category. Data for various envi-
cial and business services, the city has a high
time population of 220,000, it has the smallest
ergy efficiency of final energy consumption. As
Initiatives underway: The city has partnered
ronmental categories are easily retrievable.
per-capita income too. Population density is
population of the 31 cities) represents a con-
part of this approach, the city has focused on its
European Green City Index | Luxembourg (city)_Luxembourg
own energy consumption, in municipal build-
(in a variety of ways) reduced private consump-
lights has been reduced through more energy-
may be that Luxembourg residents have access
ple to local construction firms, a new building in
Capturing and
efficient regulation of that system. The propor-
to subsidies for heating and insulation.
Pfaffenthal is built to passive house (low energy)
using waste heat
Initiatives underway: The city of Luxembourg
Initiatives underway: As part of the renew-
tion of energy supplied by cogeneration plants is
Initiatives underway: The city of Luxembourg
standard entirely with ecologically sound build-
has adopted an ambitious target for CO reduc-
able energy drive, Luxembourg city offers sub-
helps to provide consultation sessions on en-
ing materials, taking the energy footprint of
tion, looking to achieve a 10% reduction in CO
sidies for the installation of mainly solar energy
ergy-efficient building construction and renova-
each material into account. Another municipal
emissions of the city every five years. This com-
panels on residences and commercial buildings.
Buildings: The buildings category delivers Lux-
tion. The sessions consist of advice from experts
building in passive house standard and using
mitment was secured under the aegis of Luxem-
There is also a wide range of programs that dis-
embourg one of its poorer category rankings
on converting residences and offices to low-en-
ecologically sound building materials has al-
emissions involved in heating residential and
bourg city’s membership of the Klimabündnis, a
(9th), despite a high 8.54 points. The relatively
ergy buildings, installing solar panels or secur-
ready been built in Hamm. All new city buildings
member of the International Climate Alliance.
The city is making a major effort to reduce
low ranking reflects the tough competition from
ing more energy-efficient heating systems. The
are planned using this low-energy standard.
city has focused on co-generation, which al-
In 2008 the municipality achieved its aim of
the energy use of its lighting installations, of
other west European cities with excellent scores
initial assessment is free, and the homeowner
having 100% of the electricity used by the mu-
which there are three major components: street
in this category. In particular, there are a num-
pays 10% of the cost of subsequent consultation
Transport: Luxembourg ranks 8th on transport
electricity with a high energy efficiency, pro-
lighting, festive lights, and the illumination of
ber of cities with similar outcomes for energy
sessions, with the city taking on the balance.
issues, with 7.31 points out of 10. Given the
fuels, which has allowed the CO emissions at-
city monuments. Since 2009 all Christmas light
consumption of residential buildings. Luxem-
The city is seeking to apply ecological criteria
city’s size limits, as well as the large number of
benefits. The process rests on using the heat
tributable to the city’s administrative functions
bulbs have been replaced by energy-efficient
bourg uses 686 MJ per square metre of residen-
in its own building projects. As part of a flagship
commuters entering the city each day, city poli-
ones, and electricity consumption by street
tial buildings. One reason for this good result
project, which is intended to serve as an exam-
cymakers have long been seeking transport al-
buildings through a district heating network. In a theoretical 31-city
The environmental benefits, as stated by the
Buildings Transport Waste and Air quality Environmental governance
city of Luxembourg, can be in the order of a
index, Luxembourg places a respectable 6th place.
tion and a 40% cut in CO emissions. In Lux-
embourg's case, the city provides the co-gen-
eration facilities, and residential or commer-
Energy: Luxembourg scores one of its best cat-
cial buildings can apply to be attached to the
egory rankings for the Energy section, placing
co-generation network (generally for heating
fifth out of 31 with 7.5 points. The strong score
purposes). The benefits to the heating con-
is underpinned by a low energy intensity — the
sumer include the savings associated with
energy used per unit of GDP is the second-low-
having heating provided externally and the
est of all cities. Likewise, energy used per inhab-
itant per year was 46 gigajoules (based on the
number of inhabitants during the day). The en-
ergy score is held back slightly by a weaker per-
formance than many other European cities in the
use of renewable energy as a share of total en-
As a result, reducing the consumption of pri-
mary energy and increasing that of renewable
energies, while continuing to develop urban
heating, are among the top priorities of Luxem-
bourg city’s environmental plan. Cuts to energy
consumption have focussed initially on the city’s
own buildings, installations and vehicles, but
there are also increasingly efforts to incentivise
Luxembourg was not one of the original 30 cities comprising the “European Green City Index”. For purposes of this city portrait, a theoretical 31-city index was created, to evaluate where Luxembourg would fit in with the cities in the original index.
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