PATIENT REGISTRATION Use black ink Ricardo Izquierdo, M.D.
Plastic Surgery & Advanced Medical Services
Date____________________Name_____________________________________ Address_________________________________________
City________________________ State________________ Zip______________
Date of Birth________________ Age______ Sex_______ Email__________________________________Social Security #__________________________ Marital Status______________Home Phone________________________ Work Phone_____________________
Referring Doctor_________________________ Other Source internet ad phone book patient Employer/School Name________________________________________________________
Employer/School Address______________________________________________________
City________________________ State_________________ Zip_____________
Nearest Relative/Friend(not in household)________________________________________
Address_______________________________________ Phone_______________City______________________ State________________ Zip____________
PHYSICIAN INFORMATION Family Physician________________________________Address______________________________________ City______________________________State________Zip____________Phone_________________________ COMPLETE IF PATIENT IS A MINOR AND/OR RESPONSIBLE PARTY Father’s Name_____________________________________ SS#_________________ Phone_____________ Address___________________________________ City____________________ State_____ Zip___________ Mother’s Name_____________________________________ SS#_________________ Phone_____________ Address___________________________________ City____________________ State_____ Zip___________ INSURANCE INFORMATION Employer___________________________________________________________________________________ Primary Insurance______________________________ Address______________________________________ City______________________________ State________ Zip____________ Policy Holder____________________________ Group #___________________ Plan #____________________ Date of Birth (policy holder) ___________________ ID/Social Security # (policy holder)____________________ ALL OTHER INSURANCE INCLUDING SUPPLEMENT TO MEDICARE I authorize the above physician to release any information regarding service rendered by him/her and allow a photocopy of my signature to be used to file insurance. I hereby assign, transfer, and set over any benefits payable by my insurance carrier(s) to the above named physician/physicians for services rendered, regardless of my insurance benefits, if any. I understand I am financially responsible for the fees for services rendered.
I authorize the release of any medical information necessary to process this claim. I also request payment of government benefits either to myself or to the party who accepts assignment on services provided to me. MEDICAL HISTORY
Reason for Appointment______________________________________________________________________Height _______ Weight______ Are you pregnant or lactating? Yes No
Past Medical History Previous Services
ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Laser Treatments
Past Surgical History________________________________________________________________________Allergies___________________________________________________________________________________LATEX Allergy yes no Malignant hyperthermia yes no Current Medications_________________________________________________________________________
Coumadin® Aleve® Celebrex®
Alcohol Use yes no Frequency/Amount_______________________________________________Smoker yes no Date of last menstrual period___________________________ Date of last PAP smear____________________Date of last tetanus___________________________________ Date of last mammogram__________________
Photographs may be taken during the course of my treatment in order to demonstrate my condition or disorder, and subsequent therapy.
I understand the information on this form is essential to determine my medical and cosmetic needs and the provision of treatment. I
understand that if any changes occur in my medical history/health I wil report it to the office as soon a possible. I understand that
results are individual and the success of a treatment program varies with each person. I acknowledge that al answers have been
recorded truthful y and wil not hold any staff member responsible for any errors or omissions that I have made in the completion of this
form. I understand that I am financial y responsible for the fees for services rendered.
_____________________________________________________ _______________________________Signature of patient (or authorized person) date
Hefepilze im Körper Dr. med. Siegfried Dörfler - 3. komplett überarbeitete Auflage 1998 - ISBN 3-9804994-6-4 170 Seiten, 17 Tabellen und Abbildungen - € 13,90 Inhaltsverzeichnis • Vorwort der ersten Auflage • Geleitwort zur 3. Auflage • Vorwort zur 3. Auflage • 1.Entstehung der Pilzerkrankung o 1.1.Pilze - Freund und Feind o 1.2.Viele Beschwerden - ei