Implant post-op-pdf 6

Post-Operative Instructions for Implant Procedures
From the Office of Dr. James G. Barsamian
(904) 246-6545
Now that your surgery has been completed, follow these instructions to make yourself
more comfortable, promote healing, and help prevent any possible complications.
Read all items carefully!
Day of Surgery:
Most patients prefer an intravenous sedation to relax them during the procedure. After
surgery, it usually takes 3-4 hours for the sedative medications to totally clear your
system. (Refer to your pre-operative instructions regarding activities and escort
requirements immediately after surgery)
You will also receive injections of local anesthesia (novocaine) after being sedated.
Don’t worry, you will not remember them!
We will prescribe four medications to be taken after surgery. These medications will be
as follows:
1. Antibiotic (Amoxicillin; take at dinner)– to decrease post-operative infection.
2. Anti-swelling (Decadron; take at dinner)– as the name implies. This decreases post-
3. Analgesics (Lorcet; take all day as directed)– for post-operative pain relief. 4. Mouth rinse (take tomorrow)– this improves healing and decreases wound infection. (This is not an “over-the-counter” mouth rinse!) -Take tylenol as needed for today. -Take advil, motrin, ibruprofen tomorrow as needed. Please take all medications as prescribed. If the patient becomes nauseated: Sip room temperature bicarbonated soda or ginger ale and check the position of the gauze to ensure blood is being absorbed. If nausea persists, (1-2 hours later), then call the office with a pharmacy number so a medication for the nausea can be called in! Diet: It is important that you remain on a puree/soft or liquid diet for seven (7) days following the surgery to avoid any soft tissue damage or disruption of the sutures. On the day of surgery avoid citric acid products (orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemonade, and tomato juice). Please do not use a straw. Do not rinse or spit the day of treatment. Swelling: Keep an ice pack on the outside of the face (adjacent to the surgical site or sites). Doing this will help minimize the swelling. The suggested regimen for use of the ice pack is (10)-(20) minutes on and (10)-(20) minutes off. Use the ice packs only on the day of
surgery. The following day, use warm moist heat (such as a hot water bottle), if swelling
remains. Please do not use a heating pad, doing this may dry out your skin.
The day of surgery keep your head elevated on two pillows. Avoid sleeping on the same
side in which the surgery was performed. This procedure will help to minimize the
You will leave our office with a gauze pack placed over the surgical site. You will be
given extra gauze to change every fifteen (15) to thirty (30) minutes for the first two (2)
hours. After this time, change the gauze as seen necessary. This will allow the bleeding
to stop. It is important that you bite down firmly on the gauze. Gauze packs will also
help prevent nausea by absorbing the blood.
Second Day Through Day Seven
Oral hygiene:
Start warm salt water rinses three (3) to four (4) times per day (0ne teaspoon of salt in an
8-ounce cup of lukewarm water). Gently rinse and expectorate. No water piks. Continue
this procedure for one week.
Use a Q-tip dipped in peroxide on Silver caps( for 1-stage patients).
Your surgical site is closed with sutures. These sutures will be removed approximately
seven to fourteen days following surgical treatment.
Some discomfort, swelling, bruising, and pain may be experienced for the next two (2) to
three (3) days. This is normal…it will get better!
For those patients who are wearing a removable appliance (i.e. a partial/denture), explicit
instructions as to it’s use will be explained by Dr. Barsamian. In many cases, the
prosthesis will be adjusted and soft lined. This liner will be replaced periodically by our
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office!


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