Ch inese Jo u rna l o f Pa ra sito lo gy & Pa ra sit ic D isea ses
1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.Table 1. Changes in EPG of pa tien ts w ith A sca r is infection before and af ter trea tm en t
Ka to- Ka tz th ick sm ea r m ethod: EPG= A verage num ber of egg s on each slide
Table 2. Changes in EPG of pa tien ts w ith T r ichu r is infection before and af ter trea tm en t
Sa tu ra ted b rine floa ta t ion m ethod: EPG= To ta l num ber of egg s on th ree slides
Table 3. Changes in EPG of pa tien ts w ith hookworm infection before and af ter trea tm en t
Sa tu ra ted b rine floa ta t ion m ethod
1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.Table 4. Average developm en t ra te of nema tode eggs before and af ter trea tm en t
A verage developm en t ra te of egg s (% )
1. M aisonn su re H , Ro ssignd J F. A nn T rop Parasito l 1985;
2. W agner ED , R ex inger DD. Am J T rop M ed H yg 1978;
1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ch inese Jo u rna l o f Pa ra sito lo gy & Pa ra sit ic D isea ses
Yang W e i2P ing1, Shen Y i2P ing2, Shao J ing2O u3, Dong Ka i4, Zhong T ao 2,
1. D ep a rtm en t of P a rasitology ,M ed ica l C olleg e of Y ang z hou U n iversity , Y ang z hou 225001
2. N anj ing M ed ica l C olleg e, N anj ing 210000; 3. I nstitu te of A n ti2sch istosom iasis of Y ang z hou, Y ang z hou
225000; 4. S an ita ry and A n tiep id em ic S ta tion of J iang d u, J iang d u 225200
T he effect o f a com b ina t io n o f a lbendazo le and m ebendazo l w a s eva lua ted by stoo l exa2
m ina t io n in 7 p a t ien t s w ith A sca ris lum bricoid es egg s, 7 p a t ien t s w ith T richu ris trich iu ra egg s
and 9 p a t ien t s w ith hoo kw o rm egg s. A lbendazo le and m ebendazo le w e re g iven a t 300 m g and
375 m g, resp ect ively. Bo th d rug s w ere d ivided in to 3 p a rt s, one p a rt b. id. , and g iven in 1. 5
day s. T he feca l egg s tu rned nega t ive in a ll the p a t ien t s w ith A sca ris infect io n in 3 day s, w h ile
the feca l egg s w e re nega t ive in a ll p a t ien t s w ith T richu ris o r hoo kw o rm infect io n in 5 day s.
T he deve lopm en t ra te s o f the egg s w e re rem a rkab ly low e r po st2t rea tm en t than p re2t rea t2
m en t. It w a s fo und tha t the o v icida l ra te s in hum an a sca ria sis, t richu ria sis and ancy lo stom i2
a sis w e re 98. 8% , 100% and 100% , re sp ect ive ly o n the seco nd day fo llow ing the in it ia t io n o f
t rea tm en t. T he re su lt s show ed tha t the w o rm 2rep elling and ovicida l effect of the com b ined
chem o the rap y w a s m o re ev iden t. Key words: A lbendazo le, m ebendazo le, chem o therap y, a sca ria sis, t richu ria sis, ancylo stom ia sis 1995-2004 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neuropsychopharmacology (2004) 29, 731–738& 2004 Nature Publishing GroupReversal of Sensorimotor Gating Deficits in Brattleboro Ratsby Acute Administration of Clozapine and a NeurotensinAgonist, but not Haloperidol: a Potential Predictive Model forNovel Antipsychotic EffectsDavid Feifel*,1, Gilia Melendez1 and Paul D Shilling1Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego
Ana Casanueva University of the Western Cape Mentor: Prof D Cowan Contact: Broad research area: gene discovery and Specific research field: Identification of Ayesha Parker Cape Peninsula University of Technology Mentor: Prof S Burton Broad research area: Biocatalysis Purpose of study: Specific research area: Antioxidants T