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Dr. Nancy Budambula, Ph.D. MSc. BSc.
New Science Complex, 2nd floor e-mail: Current position:
Senior Lecturer / Chairperson Botany Department Previous Cccupations:Programme Officer, Project Officer and Environment Consultant.
Recognition :
Honoured and recognized in Who’s Who in Science and Engineering in the 10th Anniversary Edition of 2008-2009

Ph.D. Microbiology JKUAT and George-August University Göttingen, Germany
Thesis: Sewage and metal pollution of Nairobi River and their impact on resident
bacteria and fish
MSc. Genetics. Kenyatta University
Thesis: Some genetic effects of agrochemicals on nitrogen fixing bacteria.
Bachelor of Science with major in Botany and a minor in Zoology and Geography. Kenyatta University 4th year research project: Genotoxicity studies with Ambush, Delan and
Dithane M-45.
A-level. Kenya High School, Nairobi.
O-level. Kenya High School, Nairobi.
Certificate of Primary School. Kamimei Primary School, Nandi.


Management- Chairman, Department of Botany 2009 to Present
Responsibilities: Chief Administrator of the Department and Chief Examination officer of the
Department. Responsible for the day to day running of Department, coordinates teaching, research and
instruction of undergraduate and postgraduate of students. Oversees policy formulation, coordinates
syllabus review, budget preparation, workplan and procurement plans. Responsible for allocating
duties to staff members of the Department.
Teaching experience at the University

2007 to Present:

Senior Lecturer at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
(JKUAT). Research and supervision of PhD, MSc and BSc students as well
as teaching genetics, biotechnology and microbiology to undergraduate and
graduate students in the Department of Botany.
1998 to 2007:
Lecturer at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
(JKUAT). Taught Genetics, Biotechnology and Microbiology in the
Department of Botany.
1995 to 1998:
Assistant Lecturer at JKUAT. Taught Genetics based coursed to
undergraduate students in the Department of Botany.
Programme Management

2004 to 2006: Programme Coordinator.
Medical Microbiology Programme at Jomo Kenyatta
University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Environment Consultant: Environment Liason Centre International
1995 to 1997: Environment Consultant at Kenya Energy and Environment Organizations
1994 to 1995: Project officer at KENGO

Administration and Public Office

2009 to Present

Chairman, Department of Botany, JKUAT
2010 to Present
Member Monitoring and Evaluation Committee Innovation Fund of JKUAT.
2009 to 2012
Co-chairperson JKUAT graduation protocol committee
2008 to Present:
Member JKUAT Laboratory Management Board
2008 to Present:
Member Interim Board of Africa Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum.
1996 to 1999
Member: Interministerial Committee on Environment Subcommittee
1996 to 1999:
Member of the Board of Directors of Climate Network Africa 1995 to 1999:
Member and secretary to the National NGOs Coordinating Committee on Desertification

• Bioprospecting for novel microorganisms from the environment • Water pollution • Antibiotic resistance • Viral genetics SELECTED PUBLICATIONS
1. Kwange S.O. and N.L.M.Budambula (2010). Effectiveness of antituberculosis treatment
among patients receiving highly active antiretroval therapy at Vihiga District Hospital in 2007. Inidan Journal of Medical Microbiology 28: 21-25.
2. Mwirichia R.K., N. M.Budambula and H.I. Boga (2009). Isolation, characterization and
identification of Enterobacteriaceae from well water in Juja Town in Kenya. Journal of Tropical Microbiology and Biotechnololgy 5:31-36.
3. Budambula N. L. M. and E. C. Mwachiro (2009) Isolation of 2-napthol utilising bacteria
from Nairobi River. Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology 11:85-102
4. Okoth E. O., S. G. Odhiambo and N. L. M. Budambula (reviewed and resubmitted).
Laboratory surveillance of cholera in Nyanza Province. Journal of Agriculture, Science
and Technology
5. Budambula N. L. M. The challenge of antibiotic resistance (2008) Lead paper. 2008
JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference.
6. Wahiu F. W. and N. L. M. Budambula (2007) Characterization of bacterial contaminants
in milk hawked at Kahawa West. Proceedings of the 2008 JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference. Pages 292-302. 7. Nzau B., S. Kariuki and N. L. M. Budambula (2007) Antimicrobial resistance in
Salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium and Salmonella enterica serotype enteritids Proceedings of the 2008 JKUAT Scientific, Technological and Industrialization Conference. Pages 227-233. 8. Budambula N. L. M., E. C. Mwachiro and N. M. Gitonga (2006) Antibiotic resistance of
bacteria isolated from Nairobi River. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and
Environmental Science
8: 9-12.
9. Budambula N. L. M. and E. C. Mwachiro (2006) Isolation and characterization of
naphthalene utilising bacteria from Nairobi River. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Science. 8: 1-8. 10. Budambula N. L. M and E. C. Mwachiro (2006) Metal status of Nairobi River Waters and
Bioaccumulation of Metals in Labeo Cylindricus. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 169:275-291.
11. Budambula N. L. M., E. C. Mwachiro, N. M. Gitonga and S. Kariuki (2004) Isolation of
Mercury, Zinc and Cadmium resistant bacteria from Nairobi River. Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Microbiology Conference Recent advances in microbial research and their implications to Health, Agriculture and Environment. Pages 181-190. 12. Budambula N and P. Wangari (1998) Proceedings of the International workshop on Women
and Desertification.Environmental Liason International Centre. 13. Budambula N. (1995) Implementing the Desertification Convention: The Kenyan
Doctor of philosophy Students
Ochwoto Missiani

2011 to date
Aetiology of viral hepatitis in selected hospitals in Kenya.

Sila Onesmus Nzung’a

2012 to date
Characterization and use of bacteriophages from Nairobi River, Kenya.
Master of Science Students
Romano K. Mwirichia

2005 to 2006 graduated
Isolation and Characterization of Enterobacteriaceae from Well water in Juja town and its
Ogot O. Hellen

2005 to 2007 graduated
Isolation, characterization and identification of pesticide degrading bacteria isolated from the soil and intestinal Eddy Okoth Odari
2009 to 2010 graduated.
Evaluation of a “combination” Elisa Kit and genotyping performance of restriction fragment
length polymorphism among Hepatitis C virus infected patients’ sera.
Moses Mucugi Njire
2009 to 2011 graduated
Antimicrobial effects of selected herbal extracts on clinical multi-drug resistant Gram-negative
Doris Wangari Ndegwa
2008 to 2011 graduated
Characterisation of aminoglycoside resistant bacterial strains implicated in invasive infections in
Regina Ronoh
2010 to 2012
Genetic diversity of actinobacteria in Lake Magadi.
Christabel Muhonja
2010 to 2012
Characterisation of antibiotic resistance among environmental enteric pathogens in Gatwekera
village of Kibera slum-Kenya.

Simeon Kwange Owour

2011 to date
Distribution of Hepatitis B virus genotypes and frequency of its mutants among Blood Donors in
selected regional blood transfusion centres in Kenya
Agnes Omire
2012 to date
Genetic variability of the Human Papillomavirus among HIV positive and HIV negative women
attending reproductive health clinic at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Edith Mnyazi Muwawa
2012 to date
Assessment of dynamics of nitrogen species and microsymbionts in soils, guts and nest materials
of termites.
Ruth Gechemba Onchwari 2012 to date
Isolation and characterization of Rhizosphere bacteria from banana plants within juja with
potential to improve plant growth.
Kerosi Danvas Ongwacho 2012 to date
Genetic variability of Human immunodeficiency virus and Hepatitis B among HIV/Hepatitis BC
coinfected intravenous drug users in Malindi.
Bachelor of Science Students

Douglas Kinyua Muthomi
Research title: Antibiotic resistance of metal tolerant bacteria from soil in Juja area.
Anita Owino
Research title: Heavy metals as indicators of pollution; a case study of Dandora dumpsite.
Edith Ramita
Research title: Antimicrobial resistance of enteric bacteria isolated from urine of patients at
Nairobi Women’s Hospital
Joy Chuki Mauti
Research title Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Salmonell and Shigella (2000-2009)
isolated in KEMRI-CMR opportunistic infections bacteriology laboratory.
5. 2007-2008
Mugweru Julius
Research title: Bacteriological analysis of water from Ruiru river.
6. 2007-2008
Kajambo Mutili Said
Research title: Genotoxicity analysis of Terminalia Spinosa using Vicia faba root
meristem cells.
Owuor Kwange Simeon
Research title: Bacteriological response to treatment of pulmonary Tuberculosis in patients
receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) at Vihiga District Hospital.
Perpetua Wangeci Ndung'u
Research title: The isolation and characterization of Metal resistant bacteria from Thiririka
Ruth Wanja Njenga
10. Research title: Bacteriological analysis of Rastrionobela argentea From Githurai,
Gikomba, Kenyatta and Nairobi city market. 2007 Violet Afandi Kisato
Research title: Prevalence of latent tuberclosis in HIV positive patients attending
comprehensive care centre at Kakamega Provincial Hospital.
Okoth Eddy Odari
Research title: Laboratory surveillance on the prevalence Of Rotavirus and Campylobacter
caused diarrhea and antibiotic susceptibility Of Salmonella, Shigella and Vibrio
in Bondo and Siaya districts February to May 2007.
Research title: Effects of alcohol consumption on bacterial populations in the human
gastrointestinal tract.
Mukundi Dan
Research title: Assessment of bacterial contamination within Jomo Kenyatta University
Owaka Samuel Arach
Research title: Bacteriological status of Thiririka River Waters
15. 2006-2007
Mwereru Mutisya Kelvin
Research title: Genotoxicity studies on effects of crude plant extract of Artemisia annua L.
and Conventional Artemisinin pharmaceutical drugs in Vicia faba root meristem cells.
2006-2007 Esther Wambui Kiragu
Research title:
Genotoxic potential of commonly used food seasonings. 17. 2006-2006
Elizabeth Adhiambo Ombech
Research title: Isolation of soil microorganisms with potential antimicrobial activity.
18. 2006-2006
Wahiu Francis Wang’ondu
Research title: Characterization of bacteria in milk hawked in Kahawa west.
19. 2006-2006
Muhanji Brian Khasimwa
Research title: Control of microbial contamination in the Botany GK laboratory
20. 2006-2006 Benjamin Muli Nzau
Research title: Antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella typhimurium and Salmonella
21. 2005-2006
Michael Omondi Aringo,
Research title: Genotoxic potential of Phyllanthus niruri
22. 2005-2007
Ogot Hellen Odhiambo,
Research title: Isolation, characterization and identification of pesticide degrading bacteria
isolated from the soil and intestinal tracts of termites from around Juja; Thika district.
23. 2005-2005
George Gichira Wambugu
Research title: Bacteriological analysis of water used to wash vegetables by vendors in
Nairobi Markets.
24. 2005-2005
Marion Wangui Kiguoya
Research title: Tetracycline resistance; evidence in Escherichia coli isolated from chicken
25. 2003-2004
Jeremiah Ngirigacha
Research title: Isolation and characterization of copper resistant bacteria from Fourteen Falls

More than 30 Master of Science theses and three Doctor of Philososphy theses from four
faculties/institutes in JKUAT examined in the last five years.
External examiner of postgraduate thesis for other universities in Kenya.


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CURRICULAM VITAE S. SYED JAHAN , 8/149 – Middle Street MANDAPAM – 623 518 Educational Qualification • Pursuing M. Sc., Zoology, Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar, • B. Sc., Zoology, Jamal Mohammed College Bharathidasan University Technical and other qualification • Typewriting junior grade 1990, Department of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu • Typewriting s


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