
Chalutzim Chadashim/The New Pioneers
Six-Week Subsidized Summer Service Mission to Ayalim Village in Israel’s Negev
Inaugural Program: July 10th to August 21st 2011
The Jewish Federation and Ayalim invite you to join us on an extraordinary six-week journey to Israel. Participants will experience life in Israel as modern pioneers and make a significant imprint in the lives of those living in the Negev, while connecting with the Jewish values, history and identity. The program includes hard work, educational enrichment, living with Israeli peers, getting to know Israel, study of Jewish values and lots of fun. Through the program, you wil have the opportunity to connect deeply with the land and people of Israel and your volunteer work will strengthen the state of Israel. This first-of-its-kind program runs from July 10th to August 21st – applications are due May 31st. The cost of the program is $5,000 and subsidies of $4,000 are provided to all selected participants. Additional funding, up to a complete subsidy, is available upon demonstration of need. Program highlights include: • Shabbat experience in Jerusalem • Shabbat/weekend in Tel Aviv • Trips to the Galilee, Arava and Eilat • Zionism and Jewish Identity Workshops
About Ayalim: Ayalim brings young adult volunteers to the weakened north and south of Israel to
be a powerful and positive force for change. For the past five years, these student volunteers
have been assisting children, young people and weak population segments in the Negev and the
Galilee. These areas have suffered in the past from low priority on the public agenda, and as a
result, many difficulties have arisen in the fields of education, welfare, image, environmental
development and settlement. Ayalim volunteers are committed to giving their time to helping
build the vil ages; improving the surroundings; working at the family center, which houses social,
educational and cultural activities; and volunteering in schools around the village. For more
information about Ayalim, please see ayalim.org.il/en.
For more information about the program, please contact FedAyalim@JewishLA.org.
2011 Chalutzim Chadashim/The New Pioneers
LA/Ayalim Negev Mission Application
Please answer the following questions (each in a few paragraphs) on a separate sheet of paper
and include a resume and 2 references with your submission.
1. Why do you want to be a participant? How will you benefit from the program? 2. What role has Israel played in your life? How have you/will you demonstrate your 3. What skills and qualities do you possess, both personally and professionally, that make you an effective leader and strong team player? How will the community benefit from your participation? Send to: FedAyalim@JewishLA.org • 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 900 • Los Angeles, CA 90048
For more information, contact Katie at (323) 761-8330 or FedAyalim@JewishLA.org.

Source: http://jfedla.3cdn.net/d0e6f89eafb764b443_0am6bxpfw.pdf

Microsoft word - newsletter su09.edited.doc

~~NEW SUMMER EDITION~~ Message from the President Barrett P. Brenton (St. John’s University) It is with great pleasure that I welcome NEAA Newsletter readers to the inaugural summer winner Erica Varlese from Drew University issue. The idea of an additional issue was and her exploration of labor support and devised under the leadership of Editor-in-resistance in American bir


No conviene tomar el poder. Si uno quiere hacer un mundo mejor, no hay quetomar el poder. Un grupo de personas accede al sillón de Rivadavia y al juego de sillas quecompletan el lote y se sientan con la esperanza de darle a ese poder unrumbo nuevo. Enseguida se advierte que, como en los mejores cuentos deterror, no son ellos los que mandan. El que manda es el sillón. ¿Qué pasa?Es que en ese si

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