CAMPBELL UNIVERSITY SPORTS CAMP MEDICAL INFORMATION This form must be completed and returned in order to participate in the sports camp
Name of Camp__________________________________ Male______ Female_____ Dates of Camp________________________________
Participant’s Name________________________________ Soc. Sec. #_________________________ Date of Birth_____________________
Home Phone ______________________________________________ Email Address ____________________________________________
Mother’s Name____________________________________________
Mother’s Day Phone________________________ Mother’s Evening Phone_______________________ Mobile_______________________
Father’s Name_____________________________________________
Father’s Day Phone________________________ Father’s Evening Phone________________________ Mobile________________________
Emergency Contact’s Name_________________________________ Relationship______________ Phone____________________________
Insurance Coverage:
Company______________________________________________________ Group_______________________________________________
Policy Number______________________________________ Phone Number of Insurance Company_________________________________
Policy Holder and Social Security #______________________________________________________________________________________
If there is a known history, please circle:
Dizziness/Fainting Diabetes/Hypoglycemia
Please list any additional allergies or other health-related problems:______________________
Note: Only medications listed on this form may be taken by the minor while at
camp unless prescribed by the university’s
infirmary physician. All medications should be brought in the original
Date of Most Recent Tetanus Immunizations?_______________________________________
administered as directed on bottle unless
Allowed medication – circle all that apply to your child:
the university’s infirmary by the nurses on
My child is on the following prescription or over the counter medication (list medication and dosage)_____________________________ I certify that within the past year, the aforementioned participant has had a physical examination by a licensed physician, and that he/she is physically able to participate in the sports camp/clinic activities. In the event of an injury, illness, and/or accident involving my son/daughter, I hereby give my consent for medical treatment(s) at Campbell University Student Health Services. Also, I hereby give my consent to a certified athletic trainer and/or his/her designee to render and supervise on-site first aid treatments, to the appropriate camp/clinic personnel to properly transport my son/daughter to an appropriate medical facility for care, and to a licensed physician to hospitalize and secure proper treatment(s), including injections, diagnostic procedures, anesthesia, surgery, and/or other reasonable and necessary procedures for my son/daughter. I hereby authorize my health insurance company to pay for benefits for the cost of such treatment(s). I also authorize the disclosure of medical information to my insurance company for the purpose of any claim. PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE:_________________________________________________________________________ DATE:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Rex On Rails - Part Two Installing and testing a Whiteline 22mm adjustable rear swaybar - the biggest bang-for-buck handling improvement you can make. Words by Michael Knowling, Pix by Michael Knowling and Mellissa Taylor Part One of Rex on Rails we looked at the standard suspension and handling of the GC