Recent advances in the immunologyand diagnosis of echinococcosis
Molecular Parasitology Laboratory, Australian Centre for International and Tropical Health and Nutrition, The Queensland Institute of Medical Researchand The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Molecular Parasitology Laboratory, Australian
Echinococcosis is a cosmopolitan zoonosis caused by adult or larval stages of
Centre for International and Tropical Healthand Nutrition, The Queensland Institute of
cestodes belonging to the genus Echinococcus (family Taeniidae). The two major
species of medical and public health importance are Echinococcus granulosus and
Echinococcus multilocularis, which cause cystic echinococcosis and alveolar echi-
Australia. Tel.: 161 7 3362 0401; fax 161 7
nococcosis, respectively. Both cystic echinococcosis and alveolar echinococcosis are
serious diseases, the latter especially so, with a high fatality rate and poor prognosisif managed inappropriately. This review highlights recent advances in immunity to
infection and vaccination against both parasites in their intermediate and
definitive hosts and procedures for diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis and alveolar
First published online 21 February 2006.
echinococcosis, including the value of immunodiagnostic and DNA approaches.
There is discussion also of progress in genomics and related technologies that isproviding valuable insights on the functional biology of the Echinococcus organ-
isms. These studies will underpin future research that will reveal a better under-standing of the Echinococcus-host interplay, and suggest new avenues for the
identification of additional targets for diagnosis, vaccination and chemotherapy.
Echinococcus granulosus; Echinococcusmultilocularis; echinococcosis; immunity toinfection; vaccination; diagnosis;immunodiagnosis.
fibrous capsule. Brood capsules and protoscoleces (PSC)
bud off from the germinal membrane. Definitive hosts are
Echinococcosis is a cosmopolitan parasitic zoonosis caused
carnivores such as dogs, wolves and foxes. Sexual maturity of
by adult or larval stages of cestodes belonging to the genus
adult E. granulosus occurs in the host small intestine within
Echinococcus (family Taeniidae). Larval infection (hydatid
4–5 weeks of ingesting offal containing viable PSC. Gravid
disease; hydatidosis) is characterized by long-term growth of
proglottids or released eggs are shed in the faeces and,
metacestode (hydatid) cysts in the intermediate host. The
following their ingestion by a human or ungulate host, an
two major species of medical and public health importance
oncosphere larva is released that penetrates the intestinal
are Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis,
epithelium into the lamina propria. This is then transported
which cause cystic echinococcosis (CE) and alveolar echino-
passively through blood or lymph to the target organs where
coccosis (AE), respectively. E. granulosus has a cosmopolitan
it develops into a hydatid cyst. Since the life cycle relies on
distribution (McManus et al., 2003) and E. multilocularis,
carnivores eating infected herbivores, humans are usually a
which is distributed in the northern hemisphere, is recog-
‘dead-end’ for the parasite. Adult worm infections of E.
nized as an emerging zoonosis in some regions of Europe
multilocularis occur mainly in red and arctic foxes, although
dogs and cats can also act as definitive hosts. Small mam-
Hydatid cysts of E. granulosus develop in internal organs
mals (usually microtine and arvicolid rodents) act as inter-
(mainly liver and lungs) of humans and intermediate hosts
mediate hosts. The metacestode of E. multilocularis is a
(herbivores such as sheep, horses, cattle, pigs, goats and
tumor-like multivesicular, infiltrating structure consisting of
camels) as unilocular fluid-filled bladders. These consist of a
numerous small vesicles embedded in stroma of connective
parasite-derived inner nucleated germinal layer and an outer
tissue; the larval mass usually contains a semisolid matrix
acellular laminated layer surrounded by a host-produced
rather than fluid (Eckert & Plazes, 2004). CE and AE are
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Advances in immunology and diagnosis of echinococcosis
both serious diseases, the latter especially so, with a high
experimental infections of mice and sheep. After the onco-
fatality rate and poor prognosis if careful clinical manage-
sphere locates a target organ, the small hydatid cyst that
commences development is immediately confronted by the
In contrast to E. multilocularis, which appears to exhibit
host immune responses, which are mainly cell-mediated,
very limited genetic variation, an important feature of the
especially involving infiltration of macrophages and eosino-
biology of E. granulosus is that it comprises a number of
phil cells, and low-level polarized Th1 responses. Antibody
intraspecific variants or strains that exhibit considerable
responses are weak and are, normally, undetectable in the
variation at the genetic level. 10 distinct genetic types
early two to three weeks following infection.
(genotypes G1–10) have been identified and this categoriza-
There are extensive data on immune responses against the
tion follows very closely the pattern of strain variation
established cyst both from studies on patients with echino-
emerging based on biological characteristics. The extensive
coccosis and from experimentally infected animals (Zhang
variation in nominal E. granulosus may influence life cycle
et al., 2003a). The established parasite produces significant
patterns, host specificity, development rate, antigenicity,
quantities of antigens that modulate the immune responses
transmission dynamics, sensitivity to chemotherapeutic
and these include polarized Th2 responses, balanced with
agents and pathology with important implications for the
Th1 responses. The coexistence of elevated Th1 cytokines,
design and development of vaccines, diagnostic reagents and
especially interferon (IFN)-g, and Th2 cytokines including
drugs. A detailed account of genetic variation in Echinococ-
IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 and IL-10, has been recorded in most
cus and its implications can be found in (McManus, 2006),
hydatid patients where cytokine levels have been measured.
so this important topic will not be considered further here.
In addition, IgG, especially IgG1 and IgG4, IgE and IgM are
In our earlier review on the immunology and diagnosis of
elevated as the cyst grows and becomes established. When a
echinococcosis (Zhang et al., 2003a), we considered immu-
cyst dies naturally, is killed by chemotherapy treatment or is
nity to infection in the intermediate and definitive hosts,
removed by surgery, Th2 responses drop rapidly, and Th1
innate resistance, evasion of the immune system, develop-
responses become dominant. IgG levels can be maintained
ment of vaccines for use in intermediate and definitive hosts
in humans for several years after the cyst has been removed.
and, in particular, we emphasized procedures for diagnosis
Once a patient suffers relapse, the Th2 responses regenerate
of CE and AE, including the value of immunodiagnostic and
molecular approaches. Here we provide an update of recent
In the early stages of echinococcal development, cellular
progress in research on E. granulosus and E. multilocularis,
responses may play a crucial role in protection against
especially highlighting advances in immunology, vaccine
infection. A repeat challenge experiment showed that mice
development, diagnosis and functional expression of key
given a second oncospheral challenge 21 days after the
primary infection with E. granulosus produced very highlevels of protection (Zhang et al., 2001) but with a very low
Immunity to infection in the intermediate
antibody response (Zhang et al., 2003d) at the time of the
secondary challenge. Early experiments in vitro showed thatneutrophils, in association with antibody, can bring about
Although the host–parasite interplay, in most cases of echi-
the killing of E. granulosus oncospheres (Rogan et al., 1992),
nococcosis appears to be harmonious and clinically asympto-
suggesting a possible role for antibody-dependent cell-
matic for a long period after infection, the host does produce
mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) reactions although antibody
a significant immune response against the early stages of
levels against this stage are low and/or cell-mediated im-
infection, while the parasite adapts highly effective evasive
munity may induce killing. This is an important area that
needs to be further explored as it may provide an under-standing of the mechanisms of protection against the onco-
sphere with benefits for future vaccine design.
Clinical symptoms of CE reflect the presence of one or more
A remarkable feature of CE infection is the coexistence of
unilocular fluid-filled cysts. About 70% of cysts are formed
both Th1 and Th2 responses. It is likely due to the presence
in the liver, followed by the lungs (20%), with the remainder
on echinococcal antigens of distinct epitopes for each T-cell
involving other organs such as kidney, spleen, brain, heart
subset as it has been shown that a single recombinant
and bone. Clinical manifestations are mild in the early stage,
protein can stimulate both types of response. The C-
while as the cyst gradually grows, the parasite may physically
terminal region of a heat shock protein, Eg2HSP70, induced
damage tissues and organs, which can become dysfunctional
significantly greater amounts of tumor necrosis factor
at the later stages of echinococcosis. As discussed previously
(TNF)-a, IFN-g, and IL-10 in Eg2HSP70-stimulated per-
(Zhang et al., 2003a), immune responses against early E.
ipheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from CE patients
granulosus infection have mainly been investigated using
compared with unstimulated cultures in all patients (Ortona
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
et al., 2003). Furthermore, the antigens EgA31 and EgTrp
common for CE infection in sheep (Zhang & Zhao, 1992;
stimulated a significant amount of IL-12, IFN-g, IL-10 and
Cabrera et al., 2003), and it most likely also happens in
IL-6 cytokines in cytokine-producing splenocytes of BALB/c
human populations in hyperendemic areas as patients with
vaccinated with the two molecules compared with controls
calcified cysts are often reported (Macpherson et al., 2004;
Moro et al., 2005). Cytokines are likely to play a key role in
The polarized T-cell responses are modulated by echino-
coccal antigens. Dematteis et al. (2003) analysed whether the
cytokine responses in early and late experimental infection
(urticaria, itching and anaphylactic shock) often complicate
with E. granulosus depend on the dose of parasites to which
the course of CE. Some CE patients have elevated IgE levels
the host is exposed. To this purpose BALB/c mice were
to certain antigens, such as EgEF-1b/d, AE21 and EgTeg, that
inoculated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with either 500 or 2000
appear to be associated with these allergic reactions (Coleb-
protoscoleces. Splenocytes of mice were obtained at days 3,
rook et al., 2002; Ortona et al., 2003; Vuitton, 2004).
7, 14 and 21 and also on week 37 post-infection and werecultured in vitro with protoscolex antigens. Type-1 and type-
2 cytokines were analysed in supernatants by enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA). The lower number of pro-
Human AE is a chronic and often fatal disease characterized
toscoleces induced an early type-0 cytokine response,
by slowly developing cysts, mainly in the liver. Pathologi-
whereas the inoculation of 2000 protoscoleces induced an
cally, the parasite destroys the liver parenchyma, bile ducts
early Th2 response. Parasite growth was lower in the group
and blood vessels resulting in biliary obstruction and portal
inoculated with the low infective dose, which stimulated
hypertension. In most late-stage cases a necrotic cavity,
type-0 cytokine responses that may be protective, while
containing a viscous fluid, may form in the liver. Like CE
more protoscoleces may inhibit the protective Th0 or Th1
infection, Th1 responses predominate in the early stages of
responses, invoking Th2 responses, which may be beneficial
AE infection, with the immune response switching to a Th2
polarized profile in later progression (Shi et al., 2003; Wei
To further investigate the role of T lymphocytes in the
immune response to E. granulosus, Rigano et al. (2004)
Another pathological characteristic of AE infection is the
generated T-cell lines from patients with active, transitional
strong cellular immune response elicited by E. multi-
and inactive hydatid cysts and stimulated these using sheep
locularis. This results in a large granulomatous infiltrate
hydatid fluid (SHF) and antigen B (AgB). The cell lines from
surrounding the parasitic lesions (Vuitton et al., 1989;
a patient with an inactive cyst had a Th1 profile, while the
Ricard-Blum et al., 1996; Grenard et al., 2001), which is a
T-cell lines derived from seven patients with active and
process simular to granuloma formation and the resulting
transitional hydatid cysts had mixed Th1/Th2 and Th0
fibrosis associated with the pathology of schistosomiasis
clones. The results showed that Th1 lymphocytes contribute
(Wynn et al., 2004). The cells involved in the formation of
significantly to the inactive stage of hydatid disease, with Th2
the periparasitic granuloma are mainly macrophages, myo-
lymphocytes being more important in the active and transi-
fibroblasts and T lymphocytes. In patients with abortive or
tional stages. This group (Rigano et al., 1995) had previously
dead lesions, a large number of CD4(1) T lymphocytes are
shown that, in human subjects undergoing pharmacological
present, whereas patients with active metacestodes display a
treatment with albendazole/mebendazole, a Th1 cytokine
significant increase in activation of predominantly CD8(1)
profile, rather than a Th2 profile, typically dominates,
T cells (Manfras et al., 2002), indicating that CD4(1) T cells
indicating that Th1 responses have a role in the process of
play a role in the killing mechanism. This is supported by
cyst degeneration. An increased Th1-type cytokine IFN-g
mouse experiments undertaken by Dai et al. (2004), who
response has been suggested as a marker for monitoring AE
infected mice with E. multilocularis of different genetic
patient treatment (Dvoroznakova et al., 2004), whereas
backgrounds including micro MT, nude, T-cell receptor
measurement of serum IL-4 may be a useful marker for the
follow up of patients with CE (Rigano et al., 1999).
(MHC)-I( À / À ) and MHC-II( À / À ) mice and found that
Ultrasound can be used to classify cysts into different
at 2 months post-infection, the parasite mass was more than
clinical types according to the progression of cyst status
10 times higher in nude, TCR-b( À / À ) and MHC-II
(Wang et al., 2003). There are no data showing cytokine
( À / À ) mice than in infected C57BL/6 wild-type (WT)
profiles associated with these cyst categories and this is
mice; furthermore these T-cell-deficient mice started to die
clearly an area for future study. One aspect that is likely to
of the high parasite load at this time-point. In contrast,
be important is the influence of CD41 T-helper lympho-
MHC-I( À / À ) and micro MT mice exhibited parasite
cytes on the control of such immunological mechanisms as
growth rates similar to those found in WT controls. These
they may impact on treatment (Vuitton, 2004). Self-cure is
findings clearly point to the major role that CD4(1) ab(1)
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Advances in immunology and diagnosis of echinococcosis
T cells play in limiting E. multilocularis proliferation, while
parallels the production of TNF-a (Shi et al., 2003) indicat-
CD8(1) T and B cells appeared to play a minor role in the
ing that NO levels are enhanced by this cytokine. Antigens in
control of parasite growth. In the absence of T cells,
the laminated-layer of the cyst decrease NO production in
especially CD4(1) or ab(1) T cells, the cellular immune
vitro, indicating that E. multilocularis produces molecules
response to infection was decreased which resulted in the
that can modulate the host immune responses (Andrade
lack of hepatic granuloma formation around the parasite. In
addition, in T-cell-deficient mice, the expression of IFN-g
Antibody levels were shown to be low early on in murine
and other inflammatory cytokines (except for interleukin-6)
(BALB/c) E. multilocularis infection but the levels of IgG1
were increased in association with a high parasite load.
and IgG3 increased significantly 8 weeks after challenge, and
Thus, the relative protection mediated by CD4(1) ab(1)
remained elevated throughout the 25 week period of ob-
T cells against E. multilocularis infection seems not to be
servation (Shi et al., 2003). The production of IL-2R and
IFN-g dependent, but rather relies on the effector functions
TNF-a by spleen cells from infected mice stimulated with
of CD4(1) ab(1) T cells (Dai et al., 2004).
EmAg also increased significantly 8 weeks after infection,
The precise role that each of the cytokines play in fibrosis
while IL-2R sharply decreased after 12 weeks of infection.
and development of AE lesions remains to be determined.
During the period of 2–12 weeks after infection there was an
Nevertheless, pretreatment of mice with interleukin (IL)-12
increase in IL-1 secretion. The levels of IL-1 and TNF-a
was extremely efficient in preventing the development of
rapidly increased during the 16 weeks postinfection. A high
lesions and led to abortive parasitic vesicles surrounded by
level of IFN-g was detected during the period of observa-
fully efficient periparasitic immune cell infiltration and
tion, and showed a peak at 12 weeks. These data indicate, as
fibrosis (Emery et al., 1998). Also, 75% of mice treated with
for E. granulosus, that Th1 is the major response in the early
IFN-a-2a had no hepatic lesions and half were fully pro-
stage of infection, which is replaced by a Th2 response in the
tected. IFN-a-2a treatment markedly decreased the abnor-
mally elevated production of IL-10 in both spleen cell
Extracts from metacestodes of E. multilocularis cause
cultures and peritoneal macrophage cultures from infected
basophil degranulation, as well as the secretion of histamine,
mice and restored phagocytosis and oxidative metabolism of
IL-4 and IL-13, in a dose-dependent manner. IgE stripping
macrophages. The treatment also inhibited IL-6 and IL-13
and resensitization of basophils indicating that the mechan-
antigen-induced secretions in spleen cell cultures (Godot
ism of IL-4 induction requires the presence of IgE on the
et al., 2003) and may be useful for treatment of AE patients;
cells (Aumuller et al., 2004). Echinococcus multilocularis may
how these two Th1 cytokines may impact on the progression
thus induce a Th2 response in their hosts by the induction of
of AE is unknown but they likely act via inhibition of Th2
responses. IL-13 has clearly been shown to be a major factorin granuloma formation and the resulting fibrosis in schis-
tosomal infection in the mouse model (Pearce & Mac-
The life-cycles of E. granulosus and E. multilocularis include
Donald, 2002), but there are no similar studies aimed at
two hosts: an intermediate and a definitive host. Effective CE
determining the role this cytokine plays in the hepatic
control programs show that the prevention of transmission
to either host can reduce or even eliminate the infection in
Echinococcus multilocularis vesicle antigens have been
human and livestock populations. Therefore, if either or
shown to induce pro-inflammatory, regulatory and chemo-
both hosts can be vaccinated, the effect will be to improve
kine release by PBMC from patients (Eger et al., 2003). The
and more rapidly expedite control. The sylvatic nature of the
pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1b and IL-18 were reduced
lifecycle of E. multilocularis makes a vaccination approach to
in echinococcosis patients; regulatory IL-10 was similar, but
parasite vesicle-induced IL-8 was dominant and clearlyelevated in patients. Such selective and opposite dynamics
of inflammatory cytokines and chemokine release mayprevent overwhelming and pathogenic inflammation, and
Substantial progress has been made towards developing a
constitute an appropriate response for attraction of effector
practical, recombinant vaccine (EG95) for use against
cells into the periparasitic tissues with the capacity to limit
E. granulosus in sheep (Gauci et al., 2005). The EG95
E. multilocularis metacestode proliferation and dissemina-
vaccine, cloned from the oncosphere, produces high levels
of protection in terms of the reduction in the numbers of
The production of nitric oxide (NO) by intraperitoneal
hydatid cysts in sheep, goats and cattle following experi-
macrophages of mice during secondary infection with E.
mental challenge in a number of countries, and natural
multilocularis mediates immunosuppression at the early and
challenge of sheep in China (Lightowlers & Heath, 2004).
late stages of infection (Dai et al., 2003). NO production
First described nearly a decade ago, the EG95 vaccine has,
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
however, yet to be introduced as part of any government-
in the past two decades. As the major definitive hosts for E.
supported control program in areas endemic for hydatid
granulosus, dogs play a pivotal role in the transmission of
disease. Economic and political factors will likely impede the
hydatid disease. Interruption of the parasite life cycle in the
large-scale use of the vaccine (Gauci et al., 2005). Further
dog host can provides a very acceptable and cost-effective
developments in recombinant protein production and in
complementary method for control by vaccination as there
delivery of the EG95 vaccine may make it more amenable to
are far fewer dogs than sheep on farms so that fewer animals
widespread use. In this context, a commercial process was
need vaccination and less vaccine doses would be necessary.
recently described for producing the recombinant vaccine in
The fact that old animals have a lower abundance and/or
E. coli (Manderson et al., 2005). Furthermore, Marsland
prevalence rates of E. granulosus compared with young dogs
et al. (2003) described the construction of a recombinant orf
(Lahmar et al., 2001; Torgerson et al., 2003; Budke et al.,
(Parapoxvirus) virus expressing EG95 levels comparable to
2005; Buishi et al., 2005; Moro et al., 2005) provides
that achieved by a similar vaccinia virus recombinant. This
epidemiological evidence that canines may become resistant
recombinant virus will be a valuable tool with which to
to reinfection in nature. Similar results have been described
assess the potential of recombinant orf viruses to deliver
with E. multilocularis in naturally infected foxes (Hofer
vaccine antigens to sheep. If the virus can pass vertically
et al., 2000; Yimam et al., 2002; Losson et al., 2003). A
from one generation to another, this would be a major step
mathematical model has indicated that there is significant
forward in the use of EG95 for the control of hydatid disease
herd immunity in dogs under a relatively high infection
Recent research indicates that the EG95 encoding gene
It was found that when dogs were infected with
belongs to a gene family of at least seven related genes, that
E. granulosus, local and systemic specific antibodies and
at least some of the proteins encoded by the eg95 gene family
cellular responses were raised (Carmena et al., 2004, 2005;
are expressed in other stages (immature and mature adult
Moreno et al., 2004). While there was no relationship
worms, protoscoleces) as well as in the oncosphere (Zhang
between serum IgA responses and parasite burden at the
et al., 2003b; Chow et al., 2004; Gauci et al., 2005). As
end of the infection, an inverse association of antiparasite
described earlier, E. granulosus exhibits extensive strain
IgE and parasite load appeared to exist. No differences were
variation, and variability of the eg95 gene in different isolates
observed in the numbers of intestinal mast cells and goblet
of E. granulosus may directly impact the effectiveness of the
cells among all infected dogs (Moreno et al., 2004). Dogs
EG95-based vaccine. Analysis of the eg95 gene family from
infected with E. multilocularis also produced specific anti-
E. granulosus collected in Xinjiang, in northwest China,
bodies and T-cell responses to parasite antigens, although
where hydatid disease is hyperendemic, showed the eg95 gene
some modification of lymphocyte responses was apparent
family was shown to comprise two basic cDNA sequence
(Kato et al., 2005a), a situation also prevailing in the
types but very limited sequence variation was evident in the
Mongolian gerbil, a prednisolone-untreated rodent defini-
EG95 protein from oncospheres (Zhang et al., 2003b). This
tive host model (Kato et al., 2005b).
high degree of sequence conservation predicts that the
In order to identify genes expressed only in mature adult
vaccine will continue to be effective in China and elsewhere,
worms that may encode targets for inhibiting egg produc-
although this needs to be fully substantiated, particularly
tion, thus forming the basis for developing a transmission
should failures of the EG95 vaccine occur in the future.
blocking vaccine applicable to dogs, differences in mRNA
A protein containing characteristic fibronectin III do-
expression between immature adult worms and mature
mains, related to EM95 (a homologue of EG95), that can
adult worms of E. granulosus were determined using poly-
induce significant levels of protection against challenge
merase chain reaction-based differential display (DDRT-
infection with E. multilocularis eggs in mice, has been
PCR) (Zhang et al., 2003c). As a result, examination of the
identified in E. multilocularis (Merckelbach et al., 2003).
deduced amino acid sequence of three of the corresponding
Another recombinant E. multilocularis molecule, the 14–3–3
complimentary DNAs (cDNAs) (egM4, egM9 and egM123)
protein, elicited a high degree of protection (97%) against a
indicated they were cysteine-rich and contained a 24 amino
primary egg challenge infection but no protection against
acid repeat sequence, repeated four to six times. The repeat
secondary infection in vaccinated mice (Siles-Lucas et al.,
regions were predominantly a helical in nature with inter-
2003); the results suggest the protective mechanisms were
spersed turns, forming alternating zones of positive and
effective only against the oncosphere.
negative charge. The functional significance of each of thecDNAs identified was unclear as none had significantsequence similarity to genes of known function. Never-
theless, polypeptides encoded by egM4 and egM123 were
In comparison with intermediate hosts of Echinococcus,
recognized by antibodies in a serum pool from dogs
immunization of canines has received very little attention
experimentally infected with E. granulosus, suggesting they
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Advances in immunology and diagnosis of echinococcosis
could prove of value in serodiagnosis of definitive hosts. In
exhibiting the requisite specificity and sensitivity is ever
addition, pilot vaccine/challenge experiments in dogs with
proteins encoded by egM4, egM9 and egM123 showed
The lipoproteins antigen B (AgB) and antigen 5 (Ag5),
encouraging results in terms of reduced egg production
the major components of hydatid cyst fluid (HCF), have
(Zhang, 2003), suggesting they may prove of value as
been the two molecules that have received wide attention in
components of a vaccine effective in the definitive host.
regards to diagnosis. Along with HCF, they are the mostwidely used antigens in current assays for immunodiagnosisof CE. Both antigens have been well characterized by
immunoblotting and/or by immunoprecipitation of radi-
Early diagnosis of CE and AE can provide significant
olabeled antigen and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacryl-
improvements in the quality of the management and treat-
amide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Although AgB and
ment of both diseases. In most cases, the early stages of
Ag5 have proved to be diagnostically valuable, there are
infection are asymptomatic, so methods that are relatively
difficulties related to their lack of sensitivity and specificity
easy to use and that are cheap are required for large-scale
and problems with the standardization of their use. Cross-
epidemiological surveillance of populations at high risk.
reactivity with antigens from other parasites, notably other
Immunodiagnosis provides such an approach and can,
taeniid cestodes, is a major problem.
additionally, confirm clinical findings. The definitive diag-nosis for most human cases of CE is by physical imaging
methods, such as radiology, ultrasonography, computedaxial tomography (CT scanning) and magnetic resonance
Antigen B is a polymeric lipoprotein with a molecular
imaging although such procedures are often not readily
weight of 120 kDa. It can be measured in patient blood as
available in isolated communities. Immunodiagnosis can
circulating antigen and it has been suggested that AgB has an
also play an important complementary role. It is useful not
important role in the biology of the parasite and its relation-
only in primary diagnosis but also for follow-up of patients
ship with the host. AgB is a highly immunogenic molecule, a
after surgical or pharmacological treatment. Additional
characteristic that underpins its value in serodiagnosis. It
advantages of immunodiagnosis include screening of large
appears ladder-like under reduced condition on SDS-PAGE
populations in communities from endemic areas, rapid
with three bands (subunits AgB1, AgB2 and AgB3) with
testing of individuals in remote areas where imaging equip-
molecular sizes of approximately 8 or 12, 16 and 24 kDa,
ment may not be readily available, for follow-up monitoring
suggestive that it comprises polymers of 8 kDa subunits. The
of subjects in endemic areas, and for confirmation of CE or
smallest subunit has proved the most useful target in
AE cases when physical imaging does not provide a defini-
diagnostic studies. A possible new AgB subunit (AgB4) was
tive diagnosis (see Qaqish et al., 2003; Hernandez et al.,
recently identified (Arend et al., 2004) and recent work
2005). Immunodiagnosis can also play a major role in the
shows that AgB is encoded by a multigene family (Haag
detection of AE infection, which is very important for early
et al., 2006). Furthermore, AgB presents homology to, and
commencement or treatment, because of the high associated
shares apparent structural similarities with, helix-rich hy-
drophobic ligand binding proteins (HLBPs) from othercestodes, and has fatty acid binding properties (Chemaleet al., 2005).
Two residues in the AgB sequence are critical for diagnosis
The detection of circulating Echinococcus granulosus anti-
(Gonzalez-Sapienza & Cachau, 2003). The N-terminal ex-
gens in sera is less sensitive than antibody detection, which
tension of the major subunit of AgB concentrates the
remains the method of choice. CE serology has a very long
immunoreactive B-cell epitopes of the native molecule. The
history and almost all serological tests that have been
nature of this immunodominance was analyzed using four
developed have been used in the diagnosis of human cases.
monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) defining overlapping epi-
There are considerable differences between the various tests,
topes in this region of the AgB molecule. The minimal
both in specificity and sensitivity. As the sensitivity of a test
epitope requirements of these mAbs were determined using
increases, so generally does the demand for improved
phage display peptide libraries. The consensus sequences
antigens in order that sufficient specificity can be achieved
isolated with the mAbs, and alanine replacement analysis
to take advantage of the greater sensitivity. An optimum test
with synthetic peptides mapped the relevant molecular
should be specific with high sensitivity. Insensitive tests have
contacts within a short stretch corresponding to residues
been replaced by the ELISA and immunoblotting (IB) in
17–24 of the AgB major subunit. Substitution of two critical
routine laboratory applications (see, e.g. Nasrieh & Abdel-
residues within this stretch produced a dramatic loss of
Hafez, 2004) although the choice of diagnostic antigens
antigenicity, as determined using patient sera.
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
To date, several AgB cDNAs have been cloned, expressed
the Ag5 gene by reverse transcription-PCR on the basis of
as recombinant proteins and used for diagnosis; in addition,
the amino acid sequences of tryptic fragments. The nucleo-
a number of AgB peptides have been synthesized and used in
tide sequence indicated that Ag5 is synthesized as a single
ELISA for diagnostic purposes. Peptide antigens have been
polypeptide chain that is afterwards processed into single
considered as a way to enhance specificity and efforts have
disulphide-bridged 22 and 38 kDa subunits. Whereas the
been made to define discrete epitopes of AgB and other
22-kDa component contains a highly conserved glycosami-
molecules that could be mimicked by synthetic peptides.
noglycan-binding motif that may help to confine Ag5 in the
Two of the recombinant subunit components (rAgB8/1 and
host tissue surrounding the parasite, the 38 kDa subunit is
rAgB8/2) of AgB have been used widely in diagnosis.
closely related to serine proteases of the trypsin family
Virginio et al. (2003) showed that, of six purified recombi-
(Lorenzo et al., 2003a). However, neither proteolytic activity
nant proteins tested in ELISA for specific IgG with a panel of
nor binding to protease inhibitors could be detected using
sera from patients with surgically confirmed or immunolo-
native purified Ag5. Thus it may be possible that Ag5
gically diagnosed CE, AgB8/2 provided the highest diagno-
possesses a highly specific physiological substrate or, more
stic sensitivity (93.1%) and specificity (99.5%). Further-
likely, that trypsin-like folding has been recruited to fulfil
more, different IgG isotypes showed dominance in the
novel functions. Subsequently, this group (Lorenzo et al.,
response for each of the recombinant antigens. There was a
2005) prepared two recombinant forms of the antigen,
clear predominance of IgG4 response for all antigens tested,
namely, rAg5 (corresponding to the unprocessed polypep-
indicating that this would be the subclass of choice to be
tide chain of the antigen) and rAg5–38s (corresponding to
assessed for these, and possibly other, recombinant proteins.
its 38 kDa subunit). Their antigenicities were compared to
The detection by immunoblotting of antibodies specific for
that of the native antigen using a human serum collection.
the 8 kDa subunit of antigen B and in particular the IgG4
There was a major drop in the reactivity of the sera,
subclass expression, has also been advocated by Siracusano
particularly against rAg5–38s, which was confirmed by
et al. (2004) as a promising serodiagnostic tool.
analysis of the cross-reactivity of two panels of monoclonal
To compare variability between laboratories, six South
antibodies specific for rAg5–38s and the native antigen.
American groups double-blind tested six antigens against
Using the chemically deglycosylated native antigen, these
the same serum collection (Lorenzo et al., 2005). High inter-
authors demonstrated that the reduced antigenicity of the
center reproducibility was attained and the results showed
recombinants was due to the loss of the sugar determinants,
that HCF, native AgB and its recombinant AgB8/1 subunit
and not to their misfolding. Inhibition experiments using
had almost the same efficiency at 81.4, 81.3 and 81.9%,
phosphorylcholine confirmed that this moiety also contri-
respectively, with the diagnostic efficiencies for an AgB-
butes to the reactivity of the antigen, but to a much lesser
derived synthetic peptide peptide, the recombinant AgB8/2
extent. The presence of immunodominant highly cross-
subunit, and recombinant cytosolic malate dehydrogenase
reactive glycan moieties in the Ag5 molecule may involve a
from E. granulosus (EgMDH) being less efficient at 76.8,
parasite evasion mechanism, as was earlier shown for AgB
69.1 and 66.8%, respectively. Different regional batch pre-
parations of HCF yielded different diagnostic performances
Studies by Mahmoud & Abou Gamra (2004) have shown
but the group recommended that recombinant AgB should
that a purified alkaline phosphatase (EgAP) extracted from
be used as the standard antigen in laboratory analysis.
E. granulosus hydatid cyst membranes possesses exceptional
Using a novel approach, Chen et al. (2003) generated a
diagnostic characteristics with 100% specificity without any
genetically engineered antibody against recombinant AgB
decrease in sensitivity (100%) with significant potential for
that may have potential implications in immunological
use in routine diagnosis and follow-up of CE patients. This
treatment and drug targeting delivery.
mirrors the diagnostic value previously shown for purifiedalkaline phosphatase (pAP) from E. multilocularis metaces-todes (see Zhang et al., 2003a).
There have been few studies on Ag5 in recent years. Ag5 is a
very high molecular weight (c. 400 kDa) lipoprotein com-
plex composed of 57 and 67 kDa components that underreducing conditions dissociate into 38 and 22–24 kDa sub-
In a significant advance, Li et al. (2003) used a pool of serum
units. Historically, one of the most used immunodiagnostic
samples from mice infected with oncospheres (eggs) of E.
procedures for CE was the demonstration of serum anti-
granulosus to screen a cDNA library constructed with RNA
bodies precipitating antigen 5 (arc 5) by immunoelectro-
extracted from protoscolex larvae from sheep hydatid cysts.
phoresis or similar techniques. Although they did not carry
One immunoreactive clone, designated EpC1, was shown to
out any serodiagnostic studies, Lorenzo et al. (2003a) cloned
encode a protein of 76 residues. The cDNA fragment was
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
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Advances in immunology and diagnosis of echinococcosis
subcloned into an expression vector, pET-41b(1), and the
other parasite infection sera using camel hydatid cyst fluid as
resulting recombinant EpC1 glutathione S-transferase
antigen (Al-Sherbiny et al., 2004). Since the dipstick assay is
(GST) fusion protein (rEpC1–GST) was expressed in Escher-
extremely easy to perform with a visually interpreted result
ichia coli and was affinity purified against the GST tag.
within 15 min, in addition to being both sensitive and
Immunoglobulin G was the dominant antibody isotype
specific, the test could be an acceptable alternative for use
generated against rEpC1–GST. A total of 896 human serum
in clinical laboratories lacking specialized equipment and
samples were used to evaluate the diagnostic sensitivity and
the technological expertise needed for western blotting or
specificity of the fusion protein by immunoglobulin G
immunoblotting; 324 serum samples from patients withCE, 172 from patients with neurocysticercosis, 89 frompatients with alveolar echinococcosis, and 241 from patients
Application of serodiagnosis for evaluation of
with other infections or clinical presentations, as well as 70
from confirmed-negative control subjects, yielded an overall
An important area for study is the evaluation of the
sensitivity of 92.2% and an overall specificity of 95.6%. The
diagnostic potential of serodiagnostic procedures in the
combined levels of sensitivity and specificity achieved with
field. Qaqish et al. (2003) used ELISA to determine the
the rEpC1-GST fusion protein for diagnosis of CE were
seroprevalence of CE in different communities in Jordan.
unprecedented, taking into account the large panel of serum
The rural-agricultural subjects were significantly more likely
to be seropositive (11.4%) than the semi-Bedouin (5.0%) or
In addition to testing recombinant antigen B subunits,
Virginio et al. (2003) assessed the diagnostic potential in
In another study, Hernandez et al. (2005) screened
ELISA of a cytosolic isoform of malate dehydrogenase
villagers in an area with high prevalence of CE in rural
(EgcMDH), an EF-hand calcium-binding protein (Eg-
Tacuarembo, Uruguay. The correlation between serological
CaBP2), and a full-length (EgAFFPf) and a truncated form
data and the incidence of risk factors carried out on 480
(EgAFFPt, aa 261370) of an actin filament fragmenting
individuals who were examined by means of abdominal
protein. These recombinant antigens yielded sensitivities
sonography (local prevalence = 0.8%). Serum samples (305)
between 58.6 and 89.7%, and three of them were considered
were analysed by ELISA to determine specific IgG against
crude antigens from E. granulosus. A total of 27 individuals
Purified recombinant thioredoxin peroxidase of E. gran-
exhibiting no detectable changes in abdominal sonographic
ulosus (TPxEg) was used to screen sera from heavily infected
examination were found to be seropositive (‘ultrasound
mice and patients with confirmed hydatid infection. Only a
normal group’). Of these individuals, nine were seroreactive
portion of the sera reacted positively with the EgTPx-GST
against purified AgB. A significant degree of correlation was
fusion protein in Western blots (69.3% specificity and 39%
found between seroreactivity and the incidence of some risk
sensitivity with human sera), suggesting that EgTPx may
factors (CE antecedent in the family, P o 0.005 and use of
form antibody-antigen complexes or that responses to the
rural water, P o 0.0001) among this group. Follow-up of
EgTPx antigen may be immunologically regulated (Li et al.,
individuals of the ‘ultrasound normal group’ was carried out
after 2 years to evaluate the implications of this serological
A dipstick assay has been developed that exhibited 100%
reactivity. No predictive value for cyst development was
sensitivity and 91.4% specificity with 26 CE sera and 35
assessed with complementary image study; in contrast
Table 1. Performance comparison of recombinant EpC1-GST protein with native hydatid cyst fluid antigen B (HCF-AgB) for human cysticechinococcosis (CE) serodiagnosis by immunoblotting (data summarized from Li et al. 2003, 2004)
ÃPartially tested. CE, cystic echinococcosis; AE, alveolar echinococcosis; NCC, neurocysticercosis.
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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transient antibodies were observed with both crude and
In order to address this issue, Lawn et al. (2004) investi-
purified antigen as approximately 60% of individuals be-
gated whether concentrations of CE-specific IgG subclasses
came negative when re-sampled. This study showed that
1–4 in ELISA using crude horse hydatid cyst fluid as an
serodiagnostic data can prove useful for evaluating the
antigen correlated better with disease activity than total IgG.
They studied a cohort of patients with symptomatic CE
Deutz et al. (2003) investigated the seroprevalence of a
treated with anthelminthic drugs and surgery and who were
range of zoonotic pathogens, including E. granulosus and E.
followed up clinically and radiologically for several years
multilocularis, in hunters originating from the south-eastern
(Lawn et al., 2004). Changes in concentrations of antibodies
Austrian federal states of Styria and Burgenland, and
were correlated with clinical and radiologic outcome. At
compared the results with other predisposed occupational
diagnosis, concentrations of CE-specific total IgG, IgG1 and
groups. The high seroprevalences for CE and AE, in addition
IgG2 antibodies were significantly elevated in a greater
to several other pathogens, demonstrated that hunters are
proportion of patients compared with IgG3 and IgG4
particularly exposed to zoonotic pathogens, which is per-
antibodies. The fact that using cyst fluid antigen rather
haps not surprising giving their occupation and lifestyle
than purified antigen (AgB or Ag5) yielded better responses
could be that crude antigens enhance detection ofsubclass antibodies with different antigen specificities withIgG2 antibodies being most sensitive. Importantly, during
post-treatment follow up, the IgG2 antibody response
Despite the development of sensitive and specific techni-
provided the best correlate of disease activity, with serum
ques, such as immunoblotting and ELISA, the immunodiag-
concentrations of CE-specific antibodies showing that IgG2
nosis of CE in clinical practice and population studies
correlated most strongly with clinical outcome (Lawn et al.,
remains a complex task and three major problems still
remain. The first problem is that most available screeningtests give a high percentage of false negative results which
Immunodiagnosis of CE in animal intermediate
can be as much as 50% with sera taken from communities in
population surveys (Moro et al., 2005). To explore possiblefactors associated with false negative antibody response in
In comparison with investigations in humans, relatively
immunodiagnosis of CE patients, Xu et al. (2002) deter-
little research has been directed toward the development of
mined IgG subclasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4) and IgA,
immunodiagnostic techniques for E. granulosus infection in
IgM and IgE in the sera of individuals with a negative total
domesticated animals such as sheep and cattle. Currently,
IgG response; they concluded that the seronegative response
diagnosis of CE in intermediate hosts is based mainly on
of total IgG in CE patients might be due to low levels of
necropsy procedures. Accurate serological diagnosis of CE
specific IgG, variant Ig antibody expression and/or forma-
infection in livestock is difficult due to serological cross-
tion of circulating immune complexes, and that the com-
reactions with several other species of taeniid cestodes
bined detection of IgG11IgA1IgM could enhance the
including Taenia hydatigena and Taenia ovis. Furthermore,
sensitivity of serological tests in CE patients (Xu et al., 2002).
natural intermediate host animals produce very poor anti-
The second issue relates to putative false positive reac-
body responses to infection compared with the relatively
tions, the causes for which may be very complex. Cross-
high levels of specific antibody seen in human infection. In
reactivity with antibodies from other infections may be one
sheep, the principal intermediate host of E. granulosus in
reason for this false-positivity, but it may also be due to the
most endemic regions of the world, antibodies to various
fact that CE antibodies can remain in serum for long periods
antigens including antigen 5 are detectable in the sera of
following surgical removal or effective drug treatment of
some, but not all infected sheep (‘nonresponders’). As with
cysts, or even if the infection self-cures as discussed earlier.
human CE, the detection of circulating antigen does not
The third problem is how to distinguish active or
appear to be useful for diagnostic purposes.
progressive cases of echinococcosis from cured individuals.
Ibrahem et al. (2002) used AgB, partially purified from
It has been shown in a number of studies that IgG, especially
hydatid cyst fluid from camels or sheep, and a recombinant
IgG1 and IgG4, can remain circulating in the human blood
form of AgB (r-AgB) in an ELISA, to screen panels of serum
system for more than 5 years (Bulut et al., 2001; Li et al.,
samples from slaughtered camels and sheep naturally in-
2003; Nasrieh & Abdel-Hafez, 2004), with IgA and IgM also
fected with CE (Ibrahem et al., 2002). Seroreactivity, how-
detectable in serum 3 years after surgical cyst removal (Doiz
ever, was variable. Native AgB gave the highest sensitivity
et al., 2002). In addition, significantly high levels of specific
(97%) in ELISA for camel CE. In contrast, r-AgB gave lower
IgE serum antibodies determined by ELISA were still detect-
sensitivity for camel (84%) and sheep (28%) CE. The r-AgB-
able one year after surgery (Bulut et al., 2001).
ELISA was, however, highly specific, yielding 90 and 95%
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
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Advances in immunology and diagnosis of echinococcosis
specificity, respectively, for natural camel and sheep CE
emphasized earlier, AE is a very serious disease with a high
fatality rate, so early detection is paramount in order that
Kittelberger et al. (2002) carried out a very extensive
successful management and treatment can commence.
study aimed at developing an immunological method for
Em2, a species-specific native antigen isolated from the
the identification of sheep infected with E. granulosus which
metacestode of E. multilocularis (Gottstein, 1992) has been
would allow the monitoring of animals imported into
used successfully over a long period for immunodiagnosis of
countries free from hydatidosis, and as an aid to countries
human AE; the sensitivities of Em2 with ELISA vary
where control schemes for the disease are in operation.
depending upon the geographical origin of the patient,
Three ELISAs were developed and validated, using as anti-
ranging between 77 and 92%. In addition, serology for
gen purified 8 kDa AgB hydatid cyst fluid protein (8kDaE-
antibodies against the Em2 antigen have been shown to be
LISA), recombinant EG95 oncosphere protein (OncELISA)
a useful method for identifying animals including cynomol-
or a crude protoscolex preparation (ProtELISA). Sera used
gus mokeys (Macaca fascicularis) (Bacciarini et al., 2004;
for the assay validations were obtained from 249 sheep that
Rehmann et al., 2005) and lowland gorillas (Gorilla g.
were infected either naturally or experimentally with E.
gorilla) (Rehmann et al., 2003) that might be infected
granulosus and from 1012 non-infected sheep. The highest
with E. multilocularis and are therefore at risk of developing
diagnostic sensitivity was obtained using the ProtELISA at
62.7 and 51.4%, depending on the cut-off. Assay sensitivities
The Em2plus ELISA, a combination of Em2 with a
were lower for the 8kDaELISA and the OncELISA. Diag-
recombinant protein designated II/3–10 (also termed
nostic specificities were high, ranging from 95.8 to 99.5%,
EM10), increased the sensitivity to 97% (Gottstein et al.,
depending on the ELISA type and cut-off level chosen. A few
1993). The Em2plus assay exhibits cross-reaction with CE
sera from 39 sheep infected with T. hydatigena and from 19
(in 25.8% of cases) which is higher than the individual Em2
sheep infected with T. ovis were recorded as positive.
(5.6%) and 11/3–10 (6.5%), but limited cross-reactivity
Western immunoblot analysis revealed that the dominant
with other diseases. The Em2plus-ELISA has been commer-
antigenic components in the crude protoscolex antigen
cialized for clinical diagnosis of AE and for population
preparation were macromolecules of about 70–150 kDa,
most likely representing polysaccharides. This study demon-
EM10 (Em II/3–10) shares almost complete identity to
strated that the ProtELISA was the most effective immuno-
the E. granulosus protein sequences EG10 and EGII.3 (Sako
logical method of those assessed for detection of infection
et al., 2002). Although the two species have similar se-
with E. granulosus in sheep. Because of its limited diagnostic
quences, recombinant EM10 protein showed very high
sensitivity of about 50–60%, the assay would be useful for
specificity to distinguish AE infection from CE infection in
the detection of the presence of infected sheep on a flock
human patients. It is not clear why these homologous
basis but not for reliable identification of individual animals
molecules exhibited such a different pattern of sero-recogni-
infected with E. granulosus (Kittelberger et al., 2002).
tion. Sako et al. (2002) suggested that EG10 may be
In a later study, Simsek & Koroglu (2004) investigated the
expressed at a very low level in larval E. granulosus, but it
antigenic characteristics of hydatid cyst fluid in sheep by
may equally be that the transcription of EG10 is low or
SDS-PAGE to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of HCF-
silenced. An 18 kDa antigen (Em18) from protoscoleces of
ELISA and immunoblotting for diagnosis of sheep hydati-
AE was reported as being a highly species-specific (96.8%)
dosis. One band with a molecular weight of 116 kDa showed
and sensitive (97%) antigen with potential not only for
88% sensitivity and 84% specificity in the immunoblot
differentiation of AE from either CE or other helminth
assay. Sensitivity (60%) was less but specificity was higher
infections, but also for differentiation of active from inactive
(94%) with the HCF-ELISA (Simsek & Koroglu, 2004).
AE (Ito et al., 1995; Akira, 1997). Subsequently, EM18 wasshown to be a fragment of the C-terminal of EM10 and therecombinant protein was recognized by 87.1 and 90.3% of
31 serum samples from AE patients in ELISA and immuno-
The diagnosis of AE is based on similar findings and criteria
blotting, respectively (Sako et al., 2002). Recombinant
as in CE. These include case history, clinical findings,
Em18-ELISA andEm18-immunoblot assays have proved
morphological lesions identified by imaging techniques,
invaluable for differentiating AE from CE infection (Ito
PCR or immunofluorescence/immunohistochemistry, and
et al., 2002), the former also being useful for evaluating the
immunodiagnosis. Like CE, serodiagnosis of alveolar echi-
efficacy of treatment in patients with AE (Fujimoto et al.,
nococcosis provides a complementary role to other proce-
2005). Epitope mapping indicated that the part of the
dures in early detection of the infection. The methods are
ReEm18 antigen sequence necessary for AE diagnosis occurs
similar to those used for CE but serological tests for anti-
in the N-terminal half to two-thirds of the entire sequence
body detection are generally more reliable. As we have
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Full-length cDNA and genomic DNA encoding an 8-kDa
in faeces. Overall, the available ELISA-based methods for
subunit of antigen B from E. multilocularis (designated
detection of circulating antibodies in canines have poor
EmAgB8/1) were isolated from an E. multilocularis metaces-
sensitivity, specificity is unclear and there is no correlation
tode cDNA library and a protoscolex genomic DNA library,
with worm burden so their usefulness, other than in
respectively (Mamuti et al., 2004). Reverse transcription-
population-based studies of canine hosts, is questionable
PCR analysis revealed that the clone encoding EmAgB8/1 is
predominantly transcribed in larval E. multilocularis. The
Much more success has been achieved using the other
mature form was expressed in Escherichia coli, and its
major approach to immunological diagnosis of Echinococcus
antigenic reactivity was compared with that its counterpart
infection in the definitive host by detection of adult worm
8 kDa subunit of E. granulosus AgB (EgAgB8/1), by Western
products in faeces using sandwich ELISA methodology and
blotting and ELISA with serum samples from patients
this technique has been widely used with successful detec-
confirmed to have CE and AE. The sensitivity of EmAgB8/1
tion of E. granulosus and E. multilocularis (Lopera et al.,
was comparable to that of EgAgB8/1 for the serodiagnosis of
2003; Sanchez Thevenet et al., 2003; Benito & Carmena,
echinococcosis. It is noteworthy that there was no cross-
2005; Cavagion et al., 2005; Moro et al., 2005; Reiterova
reaction with sera from patients with cysticercosis, which
et al., 2005). Although these tests for diagnosis of canine
often cross-react when native antigens are used for serodiag-
echinococcosis provide high specificity and sensitivity, little
is known of the characteristics of antigenic molecules
Direct detection or amplification of E. multilocularis
present in faeces from infected animals. While initial
nucleic acids in clinical samples is also considered useful
attempts to determine the molecular weights of E. granulo-
for the primary diagnostic identification of parasite materi-
sus coproantigens by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting with
als in biological specimens resected or biopsied from
coproantigen reactive capture antibodies were equivocal,
patients, and also for the assessment of the viability of
they suggested the presence of a significant carbohydrate
parasite samples after chemotherapy or other treatment.
component. Elayoubi et al. used SDS-PAGE and western
Infections of humans with E. multilocularis, have been
blot to show that the coproantigens are highly glycosyl-
described with increasing frequency in Poland since 1994.
ated and contain b-galactose and N-acetyl-b-glucosamine
In the attempt to verify these reports, specimens were
(Elayoubi et al., 2003). Subsequently, supernatants prepared
obtained from a group of Polish patients (Myjak et al.,
from E. granulosus-infected dog faecal samples and fractio-
2003). Liver lesions in patients with AE, diagnosed on the
nated by size-exclusion fast protein liquid chromatography
basis of results of histological and serological tests, were
(FPLC) showed that the antigens are large molecular weight
shown, by the presence of specific microsatellite sequences
molecules that may be derived from the carbohydrate-rich
and mitochondrial 12S rDNA, to contain E. multilocularis
surface glycocalyx of adult worms, and are shed, released or
DNA. These data provided unequivocal proof that human
secreted during the life-span of the tapeworm (Elayoubi &
infections with E. multilocularis occur in Poland. PCR-
amplification of specific E. multilocularis DNA has proved
Copro-antigen detection allows in vitam diagnosis of
useful also for helping to diagnose unambiguously AE
Echinococcus infections but, as well, several PCR-based
infection in monkeys (Bacciarini et al., 2004).
protocols have been developed that allow identification ofEchinococcus DNA from eggs or from adult parasites. Theseprovide a highly complementary approach for positive and
Diagnosis of echinococcosis in definitive hosts
highly specific diagnosis of canines infected with E. granulo-
The detection of Echinococcus infections in canines is
sus and E. multilocularis (Cabrera et al., 2002; Abbasi et al.,
important for epidemiological surveillance and evaluation
2003; Deplazes et al., 2003; Casulli et al., 2004, 2005; Stefanic
of echinococcosis control programs. Diagnosing Echinococ-
et al., 2004; Varcasia et al., 2004; Reiterova et al., 2005) and
cus infections in dogs and other definitive hosts is proble-
environmental detection of Echinococcus eggs in soil samples
matical as the eggs of taeniid cestodes are extremely similar,
and thus identification by microscopic examination of the
The efficacy of two PCR-based methods to detect patent
faeces is risky and non-specific. Two major diagnostic
and prepatent infection in dogs experimentally infected with
methods have been extensively used in dogs, purgation with
E. granulosus was recently compared (Naidich et al., 2006).
arecoline compounds and necropsy of the small intestine.
The detection was based on amplification of a fragment of
Necropsy is the method of choice for foxes and other final
the mitochondrial cox1 gene (Mit-PCR) and a repetitive
hosts. Two immunodiagnostic approaches have been devel-
element (Rep-PCR) from the genome of E. granulosus. The
oped for diagnosis of E. granulosus and E. multilocularis
ability of both methods to detect several genotypes of the
infection in definitive hosts – assays for specific serum
parasite were assessed. Both PCR methods could detect E.
antibody and detection of parasite products (coproantigens)
granulosus during both prepatent and patent periods, even
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
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Advances in immunology and diagnosis of echinococcosis
when microscopical observation of eggs in faecal samples
be 10-fold induced upon co-incubation of metacestode
was negative. The Mit-PCR produced the same amplifica-
vesicles with host cells which indicated a possible involve-
tion pattern for all the parasite genotypes tested while the
ment of parasite-determined, epidermal growth factor-like
amplification patterns with the Rep-PCR differed among
signal transduction systems in metacestode proliferation
groups of strains. In addition, faecal samples collected from
and development. Shortly thereafter, an E. multilocularis
dogs from an endemic area in Argentina were diagnosed
candidate receptor for Egfd was identified by Spiliotis et al.
with more sensitivity using the PCR methods than by
(2003). The identified molecule, EmER, displayed clear
arecoline hydrobromide purgation. These copro-PCR tests
homologies to EGF receptors from different phylogenetic
can thus be applied in the confirmation of coproantigen-
origins and was expressed in metacestode and protoscolex. It
positive fecal samples and to verify the success of control
has not yet been experimentally shown that Egfd and EmER
form a corresponding ligand–receptor pair. However, thefact that emer is the only E. multilocularis gene that encodesan EGF receptor strongly suggests that this is the case.
In another approach, Rosenzvit et al. (2006) used the
signal sequence trap technique to identify genes coding for
A series of recent studies have investigated the functional
secreted and membrane-bound proteins from E. granulosus.
expression of genes from E. granulosus and E. multilocularis.
A number of isolated clones showed significant similarity
All parasitic helminths, including Echinococcus process a
with amino acid transporters, Krebs cycle intermediates
large subset of their mRNA molecules via spliced leader
transporters, presenilins and vacuolar protein sorter pro-
trans-spling (Fernandez et al., 2002). In an important
teins. Other cDNAs encoded secreted proteins without
contribution, Brehm et al. (2003) described a rapid and
homologues. All the mRNAs were expressed in proto-
efficient method, ‘spliced leader differential display’, to
scoleces and adult worms, but some of them were not found
analyse gene expression patterns of in vitro cultivated
in oncospheres. These identified putative E. granulosus
protoscoleces and metacestode vesicles from E. multilocu-
secreted and membrane-bound proteins are likely to play
laris. The approach was further used to identify genes which
important roles in the metabolism, development and survi-
are induced in the E. multilocularis metacestode stage under
growth-promoting conditions in the presence of host hepa-
A series of more conventional studies have been under-
tocytes. One mRNA, encoding a putative member of the
taken on the cloning, characterization and functional ex-
epidermal growth factor family of mitogens, was shown to
pression of a number of molecules from both E. granulosus
Table 2. Examples of molecules isolated from Echinococcus and their function
Binding and hydrolyzing guanosine triphosphate (GTP)
NERMAD-specific interaction partner of the ERM
Mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (mMDH)
Smad family, important role in transforming growth
Reducing thioredoxin and glutathione in the
Actin filament fragmenting and nucleating activities
Heart group of fatty acid binding protein
FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 47 (2006) 24–41
2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
and E. multilocularis which include regulatory factors,
Alvite G, Di Pietro SM, Santome JA, Ehrlich R & Esteves A (2001)
signalling factors, receptors and enzymes (Table 2).
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Andrade MA, Siles-Lucas M, Espinoza E, Perez Arellano JL,
with studies on the filaria and schistosomes although
Gottstein B & Muro A (2004) Echinococcus multilocularis
plans are in place to produce 60 000 ESTs to characterize
laminated-layer components and the E14t 14–3–3
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( This new
macrophages in vitro. Nitric Oxide 10: 150–155.
information will add significantly to the available Echinococ-
Arend AC, Zaha A, Ayala FJ & Haag KL (2004) The Echinococcus
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Budke CM, Jiamin Q, Craig PS & Torgerson PR (2005) Modeling
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2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
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2006 Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved
Chronique d'un dernier voyage Comme toute maman, ma mère aurait préféré voir rester son fils près d'elle. Mais elle respectait trop la liberté et les choix duCap' que pour le retenir. Les visiteurs du bord de Thoè lui ramenait de temps en temps mes carnets de voyage. Ils étaient untrait d'union entre nous. Par journal interposé, elle partageait un peu le voyage. Les informations ci-