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1. Dr. Kalpesh Gaur
* Neha Singhal, Kalpesh Gaur, Anoop Singh, Karni SinghSekhawat. Development
Simultaneous Estimation of Ambroxol and Doxofylline inTheir Combined Tablet Dosage Form. ISRN AnalyticalChemistry 2013; Article ID 834240, 1-7. * Bavita Gaur, Kalpesh Gaur, Karni Singh Sekhawat,Anoop Singh. Development and Validation of HighPerformance
Simultaneous Estimation of Nebivolol and Indapamide inTheir Combined Tablet Dosage Form. World Journal ofChemistry 2013; 8(1): 11-19 [ISSN: 1817-3128]. * Participated in AICTE sponsored Faculty DevelopmentProgramme on, “Recent Trends and Future Perspectives inNovel Drug Delivery Systems” held on 11th November2013 to 24th November 2013 at Vedica College of B. Pharmacy, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh* Participated in AICTE sponsored Faculty DevelopmentProgramme on, “Recent Advances in Novel Drug DeliverySystems” held on 28th May 2013 to 10th June 2013 at JanNayak Ch. Devi Lal Memorial College of Pharmacy, Sirsa,Haryana
2. Mr. Sanjay
* Acute oral toxicity studies of the standardized methanolicextract of Phyllanthus amarus Schum & Thonn. Journal of
Kumar Kushwaha
Pharmacy Research. 2013. * Participated, one week UGC Networking TrainingCourse under Module A-2 on “Challenges andOpportunities in Drug Discovery” from 18th to 23rd Nov. 2013 at University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Punjab University, Chandigarh. * Received Certificate of Appreciation from BhupalNobels’ College of Pharmacy Udaipur in collaborationwith Rajasthan Pharmacy Council Jaipur on firstPharmacist Day-25th Sep. 2013* Participated, the AICTE sponsored Faculty DevelopmentProgramme on Academic Research: A Tool to Improve theQuality of Research held on 17th to 30th June 2013 atAdina Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sagar (MP). * Participated a training programme on Thermo ScientificUV Spectroscopy and FTIR during AICTE sponsored FDPheld on June 28th organized by Adina Institute ofPharmaceutical Sciences, Sagar (MP). * Participated a training programme on Bruker FTIRduring AICTE sponsored FDP held on June 27th organizedby Adina Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sagar(MP). * Participated, the AICTE sponsored Faculty Development
Programme on Recent Advancements in Novel DrugDelivery System, held on May 28th to June 10th 2013 atJan Nayak Ch. Devilal Memorial College of Pharmacy,Sirsa (Haryana). * Participated, the AICTE sponsored two days nationalseminar on “Recent Advances in Drug Discovery fromNatural Resources”. Held on 29th & 30th Mar 2013 atShree SK Patel College of Pharmaceutical Education andResearch, Ganpat University, Mehsana (Guj). * Participated in a lecture workshop on Frontiers in Celland Molecular Biology held on 14-15 Feb 2013, organizedby Vidya Bhawan Society, the Indian Academy ofSciences, the National Academy of Sciences and IndianNational
3. Mr. Rahul Garg
* Review article on Recent advancement in Fast dissolvingTablet
pharmaceutical and research sciences (IJPRS), Vol. 2,Issue 7: July: 2013, 827-851, ISSN No. 22789464* Research Article on Formulation and evaluation of oralfloatable in-situ gel of Ranitidine hydrochloride in Journalof Drug delivery & Therapeutics; 2013, 3 (3), 90-97 ISSNNo. ISSN: 2250-1177* Review article on Natural Polymers used in FloatingDrug Delivery System in online portal Pharmatutor withreference id: Pharmatutor-Art-1965 ISSN: 2347-7881* Research Article on Process validation of cetirizinehydrochloride
pharmaceutical research and Bio-sciences (IJPRBS), Vol. 2, Issue 4: 2013, 293-310, ISSN No. 22778713* Research Article on Approaches for test masking usingstevia leaf in Pharmaceuticals in Innovare journal of lifesciences, Vol. 1, Issue 1: 2013, 293-310, 34-37* Research Article on Design, development and evaluationof lipid bases topical formulation of silver sulfadiazine fortreatment of burns and wounds in Innovare journal of lifesciences, Vol. 1, Issue 1: 2013, 293-310, 38-44* Research Article on Design, development and evaluationof fast dissolving tablet of loratidine in Inventi Rapid:Pharm Tech Vol. 2013, Issue 4, 1-8, ISSN 0976-3783* Review article on Controlled drug delivery and polymersin International journal of pharmacy and technology, Vol. 5, Issue 2: July: 2013, 2632-2644, ISSN No. 0975766X* Qualified GPAT 2013, All India Rank 2373 Score 161
4. Mr. Piyush
*As Co-Author: Review article on Recent advancement inFast dissolving Tablet Technology in International journal
of pharmaceutical and research sciences (IJPRS), Vol. 2,Issue 7: July: 2013, 827-851, ISSN No. 22789464* As Co-Author: Research Article on Formulation andevaluation of oral floatable in-situ gel of Ranitidinehydrochloride in Journal of Drug delivery & Therapeutics;2013, 3 (3), 90-97 ISSN No. ISSN: 2250-1177 . * As Co-Author: Joshi Bhavesh.* Agarwal Piyush., SahuDeepak., Dashora Ashok. “ANTIAGING COSMETICS”Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics; 2013, 3(3), 158-162
* As Co-Author: Review article on Natural Polymers usedin Floating Drug Delivery System in online portalPharmatutor with reference id: Pharmatutor-Art-1965ISSN: 2347-7881* As Co-Author: Research Article on Process validation ofcetirizine hydrochloride tablets in International journal ofpharmaceutical research and Bio-sciences (IJPRBS), Vol. 2, Issue 4: 2013, 293-310, ISSN No. 22778713* As Co-Author: Research Article on Approaches for testmasking using stevia leaf in Pharmaceuticals in Innovarejournal of life sciences, Vol. 1, Issue 1: 2013, 293-310, 34-37* As Co-Author: Research Article on Design, developmentand evaluation of lipid bases topical formulation of silversulfadiazine for treatment of burns and wounds in Innovarejournal of life sciences, Vol. 1, Issue 1: 2013, 293-310, 38-44* As Co-Author: Research Article on Design, developmentand evaluation of fast dissolving tablet of loratidine inInventi Rapid: Pharm Tech Vol. 2013, Issue 4, 1-8, ISSN0976-3783* As Co-Author: Review article on Hot Melt Extrusiontechnique in International Journal of Innovative Researchin Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 6:June: 2013, 2194-2198, ISSN No. ISSN: 2319-8753*Participated, the AICTE sponsored Faculty DevelopmentProgramme on Recent Advancements in Novel DrugDelivery System, held on May 28th to June 10th 2013 atJan Nayak Ch. Devilal Memorial College of Pharmacy,Sirsa (Haryana). *Received Certificate of Appreciation from BhupalNobels’ College of Pharmacy Udaipur in collaborationwith Rajasthan Pharmacy Council Jaipur on firstPharmacist Day-25th Sep. 2013*Attended 14 days AICTE sponsored “QualityImprovement Program” held at BNIPS, Udaipur, inSeptember 2013.
5. Mr. Lalit Singh
* Participated AICTE sponsored “Quality ImprovementProgram” on “To Develop New Models in the Field of
Medicinal Chemistry” Organized by Bhupal NoblesInstitute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Udaipur, Rajasthan,India, September 16 to 28, 2013. * AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Program on“Recent Trends and Future Perspectives in Novel DrugDelivery System” Organized by Vedica College of B. Pharmacy, Bhopal, M. P., India, November 11 to 24, 2013* Participated in a lecture workshop on Frontiers in Celland Molecular Biology held on 14-15 Feb 2013, organizedby Vidya Bhawan Society, the Indian Academy ofSciences, the National Academy of Sciences and IndianNational
6. Mr. Lalit Pareta
* Research paper entitled “Formulation and evaluation oforal floatable in-situ gel of ranitidine hydrochloride” In
Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics; 2013, 3(3), 90-
97. * Attended a workshop organized by: The Indian academyof science Vidya bhawan society Udaipur (Raj) onFrontiers in cell and moleculer biology. February 2013
7. Mr. Virendra
* Singh Virendra, Saxena Anamika and Dashora Ashok,“Tofacitinib: Oral Kinase Inhibitors For Rheumatoid
Arthritis” AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on “RecentTrends in Development of Novel Drug Delivery System”Organized by Jaipur College of Pharmacy, Jaipur,Rajasthan, India, on 16- 17 March, 2013. * Saxena Anamika, Dashora Ashok and Singh Virendra“Microspheres Used As Microcarriers” AICTE SponsoredNational Seminar on “Recent Trends in Development ofNovel Drug Delivery System” Organized by JaipurCollege of Pharmacy, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, on 16- 17March, 2013. * Satyanand Tyagi, Patel Chirag J, Dadarwal Poonam,Mangukia Dhruv, Sojitra Ishita, Bhupender KumarNimbiwal, Virendra Singh, K.V. Subrahmanyam “A novelconcept
Bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs: Hydrotropy: AReview”, IJPRBS, 2013; Volume 2(1): 372-381. * Anamika Saxena, Ashok Dashora, Virendra Singh andA.K. Akhtar “Role of Anti-Inflammatory Agents as aTreatment of Multiple Sclerosis” Journal Of HarmonizedResearch in Pharmacy, 2(2), 2013, 121-130. * Virendra Singh, Jai Kumar Pareta, Ashok Dashora“Avanafil: PDE5 Inhibitor For Erectile Dysfunction”Abstract No. 235, DBT & CSIR Sponsored NationalSeminar on “Drug Targeting for Therapeutic Benefits”Organized by Adina Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Sagar (M.P.), India, on 2nd & 3rd February- 2013. * Anamika Saxena, Ashok Dashora, Virendra Singh,“Regulatory Consideration For Drug Delivery Systems”Abstract No. 230, DBT & CSIR Sponsored NationalSeminar on “Drug Targeting for Therapeutic Benefits”Organized by Adina Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Sagar (M.P.), India, on 2nd & 3rd February- 2013* Participate in DBT & CSIR Sponsored National Seminaron “Drug Targeting for Therapeutic Benefits” Organizedby Adina Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sagar(M.P.), India, on 2nd & 3rd February- 2013. * Attended an AICTE Sponsored Faculty DevelopmentProgram on “An Approach to Develop New Models in theField of Medicinal Chemistry” Organized by BhupalNobles Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Udaipur,Rajasthan, India, September 16 to 28, 2013. * Attended an AICTE Sponsored Faculty DevelopmentProgram on “Recent Trends and Future Perspectives inNovel Drug Delivery System” Organized by VedicaCollege of B. Pharmacy, Bhopal, M. P., India, November11 to 24, 2013. * Received Certificate of Appreciation for Outstandingperformance and lasting contribution to PharmacyProfession as a Pharmacist on Pharmacist Day- 25September 2013
8. Mr. Jay Kumar
* Attended Scientific & technological conference inpharmaceutical sciences (STPSC) & pharma quest 2k13
held at Alwar pharmacy college, Alwar (raj). * Attended National seminar on “ Drug targeting fortherapeutic benefits: 2 & 3 february 2013 organised byAdina institute of pharmacy Sagar (m.p.). * Workshope by : The Indian academy of science Vidyabhawan auditorium Udaipur (Raj) on Frontiers in cell andmoleculer biology.
9. Mr. Neeraj Kumar Kamra
10.Mr. Nipun
* Nipun Dashora, L. S. Chauhan and Neeraj Kumar. Luffaacutangula (linn.) Roxb. Var.amara (roxb.) A consensus
review. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 2013, 4(2), 835 – 846. (Impact Factor- 0.47)* S.K. Kushwaha, A. Dashora, N. Dashora, J.R. Patel,M.L. Kori, Acute oral toxicity studies of the standardizedmethanolic extract of Phyllanthus amarus Schum & Thonn. Journal of Pharmacy Research; 6 (2013), 720-724. *
Attended 14 days AICTE sponsored “Quality
Improvement Program” held at BNIPS, Udaipur, inSeptember 2013. * Participated as delegate in AICTE sponsored two daysnational seminar on ‘Recent Advances in Drug Discoveryfrom Natural Resources’, organized by Shree S. K. PatelCollege of Pharmaceutical Education and Research,Gujarat in March 2013. * Participated in a lecture workshop on ‘Frontiers in Celland Molecular Biology’, organized by Vidhya BhawanSociety, Udaipur in February 2013. * Qualified GPAT 2013 with All India Rank – 1257. * Received Certificate of Appreciation by RajasthanPharmacy Council on Pharmacist Day. (25th September,2013)
11.Mrs. Jyoti
* Santosh K and Jyoti M Inlay tablets: A novel approachto drug delivery.International journal of advanced research
in pharmaceutical and biosciences 3(2): 127-130, 2013. * Santosh K, Jyoti M Formulation and evalution oftransdermal patches of ketoprofen drug. InternationalJournal of Pharm Tech Research 5(2): 670-673, 2013. * Jyoti Menaria, Santosh Kitawat, Varuna Verma. CancerVaccine: An Overview. Scholars journal Of AppliedMedical Sciences. 1(3):161-171,2013. * Kitawat S, Dr. Bharkatiya M, Menariya J, Ojha A, Dr. Verma V. Fast Dissolving Tablet: A Novel Approach toDrug Delivery. International Journal of PharmaceuticalSciences Letters Vol.3(6): 301-305,2013. * Received Certificate of Appreciation for Outstandingperformance and lasting contribution to PharmacyProfession as a Pharmacist on Pharmacist Day- 25September 2013.
12.Mrs. Santosh
* Inlay Tablets: A Novel Approach To Drug Delivery(International
Pharmaceutical and biosciences 3(2): 1-4, 2013. ISSN:
2277-6222 )* Cancer vaccine: An overview (scholars journal of appliedmedical sciences (3):161-171,2013.)* Formulation and evaluation of transdermal patches ofketoprofen drug (International Journal of PharmTechResearch 5(2): 670-673, 2013. ISSN : 0974-4304)* Fast Dissolving Tablet: A Novel Approach to DrugDelivery (International Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesLetters 3(6): 301-305, 2013. ISSN:2277-4564)
13.Ms. Anamika
* Anamika Saxena, Ashok Dashora Virendra Singh andA.K.Akhtar “Role of Anti-Inflamantory agents As A
Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis”, Jounrnal OfHarmonized Research in Pharmacy, 2(2), 2013, 121-130. * Anamika saxena,Virendra Singh&Ashok Dashora,“Regulatory Consideration for Drug Delivery System”National Seminar on Drug Targeting for TherapeuticsBenefits Sagar,Madhya Pradesh,India in 2nd &3rdFebruary 2013. * Anamika saxena,Virendra Singh&Ashok Dashora“Dendrimer as in Magnetic Resonance Imaging” NationalSeminar on Recent Trends In Vesicular &Particulate DrugDelivery, Mehsana,Gujrat India in 7th-9th march,2013. * Anamika saxena,Virendra Singh&Ashok Dashora“Microspheres as a carriers”National Seminar on RecentTrends In Development of Novel Drug Delivery SystemJaipur,Rajasthan,India in 16th -17th March 2013. * Attended National Seminar on “Drug Targeting forTherapeutics Benefits” Organized by Adina Institute ofPharmaceutical Sciences ,Sagar,Madhya Pradesh,India,2nd&3rd February 2013. * Attended A lecture workshop on “Frontiers in Cell andMolecular Biology”, Organized by vidhya bhawansocity,,The
2013. * Attended National Seminar on “Recent Trends InVesicular &Particulate Drug Delivery”, Organized byShree S.K.Patel college Of Pharmaceutical Education andResearch,Mehsana,GujratIndia, 7th-9th march,2013. * Attended National Seminar on “Recent Trends InDevelopment of Novel Drug Delivery System” Organizedby Jaipur college of Pharmacy,Jaipur,Rajasthan,India,16th-17th March 2013. * Attended Faculty Development Program on “AnApproach to Develop New Models in the Field ofMedicinal Chemistry”Organized by B.N. Institute ofPharmacetical Sciences,Udaipur,Rajasthan,India,16th-28thSeptember 2013.
14.Mr. Bhavesh
* Joshi Bhavesh.* Agarwal Piyush., Sahu Deepak.,Dashora Ashok. “ANTIAGING COSMETICS” Journal of
Drug Delivery & Therapeutics; 2013, 3(3), 158-162* Pandya Kushal*, Agarwal Piyush, Dashora Ashok, SahuDeepak, Garg Rahul, Pareta K. Lalit, Menaria Mukesh,Joshi Bhavesh “FORMULATION AND EVALUATIONOF
Delivery & Therapeutics; 2013, 3(3), 90-97. * Joshi Bhavesh, Sharma Deepak, Garg Rahul Kumar,Dashora Ashok, Sahu Deepak, Agarwal Piyush ,MehtaPiyush. “APPROACHES FOR TASTE MASKINGUSING STEVIA LEAF IN PHARAMCEUTICALS”Innovare Journal of Life Science;2013,01(01),34-37* Bhavesh Joshi, Deepak Sharma, Ashok Dashora, DeepakSahu, Rahul Garg, Agarwal Piyush. “Desigen,developmentand
Loratadine”Innventi rapid Pharma Tech.,2013,04,1-8. * Presented Poster On “Formulation Development AndEvalution Of Loratadine Fast Dissolving Tablets” At“Aicte Sponsered Conference On Novel Drug DelvierySystem”Jaipur College Of Pharmacy Jaipur” Dated On 16-17 February 2013.
15.Dr. Varuna
* Co- Author of the paper entitled “Cancer Vaccine:AnOverview” in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical
Sciences,2013. * Co- Author of the paper entitled “Fast Dissolving Tablet:A Novel Approach to Drug Delivery” in InternationalJournal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Letters, 2013. Prepared by:- Date: 19/12/2013 Mr. S K Kushwaha IN-CHARGE RESEARCH COMMITTEE GEETANJALI INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY
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