Worming.pub (read-only)

From our local equine vets, ‘The Ashbrook There are two different methods of worming your horse Using a routine worming programme Routine Worming means you worm your horse
throughout the year, at the interval described by Strategic worming means you only worm your
horse if a faecal sample indicates that they have The enclosed information will help you decide which Which worming method is most suitable for your horse? From one of the drug groups below, chose your wormer and use it through-out the year at the recommended intervals. Avermectins e.g. ivermectin or moxidectin based wormers - Benziamadazoles e.g . Fenbendazole based wormers Remember tapeworm treatment in the spring and autumn. The autumn
dose of tapeworm treatment is best timed after the first frost , and can of-
ten be combined with worming for small redworm encysted larvae.
Remember small redworm larvicidal dose between November and
January. This can be achieved by using Equest or 5 days of Panacur Equine
Worm at 2 and 6 weeks of age with Panacur Paste if the foal is at high risk of worm exposure Worm at 12 weeks of age if the foal is at low risk of worm exposure. Tapeworm treatment should only be necessary from the autumn of the year of birth (spring if the foal is very late) Is my Routine Worming Programme working? You can check how effective your worming programme is by collecting a fresh dropping sample 2 weeks after worming and sending it off to your vets or a lab for a worm egg count (WEC). You can purchase a Westgate Worm Count Kit from our website that al-lows you to do a WEC via the post. A blood sample is required to test for tapeworms and to show tapeworm levels in the previous 12 weeks Strategic worming means you only worm your horse if the faecal worm egg count (WEC) is greater than 200 eggs per gram. It has been suggested that a low worm burden encourage the horse to improve its own immunity against worms. DO NOT WORM!
If you do decide to use strategic worming, bear in mind that……. All horses need to have repeated Worm Egg Counts Tapeworm levels are not assessed in a WEC, therefore you need to either worm in spring and autumn for tapeworm or use blood samples to detect tapeworm infection Small redworm encysted larvae are not assessed in a WEC, therefore you need to use a larvicidal dose once yearly between November and January Optimising any horse worm control programme A weighing tape can be used to give an indication of a horses weight if you don’t have access to horse scales. Rough guide to weights: Mature Shetland = 100kg Ideally isolate for 7 days in a stable or separate paddock so any worms excreted do not become a new resident population Pick up droppings at least twice weekly, especially important if on restricted grazing as worm larvae migrate from droppings onto the surrounding grass Rotate paddocks, ideally allow each pasture to rest for 3 months Graze with sheep or cattle as horse worms are unable to survive in these animals

Source: http://www.wormers.co.uk/acatalog/worming.pdf


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