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Microsoft word - bch nuclear medicine-bone density preps.doc
Brampton Civic Hospital Diagnostic Imaging Preps/Instructions Nuclear Medicine Exam Prep/Instructions Bone Density
No x-ray procedure involving barium for 2 weeks prior, no nuclear medicine procedure 1 week prior, no x-ray/CT Scan with contrast dye 1 week prior.
Light breakfast, no fats, no caffeine (no tea,
coffee, soft drinks, decaffeinated drinks, chocolate). Hold Viagra 3days, Cialis 5 days. Patient brings list of medication. Must be off Theodor (or similar drug) for 1 week. Must be off Choledyl for 1 ½ days. Hold persantine type drugs for 2 weeks. (*Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor)
Light breakfast, no fats, no caffeine (no tea,
coffee, soft drinks, decaffeinated drinks, chocolate). Hold Viagra 3days, Cialis 5 days. Patient brings list of medication.
Light breakfast, no fats, no caffeine (no tea, coffee, soft drinks, decaffeinated drinks, chocolate). Hold Viagra 3days, Cialis 5 days. Patient brings list of medication.
Persantine Thallium Myocardial Perfusion:
Light breakfast, no fats, no caffeine (no tea, coffee, soft drinks, decaffeinated drinks, chocolate). Hold Viagra 3days, Cialis 5 days. Patient brings list of medication. Must be off Theodor (or similar drug) for 1
week. Must be off Choledyl for 1 ½ days.
Hold persantine type drugs for 2 weeks. (*Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor)
Thallium Scan - Rest Redistribution Viability Scan Light breakfast, no fats, no caffeine (no tea,
coffee, soft drinks, decaffeinated drinks,
prescription for 2-3 drops Lugol’s solution twice a day for 10 days, starting 2 days prior to the administration of MIBG.
Patient must be off thyroid medication for 3-4 weeks prior to appointment. (*Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor)
Patient must be off thyroid medication for 3-4 weeks prior to appointment. (*Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor). Patient must be able to hold solid food for one hour to absorb dose. Thyroid ultrasound is required at BCH if not previously done within six months.
Patient must off thyroid medication for 3-4
weeks prior to the Iodine 131 pill being given.
(*Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor) Must be done prior to examinations requiring contrast media – IVP, CT, Venogram or Angiogram (wait 6 weeks after contrast)
Must be done before tests requiring barium.
Gastroesophageal Aspiration (Adult), Gastric
Emptying – Liquid Phase, Gastric Emptying –
Patient should be NPO for 6 hours but not
more than 24 hours. For bile leakage no prep is required. No Morphine or opioid compounds for 8 hours before test (Demerol is OK) (*Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor)
Must be done before studies requiring Barium.
Must be done before studies requiring Barium
or IV CT contrast (Oral contrast does not interfere).
Adult patients should be NPO for 8 hours
Children under 2 should be NPO for 4 hours Pre-medication IV Ranitidine (Zantac) done as part of the test.
Venous Dopplers must be done first and if
Patient must have a Chest X-ray done within 24
No allergies to Lasix. Patient should be off medications for 3-7 days depending on the medication half-life. Hold Ace inhibitors or Receptor Blockers for 3 days. Hold Calcium Channel blockers and Diuretics for 1 day. Beta Blockers and Alpha blockers may be continued as usual. (*Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor)
Patient should off medications for 3-7 days depending on the medication half-life. Hold Ace inhibitors or Receptor Blockers for 3 days Hold Calcium Channel blockers and Diuretics for 1 day Beta Blockers and Alpha blockers OK to take. (*Do not stop taking any medication unless directed by your doctor)
Children <6 years of age are to register in the
Patient must have a recent bone scan if the
Gallium Scan is ordered for osteomyelitis.
Patient must have a bone scan done within one
Test only done on patients with hardware.
*For ALL examinations female patients must not be pregnant or breastfeeding
Brampton Civic Hospital 2100 Bovaird Drive East, Brampton ON L6R 3J7 (905) 494-2120
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